e- Mo C-Lab ( electronic in Money , Capiital - Labor ) contribution application on e- S H I N to A / D / S tour Route work system AMNIMARJESLOW GOVERNMENT 91220017 Dejitaru denshi sagyō shisutemu no okane to unten shikin no torihiki 020966010014 LJBUSAL (2024)

e- Mo C-Lab ( electronic in Money , Capiital - Labor ) contribution application on e- S H I N to A / D / S tour Route work system AMNIMARJESLOW GOVERNMENT 91220017 Dejitaru denshi sagyō shisutemu no okane to unten shikin no torihiki 020966010014 LJBUSAL Within LJBUSAR ___ Thanks to Lord Jesus about capital and work transactions under the Sun and Star __ Gen. Mac Tech Zone electronic work systems money and working capital transactions (1)

Digital Money Concept for The Future

e- Mo C-Lab ( electronic in Money , Capiital - Labor ) contribution application on e- S H I N to A / D / S tour Route work system AMNIMARJESLOW GOVERNMENT 91220017 Dejitaru denshi sagyō shisutemu no okane to unten shikin no torihiki 020966010014 LJBUSAL Within LJBUSAR ___ Thanks to Lord Jesus about capital and work transactions under the Sun and Star __ Gen. Mac Tech Zone electronic work systems money and working capital transactions (2)

Cash continues to be gradually replaced by digital money, providing consumers with more convenience and choice - and organisations with lower cost transactions. Wider adoption enables new offers to proliferate.

  • Cash costs society as much as 1.5% of GDP
  • The most disruptive new entrants may prove to be the crypto-currencies
  • Multi-factor authentication will become the norm

Money is not coins and banknotes; it’s anything that people are willing to use in order to represent systematically the value of other things for the purpose of exchanging goods and services. Money enables people to compare quickly and easily the value of different commodities, to easily exchange one thing for another, and to store wealth conveniently. Before coins and banknotes, different cultures chose objects or materials to represent value: shells, cattle, skins, salt, grain and cloth.
The sum total of money (M2) in the world is about $60 trillion of which c. 1/10th is held as coins or bank notes. The remaining 90% is held as digital money on computers servers; the vast majority of transactions by value are executed by moving electronic data from one computer file to another without any exchange of physical cash.

Cash costs society as much as 1.5% of GDP

The on-going adoption of digital money has been driven by three factors. The first factor is that digital money is cheaper than cash to handle, cash costs society as much as 1.5% of GDP. Savings arise from: 1. Reduced administration costs (governments can save up to 75% with electronic payment programs). 2. Reduced security costs and loss of funds from theft(75-80% of the $22 billion in benefits of shifting India’s government payments to electronic would come from reducing leakage of funds in government transfer schemes ending up in the wrong hands). 3. Reduced costs from saving time or transportation.
The second factor is the ability for people and systems to connect digitally, enabled by the growth of mobile and fixed line networks, and underpinned by maturing technology standards and protocols (e.g. credit and debit card payment schemes; SEPA – the Single Euro Payments Area). Increased connectivity is also at the core of efforts to increase financial inclusion through digital money, where a lack of bank and cash infrastructure and ability of individuals to authenticate their credentials is traditionally cited as an underlying challenge. Safaricom’s M-Pesa solution in Kenya demonstrates how connectivity can assist in leapfrogging traditional cash-based infrastructure.
The final factor driving adoption is mobility. People, devices and transaction locations are literally moving and consumers are seeking more convenient ways to pay. Consumers can and want to shop from their own home, send a payment from an app on their PDA, wave a contactless card to use mass transit or pay for their Uber ride automatically. And as people have migrated, so too has boomed the digital money of International remittances.

