Help - Basket Trading (2024)

Table of Contents
Definitions Basket Basics Basket Transactions Watch Baskets Tracking Gain and Loss Selling Specific Shares BASKET BASICS What are the advantages of basket trading? What types of orders can I place? When can I place a basket trading order? What are the fees, minimums and commissions when trading in a basket? BASKET TRANSACTIONS How do I allocate my basket? Can I trade individual securities within the basket, or do I have to trade the basket as a whole? How do I add stocks to a new basket? How do I purchase a watch basket? How do I change or perform transactions on a purchased basket? How do I cancel a basket? Can I cancel and replace a basket trading order? What if an order in my basket can't execute? What about record keeping? How do I know what position is part of a basket? Can I place limit orders in basket trading? WATCH BASKETS How do I use watch baskets? Where can I view my purchased and watch baskets? How do I change a basket name, or add or replace symbols in a watch basket? How do I recalculate changes to a watch basket? TRACKING GAIN AND LOSS How can I track gain and loss of securities in my basket? How do I view unrealized net change details? Can I use unrealized net change information for tax planning purposes? SELLING SPECIFIC SHARES How do I sell specific shares of securities included in a purchased basket? When can I update specific shares for a sell order in a basket? What is tax lot priority? Why is specifying tax lot priority important? Related Help Topics FAQs

Basket trading lets you create a list of up to 50 stocks, called a basket, that you can save,trade, manage and track as one entity. Use the baskets you create to invest in and trackstocks grouped by investment style, market sector, life event, or any classification you choose.

Basket Basics

  • What are the advantages of basket trading?
  • What types of orders can I place?
  • When can I place a basket trading order?
  • What are the fees, minimums and commissions when trading in a basket?

Basket Transactions

  • How do I allocate my basket?
  • Can I trade individual securities within the basket, or do I have to trade the basket as a whole?
  • How do I add stocks to a new basket?
  • How do I purchase a watch basket?
  • How do I change or perform transactions on a purchased basket?
  • How do I cancel a basket?
  • Can I cancel and replace a basket trading order?
  • What if an order in my basket can't execute?
  • What about record keeping? How do I know what position is part of a basket?
  • Can I place limit orders in basket trading?

Watch Baskets

  • How do I use watch baskets?
  • Where can I view my purchased and watch baskets?
  • How do I change a basket name, or add or replace symbols in a watch basket?
  • How do I recalculate changes to a watch basket?

Tracking Gain and Loss

  • How can I track gain and loss of securities in my basket?
  • How do I view unrealized net change details?
  • Can I use unrealized net change information for tax planning purposes?

Selling Specific Shares

  • How do I sell specific shares of securities included in a purchased basket?
  • When can I update specific shares for a sell order in a basket?
  • What is tax lot priority?
  • Why is specifying tax lot priority important?

Related Help Topics


What are the advantages of basket trading?

The advantages of basket trading include:

  • Personalized investment criteria
    Create baskets of stocks that fit your criteria or investment needs. For example, create baskets by sector, marketcapitalization, life event, your goals, etc.
  • Automated allocation
    Quickly assign an equal dollar amount or number of shares to each security you want to purchase. Use this featureto quickly distribute your investment across multiple securities.
  • Integrated performance tracking
    Because you can track the performance of basket trades as a group, you can invest in a number of securities from onesector or industry and track the performance in your portfolio.
  • Save and review
    You can save your baskets when you create them and return to them later to place your trades or make additional modifications.
  • Place multiple trades at once
    Buy or make multiple updates to your positions within your basket with just one order.
  • Total control
    Buy and sell securities from your basket at your discretion. Control the timing and tax implications of your basket transactions.
  • Specific tax lots
    Assign specific share tax lots to your sales online after submitting your order.


What types of orders can I place?

You can place market orders on Listed and Over-the-Counter (OTC) equities.


When can I place a basket trading order?

Basket trading orders are eligible for execution only during standard market hours (9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. ET). However, you cancreate and save baskets during non-market hours. Basket trading is not available in Fidelity's premarket and after hours ECN sessions.


What are the fees, minimums and commissions when trading in a basket?

