Crypto Guide For Beginner Traders - 5 Easy Steps (2024)

Crypto Guide For Beginner Traders - 5 Easy Steps (1)

15 Price Action Patterns Insiders are Using If a hedge fund managers were using 15 specific price action patterns would you want to know?

Crypto Guide for Beginner Traders

This crypto guide for beginner traders is the ultimate guide to the crypto world, teaching you the basics of cryptocurrency trading. Like anything in life, you don’t just invest without knowing what you are investing in. Just keep that in mind!

Our team at Trading Strategy Guides has already developed the best cryptocurrency trading strategy which has got a lot of attention from the trading community. There is a strong reason why the best Bitcoin Trading Strategy – 5 Easy Steps to Profit is trading number 1 on the Google page – traders like to make money using our trading advice.

If you’re brand new to trading in financial markets in general, you may want to check out our beginners guide to understanding financial markets

The first step is to understand cryptocurrency. If you don’t understand Bitcoin, Ethereum, or blockchain technology, you’ll not be able to trade cryptocurrencies successfully.

Our cryptocurrency trading guide pdf will answer all these questions and more.

The majority of people investing in cryptocurrency are new investors. If you’re new to the cryptocurrency sphere, or if you’re worried about how to approach it successfully, keep reading.

Table of Contents hide

ICrypto Guide for Beginner Traders

IICryptocurrency Guide for Beginners

II.IStep #1 Open an account with a Cryptocurrency Exchange

IIIBest Places to Buy and Sell Cryptocurrency?

VStep #4 Why are you optimistic about your cryptocurrency choice?

VIStep #5 Store your Bitcoin and Altcoins using a cryptocurrency wallet.

VI.IConclusion – Crypto Guide for Beginner Traders

VI.IIWhat is Cryptocurrency and How Does it Work?

VI.IIIHow Can I Start Trading Cryptocurrencies as a Beginner?

VI.IVWhat are the Best Cryptocurrencies for Beginners to Invest In?

VI.VHow Do I Secure My Cryptocurrency Investments?

VI.VICan You Make Money with Cryptocurrency Trading?

Now …

Moving forward, we will discuss the basics of the cryptocurrency guide for beginners and highlight how you can build your cryptocurrency portfolio.

This guide for beginner crypto traders will teach you everything you need to know to start investing in cryptocurrency with the right tools.

Cryptocurrency Guide for Beginners

Step #1 Open an account with a Cryptocurrency Exchange

Once you grasp the cryptocurrency industry, blockchain technology, and different cryptocurrencies, you can start building your portfolio.

You first need access to the “marketplace,” where you can buy these cryptocurrencies.

If you’re interested in trading Bitcoin, there is a wide range of cryptocurrency exchanges from which to choose. Make sure the exchange you pick accepts fiat deposits so you can buy Bitcoin directly with your fiat money (US Dollars, Euros, etc.).

Crypto Guide For Beginner Traders - 5 Easy Steps (2)

Secondly, you want to make sure your preferred cryptocurrency is listed on the exchange. The most popular Crypto Exchange is CoinBase. Many altcoins are only listed on specific crypto exchanges. Make sure you choose an exchange that offers the altcoin you wish to trade.

An altcoin is basically a cryptocurrency that isn’t Bitcoin like Ripple, Litecoin, or Ethereum. It’s an “alternative” coin.

If you want a bunch of fancy tools to buy and sell cryptocurrencies, you’ll want to use one of the exchanges that offer you various order types.

Note* Researching your preferred cryptocurrency exchange thoughtfully and listening to other user reviews and experiences is an essential factor when deciding on one.

Now that we have a place to buy cryptocurrencies, it’s time to learn how to choose the ones that will yield the best performance.

Best Places to Buy and Sell Cryptocurrency?

#1 Binance is the most trusted and recommended place to go for all things cryptocurrency. Binance is known for its professional team, proven products, reliable technology, and industry resources. They have a solid relationship with industry leaders and are capable or 1,400,000 orders per second. This makes them the fastest exchange in the market today. You can sign up with them in less than 5 minutes here.