The most disruptive new entrants may prove to be the crypto-currencies

On a twin track to the three underlying drivers comes innovation and competition. As banks and payment schemes struggle to cope with legacy technology and stifling regulation, new entrants have arrived. AliPay and ApplePay seek to offer more convenience to consumers whilst increasing the firm’s share of the financial transaction. In the case of Square, Paypal and Stripe, the competition is aiming to reduce the cost of accepting digital money or making digital payments. These new entrants in the main seek to digitise and substitute previous cash-based payment. The most disruptive new entrants may prove to be the crypto-currencies, for example Bitcoin, and the associated underlying and de-centralised blockchain technology.
Alongside the commercial innovation sits moves by both governments and central banks to accelerate the move towards digital money. While reduced costs form part of the logic to do this, so too does the inherent ability of digital money to carry a negative interest rate, something which it is not possible to do with cash. In Denmark, the Government has gone further, announcing in 2015 that selected retailers will be able to refuse cash, paving the way for a truly cashless society. Supporters say that not only will this enable banking systems to become more productive but that it will also ensure that taxes will be paid and only legal transactions will take place, putting pressure on both the informal and black economy.

e- Mo C-Lab ( electronic in Money , Capiital - Labor ) contribution application on e- S H I N to A / D / S tour Route work system AMNIMARJESLOW GOVERNMENT 91220017 Dejitaru denshi sagyō shisutemu no okane to unten shikin no torihiki 020966010014 LJBUSAL Within LJBUSAR ___ Thanks to Lord Jesus about capital and work transactions under the Sun and Star __ Gen. Mac Tech Zone electronic work systems money and working capital transactions (3)

Digital money, also known as digital currency or crypto currency, is a new and upcoming way of storing value. Unlike traditional currency which can be transferred to paper money from a bank account, digital money is entirely digital with only a number as an indication of value. The currency is often used by utilizing a digital wallet that can be accessed from devices such as computers, smartphones, and tablets.

How Do I get Digital Currency?

There are several ways to acquire digital currencies. One way is to do work for digital currency. Many forums and online communities are dedicated to posting jobs for digital currency. Because digital currencies can be traded quickly over the internet, jobs that pay in them often times relate to the online environment. Examples include web development, writing, and graphic design. Another way to acquire digital currency is to trade traditional currency for the desired digital one. Many online exchanges including Bitstamp.net allow it’s users to buy or exchange traditional currency for Bitcoin.

What is Bitcoin? Litecoin?

is the power player in the digital currency world. Created in 2009 as a decentralized payment system, Bitcoin is the world’s most valuable cryptocurrency. Currently trading thousands of times higher than when it was released, Bitcoin wasn’t always as valuable or well known. In the beginning bitcoin trading was mainly limited to the online community. Techies with backgrounds in programming, web development, and gaming were the first to adopt and embrace the currency. As the word of Bitcoin spread so did the user base. With the growing popularity dozens of digital currencies emerged. Examples include Litecoin, Worldcoin, and Ripple. More information can be found at Bitcoin.org.

What is a Decentralized Currency?

Most digital currency is decentralized. The money or value is not backed by government or financial institutions. The traders of the currency completely define it’s economy. Money is traded from one person to another much like cash, most of the time without possibility of a refund. This method of transfer has it’s fair share of advantages, however, it does cause sharp fluctuations in value.

Is Digital Currency Safe to Use?

While most digital currency has its own regulation and features in place to protect its users, it should still be considered high risk. Because of the extreme volatility, paying or being paid with a digital currency requires constant knowledge of its current value. In order to keep up with these currencies one should understand all the aspects of the currency they plan on using.

The Future of Digital Currency

While digital currency has emerged as an experimental and alternative way to store value, it’s future is still completely undecided. With it’s gaining popularity comes the pressure of lawmakers to regulate it. With it’s ever changing value comes the desire to profit from it. With it’s global reach comes the ability to change to world of money and value forever.


