Five Tips To Advance Your Career In Finance | BestCollegeReviews (2024)

Advance Your Career in Finance

  • Find a Mentor
  • Build Up Your Resume
  • Network
  • Go for More Certifications
  • Always Ask for Feedback

Financial professionals who want to develop their career have a lot of opportunities at their disposal. They can either choose to practice on their own as financial consultants or work in various positions as chief executives. However, developing a career requires a sober mind and an effective plan. Here are some crucial tips you need to consider to advance your financial career.

Find a Mentor

Find someone you respect and admire within your organization and ask him to mentor you. This may include one person or several people in the industry. Go for those who have achieved a lot in their profession. Ask your leaders if they can recommend a mentor or do some research on your own. Most people you reach out to for mentorship will be willing to share their experiences and give you some invaluable tips on how they managed to succeed. They will also give you some important advice that will help you figure out the best way to progress in your career.

Build Up Your Resume

A resume is a marketing document and not a record. Your resume should focus on the future and not the past. It should emphasize on your credentials, experiences and accomplishments that relate to your goals. It should highlight the major things you have done since you started your career in finance. The resume must also indicate the awards you have received and recommendations from respected individuals in your sector. Make it a habit of updating your resume every time you make a milestone in your career, and do not be shy present it for consideration whenever a vacancy occurs within or outside the organization.

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Ask anyone who has made it in their career, and they will tell you that networking played a key role in their achievements. You need to network like it is your part-time job. Knowing more people expands your knowledge about what is going on in the industry and enables you to identify potential points of growth. Make new contacts every day and keep in touch with your former colleagues. Attend conferences and events in your field and actively participate in company meetings to attract more attention and get quality contacts. Ask your mentor to recommend people he thinks can help you develop.

Go for More Certifications

Financial certifications provide you with greater career opportunities. You get to learn more and become a dynamic professional. They also differentiate you from others and help potential employers identify you as skilled and knowledgeable. Go for certification exams, such as CFA, CPA, FRM, CFP and CCP. Most of these exams are available at the state level. You can also pursue further education to increase your qualification levels. If you have a bachelor’s degree, go for masters. If you have master’s degree, go for a Ph.D. Most companies have programs that allow employees to continue their education. Ask your employer if such programs are available.

Always Ask for Feedback

Feedback is crucial for personal development. A genuine feedback can bring awareness to things that you don’t know. Many people will give you positive feedback, but a few of them will give you a honest and candid response that focuses on how to improve yourself. Make it a habit of asking for feedback not just from your boss but also your peers and those you manage. You can ask for feedback following a meeting, presentation or networking event.

Advancing your career in finance should be among your core principles. The decisions you make right now, and the direction you take towards achieving greater things in your career are all encapsulated in the five tips discussed above.

Related Resource: The 20 Best Online Master's in Finance Programs

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Five Tips To Advance Your Career In Finance | BestCollegeReviews (2024)
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