Elon Musk’s Startling Prediction About Solar Energy to Come True? – Investing Trends (2024)

  • U.S. solar energy production is expected to triple over the next five years. This is due, in large part, to tax incentives allowed under the recently passed Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.[1]
  • The use of solar power is also increasing globally. Governments consider it not only a renewable energy solution, but also find utility-scale solar to be the least expensive option for electricity generation in most of the world.[2]
  • The global large-scale solar farm market alone accounted for $73 billion in 2020 — and is expected to reach $356 billion by 2028 — growing at a CAGR of 21.8% between 2021 and 2028.[3]
  • One young company, Three Sixty Solar (VSOLF), has solved the #1 drawback of commercial and utility-scale solar installations. Their patent-pending vertical solar towers use up to 90% less land space than conventional solar solutions — while optimizing energy generation.[4]

By James DiGeorgia

Love him or hate him, no one can deny that Elon Musk is a visionary.

From electric vehicles to space exploration, he always seems to have his finger on the pulse of profitable technology.

It’s not for nothing that Forbes calls him the world’s wealthiest person…[5]

And Musk believes that the sun — what he calls the “free fusion reactor in the sky” — can be harnessed to power our entire civilization.[6]

In fact, Elon Musk predicts that solar power will be the #1 source of electricity generation by the middle of this century.[7]

Given his track record when it comes to technology, Musk’s prediction could be right on the money.

Solar energy is becoming one of the fastest growing sectors in the U.S. stock market. Solar energy production is expected to triple over the next five years after the recent passage of the Inflation Reduction Act.[8]

And as economist Nomi Prins, Ph.D. puts it, “…Where there is funding from Washington…Wall Street pays attention.”[9]

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, supply chain issues, and other factors, solar and wind energy grew at the fastest rate in U.S. history last year.[10]

According to the latest report from Bloomberg New Energy Finance, solar and wind energy now account for a record 13% of all power generation in the U.S.[11]

Solar energy actually had its best year ever in 2021, with a record of 24 gigawatts (GW) of power installed.[12]

For reference, one gigawatt (which equals one billion watts) is sufficient to power 750,000 homes![13]

Solar industry insiders admit that this growth would have been “unfathomable” a decade ago,[14] and have portrayed the industry’s ups and downs as a “solarcoaster.”[15]

But the situation is changing — as demonstrated by a big jump in solar energy stocks recently.[16]

In 2021, leading research firm Wood Mackenzie predicted that an extension of the investment tax credit (ITC) would more than double the annual U.S. solar capacity between 2027 and 2030.[17]

Since that prediction, the Biden administration has passed the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. This Act extended and expanded the ITC on both residential and commercial solar installation in the U.S.[18]

What’s more, the growth of solar energy is not limited to the United States.

Governments around the world have started facing the challenges of a changing climate.

2021’s UN Climate Change Conference in Scotland (COP26) brought together 120 world leaders to discuss support for moving away from fossil fuels — and toward a low-carbon future.[19]

And according to the International Energy Agency (IEA), utility-scale solar is becoming the least expensive option for electricity generation in most of the world. This factor is predicted to significantly boost investment in this renewable energy source over the coming years.[20]

This means the timing may be ideal for a company like Three Sixty Solar Ltd. (VSOLF), a young company that seems to have solved the primary problem with typical commercial solar installations: they take up too much land.

Three Sixty Solar Ltd. (VSOLF) is the first company to design patent-pending commercial solar TOWERS that not only provide efficient energy production, but also use up to 90% less land space than conventional solar solutions.[21]

Today, I’m doing a deep dive on the solar energy industry. In this report, you’ll discover why I believe that Three Sixty Solar’s (VSOLF) unique solar towers are set to become a major disruptor in the non-residential solar industry — and how the company may potentially benefit from all the funding now flowing into the renewable energy sector.*

First, it’s important to understand solar and take a closer look at the market for this clean energy source…

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Solar PV Industry Opportunity

Unlike other sources of energy, solar photovoltaic (PV) technology takes sunlight and converts it into electrical energy.

