Everything to know about moving to Spain as a US citizen (2024)

Everything to know about moving to Spain as a US citizen (1)


Updated on Sep 10 • 8 minute read


Everything to know about moving to Spain as a US citizen (2)

There're around 1,554,087 Americans living in Spain, of which 39,812 are from the United States. This isn’t a surprise. After all, Spain has a cheaper cost of living, provides easy access to other EU countries, and has many beautiful cities for people from all walks of life.

If you’re dreaming of moving to Spain from the US as a student, expat worker or a retiree, then you’ve come to the right place! In this guide you'll find out the practicalities of moving to Spain as an American citizen.

Recommended read for residence-permit holders in USA: How to Get your Spanish Residence Permit as an International

Types of visas for Americans entering Spain

Americans who want to visit Spain for less than 90 days for tourism, study, or business don't need a visa. You can enjoy this visa-free access until the end of 2022.

From early 2024, US citizens need to apply for a visa waiver called ETIAS to enter Spain. You'll need to apply for ETIAS at least 72 hours before your flight. If successful, your permit will be valid for 3 years or until your passport expires.

If you’re planning to visit Spain for more than 90 days, you’ll need to apply for a valid visa depending on your purpose of visit or stay.

The top 7 visa types for US citizens moving to Spain are:

  1. Student Visa
  2. Job Search Visa
  3. Work Visa
  4. Golden Visa Spain (Investor visa)
  5. Non-Lucrative Visa
  6. Permanent Residency
  7. Family Reunification Visa
Student Visa

Everything to know about moving to Spain as a US citizen (3)

Who is it for: American citizens who’re enrolled in a study or exchange program in Spain, who want to do an unpaid internship, or want to conduct research or training can apply for a Spanish student visa .

This visa could be a gateway for the job search visa or a work visa.

Validity: There are 3 types of Student Visas depending on the duration of your stay.

  • Schengen student visa: Maximum stay of 3 months (90 days).
  • Short term student visa: Maximum stay of 6 months (180 days).
  • Long term student visa: For students who need to stay longer than 6 months.

Application: You need to have an offer letter from the educational institute before you can apply for a student visa in Spain. You can apply for this visa up to 3 months before your planned departure date to allow enough time for processing of the visa application.

The required documents are slightly different for each student visa type, but the process to apply is the same.

  • Have your offer letter and other documents ready, such as visa form, proof of finance and medical insurance, passport, etc.
  • Book an appointment at the embassy or consulate and submit all the documents.
  • Pay the visa application (€60).
  • Hear back in a few weeks about the outcome. If positive, you can collect your visa. If negative, you can appeal or try again.

Students with the long-term student visa can work up to 20 hours per week if they apply for their Tarjeta de identidad de extranjero (foreigner identity card).

Job Search Visa

Who is it for: The job search visa allows student visa holders to stay in Spain after their undergraduate or master’s degree in an effort to find a job.

Validity: The job search visa is a non-renewable visa that is valid for 12 months.

Application: US citizens can apply for the Job Search Visa if they:

  • Have recently completed their bachelor or master’s degree on a Spanish student visa. You can apply 60 days before your student visa expires or until 90 days after.
  • Have the means to supports themselves (and any dependents).
  • Have Spanish health insurance.

You'll hear the decision in approximately 20 working days.

Work Visa

Everything to know about moving to Spain as a US citizen (4)

Who is it for: For all US citizens who’ve a job offer from a company in Spain and want to enjoy benefits such as a minimum wage of €1,260 per month, access to free public healthcare, and minimum 30 days of paid vacation leave.

The company will need to apply for a Spanish work visa on your behalf as they need to prove that either you're filling an in-demand or shortage occupation in Spain or that they couldn’t find a EU person.

Tip: To increase your chances of getting a job in Spain as a US citizen, it's good practice to include your profile photo on your CV. It also helps if you already know some Spanish.

Validity: The work visa's valid for 1 year. After that, you can ask for renewals twice. Each renewal will grant you a 2-year visa.

Application: The company that’s willing to hire you needs to start the process by applying for a work permit. You need to be in America when you conditionally accept the work offer.

Once they’re done, you can submit your entrance visa application. After you’ve arrived in Spain, don’t forget to officially sign the work contract and then apply for your foreigner identity card, social security, and health insurance.

Read our full guide to Getting a Spanish Work Visa to know more.

