Don’t Like the New Look of Yahoo Mail? Switch it Back (2024)


Don’t Like the New Look of Yahoo Mail? Switch it Back (1)

By Brian Burgess


Don’t Like the New Look of Yahoo Mail? Switch it Back (2)

Recently Yahoo made big changes to Yahoo Mail, including a new UI and Mail Plus features. Not everyone likes the changes. Here’s how to switch it back.

Yahoo made some big changes to its email interface last week, and it might throw you off a bit. Not only are there more customization options to the look and feel of your inbox, but several of the Mail Plus features are now available to everyone for free. One of the more notable of which is 1 TB of free storage.

Don’t Like the New Look of Yahoo Mail? Switch it Back (3)

Yahoo Mail Improvements

According to Jeffery Bonforte, SVP of Communication Products at Yahoo, the changes were made to celebrate the 16th birthday of the email service. From the post on the company’s recently acquired Tumblr blog:

Since it’s not a birthday without party favors, we’re making many features previously reserved for premium Mail Plus customers free. Disposable email addresses, enhanced filters and automatic message forwarding are now available for everyone. And if that wasn’t enough, we’re giving you a monstrous amount of storage, 1TB (that’s 1,000 GBs), so you have ample space for all your emails and attachments. It sure beats one of those annoying noisemakers. Current Mail Plus customers can continue to use Mail Plus and can learn more here.

It’s also interesting to note that if you’re a current Yahoo Mail Plus subscriber, you’ll continue to get an ad-free email for $19.99 / year. But for new subscribers, if you want its newly renamed “Yahoo Ad Free Mail,” it will set you back $49.99 / year.

The biggest change to Yahoo Mail is the new interface and lack of specific features previously available. Also, several users are reporting that it’s just plain buggy. If you look at the Yahoo Mail User Voice Forums, you’ll find it full of people who are complaining about the redesign and buggy features.

If you’re in the same boat, let’s take a look at how to get your old email back…and it’s surprisingly easy.

Change Yahoo Mail to Basic

It’s easy to switch your mail back to the interface you’re used to. Just click the gear icon located at the upper right corner by your name and select Settings.

Don’t Like the New Look of Yahoo Mail? Switch it Back (4)

Then in the Settings screen, select Viewing email, then tick Basic under Mail version.

Don’t Like the New Look of Yahoo Mail? Switch it Back (5)

While you’re in Settings, I recommend turning on HTTPS for improved security. Gmail and already have had this feature for what seems like forever, but even if you use your Yahoo account to sign up for newsletters, it’s always nice to have extra security.

Don’t Like the New Look of Yahoo Mail? Switch it Back (6)

Hit the Save button, and your Yahoo mail will switch back to the interface you know and are comfortable with. While there are more features in the new full-featured version, you may not want or need them.

If you want to switch it back to the new full-featured version, click the link “Switch to the newest Yahoo! Mail” located in the upper right corner. This will allow you to ease yourself into the new interface and still use your Yahoo email productively while the new mail bugs get fixed.

Don’t Like the New Look of Yahoo Mail? Switch it Back (7)

Here’s a look at the company’s promotional video for the new mail service:

If you still use Yahoo, what are your thoughts on the new Yahoo Mail redesign? Leave a comment and let us know!

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  1. Sara

    Thank you so much, I hated the new look as the tabs were not loading properly so I could not ‘see’ what I was doing. In order to reply to an email for example I had to hover over the page where I remembered the reply tab to be & hope for the best! Thanks again!!

    • Nomad

      Thank You. Thank you. Thank you.
      I was getting ready to switch to MSN’s mail because the new Yahoo mail was so bad I wasn’t even sure who I was sending mail to with all of the confused threads. I searched Yahoo for days and could find any info of how to switch back and just as I was about to give up and move to MSN I found this article.
      Much appreciated.

      • Caryopteris

        I hate it too but I can’t even get to the page they show for Settings. I can’t find READ EMAIL under settings. It just says MAIL, and it doesn’t have anything about changing the view. I hate the new look and they shouldn’t be able to change without permission.

        • Ka Wi

          I totally agree with you that it was an AWFUL thing they did to change it. The only thing I could do was go WAY WAY back in my “history” and find the old icon for Yahoo, and clicking on that took me to the old way, so now I NEVER use Yahoo EXCEPT by using the old one from my “history”

        • Carolyn

          Having same problem, can’t use new yahoo email. When click on settings it doesn’t bring up anything I can use. I will be cancelling my account & go to another email server.

          • arlene h.

            i tried gregg’s link. it works, but as soon as i hit “home” and go badk to mail it’s the one i don’t want. do i have to use that link every time i use my mail? i tried changing to basic too, but it doesn’t work — same mail that i don’t want.

          • Sandra

            Today, as I was working in my e-mail account, crooked Yahoo bounced me out and into the “new version” telling me “thanks for trying the new version…you can change back.” I did not “”try the new version.” Crooked liars. states “if you do not like you can change back”. Cannot change back. They blocked out all my folders, which I cannot access. The blockout is an icon that demands thumbs up feedback which leads not to “feedback” but an “agreement to share” my info. If someone tampered wit my federal mailbox, they could be prosecuted. Why not Yahoo? There is no gear box with setting option on the version they threw me into. Cant even do the same simple mail search – just gobbledegook.

