ETF Center for Advisors | Goldman Sachs Asset Management (2024)


Traditional ETFs refer to market-cap weighted strategies designed to track a given market or index.

Return on Equity (ROE) is the amount of net income as a percentage of shareholders equity.

Smart beta” refers to quantitative index-based strategies.

ActiveBeta® U.S. Large Cap Equity Index - An index derived from an equally weighted combination of Volatility, Quality, Momentum, and Value indices. It is a registered trademark of Goldman Sachs Asset Management.

Value - A composite signal of three valuation ratios, namely free cash flow-to-price (or earnings when cash flow is unavailable), book value-to-price, and sales-to-price, that incorporates our proprietary Industry Neutralization Technique.

Momentum - The t-statistic of the alpha term from a market regression of daily returns over the trailing 11-month period lagged one month.

Volatility - Prior 12-month standard deviation of daily total returns, that uses a starting universe containing equal-weighted stocks within industry groups.

Quality - Gross profit divided by total assets.

Neutralisation Technique - neutralizes industry group exposures by adjusting all securities within an industry group equally to closely match the benchmark weight of the industry.

Key Risks

Market risk - the value of assets in the Sub-Fund is typically dictated by a number of factors, including the confidence levels of the market in which they are traded.

Operational risk - material losses to the Sub-Fund may arise as a result of human error, system and/or process failures, inadequate procedures or controls.

Liquidity risk - the Sub-Fund may not always find another party willing to purchase an asset that the Sub-Fund wants to sell which could impact the Sub-Fund's ability to meet redemption requests on demand.

Exchange rate risk - changes in exchange rates may reduce or increase the returns an investor might expect to receive independent of the performance of such assets. Hedging of this risk may not be fully effective and may increase other risks (e.g. derivative risk).

Custodian risk - insolvency, breaches of duty of care or misconduct of a custodian or sub-custodian responsible for the safekeeping of the Sub-Fund's assets can result in loss to the Sub-Fund.

Interest rate risk - when interest rates rise, bond prices fall, reflecting the ability of investors to obtain a more attractive rate of interest on their money elsewhere. Bond prices are therefore subject to movements in interest rates which may move for a number of reasons, political as well as economic.

Credit risk - The failure of a counterparty or an issuer of a financial asset held within the Sub-Fund to meet its payment obligations will have a negative impact on the Sub-Fund.

Derivatives risk - derivative instruments are highly sensitive to changes in the value of the underlying asset that they are based on. Certain derivatives may result in losses greater than the amount originally invested.

Counterparty risk - a party that the Sub-Fund transacts with may fail to meet its obligations which could cause losses.

Sustainability risk - an environmental, social or governance event or condition that could cause the value of the portfolio to go down. Examples of sustainability risks include physical environmental risks, climate change transition risks, supply chain disruptions, improper labour practices, lack of board diversity and corruption.

Index tracking error risk - the performance of the Sub-Fund may not generally follow and may be very different from the performance of the Index. The anticipated tracking error has been calculated using historical data and therefore may not capture all factors that will impact a Sub-Fund's actual performance against its reference index.

Fixed-Income Securities Risk - Investment by the Sub-Fund in these securities exposes it to the risk of the issuer's or a guarantor's inability to meet principal and interest payments on its obligations (i.e., credit risk). These securities may also be subject to price volatility due to factors such as interest rate sensitivity, market perception of the creditworthiness of the issuer, and general market liquidity (i.e., market risk). A Sub-Fund's investments in these securities may be subject to early redemption features which may have a material adverse effect on the Sub-Fund's investment objective and the profits on invested capital.

Sampling Risk - The use of a representative sampling approach will result in the Sub-Fund holding a smaller number of securities than are in the Index. As a result, an adverse development with respect to a security held by the Sub-Fund could result in a greater decline in Net Asset Value than would be the case if the Sub-Fund held all of the securities in the respective Index.

For more detailed information on the risks associated with an investment in the Sub-Fund, please refer to the section in the Prospectus entitled “Risk Considerations” and discuss with your professional advisers.


The return of your investment may increase or decrease as a result of currency fluctuations if your investment is made in a currency other than that used in the past performance calculation.

This website has been issued by Goldman Sachs International, authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.

