Cyber Security in Banking: 5 Biggest Threats in 2022 | DeskAlerts (2024)

Caroline Duncan - Sep 8, 2022 12:45:00 PM


Cyber Security in Banking: 5 Biggest Threats in 2022 | DeskAlerts (1)

The cybersecurity landscape is always shifting, with threats becoming more sophisticated all the time. In the banking and financial sector, the stakes are high: not only are large amounts of money at stake, but when banks and other financial systems are compromised, the disruption to the economy as a whole can be significant.

A key priority for banks should be raising awareness of cybersecurity issues among employees and making the most of innovative communication tools, such as DeskAlerts, to cut through the digital noise and ensure that important information is being received.

Table of contents

The importance of being aware of cybersecurity trends

The top cybersecurity threats in 2023 for banks

Examples of cybersecurity attacks in banks

Cybersecurity challenges banks face

Solutions to cybersecurity challenges in banking

Importance of communication

The importance of being aware of cybersecurity trends

According to a report from Trend Micro, in the first half of 2021 alone, ransomware attacks in the banking industry increased by a whopping 1318% which was disproportionate to other industries.

The New York Federal Reserve noted a report that financial firms experience cyber attacks 300 times more than other industries – highlighting how attractive this sector is to cybercriminals.

The main reasons to be vigilant around cybersecurity trends include:

  • An increase in cashless transactions means that more financial transactions than ever before are digital.
  • Weak cybersecurity in the banking sector can compromise customers.
  • The cost of recovering from a breach can be enormous and time-consuming.

Staying informed about the risks of cyber security has been an important regulatory requirement for financial institutions in the United States, with new reforms coming into place last year. Banks are now required to inform the federal regulator about any incidents that have occurred that can affect the viability of their operations or their ability to deliver services and products.

They’re also required to report anything that may potentially occur and anything that could affect the USA’s financial sector’s stability. These types of events include banking cyber security risks such as hacking, ransomware, and distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. Similar rules are also coming into effect in the UK, Europe, and Australia.

According to the American Bankers Association, eight out of 10 bank board members and executives that it surveyed said their bank had increased its tech budget in 2022 to invest in bank cyber security.

The top cybersecurity threats in 2023 for banks

These are the top cyber security threats that are predicted to continue to cause grief for banks and financial institutions over the course of 2023.

1. Ransomware

Ransomwarehas been a major headache for organizations around the world for several years now, and doesn’t look like stopping any time soon. This is a method of cybercrime where files are encrypted, and users are locked out, with the criminals demanding money to re-access the system.

Organizations affected by ransomware attacks can find their systems crippled for extended periods of time, particularly if they don’t have backups. Paying ransoms to these criminals is also not guaranteed to result in your systems access being restored.

2. Ongoing risks from remote work

As the pandemic enters its third year, the reliance on remote work, hybrid workforces, and cloud-based software systems has become almost ubiquitous. This also means that financial institutions have more potential cybersecurity vulnerabilities than ever before. Employees are no longer always accessing data on systems and networks that are controlled by the organization, so extra vigilance is necessary.

3. Cloud-based cyberattacks on the rise

As more software systems and data are stored in the cloud, cybercriminals have seized upon this, and as a result, an increase in cloud-based attacks has been one of the most prevalent cyber threats to the banking industry. Banks need to ensure that the cloud infrastructure is configured securely to protect from harmful breaches.

4. Social engineering

One of the biggest recent cyber threats to banking and finance is social engineering. People are often the most vulnerable link in the security chain – they can be tricked into giving over sensitive details and credentials. This can equally affect a bank’s employees or its customers.

Social engineering takes many forms, it might be through phishing or whaling attacks, or it could be by sending bogus invoices that purport to be from a trusted source. It’s important to keep your employees informed about social engineering tactics and how these threats continue to evolve.

Do you want to raise cybersecurity awareness among employees?
Download these 6 free emails to explain to your colleagues how they can contribute to cyber security

Cyber Security in Banking: 5 Biggest Threats in 2022 | DeskAlerts (2)

5. Supply chain attacks

An increasingly popular method of malware distribution by cybercriminals is to target a software vendor and then deliver malicious code to customers and others in the supply chain in the form of products or updates that, on the surface, appear to be legitimate. These attacks compromise the distribution systems and enable the cybercriminals to enter the supplier’s customers’ networks.

