FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (2024)

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Amazon)

Silly, I know but I’ve always wondered why Microsoft was left out of the original 5

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (1)

theonemind on Dec 4, 2021 | next [–]

In the big picture, on a very long time horizon, they seemed on a trajectory of irrelevance through the Ballmer era, up until Satya became CEO. (That doesn't even necessarily preclude record profits under Ballmer, but a hide-bound inability to adapt to changing market fundamentals.)

PG tried calling it in 2007: http://www.paulgraham.com/microsoft.html

They really changed when Satya Nadella came in, however.

(Not to romanticize. Big tech has a smarmy evil these days. Ballmer just wanted to sell Windows and Office like products to big enterprises. It was less disturbing than donning their sith robes and joining the rest of big tech in trying to posses our incorporeal souls through massive amounts of data and 'nudges'.)

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (2)

nolok on Dec 4, 2021 | parent | next [–]

Which is unfair and short sighted, given that Ballmer is the guy who turned it from the windows shop to a company where windows is just one of 3 growing massive sections (plus a few smaller ones), with windows not even being the first one anymore.

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (3)

rootusrootus on Dec 4, 2021 | root | parent | next [–]

IIRC, Ballmer actually started many of the things that we saw happening early in Satya's tenure. So he deserves at least some credit for seeing the writing on the wall and trying to adapt to it. Perhaps he also figured that in order for the transformation to really happen he had to not be the one trying to lead it.

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (4)

devoutsalsa on Dec 4, 2021 | root | parent | next [–]

Ballmer also took charge right after the dotcom bust. Even though the stock tanked from ludicrous highs, revenue steadily grew under his tenure. I can’t speak to how company longevity performed under his reign.

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (5)

WalterBright on Dec 4, 2021 | root | parent | next [–]

I know Steve. He's been unfairly maligned for a long time. The biography of him is pretty mean. I doubt the author ever even met him.

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (6)

ChuckNorris89 on Dec 4, 2021 | parent | prev | next [–]

>Ballmer just wanted to sell Windows and Office like products to big enterprises.

Yes, but actually, NO. I know it's fashionable to bash Ballmer for being the stereotypical image of the late '90's corporate villain, pulled right out of Office Space[1], but he was also the one who got the ball rolling on what we today know as Azure and saved the Xbox division during the red ring of death and other major issues that plagued the Xbox 360 and cost Microsoft billions.

If he only cared about the enterprise stuff, he would have sold the Xbox division or let it sink at the first sign of losses, but instead he propped it up despite the massive losses. IMHO, he should get some kudos for that as Xbox is currently the only competitor to the Play Station (Nintendo isn't since they do their own thing).

"I am trembling, sat in front of Steve (Ballmer), who I love to death, but he can be an intimidating human being. And Steve said, 'OK, talk me through this,'" Moore added. "I said, 'If we don't do this, this brand is dead.'"If we hadn't made that decision there and then, and instead tried to fudge over this problem, then the Xbox brand and Xbox One wouldn't exist today."[2]

Ballmer also set the stage for Microsoft's entry into the cloud space in the early days before it was even called Azure, when he saw what AWS was doing.

"Steve Ballmer, the former CEO of Microsoft, initially resisted the idea of embracing the software services paradigm fearing that it would cannibalize Windows and Office business which was contributing to 80% of the revenue. Eventually, Ballmer was not only convinced but pushed Microsoft to become a fully-fledged cloud company through “we’re-all-in” war cry."[3]

Not saying you should like him or anything, but this guys really deserves more credit that he gets for where Microsoft is today (the good and the bad).

As a bonus, for added humor, here he is going crazy on stage about 'DEVELOPERS', like a hamster on cocaine. [4].

[1] https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0151804/

[2] https://www.vg247.com/rrod-xbox-360-ballmer-xbox-one

[3] https://www.forbes.com/sites/janakirammsv/2020/02/03/a-look-...

