Factbox: Biden budget to target U.S. fossil fuel subsidies (2024)

March 8 - U.S. President Joe Biden will propose a budget that would scrap oil and gas industry subsidies, according to a document seen by Reuters, reviving a perennial debate about whether fossil fuel companies should be receiving lucrative tax breaks.

While the proposal has little chance of making it through a divided Congress, it represents a political signal from the White House, which has repeatedly criticized Big Oil for raking in record profits at a time of high consumer energy costs since the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Here are some details about U.S. fossil fuel subsidies:


Calculating the cost of U.S. subsidies for the fossil fuel industry is complex because the incentives stretch across the U.S. tax code, but estimates range from $10 to $50 billion per year.

Taxpayer advocates and environmental groups argue the subsidies are inappropriate at a time when the federal government is trying to shift the economy to cleaner forms of energy to fight climate change.

The oil industry counters that the support is needed to ensure ongoing investment and reliable supply.


U.S. oil and gas subsidies include provisions ranging from incentives for domestic production, write-offs and deductions tied to foreign production and income, and approved accounting methods that can reduce the stated taxable value of assets.

One specific U.S. tax break on domestic production, for example, called intangible drilling costs, allows producers to deduct a majority of their costs from drilling new wells. The Joint Committee on Taxation, a nonpartisan panel of Congress, has estimated that eliminating it could generate $13 billion for the public coffers over 10 years.

Another, the percentage depletion tax break, which allows independent producers to recover development costs of declining oil gas and coal reserves, could generate about $12.9 billion in revenue over 10 years, according to the panel.


Before taking office, Biden promised to get rid of fossil fuel subsidies as part of a multi-pronged effort to fight climate change that also included ending new drilling on public lands.

These promises have been impossible to keep. For one, they require an act of Congress, and Republicans and some Democrats oppose the removal of fossil fuel subsidies. Secondly, soaring energy prices since the Russian invasion of Ukraine have led Biden to call for more oil and gas, not less.

Ending subsidies for oil and gas is not a new idea, but it has always been difficult: former President Barack Obama also wanted to ditch tax breaks for fossil fuels to show the world that the United States was serious about speeding a transition to clean energy to tackle climate change.

But even with a commanding Democratic majority in the Senate in Obama's first six years in office, he was unable to kill the subsidies.


For many governments, keeping consumer energy prices affordable is the top priority. That's why numerous countries, ranging from Japan to Brazil, last year imposed or increased subsidies to cushion consumers from skyrocketing prices.

The International Energy Agency estimated that so-called consumption subsidies for fossil fuels doubled in 2022 to $1 trillion globally.

Reporting by Richard Valdmanis; Editing by Simon Webb and Sonali Paul

Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.

Factbox: Biden budget to target U.S. fossil fuel subsidies (2024)


How much does the US government subsidize the fossil fuel industry? ›

It's not just the US: according to the International Energy Agency, fossil fuel handouts hit a global high of $1 trillion in 2022 – the same year Big Oil pulled in a record $4 trillion of income. In the United States, by some estimates taxpayers pay about $20 billion dollars every year to the fossil fuel industry.

How much does the US subsidize renewable energy versus fossil fuels? ›

Overview of energy subsidies

The International Renewable Energy Agency tracked some $634 billion in energy-sector subsidies in 2020, and found that around 70% were fossil fuel subsidies. About 20% went to renewable power generation, 6% to biofuels and just over 3% to nuclear.

How much would gas cost without subsidies? ›

Clean energy technologies have often been accused of not being able to be implemented without subsidies; however, no energy sector has ever been developed without subsidies. Without subsidies we would all be paying roughly $12.75 per gallon for gasoline.

What happens if we eliminate fossil fuel subsidies? ›

In some countries, emissions would drop by more than 30%. “Phasing out the subsidies would provide more efficient price signals for consumers, and spur more energy conservation and measures to improve energy efficiency,” the IEA said in its roadmap for achieving net-zero emissions.

Does the US spend more on fossil fuel subsidies than education? ›

Buckle's analysis of the inefficiency of fossil fuel subsidies is illustrated best by the United States' own expenditure: the $649 billion the US spent on these subsidies in 2015 is more than the country's defense budget and 10 times the federal spending for education .

What is the most subsidized industry in the United States? ›

Fossil fuels still receive massive government subsidies

The Environmental and Energy Study Institute found that the US government alone spends $20 billion every year on direct fossil fuel subsidies. Of that figure, around $16 billion goes towards oil and gas, while the remaining $4 billion benefits the coal industry.