Cyber Security in Banking: 5 Biggest Threats in 2022 | DeskAlerts (3)

Examples of cybersecurity attacks in banks

There have been many instances of cyber attacks on banks and other financial institutions over the past few years. Some of the biggest cyber attacks include:

  • A ransomware attack on Flagstar Bank in the USA in 2020 where hackers posted personal details of the bank’s customers online to attempt to extort money from the bank.
  • The New Zealand Stock Exchange had to shut down operations in 2020 following an extended DDoS attack on a network provider.
  • In 2021 online stock trading platform Robinhood experienced a data breach where the personal information of 7 million customers was accessed by a cybercriminal.
  • Ecuadorian bank Pichincha Bank was hit by a cyber attack in 2021 which resulted in disruption to customers’ ability to access banking services.

Cybersecurity challenges banks face

Trying to implement cybersecurity mitigation strategies in the banking sector can be challenging. Some of the major cyber security challenges that banks need to overcome include:

  • A cybersecurity talent gap where the number of appropriately trained professionals is significantly less than the demand.
  • Uninformed employees who have either not been appropriately trained in cybersecurity awareness, or their training is outdated and doesn’t factor in new risks.
  • Lack of appropriate budget to deal with cybersecurity threats.
  • Weak credentials being used by employees that make it easy for hackers.
  • Mobile devices and apps used for banking are being targeted by those who wish to exploit them.

Solutions to cybersecurity challenges in banking

Of course, there are still steps that banks and financial institutions can take to ensure that their systems are protected against common challenges for cybersecurity in financial services. This includes:

  • Overcoming the talent gap by partnering with other organizations and security partners who offer managed services to help provide protection.
  • Implementing continuous security awareness training programs or assessing current programs to ensure that they are relevant and up-to-date with the current threat landscape to avoid some of the biggest cyber attacks.
  • Purchasing detection and response tools that can help to be proactive and prevent an attack.
  • Carrying out consumer awareness programs so that customers don’t disclose sensitive details to cybercriminals.

Importance of communication

Cyber Security in Banking: 5 Biggest Threats in 2022 | DeskAlerts (4)

Communication is critical in banks and other financial institutions when it comes to raising awareness of cybersecurity in banking and preventingfinancial cybersecurityincidents. Devise appropriate internal communications strategies to keep employees informed about their obligations to keep data safe, report breaches, be aware of new threats, and ensure that you have the appropriate tools and resources to deliver the information in a compelling and engaging way.

Some of the ways banks can achieve this is through internal financial communications, including:

  • Using corporate wallpapers and screensavers to remind employees about security issues
  • Provide security training and quiz employees regularly to ascertain how knowledgeable they are about cybersecurity for banking.
  • Provide information about emerging threats so employees can stay vigilant.
  • Send regular hints and tips on best practice cybersecurity – don’t overwhelm with too much information at once.
  • Use a variety of communications channels to help reinforce your messages.


By planning ahead now to deal with potential cyber security threats you can get on the front-foot with cybersecurity in 2023. There are always going to be new challenges to face with cybersecurity for banks, but if you have the foundations right, you’ll be well-prepared to tackle any emerging cyber security threats in the future.


What are the five biggest threats to bank security?

The five biggest threats to bank security in 2023 are:

  • The use of unencrypted data
  • Malware
  • Third-party services
  • Spoofing
  • Phishing

What is the biggest threat to cyber security?

The biggest threat to cybersecurity is human error. It is people who ultimately put data and systems at risk either because they have been tricked into providing sensitive details, haven’t properly protected their passwords, have used weak credentials, have clicked on malicious links, or opened suspicious email attachments.

What is cyber security in banking?

Cybersecurity in banking is concerned with protecting the customer and their assets, as well as the bank’s resources and bottom line. Cybersecurity incidents can be extremely costly, time-consuming and lead to regulatory fines or other legal action by aggrieved customers.

How can banks improve cybersecurity?

There are several proactive steps that can be taken to improve cyber security for banking. Types of security in banking often include:

  • Investing in strong security solutions
  • Taking a ‘zero trust’ approach
  • Making sure third party partners are not a security risk
  • Training employees in cybersecurity awareness
  • Having strong mobile security systems
  • Having fast response times in the event of a breach.

Why do banks need cybersecurity?

Banks need cybersecurity to ensure that their customers’ data and money are safe from criminals. When there are data breaches, not only can customers come to harm, but the bank itself can suffer from irreparable reputational damage and may face legal costs and regulatory penalties as well.

How do banks ensure security?

Banks can ensure security by implementing various enhanced security measures including requiring stronger login details, encrypting data, rigorous steps in account management, and implementing two factor authorisation.

What is the cyber security risk in 2023?

Top cyber security risks in 2023 continue to be ransomware attacks, social engineering attacks, cloud security breaches, and vulnerabilities with Internet of Things (IoT) systems.