[4] https://youtu.be/I14b-C67EXY?t=12

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (7)

michaelcampbell on Dec 4, 2021 | root | parent | next [–]

> As a bonus, for added humor, here he is going crazy on stage about 'DEVELOPERS',

I guess some people found it funny, but everyone I work around as a software developer (not for native Windows/MS, mind) all found it incredibly embarrassing.

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (8)

itronitron on Dec 4, 2021 | parent | prev | next [–]

>> trying to posses our incorporeal souls...

I think this is driven by an addiction of big tech to being 'relevant' and engagement is the metric that gives them that sweet hit of relevancy. Heaven forbid they just turn out a useful product for a reasonable profit.

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (9)

BbzzbB on Dec 4, 2021 | prev | next [–]

I similarly don't understand why Netflix is included. Well, I do, but I don't understand why "we" didn't change Cramer's acronym to FAAMG long ago, IMO Netflix does not belong with these names neither in it's size, it's role in tech or it's cash flow. Arguably Nvidia would be a more fitting N, but it's cash flow is not in the same league either.

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (10)

mgraczyk on Dec 4, 2021 | parent | next [–]

My understanding is that this acronym is partially based on the perceptions employees have about the compensation and perks given out by big tech companies. Historically, Microsoft didn't pay as well.

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (11)

BbzzbB on Dec 4, 2021 | root | parent | next [–]

I hear that thrown around, but while it may be accurate, it sounds like retconning as Jim Cramer came up with the term, and I can assure you Jim Cramer does not give a damn about developer salaries. It was about fast growing tech stocks, not software engineers.

Even that goofball is now calling for FAAMG[0] (well, MAMAA) while (some) devs want to cling on to FAANG. Bit funny how Facebook's name change was apparently the trigger for him.

[0] https://www.cnbc.com/2021/10/29/cramer-new-acronym-to-replac...

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (12)

13of40 on Dec 4, 2021 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

Up until the end of the 90s, Microsoft stock was booming enough that it was reasonable for them to compensate employees with less salary and more stock options. They survived the .com crash, but the stock basically flatlined for several years, making options not desirable as compensation. At some point, I think in the mid to late 2000s, they switched to higher salaries and actual stock grants instead of options. So there were a few years where it was paying less than other companies, but they corrected for it.

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (13)

bradleyjg on Dec 4, 2021 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

On the other hand Netflix always had a much smaller rate of hiring than the others. If it was just about high pay Renaissance Technologies could have been included. It is best understood as high pay and large numbers of hires. In that view Netflix looks like a mistaken inclusion.

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (14)

random314 on Dec 4, 2021 | root | parent | next [–]

Jim Cramer coined the term to identify hot stocks. The term was coopted by big tech employees.

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (15)

cactus2093 on Dec 4, 2021 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

Apple and Amazon generally haven't paid as high as FB, Google, and Netflix in total comp either though. Of course in hindsight the stock gains in the past 5 years if you worked at either company have still made you extraordinarily well paid, and same with Microsoft.

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (16)

WalterBright on Dec 4, 2021 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

> Historically, Microsoft didn't pay as well.

Microsoft minted millionaires of its employees like popcorn. In the 90s the newspaper estimated that 10,000 Microsoft millionaires lived in the area.

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (17)

poulsbohemian on Dec 4, 2021 | root | parent | next [–]

Tangential thought here: Today it’s fashionable to say that the reason for Seattle area housing costs is “Amazon,” so why wasn’t it the same thing in the 90s with Microsoft? My guess is that it’s a difference of scale: that back then there was still room to build on the eastside, and now it’s not just Microsoft yielding high incomes and wealth, but also Amazon, Google, Facebook, and others. Still, interesting to ponder the real role of these companies in housing costs (since that’s the knee-jerk assumption)

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (18)

WalterBright on Dec 4, 2021 | root | parent | next [–]

Housing prices in the eastside were definitely blamed on Microsoft.

