Cost of Living in Singapore (2024)

54 Comments so far

Anonymous on Dec 01, 2023:

Holy hell, average salary is more than double that of Sweden! Now I feel Europe is a new 3rd world country!

Amidu samura on Aug 17, 2023:

I want to visit and work at singapore but how can you help me please,
Am a sierra leonean but i love everything about singapore my second country in the world

lilian on Jul 30, 2023:

I am so happy to live just a 45 minutes flight away from Singapore. Just need 500 SIN to live and eat properly without rent for a single person. ( Sarawak town).
Big landed bungalow here just costs 300k SIN inclusive of land in certain areas.
Crime rates are not as random as Johor or the West Malaysia.'
Quality of life is way above the price we pay for.
A lot of Singaporeans are actually investing in second home here in Sarawak, Borneo.

Anonymous on Jun 30, 2023:

Real Singaporean here. If you’re earning at least $6k (single) you might be able to live in Singapore and not suffer. Groceries varies on how much you cook. Eating out is cheaper than cooking, you can get a decent meal at the hawker for $5-20 depending what you order. Transport is cheap, don’t need a car, roughly $40-50 a month. Rent is the killer, $2400 and above for one bed room apartment. Or you can rent 1 room ($800-1200) with other tenants in a house but you get less privacy. You want to know what rental market is like in Singapore you can use PropertyGuru website to gage. Decent night life (can be expensive) but limited art/creativity for this place. The best thing that many expats would say is traveling to nearby countries. Bangkok/Taiwan/Korea/Malaysia/Bali and etc. Airticket cost $150-300 depending on location.

**If you have kids/family this is not a right place for your kids, you can read about it online or comments below.

arixoN on Jun 26, 2023:

hey guys, I'll be studying at SG for a semester (non-exchange international program). For someone who will be living 80% of their live near or around the uni, are these prices up-to-date?

Patrick on May 28, 2023:


Just considering moving toward my career path, what are your thought if I could have 2 persons with total income around 15k~ no kids?

Would I be able to save some money and live in a decent apartment?

Anonymous on Apr 03, 2023:

just left after 10 years living there as a foreigner. Unless your household income is >15K month (2 adults/ 1 child), you wont save a lot anymore unfortunately. Costs have truly soared, esp. for foreigners since owning property requires large upfront cash amt., and rents have increased 30% in last 18 months (for most areas that foreigners would prefer to stay). Generally all costs have increased 10-20% over last 18 months as well.

In my opinion, the shinning stars are public transport, travel around Asia, eating out (not cheap either anymore, but still great options and good quality), work/career options if your in the right industries (financials, high-tech (biotech, fintech) etc).

As some have mentioned, its still an amazing city if your able to save (DINK, or company paying for some of the majors like rent, schooling)) or want to use it as a base to work and explore.

Haris on Mar 03, 2023:

Born and bred Singaporean male for 25 years.

Moved elsewhere this year due to staggering cost of living and no hopes of owning/renting a home.

Youre better off elsewhere if your a mid-income earner 3-6k SGD /month

Anonymous on Feb 25, 2023:

3-4K school International, 4K rental, 4k other expense + Tax.

If own hdb and public school than may be...

ABC on Feb 24, 2023:

Salary of 11K is enough. ? with wife and 2 primary school kids?

Yan Jiang on Feb 23, 2023:

Don't take the self-deception concept that you don't need a car here. Public transport here is cheap, but is far from a reasonable substitute of owning a car. Firstly metro lines are not as extensive as other major cities. And with most MRT stations constructed in the last century, the space and facilities can hardly support the growing passenger today, making some major stations like Jurong East constantly crowded. On the other hand, the high-density buses stops make bus extremely slow, even taking comparable time as walking. Road trip is unrealistic here, due to both high cost of owning a car and the tiny territory - don't expect cross the boarder to Malaysia, the queue on weekends and public holidays will kill you

Anonymous on Feb 20, 2023:

Rentals are going up with crushing speed...hdb asking premium segment price and condo following to keep a pace acrossing Citi outskirts over 5.5K per mark

Anonymous on Feb 13, 2023:

I am in Singapore for 7 years now
If you are not earning 15k a month and you are coming with the family don’t bother
Your spouse most likely won’t get a job here you can’t freelance as well
House: not central - 3bd - 6.5k
International school - 30k/year - you can send your kid to a local school but as a forigner you can’t choose you can get what’s left; singaporean School system havily focused on tests very competitive; teachers very strict and speak singlish; 0 creativity and team work
Groceries - without alcohol - 3people - 200$ a week
Public transport - the best and the cheapest in the world you truly you don’t need a car here
No theatres, no music scene limited art life
Beautiful parks and greenery
Amazing playgrounds
Good for couple of years as an adventure especially if you are DINK

Anonymous on Feb 12, 2023:

Avg salary 5-6K, workpass issues at 3.5K and 6K minimum. Current rental pricing 1 bed 3.5K. Hdb 3 bed asking price 4-5k. Only option is co-living if allowed.

Anonymous on Dec 14, 2022:

All information is online, rental on property guru range from 3.8K to 65K monthly depends on luxury affordable.... school fees 1.5K - 4.5K on school website... tax info on government site, fair price for grocery... best denki, courts of goods :)
Taxi on grab.... COE price on web portal :), car on deal site... it keep varies...

Anonymous on Dec 12, 2022:

Rental prices are going crazy as high as high $25000 to non luxury two bedroom $4200 Condo.... HDB still so high range $6000 to $3800.

Schools\Food and other spending... if someone pay rental/school/tax I guess 8000K even not good enough. But probably work in some cases... no idea any comments?

Anonymous on Dec 12, 2022:

7500 SGD per month, is not good salary in Singapore barley to manage unless you stay in shared accomedation by renting 1 common room. or willing to let go 60% of salary to only in rental.

positve comments please on Dec 11, 2022:

can 7500 SGD per month is sustaiable salary for family of 3 (husband/wife/3 year kid)......E 13 month health insurance by employer accomodation by employer is given.....

Anonymous on Dec 07, 2022:

Some people comments below missing points, prices are very high but when account earning from other nation like apple to apple... most of it adjusted. Since cost of labour, storage and other play a big role. Most expensive components are medical, car and property... in recent uncertain time its going, home buying, cars and others too...

SG-M on Dec 06, 2022:

Recent days prices are gone up like anything A Singaporean couple shared how their entire budget shoot up then loan rate increased from 2-3%. Government trying for their Citizen to cushion as possible (good thing) and most of them possibly manage to with some impact (like all other countries).
Horror stories are those paying rental.... As usual like other countries property agents work to keep pushing rental prices up and forcing existing tenants to look somewhere else. Prices has gone up by 70% (as article published). Reality is more complex probably rental double up in some cases and even asking price is going up every month…. infect people become greedy to ask $500 more with each ask…

Jeff on Nov 18, 2022:

For rental accommodation I suggest that people should check out a local real estate page, like There you will see the market.

konara mudiyanselage Abeysekara on Jul 02, 2022:

Howmuch an couple needs per month including or excluding rent for appartement.

Anonymous on May 25, 2022:

Any Senior or retirees here? To share how much an couple needs per month excluding rental to living comfortably in Singapore?

answering on Jan 22, 2022:

the median monthly gross income in sg is 4.5k including compulsory govt CPF (equivalent of 401k) deductions of 20%. net income would be around 3.6k.

the average non-white collar singaporean earns about 2-3k salaries and are able to survive as they don't rent and live with family who own a house. not much of a rental culture in singapore.

a single expat will be able to live comfortably on 5-6k/month if they don't splurge on restaurants daily and take public transport (it takes max 1.5 hours to travel the country from one end to the other on our trains).

if you are bringing school-going kids, private schools for foreigners are expensive (2-3k monthly per kid). companies should cover healthcare insurance.

main expense will be rental. the prices are quite accurate but take note it will keep rising as property prices are skyrocketing in the past few years. a 2 bedroom HDB flat that can house a family of 3 in the suburbs (tampines, yishun, jurong, etc) would be about 2-3.5k give or take, the closer you are to town/city center area it would be around 4-5k.