          • J J

            So will I! I also agree that they should not be able to change it without our permission. After all, we are the ones who pay the bill!!!

        • Gerri

          This was my problem, too. I cannot find the gear icon for settings. And with the new version, I don’t see any reference to my calendar. I used that extensively. Help!

          • Dave

            The suggested changes in settings did not work–I HATE the new format–I have been a Yahoo mail user since it first came out–looks like I am going to have to go to GMAIL–if it isn’t broken don’t fix it! After at least 20 years it is GOOD RIDDANCE TO YAHOO MAIL!
            The gear is obvious on the right side, but there is nothing about saving the settings. Just set up a new gmail account!

          • Dave

            The problem of mail going back to the new version IS happening to me. I saved the link to a favorite to get me back to the old version–isn’t there a permanent fix? I have used Yahoo mail forever, literally since it came out, and have paid for the premium edition for years. When Yahoo started goofing it up I started a Google mail account, not too happy with that, but anything is better than the latest versions of Yahoo. One reason I have to stay with Yahoo is that I have always saved all my important/interesting emails to folders–does anyone know how to backup the old emails to a CD?

        • cindy mains

          under my gear icon it doesn’t show any of the stuff it says to change back to basic mail. How can i change back to basic without using the gear icon?

          • Jenny

            This works for me: in the new mail format in the upper right corner there are four or five small icons in a row. One of them is a blue rectangle with three tiny rectangles on the right. Click that and you will go back to the good format. It stays that way until the next time you log in. Then just click on that rectangle again.

        • Dave

          Same thing here, they changed the gear setup and there are no “settings” there. I have been a Yahoo Mail user since day one and been paying the extra fee to eliminate the ads, but am looking for an alternative. I have also had several gmail accounts for a long time but never liked it.

    • Vall

      I have been trying to change back to the older version of yahoo mail and I am looking for the ‘gear’ next to my name to get started. In what screen am I supposed to be in to start this change, because my name does not appear in the email section.

      • Linda

        I hate the new version too. It cuts off things, so you can’t see the whole page and I hate that it switches to the next mail when you close the one you’re in. I don’t know if I read it or not, so I have to waste my time opening it to see if it was read or not.

        • Sheery

          The new email sucks but the new messenger sucks even worse. Neither is user friendly and I can’t get past a screen that wants me to get messenger on an Android I do not have. I just want to have my old version back.

      • RayOrr

        For all those that are still having Trouble changing back to the Basic Yahoo Mail. Following the Following Directions: (1). Open up your New Mail (2). Look for the Following Headings under your main page page. You’ll see the following: a Diagram with an arrow ^ heading upwards with 3 lines by its side. You’ll also see the backwards arrows, Archive, Downward Arrow for move, Delete Diagram, Spam, and More . Note: (3). Click on the ^ Arrow aiming upwards with the 3 lines next to it. (4). Look for More Settings at the Bottom Right Hand Side, then Click on it. (5). You’ll see Full and Basic on the Bottom Right Hand Side, Click on Basic. (6) You’ll see Save and Cancel on the Bottom Left hand Side. Click on Save . Then you’ll be right back to your Original Basic Yahoo Mail. It took me about 30 minutes to find this for all other advice was not of any help. I hope this help those who are still having trouble getting back to the BASIC’s, hehe

        • Steve Krause

          Thanks Ray – Appreciate it!

        • cindy

          thank you RAY I will try this now. Cindy

        • Dave

          None of these are on my version–a lost cause.

          • Jenny

            Here’s the simplest solution of all and works well for me:
            On the upper right of the new Yahoo mail page there is a row of four or five icons. One of them is a blue rectangle with three or four tiny rectangles to the right of it. Just click on that and viola! you’re back to the old format.

        • Susan Johnson

          Hate the new version but none of the things you list in your comment show on my new version. No up arrow and nothing in Settings like mentioned in other comments. Guess I’m stuck with it as incredibly horrible as it is.

      • Ka Wi

        The best way I found to get back to the old mail was to hold the back arrow until I saw the word “history” and then go backwards in the history until I found the old email, and click on it there. That took me back to the email view that I used to have. Trying to make the switch that was described here took me to a different view of yahoo, but it was not the old view that I used to have. Going backwards through my history to find it got me back to the old version of yahoo that I used to have.

      • Ka Wi

        The only thing I could do was go WAY WAY back in my “history” and find the old icon for Yahoo, and clicking on that took me to the old way, so now I NEVER use Yahoo EXCEPT by using the old one from my “history”

    • Jeffrey Lee

      I do not like the new yahoo page,which is my home page.Why would you fix something that isn’t broke!!?? I feel that if you don’t change it back I will find a new home page,with a more user friendly news source. Disgusted in Alaska Jeff Lee

    • Greg

      Switch to Yahoo Mail Classic? Login to yahoo and PASTE in your browser address bar then save url of login page.

      • Mike

        AWESOME, EASY and it worked! Thank you so very much, with a new hard drive all my old history was gone and couldn’t use that method, THIS ONE WORKS PEOPLE!!

        • Greg

          Thanks for baking me up buddy. Finally. The have been deleting my comments for most help sites for years. The new yahoo is terrible. Now Google is doing same thing. Haven’t got that hack yet though. Now you can still switch back but what about when they stop that?

