Family Office Trends 2023 (2024)

Family Office Trends 2023 (1)

The family office trends for the rest of 2023 will be dominated in large part by inflation and its effects on the global economy.

All these things influence how family offices think, invest, and operate.

Establishing a family office is a great way to ensure family wealth is properly managed and eventually distributed to successive generations. There are opportunities not only to preserve assets, but also to grow their wealth, as some of the ultra-wealthy have done since the start of the pandemic.

However, there are always threats.Positioning and preparing your organization accordinglywill mitigate the risk andensure a smooth operation.

Family Office Trends for 2023: 12 Things to Know

1. Family Offices Have Done Well, but Outlook Dampens

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According to a report from Campden Wealth, more than 3/4 of North American families grew their wealth in 2022, and more than half of family offices grew their assets under management.

Additionally, North American family office investments outperformed global peers with 15% average portfolio returns, compared to 10% in Asia-Pacific, and 13% in Europe.

Despite doing relatively well, the report found family offices have an increasingly bearish outlook on the economy for 2023, as high inflation persists.

Indeed, inflation is a notable concern for family offices, according to a Citi Private Bank survey.

And 81% of those surveyed by Campden Wealth said investment risk is the number one threat to family offices.

Dr. Rebecca Gooch, Senior Director of Research at Campden Wealth, summed up their views:

“Family offices’ view of the economic climate has soured over the year amid sharp rises in inflation and interest rates. With that said, their investment performance has been strong in recent years, despite the pandemic. This shows that family offices are well-poised to tackle turbulent economic conditions. They are nimble investors with ample cash reserves, diverse portfolios and a long-term outlook, thus they’re able to ride economic waves while also capitalizing on opportunistic deals.”

2. Investment Strategies to Deal With Inflation

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This is a good time to reconsider strategic asset allocations (SAA’s). In this inflationary environment, holding cash and fixed income will not preserve or generate the returns a family office expects.

A diversified portfolio with a mix of real assets such as equities, gold, and real estate are a good long-term hedge against inflation, according to William Sels, the Global Chief Investment Officer of Private Banking and Wealth Management at HSBC.

He also suggests that outside of their core portfolio, family offices can align returns with specific drivers of inflation. As an example, they can look at investing in automation development or quality companies with strong margin power.

Positioning for growth

Family offices turn to Empaxis to reduce costs by outsourcing and boost efficiency through automation.

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Healthcare, AI, Green Tech, Private Markets

3 out of 4 family offices surveyed by Campden Wealth invested in healthcare in 2022, and 39% plan on increasing their investment in 2023.

Other areas most likely to see a rise in allocations are artificial intelligence, with 40% of those invested there planning to increase their allocations, green tech (35%) and biotech (34%).

Family offices have found the private markets to be a good hedge against inflation, as they have increased their exposure to private debt, private equity, and real estate.Private investments will be discussed in more detail below.

3. AITakes Center Stage

Family offices haven’t always been known for being at the forefront of technology adoption, but that notion is changing.

A report by UBS and Campden Wealth Research revealed that 62% of family offices are currently using AI or are planning to do so in the near future.

AI can help in areas like making investment decisions, improving risk management, enhancing the client experience, among other workflows.

Learn more about how family offices can make use of AI.

4. The Rise in Family Office Private Equity and Direct Investing, Fixed Income Falls Behind

According to a Morgan Stanley analysis, private equity, venture capital, private credit, private real estate and infrastructure investments have historically overperformed public markets.

Family offices on average allocate approximately 45% of their portfolios to alternative asset classes.

And according to a UBS report, over 80% of family offices invest in private equity.

Of those family offices, every year an increasing number of them are making direct investments. Average allocations in private equity continued to rise, from 16% average allocation in 2019 to 21% in 2021.

And when it comes to fixed income:

  • 29% plan to decrease investments significantly or moderately in developed market fixed income
  • two-thirds (63%) say they no longer think high-quality fixed income helps diversification
    The reason for the increase in private investing is simple. According to another UBS survey, 74% of families likely to increase their private equity allocations believe these investments will continue to outperform public equities.

