Does Rent Go Down During A Recession? What Renters And Real Estate Investors Can Expect (2024)

Key takeaways

  • Just because there’s a recession doesn’t necessarily mean rent prices go down. In fact, during the 2008 recession, it was the exact opposite.
  • In the current rental market, we have seen the rate of increase in rental prices come down, but this only translates to lower rent prices if you're in select markets.
  • If you’re a real estate investor, you probably know not to expect a perpetual rally in rent prices. This slowdown should have been anticipated.

The pandemic has wreaked havoc on America’s rental markets. From business closures that prevented renters from earning an income to eviction moratoriums to mass migrations that accompanied remote work opportunities, nothing looks like it did in February 2020.

There are indications that we’re seeing a decreased rate of price hikes for renters in recent months, but that doesn’t necessarily translate to rent decreases.

While there aren't as many indications that we're living through a recession, depending on your income bracket, it may feel like we are. However, whether or not we're in a recession might not matter because recessions don't necessarily mean rent prices go down.

Here’s what to know, and what investors should do.

Rent is a source of sticky inflation

Rising rents were part of what prompted the Fed to start increasing interest rates. When we start seeing significant rent increases, it's called 'sticky inflation.' Sticky inflation happens when prices jump on expenses that experience pricing changes in cycles of 4.3 months or more.

This means it takes longer for rent to decrease once it goes up. It's more common to see prices stabilize for a while rather than see prices come down in terms of real dollars.

Rental costs went up by 23.5% between October 2019 and October 2022, which negates any gains workers may have made in terms of wage growth during the pandemic. The odds that rent will come down enough to compensate for this historic increase are low.

Does rent go down during a recession?

It is rare for rent prices to go down in a way that would be meaningful to the renter. When we look at rent prices between 1940 and 2000, we see a slight decrease between 1940 and 1950 in median gross rent nationally. Then, there were increases in the decades following.

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This data is specific to individual markets. Depending on your location, things could change. For example, in states like California, Hawaii, and Maryland, rent prices experienced a real-dollar decrease between 1990 and 2000.

There were quite a few recessions between 1940 and 2000, but we can also look at 2008 to evaluate rent pricing during a recession. Between 2007 and 2011, the worst years of the 2008 Recession, rental prices increased.

Things didn't get better after the Great Recession. According to the Government Accountability Office (GAO), between 2007 and 2017, three million more households started paying more than 30% of their income toward rent. Half of them spent more than 50% of their income on rent.

Ultimately, no hard and fast rule says rent has to go down during a recession.

Has rent gone down in recent months?

Rent increases throughout the pandemic have been historic. As people relocated, demand in some cities and bubble boomtowns exploded. Inflation and an out-of-control housing market drove up prices nationwide, but the migrations that came with remote work options made price hikes more dramatic in some locations.

Starting in late summer 2022, the pricing increase rate decreased month-over-month. Some of these decreases could be attributable to seasonal shifts in demand and pricing, but it is the first time the rate of increases has slowed since the rally began.

Things don't look so hot when we zoom out to year-over-year pricing. As of November 2022, prices were up 7.4% nationwide compared to November 2021. Early in 2022, these year-over-year increases were double digits, so it's good they're not as intense anymore.

Nevertheless, this doesn't necessarily translate into lower prices for renters.

In some areas, the rate of decrease has been significant enough to result in small reductions in the rental pricing. This is primarily happening in bubble boomtowns, where the local economy could not sustain the increases during the high-demand period of pandemic migrations.

Will rent go down in 2023?

Much of what happens in the housing market is regional. While some areas may see real-dollar decreases in rent prices, the overall picture leans towards a state of stabilization where rents stop increasing at alarming rates but don't necessarily come down.

Part of the reason stabilization can happen is that builders have been focusing on multi-family properties. For renters willing to live in apartments rather than single-family homes, inventory in some regions is increasing supply to meet demand.

Another reason things may slow down is that people aren’t moving as much. Fewer people have been buying homes since the Fed started rate hikes in March 2022, so fewer people are leaving the rental market. This has contributed to demand in recent months, driving rent prices up.

In this environment, renters are less likely to move. If they secured a rent contract earlier in the pandemic, the rate they're paying now is likely far less than anything they could find now.

That said, if you did get a new rental contract in the past year and prices did meaningfully decrease, that may prompt you to find cheaper accommodations once new rentals did come down in terms of real dollars.

