Differences Between A Business Partnership & A Company (2024)

Differences Between A Business Partnership & A Company (1)

Whether you organise your business within a company or a partnership structure depends on the balance you are willing to strike between cost of administration, tax costs, start up costs, privacy, control and liability.

For most business owners, the decision relates to the differences in tax paid and limitation of personal liability (risk). But the decision might also depend on control by the owners and the ability to raise finance.

Legal entity

A company is a single legal person (known as a body corporate) able to make contracts through its directors or other staff.

Directors run the company on a day to day basis and make many of the operational decisions. The owners (shareholders) generally make decisions about how the company is run (for example, the strategic direction of the business or who is appointed to the board of directors).

Neither directors nor shareholders are employees by default, but they may be in addition to being a shareholder or a director. Likewise, directors do not have to be shareholders, but many are.

A partnership is made up of individuals, any one of whom may commit the partnership to any agreement. The partners have a collective responsibility for all the tax of the partnership and for all other partnership debts. The partners may make their own arrangements for division of tasks, responsibility and liability. A partner is not an employee, but rather self-employed. Together, the partners may employ others.


The word 'limited' when referring to a public or private limited company refers to the limited liability of the shareholders for the company's debts.

If the company enters into a contract that it cannot complete, then it is the company that is liable for any debt, not the individual shareholders. Creditors have recourse only to the assets of the company and not the assets of the owners.

There are circ*mstances where the directors of the company can be pursued for the debts of the company (and the directors may also be shareholders), usually where they have acted outside their authority as directors.

In a partnership, every partner is personally liable for the collective debts of the business. In legal jargon, partners are jointly and severally liable for partnership debts.

It is important to point out that a partner's liability doesn't stop with their 'share'. A creditor may choose which partner or partners to pursue for a debt, irrelevant of whether the partners were the ones who signed up to the contract. It is possible (and many partners have) to lose all personal assets as a result of a foolish action by another partner.

Protection for partners can be limited to a degree by the partnership agreement (by limiting who can do what) or by using a type of partnership vehicle that limits liability - either a limited partnership structure or a limited liability partnership structure.

Legal framework

A company exists and performs entirely within a legal framework defined by a number of Companies Acts (the most important one being the Companies Act 2006). This framework sets out the duties of directors, the company as a corporate body, and the shareholders. There are rules on what information must be recorded and reported, to whom and how often.

Companies are strictly regulated and there is much bureaucracy in administering them.

By contrast, a partnership is barely regulated.

The Partnership Act of 1890 applies to partnerships that don't cover certain points in their partnership agreement, but otherwise partners can do whatever they collectively agree. Less regulation gives a partnership scope for a less formal, more flexible and more easily changed structure.

However, the PA 1890 does not deal with the many complications of trading a century after it was passed. Resolution of disputes between the partners, and divisions of partnership assets can cause particular anguish if they are not properly covered in the partnership agreement.

Public disclosure and privacy

By law, a company must provide certain information to the Registrar of Companies (Companies House) on an annual basis. This information is open to public inspection, allowing anyone can see the names and private addresses of directors, the names of shareholders, the financial performance of the company and all the other information filed.

A partnership does not have to disclose any information publicly.


This is a matter of practice and choice rather than of law.

Within a company, job descriptions of employees and the management structure of the organisation can be ascertained easily. It should be clear who is responsible for making which decisions, the duties of directors and how the company is controlled by shareholders. Likewise, directors and shareholders should be easy to identify.

Although there is no difficulty in principle of setting out a precise set of duties, obligations, and rights for each partner, in practice partners tend to think of themselves as equal. Who makes the important decisions and how can be difficult to ascertain and manage.

The roles, limits or authority and responsibilities of partners need to be set out very clearly when you set up a partnership. Whether a partner is just an owner (like a shareholder) or whether he or she can act (like a director in a company) depends on what has been agreed in the partnership agreement, if any exists.


The cost of starting either a partnership or a company is relatively low. Companies can be registered inexpensively online.

The governing documents for both types of structure can be bought from Net Lawman. You can download, partnership agreement templates, shareholders agreements and company articles of association.

