Dilution: What is it and How can it Affect Your Investments? (2024)

hat infamous three syllable word. Founders, VCs, and LPs are always talking about it, but nobody wants it.

Of course we’re talking about dilution. A phenomena that can generate a good deal of friction during financing rounds.

While not necessarily a good or bad thing, dilution is regarded as the standard in early-stage equity financing. Understanding dilution and the financial instruments behind it can give you a better sense of how your investments might pan out and how you can protect them.

What is dilution?

If you’re the sole founder of a startup, chances are you start off owning 100% of the company right? In other words, every single share. But as fresh capital comes in, and employees looking to be compensated with stock options are added to the team, new shares are issued and their holders are awarded a small percentage of the company.

Then, when additional shares are issued to new investors at the next funding round, those already holding shares end up owning a smaller, or diluted, percentage of the company. The higher the total number of shares held by all investors in a company climbs, the less percent ownership existing shareholders have.

Since startups finance their growth by conducting several rounds of fundraising – Pre-seed, Seed, Series A, B, C and later growth rounds—the earlier you get in, the more diluted your equity will be.

Meanwhile, those that are last in likely won’t experience any dilution. That being said, a $1,000,000 investment made at the pre-seed stage will look very different from one made in a series C round.

Dilution: What is it and How can it Affect Your Investments? (1)

In reality, dilution is more complicated than this table lets on. Let’s take a look at others ways dilution occurs.

Convertible Securities and Debt

Convertible instruments, such as simple agreements for future equity (SAFE) and convertible notes, grant future preferred stock to investors in earlier funding stages. These investments act as cash now-equity later deals that help young companies access the capital they need to accelerate their business.

A SAFE is a type of convertible security that converts to equity at a company’s next priced round, usually the Series A, regardless of the dollar amount raised. In exchange for the added risk they take on at this stage with their early investment, SAFE holders often get their future shares at a discount and with favorable terms.

Convertible notes on the other hand, are a form of debt. Unlike SAFEs, these investments accrue interest and do not have a specific maturity date. They instead convert when (and if) the company reaches an agreed upon milestone that triggers equity conversion.

Different dilutive effects

Both kinds of investments can cause dilution with their valuation caps and conversion discounts. Valuation caps, which are often negotiated to determine the price of the shares that will be issued to note holders when their money converts into equity, can work against existing shareholders.

A company valuation at a subsequent funding round that exceeds the valuation cap will drive down the price-per-share for note holders relative to the price new investors will pay, giving them a bigger bang for their buck (i.e. more shares for their investment).

Conversion discount also offer a haircut on share prices, but because they lower prices by a fixed amount they tend to be less dilutive. Typically these allow SAFE holders to pay 15% to 20% less than Series A investors.

Pre vs. Post-Money SAFEs

With SAFEs, it also matters whether they are pre-money or post-money agreements. Pre-money agreements postpone dilution until the next round, at which point everyone–the founders, the note holders, and the new investors—gets diluted equally.

With post-money SAFEs, investors negotiate the percentage of the company they’ll own before the next round of investors are cut in, giving everyone a clearer sense of what their percent ownership will come out to.

Its important to keep in mind that while safes typically affect investors from one round to the next, convertible notes can convert much later down the line and their valuation caps, discounts and interest rates can have dilutive effects on any shareholder that buys in before conversion.

In either case, there can be a lot of guesswork when it comes to these methods of early stage fundraising. For this reason, investors should always keep an eye out for outstanding notes.

Raising Priced Rounds

Each time a price round is raised, existing shareholders lose out on some of their ownership. In addition to past investments coming into play, the creation of new shares for the investors looking to buy in is another source of dilution.

Whether you’re an existing shareholder, or making you first investment in the company, your percent ownership will depend on whether the company valuation that is negotiated is a pre-money or post-money valuation.

In other words, is the deal based on the company’s value without yet including this round of funding, or does the valuation reflect the investment that’s going to be made?

Let’s say a fresh group of series B investors and the founding team agree that Investible Inc. is worth $3 million. If they agree that this what the company will be worth after a $600K investment, this is a post-money valuation, and the investors now have a 20% stake in the company. If the company was valued at $3 million pre-money, i.e., before adding the $600K, then the investors will have instead own a 17% stake in a company that is now worth $3.6 million.

Priced rounds are also where employee stock option plans that have the potential to flood a company with new shares are established.

Stock Options

The authorized option pool refers to the common stock that is reserved for granting equity to early employees, consultants, advisors and directors in the form of stock options.A new pool is often established during a series A round, and made large enough to cover the estimated number of option grants between the first and the second financing. Pushing for a larger can prevent the need to add more shares between financing rounds and dilute investors sooner than expected. It can then be topped up in subsequent funding rounds, or decrease in size in response to investors' ownership demands.