There are no additional fees for basket trading. There is a $2,000 minimum to purchase a basket, but the value of the basketdoes not need to be maintained at $2,000 (if the value of the stocks fall, for example) and there is no minimum for subsequentorders. Commissions are charged per security according to the commission schedule applicable to the account.



How do I allocate my basket?

Allocation weightings for baskets can be established using one of the following methods:

  • Dollar weighting
    Distributes the dollar amount equally to each position in the basket.
  • Share weighting
    Distributes shares equally to each position within the basket.
  • Percentage weighting
    Distributes the percentage equally to each position in the basket (similar to dollar weighting)

If you do not select an allocation method, the default allocation is dollar weighting.


Can I trade individual securities within the basket, or do I have to trade the basket as a whole?

After you purchase your basket, you can buy and sell individual securities within the basket at any time.

How do I add stocks to a new basket?

On the Create a New Basket page, you can add from 2 to 50 symbols to your basket. You can automatically addsymbols to your basket by selecting a saved watch list from the drop-down list and clicking Get Basket Symbols.


How do I purchase a watch basket?

On the Basket Summary page, click the Purchase link for the watch basket you want to purchase.


How do I change or perform transactions on a purchased basket?

On the Basket Summary page, click the Trade link or a basket name to display the Purchased Basket page. From this page, you can

  • Buy or sell shares of securities included in the basket, either by number ofshares or dollar amount
  • Sell specific shares of securities included in the basket
  • Rename the basket
  • Add new stocks to the basket


How do I cancel a basket?

All orders in a basket are market orders. You can attempt to cancel an individual order from the Order Details pageif an order has not executed, and re-enter a new order in basket trading. However, use caution when entering the new order,as most market orders receive an execution. Cancel and Replace functionality is not available on basket trades.


Can I cancel and replace a basket trading order?

No, the Cancel and Replace function is not available on basket trades. If an individual order has not executed, youcan attempt to place a straight Cancel of that order from the Order Details page, and re-enter a new order in baskettrading. Use caution when entering orders, as basket trades are market orders and most market orders receive an execution.


What if an order in my basket can't execute?

Although all orders on buy-side and sell-side transactions are market orders, certain orders may not execute. For example,a security that you are trading would not be part of your executed basket if that security halted trading at the time of orderentry and did not resume trading through market close.

The weightings on executed positions do not adjust to account for the unexecuted position(s). For example. say you haveentered a share-weighted order to purchase an 11-security basket at 100 shares for each position. If one of the securitiesdid not execute, the 100 shares that were assigned to that position will not distribute across the 10 positions that did execute.

You can attempt to buy/sell a security that did not execute in the basket at another time. However, unexecuted marketorders do not automatically carry over to the next trading session; you must reenter them.


What about record keeping? How do I know what position is part of a basket?

The Basket Summary page provides an overview of all of your baskets. Basket name and Details links provide a breakdown ofsecurities within each basket.


Can I place limit orders in basket trading?




How do I use watch baskets?

After you construct a basket and indicate the amount you’re planning to allocate to the basket, you can either place a tradefor the securities in the basket or save the basket as a watch basket for review, tracking, or subsequent purchase. You can saveup to 20 watch baskets. You can continue to make adjustments to the contents of the basket before you decide to purchase it.

Watch baskets display net change detail based on current market value versus market value as of the last time you saved the watch basket.


Where can I view my purchased and watch baskets?

Choose Accounts & Trade > Portfolio Summary, then select Trade/View Baskets from the account’s Select Action drop-downlist to display the Basket Summary page, which lists the baskets you’ve purchased and created but not yet purchased. To viewmore details on a basket, click the basket name.


How do I change a basket name, or add or replace symbols in a watch basket?

On the Watch Basket page, click Add/Delete Symbol to display the Edit Basket page.


How do I recalculate changes to a watch basket?

On the Watch Basket details page, click the Recalculate link to update the Dollars Proposed or Shares Proposed fields forindividual positions in a basket.

