Corporal Punishment in U.S. Public Schools: Prevalence, Disparities in Use, and Status in State and Federal Policy (2024)

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Corporal Punishment in U.S. Public Schools: Prevalence, Disparitiesin Use, and Status in State and Federal Policy (1)

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Soc Policy Rep. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2018 Jan 12.

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Soc Policy Rep. 2016; 30: 1.

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School corporal punishment is currently legal in 19 states, and over160,000 children in these states are subject to corporal punishment in schoolseach year. Given that the use of school corporal punishment is heavilyconcentrated in Southern states, and that the federal government has notincluded corporal punishment in its recent initiatives about improving schooldiscipline, public knowledge of this issue is limited. The aim of this policyreport is to fill the gap in knowledge about school corporal punishment bydescribing the prevalence and geographic dispersion of corporal punishment inU.S. public schools and by assessing the extent to which schoolsdisproportionately apply corporal punishment to children who are Black, to boys,and to children with disabilities. This policy report is the first-ever effortto describe the prevalence of and disparities in the use of school corporalpunishment at the school and school-district levels. We end the report bysummarizing sources of concern about school corporal punishment, reviewing statepolicies related to school corporal punishment, and discussing the future ofschool corporal punishment in state and federal policy.

In 1977, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in its Ingraham v. Wrightdecision that school corporal punishment is constitutional, leaving states to decidewhether to allow it. Nineteen U.S. states currently allow public school personnel to usecorporal punishment to discipline children from the time they start preschool until theygraduate 12th grade; these states are: Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Colorado,Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi,North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Wyoming (Center for Effective Discipline, 2015). A total of163,3331 children were subjectto corporal punishment in these states’ public schools during the2011–2012 school year.

Corporal punishment is defined as the use of physical force with the intention ofcausing a child to experience pain so as to correct their misbehavior (Straus, 2001); it is synonymous with physical punishment, butwe will use the term “corporal punishment” in this report because it isthe term used by school districts in the U.S. Although corporal punishment by parentstends to take the form of spanking a child’s buttocks with an open hand (), in schools, a teacher or administrator typically administers corporalpunishment by using a large wooden board or “paddle” to strike thebuttocks of a child. A typical state definition of school corporal punishment is the oneoffered in the Texas Education Code, which specifies permissible corporal punishment as,“…the deliberate infliction of physical pain by hitting, paddling,spanking, slapping, or any other physical force used as a means of discipline.”(Texas Education Code, 2013)

The Texas code thus allows school personnel to hit children with objects(“paddling”) and to use “any other physical force” tocontrol children, as long as it is in the name of discipline.

Some school districts specify the exact dimensions of the paddles to be used fordiscipline. For example, the Board of Education in Pickens County, Alabama, recommendsthat schools use a “wooden paddle approximately 24 inches in length, 3 incheswide and ½ inch thick” that does not have holes, cracks, splinters,tape, or other foreign material (Pickens County Board ofEducation, 2015, p. 27). Most corporal punishment involves elementary schoolstudents (North Carolina Department of PublicInstruction, 2015), and given that elementary school children range inaverage height from 43 inches at age 5 to 55 inches at age 10 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2000), a2-ft-long paddle can be half as tall as the children being paddled. In any othercontext, the act of an adult hitting another person with a board of this size (orreally, of any size) would be considered assault with a weapon and would be punishableunder criminal law (Bitensky, 2006).

Schoolchildren are disciplined with corporal punishment for a range of behaviors.Interviews with corporally punished students make clear that some of the precipitatingincidents are quite serious, such as fighting with fellow students, setting offfireworks in school, or getting drunk on a field trip (). In North Carolina, 63%of the cases of corporal punishment in the 2013–2014 school year were fordisruptive behavior, fighting, aggression, disorderly conduct, or bullying, while theremaining 37% were for bus misbehavior, disrespect of staff, cell phone use,inappropriate language, and other misbehaviors (NorthCarolina Department of Public Instruction, 2015).

Evidence from other states further indicates that not all misbehaviors thatelicit corporal punishment are serious. Children have been corporally punished in schoolfor being late to class, failing to turn in homework, violating dress codes, running inthe hallway, laughing in the hallway, sleeping in class, talking back to teachers, goingto the bathroom without permission, mispronouncing words, and receiving bad grades(;Mitchell, 2010). A review of over 6,000disciplinary files in a central Florida school district for the 1987–1988 schoolyear found that whether corporal punishment was used was not related to the severity ofthe student’s misbehavior or to how frequently they had been referred for a ruleviolation (). Thisstudy suggests that school corporal punishment is not necessarily used as a“last resort” for frequently misbehaving students or only for seriousinfractions.

The prevalence of school corporal punishment has been on a steady decline sincethe late 1970s, decreasing from 4% of all schoolchildren in 1978 to less than0.5% today (). This decline occurred in large part because 25 states banned corporalpunishment from public schools between 1974 and 1994. Yet this pattern of state policychange stagnated in the 20 years since 1994, during which time only 5 additional statespassed bans on school corporal punishment, bringing the total number of states with bansto 31 plus the District of Columbia (see Table1). The states that continue to allow corporal punishment have a greaterpercentage of children in the general population, higher rates of child poverty andchild mortality, lower college graduation rates, and lower per-pupil educationexpenditures than states that have banned school corporal punishment (Gershoff et al., 2015).

Table 1

List of the states that have banned corporal punishment in public schools inchronological order

New Jersey*1867Wisconsin1988Utah1992
District of Columbia1977Michigan1989Washington1993
Rhode Island1977Minnesota1989West Virginia1994
New Hampshire1983North Dakota1989Delaware2003
New York1985Oregon1989Pennsylvania2005
California1986South Dakota1990New Mexico2011

Source: Center for Effective Discipline (2015).

*These two states also ban corporal punishment in private schools.

School corporal punishment has received scant attention from the federalgovernment. In 2014, the U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Department of Justiceissued a widely publicized joint report, entitled NondiscriminatoryAdministration of School Discipline, that summarized racial disparities insuspensions and expulsions; no data were presented on corporal punishment, and the onlymention of corporal punishment was a brief remark that it has the potential to be usedin a discriminatory fashion (U.S. Department ofEducation and U.S. Department of Justice, 2014). In an accompanying guidingprinciples document issued by the U.S. Department ofEducation (2014), corporal punishment was not mentioned a single time.Corporal punishment was also not mentioned in a report released by the Office for CivilRights (OCR) in the U.S. Department of Education specifically on disparities in schooldiscipline by race, gender, and disability status in the 2011–2012 school year(U.S. Department of Education, Office for CivilRights, 2014a). Nor was corporal punishment mentioned in the most recentannual report OCR submitted to the President and the Secretary of Education (U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights,2015a). This lack of information about and attention to school corporalpunishment is surprising given that OCR has regularly collected data about corporalpunishment in public schools for over 30 years in service of its mission to enforcecivil rights in public education.

