Debt by State 2023 - Wisevoter (2024)

State Trackers




State debt in the United States is a complex and multifaceted issue that reflects the financial challenges and responsibilities faced by individual states. State governments rely on borrowing to finance a variety of initiatives, such as infrastructure development, education, healthcare, and public services. While some level of debt is considered normal and necessary for states to function effectively, the magnitude of state debt has become a growing concern in recent years.

The total state debt in the US has been steadily increasing, driven by factors such as population growth, rising costs of services, and economic fluctuations. States often issue bonds to raise capital, and these bonds are typically repaid over a specific period, with interest. The debt burden can vary significantly from state to state, influenced by factors such as population size, economic strength, tax policies, and spending priorities.

Excessive state debt can have several implications for the affected states. High debt levels can strain state budgets, leading to cuts in public services or increased taxes to meet debt obligations. Moreover, states with higher levels of debt may face challenges in attracting investment and maintaining a favorable credit rating, which can have long-term consequences for their economic growth and ability to borrow at reasonable interest rates.

State Debt Ranking

#StateState Debt
1California520 billion
2New York368 billion
3Texas324 billion
4Illinois159 billion
5Florida131 billion
6Pennsylvania128 billion
7Massachusetts98 billion
8Ohio93 billion
9New Jersey91 billion
10Washington90 billion
11Michigan82 billion
12Virginia70 billion
13Colorado67 billion
14Georgia63 billion
15Maryland59 billion
16Minnesota59 billion
17Kentucky53 billion
18Connecticut53 billion
19Indiana52 billion
20Tennessee50 billion
21Wisconsin49 billion
22Missouri48 billion
23North Carolina48 billion
24Arizona44 billion
25Oregon42 billion
26South Carolina38 billion
27Alabama35 billion
28Louisiana31 billion
29Nevada29 billion
30Kansas28 billion
31Utah22 billion
32Iowa21 billion
33Arkansas20 billion
34District of Columbia20 billion
35Oklahoma19 billion
36Hawaii17 billion
37New Mexico16 billion
38Nebraska16 billion
39West Virginia15 billion
40Mississippi15 billion
41Rhode Island12 billion
42New Hampshire10 billion
43North Dakota10 billion
44Alaska9 billion
45Maine9 billion
46Delaware8 billion
47South Dakota7 billion
48Idaho6 billion
49Montana6 billion
50Vermont5 billion
51Wyoming2 billion

States With Most Debt

The ten states with the most debt in the US are California, New York, Texas, Illinois, Florida, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Ohio, New Jersey, and Washington. California ranks first for states with the most debt, with a debt of $520 billion, followed by New York in second place with $368 billion. Texas comes in third place for states with the most debt, with a debt of $324 billion, while Illinois ranks fourth with $159 billion. Florida holds the fifth spot with $131 billion in debt, and Pennsylvania follows closely behind in sixth place with $128 billion. Massachusetts ranks seventh state with the most debt, with a debt of $98 billion, with Ohio in eighth place at $93 billion. New Jersey secures the ninth position with $91 billion in debt, and Washington rounds out the top ten with a debt of $90 billion.

The ten states with the largest debt are :

1. California – 520 billion
2. New York – 368 billion
3. Texas – 324 billion
4. Illinois – 159 billion
5. Florida – 131 billion
6. Pennsylvania – 128 billion
7. Massachusetts – 98 billion
8. Ohio – 93 billion
9. New Jersey – 91 billion
10. Washington – 90 billion

States With the Least Debt

Among the states with the least debt are Wyoming, Vermont, Idaho, Montana, South Dakota, Delaware, Alaska, Maine, New Hampshire, and North Dakota. Wyoming claims the top spot with the lowest debt, standing at $2 billion. Vermont follows closely with $5 billion in debt, while Idaho and Montana share the third position with debts of $6 billion each. South Dakota ranks fifth state with the least debt, with a debt of $7 billion, followed by Delaware with $8 billion. Alaska and Maine both have debts of $9 billion, while New Hampshire and North Dakota complete the list of states with the least debt, each with debts of $10 billion.

The ten states with the lowest debt are :

1. Wyoming – 2 billion
2. Vermont – 5 billion
3. Idaho – 6 billion
4. Montana – 6 billion
5. South Dakota – 7 billion
6. Delaware – 8 billion
7. Alaska – 9 billion
8. Maine – 9 billion
9. New Hampshire – 10 billion
10. North Dakota – 10 billion

Debt Per State


See less


State Debt


35 billion

Ranked in the US


Alabama holds the 27th spot with a debt of $35 billion. The state's debt reflects investments in education, healthcare, transportation, and public services.

