Communications with the Public (2024)

Regulatory Obligations and Related Considerations

Regulatory Obligations

FINRA Rule 2210(Communications with the Public) categorizes all communications into three categories—correspondence, retail communications or institutional communications—and sets principles-based content standards that are designed to apply to ongoing developments in communications technology and practices. The rule also includes standards for firms’ approval, review and recordkeeping procedures, as well as requirements to file certain communications with FINRA. FINRA Rule 2210 requires, among other things, that all communications be based on principles of fair dealing and good faith, be fair and balanced, provide a sound basis for evaluating the facts “in regard to any particular security or type of security, industry, or service” and include all “material fact[s] or qualification[s]” necessary to ensure such communications are not misleading. In addition, the rule prohibits false, misleading, promissory or exaggerated statements or claims, and projections of performance.

Related Considerations

  • General Standards
    • Do your firm’s communications include material information necessary to make them fair, balanced and not misleading? For example, if a communication promotes the benefits of a high-risk or illiquid security, does it explain the associated risks?
    • Do your firm’s communications balance specific claims of investment benefits from a securities product or service (especially complex products) with the key risks specific to that product or service?
    • Do your firm’s communications contain false, misleading or promissory statements or claims?
    • Do your firm’s communications contain predictions or projections of investment performance to investors that are generally prohibited by FINRA Rule 2210(d)(1)(F)?
  • Digital Communication Channels
    • Does your firm’s digital communication policy address all permitted and prohibited digital communication channels and features available to your customers and associated persons?
    • Does your firm review for red flags that may indicate a registered representative is communicating through unapproved communication channels, and does your firm follow up on such red flags? For example, red flags might include email chains that copy unapproved representative email addresses, references in emails to communications that occurred outside approved firm channels, or customer complaints mentioning such communications.
    • How does your firm supervise and maintain books and records in accordance with SEC and FINRA rules for all approved digital communications?
    • If your firm offers an app to customers that includes an interactive element, does the information provided to customers constitute a “recommendation” that would be covered by Reg BI, which requires a broker-dealer to act in a retail customer’s “best interest,” or suitability obligations under FINRA Rule 2360 (Options)? If so, how does your firm comply with these obligations?
    • If your firm’s app platform design includes “game-like” aspects that are intended to influence customers to engage in certain trading or other activities, how does your firm address and disclose the associated potential risks to your customers?
    • Do your firm’s communications—regardless of the platform through which they are made—comply with the content standards set forth in FINRA Rule 2210?
  • Digital Asset Communications – If your firm or an affiliate engages in digital asset activities:
    • Does your firm provide a fair and balanced presentation in marketing materials and retail communications, including addressing risks presented by digital asset investments, and not misrepresenting the extent to which digital assets are regulated by FINRA or the federal securities laws or eligible for protections thereunder, such as Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC) coverage?
    • Do your firm’s communications misleadingly imply that digital asset services offered through an affiliated entity are offered through and under the supervision, clearance and custody of a registered broker-dealer?
  • Cash Management Accounts Communications – If your firm offers Cash Management Accounts, does it:
    • Clearly communicate the terms of the Cash Management Accounts?
    • Disclose that the Cash Management Accounts’ deposits are obligations of the destination bank, and not cash balances held by your firm?
    • Confirm that its communications do not state or imply that:
      • brokerage accounts are similar to, or the same, as bank “checking and savings accounts” or other accounts insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC); and
      • FDIC insurance coverage applies to funds when held at or by a registered broker-dealer?
    • Review whether communications fairly explain the:
      • nature and structure of the program;
      • relationship of the brokerage accounts to any partner banks in the Cash Management Accounts;
      • amount of time it may take for customer funds to reach the bank accounts; and
      • risks of participating in such programs?

