FBI document shows what data can be obtained from encrypted messaging apps (2024)

A recently discovered FBI training document shows that US law enforcement can gain limited access to the content of encrypted messages from secure messaging services like iMessage, Line, and WhatsApp, but not to messages sent via Signal, Telegram, Threema, Viber, WeChat, or Wickr.

The document,obtained earlier this monthfollowing a FOIA request filed by Property of the People, a US nonprofit dedicated to government transparency, appears to contain training advice for what kind of data agents can obtain from the operators of encrypted messaging services and the legal processes they have to go through.

Dated to January 7, 2021, the document doesn’t include any new information but does a good job at providing an up-to-date summary of what type of information the FBI can currently obtain from each of the listed services.

As Forbes reporter Thomas Brewstersaid on Twitterearlier this week, past news reports have already exposed that the FBI has legal levers at its disposal to obtain various types of personal information even from secure messaging providers that often boast about providing increased privacy to their users.

While the document confirms that the FBI can’t gain access to encrypted messages sent through some services, the other type of information they can glean from providers might still help authorities in other aspects of their investigations.

The content of the document, which may be hard to read due to some font rendering issues, is also available in the table below.

AppLegal process & additional details
Apple iMessage*Message content limited.
*Subpoena:can render basic subscriber information.
*18 USC §2703(d):can render 25 days of iMessage lookups and from a target number.
*Pen Register:no capability.
*Search Warrant:can render backups of a target device; if target uses iCloud backup, the encryption keys should also be provided with content return can also acquire iMessages from iCloud returns if target has enabled Messages in iCloud.
Line*Message content limited.
*Suspect’s and/or victim’s registered information (profile image, display name, email address, phone number, LINE ID, date of registration, etc.)
*Information on usage.
*Maximum of seven days worth of specified users’ text chats (Only when E2EE has not been elected and applied and only when receiving an effective warrant; however, video, picture, files, location, phone call audio and other such data will not be disclosed).
Signal*No message content.
*Date and time a user registered.
*Last date of a user’s connectivity to the service.
Telegram*No message content.
*No contact information provided for law enforcement to pursue a court order. As per Telegram’s privacy statement, for confirmed terrorist investigations, Telegram may disclose IP and phone number to relevant authorities.
Threema*No message content.
*Hash of phone number and email address, if provided by user.
*Push Token, if push service is used.
*Public Key
*Date (no time) of Threema ID creation.
Date (no time) of last login.
Viber*No message content.
*Provides account (i.e. phone number)) registration data and IP address at time of creation.
*Message history: time, date, source number, and destination number.
WeChat*No message content.
*Accepts account preservation letters and subpoenas, but cannot provide records for accounts created in China.
*For non-China accounts, they can provide basic information (name, phone number, email, IP address), which is retained for as long as the account is active.
WhatsApp*Message content limited.
*Subpoena:can render basic subscriber records.
*Court order: Subpoena return as well as information like blocked users.
*Search warrant: Provides address book contacts and WhatsApp users who have the target in their address book contacts.
*Pen register: Sent every 15 minutes, provides source and destination for each message.
*If target is using an iPhone and iCloud backups enabled, iCloud returns may contain WhatsApp data, to include message content.
Wickr*No message content.
*Date and time account created.
*Type of device(s) app installed on.
*Date of last use.
*Number of messages.
*Number of external IDs (email addresses and phone numbers) connected to the account, bot not to plaintext external IDs themselves.
*Avatar image.
*Limited records of recent changes to account setting such as adding or suspending a device (does not include message content or routing and delivery information).
*Wickr version number.

Of note, the table above does not include details about Keybase, a recent end-to-end encrypted (E2EE) service that has been gaining in popularity. The service was acquired by video conferencing software maker Zoom in May 2020.

Catalin Cimpanu is a cybersecurity reporter for The Record. He previously worked at ZDNet and Bleeping Computer, where he became a well-known name in the industry for his constant scoops on new vulnerabilities, cyberattacks, and law enforcement actions against hackers.

FBI document shows what data can be obtained from encrypted messaging apps (2024)


What data can be obtained from encrypted messaging apps FBI document? ›

It can see limited message content, basic user information, contacts, date and time info, encryption keys, sender and receiver information, and even your iCloud backups. Since iCloud stores non-encrypted message backups by default, that gives the FBI access to a lot of content.