Get $10 Free with Coinbase: Open a coinbase account using the link below and they will give you $10.

#2 Coinbase This by far is the most popular. Either Binance or Coinbase are a great pick if you are looking to get into buying and selling cryptos. You can sign up here if you wish!

The Top brokers that we recommend if you trade cryptocurrency:

1. TradersWay—These guys offer great support and will assist you with any questions you may have about your account! They do an excellent job helping their traders by sending them emails that giveuseful information on the market’s validity. You can learn more about this broker here (USA Traders).

2. Coinbase – #1 place to buy and sell cryptocurrency!

3. Binance – Another popular place to buy and sell cryptocurrency.

Both of the brokers above support Bitcoin trading at this time. They are trusted and have a rock-solid reputation in the trading community. We only recommend people that we trust.

Step #2 Select the coins you want to invest for the long-term

Crypto Guide For Beginner Traders - 5 Easy Steps (3)

This cryptocurrency guide for beginners focuses on long-term investing in crypto coins. You can invest in multiple cryptocurrencies, but our team at TGS recommends trading one coin first.

We will show you all the basic steps to make sure you purchase the right cryptocurrency.

There are thousands of cryptocurrencies available to trade on exchanges across the globe so there is an extensive variety.

By using CoinMarketCap, a free cryptocurrency resource website, you can find all the different types of coins, their market capitalization, and the amount of money those currencies are worth.

Crypto Guide For Beginner Traders - 5 Easy Steps (4)

Theguide to cryptocurrency trading will give you a premier selection of the best cryptocurrencies.

There are a few different things you want to keep in mind when selecting a cryptocurrency, and the market valuation is probably an important factor.

We can say three main valuation types define cryptocurrencies:

  1. Large-cap (top 5 coins).
  2. Mid-cap – anything larger than $200M.
  3. Small-cap, anything smaller than $200M.

Don’t make the mistake of buying cryptocurrencies because they are cheap and trading at 1 cent. It’s doubtful that a 1-cent coin will go up to $200. This is because the dollar value per coin doesn’t matter in the grand scheme. It’s the market valuation that counts.

The market valuation is calculated by the number of coins or tokens multiplied by its current price.

Note* We recommend only investing in large and mid-cap cryptocurrencies.

Step #3 What price is your preferred cryptocurrency trading at? Check through multiple cryptocurrency exchanges.

Crypto Guide For Beginner Traders - 5 Easy Steps (5)

Another thing you need to consider when trading cryptocurrencies is the price of your preferred coin.

Where’s the price of your cryptocurrency?

Is it cheap? Is it at an all-time new high? Or maybe at new lows?

As we already mentioned, you should never buy cryptocurrency solely based on their price. Instead analyze other factors such as valuation, available coin supply, what technology it uses, and the target market.

To maximize your cryptocurrency gains, you’ll also have to apply the “buy low, sell high” principle. This basic principle is part of any successful cryptocurrency trading strategy. You need a guide to cryptocurrency investing that can teach you how to trade bitcoins for profit the right way.

Our team at Trading Strategy Guides has developed many universal trading strategies that can be applied to any market. We recommend starting with our Step by step guide into price action.

Step #4 Why are you optimistic about your cryptocurrency choice?

Why you are optimistic about your cryptocurrency choice is a fundamental question that you need to answer if you want to catch the next Bitcoin.

We have put together four major categories that you should keep an eye on when trading cryptocurrencies:

  1. What market or industry is the coin disrupting (virtual payments, cloud storage, finance, etc.)?
  2. What is the technology behind the coin? Ensure it’s easy to use and accessible and that blockchain technology addresses an issue.
  3. Solid team. Do your research and make sure the team behind your favorite cryptocurrency has experience is big enough and has the necessary skills to implement the claims these coins are stating they are going to make.
  4. This is probably the most extreme and important factor because it will increase the demand for cryptocurrency, which means people are using blockchain technology.

You should not invest in any cryptocurrency that doesn’t meet at least three of these four categories.