Here are a few reasons why family offices like direct investing:

  • Greater control
  • The appeal to entrepreneurial families for a more hands-on approach to their investments.
  • Reduced fees

Similarly, many entities raising capital view family offices as good partners for the following reasons:

  • Long-term investment horizons
  • Flexibility with investment approaches
  • Straightforward and expedited decision-making

Automation for Private Equity Processing

Family Office Trends 2023 (4)

As family offices increase their allocations to private equities, they have more statements to process every month.

It’s a very manual process with repetitive steps for these alternative investment statements: downloading, renaming, formatting, storing, extracting data, and sending report notifications.

Sometimes these statements come in all at once, and it’s overwhelming to deal with, especially when there are tight deadlines.

We at Empaxis have automated development automation tools to streamline these processes for family offices.

Our clients benefit tremendously from the time and resources we save them.

Interested in learning about automating your private equity statement processing?

4. Hybrid Work the New Normal

Family Office Trends 2023 (5)

COVID-19 is no longer the threat it once was at its peak, and while employees are returning to the office, the days of working in the office full time are over.

People once again are returning to the office, but not in the way it was pre-pandemic.

According to a poll from consulting firm Agreus, 64% of family offices have adopted a hybrid working model, while 14% offer full-time remote working, and 22% have resumed full-time work in the office. 78% work from home at least once a week.

Offering a flexible work schedule is no longer just a way to stand out from other firms, but to merely meet industry norms.

With a shortage of talent in the space, family office job seekers know they have options.

That said, the in-person and interpersonal communication is still an important part of the trust and relationship-building needed to run a family office. So, at a minimum, periodic in-person meetings will get the job done.

5. Growing Interest in Cryptocurrency with Growing Skepticism

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With the collapse of FTX, there is reason to be skeptical about the future of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

That said, 1 in 5 family offices are invested in a cryptocurrency. Their ownership accounts for 4% of all crypto investments, and 77% of family offices have expressed interest in digital assets.

While many family offices are willing to invest in different asset classes and take on risk, taking on too much risk is unwise, especially when wealth preservation is a major part of what family offices do.

Fortunately, just 1% of the average family office portfolio is invested in cryptocurrencies.

If wealth preservation is their goal and considering the FTXcollapse, single- and multi-family offices should allocate just a small percentage of their assets into crypto, considering the volatility.

6. Growth in ESG and Sustainable Investing

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Family offices recognize they have a role to play when it comes to tackling environmental issues; relying on government action is not enough.

While family offices are wary of investment “greenwashing”, they recognize their resources can make a difference when they find the invest wisely.

The aforementionedCampden Wealth report mentions that in 2020, family offices dedicated an average of 16% of their portfolios to sustainable investments. In 2022, that number grew to 20%. In 5 years, that number is expected to rise to 31%.

Part of this increase in sustainable investing is because of Next Gens, younger members of the family who are having more influence in running the family office as the older generation retires.

In 2022, 37% of North American family offices engaged in sustainable investing, an increase from 34% in 2021 and 26% in 2019.

7. More Family Office Regulations?

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Compared to Registered Investment Advisors, family offices are subject to light regulatory oversight.

That’s because these entities manage personal wealth, not external investors’ wealth.

However, U.S. lawmakers have considered legislation around how family offices operate. With heightened awareness around wealth and wage gaps, large amounts of unregulated capital present many questions:

  • How are these assets and investments being taxed?
  • How much risk is involved? And if things head south, to what degree do these investments threaten the economy and the financial system?

Of course, there are two sides to every story. Family office consultant and Forbes contributor, Francois Botha, provides a great analysis on the topic of family office regulation, evaluating what more or less regulation means for the industry.

8. Managing the Relationship with Tech

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Family offices certainly benefit from the advances in technology, whether it’s through using the technology or investing in it.

When lockdowns forced many to work from home, cloud-based platforms and video conferencing applications made it possible to work remotely while minimizing negative impacts.