      • Gary

        Phew! Many thanks – nothing else was working and I REALLY don’t like the new version. Cheers. :)

      • Simon B

        Did this and was returned to ‘Classic’ mail. However, this looks to be different from the ‘Basic’ mail which I used prior to being transferred to the ‘New’ Mail. For example, there doesn’t appear to be an option in the left hand pane to display only ‘Unread’ mail. Is that ‘Basic’ mail no longer available?

    • Greg

      Paste into your browser when on yahoo mail, click go.

      • Greg

        Log in to yahoo first of course and once you place url above and it goes to yahoo classic, save that address. Use that :favorite” to login from then on. Save it on your tool bar etc.

    • Carlos

      I can’t stand the new yahoo look either. so I read all the replies and could not find the arrow and the 3-lines so in the new look I accidentally click on the my contact icon and it brought me back to my ole yahoo. Yeah! It worked on both my laptops….try it

    • keith alan williams

      no name or gear shaped thing ???????????

    • Dave

      The suggested changes in settings did not work–I HATE the new format–I have been a Yahoo mail user since it first came out–looks like I am going to have to go to GMAIL–if it isn’t broken don’t fix it! After at least 20 years it is GOOD RIDDANCE TO YAHOO MAIL!

    • Andrew D

      Just to let you guys know, as of August 10, 2018, this does not work anymore. You only have to an option to switch back to the Classic Yahoo! Mail though, not the old Yahoo! Mail anymore.

      • Ann

        Thanks for the info. I figured it wouldn’t be long before this fix was no longer usable.

  2. Jenny

    I have been using Yahoo mail for over 10 years, and I have to say that these new changes might just prompt me to change e-mail providers. The new design doesn’t work: the reply button works once every 5-7 tries, the tabs function (the highlight of Yahoo mail) has been removed, and Yahoo’s response, that they are “taking into consideration” everyone’s outrage, just seems condescending.

    • Margie

      I second your response.

    • Gm

      To be nice I would say it sucks and I am an IT professional…Also I do not see this tab to switch back…but it is 3 am here.

      • Private

        AGREED. No such tab exists in the land of the visible.

        Well, I guess I needed to spent less time online anyway. Now I have the PERFECT reason to do so.

        • Caryopteris

          I agree. It’s so rude of them.

      • Kathy Wilkins

        Ii followed the instructions to switch it back, but it is NOT the SAME – – I had several tabs open, and 3 of them were yahoo; one open to my draft folder, one to my inbox and one to my sent folder – – those are all in the old format, but when I opened a NEW tab and made the switch from new to “original” it does NOT look like the other 3 tabs of Yahoo that I have open. If you ever find out how to actually switch back to the original, please let me know!


        • Kathy Wilkins

          after I followed your instructions to switch it back, I was distressed that I could no longer see the “Actions” box that appears at the top of the old one that I still have open, and allows me to delete or “mark as read” or “mark as unread” or “star” any email. HOWEVER, I noticed that I now have a SCROLL BAR to the FAR right that enables me to scroll TO THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE (in my original, there was NO BOTTOM of the page), and THERE I found NOT ONLY the Actions box, but ALSO this has arrows that enable me to go either to the LAST (First email) PAGE, or to click from page to page. This is actually a very nice feature, since now I can click page by page instead of having to use the little tiny scroll bar to try to scroll through hundreds of emails to find the one that I want.

      • Kathy Wilkins

        I posted a reply to you here, and then I tried to add something new to it, but that apparently didn’t work, so this is a NEW reply. The old one said that I followed the instructions to switch back, but the “original” it “switched back” to was DIFFERENT.
        Now I want to make some comments on the differences. At first, I was distressed because I could no longer see the “Actions” box which appears at the top of the page in my old version, and allows me to delete or “mark as read” or “mark as unread” or “star” BUT then I saw that there is now a WIDER scroll bar to the very far right of the page, and it allows me to scroll TO THE BOTTOM of the page! At the BOTTOM of the page, there is not only an “Actions” box, but ALSO ARROWS that enable me to move page by page OR to jump to the LAST (first email) page! In my original version, there was NO BOTTOM of the page, and sometimes I might have to scroll through hundreds of email to get to a very old email that I wanted to see. This makes me think maybe I can live with this version after all, but I need to use it a bit more before I decide that for sure.

        • Kathy Wilkins

          however, I can no longer find the “settings” icon, so now I CAN’T follow your security suggestions.

    • ABC

      The new version is not user friendly . It is very confusing , time consuming. I am thinking about looking for other emails options.

    • Greg

      Switch to Yahoo Mail Classic? Login to yahoo and PASTE in your browser address bar then save url of login page. This will work!

      • Eloquent Energy

        Thank you, I am back to basic…

  3. Pat

    Thank you for this – I HATE the new interface. It sucks.

    • Gary

      I thought I was only one who hate this new look.Very uncomfortable to work.I was thinking to switch too

  4. Brian Burgess

    Thanks everyone. Sounds like there isn’t much love out there for the new Yahoo interface. My mom uses it, and she was completely irritated when the change just came.

    I don’t think Yahoo should of pushed it on everyone. It would have been nicer if it was just Opt-In. I know Yahoo has done that in the past — pre Marissa Mayer.