Don’t be caught in the fear of missing out on the next big opportunity in the crypto space. In the crypto community and cryptocurrency lingo, this has been coined as the FOMO trade.

Don’t do the FOMO trade.

Do your research and only invest in the best cryptocurrencies.

Step #5 Store your Bitcoin and Altcoins using a cryptocurrency wallet.

Crypto Guide For Beginner Traders - 5 Easy Steps (6)

A cryptocurrency wallet is like your bank account for your crypto coins. Your bitcoins need to be stored in a bitcoin wallet the same way your Ethereum coins need to be kept in an Ethereum wallet, and so on and so forth.

In other words, a Bitcoin wallet is a piece of software that you use to communicate with the bitcoin network. You can tell the blockchain when you want to send or receive transactions.

There are multiple ways to store your cryptocurrencies both online and offline. You can even store your bitcoins on the exchanges from where you bought them which is not recommended because there is a high risk of hacking that can result in you losing your cryptocurrencies.

Cryptocurrencies can be stored online and offline in a paper wallet or a hardware wallet.

The best alternative to safely store your cryptocurrencies is to use a hard wallet or a paper wallet.

Conclusion – Crypto Guide for Beginner Traders

This cryptocurrency guide for beginners is intended to be just a template into the crypto investment world.

Cryptocurrencies have the highest potential for making money investing today. Don’t miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Our crypto guide for beginner traders has all the right tools to help you make the right decisions aboutinvesting in cryptos.

If you want to invest in cryptocurrencies you need to follow a process and have a cryptocurrency trading strategy. We hope this cryptocurrency guide for beginner traders will put you on the right track.

What is Cryptocurrency and How Does it Work?

Cryptocurrency is digital or virtual money that uses cryptography for security and operates independently of a central bank. It works on blockchain technology, which maintains a decentralized ledger of all transactions across a network of computers.

How Can I Start Trading Cryptocurrencies as a Beginner?

To start trading cryptocurrencies, first choose a reliable crypto exchange or platform and create an account. Then, fund your account, select a cryptocurrency to trade, and make your first purchase or trade by setting up a buy order.

What are the Best Cryptocurrencies for Beginners to Invest In?

Beginners should consider investing in well-established cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum due to their proven track records and widespread acceptance. Research and understand the risks and potentials of each before investing.

How Do I Secure My Cryptocurrency Investments?

Secure your cryptocurrency investments by using a hardware wallet for storage, enabling two-factor authentication on your accounts, and staying vigilant against phishing scams. Always keep your private keys private

Can You Make Money with Cryptocurrency Trading?

Yes, it is possible to make money with cryptocurrency trading through careful strategy, research, and risk management. However, the volatile nature of the market means there is also a risk of significant losses, so continuous learning and caution are advised.

Thank you for reading!

Please comment below if you have any questions about this Cryptocurrency Guide. Also, remember to read our updated guide to the best cryptocurrency investments for 2024.

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Crypto Guide For Beginner Traders - 5 Easy Steps (7)

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Crypto Guide For Beginner Traders - 5 Easy Steps (8)

15 Price Action Patterns Insiders are Using If a hedge fund managers were using 15 specific price action patterns would you want to know?

Crypto Guide For Beginner Traders - 5 Easy Steps (2024)


Which crypto trading strategy is best for beginners? ›

To start, let's focus on two key strategies that are considered a good starting point for beginners and should make up the majority of your portfolio - HODL and Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA). They are straightforward to implement and are considered relatively low risk.

How to learn crypto trading for beginners? ›

Take a look at the six steps to trading cryptocurrency.
  1. Step 1: Make a Cryptocurrency Brokerage Account. ...
  2. Step 2: Fund Your Account. ...
  3. Step 3: Pick a Crypto to Invest in. ...
  4. Step 4: Choose a Strategy. ...
  5. Step 5: Consider Automated Crypto Trading. ...
  6. Step 6: Store Your Cryptocurrency.
Mar 1, 2024

Can you make $100 a day with crypto? ›

You can make $100 a day trading crypto by trading

Each of these has its own advantages and disadvantages. Spot markets offer the least amount of risk as you only stand to lose the percentage the market moves at.