How much data can the FBI get from your encrypted apps? ›

Maximum of seven days' worth of specified users' text chats (Only when end-to-end encryption has not been elected and applied and only when receiving an effective warrant; however, video, picture, files, location, phone call audio and other such data will not be disclosed).

Can the government see encrypted texts? ›

The FBI training document reveals that the government agencies can obtain access to the encrypted message content and other details from secure messaging solutions like WhatsApp, WeChat, Viber, iMessage, Line, Telegram, Wickr, and Threema.

Can the FBI see WhatsApp messages? ›

A recently discovered FBI training document shows that US law enforcement can gain limited access to the content of encrypted messages from secure messaging services like iMessage, Line, and WhatsApp, but not to messages sent via Signal, Telegram, Threema, Viber, WeChat, or Wickr.

What are the 3 types of data that can be encrypted? ›

DES, AES, and RSA are the three primary encryption types. A more recent 3DES is a block cipher that is still in use today. The Triple Data Encryption Standard (3DES) does exactly what its name says. For triple protection, it employs three independent 56-bit keys rather than a single 56-bit key.

What can be found in the encrypted files? ›

File encryption is a way of encoding files, including the sensitive data they contain, in order to send them securely. The encoding prevents unauthorized access and tampering by malicious actors. It keeps a file from being read by anyone except the person or people for whom it was intended.

Can FBI access encrypted files? ›

Without a warrant or probable cause, no. With a warrant, if your question is: "Can the encryption implemented by e.g., TrueCrypt be broken?" then the answer is that the TrueCrypt is believed to be secure. These things are difficult to prove, but for all intents and purposes, TrueCrypt is itself a secure system. 2.

Who can see encrypted data? ›

Data encryption translates data into another form, or code, so that only people with access to a secret key (formally called a decryption key) or password can read it. Encrypted data is commonly referred to as ciphertext, while unencrypted data is called plaintext.

Can police retrieve encrypted messages? ›

Thanks to the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act (TIA Act), law enforcement and other agencies can access stored communications with a warrant. This can include “email, SMS or voice messages stored on a carrier's network”. In other words, the contents of any communication not encoded via encryption.

Can deleted text messages be subpoenaed? ›

This is not a common occurrence, so, in short, the answer is, yes, text messages can be subpoenaed, but, no, they are not frequently used as evidence for the reasons above. Text messages can fall into the murky area of 'hearsay evidence,' which is inadmissible in court.

Can the government see your deleted texts? ›

If you simply delete a text, they are still available. And there are common forensics tools used by both law enforcement and civil investigators to recover them.

Can police recover deleted Imessages? ›

Police are law enforcement agencies that have the right to ask for any data for security purposes. Many people hide their information in terms of photos or text messages from the police. However, police can effortlessly recover deleted Photos/Text/WhatsApp messages and almost everything from iPhone/Android.

Can FBI get your WhatsApp data in real time? ›

The FBI's revelation showed that WhatsApp is the only popular secure messaging app that provides near-real-time data in response to law enforcement requests. WhatsApp confirmed this to Rolling Stone.

Can FBI recover deleted WhatsApp messages? ›

In some cases, police may be able to access conversations even if the user has deleted them or otherwise wiped their WhatsApp account. Access to deleted conversations can be obtained through a warrant, and this type of request can include conversations with other users and group chats.

Can CIA read your WhatsApp messages? ›

The CIA is capable of bypassing encryption on a number of popular messaging apps including WhatsApp, according to newly released WikiLeaks documents.

What are the 3 major components of encryption system? ›

Encryption schemes have the following three components: a key generation algorithm, an encryption algorithm, and a decryption algorithm. The encryption algorithm takes plaintext and an encryption key as input and returns a ciphertext.

What are the three main components of an encrypted system? ›

The main components of an encryption system are: (1) plaintext (not encrypted message), (2) encryption algorithm (works like a locking mechanism to a safe), (3) key (works like the safe's combination), and (4) ciphertext (produced from plaintext message by encryption key).

What are the two main types of data encryption? ›

There are two types of encryption in widespread use today: symmetric and asymmetric encryption. The name derives from whether or not the same key is used for encryption and decryption.

