The FHA 203k reconstruction loan is a type of loan that can make it easier for people with marginal credit to buy a house. It allows people to qualify for a home mortgage that conventional loans eliminate. It is also a dual purpose loan in that it provides extra funds in the total loan package for repairs you plan on making to that home you just bought. One loan covers the whole shebang.

    This isPart 7in theBUDGETHOUSE RENOVATORseries that involves the search for, location of, and unique auction-style purchase of my home in the country. The series includes dealing with a foreign based auction house and escrow to help facilitate this transaction. Also, I show how I worked with a mortgage company programmed to process the “specialized”FHA 203k Programrehabilitation loans. My loan included funds to buy “and” repair my house.Part 6is about dealing with escrow problems after it is started.My next article inPart 8is entitled“Moving In and Living With Reconstruction“.Itwill show the steps taken to do the paperwork and issues that arose to see all the renovations and final inspection through.

    It is designed to get houses back on the market that will not pass muster for the conventional type of mortgage application. Normally you would need to have a home meet minimum requirements such as:

    • Roof without leaks
    • Heating and Cooling Units being Operational
    • Plumbing Pipes & Fixtures in Working Order
    • Hot Water Heater Functional
    • Windows in Good Condition
    • Built In Appliances Operational

    The FHA 203k loan does not require any of that. In fact, you can use the loan to purchase a property with only one wall standing. The only upfront requirement is that the appraisal has to show an After-Repair-Value (ARV) that equals or exceeds the amount of the loan.

    Here is a synopsis of the features of this type of loan as stated in Part 2 of the BudgetHouse Renovator series:

    • Minimum credit rating requirement is 640 or higher.
    • Down payment obligations start at 3.5%.
    • Interest Rate is near the best overall current mortgage rates.
    • Mortgage Insurance is added to help make qualifying easier.
    • Can build new home on old foundation.
    • Home is 1 year old or more.
    • Slated repairs are $5,000. or more.

    The specific details are in the government website that is reached through the FHA/HUD link provided here. There are also relatedPDF documents you can download. Your initial procedure is to locate a mortgage processing company that specializes in this type of loan. Since there are a number of specific steps needed to make it all come together, you want to be associated with a company that knows what they are doing.

    The nice thing about any type of home buying in this day and age is that almost all real estate properties have their information posted online. Sites like Zillow, Trulia, and others, allow you to get a complete picture of most properties by displaying the following information:

    • Address of the Property
    • Directions to the House
    • Current Sale Price (or Current Status if tied up in Foreclosure)
    • Photos of Exterior and Interior (In most of the views)
    • County Website Links for Property Taxes and Legal Info on file. Some even give an Exterior Profile of the house with Dimensions.
    • Estimated Value
    • Similar House Pricing Nearby
    • Current Owner Contact Info
    • Local Realtors List (If Needed)
    • Local Mortgage Processors List

    You can view properties hundreds of miles away in the comfort of your home on your computer or mobile device and even buy the home site unseen if you want. You can receive and answer info requests via email, texts, phone calls, and even snail mail without leaving your current place of residence.

    Another thing you can do online is bid on a home that is being auctioned off by a bank, loan company, or individual. Specialty auction companies provide dates, minimum bid amount, funding info and more on websites complete with other pertinent bits of data. You punch personal data into the computer, make your bid, then transfer funds at the push of a button.

    If you have ever been to a physical auction, the experience can be very disheartening. Professional bidders will run the price up and knock you out of the loop in no time at all. Usually, the lending institution rep will step in and at least cover the value of the defaulted amount of the loan. Before you know it, your super deal just went out the window. Since other bidders hear your bid out loud, they can quickly top it as well.

    Online, you can watch the bidding process unfold and hold off until the last minute. Then, with little time left on the clock, you can punch in your bid number and not allow time for a competitor’s response.

    The big problem is that it is easy to get caught up in the simplicity and convenience of just working from home. It is necessary to supplement your activity with a physical on site inspection as well. Too many unforeseen headaches can crop up and run you into the hole when you don’t make a thorough analysis of your potential investment.

    Since you may want to bid on a property first and check it out later, you need some backup protection. This is where the FHA 203k loan makes a lot of sense. You can wind up with a problem deal and still make it work out.

    Let’s say that your online search shows a house with marginal roof quality, minimal exterior issues, and basic structural integrity. You bid online and win the bid. Or you make an offer online and it is accepted. You then have a deadline to make a deposit to seal the deal.