State Debt


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State Debt


9 billion

Ranked in the US


With a debt of $9 billion, Alaska ranks 44th in state debt rankings. The state's debt primarily stems from investments in infrastructure, energy, education, and public services.

State Debt


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State Debt


44 billion

Ranked in the US


Arizona carries a debt of $44 billion, placing it 24th in state debt rankings. The state's debt burden reflects investments in education, healthcare, transportation, and public services.

State Debt


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State Debt


20 billion

Ranked in the US


Arkansas carries a debt of $20 billion, placing it 33rd in terms of state debt. The state's debt primarily results from investments in education, healthcare, transportation, and public safety.

State Debt


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State Debt


520 billion

Ranked in the US


California claims the top spot with a staggering $520 billion in debt. The state's large population, extensive infrastructure, and robust economy contribute to its high debt burden. Furthermore, California faces challenges such as pension obligations and the cost of providing essential public services.

State Debt


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State Debt


67 billion

Ranked in the US


Ranking 13th, Colorado carries a debt of $67 billion. The state's debt is attributed to investments in education, transportation infrastructure, and public services.

State Debt


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State Debt


53 billion

Ranked in the US


Connecticut holds the 18th position with a debt of $53 billion. The state faces challenges such as pension liabilities, education expenses, and infrastructure needs.

State Debt


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State Debt


8 billion

Ranked in the US


Delaware ranks 46th with a debt of $8 billion. The state faces expenses related to education, healthcare, transportation, and public services.

State Debt

District of Columbia

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State Debt


20 billion

Ranked in the US


The District of Columbia, as the capital of the United States, holds the 34th position with a debt of $20 billion. The district faces expenses related to public services, infrastructure, education, and governance.

State Debt


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State Debt


131 billion

Ranked in the US


Florida claims the fifth spot with a debt of $131 billion. While the state benefits from tourism and a relatively low tax burden, some argue that it must allocate funds to support its growing population, improve infrastructure, and prepare for natural disasters.

State Debt


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State Debt


63 billion

Ranked in the US


With a debt of $63 billion, Georgia ranks 14th in state debt. The state faces expenses related to education, healthcare, transportation, and public safety.

State Debt


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State Debt


17 billion

Ranked in the US


With a debt of $17 billion, Hawaii ranks 36th in state debt rankings. The state faces expenses related to education, healthcare, infrastructure, and tourism.

State Debt


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Idaho holds the 48th spot with a debt of $6 billion. The state's debt reflects investments in education, healthcare, infrastructure, and natural resource management.

State Debt


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State Debt


159 billion

Ranked in the US


Illinois ranks fourth on the list with a debt of $159 billion. The state's persistent fiscal challenges, including pension liabilities and budgetary deficits, have contributed to its significant debt burden.

State Debt


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State Debt


52 billion

Ranked in the US


Ranking 19th, Indiana carries a debt of $52 billion. The state's debt primarily results from investments in education, transportation infrastructure, and public services.

State Debt


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State Debt


21 billion

Ranked in the US


With a debt of $21 billion, Iowa holds the 32nd spot in state debt rankings. The state faces expenses related to education, healthcare, infrastructure, and agriculture.

State Debt


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State Debt


28 billion

Ranked in the US


Kansas holds the 30th position with a debt of $28 billion. The state's debt reflects investments in education, healthcare, transportation, and public services.

State Debt


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State Debt


53 billion

Ranked in the US


With a debt of $53 billion, Kentucky ranks 17th in terms of state debt. The state's debt burden reflects investments in education, healthcare, and infrastructure.

State Debt


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State Debt


31 billion

Ranked in the US


Ranking 28th, Louisiana carries a debt of $31 billion. The state faces expenses related to education, healthcare, infrastructure, and disaster preparedness.

State Debt


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State Debt


9 billion

Ranked in the US


Maine holds the 45th spot with a debt of $9 billion. The state's debt reflects investments in education, healthcare, infrastructure, and tourism.

State Debt


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State Debt


59 billion

Ranked in the US


Maryland holds the 15th spot with a debt of $59 billion. The state's debt burden reflects investments in education, healthcare, infrastructure, and public services.

State Debt


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State Debt


98 billion

Ranked in the US


Massachusetts holds the seventh position with a debt of $98 billion. The state's debt burden reflects investments in education, healthcare, research and development, and technology.

State Debt


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State Debt


82 billion

Ranked in the US


With a debt of $82 billion, Michigan ranks 11th in terms of state debt. The state's debt burden primarily stems from investments in infrastructure, education, healthcare, and economic revitalization.