What do decreasing rents mean for real estate investors?

If rents were to decrease in terms of real dollars, the losses are not likely to be as significant as the gains made in recent years. While it may feel like a short-term loss, you're probably still earning more money than you would have in 2020. This is likely true for those who bought their real estate investments before the pandemic.

If you're considering entering the real estate game, decreasing rents should be factored into your equation when purchasing a home or multi-unit property. But, their potential rate of decrease isn't likely to eliminate a suitable property's profitability over the long term.

That said, the rate of decrease will affect different markets disproportionately. You’ll want to keep a particularly close eye on things if you have properties in locations that experienced huge swings in demand during the first two years plus of the pandemic.

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Bottom Line

The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) hasn’t declared a recession yet. Whether or not we’re living through a recession, we’re certainly experiencing some peculiar economic times.

It doesn't matter if this is a recession since this type of downturn doesn’t necessarily mean a decrease in rent prices. The economic circ*mstances surrounding each recession differ, meaning the result will vary.

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Does Rent Go Down During A Recession? What Renters And Real Estate Investors Can Expect (2024)


Does rent go down during a recession? ›

What Happens to Rents in a Recession? Rents can go both up and down in a recession. The location of a rental property and how hard the local economy is hit by a recession will dictate whether rents go up, down or stay the same.

How much did rent drop in 2008? ›

According to MPF Research, nominal rents for large invest- ment-grade apartment properties slipped 0.3 percent in 2008 and then dropped 4.1 percent in 2009—both declines outpacing the change in overall prices.

Is it better to rent or buy a house in a recession? ›

In general, buying a home during a recession will get you a better deal. The number of foreclosures or owners who have to sell to stay afloat increases, typically leading to more homes available on the market and lower home prices.

How much do housing prices fall in a recession? ›

They usually fall at an average of 5% each year the economy remains in a recession. Because housing prices may decrease during a recession, some people may find it the perfect time to jump in and buy a home. This is usually done by the homebuyers purchasing with cash and not a large mortgage loan.

What time of year is rent the cheapest? ›

The lowest rental rates are usually found between October and April, particularly right after the December holiday season. Fewer people are interested in moving—the weather's bad, schools are in session, etc. So individuals renting between the months of December and March typically find the best rental bargains.

Can you negotiate rent? ›

The short answer is, yes. You can negotiate your rent. When you're renting an apartment, the price you pay isn't set in stone. But before you even consider negotiating, you need to make sure you know why you're asking for a discount.

How long did the 2008 housing recession last? ›

Key Takeaways. The Great Recession refers to the economic downturn from 2007 to 2009 after the bursting of the U.S. housing bubble and the global financial crisis. The Great Recession was the most severe economic recession in the United States since the Great Depression of the 1930s.

Did rents crash in 2008? ›

Although real median renter income grew between 1995 and 2000, closing some of the gap with rents, income fell again after 2001. Although real rents also fell from 2004 through 2008, averaging just 0.2 percent annual increases, they jumped again in 2009 even as renter incomes fell.

Should you hold onto cash during a recession? ›

Yes, cash can be a good investment in the short term, since many recessions often don't last too long. Cash gives you a lot of options.

How does rental property do in a recession? ›

The rental market does well during a recession and when home prices are high because most people cannot afford to purchase homes in either scenario. So you really have nothing to worry about as a rental property owner. Whether economic times are good or bad, you should be safe in your rental property investment.

Do things get cheaper in a recession? ›

In general, prices tend to fall during a recession. This is because people are buying less, and businesses are selling less. However, some items may become more expensive during a recession. For example, food and gas prices may increase if there's an increase in demand or a decrease in supply.

Will a recession cause a housing crash? ›

The short answer is: Absolutely not. Despite record-high inflation, real estate investors and homeowners should not be worried about it causing a drop in housing prices because real estate has always been the best hedge against inflation.

Is there a recession coming in 2023? ›

Geopolitical tensions, energy market imbalances, persistently high inflation and rising interest rates have many investors and economists concerned that a U.S. recession is inevitable in 2023. The risk of recession has been rising as the Federal Reserve has raised interest rates in its ongoing battle against inflation.