The real cost is the on-going one. A company requires statutory filings, which are time consuming to carry out and which can require payment of fees.


Rates of tax and transactions taxed change every year. Allowances for different situations (personal or business) can change the amount of tax paid quite dramatically between businesses that appear to be very similar. Different sources of income are taxed differently.

We advise that you visit a tax adviser and seek professional advice on how much tax your business will pay based on your cash flow projections.

The following is general information and should not be taken as tax advice. The information aims to give you an idea of the differences, not be a source of accurate information on exactly what tax you might pay. We haven't given the latest tax rates as rates change so frequently that this article would be out of date quickly.

A company pays corporation tax, which over the last ten years has been around 20% to 25% depending on the size of the taxable profits of the company. More profitable companies pay more. The company profits are then distributed to the owners of the company via dividends.

The rate of tax of dividends has been historically much lower than that on other types of income (to encourage investment in companies). However, there are now banded rates of dividend tax to prevent owner-directors from paying themselves in dividends rather than in salary. Under the lowest threshold, the rate of tax on dividends is 7.5%. The owner of a small company who takes all earnings out the company via dividends should expect to pay 32.5%.

An alternative way of taking the money out of the business is for a shareholder to become an employee (possibly, but not necessarily a director). Again, salary is taxed in bands, from not being taxed at all below a certain threshold up to being taxed around 40% to 50% on amounts over a top threshold. It is the company's responsibility to deduct the tax from the employee and pay it to HMRC. The company and the employee must also pay National Income, another type of tax, historically that has been around 10% of the salary for the employee and 1% to 2% for the company.

A company can retain earnings to invest again in the future. If it does this (and doesn't distribute them as dividends), then these earnings have only been charged with corporation tax (which is generally lower than income tax).

Partners are classed as self-employed for tax purposes. They pay income tax on their share of the partnership profit. A partner's share can vary depending on the partnership agreement that regulates the business. If the partner is entitled to a share of income that is taxed at the highest rate, being paid as an employee and a shareholder through a company structure may save some tax.

Partners also pay Class 2 National Insurance contributions (flat rate) and Class 4 (around 9% to 11% over a certain threshold).

Sale and transfer

A company can be divided into units (shares) and those shares can be sold. This makes obtaining investment and transferring ownership easy. Companies exist without their founder shareholders. When a shareholder dies, their interest can be transferred to someone else, and the transfer confers the same rights to the new owner.

A partnership share can be sold, but it usually can be restricted or made more difficult by other partners, making a share less valuable than the equivalent in a company. It is also hard to sell part of a share.

A partnership only lasts while there are partners. If all but one partner dies, the partnership ceases to exist.

Should you choose a company or a partnership?

The answer to this question will depend on your circ*mstances. Both structures have advantages.

Whichever seems most appropriate now, be aware that once you have made a decision, you can change it later on. Most businesses start as sole traders and move to partnerships before becoming incorporated.

The disadvantages of both structures can be overcome to some degree using either a good shareholders agreement, or a comprehensive partnership agreement.

Further information

Next, you might want to read about the legal documents a new business needs, regardless of structure, or more on partnership as a structure, or about different types of company.

Differences Between A Business Partnership & A Company (2024)


Differences Between A Business Partnership & A Company? ›

A company is a legal person and corporate body that has a different corporate personality from its members. The members aren't liable for any acts of the company. However, a partnership doesn't have a legal existence that's different from the members and partners are liable for any acts the firm commits.

What is the difference between company and partnership business? ›

Partnership Firm is a mutual agreement between two or more persons to run the business and share profit and loss mutually. Company is an association of persons with a common objective of providing goods and services to customers.

What are the three major differences between a partnership and a corporation? ›

Key differences between partnership vs. corporation
LiabilityUnlimited personal liability, except for LPs and LLPs.No personal liability.
Ongoing costs and maintenanceAnnual tax or filing fee (in some states).Regular board meetings, shareholder meetings, record maintenance, annual report.
3 more rows
May 11, 2022

Which is better partnership or company? ›

Some advantages of partnership over private limited company include ease of establishment and lower costs. A partnership consists of two or more individuals who own a business together and share all its profits and losses, as well as the right to manage and make decisions on behalf of the business.