The aim of this policy report is to fill the gap in knowledge about schoolcorporal punishment by describing the prevalence and geographic dispersion of corporalpunishment in U.S. public schools and by assessing the extent to which schoolsdisproportionately apply corporal punishment to boys, to Black children, and to childrenwith disabilities. These facts are already known for suspensions, expulsions, andphysical restraints, all of which have been included in OCR’s recent reports(2015a, 2014a). School-district-level racial disparities in suspensions and expulsionsin the 2011–2012 OCR data were recently highlighted in a report from the Centerfor the Study of Race and Equity in Education (). While two studies to date have examined theprevalence and predictors of school corporal punishment at the state level using OCRnational data from representative samples of schools (Gershoff et al., 2015; ), this policy report is the first-ever effort to describeprevalence of and disparities in the use of school corporal punishment at the school andschool-district levels using a universal dataset of all U.S. public schools. We end thereport by summarizing sources of concern about school corporal punishment and the futureof public policies related to the practice, reviewing state policies related to schoolcorporal punishment, and discussing the future of school corporal punishment in stateand federal policy.

We note at the outset that corporal punishment is also legal in private schoolsin 48 states; the only exceptions are Iowa and New Jersey (Bitensky, 2006). Because OCR does not collect discipline datafrom private schools and because federal and state laws have more jurisdiction overpublic schools, this report focuses only on public schools.

Prevalence of School Corporal Punishment in the 2011–2012 SchoolYear

The little that is known about corporal punishment in U.S. public schoolscomes from data collected periodically by OCR. The Civil Rights Data Collection(CRDC), previously called the Elementary and Secondary School Survey, is collectedevery few years by OCR in compliance with Section 203(c)(1) of the Department ofEducation Organization Act of 1979. All schools and districts that receive fundingfrom the U.S. Department of Education are required to comply with requests for OCRsurvey data under several federal regulations (34C.F. R.§ 100.6(b), 106.71, and 104.61, 2000; U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights,2015b). Data presented in this report are from the CRDC for the schoolyear 2011–2012, which was a universal survey of all 95,088 U.S. publicschools completed by school administrators (U.S.Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, 2014b). The data arenot publicly available but are available upon request from OCR. We focused onschools in the 19 states that allow corporal punishment (N= 38,775 schools), but then excluded schools that were contained withinhospitals, juvenile detention centers, prisons, or treatment centers, as well asadult education schools and online programs. In our analyses aggregated at the statelevel, we report data for a total of 37,624 schools from 5,461 districts. Ourdistrict-level analyses exclude the majority of charter schools as well as somespecialized schools that were assigned “district identificationnumbers” by OCR despite the fact that they do not function as completeschool district.2 Thus, thedistrict-level analyses focused on 4,460 school districts representing 36,942schools.

To depict the geographic dispersion of corporal punishment use, prevalence,and disparities, we merged OCR data with school district and state boundaries usingArcGIS software (version 10.2.2; Esri, 2015).This software allowed us to map the use of corporal punishment aggregated to eitherthe district or state level.

State-Level Prevalence of School Corporal Punishment

Even when corporal punishment is legally permitted in a state, schooldistrict superintendents and individual school principals within districts candecide whether to use corporal punishment as a form of discipline. Table 2 presents the percentage of schoolsin each state that reported using corporal punishment on at least one child;these rates are then mapped in Figure 1.States that legally permit school corporal punishment are largely clustered inthe southeastern United States. As is clear from both the table and figure, thenexus of school corporal punishment is located in the contiguous states ofArkansas, Alabama, and Mississippi, with more than half of schools in each stateusing corporal punishment. The percentage of schools using corporal punishmentprogressively decreases among the states that radiate out from this nexus. In 9states (Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, North Carolina,South Carolina, Wyoming), corporal punishment is nearly eliminated, with lessthan 5% of schools reporting any use of it.

Table 2

Percentage of schools reporting corporal punishment, and percentage of childrenattending schools using corporal punishment, by state in the 2011–2012school year

StatePercentage of schools reporting corporalpunishmentPercentage of children attending schoolsthat report corporal punishment
CO1< 1
Total in states where it is legal1412
Total across all states66

Data source: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights(2014b).

In a given state, the percentage of schools that use corporal punishmenttells us little about the proportion of students potentially affected by it. Itcould be the case that corporal punishment is isolated in districts with fewerstudents, with the result that few students are actually at risk of receivingcorporal punishment. To examine this issue, we calculated the proportion of allstudents in a state who attended a school that used corporal punishment; thesevalues are also presented in Table 2.Overall, 12% of students in these 19 states (1 in 8) attend a schoolthat uses corporal punishment. However, there is substantial between-statevariation. Around half of all students in Alabama, Arkansas, and Mississippiattend schools that use corporal punishment, whereas in 9 of the 19 states, lessthan 4% of students attend a school that uses corporal punishment. Incomparing the two columns in Table 2, thepercentage of schools using corporal punishment and the percentage of childrenattending schools using corporal punishment are roughly equal in most states.However, for Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, and Georgia, the proportion of schoolsusing corporal punishment exceeds the proportion of students who attend thoseschools by more than two percentage points, indicating that, on average, schoolsusing corporal punishment in these states serve fewer students than schools thatdo not use it.

District-Level Prevalence of School Corporal Punishment

Given the between-state differences in prevalence of school corporalpunishment, it is important to examine the within-state variation to determinewhether corporal punishment usage and prevalence is clustered in particularareas of these states. Figure 2 presentsprevalence of corporal punishment at the district level. Each district is codedaccording to the highest school-level rate of corporal punishment in thatdistrict, or the percentage of all enrolled students who were corporallypunished at least once. Overall, more districts in the 19 states in whichcorporal punishment is legal did not use corporal punishment inthe 2011–2012 school year than did: 59% of districts in thesestates did not report using any corporal punishment (colored blue in Figure 2).

Corporal Punishment in U.S. Public Schools: Prevalence, Disparitiesin Use, and Status in State and Federal Policy (3)

Use of corporal punishment by school district (maximum percentage of studentscorporally punished at a district school)

Of the eight states that have the most widespread use of corporalpunishment (see Table 2), Oklahoma,Tennessee, Louisiana, Texas, and Georgia each have only a small percentage ofdistricts that corporally punish more than 25% of its students(indicated with red or dark-red in Figure2; Oklahoma: 6.0%; Tennessee: 4.4%; Louisiana:1.5%; Texas: 4.5%; and Georgia: 6.2%). These districtsare geographically scattered around each state, indicating that frequent use ofschool corporal punishment in these states has largely been eliminated in thesestates.

Around half of all students in Alabama, Arkansas, andMississippi attend schools that use corporal punishment.

Alabama, Arkansas, and Mississippi are a different story, however:22.1% of districts in Alabama, 15.2% in Arkansas, and35.7% in Mississippi have at least one school using corporal punishmentto discipline more than a quarter of its students in the 2011–2012school year (red and dark-red in Figure 2).This suggests that corporal punishment is still frequently used in a sizablepercentage of the districts in these three states. There is also less geographicdispersion than there is in the five states reviewed above, with the vastmajority of districts reporting occurrences of corporal punishment of children;as displayed in Figure 2, 86% ofschool districts in Alabama, 88% in Arkansas, and 85% inMississippi use corporal punishment. The fact that corporal punishment is morecommon in these states at the district level than at the school level (see fromTable 2: Alabama: 51%,Arkansas: 53%, Mississippi: 57%) indicates within-districtvariability; not all schools within a district are using corporal punishment,but in almost every district, at least one school is.

