Complaints about bank account closures rise by 20% - your rights when your account is shut down (2024)

Complaints about bank account closures rise by 20% - your rights when your account is shut down (1)

The Financial Ombudsman says it currently receives around 60 complaints a week, up from 50 a week last year

MORE and more Brits complain they're left without access to money as their banks shut their bank accounts without warning.

The number of complaints from customers locked out of their accounts with no explanation has risen by 20 per cent since 2018, according to the Financial Ombudsman Service.


It says it now receives around 60 complaints of this kind every week, compared to 50 a week in 2018.

But the number of victims could be even higher as concerns are dealt directly with the bank involved before they reach the Ombudsman, while some may choose not to complain.

Banks are allowed to close accounts without a reason or explanation if there are concerns the account is being used - whether knowingly or not - for financial crime or fraud, according to the regulator the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

The systems are designed to protect victims by freezing all payments going in or out of an account, yet banks sometimes won't tell customers why their accounts have been frozen or closed.

'NatWest shut my bank account with no warning'

Complaints about bank account closures rise by 20% - your rights when your account is shut down (3)

MARK Lamb, 27, first noticed something was wrong when his debit card stopped working.

A reader of The Sun was one such victim of his bank's whim last year.

Mark Lamb, 27, from Newcastle upon Tyne had his account closed without warning and was told he had just 14 days to visit his local branch to withdraw his money - and to return his debit card and chequebook.

This happened the day before Mark's Universal Credit was due to be paid into the account, leaving him panicking about how he would access the funds.

As the sales advisor doesn't have another bank account, he had to scramble documentation together from his mum to take to the Job Centre so his benefits could be paid into her account.

Mark has also been rejected by two other banks since the incident, leaving him without a bank account.

He told The Sun: "Still to this day I have not received a single letter explaining why my account was even shut.

"If I hadn't have phoned in I wouldn't have even known about my account being closed at all.

"I was supposed to receieve my monthly Universal Credit payment the day after I went into the bank.

"So I've had to go to the Job Centre and get this set up to go into my mum's account for now.

"It's been absolute hell - a complete hassle."

When The Sun contacted NatWest, the banksaid it wrote to Mark to say it could no longer offer him banking services, but Mark insists this letter never arrived.

Firms should allow the customer a reasonable amount of time to make alternative banking arrangements before axing their account.

The FCA is currently working with trade body UK Finance to develop principles to improve how banks communicate with customers when they cannot offer, or continue to provide, banking facilities.

These are expected to be published in the next few weeks.

Banks rejected more than a million prospective customers for financial crime-related reasons in 2017, turning away 375,000 existing clients, according to the regulator.

The rise in complaints comes as banks try to tackle the rising threat of various types of fraud.

Your rights when your account is closed

BANKS are allowed to close accounts without notice if they suspect fraud.

But if you think your account has been closed unfairly, you can complain to the provider involved.

If you don't get a response within eight weeks or you're not happy with the response you do get, you can take your complaint to the free Financial Ombudsman Service.

The Ombudsman says most of the complaints it sees about bank account closures or freezes involve:

  • the bank not giving enough notice - the Ombudsman suggests that between 30 and 60 days’ notice is a reasonable unless there are suspicions fraud is involved
  • maladministration
  • the bank giving conflicting information or advice
  • the bankshowing unlawful discrimination
  • the bank failing to follow procedures properly

If your account is closed, you should also remember to rearrange any direct debit or standing orders as these will have to be paid manually until you can get a new account.

At the end of last year,a report by the FCA found that banks are putting customers at risk of cyber attacks due to old IT systems.

Meanwhile,banks have been slammed by the Financial Ombudsman Service for blaming customers who’ve been scammed.

Plus,we've been behind the scenes at Lloyds to see how easy it for scammers to steal your cash.

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Complaints about bank account closures rise by 20% - your rights when your account is shut down (2024)


Why banks are suddenly closing customer accounts? ›

Banks can close a customer's account for any reason, at any time, a point that is buried in the fine print of its customer agreements. When they do dump an account, it's usually because they're trying to protect the institution (or the customer) from a potential fraud.

Can a bank close your account and keep your money? ›

Do you lose the money in your account? The good news is that if a bank closes your account, it's obligated to return the money in the account to you less any fees or account closing charges that might apply. Say you deposit $500 into a new checking account but six months later, you haven't used it.

What happens if your bank account gets shut down? ›

Another important factor to consider when your bank account is closed is that unpaid bank balances could be forwarded to a collection agency. Collection accounts reported to the credit bureaus can appear on your credit reports and affect your credit scores for up to seven years.

Can you dispute a bank closing your account? ›

Banks may close an account if it's inactive, has a lot of overdraft fees, or there's identity theft. You might be able to file a complaint with the Consumer Protection Bureau if it wasn't your fault. You usually can't reopen a closed account, but you'll still be able to open a new one.