What is the difference between LLC company and partnership? ›

A Limited Liability Company is a legal entity all its own, while a partnership is owned by two or more people who share legal responsibility of the business entity. In a partnership, the business does not possess a legal identity outside of the business owners.

What is the main difference between a partnership and a private company? ›

A Partnership Firm in India has no separate legal status separate from its partners. However, a private limited company is an artificial separate legal entity and can hold assets and incur liability in its names.

Is it better to be taxed as a partnership or corporation? ›

There are advantages and disadvantages to choosing either one. As a corporation, company profits are taxed at lower rates than partnership profits. However, partnership profits are taxed fewer times by the Internal Revenue Service than corporate profits.

Why choose a partnership over a corporation? ›

Corporations -- being entities in their own right -- are taxed, and the profits are passed to owners who are then also taxed on them. Partnerships avoid the double taxation issue. Additionally, in corporations and often in LLCs, losses are not passed through to the owners.

Can a partnership be called a company? ›

Updated November 3, 2020: If you're wondering, can a partnership be incorporated, the answer is yes. You can incorporate a general partnership and form a business entity with limited liability.

What is one major advantage of a partnership compared to corporation? ›

General partners share both ownership and control, but in publicly held corporations, these functions are separated. Additional benefits for a partnership include flexibility in financing, single taxation, and the ability to deduct losses.

How do you tell if a company is a partnership? ›

To determine whether a partnership exists courts look at: (1) intention of the parties, (2) sharing of profits and losses (3) joint administration and control of business operation, (4) capital investment by each partner, and (5) common ownership of property.

What is one difference of company and partnership in terms of their structure? ›

A company is a legal person and corporate body that has a different corporate personality from its members. The members aren't liable for any acts of the company. However, a partnership doesn't have a legal existence that's different from the members and partners are liable for any acts the firm commits.

What is the disadvantage of partnership compared to company? ›

Disadvantages of a partnership include that: the liability of the partners for the debts of the business is unlimited. each partner is 'jointly and severally' liable for the partnership's debts; that is, each partner is liable for their share of the partnership debts as well as being liable for all the debts.

What is the disadvantage of LLC and partnership? ›

Disadvantages of creating an LLC

Cost: An LLC usually costs more to form and maintain than a sole proprietorship or general partnership. States charge an initial formation fee. Many states also impose ongoing fees, such as annual report and/or franchise tax fees. Check with your Secretary of State's office.

How is a partnership taxed vs LLC? ›

Similar to an LLC, a partnership is also considered a pass-through entity. However, the key difference to be aware of for LLC vs. partnership taxes is that a partnership is considered a taxing entity by the IRS, while an LLC is not. Each year, the partnership will file a tax return but will not owe any taxes.

Is an LLC with 2 owners the same as a partnership? ›

The biggest difference between a multi-member LLC and a partnership is the liability protection that an LLC grants it's owners. Owners in a partnership are not separate legal entities from their business. Partners in a partnership do not have asset protection and are liable for business risks and debt.

Does a partnership have two or more owners? ›

A partnership is an arrangement between two or more people to oversee business operations and share its profits and liabilities. In a general partnership company, all members share both profits and liabilities. Professionals like doctors and lawyers often form a limited liability partnership.

Is a partnership a business with two or more owners? ›

A partnership is a form of business where two or more people share ownership, as well as the responsibility for managing the company and the income or losses the business generates.

Is partnership the same as ownership? ›

Owners of a company are shareholders as they purchase their interest in the company by buying shares or stocks. In a partnership, the business is owned and run by partners that own a percentage of the whole business as set out in the Partnership Agreement.

Who gets taxed in a partnership? ›

A partnership must file an annual information return to report the income, deductions, gains, losses, etc., from its operations, but it does not pay income tax. Instead, it "passes through" profits or losses to its partners.

Is it easier to raise money in a partnership or a corporation? ›

Partnership. In most cases, a partnership will be able to raise capital more easily than a sole proprietorship, but not as easily as a corporation. The borrowing power of each partner may be pooled to raise debt capital, or additional partners may be admitted to increase this pooled borrowing power.

