execution (2024)

Execution means (1) the act of carrying out, performing, or completing, as in the execution of an order or decree; (2) signing or completing all formalities necessary to make a contract or document effective, such as signing, stamping, or delivering; (3) to put to death according to a court-rendered sentence; (4) enforcement of a monetary judgment.See also: Execute

[Last updated in July of 2021 by the Wex Definitions Team]

execution (2024)


When execution is not enough? ›

Based on extensive research, this book shows what it takes to win the minds and hearts of the people you lead: individuals, teams, or entire organizations.

What is execution strategy? ›

Strategy execution refers to the implementation of a strategic plan developed by an organization or business in an attempt or effort to achieve organizational goals. It entails daily structures, operational objectives and systems that set up for success individuals entrusted with specific duties in an organization.

What are the examples of execution? ›

Lethal injection is the most widely-used method of execution, but states still authorize other methods, including electrocution, gas chamber, hanging, and firing squad.

What is execution testing? ›

Test execution is the process of performing test cases to identify bugs, errors, and other potential issues your software could have.

How do you solve poor execution? ›

How to improve your execution skills
  1. Create a plan. You can create a plan for yourself or your team to improve your execution skills. ...
  2. Set goals. ...
  3. Encourage teamwork. ...
  4. Resolve conflicts. ...
  5. Hold yourself accountable. ...
  6. Provide resources. ...
  7. Give feedback.
Jun 24, 2022

What are the three elements of execution? ›

Three Keys to Effective Execution
  • Communicate the key points. It's difficult to convey every nuance of a strategic plan throughout a large corporation. ...
  • Develop tracking systems that facilitate problem solving. Most companies use measures to test the hypotheses in their strategic plan. ...
  • Set up formal reviews.
Feb 26, 2008

Is execution the key to success? ›

Ownership of execution and the change processes vital to execution are necessary for success. Change is impossible without commitment to the decisions and actions that define strategy execution.

What are the 4 A's of strategic execution? ›

We refer to them as the 4 A's: Alignment, Ability, Architecture and Agility. The 4A framework can help you see your business through the lens of execution requirements and how it can serve as a platform for engaging others in important discussions to prioritize action and intervention.

What are the four stages of execution? ›

The disciplines are focus, leverage, engagement, and accountability.

What are the five most common methods of execution? ›

There are five methods of execution in the United States: lethal injection, electrocution, lethal gas, hanging, and firing squad.

What are the types of execution strategy? ›

The four Ps of strategy execution: integrating portfolio, program, project, and performance management.

How can I improve my test execution? ›

With that in mind, let's take a look at four key steps testers and developers can implement to reduce test run times.
  1. Script Atomic Tests. ...
  2. Run Tests in Parallel. ...
  3. Reduce the Number of Selenium Commands. ...
  4. Use Explicit Waits.
Aug 12, 2020

What is test execution productivity? ›

Productivity (for test case execution) = Actual number of test cases / actual effort expended in testing. Productivity (defect detection) = Actual number of defects (review + testing) / actual effort spent on (review + testing).

What is smart test execution? ›

Instead of spending hours executing thousands of tests against each build, creating bottlenecks in the process, smart test execution scans through your application for changes in the underlying code and runs the appropriate tests to only validate the new or changed code.

What does execution mean for work? ›

What Does Execution Mean In Business? Execution is a term used to describe the steps taken to complete a business goal. For example, if you're trying to execute a business plan, you'll need to ensure that every step in your project is carried out correctly to reach your goals.

What does good execution mean? ›

Accomplished and skillful in execution. Done, executed well. Made or done with great precision or intricacy. Adjective.

What are the three keys to execution excellence? ›

In this phase, I've found three keys to consistent execution excellence—goals, roles, and habits. These are the what, the who, and the how of getting things done.

What is an execution checklist? ›

A project execution checklist helps organize all of the moving parts of the execution process. You can use one to ensure that the team doesn't overlook any planned tasks (or leave any incomplete). Furthermore, a checklist can help you keep track of what's done and not done throughout the project execution.

What is best execution principles? ›

Best Execution is the requirement to take all sufficient steps to systematically obtain the best possible result for the client when either directly executing transactions on clients' behalf on one or more Execution Venue(s) (including execution in principal capacity) or transmitting Client Orders to intermediaries ( ...

What are the rules of execution? ›

The decree must have been transferred by an assignment in writing or by operation of law; The application for execution must have been made to the court which passed the decree. Notice and opportunity of hearing must have been given to the transferor and the judgement-debtor in case of assignment by the transfer.

What is an execution mindset? ›

Teams with an “Execution Mindset” are great converting ideas into reality at pace. It's important that the team are bought in the idea and that there's an emphasise that execution is key for the success of the idea. A team with “Execution mindset” has strong collaboration.