Digital Currency Networks: Blockchain

The biggest (and most difficult to grasp) element of how digital currencies work is their blockchain networks. But before we go any further to discuss how these networks operate, we need to make an important clarification.
There is a distinct difference between Blockchain cryptographic protocol (uppercase ‘B’) and the respective blockchain (lowercase ‘b’) networks of each digital currency.
See, the Blockchain protocol was developed and released by the creators of Bitcoin. And although Blockchain is the technology on which all digital currencies are built, it is not tied or affiliated to any particular digital currency.
However, when we talk about the blockchain of a specific currency, we’re referring to a singular implementation of the Blockchain protocol. That implementation is what actually creates a digital currency.
In simple terms, the Blockchain protocol allows digital currencies to be created and used as viable forms of money. That’s because it provides a framework for creating digital items that are:

  1. Unique and non-duplicable
  2. Non-repudiable and impossible to “double spend”
  3. Scarce and limited in supply
  4. Durable and immutable
  5. Divisible and uniform

Without the Blockchain protocol, making a digital currency would be impossible. The individual blockchain networks of each digital currency are essentially different incarnations of that protocol.
In other words, all digital currencies are created, stored, and exchanged on their own separate blockchain networks – all of which are built using the foundational Blockchain protocol.
To summarize once more for clarity, the Blockchain software is like a universal blueprint that makes digital currencies possible, but it’s not a currency in and of itself. But when that blueprint is used to build a blockchain network, a digital currency is born.

Creating & Exchanging Digital Currency: Mining

e- Mo C-Lab ( electronic in Money , Capiital - Labor ) contribution application on e- S H I N to A / D / S tour Route work system AMNIMARJESLOW GOVERNMENT 91220017 Dejitaru denshi sagyō shisutemu no okane to unten shikin no torihiki 020966010014 LJBUSAL Within LJBUSAR ___ Thanks to Lord Jesus about capital and work transactions under the Sun and Star __ Gen. Mac Tech Zone electronic work systems money and working capital transactions (4)

So once a digital currency is created, how in the world do people obtain and use it? On top of that, how can we eliminate the chance of fraud and manipulation across the millions of transactions happening between users?
The Blockchain protocol addresses both of these concerns through a process called “mining.”
See, a digital currency’s blockchain network is a public ledger of all transactions of that currency that have ever occurred. New transactions are grouped into ‘blocks.’ Each block is confirmed and validated by multiple users throughout the network, before being added at the end of the chain. Every user has their own copy of this public ledger, and it’s constantly updated.
Miners have the responsibility of confirming all the transactions inside a new block, so the block can be sealed and recorded on the public blockchain ledger.
To confirm a block, miners compete with one another to make something called a hash, a unique sequence of cryptographic information based on:

  1. The transaction data inside the block being confirmed.
  2. The result of complex mathematical formulas.
  3. The previous hash of the last block on the chain.

Once miners complete a hash, the new block is confirmed and the hash is stored alongside it. As a reward for each new hash/confirmed block, miners receive new units of the network’s currency.
To regulate the currency supply and control inflation, the Blockchain software protocol makes it increasingly difficult for miners to generate hashes and confirm new blocks as the network grows in size.
This system guarantees transparency, accountability, and stability for networks and their currencies.

Storing Digital Currency: Wallets

We’ve discussed what makes digital currencies possible, where they come from, and how they’re exchanged. Now let’s talk about how they’re stored…
When digital currencies are mined on their blockchains or transferred between users, they must be stored until their new owner is ready to use them. That’s where digital currency wallets come into play.
Wallets are simply pieces of software capable of housing digital currencies securely for an indefinite period of time.
All digital currency wallets have a public key and at least one private key.
The simplest way to understand the public key is to think of it like an anonymous address. When you send or receive digital currency, that address is recorded on the public ledger for your transaction. Everyone can see it, but it contains none of your personally identifiable information. It simply documents your wallet’s location on the blockchain network.
The private key, on the other hand, is seen by nobody but the wallet’s owner. It contains the cryptographic information needed to authorize transfers out of the wallet, and it should never be shared. Private keys are often secured through encryption and backed up in hard copy on paper.
However, nothing matches the security of a multi-signature wallet, which utilizes multiple private keys stored in separate locations – and requires the signature of two keys for every transaction.