Before Microsoft, for example, Kirkland was where you bought a house if you didn't have much money. Microsoft built their campus next door, and that was the end of cheap Kirkland real estate.

Housing prices were closely related to commuting distance from the campus.

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (19)

taeric on Dec 4, 2021 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

My guess would be location. Amazon is one of the only companies to locate in the city. Not near it, in it.

Such that the "campus" of other companies is a discrete thing.

How this fits for housing is that many new hires to Amazon don't have cars, and choose to live close to where they don't need them. Not really an option for the campus centric companies, where folks live further out and commute.

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (20)

WalterBright on Dec 4, 2021 | root | parent | next [–]

Seattle commutes are pretty miserable. Always have been. The problem is the metropolitan area rings a huge lake, so a grid arrangement of roads is impossible.

The current problem is Sound Transit does not recognize that the metropolitan area rings Lake Washington, and the sensible thing is to build mass transit around that ring. I don't think the ST people have ever looked at a map. Even worse, the old rail corridors that ringed the lake were deliberately destroyed.

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (21)

taeric on Dec 4, 2021 | root | parent | next [–]

I mean. You aren't wrong. But Atlanta commutes were easily as bad back when I lived there.

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (22)

daxfohl on Dec 4, 2021 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

Amazon isn't known for Silicon Valley comp levels either.

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (23)

zuhayeer on Dec 4, 2021 | root | parent | next [–]

They're catching up with their new pay bands, SDE II is starting to get offers in 350k - 400k range. Can even go higher by Q1 next year.

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (24)

User23 on Dec 4, 2021 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

Their “philosophy of total compensation” used to actually penalize you for past RSU grants appreciating beyond projection. Even with a strong review you’d hear things like you can’t get a salary bump, because you’re already over your target compensation. I wonder if that’s still the case.

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (25)

CoastalCoder on Dec 4, 2021 | root | parent | next [–]

Over time I've learned to tune out the reasons that employers use to justify changes to total comp. I just don't see why their reasoning would matter to me.

I find it more useful to make my own assessments about what I could make elsewhere, and whether or not (all things considered) I want to continue with my current employer.

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (26)

WalterBright on Dec 4, 2021 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

Washington Amazon employees don't have to pay the heavy SV taxes, either.

At least until lately. Washington is working overtime to raise taxes to California levels.

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (27)

it_does_follow on Dec 4, 2021 | parent | prev | next [–]

> to FAAMG long ago

Because Netflix pays Senior Engineers ~$500k/year in cash and MS pays Principal Engineers $300k TC?

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (28)

finolex1 on Dec 4, 2021 | root | parent | next [–]

The acronym has nothing to do with average developer salaries, for there are lots of other contenders that pay more.

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (29)

anamexis on Dec 4, 2021 | root | parent | next [–]

Developer salaries is the only context I’ve ever understood it with.

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (30)

clpm4j on Dec 4, 2021 | root | parent | next [–]

Originally it was about the companies' high performing stocks. The salaries are a downstream effect, and then it just got adopted by the salary-optimizing crowd of engineers and college students.

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (31)

gopher_space on Dec 4, 2021 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

I'd love to read an article from an ex-Netflix engineer explaining why their service is such garbage. I want money, but the reason I'd think about asking for that much is because I'd need to interface with massive irritations.

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (32)

CoastalCoder on Dec 4, 2021 | root | parent | next [–]

Could you elaborate on what you mean by "such garbage"?

E.g., I stopped using Netflix for several reasons: uninteresting content, obnoxious UI, and unhelpful/implausible recommendations system.

But I was always very happy with the reliability and performance of their streaming system.

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (33)

ajkjk on Dec 4, 2021 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

It's not garbage? What are you talking about.

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (34)

exdsq on Dec 4, 2021 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

What cheapskates Microsoft are!

