Experts have worked out which majors have the highest IQ (2024)

Physics, Mathematical Sciences and Philosophy are among the majors with the highest IQs in America, according to research.

University data experts at Educational Testing Service have ranked the top majors based on their IQ – Physics and Astronomy come out on top with 133.

See where your major ranks below – for reference, 120-140 IQ points is deemed “very superior intelligence”, 110-119 is “superior intelligence” and 90-109 is “normal or average intelligence.”

Experts have worked out which majors have the highest IQ (1)

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Experts have worked out which majors have the highest IQ (2024)


What is the average IQ of education majors? ›

The overall IQ (“General Ability Level”) is listed as z-scores, which means that every 0.1-unit increment in the graph is equal to 1.5 IQ points. Therefore, the average IQ for a person who earned an education degree was about 108.

Which subject requires highest IQ? ›

I looked into the IQ distribution of different majors and have found that the majors that have the highest average IQ scores are:
  • Physics & Astronomy (133)
  • Mathematical Sciences (130)
  • Philosophy (129) Materials Engineering (129)
  • Economics (128) Chemical Engineering (128) ...
  • Mechanical Engineering (126)

What university has the highest average IQ? ›

The Top 25 Smartest US Colleges
RankingSchoolStudents IQ Test Score Estimate
3Olin College143.4
21 more rows

What is the IQ of Elon Musk? ›

Elon Musk IQ is close to this starting point, with an estimated score of 155. The typical genius has an IQ of around 140.

What is Bill Gates IQ level? ›

Bill Gates IQ is 151.45, despite the fact that he has never publicly disclosed it. He scored 1590 out of 1600 on his SATs in 1973, which converts to a score of 1590 out of 1600. With this IQ, Bill Gates is technically a genius because he is smarter than 99.96% of the population.

What classes are considered high IQ? ›

A score of 116 or more is considered above average. A score of 130 or higher signals a high IQ. Membership in Mensa, the High IQ society, includes people who score in the top 2 percent, which is usually 132 or higher.

Do educated people have higher IQ? ›

The relationship between intelligence and education is one that scientists have been studying for years. It is correct to say that higher level of education leads to greater level of intelligence and also true the other way around, however, it does not apply for every situation.

What is the average IQ of a MIT grad? ›

“Average” in a selective prep school can be ~120. Average IQ at MIT or Harvard is closer to 130.

What profession is the smartest? ›

Software engineers/programmers are viewed as the smartest workers. The rest of the top 5 is filled with prestigious roles that will make mom proud- doctor, lawyer, engineer, and accountant. Want to be viewed as smart? Consider a medical career, they dominate the top 25.

What is Ben Affleck's IQ? ›

As of 2022, Ben Affleck has a $150 million net worth. Ben Affleck's career spans decades, thanks to Ben Affleck IQ of 154 that he used in his work as an actor, director, screenwriter, and producer has contributed to his wealth.

What is the average IQ of a lawyer? ›

Emotional intelligence does not correlate with IQ. Just because you're smart doesn't mean you're likely to have a high EI. Some professionals, such as lawyers, exhibit high average IQ scores (in the 115-130 range), while at the same time scoring lower than the general population on EI (85-95).

What is the average IQ of a Harvard student? ›

Yes, there is some data to suggest that, historically, the average Harvard undergraduate IQ was around 136.

What US state has the highest IQ? ›

Massachusetts, with an average IQ of 104.3, is the state with the highest IQ in the United States, but only by 0.1, as New Hampshire is the second state with the highest IQ, with an IQ score of 104.2.

Which US state is the smartest? ›

Massachusetts, home of Harvard University and a plethora of other prestigious colleges and schools, earned the top spot, with an overall index score of 93.9.

What is Mark Zuckerberg IQ? ›

Various sources, however, estimate it at 152 IQ based on biographical data, publications, and achievements. He is regarded as a genius and among the world's most intellectual individuals. A score of 152 is regarded as high, while a score of 100 is considered normal.

Does Ashton Kutcher have a high IQ? ›

With an IQ 160, Kutcher is not only in a unique class of brilliant folks, but he is also one of the few actors in Hollywood with such a score, according to Hollywood.

What is Kim Kardashian IQ? ›

Kim Kardashian IQ is estimated to be 190. Although some people are known to have IQs above 200, the theoretical maximum IQ in the world is 200. This IQ demonstrates that Kim is among the smartest people in the world. With a $1 billion net worth, Kim Kardashian is ranked 17th on the Forbes World Billionaires list.

