Credit Security and Notarial Bonds - Schindlers Attorneys (2024)

function RoundNumbers(TheNum) { //return Math.round(TheNum); return TheNum; }

function addComma(TheNum) { numVar = String(TheNum); var commaNumber = ""; var thenumber = "" var thefraction = ""; var j = numVar.indexOf("."); var l = numVar.length;

if (j > 0) { //found a period. tvar = numVar + "00"; numVar = numVar.substr(0, j); for (i = j; i < j + 3; i++) { thefraction = thefraction + tvar.charAt(i); } } else { //no period found thefraction = ".00"; } j = numVar.length; for (i = j; i > 0; i--) { if ((i != j) && ((j - i) % 3 == 0)) thenumber = thenumber + " "; thenumber = thenumber + numVar.charAt(i - 1); } j = thenumber.length; for (i = j; i >= 0; i--) commaNumber = commaNumber + thenumber.charAt(i);

commaNumber = commaNumber + thefraction; return commaNumber; }

function addCommaEx(TheNum) { numVar = String(TheNum); var commaNumber = ""; var thenumber = "" var thefraction = ""; var j = numVar.length;

for (i = j; i > 0; i--) { if ((i != j) && ((j - i) % 3 == 0)) thenumber = thenumber + " "; thenumber = thenumber + numVar.charAt(i - 1); } j = thenumber.length; for (i = j; i >= 0; i--) commaNumber = commaNumber + thenumber.charAt(i);

return commaNumber; }

function remComma(TheNum) { numVar = String(TheNum); var thenumber = "" var l = numVar.length;

for (i = l; i > 0; i--) { if (numVar.charAt(i - 1) != " ") thenumber = thenumber + numVar.charAt(i - 1); }

numVar = "" j = thenumber.length; for (i = j; i >= 0; i--) numVar = numVar + thenumber.charAt(i);

if ((numVar == ".00")) { numVar = "0" } return numVar; }

function CalculateTransfer() { var tot1 = 0; var tot2 = 0; document.frmCalc.calcOption.value = 1; if (remComma(document.frmCalc.txtPurch.value) == 0) { alert("Please enter a purchase price.") document.frmCalc.txtPurch.focus() } else {

tot1 = CalculateTransferFees(1); tot2 = CalculateBondFees(0); tot3 = CalculateRepayments(0);

document.frmCalc.txtTtotal2.value = document.frmCalc.txtTtotal.value; //transfer cost breakdown total document.frmCalc.txtPurch2.value = addComma(remComma(document.frmCalc.txtPurch.value));//TRANSFER COSTS purchase price } }

function CalculateBond() { var tot1 = 0; var tot2 = 0; document.frmCalc.calcOption.value = 2; if (remComma(document.frmCalc.txtAmt.value) == 0) { alert("Please enter a bond amount.") document.frmCalc.txtAmt.focus() } else { document.frmCalc.txtAmt2.value = document.frmCalc.txtAmt.value;//bond amount

tot1 = CalculateTransferFees(0); tot2 = CalculateBondFees(1); tot3 = CalculateRepayments(1);

document.frmCalc.txtBtotal2.value = document.frmCalc.txtBtotal.value; //bond cost breakdown total document.frmCalc.txtAmt3.value = addComma(remComma(document.frmCalc.txtAmt.value));//BOND COSTS bond amount } }

function CalculateAll() { var tot1 = 0; var tot2 = 0; document.frmCalc.calcOption.value = 3; if (remComma(document.frmCalc.txtPurch.value) == 0) { alert("Please enter a purchase price.") document.frmCalc.txtPurch.focus() } else { if (remComma(document.frmCalc.txtAmt.value) == 0) { alert("Please enter a bond amount.") document.frmCalc.txtAmt.focus() } else { document.frmCalc.txtAmt2.value = document.frmCalc.txtAmt.value; //bond amount

tot1 = CalculateTransferFees(1); tot2 = CalculateBondFees(1); tot3 = CalculateRepayments(1);