Figure 2 is yet anotherillustration that school districts generally appear to be phasing out corporalpunishment— except those in Alabama, Arkansas, and Mississippi, whereits use remains widespread.

Child-Level Prevalence of School Corporal Punishment

Table 3 presents the number ofchildren attending public schools in each state where corporal punishment islegal that were subjected to corporal punishment in the 2011–2012 schoolyear, with the total number coming to 163,333 students. It is important to notethat the OCR data track the number of children, not the instances of discipline;multiple instances of corporal punishment of the same child are not representedin the data. Thus, this total is likely an underestimate of the number ofinstances of corporal punishment in the United States that year.

Table 3

Number and percentage of students within each state that actually receivedcorporal punishment in the 2011–2012 school year

StateTotal number of students receivingcorporal punishmentPercent of students receiving corporalpunishment
TX29,835< 1
GA12,792< 1
MO5,251< 1
LA4,678< 1
FL4,650< 1
KY1,181< 1
IN657< 1
AZ632< 1
NC561< 1
CO485< 1
SC183< 1
ID134< 1
KS76< 1
WY19< 1
Total in states where it is legal163,333< 1
Total across all states163,333< 1

Data source: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights(2014b).

Mississippi schools corporally punish the greatest proportion of theirchildren, 7% of all students, and the largest total number of children,32,157. Consistent with the state-level pattern seen above, Alabama and Arkansashave the next highest prevalence rates, at 4% each. Texas corporallypunishes the second largest number of children, 29,835, but because of itslarger student population, this amounts to less than 1% of children inits public schools. In total, 14 of the 19 states that still allow corporalpunishment use it on less than 1% of their children in a given year.

Summary of Prevalence Data

Corporal punishment is permitted in 19 states, but it is much morepervasive across schools in some states, particularly Alabama, Arkansas, andMississippi, where half of all students attend schools that use corporalpunishment. Mississippi has the highest proportion of children experiencingschool corporal punishment, where 1 in every 14 children is subject to corporalpunishment in a single school year.

Disparities in Prevalence of School Corporal Punishment

The CRDC survey asked school administrators to report how many childrenreceived corporal punishment during the 2011–2012 school year by race orethnicity, gender, and disability status. To examine disparities by race, wecomputed a ratio of the proportion of Black students who were corporally punished tothe proportion of White students who were. We were not able to calculate ratios forother racial and ethnic groups because of insufficient subgroup sizes. To ensurethat we were only including schools that used corporal punishment as a regular formof school discipline, we considered that a school used corporal punishment if theadministrator reported corporal punishment of 10 or more students in that schoolyear. The disparity ratio for gender was calculated as the proportion of boys whowere subject to corporal punishment divided by the proportion of girls who were,while the disparity ratio for disability status was calculated as the proportion ofdisabled students who were corporally punished over the proportion of nondisabledstudents who were. Disparity ratios were not calculated for schools that lackedadequate representation (at least 15 students) in either of the groups beingcompared. Because 1% or less of children in Arizona, Colorado, Idaho,Wyoming, and Kansas were corporally punished, we have excluded them from thedisparities analyses below.

There were a few schools for which a ratio could not be calculated becauseeither the numerator or denominator was 0; in other words, despite having bothgroups represented at the school, only members of one group received corporalpunishment. In those instances, we assigned the top-coded disparity measure (i.e.,10) if only students in the numerator group (Black students, boys, or students withdisabilities) were corporally punished, and 0 if only students in the denominatorgroup were corporally punished. Using these methods, we were able to calculatedisparity measures by race for 1,942 schools (from 709 districts), by gender for3,231 schools (from 1,242 districts), and by disability status for 3,050 schools(from 1,189 districts).

As not all schools in a district used corporal punishment, we coded eachdistrict with the value of the school within it that had the highest disparity ratiofor race, gender, or disability, and displayed these ratios in district-level mapsin Figures 3 through through5.5. Each ratio reflects the increased probability of achild in one group (Black, male, or a student with a disability) experiencingcorporal punishment as compared to a child in the comparison group (White, female,or a student without a disability). We categorized the disparities into 5 groups:(1) equal or lower rates of corporal punishment in the numerator group; (2)1% to 50% more likely; (3) 51% to 300% more likely;(4) 310% to 500% more likely; and (5) over 500% morelikely.

Corporal Punishment in U.S. Public Schools: Prevalence, Disparitiesin Use, and Status in State and Federal Policy (4)

Disparity ratios (DRs) for the use of school corporal punishment bystudents’ race, at the district level

Corporal Punishment in U.S. Public Schools: Prevalence, Disparitiesin Use, and Status in State and Federal Policy (5)

Disparity ratios (DRs) for the use of school corporal punishment bystudents’ disability status, at the district level

Note: This map excludes 5 states where school corporalpunishment is legal (AZ, CO, ID, KS, WY) but which had very low rates of use.For the 14 states shown: n = 3,640 districts; 1,234districts had at least one school that used corporal punishment on 10 or morestudents. Of those, 53 did not have a school with adequate representation ofstudents with and without disabilities. Disparity ratios calculated for 1,181school districts. Ratios higher than 1 indicate that students with disabilitieswere more likely to be corporally punished than students withoutdisabilities.

Disparities by Race

Racial disparities in use of school corporal punishment by district arepresented in Figure 3. The figure includesa table of the percentage of districts that fall into each category of disparityratios, as well as a map of districts coded according to the highest ratioreported for a school in that district. Both the table and the figure revealthat racial disparities in school corporal punishment are widespread, withdisparities largest in Alabama and Mississippi.

Black children in Alabama and Mississippi are at least 51% morelikely to be corporally punished than White children in over half of schooldistricts, while in one fifth of both states’ districts, Black childrenare over 5 times (500%) more likely to be corporally punished.Disparities for Black children are also high in several other southeasternstates—17% in Arkansas, 20% in Florida, 26% inGeorgia, 28% in Louisiana, and 18% in Tennessee (i.e., the twored columns in Figure 3 takentogether)—meaning they were more than 3 times as likely to receivecorporal punishment in school as White children.

These racial disparities in school corporal punishment at the districtlevel led us to consider whether the racial disparity in corporal punishmentreflects a greater likelihood of Black children to attend schools that usecorporal punishment. Table 4 compares thepercentage of Black and White children attending schools that use corporalpunishment by state. Though there is a racial difference, it is the opposite ofwhat one might expect: White children are generally more likely than Blackchildren to attend a school that uses corporal punishment. This is particularlytrue in Kentucky, where Whites are 7 times more likely to attend a school thatuses corporal punishment than Blacks, as well as in Oklahoma (3 times morelikely), Florida (2.5 times more likely), Missouri (2.2 times more likely), andTennessee (2 times more likely). Thus, racial disparities in corporal punishmentcannot be explained by Black children being more likely to attend schools thatuse corporal punishment.

Table 4

Percentage of Black and White children in each state who attended a school thatused corporal punishment in the 2011–2012 school year

StatePercent of Black studentsPercent of White students
NC< 11
AZ< 1< 1
KS< 1< 1
CO2< 1
Total in states where it is legal1314
Total across all states.76

Data source: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights(2014b).