How much did house prices drop in the recession 2008? ›

The median price for a U.S. home sold during the fourth quarter of 2008 fell to $180,100, down from $205,700 during the last quarter of 2007. Prices fell by a record 9.5% in 2008, to $197,100, compared to $217,900 in 2007. In comparison, median home prices dipped a mere 1.6% between 2006 and 2007.

What month are rent prices lowest? ›

The winter season is the best time to rent an apartment. Since fewer people are looking to move from December through February, rent prices are more likely to be at their lowest during the winter. The peak rental season is from July to September.

What day of the week is rent cheapest? ›

If you want the best deal, apply for your apartment on Monday or Friday. If you apply on Tuesday or Sunday, you might pay more. Also, the best time to look is around 9 or 10 in the morning — that's when property managers are most likely to post new listings.

What day of the month is best to pay rent? ›

Customarily, the rent is due for the entire lease term, in equal payments, on the first day of each month. Defining the rent due date on the first day of each month creates a comfort zone to the landlord.

How do you ask if rent is negotiable? ›

How to Negotiate Your Rent
  1. Ask the landlord if rent price is open to discussion. ...
  2. Highlight your strengths as a tenant. ...
  3. Inquire about extending the lease. ...
  4. Offer to end the lease in the summer. ...
  5. Research the property's value. ...
  6. Be open to compromise. ...
  7. Negotiate directly, follow up in writing. ...
  8. Have a backup plan.
Feb 27, 2020

Should you always try to negotiate rent? ›

But in our opinion, it's 100% worth it to negotiate rent and get the best price possible for your new home. Since rent prices make up a large portion of our expenses, shaving off even a small percentage of your rent can save you thousands of dollars a year.

Should you always negotiate rent? ›

Absolutely! If you are concerned about the value you're receiving for the amount you're paying, carrying out an apartment lease negotiation can be a great way to ease your mind by finding out what options are available to you and working out a win-win situation.

How long will the 2023 recession last? ›

In a best-case scenario, the U.S. will likely see a 'soft landing' with low/slow growth across 2023 before picking up in 2024. However, a downside scenario is a real possibility and could see the U.S. enter a prolonged recession lasting well into 2024, as is currently forecast for the UK and Germany.

Who was president when the housing market crashed? ›

In 1995 Clinton loosened housing rules by rewriting the Community Reinvestment Act, which put added pressure on banks to lend in low-income neighborhoods.

What month did the real estate market crash in 2008? ›

On December 30, 2008, the Case–Shiller home price index reported its largest price drop in its history.

Do more people rent in a recession? ›

Fewer people want to commit to the considerable expense of buying homes during a recession, so they opt to rent instead. That means you not only have a good chance of renting out vacant units, but you also have more applicants to choose from and are more likely to find qualified tenants.

What was the worst housing crash in history? ›

Aside from the Great Recession, the last major housing crash was in the 1930s and 1940s during World War II. Crashes are far less common than many think, but the recent scar of the Great Recession has left many worried that we are in a housing bubble after several years of record growth in home prices.

What were the signs of the 2008 housing crash? ›

Signs of Trouble

Their homes were worth less than they paid for them. They couldn't sell their houses without owing money to their lenders. If they had adjustable-rate mortgages, their costs were going up as their homes' values were going down.

What should you not do in a recession? ›

  • Becoming a Co-signer.
  • Getting an Adjustable-Rate Mortgage (ARM)
  • Assuming New Debt.
  • Taking Your Job for Granted.
  • Making Risky Investments.
  • Frequently Asked Questions.
  • The Bottom Line.

Is it better to have cash or money in bank during recession? ›

Although the government has stepped in to contain the damage caused by the bank failures and ensure account holders can access their funds, inflation and interest rates remain high, so the threat of a recession persists. Generally, money kept in a bank account is safe—even during a recession.

Who benefits in a recession? ›

In a recession, the rate of inflation tends to fall. This is because unemployment rises moderating wage inflation. Also with falling demand, firms respond by cutting prices. This fall in inflation can benefit those on fixed incomes or cash savings.

What typically happens to real estate during a recession? ›

Key takeaways

Mortgage rates typically drop during a traditional recession. Home prices can drop as well, with fewer qualified buyers and less competition for homes. However, there are still plenty of risks during any economic downturn, and today's climate is not exactly traditional.

How do I recession proof my rental property? ›

The best way to recession-proof your property is to ensure that it provides a steady and consistent income stream. This is where the long-term lease agreement comes in. As you prepare for a recession, it may be wise to negotiate a long-term agreement with your tenant in exchange for a slightly lower rental rate.