document.frmCalc.txtTotal.value = addComma(RoundNumbers(tot1 + tot2)); //total cost document.frmCalc.txtTtotal2.value = document.frmCalc.txtTtotal.value;//transfer cost breakdown total document.frmCalc.txtBtotal2.value = document.frmCalc.txtBtotal.value;//bond cost breakdown total document.frmCalc.txtPurch2.value = addComma(remComma(document.frmCalc.txtPurch.value));//TRANSFER COSTS purchase price document.frmCalc.txtAmt3.value = addComma(remComma(document.frmCalc.txtAmt.value));//BOND COSTS bond amount } } }

function ValidateNumberOnlyInput(allowdot) { if (!((event.keyCode >= 48) && (event.keyCode <= 57))) { event.returnValue = false; } if ((allowdot > 0) && (event.keyCode == 46)) { event.returnValue = true; } }

function UpdateInfo(MustUpdate) { var amt = 0; //add commas to the top values document.frmCalc.txtPurch.value = addCommaEx(remComma(document.frmCalc.txtPurch.value)); document.frmCalc.txtDep.value = addCommaEx(remComma(document.frmCalc.txtDep.value)); document.frmCalc.txtAmt.value = addCommaEx(remComma(document.frmCalc.txtAmt.value));

if ((MustUpdate == 1) && (remComma(document.frmCalc.txtPurch.value) > 0) && (remComma(document.frmCalc.txtDep.value) > 0)) { amt = remComma(document.frmCalc.txtPurch.value) - remComma(document.frmCalc.txtDep.value); document.frmCalc.txtAmt.value = addCommaEx(amt); } }

function UpdateRepayment() { CalculateRepayments(); }

/********* Transfer Conveyancing Tariff Fee ***********/

function GetTxferCost(Amt) { var AmtTXfer1 = 650; var AmtTXfer2 = 1300; var AmtTXfer3 = 650; var AmtTXfer4 = 325;

txfer = 0; if (Amt <= 100000) { txfer = 4300; } x = 0 if (txfer == 0) { if ((Amt > 100000) && (Amt <= 500000)) { txfer = txfer + 4300; x = Math.ceil((Amt - 100000) / 50000); txfer = txfer + (x * AmtTXfer1); } if ((Amt > 500000) && (Amt <= 1000000)) { txfer = txfer + 9500; x = Math.ceil((Amt - 500000) / 100000); txfer = txfer + (x * AmtTXfer2); } if ((Amt > 1000000) && (Amt <= 5000000)) { txfer = txfer + 16000; x = Math.ceil((Amt - 1000000) / 100000); txfer = txfer + (x * AmtTXfer3); } if (Amt > 5000000) { txfer = txfer + 42000; x = Math.ceil((Amt - 5000000) / 100000); txfer = txfer + (x * AmtTXfer4); } } return txfer; }

/********* Bond Conveyancing Tariff Fee */

function GetBondCost(Amt) { var AmtBondC1 = 650; var AmtBondC2 = 1300; var AmtBondC3 = 650; var AmtBondC4 = 325;

bond = 0; if (Amt <= 100000) { bond = 4300; } x = 0 if (bond == 0) { if ((Amt > 100000) && (Amt <= 500000)) { bond = bond + 4300; x = Math.ceil((Amt - 100000) / 50000); bond = bond + (x * AmtBondC1); } if ((Amt > 500000) && (Amt <= 1000000)) { bond = bond + 9500; x = Math.ceil((Amt - 500000) / 100000); bond = bond + (x * AmtBondC2); } if ((Amt > 1000000) && (Amt <= 5000000)) { bond = bond + 16000; x = Math.ceil((Amt - 1000000) / 100000); bond = bond + (x * AmtBondC3); } if (Amt > 5000000) { bond = bond + 42000; x = Math.ceil((Amt - 5000000) / 100000); bond = bond + (x * AmtBondC4); } } return bond; }

/********* Transfer duty ***********/

function GetTxferDuty(Amt) { txfd = 0; if (document.frmCalc.rdg[0].checked) { //seller is a vat vendor return (0); } else { //seller is a natural person if (document.frmCalc.rdg[1].checked) { x = 0; if (Amt <= 900000) { txfd = 0; } //looks good if ((Amt > 900000) && (Amt <= 1250000)) { x = (Amt - 900000) * (3 / 100); txfd = x; } if ((Amt > 1250000) && (Amt <= 1750000)) { x = 10500; x = x + ((Amt - 1250000) * (6 / 100)); txfd = x; } if ((Amt > 1750000) && (Amt <= 2250000)) { x = 40500; x = x + (Amt - 1750000) * (8 / 100); txfd = x; } if ((Amt > 2250000) && (Amt <= 10000000)) { x = 80500; x = x + (Amt - 2250000) * (11 / 100); txfd = x; } if (Amt > 10000000) { x = 933000; x = x + (Amt - 10000000) * (13 / 100); txfd = x; } } return (txfd); } }