Highly Skilled Visa

Who is it for: This visa is for those highly skilled Americans:

  • Who are hired as a manager or in some senior leadership role. You’ll likely need to be hired by a big or medium-sized company that can match the minimum salary requirements.
  • Or hired by the government or a university as a lecturer or researcher.

The advantages of this visa include:

  • You can bring your family with you.
  • Visa processing time takes 10 business days.
  • Unlike other work visas, you can be in Spain when your employer applies for this visa.
  • Your job does not need to be in an in-demand sector.
  • As a manager you’ll earn a minimum gross salary of €54,000. As a scientific professional, you’ll earn a minimum gross salary of €40,000.

Validity: Your highly skilled visa will be valid for 2 years and can be renewed later.

Application: The process is the same as applying for a residence permit in Spain. Or if you’re already in Spain, your employer can start the process for you.

Self-employed or entrepreneurship visa

Everything to know about moving to Spain as a US citizen (5)

Who is it for: This visa is perfect for those Americans who are small business owners or freelancers wanting to set up shop in Spain.

Validity: This visa is initially valid for 1 year and can be renewed 4 times, for 1-year validity each. Each time you’ll need to prove your plan's still viable and has a positive impact on the local economy and society.

Application: You can apply for this visa in Spain if you:

  • Are qualified to work in the business sector.
  • Have sufficient funding.
  • Show a detailed business plan that will also be in public interest (create local employment, contribute to developments in science and technology, or have a positive socio-economic impact.
Golden Visa

Who is it for: The Spanish Golden Visa, a.k.a. the Investor Visa is for those who wish to invest a significant amount in Spain’s economy. Eligibility depends on a minimum investment in either of the options:

  • €500,000 in a property. This is by far the most common and easiest way.
  • €1 million in company shares or bank deposits.
  • €2 million in treasury bonds.
  • Invest a lot in a new business that will generate local employment, contribute to innovations in technology or science, or create positive socio-economic impact.

The Golden Visa includes a work visa and allows the visa holder to bring their dependent family immediately. This is why the investor visa is a gateway to a long-term residence permit or even citizenship (for those who’ve continuously resided in Spain for 10 years). If this is your preferred route, don’t forget to clearly understand the tax system in Spain before applying for this visa.

The Golden Visa is also beneficial for those Americans who do not plan to stay in Spain for extended periods of time or want a quick approval on their visa application. As someone not living in Spain, you can benefit from the dual tax arrangement between USA and Spain.

Validity: The Golden Visa is valid for 1 year. During this year, you’ve to visit Spain and collect your residence permit which is valid for 2 years. You can apply for renewals indefinitely as long as you maintain the minimum investment level.

Application: You need to be committed to making an investment or must have already made the investment at the time of your visa application. You’ll need to bring the following documents with you:

  • Visa Form and fees.
  • 2 passport pictures
  • Passport valid for at least 6 months and with at least 2 blank pages.
  • Proof of funds.
  • Police report confirming no criminality and local address. No older than 3 months.
  • Proof of Spanish health insurance.
  • Documents reated to your property investment, shares, or bonds.
Non-lucrative Visa

Who is it for: The non-lucrative visa is perfect for those American citizens who want to retire in Spain or live in Spain for more than 90 days without employment. So if you’ve the financial means to support yourself and you can prove it, this visa is for you. Some examples include pensions, savings, or income-generating investments.

Validity: This visa is initially valid for 1 year and renewable every 2 years after that if you’ve spent at least half a year (183 days) in Spain.

Application: To apply for this visa, you need to have a:

  • Filled in visa form and the visa fee.
  • Passport valid for at least 6 months.
  • 1 passport photo.
  • Proof of enough funds (minimum of $30,000/year).
  • Private health insurance.
  • Police report confirming your address. Must be legalised using the Hague Appostille.
  • Medical certificate proving you’re of sound mental and physical health.
  • Documents for your dependents (such as marriage or birth certificate).
Permanent Residency Visa

Who is it for: US citizens who’ve lived in Spain for at least uninterrupted 5 years are eligible for permanent residency in Spain. But if you've had a student visa in Spain, only 50% of your time spent in Spain will count towards your PR application.

The Spanish PR will let you live and work in Spain as if you are a Spanish resident. This visa is also the gateway for getting a Spanish Passport.

Validity: The Permanent Residency Visa in Spain is valid for 5 years. After this, you can apply for citizenship as you would’ve stayed in Spain for 10 uninterrupted years.