  • Shares Proposed
    Updates the share quantities on individual positions within the basket. If you select Shares Proposed but do notmake any changes to the share quantities and click Recalculate, the values update based on the last trade price.
  • Dollars Proposed
    Updates the dollar amounts on individual positions within the basket. When you update Dollars Proposed on individualpositions, the adjusted amount reflects the new share quantity based on the last trade price of the security. Sincethere are no fractional shares in basket trading, these share quantities are rounded down to the nearest whole share.If you want to update quotes on individual positions, select Shares Proposed.



How can I track gain and loss of securities in my basket?

Baskets display Unrealized Net Change detail for both purchased and watch baskets. The initial purchase price of the basketis based on the principal amount of each position within the basket, exclusive of commissions. If you have multiple purchases ofthe same position within a basket, an average purchase price is used for that position.

Purchased baskets display a basket’s total current market value, as well as the value of each position. The percent net changeof a purchased basket accounts for additional purchases, liquidations, and certain corporate actions, but it does not provide thetrue cost basis of your positions within the basket.

Securities liquidated entirely from a basket are not be tracked in the basket detail information. You can view cost detail forindividual positions within a basket from the Unrealized Net Change page.


How do I view unrealized net change details?

On the Basket Summary page, click the Details link under Unrealized Net Change for the basket you want to view.


Can I use unrealized net change information for tax planning purposes?

No. Unrealized Net Change detail for purchased or watch baskets is meant only as a guideline for individual position performanceand basket performance, and is not intended for tax planning.



How do I sell specific shares of securities included in a purchased basket?

When selling shares on the Purchased Basket page, click the Choose Specific Shares checkbox for each security for which you wantto sell specific shares. When you complete the trade, click Select Lot Details on the Trade Basket Confirmation page to display theTax Lots page.

A Tax Lots page displays for each security for which you requested a specific shares order. Under Specify Lots, enter a priorityand quantity for each lot you want to sell, or enter up to three additional lots by supplying the lot details under Enter Lots. ClickUpdate Lots to display the Trade Baskets - Specify Shares Confirmation page. Click Next Symbol to specify lots for the next security.Continue until you’ve specified lots for all the securities for which you want to sell selected lots.

The total number of specified tax lot shares cannot be greater than the total number of shares for the order. If the total specifiedtax lot shares is less than the total for the order, the remaining unspecified shares will be sold using the first in/first out (FIFO)accounting method.

Fidelity does not validate tax lot shares with a cost basis source of Customer and lots you enter manually. Ultimately, it is yourresponsibility to maintain accurate tax lot records.


When can I update specific shares for a sell order in a basket?

You can modify specific share data online up to 10:00 p.m. ET on the day of the trade. You can make changes subsequent to thattime only through a Fidelity phone representative.


What is tax lot priority?

When specifying tax lots for sell orders in a basket, you assign each tax lot a priority number. The priority number indicatesthe order in which you want the shares to be traded. You can enter a number from 1 to 13, depending on how many tax lots you choose.You can use each priority number only once across both the Specify Lots and Enter Lots sections of the Tax Lots page. For example,a tax lot under the Specify Lots section can have a priority of 1, or a lot under the Enter Lots section can have a priority of 1,but not both.


Why is specifying tax lot priority important?

Choosing and prioritizing the order in which specific tax lot shares are traded allows you to minimize or maximize the gain orloss you will realize after a trade order executes. In many cases, an order can execute with the full share amount sold all at once.However, if an order is partially executed (as may occur, for example, with thinly traded stocks or large share quantities),the priority you specify sets the order in which the tax lot shares are sold.


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Top Help - Basket Trading (2024)


Does Fidelity still offer basket trading? ›

Fidelity Solo FidFolios℠ are a faster and easier way to invest and manage your own basket of stocks or ETFs with features that make it easy for you to be in control. You'll be able to: Pick the stocks and ETFs you want or get started with prebuilt models—themes such as AI and clean energy—from the experts. ​

How do I trade a basket at Fidelity? ›

How do I change or perform transactions on a purchased basket?
  1. Buy or sell shares of securities included in the basket, either by number of shares or dollar amount.
  2. Sell specific shares of securities included in the basket.
  3. Rename the basket.
  4. Add new stocks to the basket.