Which banks are in trouble in 2023? ›

Over the course of a few weeks in the spring of 2023, multiple high-profile regional banks suddenly collapsed: Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), Signature Bank, and First Republic Bank. These banks weren't limited to one geographic area, and there wasn't one single reason behind their failures.

What banks are going out of business in 2023? ›

2023 bank failures

First Republic Bank, Silicon Valley Bank, and Signature Bank have all shut down in 2023.

Should I pay off closed accounts? ›

While closing an account may seem like a good idea, it could negatively affect your credit score. You can limit the damage of a closed account by paying off the balance. This can help even if you have to do so over time. Any account in good standing is better than one which isn't.

Should I pull my money from the bank? ›

Despite the recent uncertainty, experts don't recommend withdrawing cash from your account. Keeping your money in financial institutions rather than in your home is safer, especially when the amount is insured. “It's not a time to pull your money out of the bank,” Silver said.

Does a bank closing your account hurt your credit? ›

Closing a bank account typically won't hurt your credit. Your credit score is based on how you manage borrowed money, and your checking or savings accounts aren't debts. So bank account closures aren't reported to the three major credit bureaus: Experian, TransUnion and Equifax.

Can I open a new account with the same bank? ›

You can open two checking accounts with the same bank, making it easy to separate money for fixed bills from money for costs like groceries and gas.

How long does a closed bank account stay on your record? ›

An account that was in good standing with a history of on-time payments when you closed it will stay on your credit report for up to 10 years. This generally helps your credit score. Accounts with adverse information may stay on your credit report for up to seven years.

Should I take my money out of the bank 2023? ›

Do no withdraw cash. Despite the recent uncertainty, experts don't recommend withdrawing cash from your account. Keeping your money in financial institutions rather than in your home is safer, especially when the amount is insured. "It's not a time to pull your money out of the bank," Silver said.

Which US banks are in trouble? ›

List of Recent Failed Banks
Bank NameCityState
First Republic BankSan FranciscoCA
Signature BankNew YorkNY
Silicon Valley BankSanta ClaraCA
May 30, 2023

Which 3 banks failed in 2023? ›

United States
  • Liquidation of Silvergate Bank.
  • Collapse of Silicon Valley Bank.
  • Collapse of Signature Bank.
  • Collapse of First Republic Bank.
  • Federal response.
  • Aftermath of bank failures.

Which US banks are too big to fail? ›

List of Banks That Are Officially Too Big to Fail
  • JPMorgan Chase.
  • Citigroup.
  • Bank of America.
  • Wells Fargo.
  • BNY Mellon.
  • Goldman Sachs.
  • Morgan Stanley.
  • State Street.
Mar 31, 2023

Is Bank of America in financial trouble 2023? ›

Based on the analysis of Bank of America's financial health, risk profile, and regulatory compliance, we can conclude that the bank is relatively safe from any trouble or collapse. The bank's financial performance has been stable, and its balance sheet shows a healthy level of capital and a diversified loan portfolio.

How to manage your money in 2023? ›

And this list of 12 things to do differently with your money in 2023 can help.
  1. Get on a budget. ...
  2. Budget for inflation. ...
  3. Don't wait on student loan forgiveness. ...
  4. Pay off your debt! ...
  5. Beware of buy now, pay later. ...
  6. Pay attention to your online spending habits. ...
  7. Make sure your emergency fund is fully funded. ...
  8. Don't stop investing.
Feb 2, 2023

Is it better to close an account or leave it open? ›

There are good reasons to keep your credit card open, even if you recently paid it off: Lower credit utilization: Keeping your credit card account open can preserve your credit utilization rate, which is how much of your available credit you're using.

What is a good credit score? ›

Although ranges vary depending on the credit scoring model, generally credit scores from 580 to 669 are considered fair; 670 to 739 are considered good; 740 to 799 are considered very good; and 800 and up are considered excellent.

Do I still owe money if my account is closed? ›

When a bank closes your account with a negative balance, you will be responsible for paying the amount owed. If you do not pay the amount in a timely manner, the bank may send your account to a collections agency and report your debt to credit bureaus, which could lower your credit score.

What is the safest bank in the US? ›

Asset-heavy, diversified and regulated banks like JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, PNC Bank and U.S. Bank are among the safest banks in the U.S. and should be considered if you are weighing your options.

Is it safer to keep money in bank or cash? ›

It's a good idea to keep a small sum of cash at home in case of an emergency. However, the bulk of your savings is better off in a savings account because of the deposit protections and interest-earning opportunities that financial institutions offer.

How can I protect my money from a bank collapse? ›

How You Can Protect Your Money in the Wake of Banking Collapses
  1. Don't Panic. ...
  2. Research Your Bank's Solvency. ...
  3. Ensure Your Bank Is Insured. ...
  4. Don't Exit the Markets. ...
  5. Don't Exceed the FDIC Limit at Any One Bank. ...
  6. Consult a Financial Advisor.
Apr 13, 2023

Is it better to close a credit card or leave it open with a zero balance? ›

In general, it's better to leave your credit cards open with a zero balance instead of canceling them. This is true even if they aren't being used as open credit cards allow you to maintain a lower overall credit utilization ratio and will allow your credit history to stay on your report for longer.

