Elon Musk Believes in Dogecoin, But These Cryptos Can Outperform it This Bull Run (2024)

Big hitters in the crypto market, also known as crypto whales, are placing major bets on altcoins. Meanwhile, Elon Musk backs Dogecoin, but evidence suggests other cryptos could overshadow it during this bull run. As investors seek lucrative returns, it's crucial to keep an eye on these potentially superior performing cryptocurrencies.

BlastUP Presale: The 1st Launchpad in the Blast Ecosystem is Live!

BlastUP is a pioneering launchpad on Blast, the cutting-edge Layer 2 solution that has rapidly reached $1 billion total value locked in just 35 days. BlastUP’s success is also evident, as it has swiftly raised $2 million in just a few weeks, capturing the attention of savvy early investors.

BlastUP stands at the forefront of financial technology, championing the motto “Grow faster, earn more.” The primary goal of this launchpad is to reduce entry barriers for blockchain startups, ensuring they are equipped for success right from the beginning.

The fifth stage of BlastUP tokens presale is already running, and with each new stage, the tokens’ price increases. The current price is locked at $0.055, while the price at the DEX listing is going to be $0.1. That makes a whopping 45% discount, so now is the perfect time to buy BlastUP tokens at the best price.

>> Snatch Up BlastUP Tokens Now for Maximum Returns! <<

BlastUP token holders can enjoy exclusive perks like early access to token sales, special rewards in IDOs, and the opportunity to earn extra tokens through staking. They also get to reap the benefits of earning interest and receiving free tokens from supported projects.

As BlastUP forges ahead, it remains committed to creating a global hub for the Blast community, supporting early-stage startups. With its community-centric approach and drive for innovation, BlastUP is rapidly gaining traction for the benefit of all participants in this ecosystem.

BlastUP's roadmap extends into 2026, promising the introduction of AI-driven tools and the Community Marketplace, further enriching the ecosystem's capabilities. The BlastUP token, a cornerstone of the platform, unlocks access to tiered IDO launches, staking rewards, and exclusive loyalty benefits.

>> Seize the Chance to Grow Faster and Earn More with BlastUP! <<

OP Token Sale May Influence Prices

The Optimism Foundation's recent sale of additional OP tokens could spur medium-term price adjustments due to increased supply. The current price stands at $4.15 with a nearby resistance level at $4.32 and the next at $4.95. Given a neutral RSI and Stochastic recommendation, a surge beyond these levels may not be immediate, but market dynamics bolstered by ongoing token circulation, encouraging the attainment of the second resistance level.

Conversely, the increased availability of OP tokens could exert downward pressure on prices in the short-term. The current support levels are at $2.95 and further down at $2.20. The MACD and 10-day SMA both recommend a sell. However, the 100-day SMA suggests a buy scenario, indicating potential long-term gains. The market volatility and investor sentiment surrounding the token sale may influence price movements in unpredictable ways.

NEAR Protocol Value Prospects Amid Nvidia AI Conference

Looking at NEAR Protocol from the backdrop of the Nvidia AI conference, there's potential for an uptick in its value. With the current price set at $7.96 and considering the positive bias from MACD and the 10-day and 100-day moving averages, we could witness it advance toward the second resistance level at $9.11 soon.

On the flip side, considering the near support level at $2.97 and the second at $2.07, there's room for a short-term downturn even amidst the current excitement. The neutral stance from RSI and Stochastic RSI Fast indicates a plateauing market. Thus, while the association with Nvidia brings positive prospects, it's always crucial to remember that barometers of market sentiment like these technical indicators should also shape expectations.

Bonk's Positive Price Trend: Analysis of Support, Resistance and Buy Levels

Bonk's current price of $0.0000329 shows a positive trend, with the nearest support level at $0.0000125. In the long run, observing the 100-day Simple Moving Average, we note a buy action recommended at $0.0000160. Therefore, it suggests a potential for continuous growth, considering the market's dynamism.

Short term, we see a neutral recommendation from RSI and Stochastic RSI Fast. Whereas the MACD and the 10-day SMA suggest a buy action. Even though Bonk is now consolidating around the $0.0000329 mark, resistance levels at $0.0000286 and $0.0000351 need to be broken for significant upward action. Remember, the market tends to oscillate; thus, caution is necessary.


In the crypto market often dominated by heavyweights, there exist other promising contenders such as BlastUP, OP, NEAR Protocol, and Bonk. While all of these projects carry potential, BlastUP stands out for its considerable promise, impressive growth, and innovative concept within the Blast Ecosystem. As BlastUP continues to propel its roadmap, solidifying its role in the vibrant ecosystem, it reinforces the idea that it could potentially outperform others in the crypto race this bull run.

Site: https://blastup.io/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Blastup_io

Discord: https://discord.gg/5Kc3nDhqVW

Telegram: https://t.me/blastup_io

Elon Musk Believes in Dogecoin, But These Cryptos Can Outperform it This Bull Run (2024)
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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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