For most BitIRA customers, Digital IRA investments are held in multi-signature wallets through our proprietary wallet solution. These wallets are held on custom hardware devices that are personal to each customer, and locked in cold storage inside a state-of-the-art depository. We are so confident in the security of our wallet solution that all assets of BitIRA customers are fully insured.

e- Mo C-Lab ( electronic in Money , Capiital - Labor ) contribution application on e- S H I N to A / D / S tour Route work system AMNIMARJESLOW GOVERNMENT 91220017 Dejitaru denshi sagyō shisutemu no okane to unten shikin no torihiki 020966010014 LJBUSAL Within LJBUSAR ___ Thanks to Lord Jesus about capital and work transactions under the Sun and Star __ Gen. Mac Tech Zone electronic work systems money and working capital transactions (5) e- Mo C-Lab ( electronic in Money , Capiital - Labor ) contribution application on e- S H I N to A / D / S tour Route work system AMNIMARJESLOW GOVERNMENT 91220017 Dejitaru denshi sagyō shisutemu no okane to unten shikin no torihiki 020966010014 LJBUSAL Within LJBUSAR ___ Thanks to Lord Jesus about capital and work transactions under the Sun and Star __ Gen. Mac Tech Zone electronic work systems money and working capital transactions (6)

Case Study e- Stock Market

A circuit is of two two types in the stock the market. Lower circuit / Upper circuit.

e- Mo C-Lab ( electronic in Money , Capiital - Labor ) contribution application on e- S H I N to A / D / S tour Route work system AMNIMARJESLOW GOVERNMENT 91220017 Dejitaru denshi sagyō shisutemu no okane to unten shikin no torihiki 020966010014 LJBUSAL Within LJBUSAR ___ Thanks to Lord Jesus about capital and work transactions under the Sun and Star __ Gen. Mac Tech Zone electronic work systems money and working capital transactions (7)

stock market circuit breakers :

Market volatility regulations

Circuit-breaker points represent the thresholds at which trading is halted market-wide for single-day declines in the S&P 500 Index. Circuit breakers halt trading on the nation's stock markets during dramatic drops and are set at 7%, 13%, and 20% of the closing price for the previous day

circuit limit decided :
When the volatility of a stock breaks a certain limit as decided by the exchange, trading in that stock is stopped for some time. The limit is fixed as a percentage of the stock's price by the stock exchange. The rules for circuit breaking are decided by the Securities exchange Board

e- Mo C-Lab ( electronic in Money , Capiital - Labor ) contribution application on e- S H I N to A / D / S tour Route work system AMNIMARJESLOW GOVERNMENT 91220017 Dejitaru denshi sagyō shisutemu no okane to unten shikin no torihiki 020966010014 LJBUSAL Within LJBUSAR ___ Thanks to Lord Jesus about capital and work transactions under the Sun and Star __ Gen. Mac Tech Zone electronic work systems money and working capital transactions (8)

UC and LC in stock market : An upward movement over the threshold will cause a stock to enter an upper circuit. Similarly a downward movement in stock price beyond the threshold will cause a stock to enter a lower circuit. The objective of circuit breakers is to control the stock markets at times when they move beyond reasonable limits.

e- Mo C-Lab ( electronic in Money , Capiital - Labor ) contribution application on e- S H I N to A / D / S tour Route work system AMNIMARJESLOW GOVERNMENT 91220017 Dejitaru denshi sagyō shisutemu no okane to unten shikin no torihiki 020966010014 LJBUSAL Within LJBUSAR ___ Thanks to Lord Jesus about capital and work transactions under the Sun and Star __ Gen. Mac Tech Zone electronic work systems money and working capital transactions (9)
Handheld Stock Market Trading Controller

Single stock circuit breaker : The Single Stock Circuit Breaker system, first put in place in 2012, allows regulators to stop trading in an individual security that moves wildly, unlike broader circuit breakers, which halt trading in the entire market when there is extremely volatile trading.

