Explain how would be an asset to this organization?- HR Interview Questions and Answers (2024)

Vinayak said: 4 months ago

As fresher what makes us different from experience employees is that we are entering in this field with a new mind, enthusiasm and most crucially creativity, thinking outside the box will make us a critical asset to any company.


Samuel Lauda said: 7 months ago

As well as if I help to increase the value of this organization by my skills, experience, dedication then I will come an asset to this organization.


JAGADEESHA said: 12 months ago

I would like to give the best performance to your company from my side and be honest, hardworking, whatever your organisation provides the work with I finished on time.


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Explain how would be an asset to this organization?- HR Interview Questions and Answers (2024)


How to answer the question explain how you would be an asset to this organization? ›

Well, I can be an asset to your company by using my valuable qualities from my past job. Such as, I am a hard worker and proactive person, my communication with people is good especially with my main customers and with my co-workers. I can use also my initiative while working in a team especially on my own task.

How you would be an asset to this organisation? ›

Self-Motivated: Taking the initiative to do something that needs to be done without being asked to do it. Working beyond the call of duty in order to meet goals or solve problems. Supervisors take notice of employees who are productive and anticipate problems ahead of time and bring solutions to the table.

What asset can you bring to the company? ›

The 20 Strongest Assets You Can Bring to a Company
  • Collaboration. Being a good team player can benefit the workplace as it fosters creativity, communication and amicable relationships. ...
  • Passion. ...
  • Confidence. ...
  • Ambition. ...
  • Reliability. ...
  • Self-awareness. ...
  • Grit. ...
  • Communication.
May 23, 2022

What is your most valuable asset to an organization? ›

Therefore, employees are the most valuable assets an organization has. It's their abilities, knowledge, and experience that can't be replaced. So, going forward, organizations need to place emphasis and importance on the contribution that employees that they have in order to propel themselves ahead.

What strengths or assets can you bring to our organization? ›

Use what you know about the company to show why you would be a good match. Think about: your enthusiasm for the profession and the employer and your desire to make your mark. your personal qualities, such as your drive and willingness to learn.

What is your best asset answer? ›

Your attitude is your greatest asset and can make up for gaps in your expertise, skills, and knowledge while growing in those areas. Make sure that you're intentional in keeping your attitude strong and contagious in a good way.

What are assets of an organization example? ›

Asset FAQs

Essentially, for businesses, assets include everything controlled and owned by the company that's currently valuable or could provide monetary benefit in the future. Examples include patents, machinery, and investments.

What makes you valuable to a company? ›

What makes a valuable employee? Valuable employees are dedicated individuals who use their skills and attitude to improve their performance and positively influence their work environment.

What does asset to the organization mean? ›

An asset is a resource with economic value that an individual, corporation, or country owns or controls with the expectation that it will provide a future benefit. Assets are reported on a company's balance sheet. They are bought or created to increase a firm's value or benefit the firm's operations.

What are 3 examples of company assets? ›

List of business assets
  • cash/cash equivalents.
  • receivables.
  • deposit accounts.
  • money orders.
  • cheques.
  • bank drafts.
  • marketable securities.
  • investments (short term)

How do you answer what can you contribute to the company? ›

How to answer "What can you contribute to this company?"
  • Provide concrete examples from your past. ...
  • Discuss your skills. ...
  • Demonstrate how your skills fit with this specific company. ...
  • Support your answers with data.
Mar 10, 2023

What are the 5 types of assets a company can have? ›

Common types of assets include current, non-current, physical, intangible, operating, and non-operating. Correctly identifying and classifying the types of assets is critical to the survival of a company, specifically its solvency and associated risks.

What are your 3 greatest assets? ›

Your 3 greatest assets are not what you sell, it's not your customers, it's not your territory. Your three greatest assets are your time, your mind, and your network. Each day your objective is to protect your time, grow your mind, and nurture your network.