    You decide to inspect the house before putting up any money (unless your online auction house requires a validation deposit upfront). You find that there are more issues than you could imagine. This matter would jeopardize your conventional loan application but not the FHA 203k loan requirements.

    A leaky roof, mold on the eaves, dry rot around the foundation, and faulty flooring would all be acceptable inclusions in the government program. You may find that your anticipated After-Repair-Value (ARV) is going to take a hit, but you can maneuver your renovation plans around to correct items you did not plan on fixing. Then you can scale back repairs that will not create a significant increase in value until after all is said and done with your primary commitment.

    The whole idea is to make the home livable for move in acceptability and pass FHA minimal inspection requirements. Cosmetic upgrades can be done later at your own pace and when additional funds are available. You do not want a big fat mortgage on your hands by including excess repair funds in the loan package, so you must get maximum bang for the bucks you need to spend on the house to satisfy minimum requirements.

    Your first step is to see if you qualify for thisFHA 203 loan upfront before you proceed with anything else. Your credit score can be as low as 640, but the better it is the greater chance for success. Your income, and the future expectations of maintaining it are also crucial. Checking Accounts, Savings, Pension Funds, Investment Cash, and Insurance Policy Proceeds can be acceptable sources for down payment and closing costs.

    Also, you can borrow money from a relative to satisfy the money requirements. If you have an existing house, potential equity from the sale thereof can be added to the equation for loan approval. Negotiating this factor with a seller or auction house can be tricky, but doable.

    Once you get upfront loan pre-acceptance, you can move to the next step. You’re approval is good for a certain length of time, so now you need to find a house. Your online search procedures will save you a lot of time over that spent getting in a car, meeting a realtor, and driving around looking at houses that “might” fit your criteria. One day of doing that can be very exhausting andfrustration can discourage your best efforts.

    I was able to get approval quickly because my mortgage broker submitted my credit profile request to a professional business agency (CoreLogic) that goes beyond normal procedures. My report showed much more detail than you would expect. Different contact sources were used to get the best results. I was able to show savings and cash to satisfy initial requirements. Even though self employed, I did most of my work for one company and consistent reporting forms verified my income.

    As stated earlier, you need to link up with a company that specializes in the FHA 203k loan processing requisites. If not, your efforts may end up in the tank after a month of maneuvering around obstacles. Your home deal will be canceled and you are back to square one. Losing a deposit in the process is another thing you have to consider.

    I wanted a house in North or Northwest Florida. I was comfortable living in the State doing business there and I liked being relatively close to the Gulf. Weather in the winter is mild and summers are no worse than elsewhere. Hurricanes are a problem (I have been through 9), but I have never had structural damage to one of my homes.

    I preferred the Florida Panhandle area because it is a good candidate for country-style living, interstate access, and proximity to shopping. I would have favorable driving sojourns to places like my hometown of New Orleans, the coastal towns of Mississippi, and beach cities like Miramar, Destin, and Ft. Walton.

    I did online searches on the Zillow website in areas like Pensacola, Chattahoochee, Marianna, Fountain, and Crestview. There were pros and cons to each area, but I did not want to be too far from grocery shopping or a building supply house. In the country environment, you normally have to compromise. Many rural homes are 30 to 60 miles or more away from any type of domestic supplier.

    As you might guess, I began to zero in on an area I was totally unfamiliar with. Defuniak Springs never got my attention when I travelled west on Interstate 10. I knew nothing about it and was curious to find out. Right off the bat, I noticed grocery shopping stores and a Lowe’s home center near the main exit into town. Banks, Restaurants, and Gas Stations filled the bill.

    I looked on Zillow and began to list possible home candidates in that area for my future residence. The one I was most interested in had a unique sales agency perched on the website page that contained all the house’s information links. It was a company offering the house as a bid item in the foreclosed homes category of an online auction sale. It was affiliated with the mortgage company that provided the initial loan for the home which was now owned by the lender in its REO division. The name of the agency was HUBZU.

    I had heard about them, but knew nothing about the details of their operation nor the thrust of the opinionsgenerated by other customers who issued their complaints online. The reviews were not good, but what really caught my eye was the fact that I could bid on the house in question by accessing the company’s website, and have the option of obtaining financing from an independent lender to fund the deal. All while the seller waited several months to be paid from loans proceeds after escrow closed. Unbelievable!