How long is a stock halted for :

A trading halt occurs in the U.S. when a stock exchange stops trading on a specific security for a certain time period. The halt, which can happen a few times a day per security if FINRA deems it, usually lasts for one hour, but is not limited to that. Trading halts can happen any time of day.

circuit limit in share : Circuit filter is a mechanism used by stock exchanges to curb excessive volatility in markets. It is the maximum fluctuation in price allowed during trading. Trading gets suspended if the maximum permissible limit is hit in either direction.

How do you find the limit of a stock circuit :

For example if the regulators decide that the circuit limit for a stock is 15%, then, trading in that stock will be halted for the day, if the stock price moves up or down 15% in one day. There are 3 circuit limits for indices – 10%, 15% and 20%.Circuit filter is applied to Sensex or Nifty whichever is breached first

What is daily price range :

Range refers to the difference between the low and high prices for a security or index over a specific time period. Range defines the price spread for a defined period, such as a day, month or year, and indicates the security's price volatility. The more volatile the security or index, the wider the range
What do you mean by upper circuit :
When it hits +20% it called upper circuit freeze and when it hits -20% it is called lower circuit freeze. Note : there is no circuit filter for derivative stock. So when a stock hits upper circuit, it means there is strong buying and it cannot move up any further for the day .

What are circuit filters :

Circuit filters are price bands imposed by the Securities Exchange Board to restrict the movement of stock prices (up or down), of listed securities. This is to curb manipulation done in share prices by operators.

What is lower circuit in stock :

When the markets are falling or rising consistently, stocks hitting upper or lower circuit is a common feature. It also means that investors, especially in a falling market, might find themselves unable to exit — at least immediately — from a stock that has hit lower circuit.

What is price freeze in stock market :

What is Price freeze. occurs when the trading price of the shares moves 50% upward or 40% downward from the previous closing price. Trading is still allowed but the movement of the price is not.

L U price band in share market : A price band is a value-setting method in which a seller indicates an upper and lower cost limit, between which buyers are able to place bids. The price band's floor and cap provide guidance to the buyers. This type of auction pricing technique is often used with initial public offerings (IPOs).

upper limit and lower limit in stocks :

It contains an upper limit and a lower circuit limit. The index cannot fall below the lower limit or climb above the upper limit. These limits are based on the previous day's closing price. ... However, price bands are only available for stocks which have no derivative contracts.

market wide circuit breakers :

Market Wide Circuit Breaker

These procedures, known as market wide circuit breakers, may halt trading temporarily or, under extreme circ*mstances, close the markets before the normal close of the trading session.

stock halted :

A stock is generally halted pending the release of material news that may affect the price of a stock. A trading halt allows the market to digest this information and also creates a level playing field among investors. Halts are issued by IIROC for regulatory reasons or at the request of the involved company.

short sale circuit breaker : The SEC defines the process like this: The "circuit breaker" is triggered for a security any day the price declines by 10% or more from the prior day's closing price. The alternative uptick rule, which permits short selling only "if the price of the security is above the current national best bid."

What is Limit Up-Limit Down (LULD) :

The Limit Up-Limit Down (LULD) mechanism is intended to prevent trades in National Market System (NMS) securities from occurring outside of specified price bands.

What happens if a stock is halted :

What Happens When Stocks Are Halted? Stock exchanges can temporarily halt trading of a stock for any number of reasons. When a stock exchange calls a halt to trading of a stock, your broker will be unable to buy or sell any position in the shares. ... In rare instances, an entire stock exchange will halt trading.

What happens when a stock is delisted :

"Delisting" is generally used in a negative way, for when companies no longer meet the requirements to be listed on an exchange, and are removed either voluntarily or involuntarily. However, delisting technically just means the removal of a listed stock from its exchange, and there are a few reasons that can happen.

