Consumer Privacy and Data Breach Lawyers | Console & Associates P.C. (2024)

NOTICE: If you received a NOTICE OF DATA BREACH letter from any company, contact the data breach attorneys at Console & Associates, at (866) 778-5500 to discuss your legal options, or submit a confidential Case Evaluation form here.

Consumer Privacy and Data Breach Lawyers | Console & Associates P.C. (1)

You just received a letter in the mail explaining that your personal information was compromised and accessed by an unauthorized third party in a recent data breach.

You may be wonderingwhich of your information was accessed? What can they do with this information? What can you do to protect yourself? What company allowed a third party to access your private information? Will your credit be impacted? Is there anything you can do to hold a company legally responsible for leaking your information?

These are all good questionsand important ones.

If you’ve recently learned that your personal and private information was compromised in a data breach, you must take the necessary steps to protect yourself. Hackers and other bad actors target email addresses, social media login information, credit card numbers, social security numbers and many other types of information.

The theft of personal information presents serious risks, most notably identity theft. In some cases, criminals may take out loans in your name or even provide your personal information to the police if they are arrested, meaning you could end up with a criminal record despite never having committed a crime.

“47 percent of people experienced identity theft in 2020.”

According to the Insurance Information Institute, 47 percent of people experienced identity theft in 2020. This represents a 73 percent increase from 2019. In large part, identity theft is increasing so rapidly due to the fact that more information is stored electronically. Companies that you trust with your information have a duty to protect it. When a company fails to implement the proper safeguards, it may be liable through a consumer data privacy lawsuit. At Console & Associates, P.C., our consumer privacy lawyers are here to help you understand your rights in the wake of a data breach. With our help, you can effectively pursue compensation from the parties responsible for the breach.

Table of Contents hide

2 Should You Be Concerned About Data Privacy?

3 What Can Lead to a Data Breach?

4 When Is a Company Responsible for a Data Breach?

5 How to Protect Against a Data Breach

7 Data Breaches That We are Currently Investigating

When you provide your information to a company, you trust that the company will protect your information. And, in most cases, businesses do a good job taking the necessary precautions to protect consumers’ private data. However, in recent years, data breaches have become incredibly common.

“there were more than 1,290 data breaches in the first half of 2021.”

Consumer privacy is not a new concern. However, the COVID-19 pandemic presented an opportunity for hackers and other criminals—an opportunity they eagerly seized.

With hundreds of thousands of people laid off, looking for work or other ways to make money, hackers knew that their victims were becoming increasingly desperate and took advantage. According to the Identity Theft Resource Center, there were more than 1,290 data breaches in the first half of 2021.[2] This represents the largest amount of data breaches in any six-month period in history.

Data breaches are a serious concern for several reasons. Aside from the uneasy feeling of knowing that your personal information is in the hands of a stranger, there are also financial and quality-of-life concerns when your information becomes compromised. Hackers will often sell your information to the highest bidder, who will then use the purchased information to engage in a host of potentially life-altering crimes.

At Console & Associates, P.C., we help consumers whose personal and private information was leaked by the corporations they trusted. While lawmakers understand the concerns surrounding data breaches, it often takes years for laws to pass. By holding companies accountable for the mishandling of consumers’ information, together we can encourage these companies to take consumer privacy more seriously.

To learn more, give us a call to discuss your situation. If you decide to bring a case with Console & Associates, P.C., you won’t pay for our legal representation unless we successfully recover compensation on your behalf. That’s part of the No Fee Promise we make to each one of our clients.

Call us today at (866) 778-5500.

Companies that you trust with your information have a duty to protect it.

What Is “Personal Information”?

Consumer Privacy and Data Breach Lawyers | Console & Associates P.C. (2)Every time you make a purchase, apply for a loan, credit card, or bank account, or even open up a social media account, you provide your personal information. While the information you provide varies depending on the type of account or transaction, at a minimum, it will include your name and email address.

It is easy to lose track of all the information you’ve given to companies over time. The result is that a huge amount of information about you is available online and in company databases.

Some of the types of personal information companies retain include your:

  • Real name
  • Any aliases or common names you’ve used
  • Health information
  • Address
  • Internet Protocol Address
  • Email addresses
  • Account names
  • Social Security Number
  • Driver’s license number
  • Passport number
  • Credit card number
  • Bank account numbers

This information, either on its own or in conjunction with other personal information such as your gender, race or age, can be used by criminals for a variety of purposes, all of which put you at risk.