/********* Define VAT Values ***********/

function GetVat(Amt) { var VAT_rate = 14 return RoundNumbers(Amt * (VAT_rate / 100)); }

function CalculateTransferFees(MustUpdate) { var Petties = 850; var SearchFee = 200; var Tdocfee = 200; var Evaultfee = 390; var tvat = 0; var runTotal = 0;

v = remComma(document.frmCalc.txtPurch.value); //purchase price tc = GetTxferCost(v); td = GetTxferDuty(v); tvat = GetVat(tc + Petties + SearchFee + Tdocfee + Evaultfee);

/********* Deeds Office Fees Apr 2017 ***********/

exam = 0; if (v <= 100000) { exam = 35; } if ((v > 100000) && (v <= 200000)) { exam = 75; } if ((v > 200000) && (v <= 300000)) { exam = 465; } if ((v > 300000) && (v <= 600000)) { exam = 580; } if ((v > 600000) && (v <= 800000)) { exam = 815; } if ((v > 800000) && (v <= 1000000)) { exam = 930; } if ((v > 1000000) && (v <= 2000000)) { exam = 1050; } if ((v > 2000000) && (v <= 4000000)) { exam = 1275; } if ((v > 4000000) && (v <= 6000000)) { exam = 1750; } if ((v > 6000000) && (v <= 8000000)) { exam = 2100; } if ((v > 8000000) && (v <= 10000000)) { exam = 2455; } if ((v > 10000000) && (v <= 15000000)) { exam = 2920; } if ((v > 15000000) && (v <= 20000000)) { exam = 3505; } if (v > 20000000) { exam = 4675; }

if (MustUpdate == 1) { document.frmCalc.txtTduty.value = addComma(td); document.frmCalc.txtTtariff.value = addComma(tc); document.frmCalc.txtTpost.value = addComma(Petties); document.frmCalc.txtTsearch.value = addComma(SearchFee); document.frmCalc.txtTvat.value = addComma(tvat); document.frmCalc.txtTexam.value = addComma(exam); document.frmCalc.txtTdocfee.value = addComma(Tdocfee); document.frmCalc.txtTevaultfee.value = addComma(Evaultfee); }

with (document.frmCalc) { runTotal = td + exam + tc + Petties + SearchFee + tvat + Tdocfee + Evaultfee; if (MustUpdate == 1) { document.frmCalc.txtTtotal.value = addComma(RoundNumbers(runTotal)); } } return runTotal; }

function CalculateBondFees(MustUpdate) { var runTotal = 0; var Petties = 950; var Aktex = 140; var Bdocfee = 175; ; var Bevaultfee = 390; var bvat = 0; var x = 0;

v = remComma(document.frmCalc.txtAmt.value); bc = GetBondCost(v); bvat = GetVat(bc + Petties + Aktex + Bdocfee + Bevaultfee);

/********* Deeds Office Fees Apr 2017 ***********/

deeds = 0; if (v <= 150000) { deeds = 360; } if ((v > 150000) && (v <= 300000)) { deeds = 400; } if ((v > 300000) && (v <= 600000)) { deeds = 580; } if ((v > 600000) && (v <= 800000)) { deeds = 810; } if ((v > 800000) && (v <= 1000000)) { deeds = 935; } if ((v > 1000000) && (v <= 2000000)) { deeds = 1050; } if ((v > 2000000) && (v <= 4000000)) { deeds = 1456; } if ((v > 4000000) && (v <= 6000000)) { deeds = 1765; } if ((v > 6000000) && (v <= 8000000)) { deeds = 2100; } if ((v > 8000000) && (v <= 10000000)) { deeds = 2455; } if ((v > 10000000) && (v <= 15000000)) { deeds = 2923; } if ((v > 15000000) && (v <= 20000000)) { deeds = 3510; } if ((v > 20000000) && (v <= 30000000)) { deeds = 4090; } if (v > 30000000) { deeds = 5845; }