    I have been testing out the new UI, and I have to say, it is buggy. And often times just plain slow.

    I’ve tried it on mobile devices, and in that smartphone, tablet environment it just plain sucks. It was much better the way it was on Mobile.

    The addition of adding extra security — SSL, HTTPS — which Gmail and have had already for some time is welcome. Merging the former Mail Plus features in to the redesign in nice, but if you want it ad-free it’s going to cost you. Over 2x the amount it used to cost for Mail Plus … If Yahoo was my main email, I would go for it…the ads are Terribly placed and for such non relevant products it drive me nuts, but I can put up with them for what I use my Yahoo Mail for — which isn’t much.

    • Nora

      I have been using Yahoo Mail Plus for many years. I HATE the new interface! It takes “forever” for the mail box to open… takes “forever” to attach even a single-page word document. For the first time, I am considering switching unless improvements are made. Everything is SO slow, and I feel the cost is outrageous.
      Nora Sewell

    • Kelly

      So bummed, my contacts are no longer attached to the lists I assigned! I have NO contact lists. Years of data all organized is lost. So bummed. What do you think is a good alternative to Yahoo? I would rather pay and have a better experience. Yahoo seems to have no interest in fixing these issues, instead hiding behind its marketing position…some love it! I haven’t read any who love it.

      • IRene

        Kelly, you can always try StartMail, by going to It will set you back $49.95 (US dollars) a year, but it is ad-free, and is far more private than Yahoo! mail or Hotmail. The home base for StartMail is in the Netherlands, and they have far better privacy laws than the United States.

      • renae

        I HATE YAHOO CHANGES. I am never going to use it after many many years. Ver upsetting I can not see the old emails I have save. Good bye

    • Santosh

      Thank you so much. Basic is somewhat OK compared to new version. But is there any chance restoring the classic version? Please advise. It was proper and user friendly.

  5. John Oldham

    This new e-mail is garbage. Please switch it back.

  6. Bryan

    Unfortunately, they have even changed the “old/classic” email so it no longer works correctly either. It is just about as slow performing tasks and it took away some of the usability that YM had just days ago.

    I switched everything to Gmail over the last couple days. I had a long run with Yahoo Mail, 15-20 years probably. Sad that it finally came to this but I just couldn’t take it anymore.

    • renae

      I agree and am doing the same thing…

    • Ka Wi

      I totally agree – – isn’t there SOME way to contact Yahoo and make them PUT IT BACK THE WAY IT WAS?!?!?!?

  7. Brian Burgess

    Oh, another thing, my parents have a Yahoo email account and I am switching them to Google. For now at least, perhaps if Yahoo get Mail in working order, I might switch them back, but I doubt it

    @Bryan, you will be grandfathered in and still get the Ad Free experience for $19.99 / year

    New users would have to pony up $49.99

    • Jan

      Brian – thanks for your welcome message! The best thing (for me) to come out of the Yahoo mail disaster is that I’ve been exposed to sites like yours. Thanks for the tips!

    • Joby

      Yahoo’s so called “Petition” has been closed. Only 5,892 they needed 50,000. Didn’t give any chance to sign it.

      Have tried ALL suggestions on how to change it and they no longer work.

      I used the gear box and the next day it was right back and I no longer have the settings option when opened.

      Hope they are satisfied with all the frustrated customers – definitely will look into and find another service.

      Take your $$ and you know what you can do with it Yahoo

      • frank

        DITTO…no option to go back in gearbox
        contacts GONE
        are you idiots TRYING to loose customers
        if so
        ASK before you change
        put your ego away and LISTEN

  8. Revi

    The new version would be good if it worked but until then it is total waste of time.

    Thanks for showing how to switch back..

  9. Paul

    Hi Brian,
    Your suggested fixes are cosmetic. It’s like giving an aspirin to a gunshot victim. The main issue is the loss of tabs and ease of use.
    Something is seriously wrong with a company that foists a “gorgeous” redesign on its loyal users that strips out features, makes it harder to use and less dependable.
    I have three email addresses streaming into my yahoo account (none Gmail). I don’t want to change to another provider because it is a huge hassle but I am in the process of doing it.

    This is an epic corporate fail. I read today that Mayer made no mention of the email “upgrade” in an investor call. She has already distanced herself from this flop.

    • Guest MKII

      Seems to me that you are right “Paul”:
      Even after reverting back to “Classic”,
      tabs seems to be missing, and the option
      to refresh the inbox seems to be missing,
      the hideous new colors seems to be
      impossible to change :-(

      I wonder if Yahoo have tested this “update”
      properly, it does not look like it to me…

  10. Kory

    I am one of those folks who generally enjoys change, but in this case, I am not loving it! This new interface is awkward! I really miss the tabs! I hope they come to their senses and give you the option to revert to the classic view, as opposed to this new “Basic” view.

  11. Janet

    I have been using Yahoo email for over 10 years. I like the classic with not paid advertising. The new was way to hard to use and made it almost impossible for me to conduct business , I want to Thank you for showing me how to get back to Classic as I was about to move everything away from yahoo which I did not want to do. I like yahoo and I like the news feed that yahoo does but if they mess with my mail again I will likely dump them.
    I can read the newer version, it is impossible to read when you have eye problems.