How many bank accounts should I have? ›

In general, having three to five bank accounts can be helpful for managing your money. For instance, if you're married, you may share a joint checking and a joint savings account with your spouse. You and your spouse may also decide to have individual checking and savings accounts, as well.

Is it bad to have multiple bank accounts? ›

Having multiple checking accounts could also mean more maintenance — and more fees — from the bank if you fall below the minimum balance requirements or inactivity thresholds. Be sure to stay on top of your finances to avoid paying any unnecessary fees or losing out on accruing interest.

Is it smart to have 2 checking accounts? ›

While you can open as many accounts as you like, most financial experts agree that having two checking accounts is a good place to start. They also recommend having multiple savings accounts. Having more than one checking and saving account can help you better manage your money.

Can a person have 2 bank accounts in same bank? ›

While there's no limit to how many Savings Account you can have, there are a few things to consider before signing up for more than one.

What is the average number of bank accounts per person? ›

While few reports have uncovered the typical amount, research conducted by Mercator Advisory Group in 2019 suggested that the average number of accounts is 5.3 per person.

Is it true that after 7 years your credit is clear? ›

Most negative items should automatically fall off your credit reports seven years from the date of your first missed payment, at which point your credit scores may start rising. But if you are otherwise using credit responsibly, your score may rebound to its starting point within three months to six years.

What happens after 7 years of not paying debt? ›

Although the unpaid debt will go on your credit report and cause a negative impact to your score, the good news is that it won't last forever. Debt after 7 years, unpaid credit card debt falls off of credit reports. The debt doesn't vanish completely, but it'll no longer impact your credit score.

Why are banks freezing accounts? ›

Banks may freeze bank accounts if they suspect illegal activity such as money laundering, terrorist financing, or writing bad checks. Creditors can seek judgment against you, which can lead a bank to freeze your account. The government can request an account freeze for any unpaid taxes or student loans.

What happens to a customers money when a bank closes? ›

When there is no open bank acquirer for the deposits, the FDIC will pay the depositor directly by check up to the insured balance in each account. Such payments usually begin within a few days after the bank closing.

What causes bank closure? ›

The most common cause of bank failure is when the value of the bank's assets falls below the market value of the bank's liabilities, which are the bank's obligations to creditors and depositors. This might happen because the bank loses too much on its investments.

What happens if my bank account balance is zero? ›

In a regular savings account, banks levy a penalty for not maintaining the minimum account balance, but in a zero balance account, there is no penalty as you are not required to maintain a minimum balance.(subject to terms and conditions )

Can a creditor take all the money in your bank account? ›

If a debt collector has a court judgment, then it may be able to garnish your bank account or wages. Certain debts owed to the government may also result in garnishment, even without a judgment.

What is the longest a bank can freeze your account? ›

There is no set timeline that banks have before they have to unfreeze an account. Generally, for simpler situations or misunderstandings the freeze can last for seven-10 days.

Can banks refuse to give you your money? ›

Yes. Your bank may hold the funds according to its funds availability policy. Or it may have placed an exception hold on the deposit. If the bank has placed a hold on the deposit, the bank generally should provide you with […]

What banks are in financial trouble? ›

List of Recent Failed Banks
Bank NameCityState
First Republic BankSan FranciscoCA
Signature BankNew YorkNY
Silicon Valley BankSanta ClaraCA
May 30, 2023

Why are banks failing in 2023? ›

As the Federal Reserve began raising interest rates in 2022 in response to the 2021–2023 inflation surge, bond prices declined, decreasing the market value of bank capital reserves, causing some banks to incur unrealized losses; to maintain liquidity, Silicon Valley Bank sold its bonds to realize steep losses.

How many banks have collapsed in 2023? ›

There are 3 bank failures in 2023. See detailed descriptions below. Please select the buttons below for other years' information. JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association, to assume all of the deposits and substantially all of the assets of First Republic Bank.

What happens when a bank closes your account with a negative balance? ›

If you've had your account closed due to an unpaid negative balance, the bank or credit union would typically report this “involuntary closure” to a checking account reporting company. You may also be reported if you were suspected of fraudulent activity by the bank or credit union.

Which bank is best for savings account? ›

Overview Of the Top Savings Bank Accounts of 2023
  • 1) State Bank of India (SBI) Savings Account.
  • 2) HDFC Bank Savings Account.
  • 3) Kotak Mahindra Bank Savings Account.
  • 4) DCB Bank Savings Account.
  • 5) RBL Bank Savings Account.
  • 6) IndusInd Bank Savings Account.
  • 7) ICICI Savings Bank Account.
  • 8) Axis Bank Savings Account.
Apr 26, 2023

What is average minimum balance? ›

MAB or monthly average balance, as the name suggests, is the minimum amount your account must have on average at any point in the month. Unless you have a zero-balance current account or savings account, you must maintain the minimum average balance stipulated by your bank in your account each month.

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