How to do basket trading? ›

Basket order is a functionality which allows you to place multiple orders at one time. Under this facility, you can place orders for multiple scrips all at once. While creating a basket, you just create multiple orders for same or different securities and club these orders together to be placed in a single go.

What is an example of a basket trade? ›

Baskets can also be used to trade currencies and commodities. For example, an investor may create a basket that includes soft commodities, such as wheat, soybeans, and corn. Most investment or brokerage firms that offer basket trading require a minimum investment amount.

Which broker has basket order? ›

Basket Order is the functionality provided by ICICIdirect for placing multiple orders at the same time or in a single click of a button.

Can I create my own basket of stocks? ›

Select your stocks & organise them by segments

A smallcase is a weighted list of up to 20 stocks. Get started with adding a stock, and use the similar stocks widget to see more stocks in the same sector. Once you have added all your required stocks, use 'segments' to organise and categorise them as shown.

How do I create a new Fidelity basket? ›

Conversation. Hi Abhishek, to create a basket of stocks on, click "Accounts & Trade" then "Trade." You'll see "Baskets" on the right side. Then you'll see a link to "Create a New Basket." Hope this helps.

Does Fidelity have buckets? ›

About the Portfolios

Each portfolio includes a cash component to cover a retiree's near-term expenses (bucket 1), high-quality bonds for intermediate-term spending (bucket 2), and equities for long-term growth.

How many times can you trade on Fidelity? ›

If your trading activity qualifies you as a pattern day trader, you can trade up to 4 times the maintenance margin excess (commonly referred to as "exchange surplus") in your account, based on the previous day's activity and ending balances.

What is the max amount for basket trading? ›

There are per order maximum limits set when trading stocks and F&O. For stocks, it is 1 lakh shares, and for F&O, typically 100 lots. It is 2800 for Nifty and 1200 for Banknifty. If you are executing orders larger than this, you have to place multiple orders.

Is basket investing good? ›

Stock baskets are an excellent investment option for persons who understand the stock market but do not want to pay fund management fees. This is because a stock basket delivers a professionally researched basket of companies without the expense ratio of a mutual fund.

What are the advantages of basket order? ›

Advantages of basket orders

Traders can save time using basket orders as multiple orders are placed in one go. So, there is no need to place and execute individual orders. By using basket orders, the time saved on execution can be utilised in analysing the market and discovering market opportunities.

What is the difference between a basket and an ETF? ›

A basket trade is a type of order used by investment firms and big institutional traders to buy or sell a group of securities simultaneously. An exchange-traded fund (ETF) is a basket of securities that tracks an underlying index. ETFs can contain investments such as stocks and bonds.

What is the difference between index and basket? ›

A basket option is similar to an index option, where a number of stocks have been grouped together in an index and the option is based on the price of the index, but differs in that the members and weightings of an index can change over time while those in a basket option do not.

What types of goods usually go in a market basket? ›

Consumer basket

The price collection is conducted by data collectors on a monthly basis, and is processed further by commodity specialists. Examples of categories included in the basket are: Food and Beverages (breakfast cereal, milk, coffee, chicken, wine, full service meals, snacks)

Which brokerage has the lowest fees? ›

Stock Brokers In IndiaBrokerage charges for delivery trades.Maximum Brokerage charges for commodity (per trade)
Mar 15, 2023

Which order do traders normally use? ›

Market orders are best used for buying or selling large-cap stocks, futures, or ETFs. A limit order is preferable if buying or selling a thinly traded or highly volatile asset. The market order is the most common transaction type made in the stock markets.

Is basket order only for intraday? ›

Bracket order is a type of market order that is placed during intraday trading only.

How do I group stocks in Fidelity? ›

To create or modify groups, select Accounts from the main navigation toolbar then select Account Features and click on Manage Groups. Use the Name Accounts and Customize Display page to create and edit groups and account nicknames.

Can you make money selling baskets? ›

A gift basket service's profit depends on how many baskets it sells each day. A business that averages 5 gift baskets a day averaging $45 to $50 each will have a daily revenue between $225 and $250, or an annual revenue of $82,125 to $91,250.