What is the biggest threat to the banking industry?

One of the biggest cybersecurity threats to the banking industry is a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack, which involves overwhelming a bank's online systems with traffic from multiple sources, effectively making it unavailable to customers. This type of attack can be carried out by a large botnet or a group of hackers and can result in significant financial losses for the bank, as well as a loss of customer trust and damage to the bank's reputation.

What are potential cyber attacks on banks?

There are several potential cyber attacks that banks can face. These include:

  • Phishing attacks
  • Malware attacks
  • Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks
  • Insider attacks
  • Ransomware attacks
  • Payment fraud

What is technology risk for banks?

Technology risk for banks refers to the potential negative impact that technology-related issues can have on the operations, security, and reputation of a bank. This includes cybersecurity risk, IT systems failures, third party risk, regulatory risk, and innovation risk.

Topics: Cybersecurity- Security Awareness Training- Internet Security- Communication in finance

Cyber Security in Banking: 5 Biggest Threats in 2022 | DeskAlerts (2024)


Cyber Security in Banking: 5 Biggest Threats in 2022 | DeskAlerts? ›

More than 60% of global financial institutions with at least $5 billion in assets were hit by a variety of cyberattacks over the past year, according to a new survey by Contrast Security.

What are the top 5 major threats to cybersecurity? ›

  • Broken access control — the number one cyber threat. Broken access control continues to be a major problem for organizations. ...
  • Phishing scams and social engineering hacks. Phishing scams are a common type of social engineering attack. ...
  • Compliance dips in security. ...
  • Internet of Things. ...
  • Ransomware-as-a-service. ...
  • Conclusion.
Feb 5, 2023

What are 5 biggest cyber security trends in 2022? ›

According to the report, some of the leading cyber risks and cybersecurity trends in 2022 include:
  • Malware on the rise. ...
  • Rise of ransomware attacks. ...
  • Zero-day attacks. ...
  • Remote code execution. ...
  • Attack surface expansion. ...
  • Digital supply-chain risks. ...
  • Cybersecurity mesh. ...
  • Zero trust.
Dec 8, 2022

What banking cyber attacks happened in 2022? ›

More than 60% of global financial institutions with at least $5 billion in assets were hit by a variety of cyberattacks over the past year, according to a new survey by Contrast Security.

What are the 5 types of cyber security? ›

The 5 Types of Cybersecurity and What You Need to Know
  • Critical infrastructure security.
  • Application security.
  • Network security.
  • Cloud security.
  • Internet of Things (IoT) security.
Dec 26, 2022

What are the 3 major threats to cyber security today? ›

Cyber Threats and Advisories
  • Malware, Phishing, and Ransomware.
  • Incident Detection, Response, and Prevention.
  • Information Sharing.
  • Securing Networks.
  • Advanced Persistent Threats.

What cyber threat is predicted for 2022? ›

Ultimately, Gartner nailed it when they predicted in 2022 that attack surface expansion (caused by the dispersal of enterprises), supply chain risk, and identity threat detection and response would be three of the biggest cybersecurity trends in 2022.

What is the top priority in cybersecurity 2022? ›

In 2022, 52.6 percent of respondents indicated improving customer data privacy as their company's top cyber security priority. By contrast, vendor consolidation ranked last.

What are the biggest threats to the bank? ›

Critical Infrastructure: Five biggest threats to banks
  1. Unencrypted information. In the event of a data breach, any data left unencrypted is immediately accessible to criminals. ...
  2. Insecure third parties. ...
  3. Insider vulnerabilities. ...
  4. Spoofing and phishing. ...
  5. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)
Jan 20, 2023

What are common cyber threats for banks? ›

The Top 10 Cybersecurity Threats to Digital Banking and How to Guard Against Them
  • Remote Work. ...
  • Software Supply Chain Cyber Attacks. ...
  • Phishing. ...
  • Social Engineering. ...
  • Malware And Ransomware. ...
  • Cloud-based Cybersecurity Threat. ...
  • Customer Behaviors. ...
  • Spoofing.
May 9, 2023

What are the cyber attacks on banks in 2023? ›

Cryptojacking, AI-based attacks, ransomware, and phishing are among the threats for 2023. Specific cybersecurity strategies can help banks prepare. Cyberattacks are becoming more frequent, and they're costing companies more as well.