    I located the house on Zillow when the deadline for the auction was only days away. I decided to ignore the frustrated reviews for HUBZU and made plans to bid on the house. The initial required down payment was low and only required if I won the auction.

    The “current” asking price was $69,900. I did not see any other competitors bidding but decided to go “low” on my bid to see what would happen. Using tricks I learned from winning a lot of bids on Ebay, I made my first attempt. I had my iPad and my Laptop open to the same bid page, using one as a backup. I waited until about 1 minute remained on the deadline time clock and posted my bid. It was for $60,000. This was in the middle of the month of April.

    From experience, I figured that there might be a reserve in place for the posted sale price. It is the lowest price a seller will accept before the sale can take place and I had no clue what it might be. Since there were no other interested parties competing with me, I was informed that I was the lowest bidder. No, it was not the “winning bid”, just the lowest bid. I was not told right away if it was the one that actually won.

    Two days later, I was informed that my bid did not meet the minimum requirements of the seller’s reserve price. I was sent an email document by HUBZU offering to let me up my bid to $63,000, so I figured the current auction scenario would let me meet the minimum reserve at that price. They also presented me with a Stop The Auction price of $66,134. My acceptance of this figure would allow me to bypass the auction bidding procedure and obtain immediate acceptance by the seller. But I did not pursue this option and let it ride. No competitors, no problem, I thought.

    When the online auction price dropped to $59,900, I bid again. This time my offer was $41,000, but it was rejected again and they countered with another bid opportunity set at the newly reduced amount of $53,000. The Stop The Auction price was now lowered to $55,684. At this point, I figured this crazy scenario is heading right into my wheelhouse.

    I was originally rejected at $60,000, and now I am being offered an acceptable sale price that is $4,316less a few weeks later. My head is now spinning out of control. I suddenly realized I am now in a good position to get this house at a proposed acceptable sale price that is well within my budget. I let my loan officer know that I was ready to negotiate with the seller so that I could lock up the deal and move forward.

    By now, I knew what type of graduated formula the seller was using to create each drop in the asking price on the auction companies’ website, as well as the minimum reserve amount that would be acceptable relative to the new price. Each price drop initiated by seller was $10,000 below the previous asking price in a 30 day sequence. The commensurate hidden reserve was always $6,900 below that figure.

    For Example: A price of $79,900 would have a reserve price of $73,000, a consistent $6,900 difference. A drop to $69,900. would generate a $63,000 reserve, and so forth.

    As you probably have surmised by now, I jumped on this project using only online information. Google maps and Google Earth only showed me a picture of a bird’s eye view of the house and surrounding area. Nearby neighbors were pretty much out of sight. Condensed forest trees predominated the periphery of the lot. The access road looked like it was county maintained (a very important feature). The house had a metal roof with no apparent rust spots on top. The lot looked like it was situated well above nearby low lying areas and high enough so that excessive rainfall would not cause any type of flooding around or near the house. Also, outlying trees were not close enough to create a fire hazard but still situated at a distance that positioned them as a viable windbreak.

    I could not get a street view because that option did not exist within the Google Earth format for any of these houses. But the main access highway did have that feature and I could view the nearby hospital, a fire station down the road, and then get a complete picture of the main street views of the closest town which was Defuniak Springs.

    I located a Wal-Mart, a Lowe’s, Restaurants, County Facilities, Gas Stations, Hotels, and Banks. I calculated the distance the house was to the interstate to be about 3 ½ miles. It was 21 miles from the coastal highway leading to Destin and 71 miles from the closest big city, Pensacola. This location was perfect, I thought.

    On Zillow, I saw pictures of the exterior of the house and all of the features and existing condition of the interior. There were no apparent issues with the outside walls, but some metal pieces were missing from the roof. There was an outbuilding for storage and a long concrete pad for a camper or trailer.

    I determined that the condition of the interior is what scared off competitors when I studied the pictures of the house that were placed online. All of the vinyl floor tiles were peeling in various areas and the whole lot of them needed to be removed. Drywall was missing in the laundry room, paint colors were horrible, and the kitchen was a homebuilt monstrosity. However, no structural problems were apparent on the website photos.

    With this info, I did make my first 2 bids before taking the time to visit the site in person. This is a risky maneuver, but I needed a candidate for the mortgage broker’s portfolio, and my dwindling time frame was of the essence. I first let him know I had bid twice on the house and got turned down both times. I also revealed that it was still at the top of my list and I had made plans for an onsite inspection so that I could obtain an accurate evaluation of the entire premises.