We next considered whether racial disparities are more likely to occurwhen Black students are in the minority at a school. We identified schools ashaving either a majority of Black students (51% or more) or a majorityof non-Black students. Somewhat surprisingly, the rates of Black students beingcorporally punished were equal: 12% of Black students were subjected tocorporal punishment at either majority Black schools or majority non-Blackschools. The rate of corporal punishment for White students was also nearly thesame, at 8% for majority Black schools and 7% at majoritynon-Black schools. Therefore, it does not appear that Black students are singledout more for corporal punishment when they are in the minority; they are morelikely than White students to receive corporal punishment regardless of whetherthe schools are majority Black or majority non-Black.

These data make clear that racial disparities in school corporalpunishment are widespread. Black children are at a much greater risk of beingsubject to corporal punishment than White children in districts where it isbeing used. From the universal dataset of public schools that we examined, ourfindings are consistent with analyses from previous years of OCR data on asampling of schools (, 2009). Analyses of national racial-disparity ratios across time havefound that they are nearly the same now as they were in 1976, when these datawere first collected (Gershoff et al.,2015).

Racial disparities in school corporal punishment are similar to thosefound for suspensions and expulsions, such that Black children receive all formsof school discipline at a higher rate than their White peers (American Psychological Association [APA]Zero Tolerance Task Force, 2008). Research has largely concluded thatdisparities in suspensions and expulsions are not explained by differences inmisbehavior; rather, Black children are disciplined more severely than theirnon-Black peers for the same misbehaviors (APAZero Tolerance Task Force, 2008; Kinsler, 2011; ). Few studies have investigated the source of racialdisparities in school corporal punishment. An analysis of one Florida schooldistrict found that Black children were more likely than other children toreceive corporal punishment despite committing a smaller proportion of severeoffenses (). In another Florida district, Black children weresignificantly more likely to receive corporal punishment than non-Black childreneven after accounting for the severity and frequency of misbehavior ().

Disparities by Gender

Disparities in school corporal punishment by gender are displayed inFigure 4. Once again, the states ofAlabama, Arkansas, and Mississippi stand out from the rest. In these states,boys are substantially more likely to be corporally punished than girls in morethan three quarters of the school districts (78% of districts inMississippi, 75% in Arkansas, and 74% in Alabama). Disparitiesby gender are quite dramatic. As seen in the last column of the inset table inFigure 4, when disparities are presentthey are more likely to be at the level of boys being 5 or more times as likelyas girls to be subject to school corporal punishment. Two thirds of districts inAlabama and nearly half of districts in Arkansas have at least 1 school thatcorporally punishes boys more than 5 times the rate for girls. In 21% to42% of districts in Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee,and Texas, at least one school uses corporal punishment with 5 times as manyboys as girls.

Corporal Punishment in U.S. Public Schools: Prevalence, Disparitiesin Use, and Status in State and Federal Policy (6)

Disparity ratios (DRs) for the use of school corporal punishment bystudents’ gender, at the district level

The map in Figure 4 clearly showsthe prevalence of gender disparities in school corporal punishment. The majorityof school districts for which a ratio could be calculated are red or dark-red,indicating gender disparities exceeding 3.0 (i.e., boys being 3 times as likelyas girls to be corporally punished). Only a few districts have no disparities,as indicated by the color yellow. Thus, it appears that if school corporalpunishment is used in a district, it is being used in an unequal fashion, withboys much more likely than girls to be subject to school corporalpunishment.

These results are consistent with previous analyses of within-state useof corporal punishment. In the early 1990s, a review of several thousand casesin Florida found that 82% of students who received corporal punishmentwere male (McFadden et al., 1992). Areview of school corporal punishment in North Carolina found the same result 20years later: 83% of those receiving corporal punishment were boys (North Carolina Department of Public Instruction,2015). Boys account for roughly 50% of the student populationin both states. Differences in rates of misbehavior can explain some but not allof the differences in corporal punishment administered to boys versus girls.Although boys have been found to be twice as likely as girls to be referred tothe school office for discipline for a range of misbehaviors (),they are not twice as likely to be corporally punished, but rather four times aslikely. It is clear that boys are grossly overrepresented among students whor*ceive corporal punishment.

Disparities by Disability Status

Figure 5 presents the data ondisparities by disability status, whether physical, cognitive, or emotional;disability was defined as students who qualified as having a disability underthe Individuals with DisabilitiesEducation Act [IDEA] (1990) or Section504 of the Rehabilitation Act(1973). States with low overall rates of corporal punishment have thefewest number of districts with disability disparities (Indiana, Missouri, NorthCarolina, and South Carolina). Disparities are common in the other 15 states.Children with disabilities are over 50% more likely to experience schoolcorporal punishment than their peers without disabilities in 67% ofschool districts in Alabama, 44% in Arkansas, 34% in Georgia,35% in Louisiana, 46% in Mississippi, and 36% inTennessee. Some districts have particularly high rates of disparity bydisability status: In 12% of districts in Alabama, 9% inMississippi, and 8% in Tennessee, children with disabilities are over 5times more likely to experience corporal punishment than children withoutdisabilities.

The finding that students with disabilities are at greater risk forcorporal punishment than students without disabilities is troubling for tworeasons. First, the federal Individualswith Disabilities Education Act [IDEA](1990) provides a legal precedent for children with disabilities toreceive more support and assistance than children without disabilities. Giventhat children with disabilities are often more, rather than less, likely toexperience corporal punishment than their peers without disabilities, thissuggests that school staff are often responding to their challenging behaviorswith harsh, rather than positive, disciplinary methods.

Second, a report from Human Rights Watchand the ACLU (2009) found that administrators sometimes administercorporal punishment to children with disabilities for behaviors that stem fromtheir disability, such as those endemic to autism, Tourette syndrome, orobsessive compulsive disorder. It is worth noting that schools do have the legalright to use corporal punishment on students with disabilities; judges haveupheld this right, even when the punishment results in a child needingpsychiatric hospitalization (). That said,punishing children for symptoms of their disabilities is unlawful underIDEA.

The Intersection of Race, Gender, and Disability Status

The sections above highlighted the clear disparities in school corporalpunishment by a student’s race, gender, or disability status alone. Ofcourse, every student has a race, gender, or disability status and thus we werecurious if the risk for corporal punishment was additive across the intersectionof these student characteristics. We predicted that Black boys with disabilitieswould have the highest rates of school corporal punishment; we examined the datato determine if this was in fact true.

Table 5 presents the percent ofchildren who received corporal punishment across the three studentcharacteristics. Black boys have the highest overall rate of school corporalpunishment at 16%, followed by White boys at 9%. Black boys are1.8 times as likely as White boys to be corporally punished, while Black girlsare 3 times as likely as White girls to be corporally punished. For both Blackand White boys, students with and without disabilities are as likely toexperience corporal punishment, whereas for both Black and White girls, thosewith disabilities are slightly more likely to experience corporal punishmentthan their peers without disabilities. Contrary to our prediction, however,Black boys with disabilities are not corporally punished at the highest rate,suggesting that being Black, being a boy, and having a disability each confersome unique but some shared risk of experiencing school corporal punishment. Onesource of shared risk is the fact that Black students are more likely to beidentified as having disabilities such as emotional disturbance, intellectualdisability, and specific learning disability than are non-Black children (). The greater likelihood for Black children to be identified ashaving a disability than non-Black children may explain why the rates in Table 5 are more distinguished by race thanby disability status.

