Does Silence Make a Man Miss You- 16 Things to Make Sure It Does (2024)

Does Silence Make a Man Miss You- 16 Things to Make Sure It Does (1)

In This Article

After a breakup or disagreement with your partner, you may suddenly begin to regret your decision and want him back. Going back to him instantly might mean admitting you miss him, so you look for other tactics.

Going silent on him is one common trick, but does silence make a man miss you? What does silence do to a man? Will silence bring him back? Does no contact make him miss you? What does silence do to a man?

Here, you’ll get answers to the questions regarding silence after a breakup or disagreement. Also, you will learn how men respond to silence and distance and the power of silence after a breakup.

What does silence do to a man?

Does Silence Make a Man Miss You- 16 Things to Make Sure It Does (2)

What does silence do to a man? Will he miss me if I don’t contact him? When you go silent on a man, it makes him miss you and think of how to return to you.

Indeed, silence after a breakup is usually frustrating and confusing for anybody, let alone for a man. Men respond to silence and distance emotionally. When they don’t hear from you for a while, their male instinct pushes them to find you and know how you feel.

They want to see if you are fine, if you miss them, or whether you value their existence. Strangely enough, it doesn’t matter if you like the man. Suddenly, going silent on a man will leave him with many haunting questions.

Think of it: You were talking before, and he has access to you. Then, you are nowhere to be found. That is enough for anyone to miss you and attempt to see you.

In order words, if a man misses you badly, you can bet he will do anything to find you.

He won’t get you out of his mind. So, to answer your question, “What does silence do to a man?” It affects a man mentally that he has no choice but to find you.

Does silence make him come back?

Will silence bring him back? Will he miss me if I don’t contact him? Does silence hurt a man enough to beg you? The simple answer to the above questions is there is a possibility.

When you walk away and make him miss you, it’s typical for a man to return to you. The power of silence after a breakup is highly effective in making your partner come back.

To start with, going silent after a breakup is a sign of confidence and self-esteem. The silent treatment puts a man in heightened anticipation. It shows you aren’t afraid of a little distance or a break in a relationship.

He doesn’t know your whereabouts or how you feel. As a result, he realizes what he has lost. If you both have certain things you do together, not hearing from you might make him wonder, “Where is this woman or girl right now?”

It pushes him further to pick up his phone and dial your phone number.

While you are in your house, wondering, “Will silence bring him back?” “Will he miss me if I don’t contact him? Your man probably thinks, “Why has she not contacted me?” “Has something happened to her?” Or “Is she with another man?”

In this period, the uncertainty about you is enough to make your man want you more. Men, generally, put more effort into things that seem unreachable. It’s a challenge, and he will pursue it at any length. So, yes, silence after a breakup can make him return to you.

Why is silence powerful to a man?

Do you want to know why silence is powerful to a man? Silence after a breakup is powerful to a man because it leaves him in anticipation. The power of silence over a man is unexplainable.

One day, you are enjoying time with the woman of your dreams, and the following week, she goes silent after a breakup. It’s the first time you won’t hear from your woman or know her whereabouts. So, it’s fine to miss her.

When you give a guy space to miss you, he has no clue if you still love or are mad at him. The wait and uncertainty are enough to drive him crazy.

So, what does he do? He goes out of his way to reach you. If not for anything, he wants to be sure you are fine.

How long does it take for him to miss you?

The time it takes a man to miss you after a breakup depends on many factors. These include the relationship you had, your personality, and your contribution to the relationship. These criteria also answer the question, “What makes men miss you?” Or “What makes a man miss you?”

Generally, a man will miss you quickly if he realizes what he lost. That usually happens when a woman impacts the life of the man. For example, helping your man with one or two activities will make him miss you soon after a breakup.

Besides, if you both have habits you do together, he will miss you quickly. Also, the more emotionally attached you are to your partner, the faster he misses you. Therefore, it may take weeks – months for a guy to miss you.

According to Psychologist Mert Şeker

Psychology has a 21-day rule for people to make a behavior or emotion permanent.

If a man has been in regular contact, face-to-face, or in a relationship with you for 21 days, your presence has become a habit for him. Therefore, men may wait eagerly to return to you, as they cannot find what they are used to after your silence.

