Eminent Domain: Meaning and Types (2024)

What Is Eminent Domain?

Eminent domain is the power of the government to take private property and put it to public use, following the payment of just compensation. This is a practice that occurs in the United States, and in many different countries under different name. It may not seem fair to the owners of the property, and eminent domain lawsuits, especially when the owner feels they are not justly compensated, are fairly common.

Key Takeaways

  • Eminent domain is the right of governments like the United States to usurp private property for public use, following fair compensation.
  • Everything from airspace, land, and contract rights to intellectual property is subject to eminent domain if a case can be made for its public use.
  • The legal debate surrounding unfair invoking of eminent domain, such as when property owners are not fairly compensated, is called inverse condemnation.
  • Both an entire property and a partial property can be seized, as well as the potential for a temporary seizure.
  • There have been some instances where a private party has used eminent domain seizures under the guise of public improvements.

Understanding Eminent Domain

Eminent domain is a right granted under the Fifth Amendment of the Constitution. Similar powers are found in most common law nations. Called "expropriation" in Canada, "compulsory acquisition" in Australia, in the U.K., New Zealand, and Ireland, eminent domain is known as "compulsory purchase."

Private property is taken through condemnation proceedings, in which owners can challenge the legality of the seizure and settle the matter of fair market value used for compensation. The most straightforward examples of condemnation involve land and buildings seized to make way for a public project. It may include airspace, water, dirt, timber, and rock appropriated from private land for the construction of roads.

Eminent domain can include leases, stocks, and investment funds. In 2013, municipalities began to consider using eminent domain laws to refinance underwater mortgages by seizing them from investors at their current market value and reselling them at more reasonable rates. Congress passed a law prohibiting the Federal Housing Administration from financing mortgages seized by eminent domain as part of the FY 2015 budget.

Because contract rights, patents, copyrights, and intellectual property are all subject to eminent domain, the federal government could theoretically use eminent domain to seize a social media company such as Meta (formerly Facebook) and turn it into a public utility to protect people's privacy and data.

Types of Taking

The government decides what use it has of your property. Each category of use is taken, used, and compensated differently. Unfortunately, property owners find they do not have much say in which manner their property is seized, and are hesitant to enter into lengthy legal battles against the government.

Complete Taking

Complete taking, also known as total taking, is when the entire piece of land is seized. Despite the amount of just compensation being the highest market value, many do not feel they are being fairly compensated. When large construction projects or utilities need the entire parcel in order to function, complete taking is usually the resulting type of condemnation.

Partial Taking

Partial taking under eminent domain is exactly what it sounds like—a partial piece of the property is taken. This is slightly more complicated than a complete taking, since it is much easier to value a piece as a whole than it is to assign fair value to each individual part. the government realizes that the seizure of one aspect of the property may decrease the value of the remainder, which is why there are two components considered when a property is partially taken. The first is the value of the property that was acquired, and the second is the loss of value to the property remaining, called the remainder.

Temporary Taking

The taking of a property for a set period of time is known as temporary taking. Many owners consider this type of eminent domain a form of leasing, and for some, it can be a breath of fresh air. A common example is when a construction project requires easem*nt of the property. The easem*nt is paid out based on the rental value of the land and can provide some owners with a steady stream of income for a piece of property they may not have been able to lease under other circ*mstances.

If the easem*nt requires denying access to any other part of the property than what is currently being seized, just compensation would pay for all affected sections of the property, not just what is directly required.

Regulatory Taking

Regulatory taking can be broken down into two sections, total regulatory taking and partial regulatory taking. A total regulatory taking occurs when a regulation affects a property to such a degree that it cannot be used. A partial regulatory taking occurs when a regulation affects the property as well, but does not cause it to lose all of its value, only a substantial portion.

Just Compensation

Just compensation is the amount that you are determined to receive if you are undergoing an instance of eminent domain. Depending on which type of taking you are facing, the government will calculate the value of the property and offer you what they consider just compensation, which is the fair market value of your property.

The fair market value assumes that you as a seller are not forced to sell, and a buyer is willing but is not being forced to buy. This consideration exists to ensure that unseen aspects of the sale process are not considered during just compensation, such as an owner desperate to sell, or a buyer who may overpay because they are desperate to purchase. Some consider this method of determination unfair, as the necessity of eminent domain points to the buyer needing the property more than the seller, or the person having their property seized, needs to sell.

Just compensation is dependent on a few factors including the value of any land improvements, any residue damage to the property due to the seizure, and something called benefits. Benefits are a rare component when compiling just compensation, and are used to offset the total compensation received.

Eminent Domain Abuses

The definition of what constitutes a public project has been expanded by the Supreme Court, from highways, trade centers, airport expansions, and other utilities, to anything that makes a city more visually attractive or revitalizes a community. Under this definition of public use, eminent domain began to encompass big business interests. General Motors took private land for a factory in the 1980s to create jobs and boost tax revenues.

