Displacement Reactions - Definition, Example, Types(Single & Double) and Applications (2024)

Displacement reactions are very important chemical reactions of chemistry. They are used in many ways in various fields. For example, we use electroplating to prevent iron objects from rusting which is based on displacement reaction.

Displacement Reaction Definition

The type of reaction in which part of one reactant is displaced by another reactant is called displacement reaction. It is also called a replacement reaction. As replacement of one ion of reactant takes place by another ion of reactant.

Example – \[ Fe + CuSO_{4}\rightarrow FeSO_{4} + Cu \]

There are two types of displacement reactions –

  1. Single displacement reaction

  2. Double displacement reaction

What is Single Displacement Reaction?

Those reactions in which one element replaces another element from its salt or compound are called single displacement reactions. These are also called single replacement reactions. General representation can be written as well –

A + B-C \[\rightarrow\] A-C + B

It will occur if A is more reactive than B. Generally, metals and their salts give single displacement reactions. In these reactions, more reactive metal displaces less reactive metal from its salt. For example, potassium is more reactive than magnesium, so potassium replaces magnesium from magnesium chloride. The reaction between potassium and magnesium chloride occurs as follows –

\[ 2K + MgCl_{2} \rightarrow 2KCl + Mg \]

What is Reactivity Series?

Reactivity series is the series of metals based on their reactivity from highest to lowest. So, the reactivity series of metals can be defined as a series of metals, in order of reactivity from highest to lowest. It is also known as activity series. The reactivity of metals is because of their incomplete outer orbitals or due to their electronic configuration. Metals form positively charged ions as they tend to lose electrons. Metals with high atomic numbers tend to be more reactive as their electrons are far from the positively charged nucleus. So, they can be removed easily.

Types of Chemical Reaction

  1. Synthesis Reactions

Synthesis reactions happen when two separate atoms or molecules come together to generate a new molecule or substance.

Eg. Water: \[2 H_{2}(g) + O_{2}(g) \rightarrow 2 H_{2}O(g)\]

  1. Decomposition Reactions

The following are the three main types of breakdown reactions:

  1. Reaction of Thermal Decomposition:

A decomposition reaction that is activated by thermal energy is known as a thermal decomposition reaction.

Eg. \[CaCO_{3} \rightarrow CaO + CO_{2}\]

Calcium carbonate decomposes into calcium oxide and carbon dioxide when heated. This procedure is used to make quick lime, which is a critical ingredient in a variety of industries.

  1. Reaction of Electrolytic Decomposition:

The activation energy for decomposition in an electrolytic decomposition reaction is delivered in the form of electrical energy. The electrolysis of water is an example of an electrolytic breakdown reaction, which may be represented by the chemical equation:

Eg. \[ 2H_{2}O \rightarrow 2H_{2} + O_{2} \]

  1. Photo Decomposition/photolytic Breakdown/photochemical Decomposition are all Terms for the same thing:

A photodecomposition reaction is a sort of decomposition process in which the reactant absorbs energy from photons and breaks down into its parts. The breakdown of dioxygen and an oxygen radical, as indicated by the chemical equation below, is an example of a photodecomposition process.

Eg.\[ O_{3} + hν \rightarrow O_{2} + O\].

Replacement Reactions

  1. Single-Replacement Reactions

A single replacement reaction, also known as a single displacement reaction, occurs when one element in a molecule is swapped for another.

Eg.\[2K + 2H_{2}O \rightarrow 2KOH + H\].

  1. Double-Replacement Reactions

When components of two ionic compounds are swapped, two new compounds are formed. Double replacement reactions are also known as double displacement, exchange, or metathesis processes.

Eg. \[BaCl_{2}​(aq)+Na_{2}​SO_{4}​(aq) \rightarrow BaSO_{4}​(s)+2NaCl(aq)\]

Combustion Reactions

A combustion reaction is a type of chemical reaction that involves the interaction of a molecule with an oxidant to create heat and a new product.

Eg. \[CH_{4} + O_{2} \rightarrow CO_{2}+ H_{2}O\].

Uses of Displacement Reaction

  1. Welding using Thermite

Railway joints are welded together using an alloy of aluminium (Al) and ferric oxide (Fe2O3).

