Early access to your super (2024)

You can access your super early in very limited circ*mstances. These are mostly related to specific expenses.

On this page

  • Illegal early release of super
  • Access on compassionate grounds
  • Access due to severe financial hardship
  • Access due to a terminal medical condition
  • Access due to temporary incapacity
  • Access due to permanent incapacity
  • Super less than $200
  • First home super saver scheme
  • Be aware of scams and schemes
  • Stolen or misused identify

Illegal early release of super

Be aware that some promoters claim to offer early access to your super by transferring your super into a self-managed super fund. These schemes are illegal and heavy penalties apply if you get involved. For more information, refer to Illegal early release of super.

Access on compassionate grounds

You may be allowed to withdraw some of your super on compassionate grounds. Compassionate grounds include needing money to pay for:

  • medical treatment and medical transport for you or your dependant
  • palliative care for you or your dependant
  • making a payment on a home loan or council rates so you don't lose your home
  • accommodating a disability for you or your dependant
  • expenses associated with the death, funeral or burial of your dependant.

Access due to severe financial hardship

Severe financial hardship is not administered by the ATO. You need to contact your super provider to request access to your super due to severe financial hardship.

You may be able to withdraw some of your super if you are experiencing severe financial hardship.

There are no special tax rates for a super withdrawal because of severe financial hardship. Withdrawals are paid and taxed as a normal super lump sum. If you're:

  • under 60, this is generally taxed between17% and 22%
  • over 60, you won't be taxed.

Below preservation age plus 39 weeks

If you are below your preservation age plus 39weeks, you need to meet both of these conditions:

  • You have received eligible government income support payments continuously for 26weeks. You must have been in receipt of these payments when you obtained written evidence from the relevant government department.
  • You are not able to meet reasonable and immediate family living expenses.

The minimum amount that can be withdrawn is$1,000 and the maximum amount is $10,000. If your super balance is less than$1,000 you can withdraw up to your remaining balance after tax.

You can only make one withdrawal in any 12-month period.

Reached preservation age plus 39 weeks

If you've reached your preservation age plus 39weeks, you need to meet all of these conditions:

  • You have received eligible government income support payments for a cumulative period of 39weeks.
  • You were not gainfully employed when you applied.

There are no cashing restrictions for this process.

How to apply for access due to financial hardship

You must apply to your fund directly for release of super on financial hardship grounds. We do not process severe financial hardship requests.

If your super provider requests evidence, ask Services Australia for a letter confirming you have received eligible government income support payments continuously for 26weeks or more.

See more on how to apply for early access because of financial hardshipExternal Link.

Access due to a terminal medical condition

You may be able to access your super if you have a terminal medical condition.

A terminal medical condition exists if all these conditions are met:

  • Two registered medical practitioners have certified, jointly or separately, that you suffer from an illness or injury that is likely to result in death within 24months of the date of signing the certificate.
  • At least one of the registered medical practitioners is a specialist practising in an area related to your illness or injury.
  • The 24-month certification period has not ended.

Contact your super fund to request access to your super due to a terminal medical condition.

Your fund must pay your super as a lump sum. The payment is tax-free if you withdraw it within 24months of certification.

If your fund does not allow access due to a terminal medical condition, you may be able to move your super to a different fund.

If you are suffering from a terminal medical condition and you have super held by us you can either:

  • ask your provider to claim this on your behalf
  • claim it directly from us yourself.

How to apply

To access ATO-held super due to a terminal medical condition, you can apply online via your myGov accountExternal Link linked to ATO online services.

From the ATO online services home page:

  • select the heading option Super
  • then Manage
  • then Withdraw ATO-held super.

If you are eligible to apply for ATO-held super but can't do so via our online services, you can complete a paper application and return it to us.

Access due to temporary incapacity

You may be able to access your super if you are temporarily unable to work, or need to work less hours, because of a physical or mental medical condition.

This condition of release is generally used to access insurance benefits linked to your super account.

You will receive the super in regular payments (income stream) over the time you are unable to work. A super withdrawal due to temporary incapacity is taxed as a super income stream.

Contact your super provider to request access to your super due to temporary incapacity and to ask about insurance implications attached to your account.