The six-step plan to buying shares online

  1. Step 1: Find a good online broker. First of all, you need to find a good online broker. ...
  2. Step 2: Open an investment account. ...
  3. Step 3: Upload money to your account. ...
  4. Step 4: Find a stock you want to buy. ...
  5. Step 5: Buy the stock. ...
  6. Step 6: Review your share positions regularly.

calculate share price movement :

The most popular method used to estimate the intrinsic value of a stock is the price to earnings ratio. It's simple to use, and the data is readily available. The P/E ratio is calculated by dividing the price of the stock by the total of its 12-months trailing earnings.

Insider trading :

Insider trading is the trading of a public company's stock or other securities (such as bonds or stock options) by individuals with access to nonpublic information about the company. ... A person who becomes aware of non-public information and trades on that basis may be guilty of a crime.


Trading curb

A trading curb, sometimes referred to as a circuit breaker is a financial regulatory instrument that is in place to prevent stock market crashes from occurring. Since their inception, circuit breakers have been modified to prevent both speculative gains and dramatic losses within a small time frame. As a result of being triggered, circuit breakers either stop trading for a small amount of time or close trading early in order to allow accurate information to flow amongst market makers and for institutional traders to assess their positions and make rational decisions.

On the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), one type of trading curb is referred to as a "circuit breaker". These limits were put in place after Black Monday in 1987 in order to reduce market volatility and massive panic sell-offs, giving traders time to reconsider their transactions. The regulatory filing that makes circuit breakers mandatory on United States stock exchanges is Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 80B. It is there that the specifics of circuit breakers are elaborated and the various price limits are outlined for investors to see.
The most recently updated amendment of rule 80B went into effect on April 8, 2013, and has three tiers of thresholds that have different protocols for halting trading and closing the markets.
At the start of each day, the NYSE sets three circuit breaker levels at levels of 7% (Level 1), 13% (Level 2) and 20% (Level 3). These thresholds are the percentage drops in value that the S&P 500 Index would have to suffer in order for a trading halt to occur. Base price levels for which these thresholds will be applied are calculated daily based on the preceding trading day’s closing value of the S&P 500. Depending on the point drop that happens and the time of day when it happens, different actions occur automatically: Level 1 and Level 2 declines result in a 15-minute trading halt unless they occur after 3:25pm, when no trading halts apply. A Level 3 decline results in trading being suspended for the remainder of the day.
Circuit breakers are also in effect on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) and all subsidiary exchanges where the same thresholds that the NYSE has are applied to equity index futures trading. However, there is a CME specific price limit that prevents 5% increases and decreases in price during after hours trading. Base prices for which the percentage thresholds are applied are derived from the weighted average price on the future during the preceding trading day's last thirty seconds of trading. Price limits for equity index and foreign exchange futures are posted on the CME website at the close of each trading session.
There is a security specific circuit breaker system, similar to the market wide system, that is known as the "Limit Up - Limit Down Plan" (LULD). This LULD system succeeds the previous system that only prevented dramatic losses, but not speculative gains, in a short amount of time. This rule is in place to combat security specific volatility as opposed to market wide volatility. The thresholds for a trading halt on an individual security are as follows. Each percentage change in value has to occur within a 5-minute window in order for a trading halt to be enacted:

  • 10% change in value of any security that is included in the S&P 500 index, the Russell 1000 index, and the Invesco PowerShares QQQ ETF.
  • 30% change in value of any security that has a price equal to or greater than $1
  • 50% change in value of any security that has a price less than $1

The previous trading day’s closing price is used to determine which price range a specific security falls into.


Following the stock market crash on October 19, 1987, the United States President Ronald Reagan assembled a Task Force on Market Mechanisms, known as the Brady Commission, to investigate the causes of the crash. The Brady Commission’s report had four main findings, one of which stated that whatever regulatory agency was chosen to monitor equity markets should be responsible for designing and implementing price limit systems known as circuit breakers. The original intent of circuit breakers was not to prevent dramatic but fair price swings, rather to allow time for sufficient communication between traders and specialists. In the days leading up to the crash, price swings were dramatic but not crisis-like. However, on Black Monday the crash was caused by lack of information flow through the markets among other discrepancies such as lack of uniform margin trading rules across different markets.