The following is the reaction:

\[2Al + Fe_{2}O_{3} \rightarrow Al_{2}O_{3} + 2Fe\]

  1. Iron Ore Extraction

By reacting with carbon, iron may be removed from its ore.

\[3C + 2Fe_{2}O_{3} \rightarrow 4Fe + 3 CO_{2} \]

  1. Metals are Extracted

Other metals, such as chromium, can be extracted via a displacement reaction.

\[3C + 2Cr_{2}O_{3} \rightarrow 4Cr + 3CO_{2}\]

  1. Neutralisation of Acids

Indigestion is caused by the production of HCl acid in our stomach. Antacids are made up of a base that causes a displacement response in the body.

\[Mg (OH)_{2} + 2 HCl \rightarrow MgCl_{2} + 2 H_{2}O\]

Examples of Single Displacement Reaction

  1. Reaction between hydrochloric acid and zinc:

\[2HCl(aq)+Zn(s)\rightarrow ZnCl_{2} (aq)+H_{2}(g) \]

  1. Reaction between sodium chloride and fluorine:

\[ 2NaCl(aq)+F_{2}(g) \rightarrow 2NaF(s)+Cl_{2}(g) \]

  1. Reaction between calcium iodide and chlorine:

\[ CaI_{2}(s)+ Cl_{2}(g) \rightarrow CaCl_{2} (s)+l_{2}(s) \]

  1. Reaction between calcium and fluoride and bromine:

\[CaF_{2}(s)+Br_{2}(ℓ)→CaBr_{2}(s)+ F_{2}(g)\]

Examples of Double Displacement Reaction

  1. Reaction between silver nitrate and sodium chloride:

\[AgNO_{3} + NaCl \rightarrow AgCl + NaNO_{3} \]

  1. Reaction between sodium chloride and calcium sulphate:

\[2NaCl + CaSO_{4} \rightarrow Na_{2}SO_{4}+ CaCl \].

  1. Reaction between sulphuric acid and lithium hydroxide:

\[H_{2}SO_{4} + 2LiOH \rightleftarrows LiO_{2}SO_{4} + 2H_{2}O \].

  1. Reaction between silver nitrate and hydrochloric acid:

\[AgNO_{3} + HCl \rightleftarrows AgCl + HNO_{3} \].

  1. Reaction between lead(II) nitrate and sodium chloride:

\[ Pb(NO_{3})_{2} + 2NaCl \rightleftarrows 2NaNO_{3}+ PbCl \].

  1. The reaction between hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide:

\[ HCl + NaOH \rightarrow NaCl + H_{2}O \].

  1. The reaction between aluminium sulphate and ammonium hydroxide:

\[ Al_{2}(SO_{4})_{3} + 6NH_{4}OH \rightarrow 2Al(OH)_{3} + 3(NH_{4})_{2}SO \].

Reactivity Series of Metals is given Below

Symbol of element

Name of element



(Image will be uploaded soon)

Most Reactive



↓Reactivity decreases

























Least reactive

Hydrogen is a non-metal but still, it has been included in the reactivity series as it helps in the comparison of reactivity of metals.

Examples of Displacement Reactions

  • Examples of single displacement reaction:

  • Reaction between zinc and copper sulphate –

\[Zn + CuSO_{4} \rightarrow ZnSO_{4} + Cu \]

  • Reaction between copper and silver nitrate –

\[Cu + 2AgNO_{3} \rightarrow CuNO_{3} + 2Ag \]

  • Reaction between iron and copper sulphate –

\[ Fe + CuSO_{4} \rightarrow FeSO_{4} + Cu \]

  • Reaction between lead and copper chloride –

\[ Pb + CuCl_{2} \rightarrow PbCl_{2} + Cu \]

  • Reaction between chlorine and sodium bromide –

\[ Cl_{2} + 2NaBr \rightarrow 2NaCl + Br_{2} \]

Examples of Double Displacement Reaction

  • Reaction between potassium nitrate and aluminum chloride –

\[ KNO_{3} + AlCl_{3} \rightarrow Al(NO_{3})_{3} + KCl \]

  • Reaction between lead nitrate and potassium iodide –

\[Pb(NO_{3})_{2} + 2KI \rightarrow 2KNO_{3} + Pbl_{2} \]

  • Reaction between iron chloride and barium hydroxide –

\[ FeCl_{3} + Ba(OH)_{2} \rightarrow Fe(OH)_{3} + BaCl_{2} \]

  • Reaction between lead nitrate and sodium sulphate –

\[ Pb(NO_{3})_{2} + Na_{2}SO_{4} \rightarrow PbSO_{4} + 2NaNO_{3} \]

  • Reaction between barium chloride and copper sulphate –

\[ BaCl_{2} + CuSO_{4} \rightarrow BaSO_{4} + CUCl_{2} \]

Applications of Displacement Reactions

Displacement reactions have many applications in various fields. Some of them are given below –

  • It is used in thermite welding. In which aluminium displaces iron from its oxide.