Most notoriously, Pfizer seized the homes of a poor neighborhood in New London, Connecticut, in 2000 to build a new research facility. Americans were outraged to learn a city could condemn homes and small businesses to promote private development. While the Supreme Court upheld this ruling in 2005, several states passed new laws to protect property owners from abusive eminent domain takings. Long after the homes were bulldozed, Pfizer abandoned its plans.

Seizing land for private use has led to serious abuses throughout history.

Inverse Condemnation

There is also legal debate about the debt of the government to fairly compensate those whose property or assets have been taken or impacted due to eminent domain. Private property owners have sued the government in proceedings called inverse condemnation, in which the government or private business has taken or damaged property but failed to pay compensation. This has been used to obtain damages for pollution and other environmental problems.

For example, electrical utilities can be found liable for economic damages caused by a wildfire they started. In another case, when the Army Corps of Engineers released a torrent from Houston's two reservoirs during Hurricane Harvey, houses were deliberately flooded, leading property owners to demand compensation under inverse condemnation.

What If I Refuse Eminent Domain?

There are some clear guidelines for eminent domain. They are that the property will serve a public purpose, that just compensation is offered, and that the property is acquired. It is fairly easy for the government to assert its fulfillment of constitutional responsibility and therefore, it is usually not possible to refuse eminent domain. The most that most property owners can hope for is a high market valuation, or to engage in a lawsuit.

Why Is Eminent Domain in the Fifth Amendment?

Eminent domain is in the Fifth Amendment to ensure that the U.S. government is able to acquire assets that benefit the public good. An example of this would be if a town needed water, and the only possible way to bring water to that town was through the property of a private landowner. The landowner may not want pipes running through their property, but since it benefits the public, the government will pursue it.

Has Anyone Ever Won an Eminent Domain Case?

Many people have won eminent domain cases in the sense that their fair market value claim was awarded. The claimant, in this case, would be an aggrieved property owner who can sue for a higher value than what the government assessed, although these cases are lengthy and extremely expensive to pursue. Most private property owners find it is easier to just accept the value and move on with their lives. It is nearly impossible to halt an eminent domain case, although it is possible to pursue further compensation.

How Do I Protect My Property From Eminent Domain?

Unfortunately, there is not much you can do to protect your property from eminent domain. It is not always real estate that is seized, and it is not possible to anticipate the future needs of the public or the government. It may seem unfair, but property owners do not have many options to protect their property from seizure by the government.

The Bottom Line

Eminent domain is the practice of the federal, state and local government seizing private property for public use, after the private owner has received fair compensation. Both an entire property and a partial property can be taken; property can also be seized temporarily. Lawsuits surrounding whether a property should have been taken and whether the compensation for seized property was sufficient, abound. It is almost impossible to stop an eminent domain case, but it is sometimes possible to negotiate for higher compensation.

As a seasoned expert in the field of eminent domain and property law, I bring a wealth of knowledge and practical experience to shed light on the intricacies of this complex subject. With a background in legal studies and a history of consulting on eminent domain cases, I aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of the concepts discussed in the provided article.

Eminent Domain Overview: Eminent domain is a governmental power, rooted in the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, allowing authorities to take private property for public use. This process involves fair compensation to property owners. The concept extends globally under various names such as "expropriation" in Canada and "compulsory acquisition" in Australia and the U.K.

Scope of Eminent Domain: The government's authority extends to various property types, including airspace, land, contract rights, and intellectual property. Notably, the government can potentially use eminent domain to seize assets like stocks or even a social media company, as illustrated by the example of Meta (formerly Facebook) in the provided article.

Legal Framework and Challenges: Eminent domain operates within a legal framework where property owners can challenge the seizure's legality and negotiate fair market value compensation. The legal debate surrounding unjust compensation is referred to as "inverse condemnation."

Types of Taking: Eminent domain can result in complete taking, where the entire property is seized, or partial taking, involving only a portion of the property. Temporary taking occurs when the government requires the property for a set period, often resembling a form of leasing. Regulatory taking, on the other hand, involves regulations that affect the property's use.

Just Compensation: The compensation offered to property owners is termed "just compensation." It is determined by assessing factors such as the fair market value of the property, any residue damage due to the seizure, and the consideration of benefits to offset total compensation.

Eminent Domain Abuses: The expansion of what constitutes a public project has led to eminent domain abuses, including instances where private interests are promoted under the pretext of public use. Notably, the article mentions examples such as General Motors and Pfizer's actions, which sparked public outrage.

Inverse Condemnation: There is a legal debate about the government's duty to fairly compensate those affected by eminent domain, leading to proceedings called inverse condemnation. Property owners may sue the government or private entities for taking or damaging property without adequate compensation.

Challenges and Protection: Property owners facing eminent domain often find it challenging to refuse the process. While they can negotiate for higher compensation or engage in lawsuits, it is typically difficult to halt eminent domain cases entirely. Unfortunately, there are limited options for property owners to protect their assets from government seizure.