Table 5

Percentage of students corporally punished by race, gender and disability statusamong schools that use corporal punishment

With disabilityNo disabilityWith and without disability together
Both racesMale111111

Data source: U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights(2014b).

Summary of Disparities Data

This report is the first to examine school-level disparities in corporalpunishment for all public schools in the states where it is legal. The data makeclear that where school corporal punishment continues to be used, it istypically used disproportionately, with some subgroups of children more likelyto be corporally punished than others. These disparities in school corporalpunishment are concerning for several reasons. First, the systematicdifferential treatment of some subgroups would appear to be in violation ofthree federal laws that afford protections to children in the public educationsystem, namely protection from discrimination by race, color, or national originunder Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, protection from discriminationbased on gender under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, andprotection from discrimination as a result of a disability under Section 504 ofthe Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (U.S. Departmentof Education, Office for Civil Rights, 2015b). Second, children arelikely to perceive that they are being discriminated against as targets forcorporal punishment at greater rates than their peers; such perceiveddiscrimination has been linked in a recent meta-analysis with lower self-esteem,lower positive mood, higher depression, and higher anxiety—and more sofor children than adults (). Perceived racial discrimination hasalso been linked with low academic engagement and with more negative schoolbehaviors (), which may in turn lead to exacerbation of disciplinedisparities.

Disparities in school discipline have received some recent attention.The U.S. Department of Education has urged schools to ensure discipline isadministered in a manner that is “without regard to a student’spersonal characteristics, including race, color, national origin, religion,disability, ethnicity, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, orstatus as an English language learner, migrant, or homeless student”(U.S. Department of Education, 2014,p. 14). A report from the Council of State Governments Justice Center pointed tothe need for better monitoring of discipline across race, gender, and disabilitystatus subgroups (). The Discipline DisparitiesResearch-to-Practice Collaborative issued two briefs calling for policy andpractice initiatives to reduce disparities in school discipline (; ).All of these recent reports were focused on disparities in suspensions,expulsions, and physical restraints; not one mentioned disparities in corporalpunishment. As long as corporal punishment is legal in schools throughout theUnited States, it is crucial that it be included in policy discussions aboutreducing demographic disparities in discipline.

Additional Reasons for Concern About Continued Use of Corporal Punishment in U.S.Schools

The disparities documented above should cause concern among local, state,and federal policy officials about the continued use of corporal punishment inpublic schools. Yet the issue of disparate use is only one of many significantconcerns about school corporal punishment. Following are the main concerns that havebeen raised about school corporal punishment.

  • The use of objects to administer corporal punishment can leadto serious injury.

    There are numerous anecdotal accounts from interviews, news stories,and legal cases (e.g., Block, 2013;C. A. ex rel G.A. v. Morgan Co.Bd. of Educ., 2008; Garcia ex rel. Garcia v. Miera, 1987; Hardy, 2013; Ingraham v. Wright, 1977) ofchildren suffering from a range of serious injuries as a result of schoolcorporal punishment that often require medical treatment, including bruises,hematomas, nerve and muscle damage, cuts, and broken bones. The Society for Adolescent Medicine (2003) hasestimated that between 10,000 and 20,000 students require medical attentionas a result of school corporal punishment each year. These injuries likelyresult from the use of objects, such as paddles, to hit the children.

  • Research has found corporal punishment is not effective atteaching children how to behave.

    Corporal punishment is not effective at increasing compliance in theshort-term () or at promoting long-term compliance andmoral behavior (). The more children receive corporalpunishment, the more likely they are to be aggressive and to misbehave overtime, over and above how aggressive or disobedient they are initially (Berlin et al., 2009; ; ). Contrary to the arguments by defendersof school corporal punishment that banning it would result in an increase inmisbehavior and delinquent activity (; ), states that havebanned corporal punishment from their schools have not seen a subsequentincrease in juvenile crime over time (Gershoff et al., 2015). Therefore, no evidence exists thatremoving corporal punishment from schools creates a statewide permissiveenvironment where youth fail to control their behavior.

  • Research has found corporal punishment is associated withunintended negative consequences for children.

    Much of the research on corporal punishment has been about thatadministered by parents; in this large body of research, corporal punishmenthas been linked with a range of unintended negative outcomes (Gershoff, 2002; ),including higher rates of mental health problems (;), a more negative parent-child relationship (), lower cognitive ability and academic achievement (Berlin et al., 2009), and higher riskfor physical abuse (Bugental et al,2003; Zolotor et al.,2008). Only a few studies have considered academic andnonacademic outcomes associated with school corporal punishmentspecifically, none of which were conducted in the U.S. In a study conductedin West Africa, children who attended schools that used corporal punishmenthad lower scores in vocabulary and in executive functioning than childrenwho attended schools that did not (). Data from the Young Lives study offour developing countries (Ethiopia, India, Peru, and Vietnam) revealed highlevels of school corporal punishment at age 8 (between 20% and80% of children in each country), and that these experiences ofschool corporal punishment at age 8 predicted by age 12 lower self-efficacyand self-esteem (2 countries) as well as lower math scores (3 countries) andlower vocabulary scores (1 country) (). Although these studies pertain tostudents outside of the U.S., their findings are consistent with theabundance of U.S.-based research finding unintended negative consequences ofparental corporal punishment.

    Data from the Young Lives study of four developing countries(Ethiopia, India, Peru, and Viet Nam) revealed …experiencesof school corporal punishment at age 8 predicted age 12 lowerself-efficacy and self-esteem (2 countries) as well as lower mathscores (3 countries) and lower vocabulary scores (1 country) ().

  • Schools are one of the last public institutions where corporalpunishment is still legal.

    Corporal punishment of adults has been banned in U.S. prisons andU.S. military training facilities (Block,1997; Jackson v.Bishop, 1968). In most states, it is also banned inchild care centers, residential treatment facilities, and juvenile detentionfacilities (Bitensky, 2006). Indeed,12 of the 19 states that currently allow corporal punishment in schools havebanned it from other publicly funded settings that care for children,suggesting that these states already recognize the harm corporal punishmentcan pose to children. It is also worth noting that it is against the law inall states to beat an animal so long or hard that they are injured, withsuch behavior being a felony offense in most states (Otto, 2005). For example, Indiana prohibitscorporal punishment of vertebrate animals under its anti-animal crueltystatute, even while it permits corporal punishment of children with objectsin schools (Frank, 2013).

  • Prominent national organizations oppose the use of corporalpunishment in schools.