Why fossil fuel subsidies are bad? ›

Subsidies have sizable fiscal costs (leading to higher taxes/borrowing or lower spending), promote inefficient allocation of an economy's resources (hindering growth), encourage pollution (contributing to climate change and premature deaths from local air pollution), and are not well targeted at the poor (mostly ...

How much does the US subsidize clean energy? ›

The United States approved a $430-billion new green energy subsidy package in the summer labelled the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), offering tax breaks for components used in renewable energy technologies on condition they are made in North America.

How much does the government spend on renewable energy subsidies? ›

The USD 45 billion allocated to renewables – including electricity, heat and fuels (biofuels, advanced biofuels and biogas) – accounted for about 9% of announced public spending on clean energy. The majority of global clean energy stimulus is expected to be spent over 2021-2023.

Who benefits from lower gas prices? ›

Inversely, when gas prices fall, it is cheaper to fill up the tank for both households and businesses and really eases costs on transportation-focused industries like airlines and trucking—but it also puts a damper on the domestic oil industry. In general, higher oil prices are a drag on the economy.

Who pays the least for gas? ›

Cheapest Gas Price by Country in 2023
  • Venezuela. Venezuela, while overall a rather impoverished nation, is rich in oil reserves and fossil fuels, and uses that particular wealth to provide their people with virtually free gasoline. ...
  • Libya. ...
  • Iran. ...
  • Angola. ...
  • Algeria. ...
  • Kuwait. ...
  • Egypt. ...
  • Turkmenistan.
Mar 22, 2023

Does the government control the price of gas? ›

Gasoline taxes

Federal, state, and local government taxes also contribute to the retail price of gasoline. The federal tax on motor gasoline is 18.40 cents per gallon, which includes an excise tax of 18.30 cents per gallon and the federal Leaking Underground Storage Tank fee of 0.1 cents per gallon.

Why can't we quit fossil fuels? ›

Unlike renewable sources of energy, like wind or solar power, fossil fuels are in limited supply. Once burned, they're gone forever.

Are fossil fuels really subsidized? ›

Our first estimates for 2022 show that subsidies for natural gas and electricity consumption more than doubled compared with 2021, while oil subsidies rose by around 85%. The subsidies are mainly concentrated in emerging market and developing economies, and more than half were in fossil-fuel exporting countries.

Why subsidies are bad? ›

Subsidies Harm the Environment

These practices reduce biodiversity, pollute waterways, increase greenhouse gas emissions, and generally lower the long-term sustainability of agriculture.

Why is the US so dependent on fossil fuels? ›

The United States gets 81% of its total energy from oil, coal, and natural gas, all of which are fossil fuels. We depend on those fuels to heat our homes, run our vehicles, power industry and manufacturing, and provide us with electricity.

Which states are most reliant on fossil fuels? ›

Wyoming, North Dakota, Alaska, and New Mexico are the states most dependent on fossil fuel revenues. There, more than 14 percent of total state and local revenues comes from fossil fuels—in Wyoming, that number rises above 50 percent.

Where does the US get most of its fossil fuels from? ›

The resulting total net petroleum imports (imports minus exports) were about -1.26 million b/d, which means that the United States was a net petroleum exporter of 1.26 million b/d in 2022. The top five source countries of U.S. gross petroleum imports in 2022 were Canada, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Colombia.

Which of the following food products does the US government most heavily subsidize? ›

The federal government has long subsidized America's farmers, significantly affecting our food supply and what we eat. The most highly subsidized crops—corn, soy, wheat, and rice—are the most abundantly produced and most consumed, often in the form of ultra-processed foods.

How much of the US population is subsidized? ›

21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month. A . gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. A lock ( A locked padlock ) or https:// means you've safely connected to the .

Who receives the most farm subsidies? ›

The top recipients are large and wealthy farms because that's how farm subsidy programs are designed – payments are made based on acreage or production, so the farms with the most acres or most crops produced get the largest payments.

Why are the oil companies making so much money? ›

In addition to high prices for crude oil, elevated natural-gas prices and high margins in the refining business also pushed up oil company profit, said Peter McNally, industrial and energy analyst at Third Bridge.

Why do we subsidize the fossil fuel industry? ›

A fossil fuel subsidy is any government action that lowers the cost of fossil fuel energy production, raises the price received by energy producers, or lowers the price paid by energy consumers. Essentially, it's anything that rigs the game in favor of fossil fuels compared to other energy sources.