Why are people the greatest asset of an organization? ›

Some top reasons include: The workforce is essential to provide goods or services that the company offers. Improving employee performance and efficiency are therefore high priorities. Skilled people with knowledge of how a company operates are difficult to find and may be even more difficult to replace.

What value do you bring to the team? ›

Express your enthusiasm for working in teams

As you connect your experience and skills to previous jobs, describe what you liked about working with your team. If you were in a leadership position, you can explain how you led team members and what you enjoyed the most about your leadership position.

What are your top 3 strengths to add value to the organization you want to apply to? ›

Use some of these strengths to show off your managerial skills:
  • Leadership.
  • Organization.
  • Communication skills.
  • Persuasion.
  • Teamwork.
  • Detail-oriented.
  • Diplomatic.
  • Responsible.

What are the 3 greatest strengths of your Organisation? ›

12 Employee Strengths Your Company Needs
  • Trustworthy. ...
  • Flexibility. ...
  • Team-oriented. ...
  • Optimistic. ...
  • Emotional awareness. ...
  • Problem-solving. ...
  • Confident. When an employee is confident in their job, they perform well. ...
  • Leadership Skills. Leadership that works well gets other people to do better.

What is your biggest strength or asset? ›

Here are some examples of strengths you could mention.
  • Enthusiasm.
  • Creative thinking.
  • Task prioritization.
  • Discipline.
  • Determination.
  • Analytical thinking.
  • Communication skills.
  • Dedication.
Mar 23, 2023

What is my greatest asset as a leader? ›

Vision. Perhaps the greatest quality any leader can have is vision - the ability to see the big picture of where the organization or team they are working within is headed, what it's capable of, and what it will take to get there.

Why should we hire you answers? ›

“I should be hired for this role because of my relevant skills, experience, and passion for the industry. I've researched the company and can add value to its growth. My positive attitude, work ethics, and long-term goals align with the job requirements, making me a committed and valuable asset to the company.”

What are the four 4 types of assets in organizations? ›

The four main types of assets are short-term assets, financial investments, fixed assets, and intangible assets.

What are 2 examples of organizational process assets? ›

Some examples of OPAs are:
  • Previous Project Plans.
  • Software Tools.
  • Database of Project Information.
  • Lessons Learned.
  • Knowledge Base.
  • Organizational policies and procedures.
  • Historical Information.
  • Project Templates.

What is one type of asset that an organization might have? ›

Current assets include cash and cash equivalents, accounts receivable, inventory, marketable securities, prepaid expenses, and office supplies. For a home goods company, current assets might include their inventory of handmade rugs, and computers to help their employees do their jobs.

What is my value to the company? ›

The only way to answer this common interview question effectively is to research the company, role, and industry thoroughly. Through this process, you can discuss your achievements while showcasing your knowledge of what the firm does. You are also able to tie in your experience and skills with what the job calls for.

What do you value in a company what are you looking for? ›

What do you look for in a company? Salary, work hours, position responsibilities, and long-term career development are all important factors when deciding on a company. However, candidates may often overlook culture fit–a crucial piece to the hiring puzzle!

What does it mean to be an asset to your team? ›

What does being an asset mean? Being an asset to your team means that you're a resource that other members of your team can rely on. This means that you're reliable and consistent, have good communication skills and can complete tasks independently.

What does it mean when a job says something is an asset? ›

That is the idea of working in part for assets. Let me explain the difference. Income is money you are paid for your labor. An asset is something that provides you with income, a multiplier to your income, or an accelerator to your career path (which typically correlates with higher income at some point).

What does it mean to be an asset to something? ›

a person or thing that is very useful or valuable: be an asset to sb/sth Thank you for your contribution - you are an asset to the company.

What is an asset and give at least three examples? ›

An asset is generally any useful thing or something that holds value. Most people have personal assets, like cash, savings accounts, bonds, life insurance policies, jewelry and collectibles. A person's skills and abilities can also be an asset.

What are active assets of a company? ›

What is an “active asset”? Active assets may be tangible, such as land and buildings and equipment, or intangible, such as goodwill, patents, copyrights and other intellectual property (for example, software).