Condominiums are pricier than HDB flats but have security guards and facilities like swimming pools and slightly more privacy and quietness (but you can run into bad neighbours anywhere). there are no crime hotspots.

usually singaporeans don't live in town unless they have rich families or they want to emulate the high flyer rich businessman lifestyle (i.e. steve in keppel bay in the comments below)

Anonymous on Oct 26, 2021:

The rent problem plagues expats. Most locals will buy cheap HDB flats outside the city for as low as S$400,000

Hdr on Sep 17, 2021:

Hello everyone!
Is a salary of 6000S$ enough for a family of three ( Husband, wife and 1 year old kid)? Can we rent a house for about 3000S$?

Steve on Jul 05, 2021:

@J Wood. The prices are not just for expat. Show me a non HDB (government housing) with 3 bedrooms with rent for 2,000 and so many people would jump at this. I am not an expat but pay 4.5k for a 2 bedroom in keppel bay. So to me the rent seems too low. Yes an HDB rental with 3 bedrooms can rent for 2k but not private condos. Property Rent is and remains high in Singapore and has done for several years.

Chris on Apr 15, 2021:

Wish to live in Singapore and setup a business. Whats the stake?, what kind of business would b very lucrative in Singapore. What's the business environment like in Singapore? Replies needed pls. Thanks

Mass on Mar 31, 2021:

In a spark ignition engine, the fuel is mixed with air and then inducted into the cylinder during the intake process. After the piston compresses the fuel-air mixture, the spark ignites it, causing combustion. The expansion of the combustion gases pushes the piston during the power

Anonymous on Mar 30, 2021:

these are some major supermarkets in Singapore. - this is at higher price end.

you may watch youtube on Singapore too to source cheap place to eat around the area

if you work in CBD area, high chance of you staying in Orchard - expensive
if you work in Changi, high change of you staying in Bedok, Tampines.

you do not need to stay in Condo/Apartment, for a 2A + 1 Child, renting a 3 room flat is quite decent.

Overall Singapore is a very nice country to live in.

Btw I am a local Singaporean earning only S$4k per month.

AJ on Mar 22, 2021:

If a company is taking care of Food & Accommodation. Is 3800SGD a month decent enough to survive.

Anonymous on Mar 11, 2021:

I am suggesting a school for anyone who has a good income or a company willing to pay school fees for their children. Singapore American School. It is a very high quality school. There are many great teachers and a good school for kids of all ages.

Anonymous on Mar 11, 2021:

@aria diego so if I invested 500,000$ I would make 6,000,000$ and this is guaranteed right. And anyone can use 5.5m once in a while. What is the limit amount?

Anonymous on Mar 09, 2021:

@molly 8k per year??? Thats not enough but if its month you should be fine...

Anonymous on Mar 09, 2021:

@mag school per month for my kids is 8k

J Wood on Mar 09, 2021:

I've been living here in Singapore for the past 16 years and these prices are mostly too high. For instance, my in-laws rent out their 3 bedroom apartment for a little over S$2000 per month.
I typical McDonald's meal can be had for as low as S$6.00. A meal from a Hawker center can be easily had for under S$4.00
What grocery store was this data harvested from? If you shop at NTUC Fairprice (where most locals shop) prices are MUCH LOWER.

It seems the prices above are for ex-pats with a large budget who live in the heart of the Central Business District or some other high-end place. The prices listed here are well above what the average citizen would pay.

Anonymous on Mar 06, 2021:

Singapore is a very clean modern city with all of the conviences.There's alot of different types of payscales mentioned here but that's normal. However expect to pay more for most everything especially living in a very safe city that's well run. One of the cleanest cities I've ever visited, Singapore.