European Economic Area (EEA): This marketing communication is disseminated by Goldman Sachs Asset Management B.V., including through its branches (“GSAM BV”). GSAM BV is authorised and regulated by the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (Autoriteit Financiële Markten, Vijzelgracht 50, 1017 HS Amsterdam, The Netherlands) as an alternative investment fund manager (“AIFM”) as well as a manager of undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities (“UCITS”). Under its licence as an AIFM, the Manager is authorized to provide the investment services of (i) reception and transmission of orders in financial instruments; (ii) portfolio management; and (iii) investment advice. Under its licence as a manager of UCITS, the Manager is authorized to provide the investment services of (i) portfolio management; and (ii) investment advice. Information about investor rights and collective redress mechanisms are available on (section Policies & Governance). Capital is at risk. Any claims arising out of or in connection with the terms and conditions of this disclaimer are governed by Dutch law.

In Denmark and Sweden this material is a financial promotion disseminated by Goldman Sachs Bank Europe SE, including through its authorised branches ("GSBE"). GSBE is a credit institution incorporated in Germany and, within the Single Supervisory Mechanism established between those Member States of the European Union whose official currency is the Euro, subject to direct prudential supervision by the European Central Bank and in other respects supervised by German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufischt, BaFin) and Deutsche Bundesbank.

In the United Kingdom, this material is a financial promotion and has been approved by Goldman Sachs International, which is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.

Messaggio pubblicitario con finalità promozionali. Prima dell'adesione leggere il KID, che il proponente l’investimento deve consegnare prima della sottoscrizione, e il Prospetto disponibile sul sito Internet: presso gli intermediari collocatori.

This is marketing material for financial instruments.

This document is provided to you by Goldman Sachs Bank AG, Zürich. Any future contractual relationships will be entered into with affiliates of Goldman Sachs Bank AG, which are domiciled outside of Switzerland. We would like to remind you that foreign (Non-Swiss) legal and regulatory systems may not provide the same level of protection in relation to client confidentiality and data protection as offered to you by Swiss law.

The prospectus, the Key Information Document (KID) or UK Key Investor Information Document (KIID) (as applicable), the articles, the annual and semi-annual reports of the Fund may be obtained free of charge from the Swiss Representative. In respect of the Shares offered or advertised in Switzerland to Qualified Investors, the place of performance is at the registered office of the Swiss Representative. The place of jurisdiction is at theregistered office of the representative or at the registered office or place of residence of the investor.

Swiss Representative: FIRST INDEPENDENT FUND SERVICES LTD, Feldeggstrasse 12, 8008 Zurich Paying Agent: GOLDMAN SACHS BANK AG, Claridenstrasse 25, CH-8002 Zurich

There is no guarantee that the stated objectives will be met.

Past performance does not guarantee future results, which may vary. The value of investments and the income derived from investments will fluctuate and can go down as well as up. A loss of principal may occur. Share class performance is shown based on the NAV (net asset value) of the Share class with income (gross) reinvested including actual ongoing charges excluding any entry and exit fees. Performance is shown based on the NAV which may not be the same as the market price of the ETF. Individual shareholders may realise returns that are different to the NAV based returns. Indices do not include fees or operating expenses and you cannot invest in them. The benchmark is for comparative purposes only unless specifically referenced in the Sub-Funds' Investment Objective and Policy. Dividend income shown is gross of any applicable tax.

This material is provided at your request for informational purposes only. It is not an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any securities. Views and opinions expressed are for informational purposes only and do not constitute a recommendation by Goldman Sachs Asset Management to buy, sell, or hold any security. Views and opinions are current as of the date of this presentation and may be subject to change, they should not be construed as investment advice.

Information provided herein is not an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any securities. Any mention of an investment decision is intended only to illustrate our investment approach and/or strategy, and is not indicative of the performance of our strategy as a whole. It should not be assumed that any investment decisions shown will prove to be profitable, or that any investment decisions made in the future will be profitable or will equal the performance of the investments discussed herein. This information is indicative only and may be outdated and should not be relied upon. Fund holdings and allocations shown are unaudited, and may not be representative of current or future investments. Fund holdings and allocations may not include the Fund’s entire investment portfolio, which may change at any time. Fund holdings should not be relied on in making investment decisions and should not be construed as research or investment advice regarding particular securities. Current and future holdings are subject to risk. Percentages may not sum to 100% due to rounding. Full index sector and holdings information is available on Exchange-Traded Funds are subject to risks similar to those of stocks. Investment returns may fluctuate and are subject to market volatility, so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, or sold, may be worth more or less than their original cost. ETFs may yield investment results that, before expenses, generally correspond to the price and yield of a particular index. There is no assurance that the price and yield performance of the index can be fully matched.