What is Jeff Bezos IQ? ›

Jeff Bezos' IQ has never been confirmed publicly but is considered to likely be over 150.

What is Kanye's IQ? ›

It's Mensa level — [a score of] 133, 98% percentile. Straight up Sigmund Freud, Tesla vibes.”

What was Steve Jobs IQ? ›

"Steve Jobs likely had an IQ roughly 160 or above”, according to the article "Steve Jobs Leveraged His Intelligence To More Effectively Create." It means Steve Jobs IQ is 160. Jobs was tested around the end of fourth grade, according to Walter Isaacson's book.

What is the average IQ of a medical doctor? ›

The average I.Q. of a doctor is approximately 125. Studies have determined that a doctor's I.Q. will normally fall within the 110-130 range, putting them into the 'high average' and 'superior' Wechsler classifications.

What are some signs of high IQ? ›

Some signs that often appear in children include:
  • Intense need for mental stimulation and engagement.
  • Ability to learn new topics quickly.
  • Ability to process new and complex information rapidly.
  • Desire to explore specific topics in great depth.
  • Insatiable curiosity, often demonstrated by many questions.
Jun 7, 2022

What is the average IQ in USA? ›

IQ compared by countries

With an average IQ of 98 points, the USA ranks 29th in this ranking. With 108 points, the inhabitants of Hong Kong reach the highest intelligence quotas worldwide. The last place, with only 56 points, is occupied by Equatorial Guinea.

Is IQ a genetic trait? ›

Researchers have previously shown that a person's IQ is highly influenced by genetic factors, and have even identified certain genes that play a role. They've also shown that performance in school has genetic factors. But it's been unclear whether the same genes that influence IQ also influence grades and test scores.

What is the IQ of PhD students? ›

I'd add that the average PhD has been found to have an IQ 2 SD's above the norm, or 130 for SD15 scoring. What are some indications of average intelligence?

Does IQ increase with age? ›

An individual's IQ does not change with age. In other words: if you did an IQ test now and then another one in 10 years' time, your IQ score will probably be very similar. This is because IQ is always measured relative to other people your age.

What IQ do you need to be a certified genius? ›

Notably, the average IQ score falls between 85 and 115. A score above 140, meanwhile, is considered to be genius level.

What is the average IQ of physics PhD? ›

The production of knowledge is often perceived to be the archetype of a cognitively demanding activity that requires some form of innate or natural ability (talent). PhD physicists are reported to have an average IQ in the neighbourhood of 140.

What IQ do you need for Stanford? ›

Ranking Intelligence Scores With the Stanford-Test Test

130 – 144 = Gifted or very advanced. 120 – 129 = Superior. 110 – 119 = High average. 90 – 109 = Average.

What professions have IQ 120? ›

School teachers, Pharmacists, Accountants, Nurses, and Managers – 120.

What is a nurse average IQ? ›

What's an average IQ of a nurse? It has been observed that the average IQ score of occupational groups is almost the same. 140 – Top civil servants; professors, and research scientists. 120 – School teachers, pharmacists, accountants, nurses, stenographers, managers.

What is Brad Pitt's IQ? ›

What IQ Did These Famous People Have?
Brad PittHollywood actor126
Abraham LincolnPolitician148
Andy WarholArtist86
Jodie FosterActress132
60 more rows

What is Julia Roberts IQ? ›

Julia Roberts IQ. It's hard to imagine, but Julia Roberts, who has an IQ 125, has been a Hollywood mainstay for three decades. There's no disputing her skill, from her debut performance in Pretty Woman to her Oscar-winning performance in Erin Brockovich, but "America's Sweetheart" has a dark side as well.

What is George Clooney's IQ? ›

I - What is George Clooney IQ :

George Clooney IQ is said to be 127, which makes him in the top 14% of the world's population with intellectual quotient.

What is the average IQ of an engineer? ›

Engineer vs engineer: Who has the higher IQ?
Average IQProfession
127.5Chemical engineering
127Material Science
126Electrical Engineering
125.5Mechanical Engineering
25 more rows
Jun 4, 2012

Is 145 IQ a genius? ›

130 to 144: Moderately gifted. 145 to 159: Highly gifted. 160 to 179: Exceptionally gifted. 180 and up: Profoundly gifted.