  12. aijazz

    same here hate the new interface change for the sake of change is not appreciated yahooo people wake up before we all switch

  13. Kevin

    I was about to open an account with gmail; it was not just the new layout that was upsetting, it just did not function correctly. It did not display attachments, nor any of the check boxes nor any of the action keys i.e. delete, forward, reply, previous next etc.

    Anyway thanks for the fix. I will stick with Yahoo for now but just in case does anyone know a way to download or copy my folder to my computer?

    • lima

      Right!! Its horrible!! Glad I was able to switch back!! Ugh…

  14. dave scott

    Although it reverted back to the classic or basic look, I still can’t sort by recipient or sender.
    So they disabled something.

    This may be the last time I use yahoo….
    Really unfortunate.

  15. Peter

    The new layout is a disaster and has significantly impeded my professional work! Hopefully, the system can be refined to a much more user-friendly version as it is consistently frustrating to use in the current set-up.

    Reverting back to “basic yahoo” (as much as I would like to) doesn’t appear to be the solution. Several of the useful, original features seem to be dismantled. Why???

    Please refine asap!!!

    • Guest MKII

      @ “Peter”:


  16. cmp

    Question about 1TB
    If they clear out my email for 1yr lack of use, is there any way to get it back?
    Could be unused because of illness, death, etc

  17. Deborah

    I hate the fonts, just everything sucks. My biggest problem with Y is the SPAM, p*rn, get rich quick schemes, Viagara ads…not seeing this crap anywhere else with the big guys Y!

  18. Guest MKII

    Have tried to send yahoo feedback about the new Yahoo mail.
    This is the report I receive after clicking “Send” :

    “Sorry, the page you requested is currently unavailable.
    Your feedback is important to us. Please try again later”

    If feedback is so important to Yahoo, why has it been impossible
    for me to send them feedback for approximatively a week since I first tried…!!

  19. V Holden

    In the URL, if you replace the word “launch” with the word “search”, you get the old version with all its features back. I saved it to favourites, and as long as I remain signed in to Yahoo, I can get it back by clicking on the link. If I sign out, then it reverts to the new version.

    • Graham

      That is what i had been doing, but they just realised that people were able to avoid the “new features that we will love” and so they plugged that workaround.

      Back to Basic view with Adblock then!

      • Gwenn

        how do you do that? you mean there is still a way to get back to classic?

  20. Xinjiang

    The most stupid yahoo mail interface I have ever experienced since I have used if for over 15 years. The most annoying thing is those threads either in view or compose message. Yes, as one above comment said, I am often confused to whom I am sending the mail to. Worse, when I change it back to ‘basic’ in setting, it just comes back to “full featured version” when I reopen the browser.

  21. Santosh Kumar Hejmady

    Thank you. Is it possible to restore classic mail version?

  22. Ric

    Did the above and it doesn’t work for me. I select basic and save but it doesn’t change and when I go back to settings it is like I never changed it.

    Any thoughts?


  23. Elana

    There was also a workaround with switching to “basic” frist and then removing the “/b” from the URL, then it worked fine with all the tabs and other “old” Yahoo features for about two or three weeks. But this doesn’t work any more since yesterday (1st of Nov).

    Seems like I will be the next user leaving Yahoo – after nearly 1.5 decades of using it…

    What a pity that responsible persons at Yahoo seem to be blind and deaf for their customers needs and even yells of pain, turning a really good thing into an ugly, inefficient, unergonomical and buggy piece of crap.

  24. Josephine Baughman

    the problem I have is when you want to compose who do pull up your contacts that you can insert their name in the sent to space. If there is way I can’t find it. Please help.

  25. Brian Burgess

    I recently went back and tried the new Yahoo mail design, and I have to say, it still sucks. What’s the worst part — design-wise anyway is when you choose a decently cool background, they still stick the UGLIEST stupid ads to the right, and the elegance goes away. You can get rid of them if you pay $19.99 a year for Yahoo Plus or whatever they call it now…I think that’s the price.

    Well, I just use it as my “junk” email anyway…but needless to say, I did switch back to the classic view

    • Gwenn

      please tell us how you got back to classic.

      i tried disabling java and that just gets me to the basic yahoo, not classic.


      • V Holden

        In internet explorer, select “Tools”, “Compatibility View Settings”, and add to the list of sites.
        If you are on the latest yahoo mail rather than the “basic” it will revert to the old interface with tabs – for the moment anyway. No doubt they’ll scupper this option as well, but it is nice to see an old friend back for the moment.

        • Gwenn Morreale

          woo hoo! It finally worked! I love you too! thank you thank you thank you.

        • Elana

          It still works! Thanks!
          Does somebody kow how to do it in Firefox?
          Thanks a lot!

  26. Melissa

    Thank you!!!!! If I ever met you I would bow down at your feet and drop rose petals. I have been suffering for weeks and I can’t even begin to tell you how much you mean to me- whoever you are!

    I changed it back! I have my life back!!!!!

    I love you. I really do love you! <3

    • Brian Burgess


      Thanks you for the kind words. I know a lot of people who are users of Yahoo really hate the new design. Luckily you can still get back the old version back — at least for now!

  27. Silvia

    Hi Brian, it looks like your trick to go back to ‘Basic’ mode does no longer work. Any other trick we can use?