And family offices have used our cloud-based turnkey asset management platform, TAMP1, to manage all their data and reports in one place.

Furthermore, they’ve invested in the tech sector, via public equities, venture capital, and/or private equity. Of course, they’ve seen fantastic returns.

That said, tech isn’t perfect. Users have data privacy concerns, as well as questions around social media platforms and the connection with increased mental health issues and the spread of misinformation.

Should government regulate them more or not? What alternatives do consumers have?

Socially conscious family office investors should look to get the best of both worlds: enjoy returns while investing in companies that promote their values.

Collectively, family offices can be a force for good. As investors with large clout, they can demand more from big tech and social media.

9. Cybersecurity Concerns

Family Office Trends 2023 (10)

According to Northern Trust’s Family Office Benchmarking Survey,cybersecurityis the number one concern for global family offices.

Their concerns are not unfounded.

Of the 78 global family offices surveyed, 96% of respondents said they have experienced at least one cybersecurity attack.

According to a 2017Campden research survey, 32% of family offices have suffered losses in cyberattacks. In one case, a family office lost $10 million. 48% of respondents surveyed did not have a cybersecurity plan in place.

Family offices are generally less regulated than traditional wealth and asset managers, and in these situations it’s not uncommon for FOs to have fewer formalized procedures around data security and controls.

These findings further support the very reasons cybercriminals pursue family offices. They go after entities with large sums of money that are perceived to have weak cybersecurity.

Prove the criminals wrong. Check out Deloitte’skey recommendationsfor family offices to protect themselves.

10. FO Succession Planning Already Under Way

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The Campden Wealth report found that in North American family offices, 30% of Next Gens have already assumed control of their families’ operations, and another 27% are expected to do so within the next decade.

These transfers of power reflect a larger trend of generational wealth transfer. According to Research firm Cerulli Associates, they predict that overall wealth transferred between 2021 and 2045 will total $84.4 trillion.

However, only 33% of family offices have a succession plan in place for senior leaders, and 40% feel they don’t have a next generation member who is qualified enough to take over.

And similar trends play out in emerging markets.

Setting up succession plans for family offices in emerging markets, particularly for Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), is a concern. According to anInvesco study,“In the GCC, most wealth is first generation so new inheritance structures need to be developed for large families within local legal frameworks.”

Finding appropriate service providers formanaging thiswealth is often in mature markets in the United States and Western Europe, where legal and financial frameworks are better suited for these families’ situations.

If the local laws are ill-equipped to handle wealth distribution among family members, then the challenge lies within a succession plan itself. Setting up such a plan over the course of 12-24 months is a top priority, and 69% plan for an inter-generational wealth transfer within 15 years, according to Campden.

Regardless of region, transitions don’t always go smoothly:

  • A lack of interest or qualification in running a family office among the younger generations
  • An unwillingness to give up control among the older generations
  • Generational disagreements over investment strategies after the transition
  • Distrust in how the family office will be run

11. Rising Operations Costs

Costs are going up… what else is new?

As rising costs and smaller returns hurt profit margins,outsourcing for family officesis one way to reduce costs and attain operational efficiency. Leveraging the technology and expertise of third-parties can mitigate the risk associated with in-house functions.

According to Rick Flynn, a managing partner of Flynn Family Office:

"More successful family businesses are today relying on outsourced family office services providers to achieve greater control and cost savings while managing toward defined family wealth objectives."

Empaxis helps family offices reduce costs by taking care of their operational processes.

12. Family Office Technology Upgrades Needed

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The private wealth industry has been slow to adopt technological change.

AsCraig Iskowitzfounder andCEO ofadvisory consulting firmEzra Group, puts it, “If (family offices) choose not to innovate, they risk going the way of Sears or Blockbuster."

How dependent have family offices been on locally stored computers and servers?Whenstaff is working from home,do they have to remotely connect to office desktop computers and software?