Application: The PR visa application needs to be filed in person. You need the following documents:

  • A filled out visa application Modelo EX11.
  • Visa fee of €80.
  • Valid passport with 3 months validity and current residence permit.
  • Proof of residence in Spain (Empadronamiento).
  • Proof of funds, either via savings or employment.
  • Spanish health insurance.
  • In some cases, police records from Spain or USA.
Family Reunification Visa

Everything to know about moving to Spain as a US citizen (6)

Who is it for: Americans who’ve direct family members in Spain and want to move there to reunite with their loved ones can apply for the family reunification visa.

In general, the following family members can apply for this visa:

  • Spouse or civil partner
  • Children under 18
  • Parents and parents in-law who're above 65

Validity: As long as the family member's residence permit or foreigner identity card (TIE) is valid.

Application: The documents required for the family reunification visa differ depending on who you want to bring. But here's a general overview:

  • Passport
  • Spanish residence permit
  • Original plus translated and legalised copy of birth certificate, marriage certificate, civil partnership agreement, or adoption papers.
  • Filled in visa application form
  • Adequate housing report
  • Proof of sufficient funds and proof that the family member is dependent on you financially.
  • Proof of health insurance for all
  • Criminal background report of the foreign family member
  • Health certificate to prove the foreign family member is not a threat to society

Now that you know about the different typs of visas for Americans moving to Spain, don't forget to check out the relocation checklist to prepare for your move.

Please reach out to content@housinganywhere.com if you have any suggestions or inquiries about the content on this page.

Based on the article about moving to Spain from the United States, it covers various visa types and practicalities for Americans considering relocation to Spain. I can delve into each type of visa and its particulars:

Visa Types for Americans Moving to Spain:

1. Tourist Visa:

  • Allows visits for less than 90 days without needing a visa until 2022. After 2024, a visa waiver called ETIAS will be necessary for stays over 90 days.

2. Student Visa:

  • For American students enrolled in study programs, internships, or research in Spain. Multiple types based on duration: Schengen, short-term, and long-term visas.

3. Job Search Visa:

  • Allows post-education stay to find a job. Non-renewable for 12 months after completing a degree.

4. Work Visa:

  • Required for US citizens with a job offer from a Spanish company. Valid for 1 year, renewable twice for 2 years each.

5. Highly Skilled Visa:

  • For skilled professionals in managerial roles or academia. Valid for 2 years, applicable for renewal.

6. Self-employed or Entrepreneurship Visa:

  • Suited for American small business owners or freelancers intending to establish in Spain. Initially valid for 1 year, renewable for 4 times.

7. Golden Visa:

  • An investment-based visa with various investment options (e.g., property, company shares). Grants residency and a path to citizenship.

8. Non-lucrative Visa:

  • For retirees or individuals without employment intending to reside in Spain. Initially valid for 1 year, renewable every 2 years.

9. Permanent Residency Visa:

  • Obtainable after living in Spain for uninterrupted 5 years. Leads to citizenship after 10 years.

10. Family Reunification Visa:

  • For Americans with family members in Spain, allowing reunification with spouse, children, parents, etc.

Each visa has specific requirements, application processes, validity periods, and conditions. For instance, work visas demand a job offer, while the non-lucrative visa requires proof of financial stability. The Golden Visa entails substantial investments, leading to residency or citizenship.

The provided information illustrates the diverse pathways available for Americans planning to relocate to Spain, catering to students, professionals, retirees, investors, and individuals seeking family reunification. These visas accommodate various intentions and circ*mstances, offering opportunities to live, work, study, invest, or reunite with family in Spain.

Everything to know about moving to Spain as a US citizen (2024)


Everything to know about moving to Spain as a US citizen? ›

Requirements for moving to Spain from the US:

If you are a US citizen planning to move to Spain, there are several requirements you must fulfill. These include obtaining the necessary visa prior to your arrival in Spain (with some exceptions). Also, btaining residency (your TIE card) once you arrive in Spain.

Is it easy for a US citizen to move to Spain? ›

Requirements for moving to Spain from the US:

If you are a US citizen planning to move to Spain, there are several requirements you must fulfill. These include obtaining the necessary visa prior to your arrival in Spain (with some exceptions). Also, btaining residency (your TIE card) once you arrive in Spain.