if (MustUpdate == 1) { document.frmCalc.txtBtariff.value = addComma(bc); document.frmCalc.txtBpost.value = addComma(Petties); document.frmCalc.txtBdeeds.value = addComma(deeds); document.frmCalc.txtBaktex.value = addComma(Aktex); document.frmCalc.txtBdocfee.value = addComma(Bdocfee); document.frmCalc.txtBevaultfee.value = addComma(Bevaultfee); document.frmCalc.txtBvat.value = addComma(bvat); }

with (document.frmCalc) { runTotal = deeds + bc + Petties + Aktex + bvat + Bdocfee + Bevaultfee; if (MustUpdate == 1) { document.frmCalc.txtBtotal.value = addComma(RoundNumbers(runTotal)); } } return runTotal; }

function CalculateRepayments(MustUpdate) { var int_perc = 0; var monthly_int_rate = 0; var month_term = 0;

v = remComma(document.frmCalc.txtAmt2.value);//bond amount i = document.frmCalc.txtInt.value; //interest rate y = document.frmCalc.txtTerm.value; //years

int_perc = i / 100; monthly_int_rate = int_perc / 12; month_term = 12 * y;

p = Math.pow((1 + monthly_int_rate), (-1 * month_term)); r = v * (monthly_int_rate / (1 - p));

if (MustUpdate == 1) { document.frmCalc.txtRepay.value = addComma(RoundNumbers(r)); } }

function CalculateMonthlyInstallment() { var tot1 = 0; var tot2 = 0; var int_perc = 0; var monthly_int_rate = 0; var month_term = 0;

document.frmCalc.calcOption.value = 2; if (remComma(document.frmCalc.txtAmt2.value) == 0) { alert("Please enter a bond amount.") document.frmCalc.txtAmt2.focus() } else {

v = remComma(document.frmCalc.txtAmt2.value); //bond amount i = document.frmCalc.txtInt.value; //interest rate y = document.frmCalc.txtTerm.value;//years

int_perc = i / 100; monthly_int_rate = int_perc / 12; month_term = 12 * y;

p = Math.pow((1 + monthly_int_rate), (-1 * month_term)); r = v * (monthly_int_rate / (1 - p));

document.frmCalc.txtRepay.value = addComma(RoundNumbers(r)); document.frmCalc.txtAmt2.value = addComma(remComma(document.frmCalc.txtAmt2.value)); document.frmCalc.txtBtotal2.value = document.frmCalc.txtBtotal.value; //bond cost breakdown total } }

function UpdateBondCalcOnly(MustUpdate) { var amt = 0; document.frmCalc.txtAmt2.value = addCommaEx(remComma(document.frmCalc.txtAmt2.value)); }

Credit Security and Notarial Bonds - Schindlers Attorneys (2024)


How do you perfect a GNB? ›

A GNB is therefore only perfected once a creditor takes physical possession of the property. GNBs remains one of the mechanisms which debtors can utilise to unlock the full value of its assets by putting them up as collateral while providing a creditor with the necessary comfort.

What is a covering mortgage bond? ›

Covering bonds provide security for the fulfilment of future obligations, provided explicit reference is made to the intention to secure a future debt up to a maximum amount.

What is perfecting a bond? ›

The perfecting clause merely entitles the bondholder to take possession of the property after the consent of the mortgagor has been obtained, or in accordance with a court order.

What is a notarial bond in South Africa? ›

A notarial bond hypothecates movable assets of a debtor and is registered in the Deeds Registry to attempt to secure the position of a creditor for the satisfaction of a debt.

Is a mortgage a bond? ›

A mortgage bond is a bond backed by real estate holdings or real property. In the event of a default situation, mortgage bondholders could sell off the underlying property backing a bond to compensate for the default.

What is cession in Securitatem debiti? ›

A cession in securitatem debiti (also sometimes referred to as a security cession), is where a Debtor cedes (transfers) to a Creditor certain incorporeal personal rights to secure the repayment of a debt (the “Principal Debt”).

What is the difference between a mortgage bond and bond? ›

A mortgage bond is a type of bond backed by mortgages, such as real estate. Mortgage bonds provide liquidity to lenders, while borrowers can borrow larger amounts of money at a lower cost. Mortgage bonds are safer than corporate bonds, but usually have a lower rate of return.

