Five reasons to consolidate assets with one advisor (2024)

The first few months of a year can be quite busy when it comes to your finances. There may be contributions to make to your Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) and Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA). And of course, there’s your personal income tax return to prepare.

Once that’s out of the way, you might want to consider adding consolidating your assets to your to-do list. If you have retirement savings and investment accounts scattered among a variety of financial institutions, consider taking control by consolidating everything to one place. It will likely make things easier for you next year and beyond.

To start, you’ll be able to more effectively track your financial assets. Your records will be streamlined, sparing you from having to pore over a series of statements and tax documents from different institutions. Monitoring will require less effort, and you will likely be able to see the big picture more clearly.

Here are 5 ways you can benefit by consolidating your assets:

  1. Eliminate conflicting advice

    Perhaps the most important benefit of consolidation is the potential for better financial advice. When you deal with a single advisor, you can have more informed guidance and a closer, more comprehensive relationship with a financial advisor who has a clearer view of your full financial picture. You'll also eliminate conflicting advice and duplication of investment strategies which may delay you from reaching your financial goals. Your advisor is in a better position to help keep you on target for meeting your long-term goals.

  2. Help reduce fees

    Investing through multiple providers may cause you to pay more fees, transaction costs and mutual fund expenses than necessary. Generally, the more assets you have with one financial provider, the more opportunities you may have for reducing or eliminating account fees and lowering investing expenses.

  3. Diversify your portfolio properly

    Managing a well-diversified portfolio that fits within the amount of risk you’re comfortable with is critical to reaching your long-term investment goals. Just as with life, the markets can be unpredictable. As changes occur in your life and in the markets, your investments may not always align. Consolidation makes it much easier to implement changes to your strategy and keep your portfolio’s intended asset allocation on track. It should make setting your investment goals and tracking your progress more straightforward and you will have a deeper understanding of your overall asset mix. For example, it’ll be easier to gauge aggregate investment returns. At a glance, you’ll be able to assess the specifics of your asset allocation and portfolio construction. When it’s time to choose new investments or rebalance your portfolio, working with one advisor can make everything simpler. In particular, buying and selling investments can be less complicated if you can readily move cash from one investment to another. You may also realize a reduction in account administration fees.

  4. Develop appropriate retirement income and wealth transfer strategies

    Having your investments in one place is important when developing an income strategy for retirement. Dealing with a single advisor eases the transition from an RRSP to a Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF) when you need to start drawing an income in retirement. Another point to keep in mind is that if you or your spouse should pass away, it becomes much simpler, more convenient and more efficient for the surviving spouse to deal with just one advisor that they can trust. Overall, it helps to ease the burden on anyone who might assist you or take over for you when you can no longer manage your finances yourself and ultimately when you transfer your wealth to your family.

  5. Streamline record keeping
    Working with one advisor means that paper and online statements come from one source which means fewer monthly statements and fewer forms at tax time. Consolidating can allow you to take control of your financial life and could improve your wealth-building potential by making it easier to set goals, invest in line with your risk tolerance and investment objectives, and track your progress. If your accounts could use some consolidating, speak to a financial advisor who can assist you with the needed paperwork.

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At Edward Jones, we can help you achieve your financial goals. Contact your local Edward Jones financial advisor about a strategy that makes sense for you.

Five reasons to consolidate assets with one advisor (2024)


Five reasons to consolidate assets with one advisor? ›

Perhaps the most important benefit of consolidation is the potential for better financial advice. When you deal with a single advisor, you can have more informed guidance and a closer, more comprehensive relationship with a financial advisor who has a clearer view of your full financial picture.

Why consolidate assets with one advisor? ›

Perhaps the most important benefit of consolidation is the potential for better financial advice. When you deal with a single advisor, you can have more informed guidance and a closer, more comprehensive relationship with a financial advisor who has a clearer view of your full financial picture.