How do I find hidden encrypted files? ›

How to show hidden files in Windows 10
  1. Open File Explorer from the taskbar.
  2. Go to View > Options > Change folder and search options.
  3. Select the View tab.
  4. Select Show hidden files, folders, and drives in Advanced settings.
  5. Click OK.
Mar 9, 2022

Can encrypted data be tracked? ›

No, hackers cannot see encrypted data, as it is scrambled and unreadable until the encryption key (or passphrase) is used to decrypt it. However, if a hacker manages to obtain the encryption key or crack the encryption algorithm, then they can gain access to the data.

How do I find hidden encrypted folders? ›

Open File Explorer from the taskbar. Select View > Options > Change folder and search options. Select the View tab and, in Advanced settings, select Show hidden files, folders, and drives and OK.

Can FBI access your phone remotely? ›

Can FBI access your phone remotely? No, the FBI cannot access your phone remotely without authorization. If a warrant is issued and/or the FBI has properly obtained permission, then they may gain access to your phone remotely.

Can FBI read end-to-end encryption? ›

With some exceptions, many major E2EE messaging services hand over all kinds of data to federal law enforcement, and cloud backups can even enable the disclosure of stored messages sent on two of the biggest E2EE messaging apps.

What data does the FBI collect? ›

The most recent data is available on the FBI's Crime Data Explorer website. The data collection Includes: National-level statistics on law enforcement use-of-force incidents. Basic information on the circ*mstances, subjects, and officers involved.

Can anyone see encrypted messages? ›

Encryption converts data into scrambled text. The unreadable text can only be decoded with a secret key. The secret key is a number that's: Created on your device and the device you message.

Can the government see encrypted data? ›

Because of warrant-proof encryption, the government often cannot obtain the electronic evidence and intelligence necessary to investigate and prosecute threats to public safety and national security, even with a warrant or court order.

Can encrypted data be read by humans? ›

Protects user privacy: Encryption protects user privacy by ensuring no human or computer can read data at rest, except the intended parties. Data, such as tax documents, banking information or an application form, might sit directly on the machine or data, like emails, may be viewed via web browser.

How far back can text messages be retrieved? ›

All of the providers retained records of the date and time of the text message and the parties to the message for time periods ranging from sixty days to seven years. However, the majority of cellular service providers do not save the content of text messages at all.

How do I retrieve permanently deleted text messages? ›

Here's how:
  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Select the “Accounts and backup” option.
  3. Scroll down to the “Samsung Cloud” section.
  4. Choose the “Restore data” option.
  5. Look for the backup to restore data from.
  6. Select the “Messages” option to restore deleted messages.
Mar 10, 2023

How far back can police track text messages? ›

In conclusion, how far back text messages can be retrieved can vary based on the type of phone and app being used, but they can generally be accessed for up to 10 years.

Do deleted texts actually get deleted? ›

Even if you remove a text message from your phone, it may not be gone. That's because it could be stored on your phone company's servers. Normal text messages go from your phone to your phone company to the recipient. In most cases, that means the phone company retains a copy of messages.

Can I see my husband's deleted text messages? ›

You can see deleted SMS on your husband's phone through various means. For example, you can contact his carrier, use a recovery tool to dig up the texts, restore his backup to your phone, or use a tracking app like the AirDroid Parental Control app.

Will deleted Secret Service texts be recovered? ›

The Secret Service says it's unlikely they can be recovered. We may, though, learn more over the course of the criminal investigation about who erased them and why.

Can police see your deleted search history? ›

Can police recover deleted internet history? Yes, simply by contacting your internet service provider. They are obligated by law to store records of your online activity. The only exception is that your provider could have already deleted the data if the history is older than the data retention period.

What software do police use to recover data from phones? ›

Using MDFTs, law enforcement can access call logs, contacts, texts, emails, social media posts, photos, location information, search history, and more.

Can deleted text messages be used in court? ›

Once deleted, the content is generally considered lost. The only possible way to recover lost or deleted text messages by hiring a forensic investigator to inspect the phone.

Can police see permanently deleted photos? ›

Yes, police can recover permanently deleted photos from a phone using special tools and software for mobile forensic investigations. However, the success of data recovery depends on several factors such as the type of disk, encryption, and file system used.