What is the most problematic fossil fuel? ›

Coal is a fossil fuel, and is the dirtiest of them all, responsible for over 0.3C of the 1C increase in global average temperatures. This makes it the single largest source of global temperature rise.

Can solar survive without subsidies? ›

While new technologies may require subsidies to catalyze their adoption, it appears that economies of scale are creating a path towards mass market acceptance of solar energy. There is proven value in the residential solar industry and it may be mature enough to survive without subsidies.

What is the largest source of clean energy in the US? ›

In 2022, solar and wind are expected to add more than 60% of the utility-scale generating capacity to the U.S. power grid (46% from solar, 17% from wind). The United States is a resource-rich country with abundant renewable energy resources.

What is the largest producer of clean energy in the US? ›

1. NextEra Energy, Inc. NextEra Energy, Inc. is a leading clean energy company based in Florida, USA. The company is one of the largest renewable energy producers in the world, with a current generating capacity of approximately 30,000 megawatts, largely from wind and solar sources.

What is the Joe Biden clean energy plan? ›

Invests in Building Clean Energy and Lowering Energy Costs in Rural Communities. The Budget provides $30 million for grants and $1 billion for loan guarantees for clean energy systems and energy efficiency improvements for farmers and rural small businesses.

Does the US government subsidize coal power? ›

The high price of subsidies

U.S. taxpayers spend tens of billions of dollars a year subsidizing new fossil fuel exploration, production, and consumption, which directly affects how much oil, natural gas, and coal gets produced—and how much clean energy doesn't.

When did the US start subsidizing oil? ›

Subsidization of the fossil fuel industry started nearly a century ago. Some subsidies, like the deduction of Intangible Drilling Costs, were originally put in place in 1916, when energy markets, technology, and our understanding of fossil fuel's impacts were starkly different.

Who has the most control over gas prices? ›

Who controls gas prices in the U.S.?
  1. Crude Oil. The Department of Energy has a handy chart that breaks down the major expenses involved in turning crude oil in the ground into the refined gas you can put in your car.
  2. Taxes. ...
  3. Other Factors Determining the Price of Gas.

Why is gas so expensive right now in the USA? ›

The main culprit behind such high gas prices is the current cost of oil, gasoline's main ingredient, which is hovering in the low $80s per barrel, according to a press release from AAA.

How much profit do oil companies make on a gallon of gas? ›

According to Consumer Watchdog, “PBF reported making 78 cents per gallon refining crude oil into gasoline in California in the third quarter – the greatest raw profits anywhere in the nation or world.

How much is gas in China in U.S. dollars? ›

China Gasoline prices, 29-May-2023
China Gasoline pricesLitreGallon

How much is gas in Russia in U.S. dollars? ›

Latest data on Gasoline Prices (USD/Liter)

Gasoline Price in Russia remained unchanged at 0.64 USD/Liter in May 2023. The maximum price per litre was 1 USD/Liter and minimum was 0.28 USD/Liter. Data published Monthly by National Statistics.

Why does the U.S. pay less for gas? ›

While the US is a leading producer of crude, it still imports much of its stock from other countries. The discrepancy didn't come from the price of the gasoline itself, but mostly from the taxes paid on the gas. In the US, gas taxes have always been shockingly low.

How much profit is in a gallon of gas? ›

Retailers Make Very Little Selling Gas

Generally, the markup (or “margin”) on a gallon of gas is about 15 cents per gallon (gross profit before expenses). Factoring in expenses, which include rent, utilities, freight, labor and credit card fees, a retailer is left with about 2 cents per gallon in profit.

Why is gas cheaper in the South? ›

Petersen said Southern states tend to have the cheapest gas because they're closer to refineries and have lower taxes. Meanwhile, West Coast states tend to get hit with higher state taxes and less access to refineries, which drives up overall gas prices.

What is causing high gas prices? ›

These reasons include the isolated nature of the state's transportation fuels market, a special gasoline recipe that reduces air pollution, environmental program costs, and taxes.

Can we live without oil and gas? ›

Energy. A sudden loss of oil supplies would make it impossible to meet world energy needs. Countries have very varying stocks of natural gas which they could tap, and Johansen says such resources would be quickly depleted.

Can we still live without fossil fuels? ›

That means we can use our waste energy to replace fossil fuel-driven power plants. We can recycle materials into usable goods. We can find creative ways to save energy. But a world that doesn't rely on fossil fuels at all may never exist.