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Does silence make a man miss you- 16 things to make sure it works

Does Silence Make a Man Miss You- 16 Things to Make Sure It Does (3)

Silence can indeed be a powerful tool to make a man miss you or to create intrigue, but it’s essential to use it judiciously and in the proper context. Here are some things to consider when using silence to make a man miss you:

1. Use the no-contact rule

Will he miss me if I don’t contact him? Does no contact make him miss you? Yes! One of the best ways to use silence after a breakup is to cut off all means of communication. That includes going silent on social media after a breakup.

While wanting to reach out to your ex after a breakup is tempting, you might want to slow down. It is best to step away to make a man miss you. Don’t call, text, or message him on social platforms.

If you keep in touch with him after a breakup, give him nothing to miss. However, going silent on him makes him wonder if you still love him or not.

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2. Don’t respond to his texts

Does silence make him miss you? Yes, only when you don’t respond to his constant texts or pick up his calls. Common! You must do it wholeheartedly when you decide to go silent on a man.

That means avoiding communication with him and going silent on social media. That’s the only way to use the power of silence after a breakup fully.

Understandably, you miss him much, but responding to his texts immediately won’t make him miss you. When you respond to his text immediately, the man thinks you have been waiting on the phone all day.

Men love the chase, and waiting a bit before any response makes them miss you more. Give it some time by focusing on other things in your life.

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3. Focus on other things in your life

Another way to make a man miss you is when you are truly busy. Do things you usually do – go to work, visit your friends, and have fun.

Deciding to go silent on him without any plan might be boring for you after a while. However, when you have something going on in your life, you won’t have time to wait on him and get frustrated in the process.

Psychologist Mert Şeker says-

The behavior of being silent can be a tedious and uncertain period not only for a man who cannot hear from you but also for you. Therefore, you can focus on your work to keep your mind busy or take up new hobbies to keep your mind busy.

4. Act normally when you eventually talk

If you want to know what makes a man miss you, comport yourself when you eventually meet or talk after giving him silence after a breakup. It’s normal to feel some sensation hearing his voice again or seeing him after some days. However, don’t get in over your head.

Act like you would when speaking to your friend or any other person. It makes it seem like everything is normal. In turn, he wonders if you miss or are still interested in him.

5. Be the one to end the conversation

Does Silence Make a Man Miss You- 16 Things to Make Sure It Does (4)

As you exchange messages after going silent on him after a breakup, you may find yourself lost in the conversation. But the rule of using silence after a breakup is not to let your guard down.

No matter how sweet the discussion is, don’t forget to tell him there is a limit. What you do here is give him a taste of what he missed and leave him wanting more.

For example, you can tell him it’s been nice talking to him, but you must get busy. Do the same when he calls you, and be the first to hang up.

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6. Play the hard-to-get game

Does silence make a man miss you? Yes, if you can play hard to get. The talking stage isn’t the only time to play hard to get. It is also useful when using silence after a breakup. All it requires is to make yourself a little unavailable.

After a break and you start talking back, your ex may think he still has the same access line as before. In that case, it is your job to remind him that it’s not the same.

When he realizes he can’t just show up at your house like before, he may miss you dearly and want you around more.

7. Go silent on social media

Thanks to our digitally connected world, many relationships thrive on social media. You can’t make a man miss you after a breakup without using social media. Not talking or texting is normal, but going silent on social media might put a man in distress.

That means not posting much or commenting on his pictures. When you do this, it makes it difficult to know your routines or activities. Just ensure you are busy with other things to worry about on social media.

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8. Don’t ask about him from his friends

If you want to know how to make a man miss you, desist from asking his friends about him. You may give the impression that you miss him but are not courageous enough to face him.

And you can trust his friends will report to him. Once he hears from them, he will know the silent treatment you are giving him is a game.

9. Wear a dress he admires a lot around him

While the power of silence after a breakup is effective, speaking through other means is essential. One such way is to wear a top, dress, or pair of trousers he admires. Seeing this attire on you can make him remember your relationship before the breakup.

You might leave him with many thoughts, even if he doesn’t say anything when he sees you. It’s torture to him, and he may look for a way to come back.