Remote connection issuesand technology troubleshootingwill slow downproductivity, and the move to secure, cloud-based applicationscansolve those problems.

Unlike legacy systems that have a limited number of licenses available for access at a single time, web-based solutions have no such restrictions.

Data updates in real time are another reason to move to new cloud-based technology.With efficiencies in turnaround time and reporting accuracy, family offices have information they need to make informed decisions faster than before.

And according toMcKinseywhen firms becomedigital leaders in their industry, they have fasterrevenue growth andhigher productivity than less-digitized peers.

While family offices have once been hesitant to upgrade software due to cost and complexity concerns,the number of cloud-based, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions are more affordable and easier to implement, according to PwC’sDanielle ValknerFamily Office Leader.

Consider Client Technology Demands

Family Office Trends 2023 (14)

As the world goes more mobile and digital,accessing everything from their devices whenever and whereverhas become normal.While older generations in the family may notbe as quick todemand the latest and greatestinmobile appsand fintech, younger generations will.

If family offices, single-familyoffices in particular, donot make these adoptions, they“risk losing the more technically adept third generation to the MFO (multi-family office) down the street that offers a more modern client experience,” according to CraigIskowitz.

A platform like TAMP1can offer that modern client experience by providinga web-based portal for clients, sotheytoo can see data and investment portfolio performance in real time from their devices.

Learn more:

6 Essentials Financial Managers Need to Go Digital

Use of Artificial Intelligence

As mentioned above, AIis gaining ground.

From a UBS survey, 87% of family office respondents agree that artificial intelligence (AI) will be the biggest disruptive force in global business.

AI, when its capabilities are fully realized, can perform tasks at greater speed and efficiency than humans. While that may sound "scary" to some, the key is to look at how AI can free up human time to focus on higher-value, client-facing activity.

As forward-thinking firms will employ the latest technology to maximize efficiency, family offices that want to stay ahead of the curve will follow suit.

Use of Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Family Office Trends 2023 (15)

Automating routine, manual tasks is another technology-related opportunity for family offices.

Predictable and repeatable tasks once done by humans can now be done by bots. This allows employees to focus on higher-value activities.

To learn more about Robotic Process Automation, check out one of our posts on how RPA helps money managers.

Danielle Valkner of PwC shared a few more examples of how RPA helps:

"The most widely used examples of RPA include data entry/form population and account reconciliations. When you combine RPA with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning you can gain even greater efficiencies. One real example of this which all family offices will recognise is gathering of tax information and populating tax forms."

The Future for Single- and Multi-Family Offices

Family Office Trends 2023 (16)

Inflation is a hot topic, and economic pressures influencing many of the family office trends in 2023 and heading in to next year.

Changes to investment strategies, increased social consciousness, and leveraging technology, automation, and outsourcing are just some of the developments as a result of the current environment.

Also, the rise in direct investing and impact investing were under way before the pandemic, and there is little reason to suggest they stop now.

The same goes for succession planning issues and rising operational costs. They existed before, and they will still exist. But with proper planning and action, you can mitigate the risks.

Cybersecurity remains a hot topic. While those risks won’t go away, family offices can take steps to mitigate that risk.

Overall, the family office structure will continue to remain a viable and desirable way for wealthy families to grow and preserve wealth and assets for generations to come.

There are some current challenges, but the future is bright.

And by being socially contributors, family offices can make things brighter for the world.

Family Office Trends 2023 (2024)


What is the trend in family office growth? ›

The Family Office (FO) sector continues to trend upward as substantive growth in both the number of establishments and the assets under management (AUM) has been recorded. The global FO market size is expected to expand at a CAGR of 7.21% during the forecast period, reaching USD 19,567.22 million by 2027.

How many family offices are there in 2023? ›

Family offices more than tripled between 2019 and 2023, from 1,285 to 4,592. Single-family offices, which manage investments for one family, hit 2,729 in 2023 or 59 per cent of the total, the report reveals. A high proportion of family offices globally have some exposure to alternatives.