Is the Earth still making oil? ›

By 1906, that number was 126 million barrels per year. Today, the U.S. produces about 6.8 billion barrels of oil every year. According to OPEC, more than 70 million barrels are produced worldwide every day. That is almost 49,000 barrels per minute.

How much would gas cost if it wasn't subsidized? ›

Clean energy technologies have often been accused of not being able to be implemented without subsidies; however, no energy sector has ever been developed without subsidies. Without subsidies we would all be paying roughly $12.75 per gallon for gasoline.

What would happen if we stopped subsidizing fossil fuels? ›

The absence of these subsidies would mean fewer oil and gas wells drilled across the United States, protecting millions from pollution. Ending special giveaways to the fossil fuel industry will help fight climate change, reducing emissions that fuel global warming.

Does the US government pay farmers not to grow food? ›

Who ever heard of paying someone NOT to do something? The U.S. farm program pays subsidies to farmers not to grow crops in environmentally sensitive areas and makes payments to farmers based on what they have grown historically, even though they may no longer grow that crop.

How much does the US government subsidize fossil fuels? ›

In the United States, by some estimates taxpayers pay about $20 billion dollars every year to the fossil fuel industry.

What would happen if farm subsidies were eliminated? ›

Without subsidies that distort the worldwide market price of commodities and discourage agriculture in the developing world, free traders say, the United States would produce fewer commodities. That would encourage other nations to grow more, which would open up new markets for U.S. agribusiness.

Does the US government subsidize fossil fuels? ›

The high price of subsidies

U.S. taxpayers spend tens of billions of dollars a year subsidizing new fossil fuel exploration, production, and consumption, which directly affects how much oil, natural gas, and coal gets produced—and how much clean energy doesn't.

How much does the US subsidize renewable energy? ›

The USD 45 billion allocated to renewables – including electricity, heat and fuels (biofuels, advanced biofuels and biogas) – accounted for about 9% of announced public spending on clean energy. The majority of global clean energy stimulus is expected to be spent over 2021-2023.

How much does it cost the US to use fossil fuels? ›

In general, fossil fuels cost about 3.82 U.S. dollars per million British thermal units (Btu) in 2021, ranging from 1.98 U.S. dollars per million Btu for coal to 10.08 U.S. dollars per million Btu for petroleum.

When did the US start subsidizing fossil fuels? ›

Subsidization of the fossil fuel industry started nearly a century ago. Some subsidies, like the deduction of Intangible Drilling Costs, were originally put in place in 1916, when energy markets, technology, and our understanding of fossil fuel's impacts were starkly different.

How much do US taxpayers subsidize oil companies? ›

Calculating the cost of U.S. subsidies for the fossil fuel industry is complex because the incentives stretch across the U.S. tax code, but estimates range from $10 to $50 billion per year.

Which of the following receives most of the US government's energy subsidies? ›

Answer and Explanation: Of the answer choices, the one that has traditionally received most of the United States government's energy subsidies is (a) fossil fuels and nuclear power.

How much would it cost for the US to go 100% renewable? ›

The cost of making the changeover to 100% renewable energy would be a staggering $62 trillion.

Is solar more subsidized than oil? ›

One study from the conservative-leaning think tank Texas Public Policy Foundation found that from 2010-2019, wind and solar received $71 billion in federal subsidies compared with $38 billion for oil and gas.

Which country spends the most on renewable energy? ›

Chinese investment in clean energy is the highest worldwide. In 2019, China pumped some 83.4 billion U.S. dollars into clean energy research and development. The United States and Japan had the second and third highest clean energy investments that year, at 55.5 billion and 16.5 billion U.S. dollars, respectively.

What is the most expensive way to generate electricity? ›

O&M costs include marginal costs of fuel, maintenance, operation, waste storage, and decommissioning for an electricity generation facility. Fuel costs tend to be highest for oil fired generation, followed in order by coal, gas, biomass and uranium.

Where does the US get most of its fossil fuels? ›

The resulting total net petroleum imports (imports minus exports) were about -1.26 million b/d, which means that the United States was a net petroleum exporter of 1.26 million b/d in 2022. The top five source countries of U.S. gross petroleum imports in 2022 were Canada, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Colombia.

Will the US ever run out of fossil fuels? ›

It is predicted that we will run out of fossil fuels in this century. Oil can last up to 50 years, natural gas up to 53 years, and coal up to 114 years. Yet, renewable energy is not popular enough, so emptying our reserves can speed up.

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