Are covered bonds good? ›

Covered bonds are significantly safer investments than mortgage-backed securities because of the dual recourse of corporate bond security and access to a specific pool of underlying assets.

What is the difference between secured and covered bond? ›

Unlike secured bonds that provide recourse against the issuer, covered bonds provide a dual recourse. Firstly, it provides recourse against the issuer and secondly, it is bankruptcy-protected recourse against the assets of the issuer (Cover Pool).

What are the 3 C's of surety bonds? ›

A number of these factors fall under what the Surety industry calls “The Three C's”; Character, Capacity, and Capital. All three of these are important to the underwriting process. The principal needs to exhibit the Character, Capacity, and Capital to qualify for surety credit.

What is a bulldog bond? ›

A bulldog bond is a type of foreign bond issued by non-British corporations seeking to raise capital in pound-sterling from British investors. Bulldog bond is a bond, traded in the United Kingdom, that is purchased by buyers interested in earning a revenue stream from the British pound.

What is the fair value of a bond? ›

Bond valuation, in effect, is calculating the present value of a bond's expected future coupon payments. The theoretical fair value of a bond is calculated by discounting the future value of its coupon payments by an appropriate discount rate.

Is a bond a legal agreement? ›

A bond agreement is a legal contract between an issuer and the holder of a bond. The issuer agrees to repay the principal, usually at maturity, plus interest on time at a specified rate. Bonds are issued by governments or corporations in order to raise capital for projects that they need funding for.

How do covered bonds work? ›

Covered bonds are debt securities issued by a bank or mortgage institution and collateralised against a pool of assets that, in case of failure of the issuer, can cover claims at any point of time. They are subject to specific legislation to protect bond holders.

What is the meaning of notarial? ›

adjective. no·​tar·​i·​al nō-ˈter-ē-əl. : of, relating to, or characteristic of a notary public. : done or executed by a notary public. notarially.

Is a bond a debt or asset? ›

A bond, like an equity, is a financial asset that can change hands between financial market participants.

Is a bond a loan or a security? ›

A bond is a debt security, similar to an IOU. Borrowers issue bonds to raise money from investors willing to lend them money for a certain amount of time. When you buy a bond, you are lending to the issuer, which may be a government, municipality, or corporation.

Is a bond just debt? ›

A bond is a debt obligation, like an Iou. Investors who buy corporate bonds are lending money to the company issuing the bond. In return, the company makes a legal commitment to pay interest on the principal and, in most cases, to return the principal when the bond comes due, or matures.

What are the three types of cession? ›

There are two types of cession, namely, an out and out cession and a pledge and cession in securitatem debiti.

What is the difference between a pledge and a cession? ›

A cession is an agreement between two parties in terms of which rights in respect of movable property are transferred, while a pledge is a limited real right (a real right held by a non-owner in the property owned by another and is thus limited) in relation to movable and incorporeal property.

What does cede mean in law? ›

Legal Definition

cede. transitive verb. ˈsēd. ceded; ceding. : to yield or grant usually by treaty.

Why is a bond better than a loan? ›

Advantages of bonds

When a company issues bonds, it is generally able to lock in a long-term interest rate that is lower than the rate a bank would charge. The lower the interest rate for the borrowing company, the less the loan ends up costing.

What is another name for mortgage bond? ›

What Is a Mortgage-Backed Security (MBS)? Mortgage-backed securities (MBS) are investment products similar to bonds. Each MBS consists of a bundle of home loans and other real estate debt bought from the banks that issued them.

What happens when a mortgage bond fails? ›

A bond default occurs when a bond issuer fails to make payments within the specified period. A bond default doesn't always mean you'll lose all of your principal; you'll most often receive a portion of it back. Highly rated bonds tend not to default. Be sure you check bond ratings before you buy.

What is the downside to bonds? ›

Some of the disadvantages of bonds include interest rate fluctuations, market volatility, lower returns, and change in the issuer's financial stability. The price of bonds is inversely proportional to the interest rate. If bond prices increase, interest rates decrease and vice-versa.