Exam Findings and Effective Practices

Exam Findings

  • Deficient Digital Assets Communications – Failing to balance promotional statements with prominent risk disclosures; including false, misleading or unwarranted statements; using the same firm names, websites and other materials for broker-dealers and their digital asset affiliates; not identifying the (non-broker-dealer) entities responsible for digital asset offerings; and implying that digital assets were offered by the broker-dealer.
  • Misrepresentations in Cash Management Accounts Communications – Misrepresenting material information relating to Cash Management Accounts in online and other communications (in some cases, despite written and verbal warnings from FINRA’s Advertising Regulation Department), including, for example, the firms’ status as broker-dealers rather than banks; the status of Cash Management Accounts as “checking and savings accounts;” the amount of FDIC insurance coverage for the deposits; the amount of time it may take for customer funds to reach the bank accounts; terms of the Cash Management Accounts; and risks of participating in such programs.
  • Insufficient Supervision and Recordkeeping for Digital Communication – Not maintaining policies and procedures to reasonably identify and respond to red flags—such as customer complaints, representatives’ email, OBA reviews or advertising reviews—that registered representatives used impermissible business-related digital communications methods, including texting, messaging, social media, collaboration apps or “electronic sales seminars” in chatrooms.
  • No WSPs and Controls for Communication That Use Non-Member or OBA Names (so-called “Doing Business As” or “DBA” Names) – Not maintaining WSPs to identify the broker-dealer clearly and prominently as the entity through which securities were offered in firm communications, such as websites, social media posts, seminars or emails that promote or discuss the broker-dealer’s securities business and identify a non-member entity, such as a representative’s OBA; and not including a “readily apparent reference” and hyperlink to FINRA’s BrokerCheck in such communications.

Emerging Digital Communication Risks

New Digital Platforms With Interactive and “Game-Like” Features
2020 witnessed a surge in new retail investors entering the markets via online brokers, as well as an increase in certain types of trading, includingoptions. Some online broker-dealers’ apps—as well as those offered by other financial services and consumer-oriented businesses—include interactive and “game-like” features, as well as related forms of advertising and marketing. Such features affect many aspects of how firms interact and communicate with customers, from initial advertisem*nts through the opening of accounts, recommendations and the presentation of different investment choices.

While such features may improve customers’ access to firm systems and investment products, they may also result in increased risks to customers if not designed with the appropriate compliance considerations in mind. Firms must evaluate these features to determine whether they meet regulatory obligations to:

  • comply with any Reg BI and Form CRS requirements if any communications constitute a “recommendation” that requires a broker-dealer to act in a retail customer’s “best interest”;
  • make disclosures relating to risks to customers, fees, costs, conflicts of interest, and required standards of conduct associated with the firm’s relationships and services;
  • prohibit the use of false, exaggerated or misleading statements or claims in any communications and ensure all firm communications are fair and balanced and do not omit material information concerning products or services;
  • comply with account opening requirements that require firms to gather information about customers (such as FINRA Rule 4512 (Customer Account Information)) and approve certain types of accounts, including options accounts (such as FINRA Rule 2360(b)(16) (Diligence in Opening Accounts) and other supervisory controls relating to options, such as surveilling for options‑related customer complaints, excessive commissions and fees, and large amounts of losses);
  • develop a comprehensive supervisory system for such communication methods, including surveilling for red flags of potential violative behavior and maintaining books and records of all communications related to the firm’s business as such; and
  • address compliance with FINRA communications rules, such as FINRA Rules 2210 (Communications with the Public); 2211 (Communications with the Public About Variable Life Insurance and Variable Annuities); 2212 (Use of Investment Company Rankings in Retail Communications); 2213 (Requirements for the Use of Bond Mutual Fund Volatility Ratings); 2214 (Requirements for Use of Investment Analysis Tools); 2215 (Communications with the Public Regarding Securities Futures); 2216 (Communications with the Public Regarding Collateralized Mortgage Obligations) and 2220 (Options Communications).