10. Use the same fragrance around him

What makes men miss you? Men miss you with the things they are used to, including how you smell. When you are used to a particular smell, perceiving it can remind you of the person who used to wear it.

Moreover, scents can bring back memories of people. Therefore, if you wear the same perfume around your ex, he won’t stop thinking about you, making him miss you. This trick is why silence is powerful with a man.

11. Be mysterious

Do you want to know how to make a man miss you? Try being a mysterious person. That means not opening up to him right away. Men love the slow adventure of discovering things about a woman.

When he knows everything about you on the first date, you make the chase boring. Instead, keep some details to yourself. He doesn’t need to know much now; there will always be enough time for more introduction.

12. Give him space

After falling in love with your love interest, you want to ignite the engine and spend time with them as much as possible. However, giving space to make a man miss you is essential.

Giving your new partner space and time makes you look less clingy. You already show him you like him, but don’t get too close. That makes him want to pursue you as it shows you can control your emotions perfectly.

Besides, men love having me-time or spending time with friends. Instead of being together all weekend, do your thing as well.

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13. Maintain your independence

Maintaining your independence and not overly dependent on the man you want to make miss you is crucial. Continue pursuing your own goals, interests, and friendships.

When a person sees that you have a fulfilling life outside of the relationship, it can make them miss you more because they realize they aren’t the center of your world.

14. Maintain a positive attitude

A positive and cheerful attitude can be attractive and make a man miss you more. Be a source of positivity in his life, and he’ll associate that positive energy with you.

Even during difficult times or after a breakup, maintaining your composure and being emotionally mature can leave a lasting impression.

15. Use silence as a form of self-care

Taking time for yourself and using silence as a way to recharge and focus on your well-being is essential. When you prioritize self-care and personal growth, you become a more appealing and fulfilled person. This can make a man miss your positivity and energy when you’re not around.

Watch Andrew D. Huberman, an American neuroscientist, as he reveals the truth about moving on from relationships, heartbreaks, and breakups in this video:

Does Silence Make a Man Miss You- 16 Things to Make Sure It Does (5)

16. Live your life unapologetically

Don’t put your life on hold because of a breakup. Continue to enjoy your life, go on adventures, and embrace new experiences. Living your life unapologetically and with enthusiasm can be an attractive quality.

It demonstrates that the relationship does not define you and can make a man miss the excitement and positivity you bring into his life.


Silence in a relationship can be a powerful tool, but using it wisely and ethically is essential. Here are concise answers to some commonly asked questions:

  • How long should I remain silent to make him miss me?

There’s no set timeframe. It’s about quality over quantity. Give the man space, but maintain healthy communication. The goal is to make him appreciate your presence, not to play games.

  • Is the silent treatment a manipulative tactic to make someone miss you?

The silent treatment is manipulative and can harm relationships. Instead, try open, honest communication and give each other room to miss one another naturally.

  • Can silence rekindle a fading relationship?

Silence alone won’t rekindle a relationship. It can create space for introspection, but communication and efforts to resolve issues are crucial for reigniting the spark.

  • What if he doesn’t respond when I go silent?

If he doesn’t respond, respect his choice. It may indicate a need for more open conversations, or the relationship isn’t as strong as you thought.

  • Are there alternative methods besides silence to make a man miss you?

Yes, focus on self-improvement, engage in shared interests, and create memorable experiences together. A healthy, loving relationship is built on genuine connections, not mind games.

To sum up

Does silence make a man miss you? Yes, if you wield it strategically. The tips in this article show you the power of silence after a breakup and how to make a man miss you. That means comporting yourself and controlling your emotions.

Understand that men love the chase and the mystery of women. As such, they will go out of their way to pursue it.

When you walk away and make him miss you, he will realize your impact and come crawling back. In the meantime, have fun as much as you want and try not to think about him much.

