Exit Cap Rate (2024)

What is Exit Cap Rate?

The Exit Cap Rate is the anticipated rate of return on an investment property at the end of the hold period, which is used to forecast the implied terminal value of the property on the date of sale.

Exit Cap Rate (1)

Table of Contents

  • How to Calculate Exit Cap Rate
  • Exit Cap Rate Formula
  • Exit Cap Rate Calculator
  • 1. Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Building Assumptions
  • 2. Terminal Value Calculation Example (Sale Price)
  • 3. Exit Cap Rate Calculation Example
  • Exit Cap Rate vs. Entry Cap Rate: What is the Difference?
  • How to Project Cap Rates

How to Calculate Exit Cap Rate

The exit cap rate is the expected yield on a property investment on the date of asset sale.

The exit cap rate is a pro forma return metric used in the commercial real estate (CRE) market to estimate the terminal value of an investment property.

The terminal value refers to the future market value of a property on the date of exit (i.e. the anticipated sale price), and represents one of the core drivers of returns from the perspective of a real estate investor.

The exit cap rate – otherwise referred to as the “terminal cap rate” or “reversion cap rate” – is a critical component of conducting property investment analysis in the due diligence phase.

The exit cap rate is a variation of the capitalization rate on a more forward-looking basis, where the assumptions are based on the future date of sale.

The assumptions that underpin the exit cap rate include estimates around the future conditions of the real estate market (and economy) on the date of sale, the state of the market demand in a specific location, and the operating performance of the property.

Therefore, it is imperative to understand that the exit cap rate is a mere estimate of an investment property’s potential yield.

With that said, the variance between the reversion cap rate and the actual cap rate can be significant given the external variables that can influence the market cap rate, especially given its far reaching assumptions.

The calculation of the exit cap rate consists of the following steps:

  1. Perform Market Analysis → Collect market data relevant to the factors that can influence the property’s market value at exit, including developing trends near the property location and potential risks.
  2. Project Net Operating Income (NOI) → Forecast the net operating income (NOI) of the property based on the data collected on comparable properties and analysis on market demand.
  3. Determine the Exit Cap Rate → Insert exit cap rate assumptions derived from the market cap rate and other external factors. However, the exit cap rate can be manually back-solved by dividing the projected NOI by the terminal value of the property.
  4. Convert into Percentage → Express the exit cap rate as a percentage by multiplying the output by 100 to convert from decimal notation into percentage form.

Exit Cap Rate Formula

The formula to estimate the terminal value of the property on the date of exit requires the exit cap rate and the projected net operating income (NOI) at various potential sale dates.

The timing of the property sale is not known on the date of purchase, and is instead contingent on future market conditions, among various other factors.

In practice, real estate investors strategically “time” the exits of their investments to coincide with periods amid peak market valuations to derive the most profits post-sale, contributing to a higher return on investment (ROI).

Terminal Value = Expected Net Operating Income (NOI) ÷ Exit Cap Rate (%)

The exit cap rate is estimated based on analyzing the market cap rate and property characteristics, among a plethora of other factors.

By rearranging the formula, we can calculate the implied exit cap rate, which can then be compared to the entry cap rate (“sanity check”).

Exit Cap Rate (%) = Expected Net Operating Income (NOI) ÷ Terminal Value


  • Net Operating Income (NOI) = (Rental Income + Ancillary Income) – Direct Operating Expenses

Net operating income (NOI) measures the operating profitability of a given property, with several commonalities to EBITDA.

Hence, NOI and EBITDA are standard measures of profitability used to perform comps analysis in their respective industries, as both metrics are capital structure independent, i.e. unaffected by financing decisions.

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Exit Cap Rate Calculator

We’ll now move to a modeling exercise, which you can access by filling out the form below.

1. Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Building Assumptions

Suppose a commercial real estate (CRE) investment firm is considering the acquisition of a commercial office building for $10 million near the end of 2023.

In the trailing twelve months (TTM), the office building generated $500k in net operating income (NOI).

  • Net Operating Income (TTM) = $500k
  • Expected Hold Period = 5 Years

The purchase price of the commercial building is $10 million, so after rearranging the purchase price formula, the implicit assumption for the entry cap rate is 5.0%.

  • Purchase Price = $500k ÷ 5.0% = $10 million
  • Entry Cap Rate = $500k ÷ $10 million = 5.0%

The NOI of the commercial building is expected to grow by $10k per year from the start of 2024 to the end of 2028 – the hold period of the property investment – causing the expected NOI to expand and reach $625k by the end of Year 5.