Hania on Dec 23, 2020:

Hi, I need a post at your sites please let me know the price for the post.I am waiting for your reply. Thanks

Anonymous on Dec 09, 2020:

Hi, I'm from Bangladesh. I look for a wife with singapore passport. Must be 18-20 years old and virgin. Thanks.

Anonymous on Dec 06, 2020:

I am getting paid around 30000 SGD worth in indian rupees in India. Is it worth for me to move to singapore in search of a better job ?

Realiaticallyspeaking on Aug 23, 2020:

I don't understand why there are so many comments asking if X and Y is a good enough pay. Do your own calculations for god's sake. you have made it all the way here to get a good-paying job and you need help with this??? Use some common sense and the figures given above c'mon.

If you spend like a king, of course no amount of money is going to be good enough for you. If you want to have savings, whether you are getting a 7k or a 15k, be realistic about "eating out". As many have pointed out, Singapore is indeed one of the most expensive countries to live in. But companies here are willing to shell out huge money for expats. No money for school tuition? Consider home tuition or tutor your kids yourself before sending them to schools.. I'd say forget about living in the city, stay further out and take a train. Forget about a car, this will kill you first. medical insurance etc. these should be covered by your company. Buy less junk when shopping for groceries > eat less junk > fall sick less > less hefty medical bills. SIMPLE??? Singapore is a very small country so entertainment is limited to your theme parks, bars, pubs etc, limit them and you won't spend so much. you don't have to go to USS every other month. For the most part, what an average person here would count as entertainment is free - parks, art galleries etc. growing your grey matter for free. For the money you are getting paid, highly likely you'll have much time to enjoy these so often anyway. Not much difference from your home country. BTW, the median salary here in Singapore is about 3.6 ~ 3.8k. I don't see any of them on the streets? Yes we complain, but we make do with what we have. If this is not the life for you and you are worried about the pay, either ask for a higher salary you think would suffice for your high life or don't come here at all.

Carter.Yilia on Jun 08, 2020:

Most people want to transform the world, but few people want to transform themselves

Thodore.Herman on Jun 06, 2020:

The secret of success is to work harder than others every day

Douglas.Ferdinand on Jun 05, 2020:

When external pressure increases, the internal motivation should be enhanced

Singaporean on Jun 05, 2020:

I have lived in Singapore for 30 years.

Basic living cost breakdown would be something like:
Food: SGD400
Transport: SGD100
Mobile phone: SGD20 (40GB mobile plan)
Rent (1 room in a shared apartment, inclusive wifi and utilities): SGD700
Toiletries and other misc: SGD100
Total: SGD 1,320.

Eating at regular restaurants will cost you about SGD20/meal. Tobacco and alcohol are insanely expensive.

Watt.Winfred on May 13, 2020:

Most people want to transform the world, but few people want to transform themselves

Webb.Alan on Apr 28, 2020:

Most people want to transform the world, but few people want to transform themselves

Law on Mar 18, 2020:

I have lived in Singapore for 8 years. Here's a very high level breakdown of different levels of living costs:

Ultra basic life, renting a room, single person, only covering survival:
$1500 SGD per month

Simple, basic life, renting a room, single person:
$3000 SGD per month

Simple, comfortable life, renting a room, single person:
$5000 SGD per month

Comfortable, regular travel and luxury spending, renting an apartment, single person:
$10000 SGD per month

Add $2000 SGD per extra dependent

Singapore is an interesting place where you can live as cheaply or expensively as you desire.
There are construction workers here from Bangladesh earning $500/month, who get by and even send money back home.
Then there are traders and brokers on $15k-$40k a month, that spend every dollar they earn, living the high Life at high-end restaurants and travelling.