As an expert on relationships and human behavior, I can affirm that the article provides a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics involved in using silence as a strategy to make a man miss you after a breakup or disagreement. The author delves into various psychological aspects and provides practical tips to implement this strategy effectively. Let's break down the key concepts discussed in the article:

  1. The Power of Silence:

    • Silence is portrayed as a powerful tool after a breakup, creating emotional distance that triggers a man's instinct to seek connection.
    • Men respond emotionally to silence, prompting them to question your feelings, well-being, and the value of your presence.
  2. Confidence and Self-Esteem:

    • Going silent is presented as a sign of confidence and self-esteem, making the man realize what he has lost.
    • The anticipation created by silence can lead to a man returning to the relationship, driven by the fear of losing you.
  3. Anticipation and Uncertainty:

    • Silence leaves a man in anticipation, unsure of your feelings and whereabouts, which can drive him to pursue you.
    • The uncertainty surrounding your actions during the silent period contributes to making you more desirable.
  4. Duration of Silence:

    • The time it takes for a man to miss you varies based on factors such as the nature of the relationship, emotional attachment, and shared activities.
    • Psychologist Mert Şeker's 21-day rule is mentioned, suggesting that a behavior or emotion becomes permanent after 21 days of regular contact.
  5. Strategic Implementation of Silence:

    • The article provides a list of 16 things to ensure the effectiveness of using silence as a strategy.
  6. Use of No-Contact Rule:

    • Cutting off all means of communication, including social media, is highlighted as a crucial element of the no-contact rule.
  7. Selective Texting and Social Media Silence:

    • The importance of not responding immediately to texts and maintaining silence on social media to create a sense of mystery is emphasized.
  8. Focus on Personal Development:

    • Keeping busy with work or engaging in new hobbies is suggested to avoid boredom during the silent period.
  9. Playing Hard-to-Get:

    • Playing the hard-to-get game is recommended to remind the man that the relationship dynamics have changed.
  10. Utilizing Social Media:

    • Going silent on social media is considered a potent way to add distress and uncertainty to the man's experience.
  11. Avoiding Inquiries Through Friends:

    • The article advises against asking friends about the man, as it may convey a lack of courage to face him directly.
  12. Evoking Memories Through Senses:

    • Wearing clothing or using scents that the man admires is suggested to trigger memories of the relationship.
  13. Maintaining Mystery:

    • Being mysterious and not revealing everything about oneself immediately is presented as a way to keep the chase exciting.
  14. Balancing Independence:

    • Balancing independence and not becoming overly dependent on the man is seen as attractive, making him realize he isn't the center of your world.
  15. Positive Attitude:

    • Maintaining a positive and cheerful attitude, even during difficult times, is highlighted as an attractive quality.
  16. Self-Care Through Silence:

    • Using silence as a form of self-care is encouraged, emphasizing the importance of personal well-being during the silent period.
  17. Living Unapologetically:

    • Continuing to live life unapologetically and not putting it on hold post-breakup is recommended to maintain attractiveness.

The article also addresses frequently asked questions, providing concise answers and further reinforcing the ethical and strategic use of silence in relationships. Overall, the content demonstrates a deep understanding of human psychology and relationships, offering practical insights for those seeking to make a man miss them after a breakup.

Does Silence Make a Man Miss You- 16 Things to Make Sure It Does (2024)


Does Silence Make a Man Miss You- 16 Things to Make Sure It Does? ›

The silent treatment

silent treatment
Silent treatment is the refusal to communicate verbally and electronically with someone who is trying to communicate and elicit a response. It may range from just sulking to malevolent abusive controlling behaviour. › wiki › Silent_treatment
puts a man in heightened anticipation. It shows you aren't afraid of a little distance or a break in a relationship. He doesn't know your whereabouts or how you feel. As a result, he realizes what he has lost.

Why silence is powerful to a man? ›

Embracing silence and solitude can profoundly improve a man's life. Regularly taking time for introspection and inner stillness boosts focus, emotional control, confidence, and personal magnetism. Silent observation of others brings wisdom.

What makes a man miss you the most? ›

Make him wait before replying his texts

It's rude to make him wait, but hesitating for a minute before replying can help your man miss you. Don't pick up his calls immediately. Instead, let him leave a message and start longing to hear from you. Give yourself about 10 minutes before you reply to his text.