There are no special tax rates for a super withdrawal due to temporary incapacity.

If you do not have access to insurance benefits as part of your super account, consider whether you would be eligible for access due to severe financial hardship.

Access due to permanent incapacity

You may be able to access your super if you are permanently incapacitated. This type of super withdrawal is sometimes called a 'disability super benefit'.

Your fund must be satisfied that you have a permanent physical or mental medical condition that is likely to stop you from ever working again in a job you were qualified to do by education, training or experience.

You may still be eligible to withdraw your super where you meet the above criteria, but are undertaking other work, such as light duties in a different position or casual work in a different field.

You can receive the super as either a lump sum or as regular payments (income stream).

A super withdrawal due to permanent incapacity is subject to different tax components. For you to receive concessional tax treatment, your permanent incapacity must be certified by at least 2medical practitioners.

Contact your provider to request access to your super because of permanent incapacity.

To work out how your super payment will be taxed you need to know how much of the money in your super account, is a:

  • tax-free component
  • taxable component the super provider has paid tax on (taxed element)
  • taxable component the super provider has not paid tax on (untaxed element).

If you're under your preservation age and receive a disability benefit as an income stream, you will get tax offsets that reduce the tax rate on the taxed element of your taxable component by15%.

If you have reached your preservation age or if you get a lump sum, your disability benefit will be taxed at the rates described in How tax applies to your super.

Super less than $200

You may be able to access your super if:

  • your employment is terminated and the balance of your super account is less than$200
  • you have found a 'lost super' account with a balance less than$200.

Contact your provider to request access. Check the eligibility criteria for withdrawing super from ATO-held accounts.

No tax is payable when accessing super accounts with a balance less than $200.

First home super saver scheme

To help you save for your first home, you can apply to release voluntary concessional (before-tax) and voluntary non-concessional (after-tax) contributions you have made to your super fund since 1July 2017. You must meet the eligibility requirements to apply for the release of these amounts.

You can apply to have a maximum of$15,000 of your voluntary contributions from any one financial year included in your eligible contributions to be released under the first home super saver scheme, up to a total of$50,000 contributions across all years. You will also receive an amount of earnings that relate to those contributions.

Be aware of scams and schemes

We’re concerned about scams or schemes where people:

  • impersonate the ATO, or a trusted organisation like your super fund, to steal your money or personal identifying information
  • contact you and charge for services that are free, like gaining early access to your superannuation.

If you receive a phone call, text message or email offering to help you release your super early, do not:

  • provide your personal information
  • click on any links.

You can contact us to confirm if an interaction is genuine.

Stolen or misused identity

If you are concerned that someone has accessed your super without your permission, you should check:

  • your myGov and ATO Online account and make sure your contact details are still correct
  • your superannuation account to make sure that your account details are also correct, and that there have been no unauthorised transactions.

If you receive a text message or email stating that your myGov details have been changed, or that you have applied for early release of super when you have not, do not click on any links, and consider whether your identity has been compromised.

If you think that someone has stolen or misused your identity, contact both:

  • your super fund immediately if you identify unauthorised transactions or updates to your account
  • our Client Identity Support Centre on 1800467033 (between 8.00am and 6.00pm, Monday–Friday) to help you establish your tax identity.

You can access your super early in very limited circ*mstances. These are mostly related to specific expenses.

Early access to your super (2024)


Early access to your super? ›

You may be able to get some of your super early if you're in severe financial hardship. You can also apply for some other reasons including compassionate grounds. Read about who can access their super early. There are eligibility rules you need to meet to access your super early.

Is there any way to access my super early? ›

You may be able to get some of your super early if you're in severe financial hardship. You can also apply for some other reasons including compassionate grounds. Read about who can access their super early. There are eligibility rules you need to meet to access your super early.

What are the penalties for early access to super? ›

You may face significant financial consequences and lose your retirement savings. Any amount you illegally access will be included as income in your tax return, even if you return it to the fund. This means you may pay: additional income tax.

How long does it take for early release of super? ›

What to expect after you apply. We will assess your eligibility in accordance with the limited grounds of release for compassionate release of super. This can take up to 14 days (28 days for paper applications).