What personality type are most lawyers? ›

Over half of all lawyers fall into just a quarter of the Myers Briggs personality types – with INTJ (an introvert type) five times more common among lawyers than the general populationi.

Does IQ predict GPA? ›

For example, many studies show a correlation of roughly +. 50 between IQ scores and students' grade point averages in college.

What is average IQ at Ivy League? ›

you can see that the average IQ of all college graduates was 111. The average IQ of Ivy League colleges was 120.

Is 120 IQ a genius? ›

An IQ score over 140 indicates that you're a genius or nearly a genius, while 120 - 140 is classed as "very superior intelligence". 110 - 119 is "superior intelligence", while 90 - 109 is "normal or average intelligence".

Where do the smartest people live? ›

The top three smartest countries in the world
  • Sweden - 7.99 out of 10. Average IQ - 99. ...
  • Norway - 7.77 out of 10. Average IQ - 100. ...
  • Iceland - 7.71 out of 10. Average IQ - 101. ...
  • Trafford - 7.43 out of 10. Students achieving at least two A-levels or equivalent - 92.8% ...
  • Newham - 7.08 out of 10.

What is the #1 educated state? ›

Educational attainment, adults 25 and older

Washington, DC is continuously ranked as the most educated region in the country, with 63% of the population receiving a bachelor's degree or higher as of 2021. Massachusetts followed closely with 47% of the population obtaining a bachelor's degree or higher.

What states have the most intelligent people? ›

Massachusetts has an average IQ of 104.3, making it the smartest state in the country. New Hampshire is the second smartest state, with an average IQ of 104.2.
Smartest States in the US
  • North Dakota – 103.8.
  • Vermont – 103.8.
  • Minnesota – 103.7.
  • Maine – 103.4.
  • Montana – 103.4.
  • Iowa – 103.2.
  • Connecticut – 103.1.
  • Wisconsin – 102.9.

What state has the best education? ›

Massachusetts has the highest rank for public schools across the country. The quality of education is exceptional, and safety is also high. It ranked highest in math and reading test scores out of all states. Students here also achieved the highest median ACT score.

What is the average IQ of teachers? ›

It has been observed that the average IQ score of occupational groups is almost the same. 140 – Top civil servants; professors, and research scientists. 120 – School teachers, pharmacists, accountants, nurses, stenographers, managers.

Does education correlate with IQ? ›

Across 142 effect sizes from 42 data sets involving over 600,000 participants, we found consistent evidence for beneficial effects of education on cognitive abilities of approximately 1 to 5 IQ points for an additional year of education.

What is the IQ of a genius child education? ›

In most countries the prevailing definition is an intelligence quotient (IQ) of 130 or above. Increasingly, however, schools use multiple measures of giftedness and assess a wide variety of talents, including verbal, mathematical, spatial-visual, musical, and interpersonal abilities.

What is the IQ of lawyer? ›

The Average IQ of a Lawyer

A recent report shows that some lawyers have IQ's of approximately 114 (in the 50th percentile), some 109 (in the 25th percentile), and some 124 (in the 75th percentile).

At what age does IQ stabilize? ›

The average child's IQ is not stable until around four years of age. It may be much later in children who were born early or who have significant health issues.

Is IQ genetic? ›

Researchers have previously shown that a person's IQ is highly influenced by genetic factors, and have even identified certain genes that play a role. They've also shown that performance in school has genetic factors. But it's been unclear whether the same genes that influence IQ also influence grades and test scores.

Is 130 IQ gifted? ›

A gifted child's IQ will fall within these ranges: Mildly gifted: 115 to 130. Moderately gifted: 130 to 145. Highly gifted: 145 to 160.

What is the strongest predictor of a child's IQ? ›

Empirical evidence suggests that especially parental education, parental income, and maternal IQ are important predictors of intelligence. Parental education together with maternal IQ and the child's sex were found to account for 24% of the variance in IQ at age 5 [6].

What is the IQ of Ivy League? ›

you can see that the average IQ of all college graduates was 111. The average IQ of Ivy League colleges was 120.

What is the average IQ of Harvard grads? ›

Various studies have put the average anywhere between 128 and 141. So crudely averaging the range gives 134.5 which is within the margin of error for 136. Yes, there is some data to suggest that, historically, the average Harvard undergraduate IQ was around 136.

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