Is there a limit to how many stocks I can own? ›

The answer to this question is much more complicated than many people might believe. While there is no actual limit to the amount of shares you can purchase in a company, it's possible that there will be rules or restrictions that may interfere with your ability to buy as many shares as you want.

How do I trade one stock for another Fidelity? ›

Step-by-step guide
  1. Select the account you want to trade in.
  2. Enter the trading symbol.
  3. Select Buy or Sell.
  4. Choose between Dollars and Shares, then enter an amount.
  5. Choose an order type: Market or Limit. Use the definitions to help make a choice. ...
  6. For limit orders, decide how long the order will stay open.

How to invest in multiple stocks at once? ›

Obviously, you know by now that it's possible to buy stock in an individual company. But if you're new to investing, it might be smarter to invest in mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs). These both allow you to invest in multiple companies, and even across multiple types of businesses, at once.

How much should retirees have in cash? ›

Despite the ability to access retirement accounts, many experts recommend that retirees keep enough cash on hand to cover between six and twelve months of daily living expenses. Some even suggest keeping up to three years' worth of living expenses in cash. Your emergency fund must be easy for you to access at any time.

How much cash flow do I need to retire? ›

Retirement Savings Recommendation
Fidelity's Retirement Savings by Age Rule of Thumb
AgeSavings Goal
506x your annual income
608x your annual income
6710x your annual income
2 more rows
May 16, 2023

What is the 3 bucket investment strategy? ›

The strategy involves dividing your assets into three distinct “tax buckets”: tax-deferred, tax-free, and after-tax. The goal is to have a diversified portfolio that allows you to control your tax situation in retirement, regardless of the tax policy or tax rates in place.

How much do day traders make per day? ›

Average Salary for a Day Trader

Day Traders in America make an average salary of $116,895 per year or $56 per hour. The top 10 percent makes over $198,000 per year, while the bottom 10 percent under $68,000 per year. What Am I Worth?

Is Fidelity good for day traders? ›

Although Fidelity isn't regarded as a premium day-trading broker, it does deliver multiple services that short-term traders should consider. These are in addition to the broker's other great services, which can be used alongside Fidelity's day-trading tools.

How many lots can I trade with $100? ›

Fortunately, any viable trading plan can be traded with a $100 account since most brokers will let you trade in micro units or 0.01 lots. After you've refined your trading plan and have increased your working capital with profitable trading, you can then increase the size of your trading units.

What is the 50 rule in trading? ›

The fifty percent principle is a rule of thumb that anticipates the size of a technical correction. The fifty percent principle states that when a stock or other asset begins to fall after a period of rapid gains, it will lose at least 50% of its most recent gains before the price begins advancing again.

Can you swing trade with $1000 dollars? ›

However, we see many new traders start small with just $1,000 in their accounts. This is a pretty good starting place for new traders because your risk is pretty limited.

What is basket option pricing? ›

A basket option is an option whose payoff is a weighted sum or average of prices of the two or more risky assets that have been grouped together in a basket at maturity.

Which is more profitable swing trading or investing? ›

Without a doubt, swing trading offers better returns – both in terms of profit and time. You may earn less profit percentage per swing trade compared to investing – that much is true.

How to invest in stocks like Warren Buffett? ›

How to Invest Like Warren Buffett: Morningstar
  1. “Buy businesses, not stocks. ...
  2. “Look for companies with competitive advantages that can be maintained, or economic moats. ...
  3. “Focus on long-term intrinsic value, not short-term earnings. ...
  4. “Demand a margin of safety.
Feb 24, 2023

What are the disadvantages of in basket? ›

Disadvantages of the in-basket technique:

* The fact that the present supervisors establish the rating may merely mean a pooling of mediocrity where the "best solution" may not be the top rated one. * Employers using the in-basket technique tend to be large organisations which recruit a substantial number of employees.

What are the 4 types of basket? ›

There are four different types of basketry methods: coiling, plaiting, twining, and wicker.

What are the disadvantages of basket weave? ›

Durability: While the plain weave is highly durable, flat, and with a surface that is conducive for printing, basket weave is not quite as durable.