Can police tap your cell phone text messages? ›

Information That Can Be Acquired from a Wire Tap

If the law enforcement officers go to your cell service provider or Google, they can access information on your text messages and emails if they have a court order.

Can FBI see your social media? ›

Yes. The FBI and DHS both hire private companies to conduct social media monitoring on their behalf.

Can feds access WhatsApp? ›

FBI Document Says the Feds Can Get Your WhatsApp Data — in Real Time – Rolling Stone.

Can encrypted WhatsApp messages be retrieved? ›

Yes, it's possible to decrypt WhatsApp messages. You would need special tools or software to decrypt the encrypted WhatsApp messages. The process can become simple and fast if you have easy access to the target's phone. However, the process can become complex without access to the target's phone.

How does the FBI recover deleted text messages? ›

Keeping Your Data Secure

So, can police recover deleted pictures, texts, and files from a phone? The answer is yes—by using special tools, they can find data that hasn't been overwritten yet. However, by using encryption methods, you can ensure your data is kept private, even after deletion.

What app detects deleted WhatsApp messages? ›

WAMR helps you retrieve messages 'deleted for all' by the sender. Not only that, it also allows you to retrieve attachments like images, videos, voice notes, audio files, stickers, GIFs, and other documents. And the best part is that the application is available for download from the Google Play Store.

Is there any trick to see Deleted messages on WhatsApp? ›

Getting to the Notification History tab involves going through the same steps across most Android devices.
  1. Open the Settings app, navigate to Notifications, then open Notification History.
  2. Enable Notification History.
  3. Now any deleted messages from both WhatsApp and Instagram will show up here.
Mar 2, 2023

Can WhatsApp records be subpoenaed? ›

WhatsApp doesn't store your messages on its servers. But in an iPhone, for instance, you can tell WhatsApp to keep a backup of messages in iCloud, Apple's cloud storage service. Once the information is in the cloud, it could be subpoenaed by a government.

Can police go through WhatsApp messages? ›

We do not retain data for law enforcement purposes unless we receive a valid preservation request before a user has deleted that content from our service. In the ordinary course of providing our service, WhatsApp does not store messages once they are delivered or transaction logs of such delivered messages.

Can someone track my WhatsApp chats? ›

Can Someone See My WhatsApp Messages from Another Phone? Yes, by using a monitoring app, someone can see your WhatsApp messages from another phone.

Can the government read encrypted data? ›

Because of warrant-proof encryption, the government often cannot obtain the electronic evidence and intelligence necessary to investigate and prosecute threats to public safety and national security, even with a warrant or court order.

Can the government access encrypted data? ›

Because of warrant-proof encryption, the government often cannot obtain the electronic evidence necessary to investigate and prosecute threats to public and national safety, even with a warrant or court order.

Can deleted text messages be retrieved for court? ›

Once deleted, the content is generally considered lost. The only possible way to recover lost or deleted text messages by hiring a forensic investigator to inspect the phone. This can be very costly, but it is worth it if important information is obtained.

Can police recover texts that have been deleted? ›

Keeping Your Data Secure

So, can police recover deleted pictures, texts, and files from a phone? The answer is yes—by using special tools, they can find data that hasn't been overwritten yet. However, by using encryption methods, you can ensure your data is kept private, even after deletion.

Can the FBI see my screen? ›

“The easy answer is yes, [the FBI] has the capability of [monitoring through laptop cameras],” Meinrath said.

Can anybody can access and read an encrypted file? ›

The encrypted document will need to have the password entered before it can be opened. Important: Once a document has been encrypted, you can not open it without the password.

Can police decrypt encrypted files? ›

In the US, the police cannot make you decrypt your data. They can ask you to, they can demand that you do so, they can lie and tell you that you will be in jail for weeks until you do so, but the police cannot make you decrypt your data. A Judge, however, can make that demand and the police can enforce that demand.

Can the NSA see my texts? ›

2. Big Tech passes your data to the NSA. Facebook, Google, Apple, and six other leading online services have all gone on record as having given their customers' data to the NSA, as legally required by the “PRISM” program. Data shared includes emails, messages, and documents.

Which law protects encrypted devices? ›

The ENCRYPT Act Protects Encryption from U.S. State Prying.

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