Should You Be Concerned About Data Privacy?

If a third party accesses your information, what’s the big deal? As long as you report fraud on your financial accounts, aren’t you protected? And don’t government agencies and credit agencies understand that identity theft is not your fault? The company that mishandled your data even offered to pay for enhanced credit monitoring services to provide you with additional protection, so why should you be worried about consumer privacy?

The fact is that a data breach can have a tremendous impact on your life. For example, below are just a few of the horrors that you may encounter in the wake of a data breach:

  • Unauthorized bank accounts
  • Unauthorized credit cards
  • Public availability of your private information
  • A criminal record

That’s right, criminals who steal another’s identity will often give someone else’s information to the police if they are pulled over or arrested. By doing so, they hope to take advantage of your lack of a criminal record. However, if the police still end up arresting them, it will be under your name.

The truth is, over time, there are mechanisms in place to reverse much of the damage caused by identity theft. However, it can take months or even years to uncover the full extent of the damage caused. And even once you discover the impact, it isn’t as easy as calling up a business and explaining you were the victim of a data breach. The result is that victims of a data breach are often consumed by reversing the effects of the breach. This is a burden you shouldn’t have to take on.

What Can Lead to a Data Breach?

People who capture black-market data have various tools at their disposal. For example, below are a few of the ways that criminals can obtain your information:

Hacking Attacks

Hacking is defined as obtaining unauthorized access to information through the use of a computer. Hackers can tap into an online database to access the personal information of anyone included in the database. Hackers possess advanced knowledge of computers, information technology, and security systems, which they use to breach databases.

Unsecure Online Security Systems

Hackers will often share information with one another. Thus, once an online security system is around long enough, hackers will invariably find a way around it. Companies understand this and must routinely update their online security systems to protect consumers’ data. However, this is costly and time-consuming, and not every company immediately conducts the necessary updates. The result is that many companies rely on outdated security systems, a reality that puts consumers at risk.


Malware is short for “malicious software.” Malware users will install the software over a network onto the victim’s device. From there, the program can wreak havoc, including scouring the device for any personal information.


Ransomware is a type of malware that typically blocks access to a person’s device unless they pay a ransom to the party controlling the program. Often, ransomware is delivered through the use of a “trojan,” which is a seemingly harmless file that installs the software when the user opens the program.

Decommissioning of I.T. Assets

When companies update their computers, network devices, and other information technology assets, the old assets, by default, will still contain sensitive information. Thus, companies must take special care when decommissioning old I.T. assets; otherwise, a bad actor could obtain the old assets and access the information contained on them.

Unauthorized Sale of Personal Information

While federal regulation of consumer privacy is still quite weak, many states have passed laws requiring companies to inform consumers about how their information will be handled. In many cases, large and trusted businesses generate huge profits from selling customers’ data to third parties. The third party can then do what they wish with the information obtained.

These are just a few of the most common causes of data breaches; there are many others. At Console & Associates, P.C., our respected data breach and consumer privacy lawyers stay on top of all recent scams and attacks to ensure our clients’ interests are protected.

When Is a Company Responsible for a Data Breach?

If a hacker or other criminal targets a company and a customer’s information is compromised, the company can be held liable in certain situations. However, companies are not generally strictly liable for a data breach. This means that to successfully bring a data breach lawsuit, you must prove that the company that owned or possessed your data acted negligently. A few of the ways in which a company can be held liable for a data breach include:

  • If the company failed to maintain a security system as required by state law
  • If the company was directly responsible for the leak
  • If the company failed to effectively mitigate the harms of a data breach once it was discovered
  • If the company failed to provide timely notice to all consumers impacted by the breach

Thus, even though a company may technically be a “victim” of a data breach, so is the consumer. And, ultimately, companies have a duty to protect against third-party attacks, so they can be held accountable for the incident when they fail to adequately protect consumer data.

How to Protect Against a Data Breach

If you recently received a letter from a company you trusted indicating that your information was targeted in a data breach, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you will become a victim; however, it does mean that you’ve been put at risk. You may be wondering what you should do if you receive a data breach notification. Below are a few important steps you can take to protect yourself.