What are the 3 types of partnership? ›

There are three relatively common partnership types: general partnership (GP), limited partnership (LP) and limited liability partnership (LLP). A fourth, the limited liability limited partnership (LLLP), is not recognized in all states.

What are the advantages of an LLC over a partnership? ›

A principal advantage of an LLC over a general partnership is that no member is held liable for debts, obligations and liabilities of the partnership. In the case of professional LLCs (e.g. law firms, CPA firms), however, members are liable for their own negligence and that of their subordinates.

Is a partnership more expensive than a corporation? ›

General partnerships are usually less expensive to form and require less paperwork and formalities than corporations, limited partnerships, or limited liability partnerships.

What are the 4 types of partnership? ›

The laws of individual countries vary, but, broadly speaking, there are four major types of partnership agreements in the United States:
  • General partnerships. ...
  • Limited partnerships. ...
  • Limited liability partnerships. ...
  • Limited liability limited partnerships.

Which type of partnership is best? ›

General Partnership

General partnerships (GP) are the easiest and cheapest type of partnership to form. Two or more general partners own it, with joint and several legal liabilities for all debts and obligations. They jointly manage and control the business.

Who runs a business partnership? ›

If you decide to set up a partnership, you and your partners will be responsible for running the business and the profits and losses will be shared between yourselves. An alternative to a regular partnership is a limited liability partnership (LLP).

How do partners get paid? ›

Like sole proprietors, partners don't get paid via a regular salary but rather earn distributions of the business profits. These dividends are generally set out in the partnership agreement (if they aren't, you may want to think about drawing up a partnership agreement that outlines distributive shares).

Who Cannot be a partner in a partnership? ›

According to the Partnership Act, 1932 , any person who is below the age of eighteen, any person who has an artificial body by law, any person who is mentally ill and any person who is declared bankrupt cannot be admitted as a partner in a partnership firm. Was this answer helpful?

What are 5 characteristics of a business partnership? ›

What are 5 characteristics of a partnership?
  • Sharing of profits and losses.
  • Mutual agency.
  • Unlimited liability.
  • Lawful business.
  • Contractual relationship.

What are the similarities between company and a partnership? ›

Understanding the similarities of partnership and corporation is an important part of choosing a structure for your business. Basically, the only similarity between these entities is that they are both owned by groups of people instead of an individual.

What is a major weakness of a partnership? ›

Disadvantages of a General Partnership

In terms of liability, the fact that personal assets can be seized to settle the debts of the partnership is seen as a major drawback.

What is a common problem in a partnership? ›

The most common sources of difficulties for business partners are disagreements over equality within the company, in areas such as power, equity and workload. It's important to find solutions to any business partner problems to allow your company to perform at its best.

How does a 70 30 partnership work? ›

An example is when Individual #1 and Individual #2 form a partnership company, and Individual #1 runs firm and is responsible for its daily operations, thus they receive 70% of the profit while the less active Individual #2 gets 30%. Often partners invest different capital amounts to launch the company.

Why do partnership businesses fail? ›

A failed business partnership can come from many things, for example, a poor management team, a lack of financial security, bad exit planning, or even children/family issues. A failed business partnership can be a matter of fact and not necessarily a reflection on the partners or their personal relationship.

What are the tax advantages of partnerships? ›

Partnerships themselves are not taxed as entities; they pass through the taxes to the partners. This means that your revenues are taxed at your personal income tax rate. You avoid the double taxation that happens if you own a corporation, where the company pays tax and then you pay tax on your dividends.

Is it smart to have a business partner? ›

Bridging the Gap in Expertise and Knowledge

Partnering with someone can give you access to a wider range of expertise for different parts of your business. A good partner may also bring knowledge and experience you may be lacking, or complementary skills to help you grow the business.

When should you take on a business partner? ›

Here are just some of the reasons that bringing on a partner could be a smart business decision and why other entrepreneurs made a similar choice.
  1. You're spread too thin. ...
  2. You need a cash infusion. ...
  3. You need specific expertise. ...
  4. You need complementary skills.

