Facility vs Bunker: Which is the better purchase for players in GTA Online? (2024)

The question of whether or not a player should purchase a Facility or a Bunker in GTA Online isn't as simple as one might think.

Some purchases in GTA Online are a no-brainer. An Oppressor Mk II is much more useful than the X80 Proto in the grand scheme of things. Hence, most players would almost always recommend the former.

However, the case of whether or not a Facility is more useful than a Bunker isn't so black and white. Both offer valuable advantages for players in GTA Online.

Not only that, but the differences in investments also mean players might find one property the better purchase. As a result, it is vital to measure several factors involving the Facility and the Bunker.

Facility vs Bunker: Which one to buy it in GTA Online?

Facility vs Bunker: Which is the better purchase for players in GTA Online? (1)

There is no clear-cut answer as to whether or not a Facility is strictly better than a Bunker. Instead, players should consider a multitude of factors.

One such factor is pricing. The cheapest Facility is $1,250,000, while the cheapest Bunker is $1,165,000. As the difference is minuscule, players have to dive deeper into the two properties' overall costs.

The two properties' maximum daily fee is $1050 and $9400 for the Facility and Bunker, respectively. These costs can add up, but most players should earn over $10,000 a day, so it's a minor factor at best.

There is another significant cost worth talking about regarding the Facility property in GTA Online, but that'll be touched upon in a moment.

Benefits of owning a Facility

Facility vs Bunker: Which is the better purchase for players in GTA Online? (2)

The most apparent benefit that GTA Online fans might be aware of is using the Orbital Cannon. It costs $900,000 to install, and $500,000 or $750,000 for a manual or automatic shot, respectively. If players seek to own a Facility, they should be advised that repeatedly using the Orbital Cannon can be highly cost-inefficient.

However, it is still a devastating weapon, which is excellent for rich griefers. It can easily kill a gathering of friends or foes, no question about it. However, the Orbital Cannon is not the only benefit to owning a Facility in GTA Online. The primary use, of course, is The Doomsday Heist.

Facility vs Bunker: Which is the better purchase for players in GTA Online? (3)

The Doomsday Heist is excellent for players who like heists (although some would argue that it's technically missions opposed to heist setups or an actual heist).

It's a great alternative to other active moneymakers, although it isn't the best moneymaker around. GTA Online events that raise RP or money also make the Facility seem more enticing.

Another benefit to owning a Facility is the ability to unlock trade prices on certain vehicles like the Akula. The trade prices can sometimes be a discount of around $1,000,000, which is fantastic for players interested in The Doomsday Heist vehicles in GTA Online.

Downsides to owning a Facility

Facility vs Bunker: Which is the better purchase for players in GTA Online? (4)

As previously mentioned, the Orbital Cannon is costly to use in GTA Online, which means players are unlikely to use all of the Facility's content. Another downside worth mentioning is that players uninterested in The Doomsday Heist won't often use the Facility.

This is especially apparent if players prefer the Cayo Perico Heist, which can be done solo.

Likewise, The Doomsday Heist vehicles might not appeal to all players, so unlocking trade prices won't be useful if they never plan to purchase them in GTA Online. While these vehicles are nice, there's often a better option elsewhere.

Benefits to owning a Bunker

Facility vs Bunker: Which is the better purchase for players in GTA Online? (5)

Some fans would argue that the Bunker is one of the few properties necessary to buy in GTA Online. Gunrunning is a business a player can do with their Bunker, which is nice given the production involved with the business is passive (thus allowing players to do whatever they want elsewhere).

Owning a Bunker can lead to GTA Online players making a sizable profit, yet that's not the only benefit worth noting.

Facility vs Bunker: Which is the better purchase for players in GTA Online? (6)

Research is a massive aspect about Bunkers that most players advise investing in. Unlocking new weapon customization parts for the player is fantastic, especially since the ammo options can help diversify a player's loadout.

If players like customization, then owning a Bunker is a no-brainer. Of course, other upgrades available through research include weaponized vehicle parts, liveries, and ballistic equipment.

Another benefit to the Bunker in GTA Online is that players can sell their stocks solo. As a result, it's less reliant on waiting for a player's friends to get online for earning a profit. Of course, doing it with friends helps make things easier, so it doesn't completely isolate a player's playstyle.

Trade prices can also be acquired through the purchase of a Bunker in GTA Online. Some of the trade prices are nice, even if none of the vehicles are must-haves.

Disadvantages to owning a Bunker

Facility vs Bunker: Which is the better purchase for players in GTA Online? (7)

Research is an excellent benefit to owning a Bunker. However, players either have to wait a long time to unlock everything, or they can spend a lot of money to speed-up research. Even if the rewards are worth it, it's still something for players to keep in mind.

Just as it is with the Facility, the trade prices are for mostly niche and irrelevant vehicles in GTA Online. They're still lovely to mess around with, but players seeking to be efficient won't use most of these vehicles.

The verdict

Facility vs Bunker: Which is the better purchase for players in GTA Online? (8)

In terms of overall usefulness, the Bunker is arguably the better purchase for most players. While it is the more expensive option, its passive moneymaker and excellent research unlockables make it more useful than merely owning an Orbital Cannon and having access to the Doomsday Heist.

The Facility isn't a lousy purchase, it's just that most players would benefit from owning a Bunker.

Note: This article reflects the author's opinions, and what may seem better to one may not be so to another.

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Facility vs Bunker: Which is the better purchase for players in GTA Online? (2024)
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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.