Should I have all my investments with one advisor? ›

The main reason to find more than one financial advisor is if your current financial advisor is not meeting all of your needs. Your additional financial advisor should fill in the gaps of your current financial advisor.

What are the advantages of consolidation? ›

Advantages to Consolidation
  • Paperwork is reduced.
  • Easily manage your money flows.
  • Chances of (expensive) errors are reduced.
  • Simplified tax preparation and record keeping.
  • Estate administration (in case of death) or disability is centralized.
  • Conservative investments traditionally associated with a bank are available.

Why does one need a financial advisor? ›

“A financial advisor can help you think through the ways you could put that money to work toward your personal and financial goals,” Lawrence says. You'll want to think about how much could go to paying down existing debt and how much you might consider investing to pursue a more secure future.

Why do you use consolidated instead of combined financial statements? ›

The benefit of a consolidated financial statement is that it shows the overall economic wealth of the parent company and its subsidiaries together. This allows the parent company to show how much money it controls.

Why is it preferred to use a two asset portfolio over that of a one asset? ›

If two pairs of assets offer the same return at the same risk, choosing the pair that is less correlated decreases the overall risk of the portfolio.

Is a financial advisor better than on your own? ›

Those who use financial advisors typically get higher returns and more integrated planning, including tax management, retirement planning and estate planning. Self-investors, on the other hand, save on advisor fees and get the self-satisfaction of learning about investing and making their own decisions.

What percentage should a financial advisor get? ›

What Is the Average Fee for a Financial Advisor? The average fee for a financial advisor generally comes in at about 1% of the assets they are managing.

How many times should you meet with your financial advisor? ›

Experts recommend that you meet at least once a year with a financial advisor to discuss your investment plan and review your risk tolerance and cash flow objectives.

What are the negative effects of consolidation? ›

The biggest risks associated with debt consolidation include credit score damage, fees, the potential to not receive low enough rates, and the possibility of losing any collateral you put up. Another danger of debt consolidation is winding up with more debt than you start with, if you're not careful.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of consolidation? ›

Debt consolidation might lower your monthly payments, make managing your monthly payments easier, decrease your interest rates and save you money overall. But there are also potential drawbacks, such as upfront fees and the risk of winding up deeper in debt.

What is the point of consolidation? ›

There are several other benefits to consolidating: Choosing a Standard or Graduated repayment plan can lower your monthly payment by giving you up to 30 years to repay your loans. You'll be able to switch any variable-rate loans to a fixed interest rate.

What is the average return from a financial advisor? ›

Industry studies estimate that professional financial advice can add between 1.5% and 4% to portfolio returns over the long term, depending on the time period and how returns are calculated.

Is Edward Jones a fiduciary? ›

Is Edward Jones a Fiduciary? Edward Jones does not serve as a fiduciary except for at the Plan level of retirement plans. This means that their advisors aren't legally required to put their clients' needs ahead of their own.

Is it okay not to have a financial advisor? ›

Perhaps this myth has persisted for so long thanks to persistent marketing on behalf of financial advisory firms. However, the reality is that investors who manage their own money are often able to perform better than those who work with a financial advisor and without fees eating into their returns.

What are the advantages of consolidated financial accounts? ›

What are the benefits of consolidated financial statements?
  • Potential investors can judge the financial health of the group and its subsidiaries.
  • It reduces the burden of preparing separate financial statements for all subsidiaries.
  • Inter-company transactions can be properly accounted for.

When should you consolidate accounts? ›

Consolidated financial statements are used when the parent company holds a majority stake by controlling more than 50% of the subsidiary business. Parent companies that hold more than 20% qualify to use consolidated accounting. If a parent company holds less than a 20% stake, it must use equity method accounting.

What are the major consolidation concepts? ›

Full consolidation, proportionate consolidation, and equity consolidation are the three consolidation methods. The consolidation process in accounting is used when the parent owns more than 50% of the subsidiary, while the equity method is used when the parent owns 20 to 50% of the subsidiary.

