Cost of Living In China (sample English teacher budget) (2024)

Cost of Living In China (sample English teacher budget) (2)

Although prices are rising, the cost of living in China still compares favorably to most industrialized countries. You will be amazed by how comfortably you can live and how strong your purchasing power is with your Teaching in China salary.

Some of the lifestyle advantages of living in China include: get a housekeeper, travel every month, and enjoy frequent restaurant meals, massages, and nights on the town. You can even buy and wear tailor-made clothes! Here's a taste of the prices before you decide to teach in China.

Cost of Living In China (sample English teacher budget) (3)


Eating local food and buying produce from the Chinese markets gives our English teachers amazing insight into the Chinese diet and a glimpse at traditional Eastern medicine. It also leaves them with money in their pockets for massages and traveling.

  • Milk (1L) : 7 RMB

  • Eggs (12) : 7 RMB

  • Carrots (1kg) : 5 RMB

  • Chicken breast (1kg) : 15 RMB

  • Rice (1kg) : 8 RMB

  • Bottle of water (1.5L) : 3 RMB

  • Bottle of Chinese beer (.5L) : 4 RMB

Leisure activities

China has a wide range of regional cuisines and eating out is the best way to discover this variety. Chinese people eat out frequently and often entertain friends and colleagues in restaurants instead of having them into their homes.

Whether you’re enjoying a meal with friends, working out at the fitness club, or getting a massage, you’ll find that leisure activities are often very affordable in China.

  • Three course mid-range restaurant dinner : 80 RMB

  • Quick restaurant meal of rice or noodles : 25 RMB

  • Large steamed dumplings, a common street food : 3 RMB

  • Housekeeper (2 hours) : 80 RMB

  • Massage (30 min) : 100 RMB

  • 1 month fitness club membership : 1000 RMB

  • Movie ticket, international release : 65 RMB

Cost of Living In China (sample English teacher budget) (4)

Cost of Living In China (sample English teacher budget) (5)


China has excellent, yet inexpensive public transport and even taxi rides are quite reasonably-priced. Chinese people often commute by bicycle, but this mode of transport is only for the bravest of foreigners.

  • Metro Ride : 3 RMB

  • Taxi rate per km : 2.2 RMB (start fare ~ 10RMB)

  • 20-min taxi ride across town : 25 RMB

  • City bus : 2 RMB

  • 3-hour bicycle rental : 8 RMB (plus 100RMB deposit, returned)

  • Ferry crossing : 2 RMB

Cheap travel

Any traveler on a budget will love taking trains in China. Trains are numerous and increasingly high-speed rail services connect large regional cities. Domestic flights are also usually inexpensive. There is some seasonal variation and prices rise during national holidays like Chinese New Year.

  • 1 night in a mid-range hotel: 350 RMB

  • The high-speed train, Guangzhou to Wuhan (3 hours): 490 RMB

  • Slow train, Guangzhou to Wuhan (10 hours): 120 RMB

  • Flight one-way, Guangzhou to Beijing (2 hours): 800 RMB

  • Flight one-way, Guangzhou to Bangkok (3 hours): 1300 RMB

Cost of Living In China (sample English teacher budget) (6)

Cost of Living In China (sample English teacher budget) (7)

Cost of Living in China

A lot of teachers often ask about the teaching in China salary. To give you an idea of how teachers at English First in China spends their salary, here is a sample monthly budget with the average cost of living in China:

  • Gross Income (Salary) : Up to 15,000 RMB

  • Rent: 3000- 4500 RMB

  • Utilities (electricity, gas, water): 200 RMB

  • Phone & Internet : 300 RMB

  • Food: 2,000 RMB

  • Insurance: 300 RMB

  • Remaining Disposable Income: 9,200 RMB

Frequently Asked Questions

Depends where you are but rent in a shared apartment can amount to 2,500 RMB to 3,500 RMB for a shared apartment in a Tier 1 city like Bejing or Shanghai. Additionally having your own studio can cost you around 4,000 RMB. Of course if you go to a tier 2 or tier 3 city the cost of living in China will drop accordingly.

it depends on your lifestyle, you certainly can save on your teacher's salary. The salary is above average in China, so there's opportunity for you to save, pay off student loans, or put some money aside for holiday plans.

We have responsibilities when living in China – rent, bills, all those things we probably all thought we could outrun one day. Rent will be the greatest expense, even if you negotiate a decent price.

Finding some roommates will drastically reduce your rental costs, and you’ll find that it’s a lot of fun too, as you’ll be sharing with people from different cultures and backgrounds. Electricity / Gas / Water bills are much cheaper in China than back at home, even more so if you’re splitting the cost with roommates. Expect to spend approximately 30-40% of your salary on your rent + living expenses. for details click here to find more details.