    • Brian Burgess


      It still works in my account. I guess it wouldn’t surprise me if Yahoo starts to slowly phase out the option since it wants to go with the new look.

      Has anyone else noticed they don’t have the option to go back to Basic?

  28. Renron

    Try searching your old emails……………doesn’t work anymore. Nice one guys.
    Search function used to be perfect. Now it’s FUBAR

  29. Brian Burgess

    Yeah, on the new interface I run into quirky issues all the time. Recently I’ve been getting a connectivity error when moving a message in to a folder. And the interface isn’t fluid in my experience anyway.

  30. Elana

    Tabs are back at last!
    Finally Yahoo reacted, see There are also descriptions of other helpful features like autocomplete in the “To:” field and other.
    They also improved the search functionality and added some other features.

  31. NEIL


    Best regards, Neil

  32. JL

    I tried so many other so-called solutions for this issue. All I can say is…THANK YOU. What a relief to have at least part of my old email experience back.

  33. rianto

    thank you so much.. very helpful.
    Yahoo new interface is suck, I cannot open many mails in new tab.

  34. sanamof

    I don’t like this new look! Switch it BACK! NOW!

  35. ray

    my big issue with the new interface is that I couldn’t sort the mail by sender. (unless there is a way to do that on the new interface and I just can’t figure it out).

  36. Joe Bigliogo

    Plainly, it sucks ass.

  37. Guest MKII

    Have everyone here read the list of permissions Yahoo demands for the Yahoo App these days? Look under permissions towards the bottom of the page, and click the link “View details”:

    Please write to Yahoo about this, and review the app with this in mind!

  38. ray

    i want my old yahoo fornt page and email

  39. Marvin Eng

    I am new to yahoo mail.
    When I go to settings I do not see the option to set the “Browser Connection”, although the other 3 are there.

    note also that when I set the view to basic I no longer had access to the settings – I had to go back to the new view.

  40. lima

    Thank you sooo much for the article, I just switched back… Hated the new look!!

    • Jane Lee

      I hate this new Yahoo mail! There is a huge blank space on the Left side sender column, and a huge space on the right side, and unwanted ads that I need to pay money to get rid of them, why? Yahoo so stupid & beurocratic, I want the user-friendly old version back, otherwise I don’t want yahoo mail anymore. JL

  41. anonymous

    Thanks a lot the yahoo New Interface is a confusing hard to reed blocks of text fields thanks for saving us

  42. mike

    Put the other home page back. The new is horrible.

  43. Pat

    Please tell how to revert to the old yahoo mail. This new mail I hate.

  44. Thank You

    The New Yahoo mail SUCKS! I HATE IT! I appreciate this information.
    God Bless you.

  45. Evelyn

    I want to go back to classic mail or at least be able to find my mail. I was changed when I had to sign in to my e-mail account. Now it shows that my inbox is empty and I can not find were my mail has gone. Please help me get back to my classic mail

  46. Gerry

    How do you change the mobile interface back. This new one is annoying.

  47. Aristides B


  48. Lorraine

    Don’t like this Yahoo new thing at all !!! Plus just went to turn it back to the old one and I was super happy….. few minutes later went back to new one …now I’m super pissed to say the least!!

  49. Michael Taylor

    This new Yahoo ranks rite up there with windows 10 its bad too. I tried windows 10 didn’t like it went back to windows 8.1 and now i had to buy a new computer JUNK ALSO. Dont wast you tyme because you’ll end up buying a new computer.

  50. vania

    thank you for the solution, yahoo always mess up with their new changes… I prefer the classic one :)

  51. malcolm macpherson

    Please tell me how to go back.

  52. Hilgard Henning

    My mail goes to Trash instead of inbox

  53. Linda Mc Nulty

    I can’t login to my email at all

    • michele wawrytko

      Neither can I. I got a message to open a new account and everything from the old one is lost. Bye bye Yahoo.

  54. Linda Mc Nulty

    I hate this new yahoo and email it won’t let me login

  55. paul mcglocklin

    this stupid we as owners of our email have the right to choose how we want to see it and I want my classic yahoo mail back they had no right to change us with out us asking them to change it

  56. Diane Palen

    I am disabled and not very computer literate. Please put my old yahoo back immediately. I have a serious heart condition and this is causing me extreme stress. I switched it to the new by mistake. Please help!!!

  57. shiva

    I hate the new version the mailbox chat. I cant see my friends’ list anymore there. sometimes confused who has sent msg too me. since yahoo messenger does not work on my laptop , so I use chat box in my mail box. i cud get back the old look of yahoo but not chat in mailbox. how can i solve the problem?

  58. Ron

    Major sign in problems to my email account of 12 years. This new version sucks big time.

  59. shiva

    Seems useless to complain about yahoo new look!Nothing will be changed!

  60. michele wawrytko

    And no way to contact them. They’ve cut off their phone numbers, etc. Nothing may not be changed by them but I can change to another e-mail.

  61. Allan

    Please put my Yahoo mail back to classic view

  62. bob chmiel

    I hate the new email. please change it back’

  63. Susan

    I have had Yahoo as my mail provider for almost 20 years. At least half of that time I’ve been paying for my account. Now all I get is the awful, amateurish interface. As I receive a lot of email, it’s taking forever to find things that previously took a couple of minutes to scroll down to.