Exit Cap Rate (8)

2. Terminal Value Calculation Example (Sale Price)

Based on the pro forma projections of the office building’s operating performance (and implied terminal value), the firm adjusts the exit cap rate according to the levers on hand for value creation and potential market risks.

Starting in 2024, the exit cap rate is assumed to increase by 10 basis points, or 0.1%.

Therefore, the exit cap rate reaches 5.5% by the end of 2028, which is 0.5% higher than the current market cap rate.

  • Cap Rate Expansion (%) = 5.5% – 5.0% = 0.5%

Based on the insights derived from analyzing the commercial office building and the external factors at a macro level (i.e. prime rate, economic conditions) in addition to location-specific trends, the estimated exit cap rate is 5.5% on the date of sale.

  • Exit Cap Rate (%) – Year 5 = 5.5%

The real estate firm can determine the terminal value of the property, or sale price, by dividing the office building’s net operating income (NOI) by the estimated terminal cap rate.

By the end of Year 5 – the anticipated time of exit – the implied terminal value of the property is $11.4 million, based on the projected 5.5% exit cap rate and $625k in net operating income (NOI).

  • Expected Net Operating Income (NOI) – Year 5 = $625k
  • Exit Cap Rate – Year 5 = 5.5%
  • Terminal Value – Year 5 = $625k ÷ 5.5% = $11.4 million

Note: The terminal value is the estimated market value of the property from the perspective of the seller, not the actual sale price. For the implied return to be received, there must be buyers in the market willing to pay that price, i.e. the “spread” between the estimated market value and actual sale price deviates the further the exit date is from the purchase date.

3. Exit Cap Rate Calculation Example

In the final section of our exercise, we’ll solve for the implied exit cap rate manually, ignoring the fact that the figure was provided as an explicit assumption.

As mentioned earlier, the exit cap rate is calculated by dividing the expected net operating income (NOI) at exit by the terminal value.

Exit Cap Rate (9)

The implied exit cap rate matches our original assumption of 5.5%, illustrating the relationship between the three variables (NOI vs. Cap Rate vs. Property Value).

In closing, the implied terminal value (or sale price) can be adjusted by the original purchase price to calculate the total exit proceeds. If the commercial building is sold in Year 5, the expected gross proceeds collected post-exit would be $1.4 million (or a 13.6% gain in property value).

  • Exit Proceeds – Year 5 = $11.4 million – $10 million = $1.4 million (+13.6% Gain)

Exit Cap Rate (10)

Exit Cap Rate vs. Entry Cap Rate: What is the Difference?

The exit cap rate and entry cap rate in real estate are distinct variations of the capitalization rate metric, where the differences between the two stem from the timing of the assumptions.

  • Entry Cap Rate → The entry cap rate, or “going-in ” cap rate, is the estimated return as of the initial purchase date. The entry cap rate is determined by dividing the NOI of a property at stabilization by its current market value. Therefore, the entry cap rate is the expected yield on an investment property in the first year of operations.
  • Exit Cap Rate → The exit cap rate, or “going-out” cap rate, estimates a property’s resale value at the end of the hold period, i.e. near the date of exit. The exit cap rate is estimated by dividing the projected net operating income (NOI) for the year of the anticipated property sale by the expected selling price at the date of sale.

The entry cap rate is also technically a pro forma measure of returns, since the net operating income (NOI) of the property is at stabilization.

However, the reversion cap rate is further reaching in terms of the time frame, since the implied return is set based on the exit date, or date on which the property sale occurs to realize a profit (or loss).

The exit cap rate is expressed as a percentage and serves as a benchmark for comparability between property investments in the market – i.e. real estate investors can compare the risk/return of comparable properties to determine the most attractive investments to allocate capital to.

How to Project Cap Rates

In the commercial real estate (CRE) market, it is standard practice for the exit cap rate to be set higher than the entry cap rate.

Why? By setting the exit cap rate marginally higher than the entry cap rate, the implied return becomes a more conservative measure of returns – akin to setting the exit multiple in an LBO model the same as (or below) the purchase multiple.

  • Cap Rate Expansion → Lower Implied Property Value
  • Cap Rate Compression → Higher Implied Property Value

Given the relationship between cap rate and property value, the odds of achieving a sufficient yield in excess of the minimum rate of return (“hurdle rate” ) are higher if risk-averse assumptions are used as part of the investment analysis.

The common rule of thumb among industry practitioners is to add 10 basis points (bps) for each year of the hold period.