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (35)

dasyatidprime on Dec 4, 2021 | parent | prev | next [–]

Thus ‘GAFAM’, though I've more commonly seen that one in the francophone world.

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (36)

BbzzbB on Dec 4, 2021 | root | parent | next [–]

I'm from Québec and GAFAM is the usual media term for the big tech companies here. Amusing how the acronym got (IMO appropriately) corrected in translation, tho I'm not sure if it's just an artifact of it sounding cool (whereas GAFAN would be read out "gafɑ̃")

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (37)

afterburner on Dec 4, 2021 | prev | next [–]

I like MANAMANA (doo doooo, doodoo doo!)

Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Amazon, Nvidia, Adobe

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (38)

mixedCase on Dec 4, 2021 | parent | next [–]

Nvidia isn't as software-focused as the others. Adobe is popularly known to be a software sh*tshow internally, whether that's true or not although by the stability and age of their products I'm inclined to believe they are.

Maybe I'm misguided, but what I believe made FAANG a thing is a strong software-focused culture that maintained a level of quality and innovation that usually gets lost at that scale, as was the case with Microsoft and things like IBM.

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (39)

didibus on Dec 4, 2021 | root | parent | next [–]

Adobe's stock did grow 200% during the Pandemic.

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (40)

webwielder2 on Dec 4, 2021 | root | parent | next [–]

Everyone's stock did that during the pandemic.

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (41)

didibus on Dec 4, 2021 | root | parent | next [–]

Any other relatively well established tech company that's not in MANAMA ?

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (42)

ksec on Dec 4, 2021 | parent | prev | next [–]

I don't know about Netflix, but I definitely agree Nvidia should be in, coming at 800B market cap.

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (43)

julienfr112 on Dec 4, 2021 | parent | prev | next [–]

Adobe ? Why not Borland ?

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (44)

afterburner on Dec 5, 2021 | root | parent | next [–]

Is Borland an SaaS behemoth?

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (45)

detaro on Dec 4, 2021 | prev | next [–]

Because FAANG was a stock market term for "hot tech stocks", and Microsoft was old and not-hot at the time.

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (46)

redisman on Dec 4, 2021 | parent | next [–]

It also meant highest paying companies at one point in the engineer market which is also why it got popular. MS isn’t at the top on that metric

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (47)

swebs on Dec 4, 2021 | root | parent | next [–]

Also MS has a reputation of being a horrible place to work for:


FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (48)

jstx1 on Dec 4, 2021 | root | parent | next [–]

You can find these anecdotes for every one of these companies. My perception is that Amazon has the worst reputation but I haven't done any market research or worked at any of them.

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (49)

swebs on Dec 4, 2021 | root | parent | next [–]

Yes, but bad in different ways. Amazon's reputation is that they overwork you and people only stay until their "golden handcuffs" vest. But their code quality and tooling is seen as excellent.

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (50)

jakswa on Dec 4, 2021 | prev | next [–]

I don't include microsoft so I can say they're "working for the MAAAN."

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (51)

pkdpic on Dec 4, 2021 | prev | next [–]

Totally agree on the Microsoft point, although another poster pointed out that from an investment perspective faang may have referred to high roi companies so maybe microsoft was too well established? Not my are of expertise.

In any case Im going to throw NAMMA out there too because I can say it easier and it leaves room for infinite M companies :)

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (52)

randomdata on Dec 4, 2021 | prev | next [–]


Doo doo do do do.

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (53)

coolspot on Dec 4, 2021 | parent | next [–]

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (54)

afterburner on Dec 4, 2021 | parent | prev | next [–]

Just add Nvidia, Adobe

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (55)

cromka on Dec 4, 2021 | parent | prev | next [–]

> Doo doo do do do.


FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (56)

robbedpeter on Dec 4, 2021 | prev | next [–]

Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Amazon, North America:


FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (57)

dhosek on Dec 4, 2021 | prev | next [–]

MANAMA? do doo di do do

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (58)

dboreham on Dec 4, 2021 | prev | next [–]

Jim Cramer invents these acronyms

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (59)

Cyph0n on Dec 4, 2021 | prev | next [–]

Manama is the capital of Bahrain :)

I prefer MANAAM, which is derived from the word “sleep” in Arabic.

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (60)

hinkley on Dec 4, 2021 | prev | next [–]

The new challengers need to name themselves all D and O names.

Do doo do doo

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (61)

fouc on Dec 5, 2021 | prev | next [–]

MMNAAA! Pronounced like you’re saying “Hmm, nah.”

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (62)
FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (63)

2OEH8eoCRo0 on Dec 4, 2021 | prev | next [6 more]


FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (64)

vore on Dec 4, 2021 | parent | next [–]

Don't throw around slurs like that.

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (65)

2OEH8eoCRo0 on Dec 4, 2021 | root | parent | next [–]

Don't tell me what to do. I try to assume good intentions. The word you're referring to has multiple meanings.

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (66)

vore on Dec 4, 2021 | root | parent | next [–]

This is the least good intentioned response you could have made.

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (67)

asiachick on Dec 4, 2021 | parent | prev | next [–]

They call it GAFA on Japanese news


FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (68)

serverholic on Dec 4, 2021 | parent | prev | next [–]

I've made a similar joke that the N in FAANG really holds the whole thing together.

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (69)

> wondered why Microsoft was left out of the original 5

Same reason Cornell is typically left out of conversations about Ivy league schools.

It's just not that prestigious. Seeing MS on a resume is not as impressive as the others, and that's also reflected pretty clearly in the comp. It's not nearly as competitive to get a job at MS. The stock performance over the past decade has been pretty meh compared to the others.

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (70)

eggy on Dec 4, 2021 | parent | next [–]

How is Cornell Tech's campus doing at Roosevelt Island, NYC?

Microsoft has some really cool stuff going on aside from .NET Core.Simon Peyton Jones has been there since the late 90s working on Haskell.Some notable ones for me: F#, F*, Z3 (SMT solver), C# and its ubiquity in products like Unity, WSL2, VS Code, etc...

What's up with Hololens 2? Any uptake? I would like to make a short video of the ultimate PC vs. Mac parody with two armies facing each other with one wearing the stylish MR glasses coming from Apple vs. the more typical-looking HMD Hololens for nostalgia's sake.

I have been in computing for a long time, and all of my jobs have been on PCs with Windows other than the weird Banyan Vines, VMS, Irix, and QNX systems I have worked with over the years. All my graphic artist friends had Apple products. I have had one job where I used Quickbooks on an old Apple Macintosh (1994), but not much else with it. I did put a deposit on a NeXT machine, but that fell through!

I have had a computer since 1977, a Commodore PET 2001 followed by a Vic-20. A Toshiba dual-floppy laptop that probably wouldn't fit under the seat in front in Economy Class seating. My first Apple was a Power Macintosh in 1995/96 (I think the 7200) on which I loaded Minix or some Minix derivative at a later date, a pen-based NCR 3125. Amazingly slim for the time, and I updated the drive in it a year or two later. My first real micro-electronics project. The Newton came out around the same time. The NCR 3125 was a 386 running PenOS that I eventually put Windows with pen support on. Various PCs I built (a RAID 0, Dual-Athlon anyone?) in the early 2000s running Blender3D. I donated $50 to support Ton's efforts to take it open source back then. And so on...Microsoft has always had the tech, but not the marketing or style of Apple. I currently use a Windows 10 gaming laptop, an old Lenovo running Kali, a 2011 iMac (1TB HD! 16 or 32 GB of RAM - I have to look). I just want tools I can use. The only computer/OS I was evangelical about was mh Amiga 1000 and 500!

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (71)

fennecfoxen on Dec 4, 2021 | root | parent | next [–]

> How is Cornell Tech's campus doing at Roosevelt Island, NYC?