Instances of use

On October 27, 1997, under different trading curb rules then in effect, trading at the New York Stock Exchange was halted early after the Dow Jones Industrial Average declined by 550 points. This is the only time US stock markets have closed early due to trading curbs. Since then, circuit breakers have evolved from a Dow Jones Industrial Average points-based system into a percentage change system that tracks the S&P 500.
Then SEC Chairman Arthur Levitt Jr. believes this instance of use was unnecessary, and that market price levels had increased so much since circuit breakers were implemented that the point based system triggered a halt for a decline that was not considered a crisis. Some, like Robert R. Glauber, suggested in the aftermath of the circuit breaker tripping that trigger points be increased, and automatically reset by formula on an annual basis.

Program trading curbs

The NYSE formerly implemented a curb on program trading under certain conditions. A program trade is defined by the NYSE as a basket of stocks from the S&P 500 where there are at least 15 stocks or where the value of the basket is at least $1 million. Such trades are generally automated.
When activated, the curbs restricted program trades to sell on upticks and buy only on downticks.
The trading curbs would become activated whenever the NYSE Composite Index moved 190 points or the Dow Jones Industrial Average moved 2% from its previous close. They remained in place for the rest of the trading day or until the NYSE Composite Index moved to within 90 points or the Dow moved within 1% of the previous close.
Since over 50% of all trades on the NYSE are program trades, this curb was supposed to limit volatility by mitigating the ability of automated trades to drive stock prices down via positive feedback.
This curb was fairly common, and financial television networks such as CNBC often referred to it with the term "curbs in".
On November 7, 2007, the NYSE confirmed that the exchange has scrapped this rule from November 2, 2007. The reason given for the rule's elimination was its ineffectiveness in its purpose of curbing market volatility since it was enacted in the wake of the 1987 stock market crash under the belief that it may help prevent another catastrophic market crash.


In Japan, stock trading will be halted in cases where the criteria for the CB trigger are met. The trading halt time is 10 minutes.


A "circuit-breaker" mechanism began a test run on January 1, 2016. If the CSI 300 Index rises or falls by 5% before 14:45 (15 minutes before normal closing), stock trading will halt for 15 minutes. If it happens after 14:45 or the Index change reaches 7% at any time, trading will close immediately for the day. "Full breaking" was triggered on January 4 and 7, 2016. From January 8, use of the circuit-breaker was suspended.


Though the purpose behind circuit breakers is to stop trading so that traders can take time to think and digest new information, there are a lot of tested theories that show trading volume actually increases as price levels approach a circuit breaker threshold, and trading after a halt completes lays the groundwork for even more volatile market conditions.

Magnet effect

The Journal of Financial Markets has published work specific to the use of circuit breakers and their effects on market activity. Researchers have developed what is known as the "magnet effect". This theory claims that the closer market levels come to a circuit breaker threshold, the more exacerbated the situation will become as traders will increase volume by unloading shares out of fear that they will be stuck in their positions if markets do stop trading.
It is believed there was an institutional bias to circuit breakers, as all of the large banks, hedge funds, and even some pension funds had designated floor traders on the floor of the NYSE who can continue trading while the markets are closed to the average investor. This argument is becoming less relevant over time as the use of floor traders diminishes and the majority of trading is done by computer generated algorithms.

Price discovery

Price discovery as it relates to equities is the process in which a security’s market value is determined by way of buyers and sellers agreeing on a price suitable enough for a transaction to take place. On the New York Stock Exchange alone, it is not uncommon for over $1.5 trillion of stocks to be traded in a single day. Due to the large amount of transactions that take place every day, experienced traders, and computer using algorithmic trading make trades based on the slightest up-ticks and down-ticks in price, and subtle changes in the bid–ask spread. When trading halts for any amount of time, the flow of information is reduced due to a lack of market activity, adversely causing larger than normal bid-ask spreads that slows down the price discovery process. When stock specific trading halts occur in order for press releases to be announced, the market has to then make a very quick assessment of how the new information affects the value of the underlying asset leading to abnormal trading volume and volatility