Can I access my super if I retire early? ›

You can access your super when you: reach your preservation age and retire. reach your preservation age and choose to begin a transition to retirement income stream while you are still working. are 65 years old (even if you have not retired).

Can I access my super to pay off debt? ›

Can I withdraw super to pay off debts? Yes, but it's important to understand that early super payments made under the severe financial hardship provision can only be used to pay your reasonable living expenses. Funds are also only available for payments that are in arrears, not for future repayments or to clear debt.

How much super should I have at 40? ›

See how your super measures up against your age group
AgeMen ($)Women ($)
30 - 34$78,546$56,943
35 - 39$125,234$84,960
40 - 44$173,159$115,896
45 - 49$224,161$146,437
6 more rows

Can I still get $10 000 out of my super? ›

Eligible applicants could be approved to withdraw up to $10,000 from their superannuation account. To be eligible, you'll need to: currently (and for the last 26 consecutive weeks) be receiving an income support payment from Centrelink or the Department of Veteran's Affairs (DVA)

Can you withdraw super lump sum before 60? ›

Lump sum withdrawals

If you're under age 60 and withdraw a lump sum: You don't pay tax if you withdraw up to the 'low rate threshold', currently $230,000. If you withdraw an amount above the low rate threshold, you pay 17% tax (including the Medicare levy) or your marginal tax rate, whichever is lower.

What are the cons of withdrawing super? ›

If you use all of your super, you may lose your insurance benefits (e.g. income protection, death or total and perma- nent disability) that you may not have known you had. If your severe financial hardship is because of a permanent incapac- ity to work, you may be losing valuable benefits.

Can I transfer my super to my bank account? ›

A lump sum withdrawal is a cash payment from your super to your bank account. You can request to withdraw a lump sum if you've met certain conditions set by the Government.

How do I cash out superannuation? ›

If you would like full access to your superannuation, so that you can withdraw your super via a lump sum withdrawal from a super accumulation account or by commencing a retirement income stream, such as an account-based pension, then you will generally need to meet a superannuation retirement condition of release.

How do I get superannuation when I leave Australia? ›

You need to complete the Application for departing Australia superannuation payment form (NAT 7204) and send one to each of your super funds to apply for your DASP. Paper applications to super funds may incur a cost depending on the value of your super money.

How much lump sum can I withdraw from my super? ›

If you are under age 60, you may be required to pay lump sum withdrawal tax, depending on the amount you withdraw and your superannuation tax components. The Low Rate Cap amount actually allows you to receive up to $230,000 of the taxable component tax-free. This is a lifetime (i.e. not annual) indexed cap.

Can I access my super if I retire at 50? ›

It's all about your age. If you were born before 1 July 1960 you can get access to your super when you turn 55. If you were born later the age varies between 55 and 60. People aged 65 or over can access super and work as well.

How much super do I need to retire at 60? ›

This obviously depends on what annual income you want to fund but if you want to be able to afford a comfortable retirement—which is an income of just over $48,000 a year for a single according to the ASFA Retirement Standard—then you need a balance of at least $500,000.

Can I use my super to pay my mortgage? ›

You can use super to pay off a loan, provided you are eligible to access your super. Whether you are using your super to pay off a home loan, investment loan, car loan or personal loan, there is no difference in your eligibility. In all instances you are required to first satisfy a superannuation condition of release.

Should I take all my money out of super? ›

Withdrawing some of your super early is a big financial decision that you shouldn't make lightly. It could leave you with less money for your retirement and impact your insurance within super. So before applying, stop and think about the potential consequences of accessing your superannuation early.

What is considered financial hardship? ›

You are in financial hardship if you have difficulty paying your bills and repayments on your loans and debts when they are due.

What is a good pension at 40? ›

However, as a general rule of thumb, it suggested that individuals aim to have a pension pot that is the equivalent of around 1.5 times their annual salary by age 40.

What is the average retirement 40? ›

Average retirement savings by age 40

Check out the average retirement savings by age, according to research by the Federal Reserve in 2019 to 2020: Age 25 to 29: $9,408.51. Ages 30 to 34: $21,731.92. Ages 35 to 39: $48,710.27.