What are good first steps to take when getting started with crypto? ›

If you're ready to venture into crypto trading, there are six steps to follow.
  1. Step 1: Open a Crypto Exchange Account. ...
  2. Step 2: Fund Your Account. ...
  3. Step 3: Choose a Cryptocurrency to Trade. ...
  4. Step 4: Pick a Strategy. ...
  5. Step 5: Start Trading. ...
  6. Step 6: Store Your Coins.
Mar 21, 2024

What is the most successful crypto trading strategy? ›

1. HODL. HODL is a crypto trading strategy where investors buy and hold onto their cryptocurrencies for the long term, regardless of short-term market fluctuations. It's based on the belief that the value of cryptocurrencies will increase over time, so investors resist the urge to sell during market downturns.

What is the most profitable trading strategy in crypto? ›

One of the most popular trading strategies is: 👉"Profit Parabolic" trading strategy based on a Moving Average The strategy is referred to as a universal one, and it is often recommended as the best crypto strategy for consistent profits.

How much money do you need to start crypto trading? ›

The great thing about crypto trading is that you can start with any amount, even a small one. However, it's important to keep in mind that the more capital you have, the more flexibility you will have in executing trades and managing risk.

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8 Proven Ways for Making Money with Crypto
  1. Mining. The most common way to make money with crypto is through mining. ...
  2. Staking. ...
  3. Trading. ...
  4. Investing. ...
  5. Lending. ...
  6. Earning Interest. ...
  7. Affiliate Programs. ...
  8. ICOs.

How can I practice crypto trading? ›

Yes, there are several trading platforms that offer free demo accounts, allowing users to practice investing in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin without risking real funds. One such platform that stands out is Bitget.

How much money do crypto day traders with $10000 accounts make per day on average? ›

Profit Margins: Day traders' results largely depend on the amount of capital they can risk and their skill at managing that money. With a $10,000 account, a good day might bring in a five percent gain, which is $500. However, day traders also need to consider fixed costs such as commissions charged by brokers.

What is the best time to day trade crypto? ›

What time of day is crypto most traded? Cryptocurrencies are most commonly traded between 8am to 4pm in local time. While the crypto market is 24/7, your trades are more likely to be executed when there is the highest level of activity.

Can you make $500 a day trading crypto? ›

Making a consistent income of $500 per day with cryptocurrency trading or investments is possible, but it's important to note that it involves risks and requires a good understanding of the market.

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Never Invest More than You Can Afford to Lose

For that reason, the first principle is only to invest an amount of capital that you are fully prepared to lose should the market take a downturn. At the very least, you should have enough emergency savings before putting any funds into crypto.

How do crypto beginners make money? ›

Some cryptocurrencies offer their owners the opportunity to earn passive income through a process called staking. Crypto staking involves using your cryptocurrencies to help verify transactions on a blockchain protocol. Though staking has its risks, it can allow you to grow your crypto holdings without buying more.

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Set limits on how much you invest in a particular digital currency and don't be tempted to trade with more money than you can afford to lose. Cryptocurrency trading is a high-risk business and more traders lose money than don't.

Is crypto profitable for beginners? ›

Certainly, investing in cryptocurrency can be profitable, especially for beginners. I've witnessed many beginners making significant gains simply by holding specific coins. It's all about choosing the right coins, particularly those with promising futures.

How much do crypto traders make? ›

How much profit (in %) do crypto traders make on monthly basis? PROFITS percentage in crypto trading is never guaranteed… Because it totally depends on how much is your efficiency of trading… if your trades are 80–90% efficient, you may earn 10–15% monthly..

Is crypto trading profitable? ›

Investments in cryptocurrency can generate profits. The market has extended immensely over the past decade. There is a limited history of the price activity of the cryptocurrency markets, so far they appear unrelated to other markets like stocks or bonds.

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