    The Memorial Day weekend was approaching and my wife and I made a trip up to the area for a 3 day vacation and look fest at all the properties that I had gathered information on via my research efforts online. Still, this house was my primary target. When we arrived, we stayed in a local hotel and went out looking at prospects each day.

    Since this trip was a last-minute decision, my chosen realtor wasn’t notified in time and was not available that weekend, so we couldn’t get the lock box code that would have given us access to the inside. So my options were restricted to views through all the windows and open areas under the house where some of the skirting was missing. Not what I wanted, but the next best thing.

    We both liked this house better than all the others on my list and we decided to lock it in when we returned back home to Ft. Lauderdale. I was ready to negotiate with the seller using the second Stop The Auction price referenced above as a starting point.

    On the way home, I decided a route through Tampa towards Naples and back via the Alligator Expressway towards the Atlantic Coast was our best option. The looming holiday weekend homeward bound traffic on the Florida Turnpike (a 100 mile shorter route) scared me. It took us an extra 2 hours coming up on it, and I could not go through all that creepy crawly gobbledygook again heading back.

    On the way, we stopped at a restaurant in Ft. Myers to eat dinner. While waiting for our meal, I got a sudden email from the auction company stating that there was a bid from a competitor for $30,000. on the house.

    What! Now, out of the blue, I have someone interested in my house? The deadline was near, and now I was being robbed of the chance to go back and negotiate the last price that was offered me. Bummer!

    Without wasting time, I started doing some mental gymnastics. Since the new bid price was so low, I reached the conclusion that the seller had initiated another reduction in price and I was wondering if it was now set at $49,900. I had to find out.

    The auction house, via an email message on my cell phone, asked if I wanted to outbid this newcomer that just entered the fray. I complied and shot off a price of $31,000. Within the blink of an eye, a follow up response informed me that I was outbid at $32,000. I said okay, I will play this game out and see where it is headed. So I rebid again, this time at $33,000. Again, I was outbid at $34,000.

    Ah ha, I thought! This person has an “auto bid” in place and is not even monitoring the action on this site. He (or she) had set a maximum price they were willing to pay and let the computer automatically increase their bid in increments to exceed mine every time I inserted a new bid. I already had a maximum figure fixated in my mind that I was willing to pay for the house, so I went on a witch hunt! While eating dinner and bidding at the same time, I told my wife I have to find out what this person’s drop-dead price is.

    So I went ahead and guesstimated that it was topped out at $40,000. I also concluded that the seller’s new price drop was set at $49,900. If I was right, this meant I could knock this competitor out of the ring at the possible reserve price of $43,000, and hopefully win the bid at the same time. Shooting from the hip, I punched in my new number and that did the trick. After that, I was never “outbid” again.

    Two days later I was informed that I had won the bid and it was accepted by the seller for $43,000. This was a price that was $17,000 less than my first bid, a price “Which The Seller Rejected! That was absolutely amazing!

    So, I had just won this bid on a house that only one other competitor wanted at a price that was approximately 28% of market value according to a Zillow “Zestimates” for the area. It was structurally sound, had a clean stucco exterior, and a rust free metal roof missing only a few panels. The lot was sloped away from the house and the threat of flooding was not a factor because there were recessed valleys around the perimeter of the lot in a hilly area that went on forever.

    What it did need was new flooring, bathroom remodeling, a complete new kitchen, drywall in the laundry and master bedroom, interior doors, and painting. These issues apparently scared other interested parties, but this type of project was right up my alley.

    I notified my loan officer that I had won the bid on the house and emailed him all the details. After doing his own research online, he let me know that this particular property would be a good fit for the FHA 203k loan program and got the application process started. I then locked in the deal by paying the required deposit to the auction company which was set at $1,290. This amount is in line with any house purchase deposit necessary to establish a starting contract with a seller.

    One of the differences between a conventional sale and winning a bid at an auction is that the auction house gets what is called a Buyer’s Premium plus Miscellaneous Fees. In this case, the total tab came to $2,234. which effectively raised the price of my house to $45,234. Not a large amount, but something to consider when bidding at any auction.