    Thirty-four prominent national organizations have publicly opposedcorporal punishment in schools. Professional organizations representing arange of disciplines, including education (e.g., National Association of State Departments of Education(2015), National Association ofElementary School Principals (2013)), medicine (e.g., American Academy of Pediatrics (1984),American Medical Association(1985)), mental health (e.g., American Psychological Association (1975)), and law (e.g., American Bar Association (1985)), haveissued statements or policy guidance opposing school corporal punishment andcalling for its abolition. In a statement, the Society for AdolescentMedicine called school corporal punishment “an ineffective,dangerous, and unacceptable method of discipline” (2003, p. 391).Nonprofit organizations, such as theAmerican Civil Liberties Union and Human Rights Watch (joint statement(2010)) and Prevent Child AbuseAmerica (2013), also oppose school corporal punishment. Inaddition, the Unitarian UniversalistAssociation of Congregations (1973) and the United Methodist Church (2008) have eachpassed resolutions calling for an end to corporal punishment in schools,while the General Assembly of thePresbyterian Church, USA (2012) has called for an end to allcorporal punishment. The full list of national organizations opposing schoolcorporal punishment is available in Table6.

    Table 6

    List of national organizations opposed to school corporal punishment

    American Academy of Child and AdolescentPsychiatry
    American Academy of Family Physicians
    American Academy of Pediatrics
    American Bar Association
    American Civil Liberties Union
    American Humane Association
    American Medical Association
    American Psychological Association
    American Public Health Association
    American School Counselor Association
    Association for Childhood EducationInternational
    Council for Exceptional Children
    Defense for Children International
    General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church,USA
    Human Rights Watch
    National Association of State Departments ofEducation
    National Association for the Education ofYoung Children
    National Association of Elementary SchoolPrincipals
    National Association of Pediatric NursePractitioners
    National Association of School Nurses
    National Association of SchoolPsychologists
    National Association of Secondary SchoolPrincipals
    National Association for State Boards ofEducation
    National Council of Teachers of English
    National Education Association
    National Foster Parents Association
    National Mental Health Association
    National Parent Teachers Association
    National Women’s Political Caucus
    Prevent Child Abuse America
    Society for Adolescent Medicine
    Unitarian Universalist General Assembly
    United Methodist Church General Assembly
    U.S. Department of Defense: Office ofDependents Schools Overseas

    Note: URLs for each statement are available from the first author.

  • Corporal punishment is considered a human rightsviolation.

    Corporal punishment is considered a human rights violation by theinternational human rights community in accordance with the United Nations(U.N.) Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC; ). Article 19 ofthe CRC protects children from “all forms of physical or mentalviolence (U.N., 1989, Article 19,para. 1), while Article 37 protects children from “cruel, inhuman,or degrading punishment or treatment” (U.N., 1989, Article 37, para. (a)). The U.N.Committee on the Rights of the Child, which is tasked with interpreting andthen monitoring compliance with the CRC, has stated that, under these twoCRC articles, “corporal punishment and other cruel or degradingforms of punishment are forms of violence” and as such should bebanned by all parties to the CRC (U.N.Committee on the Rights of the Child, 2007, para. 18). WithSomalia’s recent ratification of the CRC (U.N., 2015), the United States is now the onlycountry in the world that has not ratified the CRC. Corporal punishment ofchildren with disabilities also violates the U.N. Convention on the Rightsof Persons with Disabilities (U.N.,2006), which President Obama has signed but which the U.S.Congress failed to ratify. Corporal punishment is now banned from schools in64% of all countries (126 out of 198) worldwide (Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment ofChildren, 2015).

  • Americans no longer support the use of corporal punishment inschools.

    Although a majority of American adults (65% of women,77% of men) still believe that children sometimes “need agood hard spanking” from their parents (Child Trends, 2013), they do not agree thatschools should be allowed to use corporal punishment. In a 2005 nationalpoll, 77% of respondents believed that teachers should not beallowed to spank students, with public support for school corporalpunishment highest in Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Tennessee (SurveyUSA, 2005), consistent with thehigh rates of school corporal punishment in these states described above.Another national poll found a similar percentage of Americans expressingdisapproval of school corporal punishment (74%), with highdisapproval even among parents who spanked their own children (67%)and among Southerners (65%; Crandall, 2002). Tellingly, in a national survey of teachersthroughout the country, corporal punishment was ranked as having the lowesteffectiveness of the eight methods of discipline considered ().Americans’ disapproval of corporal punishment is also manifest inthe fact that 31 states have banned the practice from schools. This factwould appear to mark the “trend toward its elimination”(Ingraham v. Wright,1977, at line 661) that the Supreme Court did not see in 1977when only 2 states banned school corporal punishment, leading to itsdecision that the practice was constitutional.

State Policies Governing the Use of the Corporal Punishment in Schools

Personnel at U.S. public schools are permitted to discipline children notrelated to them because they are considered to be acting in locoparentis or “in place of the parent” (Conte, 2000). As noted above, school corporal punishmentis allowed under a 1977 decision by the Supreme Court known as Ingraham v.Wright. That case involved two junior high school students in Floridawho were struck with a wooden paddle by their principal: One suffered a hematomarequiring medical attention and the other was struck on his arms (as he tried toprotect himself) and lost the use of one arm for a week. The Supreme Court ruledthat this corporal punishment did not violate the Eighth Amendment’sprotection against cruel and unusual punishment nor the students’ right todue process under the Fourteenth Amendment. The Ingraham decisionthat corporal punishment is constitutional allowed states to decide for themselveswhether to permit school corporal punishment.

Among the 19 states where corporal punishment at schools is currently legal,the language of the relevant statutes varies considerably. We reviewed state laws onschool discipline that were recently compiled by the U.S. Department of Education(). A common provision in these statutes is that thecorporal punishment must be “reasonable” or “notexcessive,” without specifying how these qualifiers are defined. Forexample, Missouri law defines “spanking” by school personnel as the“use of reasonable force” (MissouriRevised Statutes, 2015). Missouri then goes on to apply a tautologicalstandard, whereby corporal punishment is defined as that which is not physicalabuse, and vice versa; the statutes state that spanking that is“administered…in a reasonable manner…is not abuse”(Missouri Revised Statutes, 2015). Otherstates also codify this tautology into their laws, such as in Mississippi, where“Corporal punishment administered in a reasonable manner…by ateacher, assistant teacher, principal or assistant principal…does notconstitute negligence or child abuse” (Mississippi Code, 2013). Similarly, Wyoming law (Wyoming Statutes Annotated, 2015) states that, to beconsidered abuse resulting in physical injury, any bruising must be “greaterin magnitude than minor bruising associated with reasonable corporalpunishment.”

By feeling the need to legally distinguish school corporal punishment fromphysical abuse, these states acknowledge that injury (such as bruising) is a commonconsequence of corporal punishment. If a parent were to cause an injury (includingbruising) with their use of corporal punishment, it would be considered physicalabuse under the laws of most states and might precipitate involvement by thestate’s child protective services agency (Child Welfare Information Gateway, 2013). To avoid school personnelbeing charged with abuse, some states explicitly exempt school personnel fromliability under state child abuse laws. For example, Wyoming law asserts:

“Teachers, principals and superintendents in each districtshall be immune from civil and criminal liability in the exercise ofreasonable corporal discipline of a student as authorized by boardpolicy.” (Wyoming StatutesAnnotated, 2015)

In much the same fashion, Missouri law excludes school corporal punishmentfrom its child abuse statutes and explicitly prevents its child protective servicesdepartment from having any jurisdiction to investigate allegations of child abusestemming from school corporal punishment (MissouriRevised Statutes, 2015).