What do I need to know before starting a business partnership? ›

Forming a Business Partnership? 6 Things to Consider First
  1. Make sure you share similar values. ...
  2. Set clear expectations from the start. ...
  3. Outline how you'll manage business finances. ...
  4. Decide what type of legal partnership you'll choose. ...
  5. Decide how you'll handle partnership dissolution. ...
  6. Have an attorney draw up legal documents.
Nov 5, 2020

Which is better sole proprietorship or partnership? ›

Sole Proprietorship or Partnership—which is better? The answer depends primarily on how you plan to structure your business. If you plan to be the sole owner, Sole Proprietorship is the option to choose. If you want to set up a business together with someone else, you will have to set up a Partnership.

Should a husband and wife be partnership LLC? ›

If an LLC is owned by a husband and wife in a non-community property state the LLC should file as a partnership. However, in community property states you can have your multi-member (husband and wife owners) and that LLC can get treated as a SMLLC for tax purposes.

Should husband and wife be on LLC? ›

The straightforward answer is no: You are not required to name your spouse anywhere in the LLC documents, especially if they aren't directly involved in the business. However, there are some occasions where it may be helpful or necessary to include your spouse.

Should husband and wife own LLC? ›

There's typically an additional tax form required on income taxes when you have 50/50 ownership. So usually the best practice is for a business to be owned by one spouse. It just simplifies taxes and there's really no reason to have both on there typically.

Is it better to do LLC or partnership? ›

In general, an LLC offers better liability protection and more tax flexibility than a partnership. But the type of business you're in, the management structure, and your state's laws may tip the scales toward partnership.

Does a partnership need a 1099? ›

Sole proprietors, partnerships and limited partnerships all get 1099s if they hit the ​$600​ threshold. The IRS lists other payment categories that don't require a 1099, even if the recipient is not a corporation.

What are the 2 main advantages of having an LLC? ›

Benefits of forming a Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Separate legal identity. ...
  • Limited liability. ...
  • Perpetual existence. ...
  • Flexible management structure. ...
  • Free transferability of financial interests. ...
  • Pass-through taxation.

What is the best business structure for a husband and wife? ›

A limited liability company (LLC) can be a great way to organize your business. “Setting up an LLC with a spouse is one of the easier and more flexible entities you can establish," says John Blake, CPA, a partner with the New Jersey-based accounting and advisory firm Klatzkin.

Is husband and wife considered single-member LLC? ›

Overview. If your LLC has one owner, you're a single member limited liability company (SMLLC). If you are married, you and your spouse are considered one owner and can elect to be treated as an SMLLC.

Are a husband and wife considered as two members of an LLC? ›

Married couples: Single-member LLC or multi-member LLC? As a rule, when an LLC has co-owners, it is considered a multi-member LLC. But when those members are married, that rule may not have to apply.

What is a fair percentage for a partnership? ›

Partnership Percentage means the interest of the Partners in the Partnership and the interest of the Partners in the profits and losses of the Partnership. Initially, the Partnership Percentage shall be 99% to the Limited Partner and 1% to the General Partner.

What percentage should I give my business partner? ›

Assuming you have profits from your company, create an agreement with your partner stating you will distribute a certain percentage of the profits each quarter. You might start out distributing 25% of the quarterly profits to each partner, over and above your monthly salaries.

Can a partnership have a 100% owner? ›

A partnership is a business form where two or more individuals agree to operate as co-owners. Partners can have any share of ownership, but the total percentages must equal 100 percent.

Who is liable for debts in a partnership? ›

Each partner in a general partnership is subject to unlimited personal liability. According to partnership rules, all partners are legally responsible to pay off all the debts incurred by their business. In some states, a partner in a general partnership is severally liable.

What is the lifespan of a partnership business? ›

An LLC has an unlimited lifespan, even if an owner dies or one sells his or her share of the company interest. A partnership, however, ends once one partner dies or sells their ownership interest. For more information about partnerships and LLCs you can contact GovDocFiling here.