The only truly unavoidable high expense is accommodation. Renting a room is the way to get better value with this.

arnab Das on Mar 18, 2020:

hi iam suppose to move to Singapore in the month of august 2020 .Company offer be approx 8000 SGD per month. Apart from this company providing Accomodation for family , schooling of my child , medical insurance and medical expense for the family , one time meal for me. Also providing transport with fuel cost

Is this amount suficient for a memeber of 3 in singapore

Hamilton.Marcus on Mar 06, 2020:

The world will give way to those who have goals and visions

john s on Mar 04, 2020:

I'm moving from Malaysia to Singapore. I'm contemplating an offer of SGD9.8k monthly salary (excl bonus). My wife will be working full time as well. We have 2 kids whom we intend to enrol in national primary school. We would need a maid as well.

Please advise if this is comfortable enough. Many thanks

Anonymous on Feb 24, 2020:

At the salaries reported are in the range of 2000-3000 SGD while as per these costs the rent alone will be higher than the monthly salary itself. Something is not right or maybe I don't get it.

Jayani on Feb 14, 2020:

I want to study for a year in Singapore
I want to know what the 1 month cost of living is for my family besides me (SGD $ rate)

1)Partner, 6 year daughter and 4 years son
2)School charges with daycare
3)living home for (4 people)
4)Traveling for 5KM.
5)Meal expenses.

BB on Feb 12, 2020:

Hi there. I have an offer of a job in Singapore earning approx $103,000 PER YEAR. Can someone tell me how much tax I would be paying and whether 103k is sufficient for life in Singapore, with an apartment in the city? I am single.

As an expert with an in-depth understanding of the cost of living in Singapore, I'll address the various concepts and concerns raised in the comments. My expertise draws from extensive knowledge of Singapore's economic landscape, lifestyle, and expenditure patterns.

  1. Salary Disparities:

    • Several comments highlight the high cost of living in Singapore and express concerns about salaries. The average reported salary ranges from $5,000 to $15,000 SGD per month, with specific emphasis on the challenges faced by mid-income earners.
  2. Accommodation Costs:

    • Rent is a significant factor in the cost of living, and comments mention prices ranging from $2,400 for a one-bedroom apartment to $6,500 for a 3-bedroom unit. The rental market is described as competitive and having witnessed a notable increase in prices, especially in desirable areas.
  3. Family Considerations:

    • Comments express concerns about the feasibility of supporting a family in Singapore. Topics include school fees, the quality of education, and the challenges faced by families with children. International schools are mentioned, with reported fees ranging from $3,000 to $30,000 SGD per year.
  4. Transportation Costs:

    • Public transport is highlighted as a cost-effective option, with comments emphasizing the efficiency and affordability of Singapore's transportation system. Some comments caution against owning a car due to high associated costs.
  5. General Cost of Living:

    • Daily expenses, such as groceries and meals, are discussed. Prices for a meal at a hawker center are estimated to range from $5 to $20 SGD. Various comments underscore the importance of budgeting and making informed choices to manage living costs effectively.
  6. Job Opportunities and Industries:

    • Singapore's job market is mentioned in relation to specific industries, such as finance, high-tech (biotech, fintech), and the availability of career options in these sectors.
  7. Expat Experiences:

    • Expat perspectives are shared, discussing the challenges and advantages of living in Singapore. The emphasis is on factors like saving potential, work opportunities, and the allure of using Singapore as a base for exploring nearby countries.
  8. Government Measures and Economic Trends:

    • Comments touch on government efforts to cushion citizens from rising costs, as well as the impact of economic trends on rental prices.
  9. Educational and Lifestyle Choices:

    • Discussions delve into the educational system's competitiveness, lifestyle amenities, and the trade-offs associated with choosing Singapore as a place to live and work.
  10. Taxation:

    • Questions about taxation arise, with individuals seeking advice on how much tax they might pay on specific salary levels.

In summary, the comments collectively paint a detailed picture of the economic and social landscape in Singapore, offering valuable insights into the considerations individuals and families must weigh when contemplating a move to the city-state.

Cost of Living in Singapore (2024)
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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

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Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.