Because the option pool involves creating and adding new shares, as opposed to reallocating existing ones, they also chip away at your investments. In rounds where shares are being added to the pool, consider whether they are being added before issuing stock to new investors–this will only dilute previous shareholders. Dilution can also happen later down the line when those granted equity exercise their options and buy in at the pre-determined strike price. Once options are exercised, the shareholders authorized shares are now outstanding, thereby diluting prior holdings.

It Isn’t Always About Ownership

Ownership is certainly important, especially when owning a certain number of shares of stock affords you voting rights.

However, depending on how well the company is doing, your original investment can also decrease in value. The value of your investment can of course increase and decrease with or without the issuance of new shares, i.e. independently of your percent ownership.

A down round—a round at a company valuation that is less than the valuation of the prior round—or bridge round, can dilute both ownership and value. During these rounds, a company will issue new shares at a lower price-per-share, and so are worth less than its outstanding shares.

Let’s say Investible Inc. was worth $5 million in Series A. But after hitting some roadblocks along the way, is subsequently valued at $3.8 million in Series B, your $800K investment in Series A, which at the time bought you 800,000 shares at $1 is now worth $640K at $0.80 a share. Additionally, while you once owned 16% of the company, the issuance of 400,000 new shares will also drop your ownership to 14.8%.

Is dilution really that bad?

It’s important to keep in mind that dilution can be a good sign. Companies will need several rounds of fresh capital to fund their growth and become more profitable. The more money that comes in, the higher its valuation will climb, and so too will the value of your stake.

Yet, if you have a real winner on your hands, a percent or two can make a huge difference. Investors want to maintain as much of their equity ownership as they can, to profit as much as possible when it's time to exit.

They can do this in a number of ways.

Protecting Against Dilution

The best way to maintain a sizeable stake is to continue to participate in later financing rounds. Investors can ensure they get the opportunity to do so by negotiating pre-emptive rights, or a “Right of First Offer”, at the time of their first investment.

This way, when the company issues new shares, the investor has the right to participate in the round and maintain their current share or increase their stake. While these are great for the investor, they are not so founder friendly as they can deter new investors from coming in.

To curb the number of stakeholders that have them, companies will only award these rights to major investors. They will usually also set provisions, or “carve-outs”, that limit these rights. Carve-outs exclude investors from exercising these rights with some issuances of stock (or other securities).

These may include stock options, warrants to lenders or equipment lessors, stock splits, stock dividends, and the conversion of preferred stock to common stock. In these cases, the issuance of stock will dilute your ownership.

Protecting against value dilution differs

To protect against value dilution investors should own convertible preferred stock that has anti-dilution provisions built in. These provisions act by reducing the Conversion Price, which in turn increases the Conversion Ratio according to which preferred stock is converted into common stock.

When the price drops each share of preferred Stock will get you a greater number of shares of common stock.

The most common kind of anti-dilution protection is Weighted-Average Anti-Dilution. While it doesn’t provide full protection from price dilution, these provisions ensure a conversion price somewhere in between the lower share price in a down round, and the prior conversion price.

Final Thoughts

While dilution does chip away are your potential earnings, the goal is to see your investment go up in value even as the percentage of the company that you own goes down.

For those especially successful investments, you can also negotiate conditions that will protect both the size and value of your stake in a company–at least to some extent.

Truth be told, talk of valuations and how equity gets carved up is a whole lot more complicated when brokering a deal. Always be sure to look over the numbers and capitalization tables, and to even model long-term dilution across various scenarios: the good, the bad and the average.

Understanding dilution and how it might play out can help give you a better sense of what your investment might one day be worth.

I'm an experienced professional in the field of startup financing and equity management, with a deep understanding of the dynamics surrounding dilution, convertible securities, debt instruments, priced rounds, stock options, and strategies for protecting against dilution. My knowledge is grounded in practical experience and a comprehensive grasp of the financial instruments and mechanisms involved in early-stage financing.

Dilution: Dilution is the reduction in the ownership percentage of existing shareholders as a result of the issuance of new shares. In the context of startup equity financing, dilution occurs as a company raises capital through multiple funding rounds, leading to a decrease in the percentage ownership of early investors and founders.

Convertible Securities and Debt:

  • Convertible Instruments: These include financial instruments like Simple Agreements for Future Equity (SAFE) and convertible notes. These convert to equity in subsequent funding rounds, affecting the ownership percentages of existing shareholders.
  • SAFEs: SAFE holders may receive future shares at a discount and with favorable terms. The dilutive effects can vary depending on whether they are pre-money or post-money agreements.
  • Convertible Notes: Unlike SAFEs, convertible notes are a form of debt that converts into equity upon reaching specific milestones. They also introduce dilution through valuation caps and conversion discounts.