Why do people fail in execution? ›

But the truth is that most of the people never get to the point of execution because they are stuck with perfecting their plans. Over-planning can not only make you stuck, it can also make you lose focus on the big picture and get caught up in small term goals and problems.

Why is executing strategy hard? ›

There are many moving parts on any given day. Doing something new within an ever-changing environment with multiple other priorities is no easy task. Another reason why strategy execution is so difficult is that new strategies often require change, which is not easy for most people.

What are the four C's in strategic management? ›

If you haven't addressed questions like these, then you haven't really created a plan you know you can tackle with confidence. That's where the Four C's – Capabilities, Capacity, Constraints and Culture – come into play.

What are the 8 components of strategy execution? ›

9 Essential Components of Effective Strategy Execution
  • Strategy Definition & Communication.
  • Funding & Financial Performance.
  • Resource Management & Capacity Planning.
  • Delivering With Strategic Roadmaps.
  • Outcome / Benefits Realization.
  • What-If Analysis / Portfolio Modeling.
  • Change Request Management.
  • Reporting.

What are the 4 P's of strategic planning? ›

The four Ps are product, price, place, and promotion.

What are the 7 elements of strategy? ›

How to Strategic Plan in 7 Steps
  • Step 1: Environmental Scan. ...
  • Step 2: Internal Analysis. ...
  • Step 3: Strategic Direction. ...
  • Step 4: Develop Goals and Objectives. ...
  • Step 5: Define Metrics, Set Timelines, and Track Progress. ...
  • Step 6: Write and Publish a Strategic Plan. ...
  • Step 7: Plan for Implementation and the Future.
Apr 26, 2022

What are the six dilemmas of strategy execution? ›

There is a recurring and universal set of competing forces that strategy implementers must manage, and their ability to marshal resources and hearts while maintaining the current business depends very much on how six key dilemmas are handled: Time & Resources, Integration, Leadership, Confidence, Morale and Change.

What are the five 5 types of strategies? ›

In this article, we'll explore the 5 Ps in more detail and the tools that you can use in each area.
  • Strategy as a Plan. Planning comes naturally to many managers and as such, has become the default first step. ...
  • Strategy as Ploy. ...
  • Strategy as Pattern. ...
  • Strategy as Position. ...
  • Strategy as Perspective.

What are the 4 D's of discipline? ›

The Four D's Of Life: Desire, Determination, Discipline, Dedication.

How do you implement 4 disciplines of execution? ›

The 4 Disciplines:
  1. Discipline 1: Focus on the Wildly Important. ...
  2. Discipline 2: Act on The Lead Measures. ...
  3. Discipline 3: Keep a Compelling Scoreboard. ...
  4. Discipline 4: Create a Cadence of Accountability.

Who wrote the 4 disciplines of execution? ›

What is the most humane method of execution? ›

Lethal injection avoids many of the unpleasant effects of other forms of execution: bodily mutilation and bleeding due to decapitation, smell of burning flesh in electrocution, disturbing sights or sounds in lethal gassing and hanging, the problem of involuntary defecation and urination.

What is the quickest execution method? ›

Firing squad: Less than a minute

Denno, the Fordham professor, says a 1938 execution in which doctors attached a monitor to the inmate showed that the heart's electrical activity stopped within 30 seconds, with brain death following soon after.

What happens in a botched execution? ›

Botched executions are “those involving unanticipated problems or delays that caused, at least arguably, unnecessary agony for the prisoner or that reflect gross incompetence of the executioner.” Examples of such problems include, among other things, inmates catching fire while being electrocuted, being strangled ...

What are the 3 basic strategies? ›

According to Porter's Generic Strategies model, there are three basic strategic options available to organizations for gaining competitive advantage. These are: Cost Leadership, Differentiation and Focus.

What are the key elements of fast execution? ›

Here are Six Best Practices of Companies with Effective Execution
  • Execution Starts and Ends with Culture. ...
  • Establish and Reinforce Core Management Systems. ...
  • Focus on the Outcomes, Not the Tools. ...
  • Relentlessly Follow the Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle. ...
  • Agility and Flexibility Are Mandatory. ...
  • Hire for Grit.
Mar 28, 2016

How do you successfully execute a plan? ›

How to execute an effective plan
  1. Gather information. Before you can begin developing a successful plan, you need to make sure you have all the information necessary. ...
  2. Identify key resources. ...
  3. Develop SMART goals. ...
  4. Create the framework. ...
  5. Assign tasks. ...
  6. Establish regular communication. ...
  7. Track your progress. ...
  8. Evaluate performance.
Jun 24, 2022

What is the goal of test execution? ›

In the software development life cycle, Test Execution plays a critical role in identifying defects, bugs, and issues in the system. It is also a part of all test activities. With Test Execution, teams can create a product that meets the end-user requirements and offer different types of services.