What happens when a partnership Cannot pay its debts? ›

If the firm cannot pay, the creditors are likely to ask the individual partners to pay. Partners are 'jointly and severally liable' for the firm's debts. This means that the firm's creditors can take action against any partner. Also, they can take action against more than one partner at the same time.

What is an advantage of a partnership over a corporation? ›

Advantages of a partnership include that: two heads (or more) are better than one. your business is easy to establish and start-up costs are low. more capital is available for the business. you'll have greater borrowing capacity.

What are the disadvantages of partnership in taxes? ›

Partners Pay Taxes on Their Share of the Profit

The main drawback to the tax structure of the partnership is that taxes due on profits of the business are passed on to the partners even if they did not receive them.

Can a partner in a partnership take a salary? ›

In a partnership, the partners share the profits and the losses from the business. The profits are distributed to the partners after they pay all of the costs of doing business. Some partners may receive a salary for their labor in addition to their share of the allocation of the partnership profits.

What is one major disadvantage of a partnership compared to a corporation? ›

Liability. Generally, the members of a partnership are exposed to unlimited liability for the acts of the partnership as a whole. This means that if the business as a whole becomes indebted and insolvent, the partners' personal assets might be exposed to cover the debts.

Is it better to have a partnership or corporation? ›

A corporation would offer the highest level of protection, as all owners would have limited liability. In a partnership, at least one owner would typically have unlimited liability. But you could obtain full protection if you set up a limited partnership.

Does partner mean owner? ›

A partner is considered a co-owner of a business entity that is legally recognized. By law, a partnership is a business relationship between two or more individuals, called "partners," who work together to carry out a business or trade.

How does a business partnership work? ›

A partnership is the relationship between two or more people to do trade or business. Each person contributes money, property, labor or skill, and shares in the profits and losses of the business.

What makes a company a partnership? ›

A partnership is the relationship between two or more people to do trade or business. Each person contributes money, property, labor or skill, and shares in the profits and losses of the business.

Why a partnership and not a company? ›

The advantages of forming a partnership include: Inexpensive to set up. No formalities, registration or reporting obligations other than tax returns. More privacy than other business structures such as a trust or company.

What does it mean if a business is a partnership? ›

A partnership is a form of business where two or more people share ownership, as well as the responsibility for managing the company and the income or losses the business generates.

Who owns the business in a partnership? ›

A partnership is a legal arrangement that allows two or more people to share responsibility for a business. Those partners share the ownership and profits, but they also share the work, responsibility, and potential losses.

What are the 4 characteristics of partnership and company? ›

There must be two or more persons. There must be an agreement.. There must be sharing of profits of business. There must be a mutual agency, i.e., the business must be either carried on by all or any of them acting for all.

What is one major disadvantage of a partnership? ›

Disadvantages of a partnership include that: the liability of the partners for the debts of the business is unlimited. each partner is 'jointly and severally' liable for the partnership's debts; that is, each partner is liable for their share of the partnership debts as well as being liable for all the debts.

What should a business partnership avoid? ›

Here are some common partnership mistakes you'll want to steer clear of.
  • Ignoring the Lack of a Shared Vision.
  • Pursuing the Wrong Partnership Structure.
  • Not Seeking Legal Advice.
  • Skipping the Written Agreement.
  • Failing to Consider an Exit Strategy.
Jan 3, 2018

What are 3 examples of partnership in business? ›

Partnership Business Examples: Everything You Need to Know
  • Red Bull & GoPro. One example of a partnership business is the relationship between Red Bull and GoPro. ...
  • Sherwin-Williams & Pottery Barn. ...
  • West Elm & Casper. ...
  • Dr. ...
  • Louis Vuitton & BMW. ...
  • Spotify & Uber.

How does a partnership pay taxes? ›

Partnerships don't pay federal income tax. Instead, the partnership's income, losses, deductions, and credits pass through to the partners themselves, who report these amounts—and pay taxes on them—as part of their personal income tax returns.

What are the tax benefits of a partnership? ›

Tax Benefits of a Partnership. A partnership is considered a pass-through tax entity. This means that the partnership does not pay income tax, but instead the profits pass-through the company and to the owners or partners. For tax purposes, a partnership is ultimately viewed as an extension of its owners.

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.