    1. Read the Notice – Don’t Ignore It!: The first thing to do after receiving a data breach notification is to read the entire notice carefully. Too often, people ignore data breach notifications, thinking that no harm has been done. That is not the case, as any leaked information puts you at risk. The notice will tell you specifically which type of information was compromised and how you may have been exposed. It is also imperative that you keep a copy of the letter in the event you need to prove that you’ve been the victim of identity theft.
    2. Review the Breached Account: Next, hop online and review your account with the company that reported the breach. Try to remember what information you provided to the company. This will give you a better idea of exactly what is at stake.
    3. Consider Closing the Affected Account: While receiving a notice that you’ve been the target of a data breach doesn’t necessarily mean you will become a victim, depending on the type of account and information accessed, you should consider closing your account and reopening a new one. While the third party will still retain access to your information, by closing the account, the information will no longer be linked to that specific account.
    4. Understand the Risks: Depending on the type of data breach, there are various risks you may face. For example, if someone was able to access your credit card information, the obvious risk is that a third party will start using your card for purchases. While this is a hassle and can subject you to the risk of identity theft, the real risks stem from compromised social security numbers, birth dates, addresses and other personal information. Because you can’t change this information, it has a long shelf-life for criminals.
    5. Sign Up for Free Credit Monitoring: Often, a company will provide a free period of enhanced credit monitoring in the wake of a data breach. However, you will not be automatically signed up for this free service; you need to affirmatively sign up, and it is important that you do so. Taking the company up on their offer does not impact your rights to pursue a data breach lawsuit in the future.
    6. Keep a Close Eye on Your Credit Report: Aside from constantly monitoring the affected account, you should also frequently check your credit report to look for other signs of fraud. Even if the information accessed in the most recent data breach doesn’t give a criminal everything they need to assume your identity, there is no telling what other information is already out there.
    7. Change Passwords and Login Credentials: After falling victim to a data breach, it is essential that you change all passwords and security questions to any financial account. This is an important step even if the compromised account was not linked to your bank account.
    8. Contact a Consumer Privacy and Data Breach Lawyer: Regardless of whether you notice signs of fraudulent activity on any of your accounts, you may be entitled to compensation from the company that mishandled your data. However, these cases are extremely complex and should be handled by an attorney with specific, hands-on experience dealing with these particular claims.

At Console & Associates, P.C., our lawyers monitor all data breaches and help affected consumers pursue their legal remedies. We offer free consultations to all victims of data breaches and can explain your rights in clear, understandable terms so you can make an informed decision about how to proceed with your case.

Reach Out to the Data Privacy Lawyers at Console & Associates, P.C.

Consumer Privacy and Data Breach Lawyers | Console & Associates P.C. (3)If you recently received a letter indicating that your information was compromised through a data breach, it is crucial that you take the steps necessary to protect yourself. At Console & Associates, P.C., we help you better understand what is at stake after a data breach and what your legal remedies are. We work with law firms across the country to provide the most resources and expertise possible to help ensure that your case is successful.

At Console & Associates, P.C., we also offer all clients a No Fee Promise, which means that we do not accept payment from you unless we can successfully resolve your case, either through a data breach settlement or a favorable jury verdict.

To schedule your free consultation, just call (866) 778-5500 today or fill out our secure contact form.

NOTICE: If you received a NOTICE OF DATA BREACH letter from any company, contact the data breach attorneys at Console & Associates, at (866) 778-5500 to discuss your legal options, or submit a confidential Case Evaluation form here.

Data Breaches That We are Currently Investigating

Consumer Privacy and Data Breach Lawyers | Console & Associates P.C. (2024)


How much compensation can you get for a data breach? ›

You can be compensated up to $25 per hour up to 20 hours. There are limited funds available so your claim may be reduced.

What are my rights if my data has been breached? ›

You have a right to claim data protection breach compensation due to GDPR if you have suffered as a result of an organisation breaking the data protection laws. If you believe your personal data has been lost or misused and you have suffered loss or distress, you may be able to claim for compensation.

Can I sue a company if my data is breached? ›

Regardless of the reason or cause for a security breach, victims have the right to file a claim against a company for failing to protect their information.

Who is legally liable for data breach? ›

Often, the data owner is held liable for cloud security data breaches. However, depending on the circ*mstances and the evidence available, the data holder (the cloud service) may be considered responsible instead.

How do you prove data breach? ›

Evidence to show how a data breach has impacted you
  1. Confirmation that you were involved in a data breach.
  2. Details of any phishing attacks or scams linked to the data breach.
  3. Details of any money lost because of the data breach.
  4. Details of any mental health conditions caused or made worse because of the data breach.

