Exploring India US Trade and Economic Relations | IBEF (2024)


India's largest trading partner is the US, and it is also one of the few countries with which India had a trade surplus in 2022-23. India's major exports to the US include gems and jewellery, pharmaceutical products, light crude oil and petroleum, electrical and electronics goods, engineering products, apparel, frozen marine products, and others.

India-USA Trade

  • In FY23, the bilateral trade between India and the US stood at a record US$ 128.78 billion as against US$ 119.48 billion in FY22.
  • In FY23, India had a trade surplus of US$ 28.30 billion with the US.
  • Of the total trade in FY23, Indian exports to the US stood at US$ 78.54 billion, while American exports to India stood at US$ 50.24 billion.
  • USA is the 3rd largest investor in India with cumulative FDI inflows of US$ 62.24 billion from April 2000-September 2023.

Major exported items from India to the USA with amount & quantity

  • India exported 7,753 commodities to the US in FY23.
  • India’s export to the US increased from US$ 76.17 billion in FY22 to US$ 78.54 billion in FY23.
  • Major exported items from India to the US include pearls, semiprecious, and precious stones (US$ 9.20 billion); followed by drug formulations and biologicals (US$ 6.77 billion, petroleum products (US$ 6.03 billion), gold and other precious metal jewellery (US$ 3.32 billion), and RMG cotton including accessories (US$ 3.12 billion), among others in FY23.
  • India’s export to the US stood at US$ 50.34 billion during April-November 2023.
  • Major exported items from India to the US include Engineering goods (US$ 11.46 billion), Gems and Jewellery (US$ 6.96 billion), Electronic goods (US$ 5.8 billion), Drugs and Pharmaceuticals (US$ 5.53 billion), Petroleum Products (US$ 4.28 billion), etc. from April-November 2023.

Major imported items by India from the USA with amount & quantity

  • India imported 6,206 commodities from the US in FY23.
  • Imports from the US to India rose to US$ 50.24 billion in FY23 as compared to US$ 43.31 billion in FY22.
  • India's imports from the US include petroleum: crude (US$ 10.18 billion); followed by pearls, precious, and semi-precious stones (US$ 5.38 billion), coal, co*ke, and briquettes etc. (US$ 3.76 billion), petroleum products (US$ 3.18 billion), and gold (US$ 1.88 billion), among others in FY23.
  • Imports from the US to India stood at US$ 28.95 billion during April-November 2023.
  • India's imports from the US include Mineral Fuel and Oils (US$ 9.56 billion), Pearls and Semi-precious stones (US$ 3.8 billion), Nuclear reactors and boilers (US$ 2.45 billion), Electrical machinery and parts (US$ 1.57 billion), Optical and Photographic apparatus (US$ 1.29 billion), etc. from April-November 2023.

