Deductibility of investment management fees | Manulife Investment Management (2024)

Deductibility of investment management fees | Manulife Investment Management (1)

Deductibility of investment management fees | Manulife Investment Management (2)

Investment insight

There are many different investments available in the financial marketplace. Most of them charge fees. Some fees are embedded in the product itself, like a management expense ratio (MER) of a mutual fund. Others may be charged outside the product as part of a fee-based program. Which fees are tax deductible for an investor and which aren’t?

To determine that, we’ll start with an overview of the requirements for fee deductibility in the Income Tax Act (ITA).1 Next, we’ll look at how the tax status of the investment account, whether registered or non-registered, impacts fee deductibility. Finally, we’ll look at an example of how expenses at the fund level are deducted and how an investor deducts their fee for tax purposes.

When is an investment fee deductible?

The criteria for determining the tax deductibility of an investment fee is found in paragraph 20(1)(bb) of the ITA. At a high level, a taxpayer may deduct fees and the applicable sales tax — i.e., Goods and Services Tax (GST), Harmonized Sales Tax (HST), and Quebec Sales Tax (QST)) — if such fees are:

  • paid for buy/sell advice on specific securities, or the administration or management of securities held by that taxpayer
  • fee amounts paid are reasonable
  • fee-based services are provided by a person (e.g., an advisor) or entity (e.g., an investment firm) whose principal business is providing buy/sell advice on specific securities or includes the administration or management of securities.

Provided that the investment fees paid meet the above criteria, they’ll be deductible against any source of taxable income earned during the year.2 Alternatively, embedded fees such as MERs are deducted by the fund (i.e., mutual fund or segregated fund) before income is distributed or allocated to investors, reducing the amount of taxable income for those investors.

Commissions paid on trading of stocks and exchange traded funds (ETFs), for example, aren’t deductible for the investor under these provisions. However, commissions paid on security purchases are added to the adjusted cost base (ACB) of those securities, while the commissions paid on a sale are subtracted from the proceeds received. The result is that a capital gain is reduced by the associated commissions, while capital losses are increased.

Fees paid for general financial counselling or planning aren’t deductible here either. And subscription fees paid for financial magazines and newspapers are also not deductible.

Fees in a registered account

Advisory and other investment fees charged on registered assets, regardless of the investments held, aren’t tax deductible. Such fees can be paid out of the registered account itself or from a taxable account the investor holds. If the registered fee is paid outside the registered account, the advantage rules don’t apply and neither does the 100% advantage tax.3

Should registered fees be paid from inside the registered account or outside? The answer depends on the type of registered account. For example, with a tax-free savings account (TFSA), where after-tax dollars can grow tax-free, paying the fee outside the TFSA can maximize that tax-free savings as they’re not directly reduced by the fee. However, with registered retirement savings plans (RRSPs) and registered retirement income funds (RRIFs), where amounts are taxed when withdrawn, the answer will depend on your time horizon, rate of return, and tax rate. These factors would only be known with certainty by reviewing them in hindsight. It’s noteworthy that if the fee is paid inside the RRSP or RRIF, it’s done with pre-tax dollars. While this reduces the value of your tax-deferred investment, it also reduces the amount of tax the CRA will collect on future withdrawals.

Segregated fund contracts

Investment counsel and advisory fees related to entering into or redeeming segregated fund contracts in taxable accounts aren’t currently viewed as deductible by CRA.4 This rationale is based on the view that a segregated fund contract is an insurance contract and not a share or security of the investor, a key requirement for fee deductibility. Finally, the MER of a segregated fund contract, like it’s mutual fund counterparts, can be used by the fund to reduce its income before allocation.