I dunno, but every time I head over to that end of the island it seems pretty dead. There is the Graduate Hotel with the swanky Panorama Room bar on top that’s fun to visit (watch seaplanes land every half hour some days), the fancy cafe is open, there’s nice open plazas between buildings, it connects to the park overlooking the river (and FDR memorial beyond) … but it’s all so empty. I can’t imagine it’s operating at normal capacity.

North end is better anyway ;)

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (72)

eggy on Dec 5, 2021 | root | parent | next [–]

That's a shame. It's a great location. Near Manhattan, but it has that 'other' feeling, but maybe that's me. I was born and raised in Brooklyn, and RI was always 'other'!

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (73)

daxfohl on Dec 4, 2021 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

I think Microsoft and Amazon have the most interesting products as far as dev tooling. Unless you're really into ML I guess. Too bad they don't pay as well.

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (74)

eggy on Dec 5, 2021 | root | parent | next [–]

Yes, I actually liked VS Code a lot, and I was an emacs user before that. MSVS is pretty good too. I am still using F# here and there for small, personal projects but I use my iPad Pro (2015) with Frank Kruger's [1] Continuous app[2], an F# and C# IDE with a built-in compiler, syntax highlighting, code completion, and live debugging. Frank is a juggernaut in .NET and many other eclectic things within the tech domain! Check him out. Continuous is the best way to play with code outside of sitting at your desktop, and even then too!

[1] https://praeclarum.org/

[2] http://continuous.codes/

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (75)

daxfohl on Dec 5, 2021 | root | parent | next [–]

Funny, I'd just stumbled across his F# implementation of Hindley-Milner while working on my own inferencer (https://gist.github.com/praeclarum/5fbef41ea9c296590f23)

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (76)

bradleyjg on Dec 4, 2021 | parent | prev [–]

> The stock performance over the past decade has been pretty meh compared to the others.

MSFT’s ten year total return (1482%) is better than AAPL’s (1256%) or GOOG’s (815%), but not as good as AMZN’s (1629%) or NFLX’s (6250%). FB hadn’t IPOed yet ten years ago.

This is per a site called finbox.

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (77)

lotsofpulp on Dec 4, 2021 | root | parent [–]

Per this website, AAPL has a 32.79% annualized return, and MSFT has a 31.84% annualized return over the past 10 years, dividends reinvested.


FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (78)

bradleyjg on Dec 4, 2021 | root | parent [–]

Thanks. Don’t care enough to do a deep dive but it seems like at least MSFT is in the pack.

FAANG is dead. Long live MANAMA! (Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Ama... (2024)


Are FAANG stocks dead? ›

Unfortunately, FAANG stocks have lost their bite, and several of them have even changed their names. Market commentators and tech investors have coined a new acronym for the top five mega-cap tech stocks: MAMAA. What Are the Top Tech Stocks? Should You Invest in Big Tech?

Is Netflix still FAANG? ›

But FAANG has since been replaced by the Magnificent Seven, a group that includes the four largest FAANGs, as well as Microsoft, Nvidia, and Tesla...and excludes Netflix. But with Netflix set to report its first-quarter earnings on April 18, investors shouldn't sleep on the stock.

Why is Apple in FAANG but not Microsoft? ›

While FAANG pursued explosive growth, Microsoft prioritized the development of reliable products and services for consumers and businesses. This disjunction highlights the divergent paths and strategic focuses of these tech giants, with FAANG embodying innovation and Microsoft embodying steadfast reliability.

What is the acronym FAANG? ›

In finance, "FAANG" is an acronym that indicates the stocks of five prominent American technology companies: Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and Alphabet (GOOG) (previously known as Google). The term was coined by Jim Cramer. He is the television host of CNBC's Mad Money.

Is it safe to invest in FAANG stocks? ›

FAANG stocks are most commonly traded in the long-term, due to their status as being some of the most reliable and stable.