Photovoltaic solar energy, with panels made of semiconductor cells,[22] is a true renewable energy source. We can never run out of solar energy. Its power can be harnessed anywhere in the world on a daily basis.[23]

Today, there’s good reason to see a sunny future with solar PV technology, pun intended.

With the oil and gas supply chain issues caused by the fallout of Russia’s war with Ukraine…

With solar PV now considered the least costly way to generate electric power globally…[24]

And with billions of dollars flooding into the renewable energy sector…

The International Energy Agency has dubbed solar the “new king of electricity supply,” predicting that the industry is set for massive expansion.[25]

In fact, Fortune Business Insights estimates that the overall global solar market will be worth an astounding $1 trillion by the end of 2028.[26]

According to Stratistics MRC, the global solar farm market alone accounted for $73 billion in 2020 — and is expected to reach $356 billion by 2028 — growing at a CAGR of 21.8% during the forecast period.[27]

For those not familiar with the terminology, solar farms are collections of solar PV panels, typically larger utility-scale solar applications[28] that generate solar power and feed it into a grid.[29]

Elon Musk’s Startling Prediction About Solar Energy to Come True? – Investing Trends (1)

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Elon Musk’s Startling Prediction About Solar Energy to Come True? – Investing Trends (2)

Analysts report that supportive government regulations for the use of PV technology and the adoption of renewable electricity generation methods — combined with a focus on carbon emission reduction — are driving the phenomenal market growth of solar around the entire world.[30]

And the utility segment of the solar PV market is expected to grow at the highest annual growth rate.[31] According to Wood Mackenzie, the utility-scale sector will lead the solar industry’s growth over the next five years with 162 GW of new capacity.[32]

Elon Musk’s Startling Prediction About Solar Energy to Come True? – Investing Trends (3)

Many Fortune 500 companies, including Apple, Amazon, Walmart, and other corporations are investing in solar to help save money over the long term.[34]

All of this explains why one industry-disrupting solar company, Three Sixty Solar (VSOLF), is worth a serious look — especially now…*

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U.S. Government More Committed Than Ever to Renewable Energy

“Solar will play an important role in reaching President Biden’s 2035 clean electricity goal…”

White House statement, August 2021

The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) is committed to achieving 100% renewable energy on federal real estate by 2025.[36]

Since 2018, 15 states, two territories, and Washington, D.C., have passed legislation to increase or expand their renewable energy targets.[37]

President Joe Biden has promoted major clean energy investments as a way to curb climate change, generate jobs, and decrease dependence on geopolitical foes such as Russia and China for our energy supply.[38]

When it comes to solar, U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm stated it this way:

“No country has ever been held hostage to access to the sun.”[39]

Forbes also put it bluntly in March 2022, with a headline noting that solar and other renewables can “…Cripple Putin, Secure Climate Goals.”[40]

Yes, the outlook for the solar sector is bullish right now…[41]

Consider that a 2021 Solar Futures Study by the U.S. Department of Energy set a goal for solar power to generate up to 45% of America’s electricity supply by 2050, compared to less than 4% currently.[42]That’s a lot of room for growth!

This growth would require around 1,050 to 1,570 GW of solar power. For perspective, each gigawatt requires around three million solar panels.[43]

According to recent reporting, American solar power has an advantage over other low-carbon technologies such as wind or geothermal because of plentiful sunshine in the U.S.[44]

And despite some pundits joking that solar doesn’t work in cold or snowy climates, solar can still thrive in cold weather states. In fact, solar is even a vital source of power in Antarctica’s McMurdo Station![45]

But getting back to solar goals for the United States…

President Biden’s aim to increase solar power tenfold[46] would effectively remake America’s electricity system. He has aggressively started putting his plan into action.

And that’s why it’s smart to look at a game-changing company such as Three Sixty Solar (VSOLF).

The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 is a BIG DEAL for the Solar Industry

The just-passed Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 represents the single largest energy and climate investment by the government in U.S. history.[47]

It not only bumps up the investment tax credit (ITC) on residential solar installation but also significantly benefits the commercial solar sector.