    Having my house locked up for the FHA 203k loanstartup processing procedures, the emails and paperwork started flying back and forth. One of the first things I did was acknowledge my acceptance of the successful bid with proof of my deposit. Then, other paperwork followed that included a questionnaire. The most important one was that HUBZU wanted to know if I would be keeping the escrow agency and title insurance functions in house with them, or if I would be choosing an independent company to fulfill those requirements. Since I was not familiar with this type of all-in-one process that was offered by them, I had to think long and hard about that decision. Posted reviews were showing statements made by frustrated clients who had bad experiences using their service.

    On the other side of the coin, however, I did not want to complicate the qualifying process and needed to make sure that the entities involved would have a minimum number of agencies to deal with. If I chose my own escrow and title company, then I would be at the mercy of an auction house and seller dealing with my independent network of companies which would include the new escrow agent, the mortgage processor, title insurance provider, insurance agent, and so forth.

    With all the potential hazards staring me in the face, I went ahead and chose the all-inclusive in house capabilities of HUBZU to function as the:

    1. Seller’s Real Estate Agent
    2. Auction House Intermediary
    3. Escrow Agency
    4. Title Company
    5. Documents Processor

    I have never had significant problems with the escrow process in past transactions and exercised my option to make a title claim only once (The Country Hybrid: The Boonies In Utah). This current choice was sort of a gamble for me, but I also knew that I would have to stay on top of things at all times anyways, so that inherent issue helped support my decision. What really gave my confidence a boost at the beginning of my association with them was the fact that their initial emails kept me up to date at all times and details presented were consistent with what I was expecting.

    I had to make 1 of 2 choices for the type of FHA 203k loanI wanted:

    • Standard loan or
    • Streamlined loan

    The big difference between the two is that the Standard Loan required a licensed contractor to be responsible for the repairs, and that individual could not be the homebuyer, even if he is licensed as well (Which I was at the time, but current FHA 203k loan info shows this restriction has changed). The Streamlined Loan did not have that mandate.

    The factor that tipped me into the Standard Loan format was the condition of the kitchen. I knew that the workbench style of homebuilt shelving (can’t call them kitchen cabinets for fear of ridicule) had to be ripped out and completely replaced with real cabinets. This meant that new countertops, appliances, flooring, and decent lighting had to be installed as well. This area of the house renovation process was not allowed in the directives spelled out in The Streamlined Loan guidelines which let me do everything else on my list. Carpeting, Painting, Drywall, Roof Repairs, Doors, Trim Work, New Toilets, and such, were okay, but not the kitchen work.

    To help me out with the contractor requirement part of the equation, I engaged the services of an associate I worked with in my construction business who was a bonafide Florida State Licensed Residential Contractor and agreed to be my qualifier. In exchange for a small fee (which I offered him), he did what was necessary to satisfy the paperwork presented and gave notice to the renovations department that he would assume responsibility for the project. I did not have him do any of the repairs, but only asked him to supervise the job and technically “hire” me and my son-in-law, Shaun, to do the work.

    I handled all of the paperwork for him, and he just reviewed same and signed documents where necessary. I went online and made sure his license was active with the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation, and that no restrictions or claims against him were posted. I also validated his liability insurance certificate by contacting the carrier. Since none of the repairs required a permit, per se, this issue did not factor into the equation.

    On my first planned trip to the house, which I did in August, I was expecting escrow closure at that point. Due to lapses in some of the mortgage processing machinations and not having a singular designated officer to handle problems that cropped up, the closing was delayed a month which set both myself and the seller on edge.

    My wife saw the inside of the house several weeks earlier on her way back from a Wisconsin family reunion. She was able to get in with the help of my chosen realtor who had to help her with the lockbox. She walked me through each room using the video feature provided by FaceTime on her iPhone. Since I was in Ft. Lauderdale at the time, I finally was able to get a clear picture of interior detailsalong with her own input concerning potential problems she came across.

    Anyways, in spite of pending issues that still needed to be resolved, I was there at the house with my daughter and son-in-law who came in from Albuquerque to visit and help with initial chores. Since we now had the combination to open the door, I got “my” first look. I liked what I saw and was pleased that no structural issues were evident other than some plywood decking in the kitchen and one of the bedrooms. No dry rot, termite damage, rodent nests, or unpleasant odors were found inside.

    We could not do much in the way of repairs because the house closing was still in limbo. We did cut all the weeds, do a thorough inspection, and pinpointed things like roof leaks, missing light fixtures, problems with the air handler, and so forth. I brought my ladder to inspect the roof which had some missing metal panels. The floor joists were clean and felt solid when we walked around the house.