What are current assets of a company? ›

Current assets include cash, cash equivalents, accounts receivable, stock inventory, marketable securities, pre-paid liabilities, and other liquid assets. The Current Assets account is important because it demonstrates a company's short-term liquidity and ability to pay its short-term obligations.

Why do you want to work for this company? ›

I see this opportunity as a way to contribute to an exciting/forward-thinking/fast-moving company/industry, and I feel I can do so by/with my …” “I feel my skills are particularly well-suited to this position because …” “I believe I have the type of knowledge to succeed in this role and at the company because …”

How will your skills make you a valuable part of our team? ›

You can answer this question in two parts. First, explain what the attribute is and how you have demonstrated it in the past (or how you currently demonstrate it in your workplace). Then, explain why that skill makes you uniquely qualified to work for the company.

Why should the company hire you? ›

Your skills and qualifications. If you can prove that you've got all the skills that the company is looking for in a candidate, you'll have effectively answered the question. Your passion and motivation. You can highlight how good of a company fit you'd be and how much you love working in your field or industry.

What are some examples of assets? ›

Cash and cash equivalents, certificates of deposit, checking, and savings accounts, money market accounts, physical cash, Treasury bills. Property or land and any structure that is permanently attached to it. Personal property—boats, collectibles, household furnishings, jewelry, vehicles.

What are the top 5 assets? ›

The 9 Best Income Producing Assets to Grow Your Wealth
  1. Stocks/Equities. If I had to pick one asset class to rule them all, stocks would definitely be it. ...
  2. Bonds. ...
  3. Investment/Vacation Properties. ...
  4. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) ...
  5. Farmland. ...
  6. Small Businesses/Franchise/Angel Investing. ...
  7. CDs/Money Market Funds. ...
  8. Royalties.
Mar 9, 2023

What are the 3 main asset management types? ›

There are three main types of asset classes: stocks, fixed-income investments, and cash equivalents.
  • Stocks (also called equities) Stocks have historically earned the highest returns over the long term. ...
  • Fixed-income investments (also called bonds) ...
  • Cash equivalents.

What are your 6 best assets? ›

Being able to adapt when an extra hand is needed or when a transition happens is a great soft skill.
  • Teamwork. Working with others, especially being able to respect others' different opinions, is an important component of teamwork. ...
  • Empathy. ...
  • Patience. ...
  • Time Management Skills. ...
  • Interpersonal Skills.

Who is the most important asset to be managed in a company? ›

The most important asset at your company isn't something you can put your hands on. It isn't equipment or the physical plant, and it isn't data, technology, or intellectual property. The most valuable part of your company is the people—the human capital—and any plans to move your business forward have to start there.

What does you are your greatest asset mean? ›

YOU are YOUR GREATEST ASSET! An asset is a useful or valuable thing, person, or quality; it is often regarded as having value and available to meet debts, commitments, and legacies. (

What is the most important part of an organization? ›

People are the most important part of an organization. Giving them the right tools to succeed is paramount. But it's also a business. Having a solution that can meet the needs of employees and the business at the same time will synchronize their goals and lead to happier, more effective work.

What 3 qualities can you bring to the team? ›

Team player qualities and characteristics
  • You understand your role. As a team member, you understand your role within the team and work to achieve your duties to the best of your ability. ...
  • You welcome collaboration. ...
  • You hold yourself accountable. ...
  • You are flexible. ...
  • You have a positive attitude. ...
  • You commit to the team.
Mar 16, 2023

What strengths will you bring to this position? ›

Some examples of strengths you might mention include:
  • Enthusiasm.
  • Trustworthiness.
  • Creativity.
  • Discipline.
  • Patience.
  • Respectfulness.
  • Determination.
  • Dedication.