With this Act, the investment tax credit is now 30% – and will remain there until at least 2033. Larger projects of 1 megawatt (MW) or more can receive full benefit of the tax change as long as they meet certain conditions.[48]

“The Inflation Reduction Act is expected to bring about unprecedented growth in the industry. Over the next five years, the industry is expected to install nearly 200 GW of new solar capacity, more than doubling the amount of solar currently installed.”[49]
— Solar Energy Industry Association

The Clean Electricity Production Credit provision in the bill is great news for the solar power industry. If a solar power project meets the prevailing wage requirements, it will gain a tax credit of 2.5 cents/kilowatt-hour for the first 10 years of a project’s life.[50]

Solar power projects can also multiply their tax credit by an additional 10% by purchasing domestically produced hardware.

Plus, the Act extends the investment tax credit to solar installations located in Native American or low-income communities.[51]

In addition, governments and nonprofits interested in installing solar panels can also benefit from the tax cut.[52]

I know it sounds a bit complicated, but the Act — and even some of its requirements — could be wonderful news for Three Sixty Solar (VSOLF) and their unique solar towers.*

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A Bright Future for Solar Energy on a Global Scale

In addition to being the major supplier of solar parts, China is the #1-rated country when it comes to producing solar power.[53]

In fact, the Asian nation was responsible for 75% of the increase in annual solar PV installations from 2019 to 2020.[54] China installed an enormous 48 gigawatts of solar projects in 2020.[55]

The U.S. comes in at #2 in terms of megawatts produced in 2021.

Japan, Germany, and India round out the top five.[56]

However, the use of solar power is increasing around the globe. By 2021’s end, PV solar arrays provided an estimated5% of the world’s electricity — a small but increasing percentage.[57]

A 2020 report from The World Bank found that the vast majority of countries in the world have a favorable combination of geographic conditions, weather, and sunlight to generateall the electricity they need using solar power facilities installed within their borders.[58]

The International Energy Agency suggests that by 2025, renewable energy sources — including solar — could overtake coal as the main source of power globally.[59]

And while fallout from the COVID-10 pandemic, supply chain issues, the Russia-Ukraine war, and other economic woes may have slowed down progress to some degree, things are looking very promising for utility-scale and non-residential solar — especially in the U.S.

Elon Musk’s Startling Prediction About Solar Energy to Come True? – Investing Trends (4)

All this bodes well for a company like Three Sixty Solar (VSOLF).

I’ll get back to more global incentives benefitting this sector of renewable energy. But first, it’s vital to understand how and why Three Sixty Solar (VSOLF) could be a game-changer for the solar industry.

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Three Sixty Solar’s (VSOLF) Unique Tower Design
Overcomes Major Solar Drawback

The major disadvantage of current solar energy technology is that it takes up a significant amount of land, leading to land degradation, blight, and even wildlife habitat loss.[61]

One conservationist recently lamented in The New York Times about the irony of the issue. While solar’s goal is to provide clean energy, a newly approved Virginia solar project will lead to deforestation and grading of 3,500 acres of forest during construction, with the possibility of disrupting soil and even polluting rivers and streams.[62]

Unfortunately, traditional solar farms can use up to six acres for just one megawatt of rated power. And once the solar field is in place, that land can’t be used for anything else.[63]

Fortune Business Insights notes that, since large solar projects like utility-scale or industrial-scale plants require such a significant amount of land, this could hinder future solar projects.[64]

And in fact, researchers from M.I.T. have found that many renewable energy projects have been blocked or delayed for reasons such as this.[65]

The ability to overcome this vexing issue was primarily what drew me to this young solar company, one I feel shows great promise.*

That’s because Three Sixty Solar’s (VSOLF) engineering efforts have solved this major drawback with their land-saving compact footprint.

With a patent-pending vertical design, the company’s solar towers use up to 90% less space than conventional methods.[66]

Conventional solar panels placed on the ground use from four to six acres to install just one megawatt of power. Three Sixty Solar (VSOLF) can do the same thing with five towers in just over one acre. And the customer can still use 90% of that acre for some other purpose.