    I had made the decision beforehand to have the electricity turned on and placed in my name. We were able to get the well water pump going and replaced light bulbs. The water heater worked but I knew it needed repairs after sitting for so long without being activated.

    So now I was in a position whereby I could accurately estimate the cost of making repairs to satisfy the main requirement of my FHA 203k loan application. With my daughter Susan’s help, we listed all the details on a piece of paper which we later put into the computer for analysis and budgeting a dollar amount needed. The list included the following:

    • R&R kitchen cabinets and install new appliances
    • Repair plywood flooring where needed
    • Remove all vinyl flooring tiles
    • Remove raw plywood wall coverings in master bedroom
    • Replace toilet in guest bath
    • Make electrical repairs
    • Install new drywall where needed
    • Install new flooring throughout
    • Repair hot water heater and plumbing
    • Paint interior as necessary

    All of the living room ceiling and walls, as well as the hallway walls, were covered with 1×12 pine boards, so that was not a repair item. All of the windows operated ok, even though some needed new support springs. The septic tank would become a problem if full or clogged, but the system worked okay with the initial insertion of Ridex tablets flushed down the toilet.

    While there, a seller’s designated maintenance person showed up. His job was to take of the place while it sat vacant. I told him we were the new owners and he signed off. Next, the appraiser showed up (the 2nd one to do so) at a very late stage in the game. He said that he would have his report done in a week. He also informed me of the FHA 203k loanreconstruction payouts procedure. I would receive half the funds upfront, and the other half when I finished and passed inspection. The whole scenario was something that required patience, and I knew then that I would need lots of it to get through all the steps needed for completion of this project.

    The Zillow website valued this home at around $150,000. That is the same After Repair Value (ARV) that the appraiser came up with when he completed his extensive and detailed evaluation of the place.

    The After Repair Valueis thevalueof a propertyafterit’s been improved, renovated, or fixed up. It’s the estimated futurevalueof the propertyafter designated repairs have been made. The ARV is determined by referencing nearby comparable properties (comps) in similar condition, age, size, build, and style that have recently sold. https://www.fool.com/Investing Basics He compared our house with nearby homes that were somewhat comparable, but not very close in similarities. Very few homes were available for recent sales data, as most residential properties in the area were manufactured units. They typically engender lower comparisons for an appraisal.

    I used his information to come up with a total loan amount that I was comfortable with. I would be borrowing money to cover the cost of the house plus an amount for the renovations needed. I settled on a reconstruction cost figure of $21,700. I knew this figure would be tight, but I, nor my Son in Law, would be asking for income. All monies, except contractor fees, would go towards materials. This figure, plus the cost of the house, would eventually require a mortgage of $67,000.

    So I submitted the following to the mortgage broker’s renovations department:

    • The Contractor’s Credentials and Qualifying Paperwork
    • The Itemized Estimate for Repairs
    • Filled in Documents Required by the FHA

    After waiting for several weeks to get the well water tested for FHA quality control guidelines, and the mortgage company’s approval of the contractor, I finally was able to close escrow in the middle of the following month of September. The appraiser told me this was going to be a process, and it was surely that if not so much more!

    I know I have presented a lot of information for you to digest, but it was necessary for this blog. I have not found any other scenario that compares with this one because there probably isn’t one. I find that actual stories become much more noteworthy than boring step by step narratives that don’t include the overall details of the experience itself. So, I will keep feeding you more information that will help you in your quest to get that seemingly unobtainable house bargain you have always been looking for. My next article will cover the actual move in events and initial renovation steps that I took to get things moving forward. Till then!

    I am requesting that my readers click on the links provided and download a sample read of each book and give a review on Amazon. You will have free access to the first four chapters of each book. My hope is that you will like the story lines enough to obtain either an eBook version or a paperback copy that you can put on your bookshelf as a masterpiece when you are done. FATE STALKS A HERO I: RESURGENCE, FATE STALKS A HERO II:THE FIJI FULCRUM, and THE SAGA OF HERACLES PENOIT.I will be giving excerpts on these works in upcoming blogs to familiarize you the reader with exciting details about the contents of each one. Thank you!


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    Which one of the following is not eligible for a 203 k loan? ›

    Cooperative units and investment properties are not eligible.