What are the highest paying safest bonds? ›

U.S. Treasury bonds are considered the safest in the world and are generally called “risk-free.” The 10-year rate is considered a benchmark and is used to determine other interest rates such as mortgage rates, auto loans, student loans, and credit cards.

What is the disadvantage of covered bonds? ›

Covered bonds come with a few potential disadvantages to consider. One of the main drawbacks is that they are backed by a specific pool of high-quality assets, such as mortgages, which limits the size of the asset pool.

What are the risks of a secured bond? ›

Secured bonds are not risk-free. There is the risk that the collateral will fall in value or be unsaleable when it is transferred to the investors. In some cases, investors' claims to collateral are challenged in the courts. There are costs and delays inherent in responding to legal challenges.

What is the most common type of secured bond? ›

Here are some of the most common types of bonds.
  • U.S. Treasury Securities. ...
  • U.S. Savings Bonds. ...
  • Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal of Securities (STRIPS) ...
  • Mortgage-Backed Securities. ...
  • Corporate Bonds. ...
  • Agency Securities. ...
  • Municipal Bonds. ...
  • International and Emerging Markets Bonds.

How do you tell if a bond is secured or unsecured? ›

A bond is referred to be a "secured bond" if it is backed by an asset class. If a bond is secured, which means there is collateral supporting the loan, it is said to be collateralized. The collateral can be in the form of liquid stocks or tangible assets such as real estate, equipment, or machinery.

What are the 4 types of surety bonds? ›

However, to understand surety bonds, it may be helpful to break them down into four categories: contract bonds, judicial bonds, probate court bonds, and commercial bonds. In addition to these four categories, it's important to understand the basics of what surety bonds are, as well as how to obtain them.

What is the purpose of the $15000 surety bond? ›

The state of California requires every Notary to purchase a $15,000 Surety Bond in order to protect the public financially from the possibility of a negligent mistake or intentional misconduct.

What is the most common form of surety? ›

Contract surety bonds and commercial surety bonds protect private and public interests and are the most common. Fidelity surety bonds and court surety bonds protect against theft and litigation and are less common.

What is a kangaroo bond? ›

Australian dollar-denominated bonds issued by non-resident entities in Australia are referred to as Kangaroo bonds and represent a significant share of the Australian bond market.

What is a maple bond? ›

Maple Bonds are defined as “Canadian-dollar- denominated bonds issued by foreign borrow- ers in the domestic Canadian fixed-income market.” Foreign-issued bonds are popular in most major fixed-income markets, including the United States (Yankee Bonds), the United Kingdom (Bulldog Bonds), Japan (Samurai Bonds), New ...

What are bunny bonds? ›

Bunny bond. Definition: A bond that permits investors to reinvest the interest income into bonds with the same terms and conditions as the host bond.

How much is a $10,000 savings bond worth? ›

A $500 Series EE savings bond is worth $1,000, if you hold it for 20 years. A $10,000 bond is worth $20,000 after 20 years.

How do you calculate how much a bond will be worth? ›

The bond valuation formula is presented here: Price=(Coupon×1−(1+r)−nr)+Par Value(1+r)n Price = ( Coupon × 1 − ( 1 + r ) − n r ) + Par Value ( 1 + r ) n , where: Coupon is the cash flow received for each intermediate payment before the par value.

How do you tell if a bond is a good deal? ›

The most important aspects are the bond's price, its interest rate and yield, its date to maturity, and its redemption features. Analyzing these key components allows you to determine whether a bond is an appropriate investment.

Who owns a bond? ›

A bondholder is an investor or the owner of debt securities that are typically issued by corporations and governments. Bondholders are essentially lending money to the bond issuers. In return, bond investors receive their principal—initial investment—back when the bonds mature.

Does bond mean ownership? ›

By buying a bond, you're giving the issuer a loan, and they agree to pay you back the face value of the loan on a specific date, and to pay you periodic interest payments along the way, usually twice a year. Unlike stocks, bonds issued by companies give you no ownership rights.

What does it mean to be legally bonded? ›

A legal bond is a written agreement where a person decides to perform a specific act, such as fulfilling a contract's obligations or appearing in court. If they don't perform this act, they will have to pay the other party in the contract a certain sum of money or forfeit the money on a deposit.

Do bonds always pay back? ›

If bonds are held to maturity, they will return the entire amount of principal at the end, along with the interest payments made along the way.