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Cost of Living In China (sample English teacher budget) (8)

Cost of Living In China (sample English teacher budget) (2024)


How much do English teachers get paid in China? ›

The salary can range pretty widely for ESL teaching in public schools from about $1,000 to $2,500 per month. In a lot of cases, salary depends on where you are in China; Tier 1 teachers in public schools typically earn $1,500 to $2,500, while in Tier 2 it's slightly less: $1,400-2,300 is an average salary.

How much do English teachers make in China per month? ›

The average monthly salary of foreign teachers in China ranges from 14,000 to 21,000 RMB (USD 2,500-3,400).

Is 15000 RMB a good salary in China? ›

A monthly salary of 15,000 yuan (about 2,400 US dollars) would be considered high in every part of China.

How much money do you need to live comfortably in China? ›

According to research conducted by, the average cost of living in China ranges between $380-$1500, depending on the city. The majority of that money is spent on rent and utilities, which ranges from $250-$1000.

Are English teachers in demand in China? ›

Things to consider about your teacher salary in China

There's an almost limitless demand for teachers of English as a foreign language in China, which also means salaries are becoming increasingly competitive.

Is there a shortage of English teachers in China? ›

Estimates show that China is currently experiencing a shortage of around 100,000 English teachers and this figure is set to increase over the coming years, as the country's enthusiasm for learning English continues to grow.

How much is rent in China? ›

Cost of Renting in China: $300 – $500 per month

Well, over in China, you can pay as little as $300 and as much as $700 per month depending on where you live. The major cities will have the higher rents, while the outskirts of the city are much cheaper.

Which English speaking country pays teachers the most? ›

Here are the top 5 most lucrative countries to teach English Abroad in 2023.
  • South Korea ($1,850-$2,650 USD a month)
  • China ($1,200-$2,600 USD a month)
  • Japan ($1,700-$2,600 USD a month)
  • Taiwan ($2,000-$3,000 USD a month)
  • Gulf Arab States ($2,000-$5,000 USD a month)
  • Honorable Mention: Vietnam ($1,500-$2,000 USD a month)
Mar 28, 2023

How many hours do English teachers work in China? ›

The average salary for teaching English at a public school in China is around $1,250 to $3,000 USD per month (8,400 RMB to 20000 RMB) and the hours can vary from around 20 to 30 hours per week.

What income is considered rich in China? ›

Meanwhile, an annual income of $91,639 puts you in the top 1% in China, while you need to make more than $506,000 to be in the top 1% in the U.S. This shows that most of the Chinese wealth has come from increasing home values.

What is the average salary in China per month in US dollars? ›

Median salary

The median salary in China is 26,800 Yuan (USD 3,855) per month. That means half of the population draws an average income less than the median salary.

What is considered a high salary in China? ›

The average monthly pay in China varies from 7,410 Yuan (USD 1,145) to 1,31,000 Yuan (USD 20,245) — with 7,410 Yuan being the lowest salary and 1,31,100 Yuan being the highest salary.

Is it cheaper to live in China than us? ›

The cost of living in China can vary by location and type of purchase. On average, China's cost of living is 45% lower than the U.S according to Numbeo. Rent in China is 60% lower than the U.S. on average.

How much is a house in China in dollars? ›

An average 80 square meter apartment within Shanghai's Inner Ring Road goes for upwards $886,000; while in the city's hinterlands it sells for around US$200,000. In Beijing, the average cost of a home of this size is roughly US$310,000.

Is healthcare in China free? ›

How Does the Healthcare System Work in China? China does have free public healthcare which is under the country's social insurance plan. The healthcare system provides basic coverage for the majority of the native population and, in most cases, expats as well. However, it will depend on the region you reside in.

Is it safe to teach English in China right now? ›

It can also be a scary proposition for anyone who's planning a teaching stint abroad for the very first time. So is China safe? Well, the short answer is 'YES, absolutely'. Although the long answer is 'as long as you do it right, China is one of the safest teaching destinations out there.

Why do China need English teachers? ›

More than 10,000 English teachers are in demand and rising. Parents in China highly value native English-speakers from well-known foreign countries, and they want their children to have more career opportunities.

What is the age limit for teachers in China? ›

Meet the Age Requirements

China is one of many countries in Asia that maintains an official retirement age of 55 for females and 60 for males. Because of this, schools in China typically look for teachers under the age of 40.