    Poor. Extremely poor.

  64. Youssef

    I switched back to full-featured version just for seconds but it doesn’t allow me to switch back to basic version even if I go to “settings”, “viewing mail”, then “basic”, then click”save”.It refreshes but I still get the full featured version which is too confusing for me.
    Any help plz?

  65. Mike

    Thank you very much for trying to help. Apparently Yahoo must have found out about it and made it impossible to go back to basic. I have tried everything you suggested clicking settings then viewing emails does not bring up same screen you show. This is very frustrating and I can’t believe they would try to fix something that wasn’t broken. I would take any suggestions you might have?

  66. vinod

    thanks for your post. Probelm resolved

    • Steve Krause

      Awesome – Glad we were able to assist!

      • Greg

        How did you help?

  67. rick haas

    I wish to go back to my old style e-mail

  68. Neillusion

    I wonder how many have tried to add a second comment to an email conversation, only to send it to themselves, and perhaps not realise for days or even ever! that the other person didn’t get it. Such a stupid system, without a clue given to user.
    Designers have to realise that their customer base already invested mentally in adapting to their email system, structure and style, the logic, the facilities and how to get around, navigate and achieve what they want. Changing this and forcing it on people, not opt in when ready is a sure way to confuse and upset customers. And don’t forget that email is important communication and if the user thinks it did something it didn’t and relies on that, serious misunderstandings may well arise. When a provider of services has so much responsibility, they should think and study long and hard before changing anything at all and leave all those with the old alone, give them the option but allow their existing mode to continue.

  69. giovanna

    i want back my classic yahoo

  70. bob goodwin

    CHANGE ? What for, I was quite happy with the basic yahoo mail, the
    new ? ? ? classic ? ? ? STINKS . Why not leave well enough alone ?
    Every time I try to “log in to my yahoo mail I get that stinking “new classic”
    How do I lock the d – – – thing out so it does not pollute my screen?

  71. Margaret

    I made a huge mistake “trying” the new Yahoo. Apparently there is no trying it. I cannot find any way to go back to basic Yahoo. I haven’t found anything to like about it. You have given good instructions, but those options you show are not given in the new yahoo. It would seem that once you “try” it you are stuck with it.

    I stuck with yahoo when some were saying to delete yahoo accounts after the breech. If they don’t offer way back from this mess, I’ll never trust them again.

    Please, if you find a way for me to go back to basic, let me know. I’m stuck with no way out.

    • Margaret

      I have even tried to restore my system to an earlier date. Yahoo stayed the same. Please, if someone finds a way to go back, let me know.

  72. Sandra Walter

    I have tried to reverse the new email but the icon on the top right-hand corner of the screen does not list settings. what can I do?

    • John K.

      Sandra Walter,

      It’s supposed to be under View, which appears in the column far left, but it isn’t. Instead, it’s a tiny button at the bottom of the Settings menu. When you push it, a message windowthere are a number of circles from which you can select one reason. Failing that, you can select Other, which will open a message window in which you can explain at length why you’re leaving New Mail. Either way, once you hit Send, your E-mail will revert to Classic. the main reason I left is that the cursor kept jamming and wouldn’t move to the main text window from the subject line.

      John K.

    • Greg

      Login to yahoo mail then paste into your browser. Save page in favorites.

  73. Daniel B

    yahoo mail sucks regardless, but the classic version is “less bad” than the new BS.

  74. Williams Obinkyereh

    The solution I found for this problem was that I did not find the setting gear on the far right corner on yahoo mail while using google chrome browser. However, I found the gear when I log on to Yahoo mail using Microsoft Edge browser. I have not tested this using internet explorer either.

    If you have Microsoft edge browser, log on the yahoo mail using the Microsoft edge browser. You can not find the setting and the gear on the right corner of the Yahoo mail. Click on the setting gear, and you will see the basic icon. Click on it and switch from the new yahoo mail to the old basic and classic yahoo mail.


  75. Carlos

    I accidentally clicked on my contact icon in the new yahoo and it brought me back to my ole yahoo.
    It worked on both my laptops….try it!

    • James Ewing


  76. Prashant

    Thank you so much.I have been trying since last one year to move from new version to old but I did not get an option and I called to yahoo customer care but the did not reply.So today I have tried as per you have given screen short and I could switch to old version.

    New version is not responding when I was switch from old to new yahoo from that time my Laptop got hang and I could not use it properly.

    One again THANKS

  77. Abc

    ok its sept 2017 and this is what just has worked>>

    This just worked>>
    1. put the font size at 80% or the view size
    2. Click on the Cogs/Gears Icon over on the right.
    3. Scroll down below where it says More Settings and at the very bottom on the left side not highlighted and not easily seen, it says, something about switching back to Classic Yahoo. Click that and bam – you’re switched back.

    i just did it.
    you will not see it unless you put the view size to 80 % ,meaning less then 100%. Do that first, then follow other directions.

  78. Jenny

    Wait! There’s a VERY SIMPLE solution right on the email page. On the upper right corner there’s a little row of icons. Just three icons left of the settings icon, there’s a rectangle with three tiny rectangles to the right of it. JUST CLICK ON THAT, and it goes back to the old version. So simple.