Tax comparison of MER and investment management fees

You may be wondering if there are differences between a tax-deductible fee or an MER on your investments. Let’s look at that through an example. Stephanie has $250,000 invested in a taxable account. She wants to compare the tax benefits of a mutual fund trust that only has an MER (Series A) and another that has a combination of an MER and an advisor fee (Series F). For simplicity, she uses a fixed-income mutual fund with a 5% return, all of which is interest income. The Series A will have a 2% MER. The Series F will have a 1% MER and 1% tax-deductible advisor fee for the same total fee of 2%. Her marginal tax rate is 50%. The table below shows the results of her analysis:

Series A

Series F

Initial investment



Interest income



MER – (2%), (1%)






Advisor fee – (0%), (1%)



Taxable distribution



Tax on distribution



After-tax income



As you can see, when interest income is earned and the total fee is the same, the fee structure (whether the fund has only an MER, or has a combination of MER and advisor fee) makes no difference to the investor’s after-tax income. This is because you have the same total fees ($5,000), reducing the same total taxable income ($12,500 of interest income).5

For investments held within a corporation, the taxable distribution would be used in the adjusted aggregate investment income (AAII) calculation.


For investment management fees to be tax deductible, they must meet the criteria set out in the ITA and be paid on investments held in taxable accounts. Fees paid in registered accounts aren’t tax deductible but can be paid either inside or outside these accounts. Investment fees, whether embedded in the product like an MER or tax deductible for the investor, reduce an investment’s taxable income. The difference is an MER reduces taxable income in the fund and an investment counsel fee reduces the investor’s taxable income.

1 More information on the requirements for fee deductibility can be found in the Canada Revenue Agency’s IT238R2 ARCHIVED - Fees paid to investment counsel - For Quebec tax purposes (for individuals and trusts, not for corporations), the deductibility of the investment counsel fees (as investment expenses under Quebec rules) paid during a year is limited to the total investment income realized during the same year (including interest, taxable capital gains, grossed-up Canadian dividends, and gross foreign income). Investment fees that aren’t deducted in the current year can be used in the three previous years or carried forward for future years. For more information see: Investment Expense Deductibility: Quebec.3 The Department of Finance confirms they have no policy concerns with investment counsel fees for registered accounts being paid with non-registered funds. In their view, it’s not evident that such arrangements are tax motivated. They’re prepared to recommend an amendment to the ITA that these fee arrangements won’t constitute an advantage. 26 August 2019 Comfort Letter - “Advantage”: Exclusion for Investment Management Fees.4 24 August 2016 External T.I. 2014-0542581E5 - Paragraph 20(1)(bb) - segregated funds.5 While an investor’s after-tax interest income is the same regardless of the fee type (MER or tax-deductible fee), small differences in their after-tax income may occur when the MER is used to reduce other types of income distributions– namely foreign income, Canadian dividends, or capital gains.

The commentary in this publication is for general information only and should not be considered investment or tax advice to any party. Individuals should seek the advice of professionals to ensure that any action taken with respect to this information is appropriate to their specific situation.Manulife, Manulife Investment Management, the Stylized M Design, and Manulife Investment Management & Stylized M Design are trademarks of The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company and are used by it, and by its affiliates under license.


Deductibility of investment management fees | Manulife Investment Management (2024)


Can I deduct investment management fees? ›

No. Any fees you pay to buy, sell, or hold an asset or to collect interest or dividends are not eligible for income tax deduction. This would include brokerage or transaction fees, management and advisor fees, custodial fees, accounting costs, and fund operating expenses.

Are financial advisor management fees tax deductible? ›

Notably, the Act eliminated financial advisor fees as a deduction. As of January 2018, these fees are no longer tax deductible. The TCJA tax cuts are temporary: Most changes are set to expire in 2025, and there is a possibility for eligibility for the deduction again in the future.

What are acceptable investment management fees? ›

Management fees can range from as low as 0.10% to more than 2% of AUM. This disparity in the fees charged is generally attributed to the investment method used by the fund's manager. The more actively managed a fund is, the higher the management fees that are charged.

Are management fees deductible on k1? ›

Although the limited partnerships are entitled to deduct the management fees that they pay as an ordinary business expense, the upper tier partnership cannot. This rule explains why the fees are separately stated on the form K-1.

Are investment management fees for an IRA tax deductible? ›

Management fees paid from your IRA account have never been deductible on your federal tax return. In addition, separately-paid IRA management fees are no longer deductible in tax years 2018 through 2025 due to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) that Congress signed into law on December 22, 2017.