What qualities you bring to this position? ›

Desired Candidate Attributes
  • Leadership. Even in entry-level positions, most employers look for evidence of leadership qualities. ...
  • Teamwork. ...
  • Communication and Interpersonal Skills. ...
  • Analytical Skills. ...
  • Dependability and a Strong Work Ethic. ...
  • Maturity and a Professional Attitude. ...
  • Adaptability and Flexibility. ...
  • Good Personality.

What would you look at to understand the value of your company's assets? ›

The company needs to look at its balance sheet and identify tangible and intangible assets. From the total assets, deduct the total value of the intangible assets. From what is left, deduct the total value of the liabilities. What is left are the net tangible assets or net asset value.

What are organizational assets and why are these important to the Organisation? ›

Organizational process assets are tangible resources used by an organization to guide the management of its projects and operations. They include things like templates, contracts, processes, reports, and financial statements.

Why do you think you are a good fit for this role asset management? ›

Consider how they relate to the position and if they match your career goals. For example, if you chose to work in asset management because you enjoy networking and helping clients, explaining this during an interview in which you may work directly with clients can help your chances of earning the position.

What can you contribute to the company? ›

How to answer "What can you contribute to this company?"
  • Provide concrete examples from your past. ...
  • Discuss your skills. ...
  • Demonstrate how your skills fit with this specific company. ...
  • Support your answers with data.
Mar 10, 2023

What do assets tell you about a company? ›

The balance sheet provides information on a company's resources (assets) and its sources of capital (equity and liabilities/debt). This information helps an analyst assess a company's ability to pay for its near-term operating needs, meet future debt obligations, and make distributions to owners.

What are the 3 ways to value a company? ›

Three main types of valuation methods are commonly used for establishing the economic value of businesses: market, cost, and income; each method has advantages and drawbacks. In the following sections, we'll explain each of these valuation methods and the situations to which each is suited.

What is asset value of a company? ›

Asset valuation is the process of determining the current value of a company's assets, such as stocks, buildings, equipment, brands, goodwill, etc. This process often happens as part of a wider business valuation, or before you buy, sell or insure an asset.

What is the key asset of organization? ›

Key assets are resources or property that are critical to the success of a business. These assets can come in many forms, including physical assets, intellectual property, human capital, customer relationships, and financial assets.

What are the 4 types of organizational assets? ›

The four types of assets organizations manage in order to be successful are - a) Physical, b) Human,c) Financial, d)Intellectual property. Physical Assets include Buildings, land, furniture, equipment, etc.

Why you may be a good fit for this role for freshers? ›

“I should be hired for this role because of my relevant skills, experience, and passion for the industry. I've researched the company and can add value to its growth. My positive attitude, work ethics, and long-term goals align with the job requirements, making me a committed and valuable asset to the company.”

What is the most important skill an asset manager needs to have? ›

Asset Manager Qualifications/Skills:

Strong time-management skills. Detail oriented and highly organized. Skilled in negotiation and project management. Excellent critical thinking skills.

Why do you think you would be the best fit for this administrative position? ›

Example answer: “I feel confident in my ability to keep everyone organized and on schedule so we can all meet our objectives. I also feel that by taking over the majority of administrative duties, team members can delegate their time more efficiently as well as increase their work productivity.”

What motivates you to work for this company? ›

I see this opportunity as a way to contribute to an exciting/forward-thinking/fast-moving company/industry, and I feel I can do so by/with my …” “I feel my skills are particularly well-suited to this position because …” “I believe I have the type of knowledge to succeed in this role and at the company because …”

Why should I hire you over other candidates? ›

Your skills and qualifications. If you can prove that you've got all the skills that the company is looking for in a candidate, you'll have effectively answered the question. Your passion and motivation. You can highlight how good of a company fit you'd be and how much you love working in your field or industry.

How do you answer why do you want to work for this company? ›

5 good answers to 'Why do you want to work here? '
  1. I've known about your company for a long time and really admire it.
  2. I believe I can make a positive impact here.
  3. The company's values align with my own.
  4. I love what I've heard/read about the company culture.
  5. I admire the company's work ethic and collaborative spirit.

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

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Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.