Effective Practices

  • Comprehensive Proceduresfor Digital Communications – Maintaining and implementing procedures for firm digital communication channel policies, including:
    • Monitoring of New Tools and Features – Marketing, compliance and information technology departments working closely together, as well as with third-party vendors, to monitor new communication channels, apps and features available to their associated persons and customers.
    • Defining and Enforcing What is Permissible and Prohibited – Clearly defining permissible and prohibited digital communication channels, and blocking prohibited channels, tools or features, including those that prevent firms from complying with their recordkeeping requirements.
    • Supervision – Implementing supervisory review procedures tailored to each digital channel, tool and feature.
    • Video Content Protocols – Developing WSPs and controls for live-streamed public appearances, scripted presentations or video blogs.
    • Training – Implementing mandatory training programs prior to providing access to firm-approved digital channels, including expectations for business and personal digital communications and guidance for using all permitted features of each channel.
    • Disciplinary Action – Temporarily suspending or permanently blocking from certain digital channels or features those registered representatives who did not comply with the policies and requiring additional digital communications training.
  • Digital Asset Communications – Maintaining and implementing procedures for firm digital asset communications, including:
    • Risk Disclosure – Prominently describing the risks associated with digital assets, including that such investments are speculative, involve a high degree of risk, are generally illiquid, may have no value, have limited regulatory certainty, are subject to potential market manipulation risks and may expose investors to loss of principal.
    • Communication Review – Reviewing firms’ communications to confirm that they were not exaggerating the potential benefits of digital assets or overstating the current or future status of digital asset projects or platforms.
    • Communication to Differentiate Digital Assets From Broker-Dealer Products – Identifying, segregating and differentiating firms’ broker-dealer products and services from those offered by affiliates or third parties, including digital asset affiliates; and clearly and prominently identifying entities responsible for non-securities digital assets businesses (and explaining that such services were not offered by the broker-dealer or subject to the same regulatory protections as those available for securities).
  • Reviews of Firms’ Capabilities for Cash Management Accounts – Requiring new product groups or departments to conduct an additional review for proposed Cash Management Accounts to confirm that the firms’ existing business processes, supervisory systems and compliance programs—especially those relating to communications—can support such programs.
  • Use of Non-Member or OBA Names (so-called DBAs) – Maintaining and implementing procedures for OBA names, including:
    • Training – Providing training on relevant FINRA rules and firm policies, and requiring annual attestations to demonstrate compliance with such requirements.
    • Templates – Requiring use of firm-approved vendors to create content or standardized templates populated with approved content and disclosures for all OBA communications (including websites, social media, digital content or other communications) that also concern the broker-dealer’s securities business.
    • Prior Approval – Prohibiting the use of OBA communications that concern the broker-dealer’s securities business without prior approval by compliance, and creating a centralized system for the review and approval of such communications, including content and disclosures.
    • Notification and Monitoring – Requiring registered representatives to notify compliance of any changes to approved communications, and conducting periodic, at least annual, monitoring and review of previously approved communications for changes and updates.

Additional Resources

  • Regulatory Notice 20-23 (FINRA Encourages Firms to Notify FINRA if They Engage in Activities Related to Digital Assets)
  • Regulatory Notice 20-21 (FINRA Provides Guidance on Retail Communications Concerning Private Placement Offerings)
  • Regulatory Notice 19-31 (Disclosure Innovations in Advertising and Other Communications with the Public)
  • Regulatory Notice17-18(Guidance on Social Networking Websites and Business Communications)
  • Regulatory Notice 11-39 (Social Media Websites and the Use of Personal Devices for Business Communications)
  • Regulatory Notice 10-06 (Guidance on Blogs and Social Networking Web Sites)
  • Advertising Regulation Topic Page
  • Social Media Topic Page

Reg BI and Form CRS

Communications with the Public

Private Placements

Communications with the Public (2024)


What are the FINRA rules regarding communication with the Public? ›

FINRA Rule 2210 (Communications with the Public) categorizes all communications into three categories—correspondence, retail communications or institutional communications—and sets principles-based content standards that are designed to apply to ongoing developments in communications technology and practices.

What does Rule 2210 prohibit? ›

FINRA Rule 2210(d)(1)(F) (“Communications may not predict or project performance, imply that past performance will recur or make any exaggerated or unwarranted claim, opinion or forecast.”).

What is the rule 4512 C? ›

Specifically, FINRA Rule 4512(c) provides that a member is required to make reasonable efforts to obtain and/or to update where appropriate the name of and contact information for a trusted contact consistent with the requirements in Exchange Act Rule 17a-3(a)(17).