Do investment companies charge management fees? ›

The management fee varies but usually ranges anywhere from 0.20% to 2.00%, depending on factors such as management style and size of the investment. Investment firms that are more passive with their investments generally charge a lower fee relative to those that manage their investments more actively.

Are investment advisory fees tax deductible for a trust? ›

For example, under California and New York law, investment advisory fees continue to be fully deductible for state income tax purposes. Contrast this to the federal law, which provides for a federal deduction on certain incremental investment advisory fees.

What consulting fees are tax deductible? ›

Here are several consultant tax deductions you should track throughout the year.
  • Travel expenses. Many consultants spend a lot of time traveling to meet with clients. ...
  • Car expenses. ...
  • Business meals. ...
  • Insurance. ...
  • Computer equipment. ...
  • Office supplies. ...
  • Home office expenses. ...
  • Advertising expenses.

Can I deduct investment advisory fees on Form 8960? ›

As the new tax law has suspended the itemized miscellaneous deduction, these expenses are not deductible on form 8960 either.

What is the difference between management fee and performance fee? ›

A performance fee is a payment made to an investment manager for generating positive returns. This is as opposed to a management fee, which is charged without regard to returns.

What is considered a high management fee? ›

Key Takeaways

A reasonable expense ratio for an actively managed portfolio is about 0.5% to 0.75%, while an expense ratio greater than 1.5% is typically considered high these days. For passive or index funds, the typical ratio is about 0.2% but can be as low as 0.02% or less in some cases.

What is the difference between management fee and Mer? ›

Investors frequently confuse the management fee with the management expense ratio (MER). The management fee is often used as the key determinant when making an investment decision, but the MER is an even broader measure of how expensive the fund is to the investor.

When did investment fees stop being tax deductible? ›

Investment management and financial planning fees were tax deductible through tax year 2017. They fell into the category of miscellaneous itemized deductions, which were eliminated from the tax code by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) effective tax year 2018.

Does management expense ratio include management fee? ›

The Management Expense Ratio (MER) represents the combined total of the management fee, operating expenses and taxes charged to a fund during a given year expressed as a percentage of a fund's average net assets for that year. All mutual funds have an MER.

Is a fund management fee included in expense ratio? ›

It's the percentage of assets paid to run the fund. Many costs are included in the expense ratio, but typically only 3 are broken out: the management fee, the 12b-1 distribution fee, and other expenses.

How do you write off investment fees on taxes? ›

If you have someone complete your tax return, the fees are tax deductible only if all of the following apply:
  1. you have income from a business or property.
  2. accounting is a usual part of the operations of your business or property.
  3. you did not use the amounts claimed to reduce the business or property income you reported.

Can I pay management fees from my IRA? ›

Yes, the management fee can be deducted from the IRA, and it's treated as an expense of the IRA rather than a distribution, so it isn't taxable or subject to the penalty.

What is a reasonable IRA management fee? ›

Online advisors have shown that a reasonable fee for money management only is about 0.25% to 0.30% of assets, so if you don't want advice on anything else, that's a reasonable fee, says O'Donnell.

What are three ways costs may be charged for investment management? ›

The three most common fee structures are flat, asset-based, and wrap fees. When selecting an investment manager, understand their fee structure and what services that fee entails. Ensure that your financial advisor is transparent about their fees and that they are providing value for the fee they are charging.

Is 1% wealth management fee worth it? ›

If you're already working with an advisor, the simplest way to determine whether a 1% fee is reasonable may be to look at what they've helped you accomplish. For example, if they've consistently helped you to earn a 12% return in your portfolio for five years running, then 1% may be a bargain.

Do private equity firms charge management fees? ›

Private equity funds have a similar fee structure to that of hedge funds, typically consisting of a management fee and a performance fee. Private equity firms normally charge annual management fees of around 2% of the committed capital of the fund.

Are investment management fees deductible on Form 1041? ›

Specifically, are executor fees deductible on Form 1041? The short and long answer here is yes.

Are investor meetings tax deductible? ›

Travel and fees you pay to attend seminars, conventions, or other meetings – including stockholder meetings – are not deductible, nor are expenses related to tax-exempt income. Other rules govern certain costs related to your investments, such as interest paid on money you borrow to buy stocks.