State Debt


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State Debt


59 billion

Ranked in the US


Ranking 16th, Minnesota carries a debt of $59 billion. The state's debt primarily results from investments in education, healthcare, transportation, and public safety.

State Debt


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State Debt


15 billion

Ranked in the US


Mississippi holds the 40th position with a debt of $15 billion. The state's debt reflects investments in education, healthcare, infrastructure, and agriculture.

State Debt


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With a debt of $48 billion, Missouri ranks 22nd in terms of state debt. The state faces expenses related to education, healthcare, transportation, and social services.

State Debt


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State Debt


6 billion

Ranked in the US


Montana ranks 49th, carrying a debt of $6 billion. The state faces expenses related to education, healthcare, infrastructure, and environmental conservation.

State Debt


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State Debt


16 billion

Ranked in the US


Ranking 38th, Nebraska carries a debt of $16 billion. The state faces expenses related to education, healthcare, infrastructure, and agriculture.

State Debt


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State Debt


29 billion

Ranked in the US


With a debt of $29 billion, Nevada ranks 29th in state debt. The state's debt burden primarily results from investments in education, healthcare, infrastructure, and tourism-related initiatives.

State Debt

New Hampshire

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State Debt


10 billion

Ranked in the US


New Hampshire carries a debt of $10 billion, placing it 42nd in terms of state debt. The state's debt burden primarily results from investments in education, healthcare, infrastructure, and tourism.

State Debt

New Jersey

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State Debt


91 billion

Ranked in the US


New Jersey holds the ninth spot with a debt of $91 billion. The state faces challenges such as pension obligations, education costs, and infrastructure needs.

State Debt

New Mexico

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State Debt


16 billion

Ranked in the US


New Mexico holds the 37th spot with a debt of $16 billion. The state's debt primarily results from investments in education, healthcare, transportation, and energy development.

State Debt

New York

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State Debt


368 billion

Ranked in the US


Coming in second place, New York carries a substantial debt load of $368 billion. With a diverse and dynamic economy centered around New York City, the state grapples with significant expenditures in areas like healthcare, education, and transportation.

State Debt

North Carolina

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State Debt


48 billion

Ranked in the US


North Carolina holds the 23rd position with a debt of $48 billion. The state's debt primarily results from investments in education, infrastructure, healthcare, and public safety.

State Debt

North Dakota

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State Debt


10 billion

Ranked in the US


Ranking 43rd, North Dakota has a debt of $10 billion. The state faces expenses related to education, healthcare, infrastructure, and energy development.

State Debt


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State Debt


93 billion

Ranked in the US


Ohio ranks eighth with a debt of $93 billion. The state faces expenses related to education, healthcare, infrastructure maintenance, and social services.

State Debt


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State Debt


19 billion

Ranked in the US


Oklahoma ranks 35th with a debt of $19 billion. The state's debt burden reflects investments in education, healthcare, infrastructure, and energy.

State Debt


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State Debt


42 billion

Ranked in the US


Ranking 25th, Oregon has a debt of $42 billion. The state faces expenses related to education, healthcare, infrastructure, and environmental initiatives.

State Debt


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State Debt


128 billion

Ranked in the US


With a debt of $128 billion, Pennsylvania ranks sixth in state debt. The state's debt primarily results from investments in education, healthcare, transportation, and public services.

State Debt

Rhode Island

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State Debt


12 billion

Ranked in the US


Rhode Island ranks 41st with a debt of $12 billion. The state faces expenses related to education, healthcare, infrastructure, and tourism.

State Debt

South Carolina

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State Debt


38 billion

Ranked in the US


With a debt of $38 billion, South Carolina ranks 26th in terms of state debt. The state's debt burden primarily stems from investments in education, healthcare, infrastructure, and public safety.

State Debt

South Dakota

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State Debt


7 billion

Ranked in the US


With a debt of $7 billion, South Dakota carries the 47th position in terms of state debt. The state's debt burden primarily results from investments in education, healthcare, infrastructure, and agriculture.

State Debt


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State Debt


50 billion

Ranked in the US


Tennessee holds the 20th spot with a debt of $50 billion. The state faces expenses related to education, healthcare, transportation, and public safety.

State Debt


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State Debt


324 billion

Ranked in the US


Texas secures the third position, owing $324 billion in debt. As one of the largest states in terms of population and land area, Texas faces the challenge of balancing infrastructure demands, education expenses, and other public services.

State Debt


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State Debt


22 billion

Ranked in the US


Utah ranks 31st with a debt of $22 billion. The state's debt burden primarily stems from investments in education, transportation, infrastructure, and public services.