Are you guaranteed money with bonds? ›

Treasury bonds are considered risk-free assets, meaning there is no risk that the investor will lose their principal. In other words, investors that hold the bond until maturity are guaranteed their principal or initial investment.

Are bond funds worth it? ›

If you are looking for predictable value and certainty for your financial goals, then individual bonds may be a better fit. Meanwhile, if you are looking for professional management and want greater diversification for your financial goals, then bond funds may be a better fit.

Why do some documents need to be notarized? ›

Why does a document need to be notarized? Notarization is an essential part of signing contracts and many other official documents, in order to help prevent fraud. Notaries are local officials appointed by the state to serve as impartial witnesses.

What is another word for notarized? ›

synonyms for notarize

On this page you'll find 15 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to notarize, such as: authenticate, attest, document, endorse, register, and swear.

What do you mean by affidavit? ›

An affidavit is a sworn statement put in writing. When you use an affidavit, you're claiming that the information within the document is true and correct to the best of your knowledge. Like taking an oath in court, an affidavit is only valid when you make it voluntarily and without any coercion.

What are the advantages of mortgage covered bonds? ›

Mortgage bonds provide several advantages to both borrowers and lenders. Holding a claim on real assets, the lenders of such bonds bear lower potential losses in the case of default. Mortgage bonds also allow less creditworthy borrowers to access larger amounts of capital at lower borrowing costs.

What are the different types of mortgage bonds? ›

There are two types of mortgage bonds: pass-through securities and collateralized mortgage-backed securities.

What does bond coverage amount mean? ›

The coverage amount (also called the penal sum) is how much you can be held liable for if you fail to comply with the terms of your bond. That means your customer can file a claim against you or your business if you don't deliver on goods or services as promised.

What is different about a covered bond? ›

Securitisation transfers some credit risk relating to the assets from the bank to the investor. Covered bonds, on the other hand, don't transfer the risk of the assets. Contrasting pay back arrangements – for securitisations, the bonds usually pay down when the assets pay down.

Why do banks buy mortgage bonds? ›

The goal behind MBSs was to allow banks to sell off mortgages so they'd have more money available to lend to consumers. The addition of mortgage-backed securities paved the way for financial institutions other than banks to enter the mortgage business. The market grew quickly; by 2010, it had exceeded $9 trillion.

What are the 4 most common types of bonds? ›

The main types of bonds are:
  • Government.
  • Corporate.
  • Municipal.
  • Mortgage.
  • Treasury.
Jul 31, 2022

What are the two most common types of bonds? ›

Two of the most common types of U.S. savings bonds are I-bonds and Series EE Savings Bonds. I-bonds are a favorite safe investment vehicle, known for “virtually no credit and default risk,” according to the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority.

What are the three most common types of bonds? ›

There are three main types of bonds:
  • Corporate bonds are debt securities issued by private and public corporations.
  • Investment-grade. ...
  • High-yield. ...
  • Municipal bonds, called “munis,” are debt securities issued by states, cities, counties and other government entities.

What is the maximum price you should pay for a bond? ›

The maximum price that anyone would pay for a bond is the intrinsic value of the bond. The intrinsic value of a bond is the discounted present value of all the future bond payments (Coupons and Face Value).

Do you pay the full amount of a bond? ›

No, you do not pay the full amount of the bond.

How do I know how much my bond pays? ›

By multiplying the bond's face value by its coupon interest rate, you can figure out what the dollar amount of that interest rate is each year. For example, if the bond's face value is $1000, and the interest rate is 5%, by multiplying 5% by $1000, you can find out exactly how much money you will receive each year.

Why do banks issue covered bonds? ›

The issuance of covered bonds enables credit institutions to obtain lower cost of funding in order to grant mortgage loans for housing and non-residential property as well as, in certain countries, to finance public debt.

What is a bond that is not covered by specific security called? ›

Answer and Explanation: Bonds that are not backed by the properties of the company are generally referred to as debentures.

What is the purpose of an insurance bond? ›

An insurance bond is not meant to pay for claims. It is meant to provide a financial guarantee that the person or entity purchasing the bond (the principal) will reimburse the obligee should the principal default, fail to fulfill its obligations, or a claim is made.

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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.