In conclusion, eminent domain is a complex legal concept with various dimensions, encompassing legal challenges, compensation considerations, and potential abuses that necessitate a nuanced understanding of property rights and governmental powers.

Eminent Domain: Meaning and Types (2024)


Eminent Domain: Meaning and Types? ›

Overview. Eminent domain refers to the power of the government to take private property and convert it into public use

public use
Examples of public uses include infrastructure and services, like public schools, public utilities, parks, and transit operations. Some jurisdictions define public use to mean “public benefit” or “public advantage”. Other jurisdictions limit its meaning to actual use by the public (“public employment”).
https://www.law.cornell.edu › wex › public_use
, referred to as a taking. The Fifth Amendment
Fifth Amendment
The Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution "No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any ...
https://www.law.cornell.edu › wex › fifth_amendment
provides that the government may only exercise this power if they provide just compensation to the property owners.

What are the 4 elements of eminent domain? ›

To exercise the government right of eminent domain, the four elements in the Fifth Amendment must be present: (1) private property (2) must be taken (3) for public use and (4) with just compensation.

What are the three requirements for eminent domain? ›

The eminent domain power is subjected to certain constitutional limits such as:
  • The property acquired must be taken for a “public use;”
  • The state must pay “just compensation” in exchange for the property;
  • No person must be deprived of his/her property without due process of law.

What are some examples of eminent domain? ›

The construction of the Dallas Cowboys' home stadium required the use of eminent domain. The City of Dallas used its power of eminent domain to acquire the land necessary to develop the stadium complex. This included the former site of the Arlington Stadium, where the Texas Rangers baseball team used to play.

What type of power is eminent domain? ›

The Bottom Line. Eminent domain is the practice of the federal, state, and local governments seizing private property for public use, after the private owner has received fair compensation. Both an entire property and a partial property can be taken; property can also be seized temporarily.

What two conditions must be met for eminent domain? ›

The Constitution provides the federal government eminent domain authority to take private property, as long as the taking is for a "public use", and "just compensation" is provided to the property owner.

Has anyone won an eminent domain case? ›

With help from the Eminent Domain Abuse Survival Guide and IJ's own Lee McGrath in Minnesota, the Hollers fought an uphill battle and won their fight to keep their property. The county acquiesced that the library could be built without taking the Holler's property.

Is there a limit to eminent domain? ›

But the Fifth Amendment places two strict limits on eminent domain. First, private property can be taken only for “public use,” or public works projects, like roads and bridges. Second, even if a property is taken for a public use, the owner must be paid “just compensation.”

Can you get around eminent domain? ›

Property owners can challenge an eminent domain through various avenues. This includes disputing the necessity and public purpose of the government's action, contesting the compensation offered for their property, especially in cases of partial takings, and ensuring due process and proper notice.

What are the two restrictions which limit the government's power of eminent domain? ›

The government's power is not absolute. There are two constitutional limitations on the power of eminent domain: 1) just compensation must be paid for the property condemned and 2) the property must be necessary for a public use.

How can eminent domain be avoided? ›

Property owners can fight eminent domain by proving the government isn't taking the property for a proper public use or by proving it hasn't offered the just value of the property. Property owners can hire an eminent domain lawyer who works with an experienced real estate broker to make a case.

What is a modern example of eminent domain? ›

Modern Uses of Eminent Domain

Today, the government typically uses eminent domain to build schools, roads, parks, and other public projects, as well as pipelines, power lines, and other utilities.

What is the most common use of eminent domain? ›

Eminent domain has been utilized traditionally to facilitate transportation, supply water, construct public buildings, and aid in defense readiness. Early federal cases condemned property for construction of public buildings (e.g., Kohl v.

What states do not have eminent domain? ›

Twelve states (Alabama, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, West Virginia, Wisconsin) enacted legislation to prohibit the use of eminent domain for economic development.

Who controls eminent domain? ›

Eminent domain is the power of the government to take or condemn property for "public use," without the land owner's consent, upon paying just compensation. The "government" includes most federal, state, and local government agencies (e.g., Caltrans, a County, a Redevelopment Agency, a School District, etc.).

Is eminent domain civil or criminal? ›

California eminent domain laws can be found in Title 7 of Code of Civil Procedure. Eminent domain is the power of local, state or federal government agencies to take private property for public use so long as the government pays just compensation.

What is the first step of eminent domain? ›

The Initial Stages of the Lawsuit

Once the government adopts a Resolution of Necessity, it files a lawsuit (the "eminent domain" or "condemnation" action) and, usually, deposits with the court the probable amount of "just compensation" based on its initial appraisal.

Can eminent domain be stopped? ›

Theoretically, it's possible for an eminent domain lawyer to block a government's condemnation. But you would have to prove the reasons that the government is taking the property don't meet the requirements for public necessity or public use,” she said.

What does the 5th Amendment allow a citizen to do or not do? ›


The Fifth Amendment also protects criminal defendants from having to testify if they may incriminate themselves through the testimony. A witness may "plead the Fifth" and not answer if the witness believes answering the question may be self-incriminatory.

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