What was the largest data breach payout? ›

T-Mobile's $350 million settlement was one of the largest data breach payouts in US history. After a 2021 cyberattack exposed millions of customers' personal information, T-Mobile agreed to a $350 million settlement to resolve claims that its negligence led to the breach.

What is the highest fine for a serious data breach? ›

20 biggest GDPR fines so far [2023]
  • 20 biggest GDPR fines so far. ...
  • Amazon GDPR fine – €746 million. ...
  • Meta GDPR fine – €405 million. ...
  • Meta GDPR fine – €390 million. ...
  • Meta GDPR fine – €265 million. ...
  • WhatsApp GDPR fine – €225 million. ...
  • Google LLC fine- €90 million. ...
  • Google Ireland fine- €60 million.

How long does a data breach claim take? ›

In reality, how long a data breach claim takes simply comes down to the circ*mstances of the case. Some cases could be resolved in a few months, whereas others may end up being pursued for several years.

How quickly should a data breach be reported? ›

At a glance

You must do this within 72 hours of becoming aware of the breach, where feasible. If the breach is likely to result in a high risk of adversely affecting individuals' rights and freedoms, you must also inform those individuals without undue delay.

What are the 3 categories of personal data breaches? ›

Personal data breaches can be categorised into:
  • confidentiality breach, where there is an unauthorised or accidental disclosure of or access to personal data. ...
  • availability breach, where there is an accidental or loss of access to or destruction of personal data.

What are the four actions that companies should perform after a data breach? ›

Secure Your Operations
  • Move quickly to secure your systems and fix vulnerabilities that may have caused the breach. ...
  • Mobilize your breach response team right away to prevent additional data loss. ...
  • Assemble a team of experts to conduct a comprehensive breach response. ...
  • Stop additional data loss.

How serious is a data breach? ›

Depending on the type of data involved, the consequences can include destruction or corruption of databases, the leaking of confidential information, the theft of intellectual property and regulatory requirements to notify and possibly compensate those affected.

What are the damages for data breach lawsuit? ›

What Are the Damages Awarded for a Data Breach Lawsuit? Replacing financial losses represents the most common type of damages awarded for a data breach lawsuit. Financial losses can include theft from a bank account, as well as being victimized by credit card fraud.

Am I personally liable for a data breach? ›

If the breach involves a cyberattack in a traditional data owner's proprietary network & data center, the data owner is obviously potentially liable. State and federal data privacy laws in the U.S. do not impose civil liabilities in the event of a cyber intrusion.

Can an individual be held accountable for a data breach? ›

If an organisation is made up of one person, then you can consider that an individual fine. But otherwise, the fine goes to the organisation as a whole. There are other specific circ*mstances, however, when an individual within a company can be fined: Obstructing investigation into non-compliance of GDPR.

Can an individual be fined for a data breach? ›

Being irresponsible with people's data

If you don't take adequate security measures to prevent or contain a serious personal data breach, this could lead to a fine.

What should be the first step if a data breach is suspected? ›

You should take several urgent steps when a data breach is detected. The first is to record the date and time of detection as well as all information known about the incident at the moment. Then, the person who discovered the breach must immediately report to those responsible within the organization.

What is the first question you ask when a breach occurs? ›

1. What's the scope of this incident?

What damages can you get from a data breach? ›

Data breach lawsuits

Plaintiffs typically seek damages for unauthorized charges, damage to credit, cost of credit monitoring, cost of replacement credit cards, time and expenses incurred to investigate, and emotional distress.

How much does the average data breach in the US cost? ›

Cybercrime is a trillion-dollar business, and it is projected to cost the world $10.5 trillion by 2025. But with only half of small and medium-sized businesses having a cybersecurity plan in place, not being protected could be disastrous for your business.

What company has the biggest data breaches? ›

List of data breaches
CheckFree Corporation20095,000,000
Central Intelligence Agency201791
China Software Developer Network20116,000,000
90 more rows

Which company dealt with the biggest data breach? ›

According to data breach statistics, the largest data breach in history is the one that Yahoo! suffered for several years. Not only is it the biggest breach according to the number of affected users, but it also feels like the most massive one because of all the headlines.

Do I qualify for Capital One data breach settlement? ›

How do I know if I am part of the Settlement? You are a Settlement Class Member if you are among the approximately 98 million U.S. residents identified by Capital One whose information was accessed in the Capital One Data Breach.