How much do you need to retire at 55? ›

How Much to Retire at 55? Fidelity estimated that those saving for retirement should have a minimum of seven times their salary by age 55. That means that if your annual salary is currently $70,000, you will want to plan on saving at least $490,000 saved.

Can I put $100000 into my super fund? ›

You can contribute up to $110,000 each year in non-concessional contributions. If you have more than one super fund, all your contributions are added up and count towards your caps.

Can I put $300 000 into super? ›

How much can I contribute? The maximum you can contribute is $300,000 or the sale price of your home, whichever is less. You may make more than one contribution, but the total must not exceed this maximum.

Can I contribute $100000 to super? ›

Non-concessional contributions (undeducted contributions)

Under 74: can contribute up to $100,000 per financial year.

How much super can I withdraw before retirement? ›

For example, if you are under 65 years old, you can access between 4–10% of the balance of money in your super account each financial year. Once you have met a condition of release with a nil cashing restriction, you can access your super benefits in other ways and don't need a TRIS.

Can I get my Social Security in one lump sum? ›

You may be able to choose to receive a single lump sum payment representing six months' worth of Social Security retirement benefits. The lump-sum option is only available to people who have reached full retirement age without filing to receive benefits.

What age can I get full Social Security? ›

The full retirement age is 66 if you were born from 1943 to 1954. The full retirement age increases gradually if you were born from 1955 to 1960 until it reaches 67. For anyone born 1960 or later, full retirement benefits are payable at age 67.

Can I withdraw $5000 from my super? ›

The minimum amount that can be withdrawn is $1,000 and the maximum amount is $10,000. If your super balance is less than $1,000 you can withdraw up to your remaining balance after tax.

Why is my super losing so much money? ›

The balance in your superannuation account generally rises over time as you accumulate contributions from your employer. However, super fees and changing investment performance can lead to dips in your super balance.

Is it smart to withdraw retirement? ›

Taking an early withdrawal is not only costly in the short term, it can also jeopardize your long-term retirement goals: You'll be forfeiting the benefits of tax-deferred earnings and compounding interest, which diminishes the savings power of these accounts.

Is super better than savings? ›

Savings in super can do more

When you save money in a regular bank account, you're earning interest at a fixed rate. In super, you have access to lots of ways to invest your savings, giving you more options that could earn a better return and see your savings grow faster.

What happens if I close my super account? ›

When you withdraw your account balance your account will be closed and any insurance cover you have will end. Read this section if you choose to attach paper copies of certified documentation to provide proof of your identity.

How much super Should I have 30? ›

How much super do most people have?
AgeAverage balance (men)Average balance (women)
15 to 24 years$6,500$5,100
25 to 34 years$42,100$34,500
35 to 44 years$107,700$76,900
45 to 54 years$219,300$136,000
3 more rows
May 30, 2023

How long does it take for super to be paid into your account? ›

How long does it take my payment to reach a superannuation fund? The expected time for a payment to reach Nominated Superannuation Account providers varies. For this reason, we recommend that you allow up to Ten (10) Business Days for payments to be received by all Nominated Superannuation Account providers.

Can I withdraw my super if I live overseas? ›

Residents on a temporary visa who have worked and earned super in Australia can withdraw their super when moving overseas. This is referred to as a departing Australia superannuation payment (DASP), and this facility is available only for those who aren't citizens of Australia or New Zealand.

Can I access my super from overseas? ›

If you're an Australian permanent resident or citizen heading overseas, your super remains subject to the same rules, even if you are leaving Australia permanently. This means your super must remain in your super fund/s until you reach preservation age and are eligible to access it.

How long can an Australian citizen stay out of Australia? ›

You must notify the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) if you plan to move overseas for six months (183 days) or more in a twelve-month period. You must do this within 7 days from the date of leaving Australia. Update your contact details via myGov.

How long will my super balance last? ›

Single Person
Retire at 60Retire at 65
Retirement ExpensesSuper lasts 10 yearsSuper lasts 30 years
$40,000 p.a.$285,000$365,000
$50,000 p.a.$370,000$740,000
$60,000 p.a.$450,000$1M
1 more row

Do lump sum payments get taxed? ›

Lump-Sum Benefits

Unless you choose no withholding, a lump-sum benefit that is not an eligible rollover distribution, the taxation is 10% of the distribution.