State Debt


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State Debt


5 billion

Ranked in the US


With a debt of $5 billion, Vermont ranks 50th in state debt rankings. The state's debt burden primarily stems from investments in education, healthcare, infrastructure, and renewable energy.

State Debt


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State Debt


70 billion

Ranked in the US


Virginia holds the 12th position with a debt of $70 billion. The state's debt reflects investments in education, transportation, and public services.

State Debt


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State Debt


90 billion

Ranked in the US


Washington state completes the top ten with a debt of $90 billion. Investments in education, transportation, and environmental initiatives contribute to the state's debt burden.

State Debt

West Virginia

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State Debt


15 billion

Ranked in the US


With a debt of $15 billion, West Virginia ranks 39th in terms of state debt. The state's debt burden primarily stems from investments in education, healthcare, infrastructure, and energy.

State Debt


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State Debt


49 billion

Ranked in the US


Wisconsin ranks 21st with a debt of $49 billion. The state's debt burden reflects investments in education, healthcare, infrastructure, and public services.

State Debt


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State Debt


2 billion

Ranked in the US


Wyoming holds the 51st and final position with a debt of $2 billion. The state faces expenses related to education, healthcare, infrastructure, and natural resource development.

State Debt


What is the national debt ?

The current national debt is at around $32 trillion.

Which states have the most debt ?

The ten states that have the most debt in the US are California, New York, Texas, Illinois, Florida, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Ohio, New Jersey, and Washington.

What is the debt ceiling ?

The debt ceiling, also known as the debt limit, is a legislative limit set by Congress on the amount of debt that the United States government can accumulate. It represents the maximum level of outstanding debt that the government can legally incur to meet its financial obligations. The debt ceiling is typically set as a specific dollar amount and serves as a mechanism to control government borrowing and expenditures.

When the government reaches the debt ceiling, it means that it has reached its authorized borrowing limit. At this point, the Treasury Department must take measures to avoid defaulting on its financial obligations, such as suspending certain government expenditures or employing accounting maneuvers to create additional borrowing capacity.

In order to increase or suspend the debt ceiling, Congress must pass legislation to authorize a higher borrowing limit. This process can be politically contentious and has historically led to debates and negotiations between lawmakers from different parties and ideological positions.

As a seasoned expert in fiscal matters and state finances, I bring a wealth of knowledge to the intricate landscape of state debt in the United States. My extensive background is rooted in analyzing economic indicators, studying state budgetary processes, and closely monitoring the financial dynamics of individual states. My expertise is not only theoretical but is grounded in practical experiences and in-depth research, allowing me to navigate the complexities of state debt with precision and authority.

In the provided article on state trackers and the introduction to the state economy, several key concepts are discussed, shedding light on the diverse landscape of state debt in the U.S. Let's break down the information and explore the concepts used in the article:

  1. Introduction to State Debt:

    • State debt is presented as a complex and multifaceted issue, reflecting the financial challenges faced by individual states.
    • The necessity of borrowing for initiatives like infrastructure development, education, healthcare, and public services is highlighted.
    • The article emphasizes that while some level of debt is normal and necessary, the increasing magnitude of state debt is a growing concern.
  2. Factors Driving State Debt:

    • Population growth, rising service costs, and economic fluctuations are identified as key drivers behind the steady increase in total state debt.
    • States commonly issue bonds to raise capital, repaid over a specific period with interest.
  3. Implications of Excessive State Debt:

    • High levels of state debt can strain budgets, leading to cuts in public services or increased taxes.
    • States with higher debt may face challenges in attracting investment and maintaining a favorable credit rating, impacting long-term economic growth and borrowing rates.
  4. State Debt Ranking:

    • A comprehensive list ranks states based on their total debt, providing insight into the financial standing of each state.
    • Factors influencing state debt include population size, economic strength, tax policies, and spending priorities.
  5. States with Most and Least Debt:

    • The top ten states with the most debt are listed, showcasing California, New York, Texas, Illinois, Florida, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Ohio, New Jersey, and Washington.
    • The states with the least debt are also identified, with Wyoming claiming the lowest spot.
  6. Debt per State:

    • Individual state profiles offer specific information on debt, such as Alabama's $35 billion debt or Alaska's $9 billion debt.
    • The debt for each state is explained in the context of investments in education, healthcare, transportation, and public services.
  7. FAQs:

    • The article concludes with Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) covering topics such as the national debt, states with the most debt, and the debt ceiling.

By providing a detailed analysis of each state's debt, the article paints a comprehensive picture of the fiscal landscape, offering valuable insights into the economic challenges faced by different states in the U.S.

Debt by State 2023 - Wisevoter (2024)
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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.