Is data breach a crime? ›

If a data breach results in identity theft or a violation of government or industry compliance mandates, the offending organization can face fines, litigation, reputation loss and even loss of the right to operate the business.

What happens if more than 500 individuals are affected by a breach? ›

If a breach affects 500 or more individuals, covered entities must notify the Secretary without unreasonable delay and in no case later than 60 days following a breach. If, however, a breach affects fewer than 500 individuals, the covered entity may notify the Secretary of such breaches on an annual basis.

What is the immediate step after data breach? ›

Plan Ahead. Once the immediate threat is over, it is wise to review your response to the breach. Get IT involved to audit the affected systems and understand precisely what happened. Perform a risk assessment of your infrastructure to determine further vulnerabilities and shore them up.

Can you sue for data breach us? ›

Yes, after a data breach, those affected can bring a data breach lawsuit against the company. However, to succeed in their claim, the victim must prove that the company was negligent or otherwise violated the United States data breach laws.

What do do after a data breach? ›

Once the data breach has been reported, the company needs to determine how to notify the affected parties and explain how the cybercriminals accessed the data and how they have used the stolen information. Companies should also provide contact details for any additional questions regarding the situation.

What is the 72 hour rule for data breach? ›

The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) has approved a final rule requiring federally chartered and federally insured credit unions to notify NCUA of a "reportable cyber incident" "as soon as possible and no later than 72 hours" after the credit union "reasonably believes" the incident has occurred.

What happens if a data breach is not reported? ›

The GDPR introduced a duty on all organisations to report certain types of personal data breaches to the relevant supervisory authority. Failing to do so can result in heavy fines and penalties and an investigation by the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO).

What is not classed as personal data? ›

Information about companies or public authorities is not personal data. However, information about individuals acting as sole traders, employees, partners and company directors where they are individually identifiable and the information relates to them as an individual may constitute personal data.

What is the most common form of data breach? ›

Hacking attacks may well be the most common cause of a data breach but it is often a weak or lost password that is the vulnerability that is being exploited by the opportunist hacker.

What is considered one of the biggest causes of personal data breaches? ›

Criminal hacking—it's what causes the majority of data breaches. These are planned attacks by cybercriminals always looking to exploit computer systems or networks. Some common techniques include phishing, password attacks, SQL injections, malware infection, and DNS spoofing.

What is likely to be the worst consequence of a data breach? ›

Significant revenue loss as a result of a security breach is common. Studies show that 29% of businesses that face a data breach end up losing revenue. Of those that lost revenue, 38% experienced a loss of 20% or more. A non-functional website, for example, may cause potential customers to explore other options.

How much can I be fined for data breach? ›

For especially severe violations, listed in Art. 83(5) GDPR, the fine framework can be up to 20 million euros, or in the case of an undertaking, up to 4 % of their total global turnover of the preceding fiscal year, whichever is higher.

What does data breach insurance cover? ›

Data breach insurance only offers first-party coverages for losses related to a data breach, hack, or theft of company documents. The policies generally cover expenses associated with informing parties affected by a breach to minimize the damage.

Who is responsible if it's a data security or privacy breach? ›

Data owners are held responsible for data security. For this reason, they are usually considered liable for breaches. Of course, the data owner may be able to argue that they did everything required of them to ensure the security of the data.

Who is most likely to be accountable for the data breach? ›

If a company has adequate cyber security tools in place, and a breach occurs regardless, the incident may well be due to mistakes made by CISOs. A chief information security officer is likely to be held responsible if a security team doesn't detect, or offer a robust response when a data breach takes place.

Who has the authority to determine if a personal data breach has actually occurred? ›

If that occurs, and it is likely that the breach poses a risk to an individual's rights and freedoms, your company/organisation has to notify the supervisory authority without undue delay, and at the latest within 72 hours after having become aware of the breach.

What rights do I have in a data breach? ›

You have the right to be promptly notified if your sensitive data was accessed or stolen and you have the right to sue the company over the data breach.

Is it illegal to breach someone's privacy? ›

Intruding upon another's solitude or private affairs is subject to liability if the intrusion is considered highly offensive to a reasonable person. This tort is often associated with "peeping Toms," someone illegally intercepting private phone calls, or snooping through someone's private records.

How long do you have to investigate a data breach? ›

Generally, an organisation or agency has 30 days to assess whether a data breach is likely to result in serious harm.