Can I access my super if I retire at 55? ›

You can get your super when you retire and reach your 'preservation age' — between 55 and 60, depending on when you were born. There are special circ*mstances where you can access your super early.

Can I access my super before 55? ›

Age: Under age 60, born before 1 July 1964

If you're under 60, you must have reached your access age and be permanently retired to access your super. If you're not ready to retire, you could use some of your super while you're still working, with a Transition to Retirement Income account.

Can I retire at 55 with benefits? ›

So can you retire at 55 and collect Social Security? The answer, unfortunately, is no. The earliest age to begin drawing Social Security retirement benefits is 62.

Can a 60 year old retire on $1 million dollars? ›

So, can you retire at 60 with $1 million, and what would that look like? It's certainly possible to retire comfortably in this scenario. But it's wise to review your spending needs, taxes, health care, and other factors as you prepare for your retirement years.

Is $1,000,000 enough to retire at 65? ›

Yes, it is possible to retire with $1 million at the age of 65. But whether that amount is enough for your own retirement will depend on factors that include your Social Security benefits, your investment strategy and your personal expenses.

Can I live off interest on a million dollars? ›

Once you have $1 million in assets, you can look seriously at living entirely off the returns of a portfolio. After all, the S&P 500 alone averages 10% returns per year. Setting aside taxes and down-year investment portfolio management, a $1 million index fund could provide $100,000 annually.

Can I access my super before 65? ›

In some circ*mstances, you can access your super before you reach your preservation age: Incapacity — if you're unable to work or need to work fewer hours because of a medical condition. Severe financial hardship — if you can't meet your living expenses and have been receiving Commonwealth benefits for 26 weeks.

How can I access my super before 60? ›

Age: Under age 60, born before 1 July 1964

If you're under 60, you must have reached your access age and be permanently retired to access your super. If you're not ready to retire, you could use some of your super while you're still working, with a Transition to Retirement Income account.

Can I access all my super at 59? ›

Your preservation age is the age you can access your super if you are retired (or start a transition to retirement income stream). If you were born before 1 July 1960 you have already reached your preservation age of 55 years. You can access your super once you have met a condition of release.

How can I access my super at 59? ›

If you are aged between preservation age and 59 and "Retired", you are not required to access your Super Benefit as either a Pension or a Lump Sum Withdrawal. The choice is entirely yours. In fact you can let your Super Benefit accumulates in the super environment indefinitely.

How much can you withdraw from super after 60? ›

There are absolutely no restrictions to accessing your Super Benefit when aged between 60 and 64 after you are retired. There are two ways you can access your Super; either as a lump-sum payment or as a pension.

Can I access my super at 40? ›

Generally you can only access your super if you have reached your preservation age and meet a condition of release (such as retiring or turning 65). Your preservation age is between 55 and 60, depending on your date of birth.

Can I access my pension at 55? ›

You can start taking money from most pensions from the age of 60 or 65. This is when a lot of people typically think about reducing their work hours and moving into retirement. You can often even start taking money from a workplace or personal pension from age 55 if you want to.

Can you withdraw all your 401k after 60? ›

The IRS allows penalty-free withdrawals from retirement accounts after age 59½ and requires withdrawals after age 72. (These are called required minimum distributions, or RMDs). There are some exceptions to these rules for 401(k) plans and other qualified plans.

Can I retire at 59? ›

Most retirement accounts allow you to start withdrawing your capital after age 59 and a half without any added headaches. You can also withdraw from your current 401k and some other tax-advantaged accounts if you follow the Rule of 55 - if you no longer work after the age of 55, among other considerations.

What is the early retirement age? ›

It is possible to retire early at age 55, but most people are not eligible for Social Security retirement benefits until they're 62, and typically people must wait until age 59 ½ to make penalty-free withdrawals from 401(k)s or other retirement accounts. SSA.gov. Starting Your Retirement Benefits Early.

How do I withdraw from Australian super? ›

Go to australiansuper.com and log into your online account • Choose 'Make a withdrawal from my super account'. Making your payment request online is easy and means that you can confirm your identity online.

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Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.