The bottom line: these vertical structures can unlock the value of as much as 90% of the land that would otherwise be wasted.[67]

The towers also offer a clean energy solution without harming the environment or surrounding habitats.[68]

These solar structures can be deployed in urban environments where land is expensive — or in agricultural operations such as vineyards, where the land is critical for revenue generation.

They may be placed on difficult terrain such as islands, mountains, or valleys where there simply isn’t space to spread out. Going vertical can also enable the deployment of clean renewable solar energy right next to where it’s needed, improving transmission efficiency.[69]

This can greatly reduce costs associated with system set-up, permits, equipment, and even land development.[70]

“Developers no longer need to constrain themselves to broad, flat properties, but can now consider more challenging locations and terrain for solar development – this is a game-changing opportunity.”[71]
— Brian Roth, CEO of Three Sixty Solar (VSOLF)

Company founder Peter Sherba started designing the world’s first solar tower in 2017, after envisioning a unique structural design that could solve the land use problem.[72]

The first four years of the company’s history were spent on engineering design, solving the challenges with designing the towers for seismic and wind loads, ensuring ideal angles for power generation, and beginning the patent process.

Over the last 12 months, under the leadership of CEO Brian Roth, Three Sixty Solar (VSOLF) has begun its push toward commercialization and bringing the product to the market.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words.

So, to visualize the land advantage — and make this revolutionary design crystal clear…

Below, you can see a traditional solar installation followed by an artist’s concept of the solar towers as designed and created by Three Sixty Solar (VSOLF).

Elon Musk’s Startling Prediction About Solar Energy to Come True? – Investing Trends (5)

Elon Musk’s Startling Prediction About Solar Energy to Come True? – Investing Trends (6)

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Vertical Tower Design Offers Many Advantages

Using less land is only one of Three Sixty Solar’s (VSOLF) many improvements over traditional solar.

The vertical towers also have power advantages.

Their unique design can generate a 10% power increase from heat dissipation via what is called the “stack effect” of airflow within the towers.[73] Stack effect ventilation is a natural force occurring in tall buildings that takes advantage of the differences in air density between the inside and outside.[74]

The well-designed towers can also generate up to an additional 20% power increase from reflective and direct light,[75]depending upon location and orientation.

For example, the towers collect more direct and reflective lighting from things like bodies of water, glass windows, snow, hillside reflection, city reflection, and the like.

The towers are very low maintenance.[76] The vertical panel positioning allows them to be cleaned and maintained easily in any climate.

The high-strength design allows the towers to withstand extreme seismic events and up to category 4 storms.[77] This is an obvious benefit to areas prone to hurricanes, and even offers the potential to provide communities with needed power during post-storm recovery efforts.

In addition, the towers are resistant to vandalism by concealing wiring and costly components within the structure and securing this equipment with locking steel doors.

Customizable Structure and Design

Three Sixty Solar’s (VSOLF) designs and services are suited for a host of applications.[78]

The towers can tie in existing grid infrastructure to support local power demands in an urban area. Or they can be used as stand-alone, off-grid structures providing the entirety of power demands for remote locations.[79]

Through public-private partnerships, Three Sixty Solar (VSOLF) can design custom structures for utility-scale applications.[80]

When it comes to the towers themselves, they’re made of structural steel, with solar PV panels installed on three of the sides. This way, as the sun tracks daily from east to west, it hits the east side first, followed by the south and then the west side. This allows a continuing flow of power throughout the course of the day.

Three Sixty Solar (VSOLF) has developed four tower models ranging from 40 to 120 feet high and energy production up to 250kilowatts per tower. The footprint of the models range from 144 to 2500 square feet per tower. The towers are manufactured in the U.S. and Canada and approved by a U.S.-licensed engineer.[81]

In multi-tower applications, developers can utilize the spaces between towers tobetter leverage land assetswith additional revenue-generating activities.[83]

Three Sixty Solar (VSOLF) also plans to expand structure capability from solely solar to more of a utility tower, depending on client needs.