Is it good to own real estate in a recession? ›

There are several reasons to consider buying a home during recessions - the two main reasons are less competition and lower prices. There are also several potential drawbacks, like sky-high interest rates, a floor on pricing decreases and potential income changes if the U.S. does officially slide into a recession.

What sells more during a recession? ›

Consumer staples, including toothpaste, soap, and shampoo, enjoy a steady demand for their products during recessions and other emergencies, such as pandemics. Discount stores often do incredibly well during recessions because their staple products are cheaper.

What is the best investment during a recession? ›

Bonds and cash have historically outperformed most stocks during recessions. Selling stocks in favor of bonds and cash before a recession may leave you unprepared if stocks bounce back before the economy does, which has happened historically during many recessions.

What to expect in the recession in 2023? ›

Many economists believe the strategy will trigger a recession this year. But the NABE forecasters expect the economy to grow 0.8% in 2023 – based on the change in average GDP over the four quarters compared with 2022. That is down from 2.1% last year but up from their 0.5% estimate in December.

What happens to rental income in a recession? ›

The good news for real estate investors is that rents don't actually drop during recessions. People still need to live somewhere, regardless of how gross domestic product changes. In fact, recessions can even drive up demand for rental properties. Fewer people can afford to buy homes and become homeowners, after all.

Will rent go down in California 2023? ›

Moody Analytics expects rent price growth of 2.5% to 3% for 2023. Barring a recession or unforeseen events, rent prices are expected to grow annually by a range of 3% to 4% in 2024 and 2025, says LaSalvia. That's roughly the same rate that prices grew in the years leading up to the pandemic.

Will rent go down in 2023 North Carolina? ›

Overall, it appears that the North Carolina housing market is expected to remain robust in 2023 and 2024, with most regions experiencing moderate to strong growth in housing prices. However, there may be some regional variations in terms of growth rates.

Is real estate good during recession? ›

Will house prices go down in a recession? While the cost of financing a home typically increases when interest rates are on the rise, home prices themselves may actually decline. “Usually, during a recession or periods of higher interest rates, demand slows and values of homes come down,” says Miller.

What happens in a recession to real estate? ›

Home prices often fall during times of economic contraction and this can be beneficial for those looking for a bargain. Additionally, mortgage rates tend to remain low during recessions making it possible for people to buy property with lower monthly payments.

Is it good to buy real estate before a recession? ›

Some of the pros of buying a house during the coming months, whether we get the recession label or not, include: Potential decrease in home prices. Lower likelihood of getting into a bidding war. Ability to refinance in the future with lower interest rates.

Will housing market crash in 2023? ›

Demand for homes remains high, and there are fewer home sellers than there were in 2022. And while the market is cooling, experts don't expect an actual housing crash or a housing bubble burst in 2023. Will there be a housing market crash in 2023? It's highly unlikely that the housing market will crash in 2023.

How long do recessions typically last? ›

Recessions over the last half a century have ranged from 18 months to just two months. Federal Reserve economists believe the next downturn may stick around for longer than usual.

Is rent going to go down in California? ›

While there's no consensus on what rents will do exactly in 2023 — go up a little, go down a little, or stay flat, according to three forecasts — what's clear is they are expected to return to more normal growth patterns, instead of the unsustainable, record rates seen in 2021 and 2022.

What is the max rent increase in California 2023? ›

For rent-controlled units, the annual allowable increase amount effective March 1, 2023 through February 29, 2024 is 3.6%.

Are rent prices going down in NC? ›

The average price of rent has gone up 28% since 2020, according to a new report. Here's how much you have to make to afford an apartment in Charlotte. The price of rent continues to climb in North Carolina with the average person paying 28% more than they did in 2020, a new report found.

How much does it cost to live in North Carolina 2023? ›

Average Cost of Living in North Carolina: $43,959 per year
CategoryAverage Annual Per-Capita Cost in North Carolina
Health Care$7,179
Food and Beverages (non-restaurant)$3,630
Gas and Energy Goods$1,139
All Other Personal Expenditures$24,661
1 more row

Will rental car prices go down in 2023? ›

When will rental car prices go back to normal? Rental car costs have dropped slightly in 2023 compared to 2022. However, most industry experts predict that rental car rates will, unfortunately, remain high for the foreseeable future.

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