Are investment advisor fees deductible in CA? ›

Advisory and other investment fees charged on registered assets, regardless of the investments held, aren't tax deductible. Such fees can be paid out of the registered account itself or from a taxable account the investor holds.

Can consulting fees be expensed? ›

Financial consulting fees are typically classified as 'Professional Services'. This expense category covers a broad range of financial consulting services, including financial planning, investment advice, and tax preparation.

Are consulting fees capitalized or expensed? ›

The fees you paid the consultant to determine the amount of the credit are operating expenses and should be recorded as expense, just like any other accounting services fee or temporary service.

What business expenses are 100 tax deductible? ›

What Is a 100 Percent Tax Deduction?
  • Furniture purchased entirely for office use is 100 percent deductible in the year of purchase.
  • Office equipment, such as computers, printers and scanners are 100 percent deductible.
  • Business travel and its associated costs, like car rentals, hotels, etc. is 100 percent deductible.

What triggers IRS Form 8960? ›

Attach Form 8960 to your return if your modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) is greater than the applicable threshold amount. Use Form 8960 to figure the amount of your Net Investment Income Tax (NIIT).

Who is subject to 3.8% investment tax? ›

The net investment income tax is a 3.8% tax on investment income that typically applies only to high-income taxpayers. 1 It applies to individuals, families, estates, and trusts, but certain income thresholds must be met before the tax takes effect. Net investment income can be capital gains, interest, or dividends.

Are investment advisory fees deductible in New York? ›

For instance, Form IT-205 filers are not allowed to deduct miscellaneous itemized deductions (such as investment advisory fees) and cannot deduct any amount of state and local taxes paid that is over the federal $10,000 limit (Updated: March 15, 2019).

What is an example of a management services fee? ›

Example. A management fee is charged as a percentage of assets under management. Assume an investor has $100,000 to invest and an investment firm charges a management fee of 0.45% per year. Every year, the investor will have to pay $450 for management.

What is a typical management fee percentage? ›

A monthly general management fee typically falls between 8% and 10% of the monthly rent for a single-family home—flat rates are rare for the monthly fee. Pay close attention to how fee structure is worded in your contract so that you know exactly how you are being charged for this baseline management fee.

What is included in management fees? ›

In a mutual fund, the management fee will include any fees payable to the fund's investment adviser or its affiliates, and administrative fees payable to the investment adviser that are not included in the "Other Expenses" category.

What is another name for management fee? ›

What is another word for management fee?
management chargeadministration charge
administration feehandling fee
service chargeservice fee

What is the management fee on Berkshire Hathaway? ›

There is a 2% management fee and a 20% performance fee without any threshold. The performance fee is subject to a high watermark — a clause preventing fees paid on prior gains. The hedge fund manager took all the fees received and invested them into Berkshire Hathaway stock.

Are Mer fees tax deductible? ›

Mutual fund management fees are tax deductible in non-registered accounts, but commissions or trading fees to buy stocks and other investments are not tax deductible. Note that mutual fund management fees are different from management expense ratios (MERs), which are not tax deductible.

What are some tax deductible investments? ›

Tax Efficient Investing: Which Investment Types Are the Most Recommended Ones?
  • Municipal Bonds.
  • Invest Through a Roth IRA.
  • Contribute to an Employer-sponsored 401(k)/403(b) Plan.
  • Contribute to a Traditional IRA.
  • Save for College With 529 Plans.
  • UGMA/UTMA Accounts.
  • Pay Medical Expenses With a Health Savings Account.
Jan 18, 2023

Are Roth IRA fees tax deductible? ›

Roth IRAs. A Roth IRA differs from a traditional IRA in several ways. Contributions to a Roth IRA aren't deductible (and you don't report the contributions on your tax return), but qualified distributions or distributions that are a return of contributions aren't subject to tax.

Should management fees be included in Ebitda? ›

EBITDA is earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization. It measures a company's profitability from its core operations. EBITDAR is a variation of EBITDA that excludes rental costs. EBITDARM reports earnings before taking into consideration the above costs as well as large rental and management fees.