What is the average net worth of a family office? ›

A family office can cost over $1 million a year to operate, so the family's net worth usually exceeds $50–100 million in investable assets. Some family offices accept investments from people who are not members of the owning family.

What are family offices investing in? ›

Family offices, equipped with substantial resources and expertise, are leveraging their agility to participate in diverse investment opportunities, from private equity and real estate, and impact to early-stage ventures and alternative assets.

What are the five trends that are affecting families? ›

More specifically, UN experts assume that families are (1) facing changes in structure leading towards "smaller size households, delayed marriage and childbearing, increases in divorce rates and single parenthood"; (2) undergoing demographic transformation characterized by "aging"; (3) affected by a rise in migration; ...

What makes a good family office? ›

A successful family office strategy requires clarity and distinctiveness at the core of operations, defining and aligning on a shared future purpose among family members (often across multiple generations with diverse perspectives and motivations), relentless leadership, a strong focus on operations, detailed execution ...

Which city has the most family offices? ›

59% of family offices in Asia are located in Singapore. As a city, Singapore is the 5th wealthiest in the world, home to 41 billionaires. There are nearly 270,000 millionaires in the country. Singapore could have 437,000 millionaires by 2025.

Which country has the most family offices? ›

China's rapid economic growth and the subsequent creation of substantial wealth have led to an increase in the establishment of family offices in Beijing. These offices provide a range of services from wealth management to succession planning for the country's high-net-worth individuals and families.

How big is the family office market in the US? ›

"Family Office market size was valued at US$ 13714.48 million in 2022 and is expected to expand at a CAGR of 7.4% during the forecast period, reaching US$ 21050.42 million by 2031." This report elaborates on the market size, market characteristics, and market growth of the Family Office industry between the year 2018 ...

How many people have $3,000,000 in savings in usa? ›

Some of the best data I can find indicates there are 1,821,745 households that have investment portfolios valued at $3,000,000 or more1. This means roughly 1 out of every 63+ households.

What is the minimum wealth for a family office? ›

Generally, a family office makes sense for individuals or families with a net worth starting in the range of a minimum of $50Million. However, when making the decision to establish a family office, factors such as the complexity of the financial situation and the priorities of the family should be considered.

What is the richest family office in the world? ›

1. Walton Enterprises. Located in Arkansas, USA, Walton Enterprises is the single family office of the Walton Family. Established by the late Sam Walton, the founder of Walmart, it manages around $224 billion in assets.

How do family offices make money? ›

How Do Family Offices Make Money? Family offices generate revenue through a combination of investment management fees and performance-based incentives.

What is considered high net worth? ›

A high-net-worth individual, or HNWI, might be defined differently among certain financial institutions. But in all cases, a high-net-worth individual is someone with a large amount of wealth. Typically, a high-net-worth individual has assets of between $1 million and $5 million.

What is considered ultra high net worth? ›

Ultra-high-net-worth individuals (UHNWIs) are people with a net worth of at least $30 million. Their ranks continue to grow globally. Net worth is the value of the assets a person or corporation owns, minus the liabilities they owe.

Why are family offices growing? ›

The surge in the number of Family Offices is closely tied to the rapid generation of wealth worldwide, propelled by technological advancements, the rise of new industries, and the global expansion of markets.

What are the statistics of family offices? ›

Highlights: The Most Important Statistics

Family offices manage assets totaling $5.9 trillion in 2019, more than the total assets under management (AUM) of hedge funds worldwide. Global family office average AUM is $917 million. In 2020, 82% of family offices reported that they managed investments in-house.

What is the fastest growing family structure in America? ›

According to the Pew Research Center, the average American family downsized from 3.7 children in 1960 to 1.9 currently, and about 20 percent of households with children are one-child families. The single-child configuration is the fastest growing family unit.

How are family roles changing today? ›

Often, each member is restricted by the gender roles of the traditional family. These roles, such as the father as the breadwinner and the mother as the homemaker, are declining. Now, the mother is often the supplementary provider while retaining the responsibilities of child rearing.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.