Please note that ETFs are not riskless investments, so investors can lose money Investors can lose money by investing in the Funds. For additional risk considerations, please refer to the KIIDs at As a UCITS ETF, a Sub-Fund’s Shares purchased on the Secondary Market cannot usually be sold directly back to the Sub-Fund by investors who are not Authorised Participants. Generally, investors who are not Authorised Participants must buy and sell shares on a Secondary Market with the assistance of an intermediary (e.g. a stockbroker) and may incur fees and additional taxes in doing so. In addition, as the market price at which the Shares are traded on the Secondary Market may differ from the Net Asset Value per Share, investors may pay more than the then current Net Asset Value when buying shares and may receive less than the current Net Asset Value when selling them. (CBI UCITS Regs 2015, Regulation 84)

Views and opinions expressed are for informational purposes only and do not constitute a recommendation by Goldman Sachs Asset Management to buy, sell, or hold any security. Views and opinions are current as of the date of this presentation and may be subject to change, they should not be construed as investment advice. Information provided herein is not an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any securities.

Fund holdings and allocations shown are unaudited, and may not be representative of current or future investments. Fund holdings and allocations may not include the Fund’s entire investment portfolio, which may change at any time. Fund holdings should not be relied on in making investment decisions and should not be construed as research or investment advice regarding particular securities. Current and future holdings are subject to risk. Percentages may not sum to 100% due to rounding. Full index sector and holdings information is available on

Exchange-Traded Funds are subject to risks similar to those of stocks. Investment returns may fluctuate and are subject to market volatility, so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, or sold, may be worth more or less than their original cost. ETFs may yield investment results that, before expenses, generally correspond to the price and yield of a particular index. There is no assurance that the price and yield performance of the index can be fully matched.

Traditional ETFs refer to market-cap weighted strategies designed to track a given market or index. Return on Equity (ROE) is the amount of net income as a percentage of shareholders equity. Smart beta” refers to quantitative index-based strategies. Value - A composite signal of three valuation ratios, namely free cash flow-to-price (or earnings when cash flow is unavailable), book value-to-price, and sales-to-price, that incorporates our proprietary Industry Neutralization Technique. Momentum - The t-statistic of the alpha term from a market regression of daily returns over the trailing 11-month period lagged one month. Volatility - Prior 12-month standard deviation of daily total returns, that uses a starting universe containing equal-weighted stocks within industry groups. Quality - Gross profit divided by total assets. ActiveBeta® U.S. Large Cap Equity Index - An index derived from an equally weighted combination of Volatility, Quality, Momentum, and Value indices. Neutralisation Technique - neutralizes industry group exposures by adjusting all securities within an industry group equally to closely match the benchmark weight of the industry.

The Index is constructed using the patented ActiveBeta® Portfolio Construction Methodology, which was developed to provide exposure to the “factors” (or characteristics) that are commonly tied to a stock’s outperformance relative to market returns. The key factors are value (i.e., how attractively a stock is priced relative to its “fundamentals,” such as book value and free cash flow), momentum (i.e., whether a company’s share price is trending up or down), quality (i.e., profitability) and low volatility (i.e., a relatively low degree of fluctuation in a company’s share price over time). Given the Sub-Fund’s investment objective of attempting to track its Index, the Sub-Fund does not follow traditional methods of active investment management, which may involve buying and selling securities based upon analysis of economic and market factors.

Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) strategies may take risks or eliminate exposures found in other strategies or broad market benchmarks that may cause performance to diverge from the performance of these other strategies or market benchmarks. ESG strategies will be subject to the risks associated with their underlying investments’ asset classes. Further, the demand within certain markets or sectors that an ESG strategy targets may not develop as forecasted or may develop more slowly than anticipated.