What are the 7 types of cyber security threats? ›

What are the main types of cybersecurity threats?
  • Malware attack.
  • Social engineering attacks.
  • Software supply chain attacks.
  • Advanced persistent threats (APT)
  • Distributed denial of service (DDoS)
  • Man-in-the-middle attack (MitM)
  • Password attacks.
Feb 1, 2023

What is level 5 in cyber security? ›

The Level 5 Qualification identifies and evaluates practical ways to protect people and organisations from cyber-attacks, data breaches and the consequential impacts. It consists of 4 modules which are all mandatory and it should take 6 months to complete the level 5 Diploma.

What is cyber security 5 points? ›

Cyber security refers to every aspect of protecting an organization and its employees and assets against cyber threats. As cyberattacks become more common and sophisticated and corporate networks grow more complex, a variety of cyber security solutions are required to mitigate corporate cyber risk.

What are the 4 types of threats? ›

Threats can be classified into four different categories; direct, indirect, veiled, conditional.

What are the 8 common cyber threats? ›

Inside the Top Cyber Threats
  • Ransomware. Ransomware is malware designed to use encryption to force the target of the attack to pay a ransom demand. ...
  • Malware. ...
  • Fileless Attacks. ...
  • Phishing. ...
  • Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) Attack. ...
  • Malicious Apps. ...
  • Denial of Service Attack. ...
  • Zero-Day Exploit.

What is threats in cyber security and it examples? ›

Brute force attack using trial and error to decode encrypted data. Web or email attacks. Unauthorized use of your organization's system privileges. Loss or theft of devices containing confidential information.

What are the top cyber threats 2023? ›

The Biggest Cybersecurity Issues and Challenges in 2023
  • Ransomware Extortion. ...
  • Cloud Third-Party Threats. ...
  • Mobile Malware. ...
  • Wipers and Destructive Malware. ...
  • Weaponization of Legitimate Tools. ...
  • Zero-Day Vulnerabilities in Supply Chains. ...
  • Global Attacks on Business.

What is the cybersecurity threat in 2023? ›

Ransomware: A malicious software that encrypts files and demands ransom for their decryption, ransomware attacks pose a significant threat in 2023. Businesses of all sizes should have backup and disaster recovery solutions in place along with incident response plans to protect their data from ransomware attacks.

How many major cyber attacks in 2022? ›

Rounding out the top-five most-attacked industries were communications with 1,380 attacks per organization per week in 2022 (a 27% increase over 2021) and the Internet Service Provider/Managed Service Provider (ISP/MSP) industry with 1,372 attacks per organization per week in 2022 (a 28% increase over 2021).

What industry was most targeted by cyberattacks in 2022? ›

In 2022, manufacturing had the highest share of cyber attacks among the leading industries worldwide. During the examined year, cyber attacks in manufacturing companies accounted for nearly 25 percent of the total cyber attacks. Finance and insurance followed with around 19 percent.

What is the biggest asset and the biggest threat? ›

Employees are not only a company's greatest asset; they are also the largest security risk vector as well.

What are the security industry trends for 2023? ›

There are emerging cybersecurity trends for 2023, including threat actors focusing on compromising cloud security vulnerabilities and the broader attack surface caused by increased IoT devices installed in cleared facilities. We also expect to see more and more insider attacks from within contractor organizations.

What is the biggest security threat to a company? ›

The Top 12 Security Threats To Your Company Network
  • Malware.
  • Data breaches.
  • Ransomware.
  • Supply chain attacks.
  • Thread hijacking.
  • Vishing.
  • Remote access vulnerabilities.
  • Mobile threats.
Apr 5, 2023

What are 90% of cyber attacks? ›

Fend Off Phishing : Learn how more than 90% of all cyber attacks begin with phishing. Find out how attackers leverage phishing attacks to gain access to protected systems, hosts, and networks.

What are the biggest cyber attacks in the US? ›

Top 23 Biggest Data Breaches in US History
  • 1. Yahoo! Date: 2013-2016. ...
  • Microsoft. Date: January 2021. ...
  • First American Financial Corp. Date: May 2019. ...
  • 4. Facebook. Date: April 2021. ...
  • LinkedIn. Date: April 2021. ...
  • JPMorgan Chase. Date: June 2014. ...
  • Home Depot. Date: April 2014. ...
  • MySpace. Date: June 2013.

What are the 3 types of risk in banking? ›

The OCC has defined nine categories of risk for bank supervision purposes. These risks are: Credit, Interest Rate, Liquidity, Price, Foreign Exchange, Transaction, Compliance, Strategic and Reputation. These categories are not mutually exclusive; any product or service may expose the bank to multiple risks.

What are the 5 most important banking services? ›

The 5 most important banking services are checking and savings accounts, wealth management, advancing loans and mortgages, overdraft services, and providing Credit and Debit Cards.