Recent Trends & development

  • During FY23, India received foreign direct investment amounting to US$ 6.04 billion. With 9% of the total FDI equity inflow, the US is the third biggest source.
  • US Ambassador to India, Mr. Eric Garcetti called on Home Minister Amit Shah on July 11, 2023, discussed “building on the positive outcomes” of Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi’s visit to the US two weeks ago, the first such meeting between a US envoy and the Home Minister since 2015.
  • US Secretary of Energy, Ms. Jennifer M. Granholm and Indian Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas Mr. Hardeep Singh Puri held the third ministerial meeting of the US-India Strategic Clean Energy Partnership in July 2023, which was launched in September 2021.
  • An US-India Defence Acceleration Ecosystem (INDUS-X) was set up “as a network of universities, startups, industry and think tanks to facilitate joint defence technology innovation, and co-production of advanced defence technology.” The US Department of Defence Space Force has signed its first International Cooperative Research and Development Agreement with two Indian startups.
  • The Joint Statement issued by the US President Mr. Joe Biden and the Prime Minister of India Mr. Narendra Modi, after their meeting on June 22, 2023, spoke of the two countries being “among the closest partners in the world”, and of a “new level of trust and understanding.”
  • The India-US Defence Industrial Cooperation Roadmap which concluded in May 2023, seeks to fast-track technology cooperation and co-production in areas of mutual interest. The India-US Defence Acceleration Ecosystem (INDUS X) – a network of universities, incubators, corporates, think tanks, and private investment stakeholders was launched in June 2023.
  • The United States and India launched a new high-level partnership, the “US-India Climate and Clean Energy Agenda 2030 Partnership,” which envisages bilateral cooperation on strong actions in the current decade to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement.
  • India and the United States have signed an agreement for cooperation in the development of Air-Launched Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (ALUAV), to expand bilateral defence and military cooperation.
  • In 2022, India and the United States signed a bilateral space situational awareness arrangement, and this will support greater information sharing and cooperation in space.
  • India is actively participating in the US-led Global Action Plan (GAP) framework launched in February 2022 to bridge policy gaps and end the COVID pandemic. Under GAP, India is leading in three areas, get shots in arms, supply chain resilience, and capacity building for healthcare workers.
  • India-U.S. 2+2 Annual Ministerial Dialogue, led by External Affairs Minister and their respective counterparts, reviews bilateral ties in defence, strategic, and security domains as well as important regional and global issues. The fourth 2+2 Dialogue was held on April 11, 2022, in Washington D.C.
  • India and the United States are set to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), which will clear the way for the ISRO's ‘NETRA’ in Bengaluru to start collaborating with the American Combined Space Operation Center (CSpOC) to protect satellites of both nations from natural and man-made threats. It will create a framework for India and the US to share data about space debris and other objects and the potential threat they could pose to the safety and security of the new and existing satellites and the other space assets of the two nations.
  • Investment Incentive Agreement between the Ministry of Finance and the U.S. Development Finance Cooperation [DFC] was signed on May 23, 2022, to enable enhanced Investment support provided by US DFC in India.
  • The 3rd Counter Narcotics Working Group (CNWG) meeting between India and US was held in New Delhi on July 7, 2022. Indian delegation was led by Director General, Narcotics Control Bureau. An Amended Letter of Agreement (ALOA) for cooperation in drug-related matters was signed.
  • Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi made his first State Visit to the US from 21-23 June 2023 at the invitation of President of the USA, H.E. Mr. Joseph R. Biden. In addition to a bilateral meeting with President Biden, he addressed a Joint Meeting of US’ Congress and interacted with business and thought leaders.
  • President of the USA, H.E. Mr. Joseph R. Biden visited New Delhi from 8-10 September 2023 to attend G-20 Leaders’ Summit. President Biden and PM Modi had a bilateral meeting and co-hosted a group of G20 leaders to accelerate investments in high-quality infrastructure projects and development of 2 economic corridors through the India Middle East Europe Economic Connectivity Corridor and the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGI).
  • An Investment Incentive Agreement between our Ministry of Finance and U.S. International Development Finance Cooperation [DFC] was signed in 2022 to enable equity investment, co-insurance, grants, feasibility studies, and technical assistance. As of March 2023, DFC’s India portfolio stood at more than US$ 3.1 billion across 100+ projects.

Bilateral Trade and Economic Relations

Rapidly expanding trade and commercial linkages between India and the US form an important component of the multi-faceted partnership between the two countries. Total bilateral trade (goods and services) between India and US increased at a CAGR of 11.5% from US$ 20 billion in 2000 to US$ 142 billion in 2018. In 2021, overall US-India bilateral trade in goods and services reached a record US$ 157 billion.

The US emerged as India's biggest trading partner in 2022-23 on account of increasing economic ties between the two countries. According to the provisional data of the Commerce Ministry, the bilateral trade between India and the US increased by 7.65% to US$ 128.55 in 2022-23 as against US$ 119.48 billion in 2021-22.

India-USA trade is likely to touch US$ 300 billion in 2026-27 from its current trade, a report released by industry body PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PHDCCI) stated.

Many US companies view India as a critical market and have expanded their operations. Many Indian companies are investing in the US and adding value. According to a CII study released in April 2023 ,163 Indian companies invested over $40 billion in the US and created over 425,000 direct jobs.

The U.S. is one of the most favoured destinations of Indian students for higher education.

As of September 2023, there are 320,260 Indian students, mostly in graduate (Masters)

programs in STEM fields. As per the US State Department’s website, Indian students in the US contribute about US$ 7.7 billion annually to the US economy.

U.S.A is the 3rd largest investor in India, with cumulative FDI inflows of US$ 62.24 billion from April 2000-September 2023. In 2023, the U.S. Embassy and Consulates in India processed a record-smashing 1.4 million U.S. visas. Demand across all visa classes was unprecedented, with a 60% increase in applications compared to 2022.


India-U.S. trade relations have developed into a "global strategic partnership", based on shared democratic values, and increasing convergence of interests on bilateral, regional, and global issues. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, India-U.S. cooperation witnessed intense engagement under various bilateral dialogue mechanisms in a wide range of areas including defence, security, health, trade, economic, science & technology, energy, and people-to-people ties.