Is it better to hold stocks or ETFs? ›

When it comes to stocks vs. ETFs, one is not better than the other. They are both solid ways to invest your money depending on your interest and goals. In fact, you can do both to further diversify your portfolio.

Is it better to own stocks or ETFs? ›

A single stock can potentially return a lot more than an ETF, where you receive the weighted average performance of the holdings. Stocks can pay dividends, and over time those dividends can rise, as the top companies increase their payouts.

Are mutual funds better than ETFs? ›

ETFs often generate fewer capital gains for investors than mutual funds. This is partly because so many of them are passively managed and don't change their holdings that often. However, ETFs also have a structural ability, called the in-kind creation/redemption mechanism, to minimize the capital gains they distribute.

What are the three types of baskets? ›

There are three basic kinds of baskets—coiled, twined, or woven.

What is the basket strategy? ›

A basket trade is an investment management strategy that allows investors to trade a group of financial instruments using a single order rather than placing a series of orders to buy or sell each security individually.

What are the 8 categories of market basket? ›

BLS has classified all expenditure items into more than 200 categories, arranged into eight major groups (food and beverages, housing, apparel, transportation, medical care, recreation, education and communication, and other goods and services).

What are the 3 largest categories of spending in a market basket? ›

The three largest components of the CPI are housing, transportation, and food/beverages in that order. Housing has come to grow in importance as it takes up a larger share of their budgets than it used to.

Why is a market basket used? ›

A market basket refers to a selection of goods and services that are consistently purchased and sold throughout an economic system. Economists, politicians, and financial analysts use market baskets to track price changes over time and determine inflation levels.

Does Fidelity allow pattern day trading? ›

If you trade four or more times in five business days, and if the value of those trades is more than 6% of that period's total trading activity, you will be identified as a “pattern” day trader under FINRA Rule 4210. Thereupon, you will be required to maintain a $25,000 account minimum, or face restrictions on trading.

What is the 3 bucket strategy for retirement? ›

The strategy involves dividing your assets into three distinct “tax buckets”: tax-deferred, tax-free, and after-tax. The goal is to have a diversified portfolio that allows you to control your tax situation in retirement, regardless of the tax policy or tax rates in place.

Do bucket investment strategies make sense in retirement? ›

This strategy may be too conservative for some retirees. If you hold too much in your immediate and intermediate buckets, your long-term growth bucket won't out-earn your withdrawals and inflation. This could lead to a dwindling income as you age.

How many times can you day trade on Fidelity? ›

If your trading activity qualifies you as a pattern day trader, you can trade up to 4 times the maintenance margin excess (commonly referred to as "exchange surplus") in your account, based on the previous day's activity and ending balances.

Can you day trade on Fidelity without $25 K? ›

First, pattern day traders must maintain minimum equity of $25,000 in their margin account on any day that the customer day trades. This required minimum equity, which can be a combination of cash and eligible securities, must be in your account prior to engaging in any day-trading activities.

How much does Fidelity charge for day trading? ›

$0.00 commission applies to online U.S. equity trades, exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and options (+ $ 0.65 per contract fee) in a Fidelity retail account only for Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC retail clients. Sell orders are subject to an activity assessment fee (from $0.01 to $0.03 per $1,000 of principal).

What does Suze Orman recommend investing in? ›

Your investment portfolio should have a good mix of stocks and bonds and include low-cost index mutual funds or ETFs, Orman wrote in a blog post. Once you have the right mix, there's nothing you should do aside from contributing regularly and reviewing your portfolio annually.

Can I sell all my stocks at once on Fidelity? ›

To sell all the shares you own of a particular security, on the Trade Stocks screen, in the Action pulldown menu, select Sell All Shares. Your order to Sell All Shares reflects only your current holdings for the security you selected—open or unexecuted buy orders for this security are not included.

Is Fidelity better than e trade? ›

Overall, we found E*TRADE is a good choice for active traders and investors—especially those who want access to a suite of excellent options tools. At the same time, Fidelity is better for casual investors and traders looking for low costs and access to international trading.

How does Fidelity make money with no fees? ›

How Fidelity makes money. Fidelity makes money from interest on cash held in custody for clients, stock loans to short-sellers, and portfolio margining.

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.