Is it safe to live in China as an American? ›

Yes, many expats, especially women, find living in China is much safer than in cities like London or New York. Street harassment and catcalling is virtually unheard of for foreigners, and streets tend to be well lit at night. Petty crime rates, particularly for foreigners, seem to be particularly low.

Are teachers highly respected in China? ›

BEIJING, Jan. 8 (Xinhua) -- Honoring teachers and their intelligence has always been a tradition in China. Since ancient times, teachers have been respected by people as messengers of wisdom.

Is $1000 a lot of money in China? ›

$1000usd is approximately 7000元, which for most parts of China would be equivalent to $7000usd of spending power. For the average Chinese this is a significant amount of money, for a poor person in rural China it can be life changing type of money. What food can I buy with 1 dollar in China? 1$ is about 6.4 RMB.

What is the cheapest city to live in China? ›

In 2019, a cold, sleepy mining town called Hegang went viral for having the lowest house prices of any big city in China. Blog posts boasted of sizeable apartments costing as little as 46,000 yuan ($6,700).

Do most people own or rent in China? ›

Today China is a country of homeowners with more than 90% of households owning homes (87% in urban and 96% in rural China) (Clark, Huang, & Yi, 2019). At the same time, more than 20% Chinese households own multiple homes, higher than many developed nations (Huang et al., 2020).

Which countries respect teachers the most? ›

In countries like China and Ghana, society sees teachers as highly competent and, at the same time, they are viewed with great respect. The opposite is true in countries like Peru, Greece, and Israel.

Which country has the richest teachers? ›

Switzerland ranks among the countries with the highest teacher salaries in the world.

What country has the most respected teachers? ›

In China, the survey found that 81 percent of people believed that pupils respect their teachers, compared with the international average of 36 percent. Respecting teachers and valuing education has been a fundamental social standard in China.

What are the new rules for foreign teachers in China 2023? ›

Complete Visa-Free Entry. Foreign teachers will no longer need to apply for a Z-visa or a Foreigner's Work Permit in order to enter China, but will instead be able to enter the country with only their passport and valid Real Estate Certificate for the place of residence.

How long is a school day in China in hours? ›

The school days usually last a whole day (from around 8:00 until 17:00) with 45-minutes-long classes, with a little more flexible schedules in more rural areas. In China's metropolises, where lunch breaks are shorter, kids might finish school around 15:00 as well.

Is it hard to get a teaching job in China? ›

If you have never taught in a classroom before, it's extremely unlikely you will be able to get a teaching job in China unless you know someone personally or the school is really desperate. Try to find a position as a teacher in your home country (or a country with easier visa requirements) to get experience.

What is considered upper middle class in China? ›

Defining China's “middle class”
Annual Per Capita Disposable Income Quintile Distribution, 2022
Quintile (20%)Total populationUrban population
Lower-middle-income householdsRMB 19,303RMB 31,180
Middle-income householdsRMB 30,598RMB 44,283
Upper-middle-income householdsRMB 47,397RMB 61,724
4 more rows
May 24, 2023

Is the average Chinese citizen rich? ›

Credit Suisse found China's median wealth outpaced Europe's in its 2021 Global Wealth Report. The average Chinese citizen has a wealth of $26,752, around $60 more than the average European. Chinese wealth has surged in the past two decades, with median wealth per adult growing more than eight-fold.

Where do most rich Chinese live? ›

Hangzhou in China comes out on top of the list assessing the fastest-growing millionaire hotspots. The report found that between 2012 and 2022, the amount of individuals living there that have over $1 million worth of investable assets has soared by 105%.

What is the average cost of living in China per month? ›

A family of four estimated monthly costs are 2,021.2$ (14,401.0¥) without rent. A single person estimated monthly costs are 558.9$ (3,982.3¥) without rent. Cost of living in China is, on average, 49.7% lower than in United States. Rent in China is, on average, 65.5% lower than in United States.

Can I buy property in China? ›

So, can foreigners buy property in China? The answer is yes, foreigners are allowed to purchase property in China! The essential requirement is that you have studied or worked in China for at least one year on a residence permit. Foreigners are allowed to only own one residential property for dwelling purposes.

How much does Apple pay workers in China? ›

New workers will be offered a salary of 30 yuan ($4) per hour, according to the post. Last Wednesday, Chinese authorities imposed a seven-day lockdown on the manufacturing zone that houses the Foxconn plant.

How much does upper middle class make in China? ›

As of January 2022, the largest share of Chinese middle-class families had an annual income of between 100 thousand and 300 thousand yuan per year.

What is the middle class income range in China? ›

By 2018, more than half of China's population — 707 million people — had entered the country's middle-income bracket, according to calculations from the Center for Strategic and International Studies that defined the middle class as those spending between $10 and $50 a day.