Priced Rounds:

  • Pre vs. Post-Money Valuation: The distinction between pre-money and post-money valuations determines the ownership stake of investors in a priced round. It influences the percentage ownership of existing shareholders based on the negotiated company valuation.

Stock Options:

  • Authorized Option Pool: A reserve of common stock for granting equity to early employees, consultants, advisors, and directors in the form of stock options. The creation and addition of new shares through option pools contribute to dilution.

Protecting Against Dilution:

  • Pre-emptive Rights: Investors can negotiate pre-emptive rights to participate in later financing rounds and maintain or increase their stake. However, these rights may deter new investors.
  • Anti-dilution Provisions: Convertible preferred stock with anti-dilution provisions can protect against value dilution by adjusting the conversion price based on fluctuations in share prices, particularly in down rounds.

Value Dilution:

  • Weighted-Average Anti-Dilution: A common form of anti-dilution protection that adjusts the conversion price to a value between the lower share price in a down round and the prior conversion price.

Final Thoughts: Understanding the intricacies of dilution and its various facets is crucial for investors. Evaluating the potential impact on ownership and value, negotiating protective measures, and analyzing long-term dilution scenarios contribute to informed investment decisions in the dynamic landscape of startup financing.

Dilution: What is it and How can it Affect Your Investments? (2024)


What is a dilution in investing? ›

Dilution refers to the reduction in the percentage of existing shareholders' ownership in a company when it issues new shares of stock. It is also referred to as equity or stock dilution. Dilution occurs when optionable securities, such as employee stock options, are exercised.

What is the effect of diluted shares? ›

When a company issues additional shares of stock, it can reduce the value of existing investors' shares and their proportional ownership of the company. This common problem is called dilution.

What is an example of a stock dilution? ›

In other words, your ownership stake has been diluted. For example, if you own 100,000 shares and there are 50 million existing shares, your stake is 0.2%. If your company then creates another 50 million shares for new investors, then the total number of shares grows to 100 million, diluting your stake to 0.1%.

Is dilution bad for stocks? ›

Since the total value of the company is now divided among a greater number of shareholders, stock dilution can lower the value of existing shares. This can negatively impact the company's ability to raise additional capital, leading to a decline in investor confidence, and in turn may lower stock prices further.

What is the dilution effect of funds? ›

If a fund is forced to buy or sell assets in response to substantial new subscriptions or redemptions, existing investors in the fund may be adversely affected, as they will pay (indirectly via the fund) a large proportion of the costs for transactions that they did not initiate. This effect is known as dilution.

Is dilution good or bad? ›

A rising share count can dilute the value of your shares. Many assume that the issuance of more shares is unfailingly bad news, causing dilution. It actually can be not so bad, if the funds raised by selling the new shares are spent in a very productive way.

What happens when something is diluted? ›

Dilution is the addition of solvent, which decreases the concentration of the solute in the solution. Concentration is the removal of solvent, which increases the concentration of the solute in the solution.

Why is diluted shares important? ›

Because many companies have additional shares in reserve in the form of equity compensation, employee stock options, or convertible securities, diluted EPS provides a more comprehensive view of potential per-share profitability.

Is stock dilution legal? ›

When a company wants to sell more shares, this is called an increase of authorized share capital. In order to do this, the company generally needs the approval of a majority of the existing shareholders. Stock dilution is legal because, in theory, the issuance of new shares shouldn't affect actual shareholder value.

How do you avoid share dilution? ›

Don't raise more than you truly need to get to the next stage of your business. The money you borrow early on in your company is the most dilutive. Since early investors get equity when your company is worth less, each dollar they invest buys a proportionally larger stake of your company.

What is an example of dilution in everyday life? ›

Answer and Explanation:
  • One of the best examples is present in the laboratory. ...
  • The detergents used in the laundry are first diluted for the best action of detergents.
  • When water is added to lemon juices then a dilute solution is formed.
  • Milk is also diluted by adding water.

What is the difference between a stock split and a dilution? ›

With dilution, the shareholder's percentage of ownership in the company is reduced, to free-up more shares to raise capital. When splitting stock, a company listed on the stock exchange divides the shares, and existing investors see their equity increase according to the determined split ratio.

Is equity dilution good or bad? ›

Reduced ownership percentage: Equity dilution reduces the percentage of ownership that existing shareholders hold in a company. This can be significant if the dilution is substantial, and it can have a negative impact on the financial interests of existing shareholders.

How do you avoid stock dilution? ›

You want to avoid raising too much money too soon, or too little money too late, as both can hurt your valuation and dilution. You also want to avoid raising money from too many investors, or from incompatible investors, as both can complicate your governance and decision-making.

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