However, the incremental uptick (or “step”) can be higher for higher-risk investments, where the estimated variance between the market cap rate at present and in the future is on the higher end due to uncertainty (i.e. the differential between the “Upside” case and “Downside” case is significant).



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Exit Cap Rate (2024)


Exit Cap Rate? ›

The exit cap rate is estimated by dividing the projected net operating income (NOI) for the year of the anticipated property sale by the expected selling price at the date of sale.

What does 7.5% cap rate mean? ›

A 7.5% cap rate means the investment property will generate a net operating income which equates to 7.5% of the property's value. For example: A $300,000 property with a 7.5% cap rate would generate a net operating income of $22,500.

What is the difference between IRR and exit cap? ›

The most important distinction between cap rates and IRR are that cap rates provide only a snapshot of the value of a property at a given moment in the investment lifecycle, whereas IRR provides for an overall view of the total returns on the investment on an annualized basis.

Is a higher cap rate better? ›

It's generally better to have a lower cap rate than a higher one. A lower cap rate implies that the property is more valuable and less risky due to type, class, and market. While a higher cap rate offers investors a higher return, that property investment typically has a higher risk profile.

What is the difference between cap rate and exit yield? ›

The key difference between the cap rate and yield is in the denominator of the equations used to calculate these metrics. The cap rate calculation utilizes the property's current market value, which changes over time. The yield calculation utilizes the property's total cost, which is a static, one time number.

Is 7% a good cap rate on a rental property? ›

In real estate, a low (less than 5%) cap rate often reflects a lower risk profile, whereas a higher cap rate (greater than 7%) is often considered a riskier investment. Whether an investor deems a cap rate “good” is a direct reflection of whether or not they think the investment's return matches its perceived risk.

Is a 20% cap rate good? ›

As previously discussed, the higher the cap rate, the better the investment. A cap rate of 10% or higher is generally considered good, while a cap rate of 5% or lower is not ideal. Investors can use the cap rate to compare the potential profitability of different rental properties.

Do you want a high or low exit cap rate? ›

As a best practice, exit cap rates should be conservative estimates that are slightly higher than the entry cap rates. In general, the proforma for a commercial investment property usually assumes that Net Operating Income grows steadily over time.

Is ROI more important than cap rate? ›

Cap rate tells you what the return from an income property currently is or should be, while ROI tells you what the return on investment could be over a certain period of time. If you're considering two potential investments, the one with the higher cap rate could be the better choice.

Why is the going out cap rate critical to valuation of property? ›

It indicates that a lower value cap rate corresponds to better valuation and a better prospect of returns with a lower level of risk. On the other hand, a higher value of cap rate implies relatively lower prospects of return on property investment, and hence a higher level of risk.

What is a cap rate for dummies? ›

The cap rate is defined as the ratio between the net operating income (NOI) produced by an asset and its market value, thus constituting the rate at which the NOI is capitalized to derive the price of the asset.

What is a profitable cap rate? ›

Average cap rates range from 4% to 10%. Generally, the higher the cap rate, the higher the risk. A cap rate above 7% may be perceived as a riskier investment, whereas a cap rate below 5% may be seen as a safer bet.

What is a good cash on cash return? ›

A: It depends on the investor, the local market, and your expectations of future value appreciation. Some real estate investors are happy with a safe and predictable CoC return of 7% – 10%, while others will only consider a property with a cash-on-cash return of at least 15%. Q: Is cash on cash the same as ROI?

Is a 6.75 cap rate good? ›

For some more specific examples, the following rates are usually decent cap rates for Class A commercial office buildings in different markets: Tier I market cap rates may range from 4 – 5.25% Tier II market cap rates may range from 5.5 – 6.75% Tier III market cap rates may range from 7 – 8.5%

Is a 9.5% cap rate good? ›

The higher the cap rate, the higher the potential return and risk, all else being equal. There is no “good” cap rate per se since the target return is a subjective matter, but most commercial real estate (CRE) investors perceive cap rates around the 5% to 10% range as ideal.

Is cap rate monthly or yearly? ›

While the cap rate formula can start with any unit of time for the gross income input, it's most commonly used with a one-year horizon. A month is simply too short of a timeframe to gauge a property's return, especially if you're talking about commercial real estate.

What does 10% cap rate mean? ›

For example, if the property generates $500,000 in income after expenses, and the current value is $5,000,000, then the cap rate is 10%. In other words, the investor is earning 10% of their investment on an annual basis.

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