Does absence make him want you more? ›

The absence, they say, helps them to appreciate their partner more and makes the relationship stronger. In fact, people in long-distance relationships tend to maintain their relationships longer, be less likely to break up, and be more in love and satisfied than people in geographically close relationships.

How do men feel when a woman goes silent? ›

In general, the silent treatment is a manipulation tactic that can leave important issues in a relationship unresolved. It also can leave the partner on the receiving end feeling worthless, unloved, hurt, confused, frustrated, angry, and unimportant.

Do men respond best to silence? ›

The Psychology of Silence and Distance

Men typically respond better to nonverbal cues and actions rather than words. This is because men are more action-oriented and tend to be less emotional than women.

What he thinks when you don t contact him? ›

He might even go so far as to think you're already seeing someone else if he can't get in touch or see you on social media. This is a very uncomfortable time for him. He's struggling to understand why you're not responding to his texts, or what you might be feeling in return.

How do guys act when they miss you? ›

If he keeps in constant contact with you, still gives you little presents and treats, and talks about the good times you shared in the past, he probably misses you. In a long-distance relationship, help him cope with missing you by staying in frequent contact and giving him something of yours to keep close.

How long does it take a guy to realize he misses you? ›

On average, it takes about 8 weeks for him to miss you.

For most men, it takes about this long for them to process the loss and discover that they miss you. Men usually go into denial mode immediately after a breakup, so it might take him a week or two to even realize that you're gone for good.

Does silence make a man miss you? ›

In this period, the uncertainty about you is enough to make your man want you more. Men, generally, put more effort into things that seem unreachable. It's a challenge, and he will pursue it at any length. So, yes, silence after a breakup can make him return to you.

How can I make him feel my absence? ›

Things You Should Know
  1. Cut off or limit communication so he thinks about and misses you.
  2. Make him think about you in a subtle way by leaving something at his house.
  3. Demonstrate your independence to remind him of what he's missing.
  4. Use these strategies to show a guy what you're worth—not to manipulate him.

Does absence make men's hearts grow fonder? ›

Of course, this evidence says nothing about the way people feel when they make these calls—whether there is actually an increase in “fondness.” But if the amount of time devoted to a relationship is a proxy for this kind of emotion then the conclusion is clear—for all of us, absence does indeed make the heart grow ...

Will a guy avoid you if he is developing strong feelings? ›

Some might, yes. He may put up a shield as a defense mechanism, and most of the time it would be due to the fact that his heart has been broken before, and he doesn't want that to happen again. If he really like you, though, he'll generally come around.

How does silent treatment make men feel? ›

Frustration: Initially, a guy may feel frustrated or confused because the lack of communication can make it difficult to understand what's wrong or how to resolve the issue. Hurt or Rejection: Being on the receiving end of the silent treatment can make someone feel rejected or unimportant.

What he thinks when you walk away? ›

He might feel sad and rejected.

Your significant other might very well experience intense sadness after you walk away as he grieves for what you had together. Being dumped can also cause him to question his self-worth and lower his self-esteem.

What does the silent treatment do to him? ›

Being left in silence can be extremely painful, as it involves the loss of connection, love, intimacy, and sometimes even family participation. It can also feel unfair and unkind, leading to anger and further fighting.

What does silence do to a guy? ›

If the guy is invested in the relationship and genuinely cares about you, going silent can make him feel confused, anxious, and worried. He may wonder if he did something wrong or if you're upset with him. He may also feel hurt and rejected if he doesn't understand why you suddenly stopped talking to him.

What silence does to men? ›

Men respond to silence and distance emotionally. When they don't hear from you for a while, their male instinct pushes them to find you and know how you feel. They want to see if you are fine, if you miss them, or whether you value their existence.

What is the power behind silence? ›

The power of Silence lies in its ability to allow individuals to connect with themselves and others in meaningful ways while also providing a space for reflection, creativity, and healing. Studies show that Silence can stimulate new cell growth in the brain, improve memory, and release tension in the brain and body.

What does a man think when a woman walks away? ›

Many people feel a sense of grief for the person and relationship they lost. Your significant other might very well experience intense sadness after you walk away as he grieves for what you had together. Being dumped can also cause him to question his self-worth and lower his self-esteem. He may miss you.

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