FACEIT Rank Distribution and players percentage - 2021 | Esports Tales (2024)

FACEIT Rank Distribution and players percentage - 2021 | Esports Tales (1)

The rank distribution and percentage of players by level in FACEIT CS:GO matchmaking. Data based on over two million unique players analyzed in 2021.

Source of the data

FACEIT doesn’t share publicly info such as the rank distribution of the player base, so all the data displayed in this article has been gathered by a third party platform, Leetify, which analyzed the games played by over two million unique FACEIT CSGO players.

  • The data represents the current rank distribution, not the highest rank achieved by each player at any point.

  • These statistics are quite accurate, however, they are not perfect: the distribution doesn’t include the whole player base, but it still considers a huge amount of users, so it is probably reliable and very close to the real one.

We can’t predict when fresher data will be available, but I will update this article as soon as new info will be shared.

Related: CS:GO rank distribution based on Valve’s own matchmaking

FACEIT Rank Distribution and players percentage - 2021 | Esports Tales (2)

The table is responsive. If you are using a phone, you may have to turn it sideways for a full view. Otherwise, zoom in or press on the grey area to swipe it.

Rank Percentage
Level 1 14.07%
Level 2 20.69%
Level 3 27.48%
Level 4 14.13%
Level 5 8.12%
Level 6 5.01%
Level 7 3.22%
Level 8 2.19%
Level 9 1.55%
Level 10 3.55%

A summary of the data

  • According to these statistics, the average player is ranked between Level 2 and 3. Level 2 is equal to the top 34%, while Level 3 to the top 62%.

  • There is a massive skill difference if we compare Level 2 and 3 players with the ones ranked a few divisions higher. Reaching Level 6 is already a great accomplishment because it means you are among the best 15% players on the platform.

  • Only a tiny portion of the player base reached the top ranks. Level 8 is a restricted group containing about 7% of the players.

  • We can find half of the players among the first three ranks. This matchmaking area is probably composed of new, casual, and less-skilled players.

Note: inactive accounts are not included in this analysis.

Top percentage of players

Below, a cumulative chart indicating the top percentage of players. For example, as a Level 7 you are in the top 10% of the player base.

Rank Top%
Level 1 100
Level 2 85.94
Level 3 65.25
Level 4 37.77
Level 5 23.64
Level 6 15.52
Level 7 10.51
Level 8 7.29
Level 9 5.10
Level 10 3.55

FACEIT Elo ratings

Skill levels are linked directly to an amount of Elo ranging from 100 to infinity. Elo represents a player’s perceived skill level and knowledge of the game. Matching players up with a similar Elo should in theory create the most balanced matches.

The brackets of Elo differ depending on the game but skill levels range from 1 to 10.”


Below, all the ranked levels in FACEIT CSGO and the Elo points required to reach them.

  • Level 1: 1 - 800

  • Level 2: 801 - 950

  • Level 3: 951 - 1100

  • Level 4: 1101 - 1250

  • Level 5: 1251 -1400

  • Level 6: 1401 -1550

  • Level 7: 1551 - 1700

  • Level 8: 1701 - 1850

  • Level 9: 1851 - 2000

  • Level 10: 2001 +

Header image: FACEIT

FACEIT Rank Distribution and players percentage - 2021 | Esports Tales (3)

Vincenzo "Skulz" Milella

Vincenzo is an esports writer with ten years of experience. Former head editor for Natus Vincere, he has produced content for DreamHack, FACEIT, DOTAFire, 2P, and more. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.

FACEIT Rank Distribution and players percentage - 2021 | Esports Tales (2024)
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