This exclusion of school corporal punishment from state definitions of childmaltreatment means that in states that allow school corporal punishment, the samebehavior that is considered allowable corporal punishment by a teacher could beconsidered physical abuse if inflicted by a parent. In one case of injury resultingfrom school corporal punishment in New Mexico, a nurse who examined the studenttestified that she would have had to call child protective services if the injuryhad been sustained at home rather than at school (Garcia ex rel. Garcia v. Miera, 1987). This statusquo leads to a paradoxical situation in which teachers, as mandated reporters (Child Abuse Prevention and TreatmentAct, 1974), are required to report suspected abuse if achild comes to school with a suspicious injury; however, if thechild comes home from school with the same injury, aparent’s report of a teacher for abuse might not be investigated orprosecuted. A startling illustration of this conundrum comes from Kentucky, where afather brought his 12-year-old daughter, who had a large welt on her buttocks as aresult of a school paddling, to the local child-protective-services agency. Theagency staff performed an investigation and concluded that physical abuse hadoccurred. The agency then attempted to charge the principal with criminal assault,but a grand jury failed to indict the principal. When the family sued in a U.S.district court, the court again ruled in favor of the principal (C. A. ex rel G. A. v. Morgan Co. Bd. of Educ.,2008).

To avoid school personnel being charged with abuse, some statesexplicitly exempt school personnel from liability under state child abuselaws.

A few states recognize the right for parents to have input into, or at leastbe kept informed about, the discipline of their children. Parents in two states,North Carolina and Texas, can submit a signed form stating that their child is notto receive corporal punishment; in both states, a failure to submit a writtenrequest is de facto permission to administer corporal punishment on the child (North Carolina General Statutes, 2015; Texas Education Code, 2013). In Georgia,parents may prevent their children from receiving corporal punishment by submittinga signed form at the time of enrollment from a state-licensed doctor assertingcorporal punishment would be detrimental to the child’s mental or emotionalstability. Florida, Georgia, and North Carolina explicitly grant parents the rightto receive a written explanation of the reason for the child’s punishmentand the name of a witness to the punishment (FloridaStatutes, 2015; Georgia Code,2015; North Carolina General Statutes,2015). Florida law (Florida Statutes,2015) also requires that districts using corporal punishment review theirpolicy every three years during a board meeting that includes public testimony,providing one mechanism for public input and discussion.

Other states attempt to limit the use of corporal punishment or providealternatives. The Georgia Code (2015)specifies that corporal punishment may not be used as “a first line ofpunishment,” whereas Oklahoma law, despite placing few restrictions oncorporal punishment generally, requires that the state department of educationprovide local boards with “education materials dealing with effectiveclassroom discipline techniques as an alternative to the use of corporalpunishment” (Oklahoma Statutes Annotated,2014). These provisions in the state statutes would seem to acknowledgethat corporal punishment is not an ideal form of discipline in schools and thatalternative methods are preferred.

The Future of School Corporal Punishment in State and Federal Policy

There are three main policy avenues by which school corporal punishmentcould be ended in the United States. Efforts have been made to change policy at eachlevel over the years, with the only success occurring in state legislation. However,future bans on school corporal punishment could still occur through action at any orall levels.

State Legislation

Each state that has banned school corporal punishment to date has doneso in revisions to state statutes, typically in the education code, or in stateregulations (Bitensky, 2006). The laststate to ban corporal punishment from public schools was New Mexico in 2011. TheNorth Carolina and Texas legislatures have each considered bills to ban corporalpunishment in recent years. While full bans have not passed, changes to howcorporal punishment is managed in each state have been made into law.

The North Carolina Assembly has passed two recent bills restrictingcorporal punishment. A 2010 bill prohibiting the use of corporal punishment onchildren with legally-defined disabilities passed unanimously (An Act to Prohibit the Use of Corporal Punishment ona Student with a Disability, 2010). A year later, theAssembly passed a bill allowing parents to “opt-out” of schoolcorporal punishment for their children by submitting a form at the beginning ofthe school year (An Act to Require theInvolvement of a Parent, 2011). A third bill, whichwould have prohibited corporal punishment in foster care and required the persondelivering corporal punishment be of the same gender as the child, died incommittee (An Act to Prohibit theAdministration of Corporal Punishment, 2013). A bill toinstitute a full ban on school corporal punishment failed to pass on a 66 to 50vote in 2007 (An Act to Prohibit the Useof Corporal Punishment in the Public Schools, 2008) andhas not been reintroduced. Since then, the North Carolina State Board ofEducation adopted a resolution expressing opposition to corporal punishment andobserving that “corporal punishment is often indistinguishable fromchild abuse” (North Carolina State Boardof Education, 2013, p. 5). This opposition to school corporalpunishment from the state’s executive branch, along with the fact thatonly 12 of the state’s 115 school districts currently report anycorporal punishment (Action for Children NorthCarolina, 2013), suggests that corporal punishment is likely to beeliminated in practice, if not in law, in North Carolina in the near future.

In Texas, State Representative Alma Allen (D-Houston), a former schoolprincipal from Houston, introduced a bill to ban corporal punishment from publicschools but the bill failed to make it out of committee (An Act Relating to Corporal Punishment in PublicSchools, 2007). Four years later, Representative Allenintroduced, and the Legislature passed, an “opt out” billsimilar to North Carolina’s bill (An Act Relating to Corporal Punishment in PublicSchools, 2011). Two stricter provisions included in anearlier version of the bill were dropped before passage, namely a requirementthat parents give written permission for their children to receive corporalpunishment at school (an “opt-in” provision that would have beenstronger than the “opt-out” provision that was passed), and arequirement that the educator delivering the corporal punishment be of the samegender as the student. Representative Allen re-introduced her bill to abolishall school corporal punishment again in the 2012–2013 legislativesession (An Act Relating to CorporalPunishment in Public Schools, 2013) and in the2014–2015 session (An ActRelating to Corporal Punishment in Public Schools,2015), but neither bill came up for a vote.

Federal Legislation

There are no federal laws or regulations concerning school corporalpunishment, other than those authorizing the OCR to collect data about it, asnoted above. Bills to ban corporal punishment from public schools wereintroduced in the U.S. House of Representatives in 1990, 1991, and 1993 bythen-Representative Major Owens (D-NY) and then in 2010, 2011, and 2014 bythen-Representative Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY); none came up for a vote. In 2015,Representative Alcee Hastings (D-FL) introduced the Ending CorporalPunishment in Schools Act of 2015 (H.R. 2268), which would bancorporal punishment in schools. The bill would add text to the General EducationProvisions Act (20 U.S.C. 1232f et seq.) requiring that states ban corporalpunishment in schools as a condition of receiving federal education funding. Thebill has 13 cosponsors (all Democrats), two of whom are from states, likeRepresentative Hastings, that allow school corporal punishment. The bill wasreferred to the House Education and the Workforce Committee and had not yet ahearing as of July, 2016.