For example, battery storage can be added to the tower, which is an important consideration. The utility-scale market is increasingly recognizing the benefits of pairing solar with storage.[84]

Telecom equipment could be placed on the top, security cameras on the sides, and electric vehicle chargers could even be added at the bottom for use in parking lots. Lighting can also be added.

And since the lifetime of the steel structure itself is close to 100 years, the solar panels can be replaced several times over this period as technology evolves, making it a good long-term investment.

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Where Public Money Flows, Private Money Follows

In the U.S. alone, the solar industry generated nearly $33 billion of private investment in the American economy in 2021.[85]

And things are looking great for 2023 and beyond.*

The availability of low-cost financing, including grants and loans, is a crucial factor for achieving cost-competitive solar energy — a factor Three Sixty Solar (VSOLF) hopes to take advantage of.

In the U.S., so-called “Green Banks” are one way to help secure low-cost private capital for clean energy projects — including solar — at favorable rates and terms to both traditional and otherwise challenging or underserved market segments.[86]

And buried on page 667 of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 is a policy set to create a $27billion Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund. In other words, anational green bank.[87]

The fund will be set up by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as astand-alone entity to aid the work of existing state and local green banks, which have already flourished in more than a dozen states.

Around $20billion will be set aside to fund ongoing lending and other activities related to renewable energy. Of that amount, $8billion will be set aside for low-income and disadvantaged communities. These communities will also be the focus of the fund’s remaining $7billion in financial assistance available for states, municipalities, and tribal governments.[88]

Other programs, such as the non-profit GRID Alternatives, have helped U.S. tribal communities identify, develop, finance, and implement solar projects that meet community needs and help tribes develop energy sovereignty.[89]

According to the Solar Energy Industries Association, the commercial solar market is seeing increased adoption by commercial, non-profit, and public entities. With only slightly over 1% of commercial electricity demand served by on-site solar, there remains expansive opportunity forfuture growth in this segment.[90]

Made In the USA?

Remember the various incentives for favorable investment tax credits under the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022?

Solar projects eligible for the 30% tax credit can multiply their tax credit by an additional 10% (to 40% in total) by purchasing domestically-produced hardware.

Per the Act, 100% of steel and iron must be manufactured in the United States. Manufactured goods such as solar panels, inverters, and electrical gear must be 40% U.S. manufactured.[91]

When it comes to “made in America,” Three Sixty Solar (VSOLF) is working to add options for as many potential domestic suppliers and manufacturers as possible. This way, U.S. customers can take advantage of favorable ITCs.

In other words, they have the ability to source American when needed — across the board. This doesn’t include just the solar panels. Three Sixty Solar (VSOLF) can use U.S. fabricators for the structural steel and other materials used in the towers.

For foreign projects, Three Sixty Solar (VSOLF) also has fabricators lined up in Canada and Africa.

When it comes to building the towers themselves, the fabrication process can proceed at a relatively rapid pace. Once the various pieces arrive on-site, erection of the towers can proceed quickly — within days.

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Strong Early Pipeline of Progress

Three Sixty Solar (VSOLF) has already begun commercialization of their solar tower structures. To this end, the company has erected a demonstration tower in Kelowna, British Columbia as proof of concept.

Here’s a photo of the demonstration tower installed in a vineyard in the world-famous Okanagan Valley, a popular Canadian wine region — and once operational, it will generate electricity year round…

Elon Musk’s Startling Prediction About Solar Energy to Come True? – Investing Trends (8)

The company is currently seeking to work with potential partners in several provinces in Canada. This includes the Canadian clean energy company Archer Cleantech, with whom Three Sixty Solar (VSOLF) already has a Distribution Agreement.

Canada is a good candidate for solar energy programs, as the nation has committed $964 million to enable renewable energy capacity via a Smart Renewables and Electrification Pathways program. Canada has a goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.[92]

Three Sixty Solar (VSOLF) also intends to partner with First Nations groups in Canada, who have been praised for leading the way on renewable energy with many solar projects already in operation.[93]

In addition to developing projects in the U.S. and Canada, Three Sixty Solar (VSOLF) is already working with potential partners in Africa — and looking at expansion into Europe in the near future.