    What are the cons of a 203k loan? ›

    FHA 203(k) cons

    The 203(k) loan program comes with disadvantages, including: You must pay mortgage insurance premiums until the loan is fully paid or refinanced into a conventional loan. You must hire licensed contractors and be diligent about having them complete paperwork.

    What credit score do you need for a 203k loan? ›

    Credit score: You'll need a credit score of at least 500 to qualify for an FHA 203(k) loan, though some lenders may have a higher minimum. Down payment: The minimum down payment for a 203(k) loan is 3.5% if your credit score is 580 or higher. You'll have to put down 10% if your credit score is from 500 to 579.

    Are structural repairs allowed on a FHA 203k limited loan? ›

    There are two types of FHA 203(k) loans. The first is a standard 203(k) which is used for properties that need major remodeling or structural repairs. The second is the Limited 203(k) which is commonly used for new roofing, new appliances, or cosmetic repairs such as painting.

    What is the maximum loan amount for 203k? ›

    It allows home buyers or homeowners to borrow up to $35,000 to cover the cost of renovations. No minimum cost requirement is attached, and applications may be simpler to process due to the lower sum borrowed under the terms of this loan.

    What is the debt to income ratio for a 203k loan? ›

    First, the Mortgage Payment Expense to Effective Income ratio (or front-end DTI) should not exceed 31 percent. Second, the Total Fixed Payment to Effective Income ratio (or back-end DTI) should not exceed 43 percent.

    Do FHA 203K loans have higher interest rates? ›

    The interest rates are 0.50% to 1.00% higher than a regular FHA loan. FHA loans, including the 203(k) program, come with Mortgage Insurance (MI). You have to hire a contractor. You must live in the home for at least twelve months before selling or renting the home.

    Is a 203K loan a good idea? ›

    FHA 203(k) loans are an excellent solution for borrowers with a low credit score seeking to own a home in need of repairs, varying from minimal to extensive work. A low down payment and low-interest rates (fixed or adjustable) also make this option attractive.

    Can I do the work myself with a 203K loan? ›

    Because of the liability for the lender allowing a customer to do their own work on a 203k, most lenders will require a contractor to complete the work 99.99% of the time.

    What credit score is needed to buy a house with no money down? ›

    Eligible borrowers typically include those with debt lower than 41 percent of income, a fairly good credit score above 620, no previous home ownership in the last 36 months, primary residence intent for the property being bought, and the overall financing is 97 percent maximum.

    What is a standard 203k loan? ›

    A Standard FHA 203(k) loan allows you to make substantial structural improvements, repairs, remodeling and updating to a house…even build a new one.

    Can you add renovation costs to FHA mortgage? ›

    This program is available through FHA-approved lenders. It allows homebuyers to finance the purchase of a home or homeowners to refinance a current mortgage, combining the cost of renovations, repairs, or remodeling into a single loan.

    What is a 203k vs 203b? ›

    FHA 203(b) Vs. FHA 203(k) While an FHA 203(b) loan is primarily used for move-in ready homes, another type of loan, known as the FHA 203(k) loan, exists to assist home buyers who are purchasing a home in need of significant repairs or modifications.

    What is the difference between 203k Limited and 203k standard? ›

    Another difference between the two 203k programs is that the Limited 203k requires that the home be “habitable” throughout the period of renovation. If the home will be uninhabitable for any reason at any time, use of the Standard 203k is required.

    What credit score do you need for a rehab loan? ›

    As with a regular FHA Loan, an FHA 203(k) Home Renovation Loan has a minimum FICO® credit score requirement of 620.

    Who is not eligible for a loan? ›

    If your income is less than the minimum income requirement set by the lender, the lender may reject your loan request. For instance, most lenders require that your net monthly income should exceed ₹25,000.

    For which of the following may 203 k funds be used? ›

    A portion of the 203(k) loan balance is used to purchase the home or pay off an existing mortgage, and the remainder is placed in an escrow account to cover the rehab costs as work is completed, much like a construction loan. A 203(k) loan can be a fixed- or adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM).

    What is a 203k loan? ›

    An FHA 203(k) Renovation Loan is a government-backed mortgage that combines the costs of a home purchase (or refinance) with the costs of home renovations. The FHA 203(k) Renovation Loan offers homeowners and home buyers an easier way to pay for home remodeling costs.

    Can I do the work myself with a 203k loan? ›

    Because of the liability for the lender allowing a customer to do their own work on a 203k, most lenders will require a contractor to complete the work 99.99% of the time.

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