e- Mo C-Lab ( electronic in Money , Capiital - Labor ) contribution application on e- S H I N to A / D / S tour Route work system AMNIMARJESLOW GOVERNMENT 91220017 Dejitaru denshi sagyō shisutemu no okane to unten shikin no torihiki 020966010014 LJBUSAL Within LJBUSAR ___ Thanks to Lord Jesus about capital and work transactions under the Sun and Star __ Gen. Mac Tech Zone electronic work systems money and working capital transactions (10)

e- Mo C-Lab ( electronic in Money , Capiital - Labor ) contribution application on e- S H I N to A / D / S tour Route work system AMNIMARJESLOW GOVERNMENT 91220017 Dejitaru denshi sagyō shisutemu no okane to unten shikin no torihiki 020966010014 LJBUSAL Within LJBUSAR ___ Thanks to Lord Jesus about capital and work transactions under the Sun and Star __ Gen. Mac Tech Zone electronic work systems money and working capital transactions (11)

DigiCash the electronic

it was impossible to assign a monetary value to the units of the emerging cryptocurrency.

e- Mo C-Lab ( electronic in Money , Capiital - Labor ) contribution application on e- S H I N to A / D / S tour Route work system AMNIMARJESLOW GOVERNMENT 91220017 Dejitaru denshi sagyō shisutemu no okane to unten shikin no torihiki 020966010014 LJBUSAL Within LJBUSAR ___ Thanks to Lord Jesus about capital and work transactions under the Sun and Star __ Gen. Mac Tech Zone electronic work systems money and working capital transactions (12)

Digital coins have attracted considerable attention globally because of their potential to serve as a new type of payment tool.

Money is a financial instrument that fulfills the basic functions as a medium of exchange, unit of account, store of value, and standard of deferred payment. The function as a medium of exchange allows efficient transactions of goods and services among people without forming an inconvenient barter system. The unit of account enables the value of all goods and services to be expressed in common criteria, thereby smoothening the comparison of goods and services and facilitating their transactions. The store of value refers to any asset whose value can also be used in the future because of the ability to maintain its value, thereby enabling people to save to finance their spending at a later date. In addition to these three basic functions, the function as a standard of deferred payment is regarded as an additional important function of money since it enables it to express the value of a debt so that people can purchase goods and services today by paying back debt in the future. To meet these four functions, money must be durable, portable, divisible, and difficult to counterfeit.

e- Mo C-Lab ( electronic in Money , Capiital - Labor ) contribution application on e- S H I N to A / D / S tour Route work system AMNIMARJESLOW GOVERNMENT 91220017 Dejitaru denshi sagyō shisutemu no okane to unten shikin no torihiki 020966010014 LJBUSAL Within LJBUSAR ___ Thanks to Lord Jesus about capital and work transactions under the Sun and Star __ Gen. Mac Tech Zone electronic work systems money and working capital transactions (13)

Digital money is money we experience not as a physical object, but as a number on a screen in a savings or checking account .


e- Mo C-Lab ( electronic in Money , Capiital - Labor ) contribution application on e- S H I N to A / D / S tour Route work system AMNIMARJESLOW GOVERNMENT 91220017 Dejitaru denshi sagyō shisutemu no okane to unten shikin no torihiki 020966010014 LJBUSAL Within LJBUSAR ___ Thanks to Lord Jesus about capital and work transactions under the Sun and Star __ Gen. Mac Tech Zone electronic work systems money and working capital transactions (14)

Gen. Mac Tech Zone electronic Work System for e- Mo C-Lab


e- Mo C-Lab ( electronic in Money , Capiital - Labor ) contribution application on e- S H I N to A / D / S tour Route work system AMNIMARJESLOW GOVERNMENT 91220017  Dejitaru denshi sagyō shisutemu no okane to unten shikin no torihiki  020966010014 LJBUSAL (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.