Why is working at FAANG bad? ›

The pressure builds. Many developers report that big tech is the most stressful place to work. Every day, the threat of a talk with management and being put on a performance improvement plan (PIP) lingers. The work at big tech companies is also less creative.

Will Nvidia replace Netflix in FAANG? ›

Remember the FAANG stocks? Well, they've morphed into a grouping now known as the “Magnificent Seven.” Netflix has gotten the boot and been replaced by another “N” company, Nvidia. Microsoft and Tesla have also joined the crew.

Is Netflix leaving Apple? ›

Netflix confirmed that it is pulling the plug on subscribers of the company's discontinued Basic plan who were billed via Apple's iTunes.

Will Amazon surpass Netflix? ›

Prime Video to Be the Most Popular by a Wide Margin

Prime Video is anticipated to be the most popular platform by a considerable margin, boasting over 100 million subscribers, surpassing Netflix with 69 million and Hulu with 59 million.

What is China's equivalent of FAANG? ›

BATX: Baidu – an internet services company that has been ramping up R&D spending on AI. It's eyeing the autonomous driving market in particular. FAANG rival: Google – officially left the Chinese market in 2010 after refusing to cooperate with government requests to filter results.

Does Microsoft pay less than FAANG? ›

Microsoft Base Salary

Microsoft is often only slightly lower on base salary relative to FAANG companies. It is possible to negotiate this component, but the increase will typically be smaller than equity and signing bonus increases. Base salary at Microsoft is paid bi-weekly in the United States.

Why did Microsoft overtake Apple? ›

The tech giant hit a market cap of $2.89 trillion while Apple's fell slightly to $2.87 trillion. Much of Microsoft's success has been credited to it embracing AI, led by the company's lucrative $10 billion investment in Sam Altman's OpenAI.

Is Netflix bigger than Microsoft? ›

With Microsoft, these companies were each valued at over $900 billion compared to Netflix's $310 billion. In November 2021, The Motley Fool suggested MANAMANA (a reference to the 1968 song "Mah Nà Mah Nà") as an acronym that stands for Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Alphabet, Meta, Amazon, Nvidia, and Adobe.

What percentage of the S&P 500 is FAANG? ›

How much of the S&P 500 is FAANG? The percentage of the S&P 500 market cap comprising FAANG stocks varies, but as of late 2023, it was close to 20%. If you substituted Microsoft for Netflix, it would be closer to 26%.

What is the difference between FAANG and Mamaa? ›

After Facebook's rebrand to Meta in 2021, Cramer proposed replacing FAANG with MAMAA — an acronym for Meta, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon and Alphabet. However, FAAMG — an unpronounceable variant of FAANG that swaps “N” for Netflix with “M” for Microsoft — is more widely used than MAMAA.

Is the FAANG era over? ›

However, this era came to an abrupt end when Facebook rebranded itself as Meta, resulting in a significant decline in its stock price. Simultaneously, Netflix faced challenges that impacted its market standing, marking the conclusion of the FAANG era.

Is FANG a good stock to buy now? ›

FANG Stock Forecast FAQ

Diamondback has 15.31% upside potential, based on the analysts' average price target. Diamondback has a consensus rating of Strong Buy which is based on 13 buy ratings, 1 hold ratings and 0 sell ratings. The average price target for Diamondback is $229.77.

Are FAANG stocks overvalued? ›

Even with a significant pullback in March, we continue to hold a negative view of superstar technology and tech-enabled stocks as a group. In related sectors, we see better opportunities in auto, technology hardware and semiconductor manufacturers.

What percentage of the S&P 500 is FAANG stocks? ›

Since the S&P 500 is a broad representation of the market, the movement of the market mirrors the index's movement. As of August 2021, the FAANGs make up about 19% of the S&P 500—a staggering figure considering the S&P 500 is generally viewed as a proxy for the United States economy as a whole.

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.