  79. Dave

    Is it just me or does it seem like the people at Yahoo are hell bent on destroying Yahoo and putting it out of business completly? The old original Yahoo portal and old classic E-mail (I am talking like year 2000) was so good! The news info was good, the home page was good the email service was good. Everything about Yahoo then was really really good…. Then they got that CEO Melissa something and EVERYTHING went down hill from there…. I know she recently walked away from Yahoo with a mint in money after being in charge of destroying it… Unreal!

  80. Irene

    I think that Yahoo! IS hell bent on destroying itself, Dave. I got rid of my Yahoo! Mail account after I read of the hacking scam a year or so ago. I have a StartMail account, and it is worth the money. No ads, no data mining, no spying, etc. As the StartMail company is based in the Netherlands, they have a far better privacy policy, than here in the U.S. Last year, it cost me $59.99, but this time around, it was $47.99. I finally came around to the realization that I truly get what I pay for, and am willing to pay to be left alone.

  81. Bambam

    Besides an awful format which displayed one’s entire history, and too many threads to make sense of, versus one page at a time, it seems nothing even loaded consistently. Especially the settings page, the “change back “was not on it for several tries over days, and when it was it brought me to another “interim recent” version, from which I could finally change back to my original format.
    Heads really should roll for this, the approval for such junk which aggravates and inconveniences millions of people without warning!!!

  82. Joanne Gabel

    There is no gear icon.
    I haven’t had e mail for two days. My business depends on it.

  83. Jonathan

    Every 3 years or so Yahoo try and change the email appearance and features and it’s the same old story. Everyone hates it! I don’t understand why they try and change it. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it!

  84. jpaul

    I can’t see the last email I received. I can search for it, and I can then move it to a different folder, and it’s still not visible. I sort on Newest on top. If I change the sort to Oldest on top I can find the last email. Is there a fix.

    I tried to report this to Yahoo. They don’t have a category to let me do this in the Help section.



  86. Boothe Davis

    Great idea, except that the nEw version is so COMPLETELY NON-FUNCTIONAL that clicking on the settings icon DOES NOTHING. This “”upgrade”” is such a complete cluster rhymes-with-duck that NOTHING WORKS – NOT EVEN THE SETTINGS MENU!

  87. Ann

    Lord Bejebus, thank you for this information. I hated the new e-mail, but didn’t know I could switch back (for now, anyway) until I Googled “why does the new yahoo email suck?”. And I found this site! :-)

  88. Can-Can

    I hated the “new and improved” look of Yahoo! mail. And then, when the news of all of Yahoo! mail users’ identities and information being hacked (some 3 billion), I got rid of my yahoo e-mail account entirely. One gets what they do not pay for, and took out a Startmail account. No ads, and no BS like what Yahoo! mail offers. I do NOT miss Yahoo! mail in the least. Good riddance to an e-mail service that will not listen to its users, and whose company is sloppy with users information.

  89. Joe

    layout sucks
    blue color sucks
    only half of pictures show because of the layout.left half there, right half not.
    have to jump through more hoops than old yahoo mail.
    Why doesn’t yahoo listen to it’s users.

  90. Bruno

    I want to g back to the PREVIOUS email not basic. This new one DOES NOT ALLOW YOU TO SEARCH YOUR MAIL. Its a nightmare!!

  91. Candace

    Well, Yahoo has messed me AGAIN!! Can’t even get it right now. I texted STIP to job site… and BAAM … no more Yahoo email service???!! Frustrated. I’ll have to go to the AT&T store and get it fixed. really?? Ugh

  92. Les Benbrook

    This new thing is so full of bugs –
    1. reading emails are SUPER-SLOW to open now.
    2. Going back to Classic takes me to “Basic” which is nowhere near Classic – it is also buggy and has far less functionality – so I am trapped in this awful buggy version of NEW Yahoo. Or go somewhere else.
    3. Problems with Distribution lists – names changed or omitted, and sexy coloured icons allocated for users are often WRONG
    4. My Distribution Lists appeared to have been curtailed (only saw first six names and scroll bar wouldn’t move to go down the list…. I was losing it until I found my mouse wheel would allow me to read down the list. Another undocumented feature from Yahoo – thanks for the angst !!
    5. No notice given of this change – just WHAMMO, it’s done, and then I can’t change back to where I was !! You don’t deserve to keep us, Yahoo.

  93. Irene

    I completely dumped Yahoo! mail after the scandal where users passwords were exposed, and oh yes, spying and reading users’ e-mail. Never mind the fact that they (like Hotmail), are NOT listening to users when they up and make changes. I went with StartMail. They are based in the Netherlands, and have better security. NO ads, NO BS changes. I was one of the Beta users, and loved it. No, there are no fancy choices of choosing different coloured headers, but for security, and the right be left alone, I can handle a simple, StartMail header. Yes, it is sixty bucks a year, but you get what you pay for! I liked Yahoo Mail! Classics-it was simple, and easy to use. Apparently, Yahoo! Mail has had issues, which are still on going. How sad.

Don’t Like the New Look of Yahoo Mail? Switch it Back (8)

Related Items:lifehack, Yahoo!

Don’t Like the New Look of Yahoo Mail? Switch it Back (2024)
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