What is the most common cyberattack on banks? ›

Phishing is a leading delivery vector for malware and is also commonly used to steal login credentials and other sensitive information. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS): In a DDoS attack, many infected computers are used to make spam requests to an organization's systems.

Which bank has the best cyber security? ›

One of the biggest banks, Chase, is also one of the most secure banks to keep your money safe. Chase offers Zero Liability Protection, so if unauthorized transactions are made under your name, you won't be held responsible.

What are your biggest security concerns related to online banking? ›

Some of the biggest security issues associated with online banking include malware or phishing scams to intercept or steal customers' personal and financial information. Online banking is safe. However, hackers are constantly at work, finding new ways to get around security measures.

What are the vulnerabilities of online banking? ›

Every tested online bank had vulnerabilities with potentially serious consequences. For instance, fraud and theft of funds were possible in 54 percent of applications. Two-factor authentication (2FA) is poorly implemented. Two-factor authentication mechanisms at 77 percent of online banks contained flaws.

What are the top 3 most common cyber attacks? ›

What are the 10 Most Common Types of Cyber Attacks?
  • Phishing.
  • Spoofing.
  • Identity-Based Attacks.
  • Code Injection Attacks.
  • Supply Chain Attacks.
  • Insider Threats.
  • DNS Tunneling.
  • IoT-Based Attacks.
Feb 13, 2023

What is the biggest cybersecurity threats in the world today? ›

Top 10 Emerging Cybersecurity Challenges Industry is Facing in 2023
  • Ransomware Attacks. ...
  • IoT Attacks (Internet of Things) ...
  • Cloud Attacks. ...
  • Phishing Attacks. ...
  • Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Attacks. ...
  • Mobile Banking Malware. ...
  • AI Attacks. ...
  • Insider Attacks.
May 26, 2023

What is the number one problem in cybersecurity? ›

Data breaches due to remote work.

What are the 7 types of cyber security? ›

It can be divided into seven main pillars:
  • Network Security. Most attacks occur over the network, and network security solutions are designed to identify and block these attacks. ...
  • Cloud Security. ...
  • Endpoint Security. ...
  • Mobile Security. ...
  • IoT Security. ...
  • Application Security. ...
  • Zero Trust.

What are the threats in online banking? ›

The Top 10 Cybersecurity Threats to Digital Banking and How to Guard Against Them
  • Remote Work. ...
  • Software Supply Chain Cyber Attacks. ...
  • Phishing. ...
  • Social Engineering. ...
  • Malware And Ransomware. ...
  • Cloud-based Cybersecurity Threat. ...
  • Customer Behaviors. ...
  • Spoofing.
May 9, 2023

What are the top cyber security threats for businesses? ›

Top 5 Types of Cybersecurity Threats to Small Businesses
  • Malware. Malware (or malicious software) is a cyber attack that “executes unauthorized actions on the victim's system”. ...
  • Viruses. Although there are different types of viruses, all are programmed to harm your hardware. ...
  • Ransomware. ...
  • Phishing. ...
  • Password Hacking.

What is cybersecurity risk example? ›

As a concept, cybersecurity risk refers to an organization's vulnerability to losses due to a cyber attack or data breach. Ransomware, phishing, malware, third-party risks, internal risks, compliance failures, and other cyber hazards are examples of specific cyber threats.

What are different cyber security threats? ›

Brute force attack using trial and error to decode encrypted data. Web or email attacks. Unauthorized use of your organization's system privileges. Loss or theft of devices containing confidential information.

What is an example of risk in cyber security? ›

Here are the current top five cyber threats that you should be aware of. This is a form of malware (malicious software) that attempts to encrypt (scramble) your data and then extort a ransom to release an unlock code. Most ransomware is delivered via malicious emails.

What is the most difficult challenge to cyber security? ›

The most difficult challenge to cyber security is adapting to a remote workforce. With more and more companies around the world turning to remote work, there are new risks in cybersecurity that have emerged. Companies must now invest in solutions that protect their systems from attacks outside their networks.

What has become one of the most feared threats to cybersecurity? ›

Combined with cryptojacking, increased IoT malware, and industry-specific ransomware attacks, it isn't hard to imagine why ransomware has become one of the most pressing cybersecurity threats of ...

What is the number one cause for most cyber attacks? ›

Criminal hacking—it's what causes the majority of data breaches. These are planned attacks by cybercriminals always looking to exploit computer systems or networks. Some common techniques include phishing, password attacks, SQL injections, malware infection, and DNS spoofing.

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Name: Reed Wilderman

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.