What do you monitor while execution? ›

Test Monitoring in test execution is a process in which the testing activities and testing efforts are evaluated in order to track current progress of testing activity, finding and tracking test metrics, estimating the future actions based on the test metrics and providing feedback to the concerned team as well as ...

What are some effective testing strategies? ›

During the test:
  • Get to class on time, don't do any last minute review.
  • Survey the entire test prior to taking the exam.
  • Take a few deep breaths and relax tense muscle - repeat throughout the test.
  • Read directions carefully - ask questions.
  • Answer easier questions first - this will help calm you down.

What is the difference between execute and test? ›

The difference in between exec() and test() method is that the exec() method will return the specified match if present or null if not present in the given string whereas the test() method returns a Boolean result i.e., true if the specified match is present or else returns false if it is not present.

How do you calculate test execution? ›

  1. Percentage of test cases executed = (No of test cases executed / Total no of test cases written) x 100 = (180 / 200) x 100 = 90%
  2. Test Case Effectiveness = (Number of defects detected / Number of test cases run) x 100 = (10 / 180) x 100 = 5.55%

How many test cases can you execute in a day? ›

41) How many test cases can we run in a day? We can run around 30-55 test cases per day.

How do you automate test execution? ›

4 Steps to Start Automation Testing from Scratch
  1. Defining the scope of automation.
  2. Selecting an automation testing tool.
  3. Planning, designing, and development.
  4. Executing test cases and build your reports.

What is test planning and test execution? ›

A Test Plan is a detailed document that catalogs the test strategies, objectives, schedule, estimations, deadlines, and resources required to complete that project. Think of it as a blueprint for running the tests needed to ensure the software is working correctly – controlled by test managers.

What is faulty execution? ›

Botched executions occur when there is a breakdown in, or departure from, the 'protocol' for a particular method of execution. The protocol can be established by the norms, expectations, and advertised virtues of each method or by the government's officially adopted execution guidelines.

What are the problems of executing? ›

Five of the most common challenges to execution are: poor communication, lack of alignment, absence of structure, time management, and not having the right resources. Overcome these challenges by implementing practices that enable you and your team to execute effectively.

What is it called when an execution is delayed? ›

A stay of execution (Law Latin: cesset executio, "let execution cease") is a court order to temporarily suspend the execution of a court judgment or other court order. The word "execution" refers to the imposition of whatever judgment is being stayed and is similar to an injunction.

What does more effective execution mean? ›

Effective and efficient execution means knowing with absolute clarity what things you should do to create the outcomes you want, and what things you should say “NO” to, and then single-mindedly focusing on doing those things.

What is false execution? ›

Wrongful execution is a miscarriage of justice occurring when an innocent person is put to death by capital punishment.

Has anyone survived an execution? ›

The prisoner, still alive but riddled with holes and profoundly traumatized, was returned to his cell. He had been strapped to the gurney for four hours. Smith is one of only two people alive today who have survived an execution procedure in the US.

Are you free if you survive the lethal injection? ›

Answer and Explanation: If someone survives the death penalty, they are usually re-executed, sometimes on the spot.

Why is execution so important? ›

Execution is vital for any organization or business to succeed. It helps organizations or businesses achieve their goals, focusing on completing tasks step-by-step to reach their end goal.

How long does lethal injection last? ›

If all goes as planned, the entire execution takes about five minutes, with death usually occurring less than two minutes after the final injection.

What is the longest execution in history? ›

On May 3, 2023, the family of Joe Nathan James (pictured) sued the state of Alabama for the pain and suffering it caused during his three-hour-long lethal injection in 2022. It is believed to be the longest known execution in U.S. history.

What is the most famous execution in history? ›

On Monday, 21 January 1793, arguably one of the most significant public executions in history took place – King Louis XVI of France was beheaded by guillotine in the centre of Paris, ending with the drop of the blade over a thousand years of monarchy in France.

What are the 4 ways to be more effective at execution? ›

Four behaviors helped with improving execution: be clear and methodical, set stretch goals and deadlines, give more feedback, and resolve conflict/build team unity.

How do you become excellent in execution? ›

In my experience, execution excellence can be achieved in five key disciplines:
  1. Setting a clear team vision. Setting a clear vision requires the owner/s to do their think work. ...
  2. Quality, regular meetings. Quality and regular are the two key words here. ...
  3. Measure what matters. ...
  4. Assemble the right team. ...
  5. Create accountability.

Why is execution important for success? ›

Execution is critical to success. Execution represents a disciplined process or a logical set of related activities that enable an organization to take a strategy and make it work. Without a careful, planned approach to execution, strategic goals cannot be attained.

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Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

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Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.