What is the best asset allocation mix? ›

Many financial advisors recommend a 60/40 asset allocation between stocks and fixed income to take advantage of growth while keeping up your defenses. Here's how 60/40 is supposed to work: In a good year on Wall Street, the 60% of your portfolio in stocks provides strong growth.

What is the best asset allocation by age? ›

The common rule of asset allocation by age is that you should hold a percentage of stocks that is equal to 100 minus your age. So if you're 40, you should hold 60% of your portfolio in stocks. Since life expectancy is growing, changing that rule to 110 minus your age or 120 minus your age may be more appropriate.

What is the best portfolio allocation for retirees? ›

Once you're retired, you may prefer a more conservative allocation of 50% in stocks and 50% in bonds. Again, adjust this ratio based on your risk tolerance. Hold any money you'll need within the next five years in cash or investment-grade bonds with varying maturity dates. Keep your emergency fund entirely in cash.

What financial advisors don t want you to know? ›

12 Things Your Financial Advisor Doesn't Want You to Know
  • They are probably learning as they go. ...
  • They get paid to sell you more products and services. ...
  • There's a reason they want to see all your assets. ...
  • They can't legally make any promises. ...
  • You may be able to negotiate your fees. ...
  • The hard sell usually only benefits them.
Oct 20, 2022

What is the disadvantage of financial advisor? ›

One perceived disadvantage of working with a financial advisor is the cost. In a study published in the Journal of Financial Economics, researchers found that the fees charged by financial advisors can significantly erode investment returns, especially for small investors.

What is better than a financial advisor? ›

For example, if you have short-term issues or need assistance with specific questions or investments, a financial advisor can usually be a big help. However, if you want support for developing a comprehensive long-term plan for your finances, you may be better off working with a financial planner.

Is 1% a high fee for financial advisor? ›

While 1.5% is on the higher end for financial advisor services, if that's what it takes to get the returns you want then it's not overpaying, so to speak. Staying around 1% for your fee may be standard but it certainly isn't the high end. You need to decide what you're willing to pay for what you're receiving.

What is the 80 20 rule financial advisors? ›

An 80/20 retirement plan is a type of retirement plan where you split your retirement savings/ investment in a ratio of 80 to 20 percent, with 80% accounting for low-risk investments and 20% accounting for high-growth stocks.

What percentage of millionaires work with a financial advisor? ›

Seventy percent of millionaire households used some sort of financial adviser, and the average length of that relationship spanned 10 years, the survey found.

How long should I give my financial advisor? ›

“If judging performance only, clients need to give an advisor three to five years minimum, and realistically, five-plus is probably better,” said Ryan Fuchs, a certified financial planner with Ifrah Financial Services. “It may take several years before you can truly see how an investment strategy will work.

Is 1 normal for a financial advisor? ›

An AUM fee of 1% is quite common. This means a client will initially pay $10,000 annually to work with an advisor on an investment portfolio of $1 million.

How long do people stay with a financial advisor? ›

How long do clients stay with a financial advisor? The client churn for financial advisors is notoriously high. The average client lifespan for a financial advisor is between three and five years, with 45% of clients leaving in the first two years.

What should be avoided in consolidation? ›

As a general rule, avoid consolidating any debt that will experience an increase in interest rate simply because you consolidate it. With a higher interest rate, you'll end up paying more money on the debt than you would've had you kept it separate at a lower interest rate.

What usually happens after consolidation? ›

A consolidation eliminates any transactions between the parent and subsidiary, or between the subsidiary and the NCI. The consolidated financials only includes transactions with third parties, and each of the companies continues to produce separate financial statements.

How many are the benefits of consolidation? ›

Transparent• All system elements become virtual
Physical• More efficient networking and storage
• Reduced failure points
Logical• Simplified administration
• Reduced operational headcount
14 more rows

What is the risk of consolidation? ›

Risk consolidation allows you to evaluate the risks of different organization levels in a company from bottom up, and consolidate them at the corporate level.