  • It is used in steel making. In which carbon displaces iron from its oxide.

  • It is largely used in the extraction of metals.

  • It is used in acid indigestion.

  • It is used in flame photometry.

This was all about displacement reactions. If you are looking for different types of chemical reactions then you can get detailed study material on it by registering yourself on Vedantu or by downloading Vedantu learning app for Class 6-10, IITJEE and NEET.

I'm an expert in chemistry with a deep understanding of displacement reactions and related concepts. My expertise is demonstrated by my comprehensive knowledge of the reactivity series, various types of chemical reactions such as synthesis, decomposition, and displacement reactions, as well as practical applications in different fields.

Displacement Reactions: A Comprehensive Overview

1. Definition of Displacement Reaction:

  • Displacement reactions involve one reactant displacing another in a chemical reaction.
  • Also known as replacement reactions, these involve the replacement of one ion by another.

2. Types of Displacement Reactions:

  • Single Displacement Reaction:

    • Occurs when one element replaces another in a compound.
    • General representation: A + B-C → A-C + B.
    • Example: (2K + MgCl_{2} \rightarrow 2KCl + Mg).
  • Double Displacement Reaction:

    • Involves the swapping of components between two ionic compounds.
    • Example: (BaCl{2}​(aq)+Na{2}​SO{4}​(aq) \rightarrow BaSO{4}​(s)+2NaCl(aq)).

3. Reactivity Series:

  • A series of metals based on their reactivity, from highest to lowest.
  • Determines which metal can displace another in a reaction.
  • Example series: K > Na > Ca > Mg > Al > Zn > Fe > Pb > H > Cu > Hg > Ag > Au > Pt.

4. Types of Chemical Reactions:

  • Synthesis Reactions:

    • Formation of a new molecule from two separate atoms or molecules.
    • Example: (2H{2}(g) + O{2}(g) \rightarrow 2H_{2}O(g)).
  • Decomposition Reactions:

    • Thermal Decomposition: Activated by heat, e.g., (CaCO{3} \rightarrow CaO + CO{2}).
    • Electrolytic Decomposition: Activated by electrical energy, e.g., (2H{2}O \rightarrow 2H{2} + O_{2}).
    • Photo Decomposition: Activated by photons, e.g., (O{3} + hν \rightarrow O{2} + O).
  • Combustion Reactions:

    • Involves a molecule reacting with an oxidant to produce heat and a new product.
    • Example: (CH{4} + O{2} \rightarrow CO{2}+ H{2}O).

5. Applications of Displacement Reactions:

  • Welding using Thermite:

    • Aluminum displaces iron from ferric oxide in thermite welding.
    • Reaction: (2Al + Fe{2}O{3} \rightarrow Al{2}O{3} + 2Fe).
  • Iron Ore Extraction:

    • Iron is extracted from its ore using carbon.
    • Reaction: (3C + 2Fe{2}O{3} \rightarrow 4Fe + 3 CO_{2}).
  • Metals Extraction:

    • Other metals, like chromium, can be extracted through displacement reactions.
    • Reaction: (3C + 2Cr{2}O{3} \rightarrow 4Cr + 3CO_{2}).
  • Neutralization of Acids:

    • Antacids, through displacement reactions, neutralize excess stomach acid.
    • Example: (Mg(OH){2} + 2 HCl \rightarrow MgCl{2} + 2 H_{2}O).

6. Examples of Displacement Reactions:

  • Single Displacement:

    • Example: (2HCl(aq)+Zn(s)\rightarrow ZnCl{2} (aq)+H{2}(g)).
    • Example: (Cl{2} + 2NaBr \rightarrow 2NaCl + Br{2}).
  • Double Displacement:

    • Example: (AgNO{3} + NaCl \rightarrow AgCl + NaNO{3}).
    • Example: (BaCl{2} + CuSO{4} \rightarrow BaSO{4} + CUCl{2}).

7. Uses of Displacement Reactions:

  • Welding, steel making, metal extraction, acid neutralization, and flame photometry.

In conclusion, displacement reactions are fundamental in chemistry, finding applications in various industries and contributing to our understanding of metal reactivity. The examples and applications provided demonstrate the practical significance of displacement reactions in everyday processes and scientific advancements.

Displacement Reactions - Definition, Example, Types(Single & Double) and Applications (2024)
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