How much money do you need to move to Spain from USA? ›

The money you need to move to Spain depends on your lifestyle and location. As a rough estimate, many expatriates and retirees find that €1,000 to €2,500 covers basic monthly living expenses in smaller towns and cities. That includes housing, utilities, groceries, and transportation.

How much income do you need to move to Spain? ›

In calculating the proof of income for non-lucrative residency, you must have an annual income of 400% of IPREM in your bank account. The IPREM for 2023 is €600 per month. Therefore, as an individual, you will need to have €2,400 as a regular guaranteed monthly income or a yearly income of €28,800.

What is the 90 day rule in Spain? ›

Simply put, the 90 day rule states that short-term visitors to Spain without residency permits should not exceed the permissible 90-day stay. This is regardless if they hold a tourist visa or not. When your 90 days are over, you are required to leave the country or apply for permanent residency status.

Where do most Americans live in Spain? ›

Madrid – The Art and Culture Capital

The sunny Capital of Spain has something for everybody, whether you're an art enthusiast, an expat with a family, or a working professional. Similar to Barcelona, Madrid is big on culture and boasts a massive expat population.

Can an American buy a house in Spain? ›

Yes! All US citizens are able to purchase property in Spain. Some US citizens may even qualify for the Spanish Golden Visa if they make a substantial real estate purchase. Yes, on the condition that you make a substantial real estate purchase that meets the qualifying criteria.

Is it cheaper to live in Spain vs US? ›

Overall, living costs in Spain are around 100% less than in the US. But let's take a deeper look into the specifics. The difference in cost of living is even more noticeable if you look at rent in Spain, which is 134% cheaper, and daycare which is a whopping 211% cheaper.

Is Spain cheaper to live than the US? ›

This's especially true if you're planning to work remotely and earn in USD. On average, the cost of living in Spain is 123% cheaper than in the USA. The biggest differences in cost are in rent, utilities, groceries, daycare, and health insurance.

What is a good salary in Spain? ›

What's a good salary for a comfortable life in Spain? Considering the average cost of living in Spain, a good monthly net salary for a comfortable life in Spain is €2,700 for a single person or €4,000 for someone supporting their family.

How much bank balance is required for Spain visa? ›

There is no specific minimum bank balance requirement for a Spain visa. However, applicants must provide proof of sufficient financial means to cover their expenses during their stay in Spain, including accommodation, transportation, and daily expenses.

Why would you be refused residency in Spain? ›

A residence visa application could be rejected because of the inability to prove a sufficient regular income. The government must ensure that anyone who wants to live in Spain has sufficient financial ability to support themselves.

What is the 3 month rule in Spain? ›

Entry bans – If you're caught travelling in Spain – or any other Schengen country – past the 90-day period, you could be banned from re-entering for up to 3 years. Prison sentences – Staying in Spain for over 90 days in any 180 days without a valid visa can result in jail time.

What is the 100 rule in Spain? ›

Cash. Travellers to Spain from outside the European Union (EU), have to produce proof that they have enough cash to support themselves for the entirety of the trip., Tourists are required to have at least 100 euros or $110 for each day of vacationing in Spain along with 900 euros or $984 for possible emergencies.

What happens if I stay longer than 3 months in Spain? ›

If you are a non-EEA national (including British) and wish to stay in Spain for longer than 90 days, you will need a visa. You should apply for the visa that suits your purpose from a Spanish Consulate in your home country.

Can a US citizen live permanently in Spain? ›

After 5 years of holding the temporary residence permit, you will be eligible for permanent residency. The permanent residency will entitle you to live and work in Spain indefinitely. After 10 years of legal residency (temporary or permanent) you may be eligible for naturalization.

Is it difficult to relocate to Spain? ›

If you're NOT from the EU/EEA area, relocating to Spain is a bit more complicated. And you will need a visa. All the different visa options are listed here—but assuming you're moving to Spain to work, you'll need to get a work visa. There are many types of work visa, and different options have different lengths.

Can I just move to Spain and live there? ›

Depending on why you wish to move to Spain, you must select the type of long-stay visa and residence permit corresponding to your travel purpose. You need a long-stay visa to apply for a residence permit. A long-stay (D visa) visa will allow you to stay in the Spanish territory for long-term residency.

What is the easiest country to move to from the US? ›

The 10 Easiest Countries To Immigrate As an Expat
1. Canada2. Australia3. Germany
4. New Zealand5. Singapore6. Sweden
7. Ireland8. Netherlands9. Costa Rica
10. Malta
Mar 22, 2024

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