According to the World Economic Forum, Africa has the world’s greatest solar energy potential. The World Bank, the United Nations, and the International Energy Agency have called on developed economies to provide more support todevelop the energy and renewables sectors in Africa.[94]

And when it comes to Europe, solar is the fastest-growing energy source in the EU. In 2020, the EU’s solar market grew by 18 GW — and 5% of the EU’s total electricity production came from solar energy.

The European Green Deal and the REPowerEU plan have turned solar energy into a key building block of the EU’s clean energy transition.As part of the REPowerEU plan, anEU solar energy strategy was adopted in May 2022. This strategyidentifies still-existing barriers and challenges in the solar energy sector and outlines ways to accelerate the deployment of solar technologies.[95]

In addition to their patent-pending tower design status in the U.S., Three Sixty Solar (VSOLF) has filed patent cooperation treaties (PCTs) in other countries they intend to operate. This currently includes Canada, the EU broadly, and Tanzania and Zanzibar in Africa.

The company’s goal is to work with at least 25 solar farm developers and install at least 500 megawatts of new power over the next five years, which is enough to power around 50,000 homes (using a typical North American home as a baseline).

I know I’ve given you a lot to consider in this report. So to recap, here are TEN KEY REASONS why Three Sixty Solar (VSOLF) is worth your attention:

  • Riding the Wave of Renewable Energy. In the current era of global climate change, solar PV technology creates opportunities for countries and communities to develop their energy infrastructure and step up their low-carbon energy transition.
  • Commercial Solar Industry Growing at a Record Pace. The increasing adoption of solar by commercial, non-profit, and public entities bodes well for future growth in this segment. Just over 1% of commercial electricity demand served by on-site solar presents a huge opportunity forgrowth.[96]
  • Huge Growing Market. The global solar farm market alone accounted for $73 billion in 2020 — and is expected to reach $356 billion by 2028 — growing at a CAGR of 21.8% during the forecast period.[97]
  • Least Expensive Option for Electricity Globally. Utility-scale solar PV is becoming the least expensive option for electricity generation in most of the world.[98] In fact, it has been called the “new king of electricity supply.”[99]
  • The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. With generous investment tax credits, the Act is expected to bring about unprecedented growth in the U.S. solar industry, including utility-scale solar projects. U.S. solar energy production is expected to triple over the next five years because of these tax incentives.[100]
  • Where Public Money Flows, Private Money Follows. In the U.S. alone, the solar industry generated nearly $33 billion of private investment in the American economy in 2021.[101]
  • Unique Tower Design Overcomes Major Solar Drawback. Three Sixty Solar’s (VSOLF) patent-pending vertical solar structures use up to 90% less land space than conventional methods.[102]
  • Power Advantages and Much More. Patent pending design elements allow the vertical towers can generate up to 20% more electric power,[103] can withstand extreme weather events,[104] and can be customized for a host of applications.[105]
  • Strong Leadership. Under CEO Brian Roth and visionary Founder Peter Sherba, Three Sixty Solar (VSOLF) has a strong and experienced leadership team passionate about providing clean energy solutions.
  • Rapid Push Toward Commercialization. The company has already begun commercialization of its solar towers, aiming to work with partners in the U.S., Canada, Africa, and the EU. Three Sixty Solar (VSOLF) has installed a demonstration solar tower in Canada as proof of concept.

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Don’t Miss This Opportunity to Invest in theClean Energy Revolution

You’ve seen some good reasons why investors should keep their eyes onThree Sixty Solar (VSOLF).

If you wish to be among the early-bird big winners in the rapidly accelerating growth of the solar industry*…

I suggest you show this report to your investment advisor or broker right away.

Three Sixty Solar (VSOLF) is the first company to design a game-changing commercial solar tower that not only has a small land footprint, but also has high-efficiency energy output.[106]

Investing in this young microcap company has the potential for higher rewards than other major operations, but also comes with higher risk. And, of course, past performance is no guarantee of future results.*

I’m not an investment advisor, let aloneyourinvestment advisor.But my rule and admonition to all my readers is never invest more than you can afford to lose.