What are the two main types of consolidation? ›

The 3 Types of Consolidation Accounting
  • Type 1: Full Consolidation.
  • Type 2: Proportionate Consolidation.
  • Type 3: Equity Consolidation.
Jan 31, 2023

Does consolidation hurt your credit? ›

Does debt consolidation hurt your credit? Debt consolidation loans can hurt your credit, but it's only temporary. The lender will perform a credit check when you apply for a debt consolidation loan. This will result in a hard inquiry, which could lower your credit score by 10 points.

Is it normal to have more than one financial advisor? ›

Yes, you can have more than one financial advisor. There are no rules saying that you can't work with multiple advisors. For example, you might use a financial advisor for general financial planning and an investment advisor specifically for managing your investment portfolio.

How many clients should one financial advisor have? ›

A good average number of clients per financial advisor to have is usually in the range of 50 to 150. But you may need fewer than that if you're primarily targeting high-net-worth individuals. Finding your ideal number of clients can depend largely on your goals as an advisor.

Why does GAAP require consolidation instead of separate financial statements of individual companies? ›

Because the parent company and its subsidiaries form one economic entity, investors, regulators, and customers find consolidated financial statements helpful in gauging the overall position of the entire entity.

Should I consolidate all my investment accounts? ›

Consolidating your investments gives your financial advisor greater insight into your full financial picture. This can help your advisor offer a strategy designed to get all of your assets working together toward your goals.

What percentage of millionaires use a financial advisor? ›

Seventy percent of millionaire households used some sort of financial adviser, and the average length of that relationship spanned 10 years, the survey found.

What percentage do most financial advisors charge? ›

The average fee for a financial advisor generally comes in at about 1% of the assets they are managing. Be mindful that you may still pay a higher nominal dollar as there's a higher base the percent fee is applied to.

How long does the average client stay with a financial advisor? ›

How long do clients stay with a financial advisor? The client churn for financial advisors is notoriously high. The average client lifespan for a financial advisor is between three and five years, with 45% of clients leaving in the first two years.

What percentage of profits do financial advisors take? ›

According to a 2021 Advisory HQ study, on average, you can expect to pay between 0.59% and 1.18% for an advisor who charges asset-based fees. An advisor who charges by the hour, on the other hand, might fall into the $120 to $300 range. For advisors who charge a flat fee, the cost may range from $7,500 to $55,000.

What is the failure rate of financial advisors? ›

80-90% of financial advisors fail and close their firm within the first three years of business. This means only 10-20% of financial advisors are ultimately successful.

What are the disadvantages of consolidated financial statements? ›

3 Major Limitations of Consolidated Financial Statements
  • Conceal poor performance. Consolidation means income statements will no longer report revenues, expenses, and net profit separately but rather combined. ...
  • Skew financial ratios. ...
  • Masks inter-company income.

Why consolidated accounts are necessary? ›

The main purpose of consolidated financial statements is to portray an accurate picture of the group's financial position. Some of the benefits of this are: Potential investors can judge the financial health of the group and its subsidiaries.

Why not to consolidate retirement accounts? ›

In addition to preventing you from maximizing the strengths of multiple accounts and vendors, a consolidation may also cause you to forfeit grandfathered benefits – and in some cases, this change is irreversible.

How many funds is too many in a portfolio? ›

Ideally, 6 to 8 funds are good enough to build your MF portfolio. As the size of the portfolio increases, you may invest in a maximum of 10 funds to reduce the risk of being overdependent on any particular fund or fund house. However, the funds you are investing in are across equity, debt and hybrid categories.

Is it a good idea to consolidate retirement accounts? ›

Fewer accounts can save you frustration

Consider combining accounts to make things simpler. Doing so could make the task of managing your money a lot less frustrating and give you greater control. Over the years, many people open IRAs at different companies. Combining them could lead to less paperwork and lower costs.

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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

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Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.