  • Embassy of India, Washington DC, USA
    Telephone: (202) 939-7000
    Ms. Sripriya Ranganathan (Deputy Chief of Mission) – psdcm.washington@mea.gov.in
    Mr. Ajay Kumar (Minister – Commerce) - mincom.washington@mea.gov.in
  • USA Embassy in India
    Ms. Melinda M. Pavek -Consul General - admin@uaeembassy.inAddress- Shantipath, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi - 011-91-11-2419-8000 - admin@uaeembassy.in
  • The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), USA
    Ms. Shuchita Sonalika - Director and Head, North America - + 1 571 232 7170 - shuchita.sonalika@cii.in
Exploring India US Trade and Economic Relations | IBEF (2024)


What is the trade relationship between India and the United States? ›

India Trade & Investment Summary

Exports were $73.0 billion; imports were $118.8 billion. The U.S. goods and services trade deficit with India was $45.7 billion in 2022. U.S. goods exports to India in 2022 were $47.2 billion, up 17.9 percent ($7.2 billion) from 2021 and up 113 percent from 2012.

How much trade does the US do with India? ›

India is the United States' ninth-largest trading partner, with U.S. goods and services worth $73.1 billion sold to India in 2022. The United States maintained its position as India's largest trading partner, with $118.8 billion of imported goods and services.

What factors made the US largest trading partner of India? ›

Exports to the U.S. rose by 2.81% to $78.31 billion in 2022-23 as against $76.18 billion in 2021-22, while imports grew by about 16% to $50.24 billion. The U.S. has emerged as India's biggest trading partner in 2022-23 on account of increasing economic ties between the two countries.

What are the trading relationships of India? ›

India's exports

The highest value of exports go to the USA, UAE, China and Bangladesh. The UK is the seventh biggest importer of Indian products. India's biggest exports are petroleum products close petroleum productsFuels such as diesel and oil., jewellery, pharmaceutical. products and rice.

How much do Indians contribute to the US economy? ›

The combined yearly contribution of the Indian diaspora to the American economy is over $1 trillion, which means every dollar out of 26 dollars is contributed by Indians by race and origin. Every fifth doctor in the US has strong Indian connections. Indians hold important posts in the US government.

What is the strategic relationship between US and India? ›

The relationship between the United States and India is one of the most strategic and consequential of the 21st century. The United States supports India's emergence as a leading global power and a vital partner in promoting a peaceful, stable, and prosperous Indo-Pacific region.

What does India import most from USA? ›

Unsurprisingly, imports from the United States have been increasing over the years, amounting to over 47 billion U.S. dollars in 2022. The country's leading import product was manufactures, which accounted for over 273 billion U.S. dollars, followed by fuel and mining products, and agricultural products.

Who is India's biggest trading partner? ›

United States

What is the trade summary of India? ›


The total value of exports (FoB) was 394,814 million. The total value of imports (CIF) was 570,402 million. At the HS6 digit level, 4,437 products were exported to 220 countries and 4,342 products were imported from 208 countries.

What is the biggest import item in India? ›

India top imports include crude oil, coal, diamonds, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, rubber, plastics, electronics, and machinery, which account for 82% of all goods imports. China is still India's major import partner, followed by the US, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and others.

What is the trade surplus of India with the US? ›

India's trade surplus with the US - its largest trading partner - was $19.59 billion in the April-October period, show data from the commerce and industry ministry.

What is the trade relationship between US and India? ›

Trade (bn)

During 2022-23, US was the third largest source of FDI into India with inflows of US$ 6.04 billion accounting for almost 9% of total FDI equity inflows. Many Indian companies are investing in the US and adding value.

What is a current economic problem that India is facing? ›

Poverty also remains significant; by one estimate, nearly 12% of the population was in poverty in 2021, based on a poverty line of $2.15 per day, at 2017 purchasing power parity. (Data in this and the below sections are from the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the United Nations.)

Who is India's largest trading partner? ›

United States: The United States is India's largest trading partner, with a total trade volume of over $71.39 billion in 2023. The US is a major source of imports for India, including crude oil, machinery, and chemicals. India's main exports to the US include pharmaceuticals, textiles, gems, and jewelry.

What is the foreign trade relationship of India? ›

The two primary destinations of India's exports are the EU and the United States, whereas the China and the EU are the two primary countries from which India's imports come from. These figures include trade in goods and commodities, but do not include services or foreign direct investment.

What does the USA import from India? ›

The top import products from India to the USA include textiles and apparel, pharmaceuticals, machinery and equipment, organic chemicals, pearls and precious stones, agricultural products, leather goods and electrical and electronic items.

Which country has trade relations with India? ›

The major countries that are involved in trade with India are the US, UK, Belgium, Germany, Japan and China.

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