Do not chase losses. That means if the prices slide, you must resist all temptation to “average down.”

And to minimize risk, any investment you may make inThree Sixty Solar (VSOLF) should be part of a wider asset allocation strategy in your portfolio.

But with that strong caution to my readers, I believe my analysis of the potentially huge upside ofThree Sixty Solar (VSOLF)* is solid.

Putting it all together, my belief is that timing could not be better to consider an investment in this game-changing solar energy technology* that could ultimately fulfill Elon Musk’s vision.

Wishing you success in all your investments.

– James DiGeorgia

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Elon Musk’s Startling Prediction About Solar Energy to Come True? – Investing Trends (10)

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THIS PUBLICATION IS AN ISSUER-PAID ADVERTIsem*nT. This paid advertisem*nt includes a stock profile of Three Sixty Solar (OTC Pinks: VSOLF). To enhance public awareness of VSOLF and its securities, the issuer has provided Promethean Marketing, Inc. (“Promethean”) with a total budget of approximately four hundred seventy four thousand nine hundred seventy five ($474,975.00) USD to cover the costs associated with this advertisem*nt for a period beginning August 8th, 2022 and currently set to end March 1st, 2023. In connection with this effort, Promethean has paid the author of this advertisem*nt, James DiGeorgia, five thousand ($5,000.00) USD in cash out of the total budget. The website hosting this advertisem*nt, Investing Trends, is owned by Summit Publishing Group, Inc. (“Summit”), an affiliate of Promethean. Neither Summit nor Investing Trends have been paid to host this advertisem*nt. As a result of this advertisem*nt, Investing Trends may receive advertising revenue from new advertisers and collect email addresses from readers that it may be able to monetize. Promethean will retain any excess sums after all expenses are paid. James DiGeorgia is solely responsible for the contents of this advertisem*nt. As of the date this advertisem*nt is posted to the Investing Trends website, some or all of Promethean, Investing Trends, Summit, or James DiGeorgia, and any of their respective officers, principals, or affiliates (as defined in the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Rule 501(b) promulgated thereunder) may hold the securities of VSOLF and may sell those shares during the course of this advertising campaign. This advertisem*nt may increase investor and market awareness, which may result in an increased number of shareholders owning and trading the securities of VSOLF, increased trading volume, and possibly an increased share price of VSOLF’s securities, which may or may not be temporary and decrease once the advertising campaign has ended. To more fully understand the Investing Trends website or service, please review its full Disclaimer and Disclosure Policy located here

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[1] https://www.investors.com/news/technology/solar-energy-stocks-charged-up-by-energy-bill/

[2] https://www.iea.org/reports/solar-pv

[3] https://www.marketresearch.com/Stratistics-Market-Research-Consulting-v4058/Solar-Farm-Global-Outlook-14786005/

[4] https://threesixtysolar.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/ThreeSixtySolar_Deck_V12_August_2022.pdf

[5] https://www.cbsnews.com/news/elon-musk-net-worth-how-did-elon-musk-get-so-rich/

[6] https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/a34396787/elon-musk-sun-power-civilization/

[7] https://bigthink.com/articles/why-elon-musk-is-betting-on-solar/ [on audio]

[8] https://www.investors.com/news/technology/solar-energy-stocks-charged-up-by-energy-bill/

[9] https://www.rogueeconomics.com/inside-wall-street/the-inflation-reduction-act-will-flood-money-into-the-energy-sector/

[10] https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/science/2022/03/03/wind-and-solar-power-producing-record-amount-u-s-electricity/9353259002/

[11] https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/science/2022/03/03/wind-and-solar-power-producing-record-amount-u-s-electricity/9353259002/

[12] https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/science/2022/03/03/wind-and-solar-power-producing-record-amount-u-s-electricity/9353259002/

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Ad References:
https://bigthink.com/articles/why-elon-musk-is-betting-on-solar/ [on audio]
https://threesixtysolar.com/ (video)
https://bigthink.com/articles/why-elon-musk-is-betting-on-solar/ [on audio]

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

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