What is the FINRA rule for Public appearances? ›

The term "public appearance" as defined in Rule 472.50, is "any participation in a seminar, forum (including an interactive electronic forum), radio or television interview, or other public speaking activity in which a research analyst makes a recommendation or offers an opinion concerning an equity security."

Which of the following would not be considered institutional communications with the Public? ›

Final answer: An internal memo promoting a new product to a firm's institutional customers is not considered an institutional communication with the public. The correct option is D.

Which of the following is a classification of communications with the Public? ›

Final answer: In public relations and marketing, the classifications of communications with the public include educational material, advertising, correspondence, and sales literature. These refer respectively to materials that educate, paid promotions, direct communications, and material that facilitates sales.

What is under FINRA rule 2210 communications with the Public? ›

FINRA Rule 2210 (Communications with the Public) defines all communications into one of three categories—correspondence, retail communications, or institutional communications—and sets principles-based content standards that are designed to apply to ongoing developments in communications technology and practices.

What is the FINRA rule 2210 violation? ›

FINRA Rule 2210 prohibits claims that are false, exaggerated, promissory, unwarranted or misleading. The rule also prohibits the omission of any material fact if the omission, in light of the context of the material presented, would cause a communication to be misleading.

What is the FINRA rule 2210 proposal? ›

Proposed Rule Change to Amend FINRA Rule 2210 (Communications with the Public) to Permit Projections of Performance in Institutional Communications and Specified Communications to Qualified Purchasers. Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc.

What is the finra rule 3310? ›

FINRA Rule 3310 (Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Program) requires that each member firm develop and implement a written AML program that is approved in writing by senior management and is reasonably designed to achieve and monitor the firm's compliance with the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) and its implementing regulations.

What does Finra Rule 2165 allow? ›

Rule 2165 permits a member to place a temporary hold on a securities transaction or disbursem*nt of funds or securities from the account of a Specified Adult customer when the firm reasonably believes that financial exploitation of that adult has occurred, is occurring, has been attempted or will be attempted.

What is the rule 3110 for finra? ›

FINRA Rule 3110 (Supervision)

FINRA Rule 3110 requires a firm to establish and maintain a system to supervise the activities of its associated persons that is reasonably designed to achieve compliance with the applicable securities laws and regulations and FINRA rules.

What is the rule 472? ›

Rule 472 - Correction of Certain Errors in Sentencing (a) In criminal cases, the circuit court retains jurisdiction to correct the following sentencing errors at any time following judgment and after notice to the parties, including during the pendency of an appeal, on the court's own motion, or on motion of any party: ...

What is FINRA Rule 420? ›

Each general partner of a member firm shall promptly report to the Exchange any secured or unsecured borrowing of cash or securities regardless of its amount or description where the cash proceeds of such borrowing or the securities borrowed will be contributed to the capital of the member firm under Rule 104 .

What is the rule 387 for FINRA? ›

Member organizations must not accept or make physical deliveries when settling eligible transactions subject to Rule 387. Where settlement within an Institutional Delivery system is not possible, book entry settlement via Deliver Orders (DO's) or Receive Orders (RO's) within a securities depository is required.

What does FINRA Rule 3210 mean? ›

FINRA Rule 3210 requires an executing member, upon written request by an employer member, to transmit duplicate copies of confirmations and statements, or the transactional data contained therein, with respect to an account subject to the rule.

What is the rule 415 for FINRA? ›

A shelf offering is an offering of securities registered by an issuer pursuant to SEC Rule 415, where the securities are expected to be sold on a delayed or continuous basis, provided that the issuer meets the SEC's eligibility requirements for use of Form S-3, F-3 or any other Form filed with the SEC for that purpose.

What is the FINRA rule 92? ›

Accordingly, under NYSE Rule 92, a firm may trade ahead of a customer order as long as the person entering the proprietary order has no knowledge of the unexecuted customer order.

What is the FINRA rule 352? ›

(a) No member organization shall guarantee or in any way represent that it will guarantee any customer against loss in any account or on any transaction; and no member, principal executive, registered representative or officer shall guarantee or in any way represent that either he or she, or his or her employer, will ...

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Name: Roderick King

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