What is an acceptable Mer? ›

Investors should avoid mutual funds that charge 2% MER or more. A good MER starts around 1.25%, but a great MER is less than 1%. The best example is TD's e-Series funds where the average MER is around 0.40%.

Are management fees included in Ebitda? ›

Key Takeaways. EBITDARM stands for earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, amortization, rent, and management fees and is a non-GAAP earnings metric used to measure financial performance.

What fees are not included in expense ratio? ›

Other costs included in a fund's expense ratio are taxes, legal fees, accounting and auditing, and recordkeeping. The buying and selling of securities are not included in a fund's expense ratio.

What kind of investment expenses are tax deductible? ›

If you itemize, you may be able to claim a deduction for your investment interest expenses—the interest paid on money borrowed to purchase taxable investments. This includes the interest on margin loans used to buy stock in your brokerage account and the interest on loans used to buy investment property.

What investments are tax deductible? ›

Below are seven important tax-efficient investments you can incorporate in your portfolio.
  • Municipal Bonds. ...
  • Tax-Exempt Mutual Funds. ...
  • Tax-Exempt Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) ...
  • Indexed Universal Life (IUL) Insurance. ...
  • Roth IRAs and Roth 401(k)s. ...
  • Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) ...
  • 529 College Savings Plans.

Where do I claim investment management fees? ›

Simply go to “Statement of fees charged to your account” and look for “Fees incurred.” Remember that management fees are only tax deductible when incurred in non-registered accounts. Talk to a tax professional to ensure you're taking advantage of all the tax deductions and credits available to you.

Which investment expenses are not deductible? ›

Travel and fees you pay to attend seminars, conventions, or other meetings – including stockholder meetings – are not deductible, nor are expenses related to tax-exempt income. Other rules govern certain costs related to your investments, such as interest paid on money you borrow to buy stocks.

Which of the following types of interest expense is not deductible as an itemized deduction? ›

Of course, not all types of interest are deductible. Specifically, the IRS does not allow you to deduct personal interest, such as: The interest you pay on a loan to buy a car for personal use. Credit card and installment loan interest on personal expenses.

Where do I enter investment management fees in Turbotax? ›

For the investment advisory fees:
  • In your open return, select My Account.
  • Select Tools.
  • Select Topic Search.
  • Type 'investment advisor fees in the box, then select GO.
Jun 4, 2019

How do you record a write-off of investment? ›

First, you must enter a debit from your income statement as a provision for bad debts. This is directly reduced from you net income. Next, you must reduce the investment's value on your balance sheet by an equal amount to reflect the new valuation.

What happens when you write-off an investment? ›

A write-off is an accounting action that reduces the value of an asset while simultaneously debiting a liabilities account. It is primarily used in its most literal sense by businesses seeking to account for unpaid loan obligations, unpaid receivables, or losses on stored inventory.

Can you claim brokerage fees on tax? ›

Gain from sales of shares is regarded as assessable income. Dividend is regarded as assessable income. Loss from trading can be deemed as tax deduction. Cost incurred for selling or buying of shares are same as the cost of running a business operation and hence can be claimed as a tax deduction.

What does the IRS consider an investment? ›

In general, net investment income includes, but is not limited to: interest, dividends, capital gains, rental and royalty income, and non-qualified annuities. Net investment income generally does not include wages, unemployment compensation, Social Security Benefits, alimony, and most self-employment income.

Are investment advisor fees deductible on a trust tax return? ›

U.S., respectively, allowed a trust to take full deductions only for costs that are unique to the administration of a trust and are “not customarily or commonly incurred by individuals.” Since individuals commonly incur investment advisor fees, the 2% limitation would apply to a trust's deduction for such fees.

Are investment fees deductible on 1041? ›

Are investment management fees deductible on form 1041, like on line 15a Other Deductions? No. The TCJA suspended the deduction for miscellaneous itemized deductions for individuals until 2025. Tax rules for estates and trusts say that fiduciary tax laws follow individual tax law, unless they are explicitly exempted.

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