Is 10000 yuan a lot of money in China? ›

Before we get started, let's do the math: 10,000 RMB is about 1,500 USD, a salary of about 18,000 USD per year. While this figure in the US, Canada, the UK or Australia would be, by many standards, quite low, in China it's actually not that bad.

Is it hard for an American to move to China? ›

The applicants must have a clear criminal record and provide information about the financial status. Persons with a full-time job in China must obtain the permanent residence in China. Business persons from USA who make investments for at least 3 consecutive years are eligible for permanent residency in China.

Can I retire in China as a US citizen? ›

Visa Options to Retire in China

China does not have a visa specifically for retirees. However, there are several avenues to long-term residency for people who want to retire in China. The most common option for retirees is to get a permanent resident visa.

Where is the best place to live in China as an American? ›

The 11 best places for expats to live in China are Hangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Xi'an, Qingdao, Kunming, Tianjin, Nanjing, and Fuzhou.

How much does a nice house cost in China? ›

The average price of a new house in China increased 4.1 per cent on an annual basis to 10,588 yuan (US$1533) per square metre in the first two months of 2023, the first rise in 11 months, according to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics of China on Wednesday.

Do Chinese citizens own property? ›

Because China is a socialist country, all land is either subject to government ownership or collective ownership. In principle, municipal land is subject to government ownership and land outside cities is subject to collective ownership. However, one can obtain the right to use the land.

Does China have high taxes? ›

The tax rate is divided into seven levels according to the amount of taxable income of an individual's monthly salary and salary, with the highest level at 45% and the lowest level at 3%. Income from business operations shall be subject to a progressive tax rate of 5 levels.

Does China have free college? ›

Nine-Year Compulsory Education in China

Schools still charge miscellaneous fees. Senior secondary school (grade 10 to 12) and college education are not compulsory and free in China.

Does China have freedom of speech? ›

Although the 1982 constitution guarantees freedom of speech, the Chinese government often uses the "subversion of state power" and "protection of state secrets" clauses in their law system to imprison those who criticize the government.

How much does a Chinese to English translator earn? ›

How much does a Chinese Translator make? As of Jun 5, 2023, the average hourly pay for a Chinese Translator in the United States is $23.67 an hour.

How much do Chinese pay for online English classes? ›

Selling Online Course in China: A profitable business

In terms of price, the wages of the teacher are competitive from 14 to 20+$ per hour while the lesson is paid from 30 to 80$ per hour by the parents.

Which country pays teachers the most? ›

Luxembourg. According to an OECD report, Luxembourg (a European country) has the highest-paid teachers in the world. Another source indicates that a bachelor's degree holder is entitled to an initial salary of €67,000 (US $70,323.20) per annum at the start of their teaching career.

What is the hourly rate for Chinese to English translation? ›

How much does a Chinese Translator make hourly in the United States? The average hourly wage for a Chinese Translator in the United States is $30 as of May 25, 2023, but the salary range typically falls between $26 and $35.

What is the hourly rate for a Chinese English interpreter? ›

Hourly Wage for Chinese Interpreter Salary
PercentileHourly Pay RateLast Updated
10th Percentile Chinese Interpreter Salary$21May 01, 2023
25th Percentile Chinese Interpreter Salary$24May 01, 2023
50th Percentile Chinese Interpreter Salary$28May 01, 2023
75th Percentile Chinese Interpreter Salary$33May 01, 2023
1 more row

What country pays translators the most? ›

German tops our list of the highest paying translation languages. The language is closely associated with the business world, so German translators often make good money. The average annual income of a German translator in the US is $50,000. Professionals in the UK make an average of £34,000.

How much do English classes cost in China? ›

How much should I pay for an Online English course in China? Depending on tutors' experience and the types of lesson you're looking for, the cost of an English class in China is $4/hr. You can choose a class according to your needs and schedule.

What is the famous ESL company in China? ›

51Talk, the premier online English school in China, specializes in providing quality English online training by facilitating collaborative cultural exchanges between its teachers and students. 51Talk is one of the largest online English education company in China, their goal is to help China speak with the world.

What is it like to teach English in China? ›

With many English teaching jobs in China, you'll have lots of flexibility in your schedule. Most jobs will be around 25 hours a week, and you'll be able to enjoy your free time in the evenings and weekends. You may even have a few weeks off for the holidays during Chinese New Year and National Day Holiday.

Who is the richest teacher in the world? ›

According to People, Jewett was a science teacher at the private school Scott's four children attended in Seattle.

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Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.