Reconsidering a Supreme Court Decision

Legal scholars have argued that the Ingraham v. WrightSupreme Court decision allowing school corporal punishment is ripe forreconsideration (Bitensky, 2006; Sacks, 2009). As noted above, one of theCourt’s key arguments was that corporal punishment was still widely usedin public schools and that the Court could “discern no trend toward itselimination” (Ingraham v.Wright, 1977, at 661). At the time the justicesconsidered the case, only two states–New Jersey andMassachusetts–had banned school corporal punishment. Now, a majority(31) of states and the District of Columbia have banned corporal punishment frompublic schools. A similar “trend toward abolition” was noted inthe Court’s Roper v. Simmons ruling that the deathpenalty (“capital punishment,” not to be confused with“corporal punishment”) was no longer constitutional forindividuals who had committed their crimes as juveniles (Roper v. Simmons, 2005, at 567). Inits decision, the Court reaffirmed a statement it made 47 years earlier in itsTrop v. Dulles decision that the interpretation of“cruel and unusual punishments” in the Eighth Amendment mustreflect “the evolving standards of decency that mark the progress of amaturing society” (Trop v.Dulles, 1958, at 100–101).

In its Roper decision, the Court also recognized“the overwhelming weight of international opinion” (Roper v. Simmons, 2005, at578) which reinforced its decision. The Court noted that the U.N. Convention onthe Rights of the Child prohibits capital punishment of juveniles as a humanrights violation (United Nations, 1989,see Article 37). If the Court were to apply the “evolving standards ofdecency” criterion and an international comparison as it did inRoper, it would similarly side on behalf of abolition ofschool corporal punishment.

However, there have been no opportunities to apply these criteriabecause no school corporal punishment cases have made it onto the Court docketsince Ingraham in 1977,though the Court was petitioned on one such case in 2007 (Serafin v. School of Excellence inEducation, 2007). In this case, Jessica Serafin, an18-year-old female high school student, had left campus to buy breakfast butreturned before the school bell rang; she was accused of violating theschool’s closed-campus policy and received corporal punishment as aresult of her alleged infraction. The principal hit her repeatedly with a4-ft-long piece of wood on the buttocks, hips, legs, and hand; the blows lefther buttocks bleeding and her hand swollen—injuries for which she wastreated in a hospital emergency room (Sacks,2009). Ms. Serafin sued the high school, arguing that, as a legaladult, her rights to due process and equal protection were violated; she lostthe initial suit and turned to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, whichrejected her appeal (Serafin v. Schoolof Excellence in Education, 2007). Ms. Serafin thenappealed to the Supreme Court but it denied her petition without comment (CaseNo. 07-9760; U.S. Supreme Court, 2008),thus leaving the Ingraham decision in place and school corporalpunishment still legal in the U.S..

The U.S. Department ofEducation (2014) recommends discipline that isdevelopmentally appropriate, proportional to the misbehavior, andfocused on teaching children how to learn from theirmistakes.”


Corporal punishment in schools has declined dramatically over the last fewdecades. In the years since the 1977 Ingraham decision, 29 statesand the District of Columbia have banned school corporal punishment. Only14% of U.S. school districts report using corporal punishment; in otherwords, 86% of school districts have found other ways to discipline childrenwhen they misbehave in school. However, U.S. school corporal punishment is stillquite commonplace in several southeastern states, making those states unlikely toban corporal punishment anytime soon. If schools, families, or advocates seek theabolition of school corporal punishment, federal legislation may be necessary toensure that the remaining states that allow corporal punishment join the majority ofstates that do not.

Whether or not change comes through policy, school districts on their owncan abandon corporal punishment in favor of non-physical methods of discipline, asmany districts already have within states where corporal punishment is legal. The U.S. Department of Education (2014)recommends discipline that is developmentally appropriate, proportional to themisbehavior, and focused on teaching children how to learn from their mistakes.Disciplinary approaches with these characteristics, such as school-wide positivebehavioral interventions and supports () and social-emotional learning (), have been found to be effective at reducing problembehavior and creating a positive learning environment for students. The success ofsuch approaches should reassure districts that replacing corporal punishment withnon-physical discipline approaches is unlikely to negatively impact the schoolenvironment and rather might improve it.

School corporal punishment is concentrated in only a handful of states. Theclear disparities in its use according to children’s race, gender, anddisability status, and the concerns raised about corporal punishment from research,professional organizations, human rights advocates, and the American public,together call into question the utility and equity of the practice of corporalpunishment in U.S. schools. It is likely time for the remaining states that allowschool corporal punishment to reconsider its use and to join the majority of U.S.states and countries around the world that have banned corporal punishment fromschools.


The authors acknowledge support for the writing of this report from the EuniceKennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (T32HD007081, PIs: Kelly Raley & Elizabeth T. Gershoff; R24 HD042849, PI: MarkHayward) awarded to the Population Research Center at The University of Texas atAustin.


Elizabeth Gershoff is an Associate Professor of Human Development andFamily Sciences and Associate Director for Faculty Development of the PopulationResearch Center at the University of Texas at Austin. For the past 15 years, she hasstudied the implications of parents’ use of corporal punishment for childrenand the legal and human rights issues surrounding its use. She has now extended herinterest to include corporal punishment in schools and other settings. She recentlyparticipated in a Congressional briefing about corporal punishment in schools andthe potential for a federal law to ban it. She is part of an internationalcollaborative called Know Violence in Childhood that is collecting evidence on theprevalence and prevention of violence in schools around the world. Her otherresearch is focused on interventions to increase parent involvement inchildren’s learning and to reduce violence against children in a range ofsettings. Before joining the University of Texas at Austin faculty, she was aresearch scientist at the National Center for Children in Poverty in the MailmanSchool of Public Health at Columbia University and later was an Associate Professorin the School of Social Work at the University of Michigan. She earned a PhD inChild Development from the University of Texas at Austin.

Sarah Font is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology andCriminology and a faculty affiliate of the Network on Child Protection andWell-Being at Pennsylvania State University. Her research focuses on the causes andconsequences of child abuse and neglect and role of the child protection and fostercare systems. She completed her PhD in Social Welfare at the University ofWisconsin-Madison and her postdoctoral studies at the University of Texas at AustinPopulation Research Center.


1This total comes from the full Office for Civil Rights (OCR) universal datasetfor 2011–2012 provided to the authors and used throughout this report.OCR reports a total of 166,807 on its website ( and throughout the report, we exclude reported incidents from states wherecorporal punishment is illegal and from schools that are contained withinjuvenile justice facilities, hospitals, or residential treatment centers. Forconsistency throughout the report, we use the total number from the universaldataset.

2The excluded charter and specialized school “districts” tend tobe a single school or a set of 2 to 3 schools located in the same area as atypical public school district. Specifically, 75% of these“districts” were single schools and 91% included 3 orfewer schools. Of these, 26 (2.6%) had a school that reported use ofcorporal punishment.

Contributor Information

Elizabeth T. Gershoff, University of Texas at Austin.

Sarah A. Font, Pennsylvania State University.


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Corporal Punishment in U.S. Public Schools: Prevalence, Disparities
in Use, and Status in State and Federal Policy (2024)
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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.