Who should you contact first in case of a potential data breach? ›

This should be done with the public relations team within the organisation. The Data Protection Officer of the processor must notify the controller, as stated in the contract. In this case, all personal data breaches need to be reported to the controller, without exception.

What not to do after a breach? ›

Don't react without a plan.

Tell them to hold tight, refer to the emergency plan and procedure guide that maps out who is responsible for what, and make sure they document every action they take as they go along.

What are the four steps involved when a privacy breach occurs? ›

Develop and execute a plan designed to contain the breach and notify those affected.

What is the most important task after security breach? ›

The most important task after a physical security breach has been detected is to gather info for analysis in order to know what exactly occurred and take further steps to prevent future incidents.

What type of crime is a data breach? ›

A data breach is a security violation, in which sensitive, protected or confidential data is copied, transmitted, viewed, stolen, altered or used by an individual unauthorized to do so.

Is data breach a legal liability? ›

Businesses may be held liable when a data security breach occurs because of certain factors associated with the crime such as how the information was stored and how well it was protected prior to the intrusion.

How much will each person get from the T Mobile settlement? ›

The company agreed a massive $350 million settlement package last year and will award up to $25,000 in compensation to customers.

How much will I get from T Mobile data breach settlement? ›

T-Mobile Data Breach: You Could Claim Up to $25K — But You'll Need to Do it Soon. More than 76 million T-Mobile customers could claim part of a $350 million payout, after a huge data breach.

How do I join the T-Mobile class action lawsuit? ›

Online Claim Form
  1. Call. 1-833-512-2314.
  2. Email.
  3. Mail. T-Mobile Data Breach Settlement. c/o Kroll Settlement Administration LLC. P.O. Box 225391 New York, NY 10150-5391.

What percentage is a settlement? ›

A settlement case where the lawyer gets no fee will most likely be less than 40 percent. On the other hand, if a lawsuit is successful and the plaintiff wins, the lawyer will receive closer to 50 percent.

What is the highest paid settlement? ›

The Most Expensive Lawsuit Settlements in History
  • 1998 – The Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement - $206 Billion. ...
  • 2010 – Deepwater Horizon BP Oil Spill - $20 Billion. ...
  • 2012 – Smartphone Wars - $40 Billion. ...
  • 1999 – Rupert Murdoch Vs Anna Torv - $1.7 Billion. ...
  • 2010 – Tiger Woods Vs Elin Nordegren - $750 Million.

How do I get paid for a T-Mobile lawsuit? ›

You must submit a claim in order to receive reimbursem*nt for Out-of Pocket Losses and/or Lost Time under the Settlement. For more detailed information, see Question 7. Alternatively, you may file a claim for an Alternative Cash Payment.

Who gets the T-Mobile settlement? ›

According to the settlement website, present and former T-Mobile users are qualified for a $25 cash payment. Residents of California are eligible to receive $100. Those covered by the settlement are also entitled to two years of identity defense services from data security firm Pango and cash payouts.

How do I know if I am part of the T-Mobile settlement? ›

You can also confirm you are a Settlement Class Member, and eligible for benefits, by: Contacting the Settlement Administrator on this website; or. calling 1-833-512-2314.

What are 4 consequences of data breach? ›

Depending on the type of data involved, the consequences can include destruction or corruption of databases, the leaking of confidential information, the theft of intellectual property and regulatory requirements to notify and possibly compensate those affected.

Are there financial penalties for a data breach? ›

The Information Commissioner has the power to issue a monetary penalty for an infringement of the provisions of Part 3 of the Act – Law Enforcement Processing. Any penalty that we issue is intended to be effective, proportionate and dissuasive, and will be decided on a case by case basis.

What does data breach liability cover? ›

This protection covers costs that stem from a lawsuit against a business, alleging financial damage as a result of a data breach. These lawsuits may be the result of identity theft or compromised financial information that results in loss for customers.

What are the three 3 kinds of data breach? ›

Personal data breaches can include:
  • access by an unauthorised third party;
  • deliberate or accidental action (or inaction) by a controller or processor;
  • sending personal data to an incorrect recipient;
  • computing devices containing personal data being lost or stolen;
  • alteration of personal data without permission; and.

Can I sue T Mobile for data breach? ›

There is currently no federal law that provides claims in the case of a data breach. Contact our consumer protection attorneys to see if you may be eligible for a claim under your state's laws.

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

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Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.