As part of our investment process, we may integrate ESG factors alongside traditional factors. The identification of a risk related to an ESG factor will not necessarily exclude a particular investment that, in our view, is otherwise suitable and attractively priced for investment, and we may invest in an issuer without integrating ESG factors or considerations into our investment process. Moreover, ESG information, whether from an external and/or internal source, is, by nature and in many instances, based on a qualitative and subjective assessment. An element of subjectivity and discretion is therefore inherent to the interpretation and use of ESG data. The relevance and weightings of specific ESG factors to or within the investment process vary across asset classes, sectors and strategies and no one factor or consideration is determinative. Goldman Sachs Asset Management in its sole discretion and without notice may periodically update or change the process for conducting its ESG assessments and implementation of its ESG views in portfolios, including the format and content of such analysis and the tools and/or data used to perform such analysis. Accordingly, the type of assessments depicted here may not be performed for every portfolio holding. The process for conducting ESG assessments and implementation of ESG views in portfolios, including the format and content of such analysis and the tools and/or data used to perform such analysis, may also vary among portfolio management teams.

The track record information and operational commitments on this page also relate to Goldman Sachs’s sustainability practices and track record at an organizational and investment team level, which may not be reflected in the portfolio of the product(s).

Firmwide sustainability goals are not binding characteristics of specific products. There is no guarantee that any particular ESG objective will be pursued or met with respect to any particular product.

Please note that for the purposes of the European Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (“SFDR”), this product is not an Article 8 or 9 product. Please note that this material includes certain information on Goldman Sachs’s sustainability practices and track record at an organizational and investment team level, which may not necessarily be reflected in the portfolio of any product(s) you invest in. Please refer to the offering documents of any product(s) prior to investment, for details on how and the extent to which the product(s) takes ESG considerations into account on a binding or non-binding basis.

Please note that for the purposes of the European Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (“SFDR”), the product is an Article 8 product that promotes environmental and social characteristics. Please note that this material includes certain information on Goldman Sachs’s sustainability practices and track record, at an organizational and investment team level, which may not necessarily be reflected in the portfolio. Please refer to the offering documents of any product(s) prior to investment, for details on how and the extent to which the product(s) takes ESG considerations into account on a binding or non-binding basis.

Please note that for the purposes of the European Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (“SFDR”), the product is an Article 9 product that has a sustainable investment objective. Please note that this material includes certain information on Goldman Sachs sustainability practices and track record, at an organizational and investment team level, which may not necessarily be reflected in the portfolio. Please refer to the offering documents of any product(s) prior to investment, for details on how and the extent to which the product(s) takes ESG considerations into account on a binding or non-binding basis.

Documents providing further detailed information about the fund/s, including the articles of association, prospectus, supplement and the Key Information Document (KID) or UK Key Investor Information Document (KIID) (as applicable), annual/semi-annual report (as applicable), and a summary of your investor rights, are available free of charge in English language and as required, in your local language by navigating to your local language landing page via and also from the fund’s paying and information agents. If GSAMFSL, the management company, decides to terminate its arrangement for marketing the fund/s in any EEA country where it is registered for sale, it will do so in accordance with the relevant UCITS rules.

The (name of the “Fund”) is an open-ended Index Tracking Sub-Fund of Goldman Sachs ETF ICAV which is an umbrella fund constituted as an Irish Collective Asset-management Vehicle under the laws of Ireland with segregated liability between sub-funds and authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland pursuant to the European Communities (Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities) Regulations 2011 (as amended)).

The UCITS ETF will publicly disclose its complete holdings on a daily basis. Details of the UCITS ETF’s holdings and full disclosure policy are available at The indicative net asset values (iNAVs) are disseminated and are displayed on major market data vendor terminals, including Bloomberg and Reuters.

Offering Documents

This website is provided at your request for informational purposes only and does not constitute a solicitation in any jurisdiction in which such a solicitation is unlawful or to any person to whom it is unlawful. It only contains selected information with regards to the fund and does not constitute an offer to buy shares in the fund. Prior to an investment, prospective investors should carefully read the latest Key Investor Information Document (KIID) as well as the offering documentation, including but not limited to the fund’s prospectus which contains inter alia a comprehensive disclosure of applicable risks. The relevant articles of association, prospectus, supplement, KIID and latest annual/semi-annual report are available free of charge from the fund’s paying and information agent and/or from your financial adviser. Investment Advice and Potential Loss Financial advisers generally suggest a diversified portfolio of investments. The fund described herein does not represent a diversified investment by itself. This material must not be construed as investment or tax advice. Prospective investors should consult their financial and tax adviser before investing in order to determine whether an investment would be suitable for them. An investor should only invest if he/she has the necessary financial resources to bear a complete loss of this investment.

356288-OTU-1967742, 354546-OTU-1958080, 350265-OTU-1937984Date of first use: February 15, 2024.

ETF Center for Advisors | Goldman Sachs Asset Management (2024)
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