Commentary of Job Chapter 1 – character, wealth & fatherhood – Dephne Aviyah (2024)

Commentary of Job Chapter 1 – character, wealth & fatherhood – Dephne Aviyah (1)

This is a commentary and breakdown of Job chapter 1:1-5 and includes biblical art paintings (no copyright infringement intended).

Job is a man we can all be inspired by as disciples of Jesus Christ in this new covenant of grace! Job had it all, greatness, financial wealth, a family and fame but yet he still served God with integrity and played a faithful role of fatherhood to his children! In the following chapters of the book of Job we also get to see a picture of his calling as a husband, that he was faithful to his wife even to the point of vowing to not look at other women with lust. However, in this post, let’s break down some interesting points and revelations about Job taken from Job 1 when we are introduced to him, his conduct, his wealth, his children and household.

His Character

There was a manin the land of Uz, whose namewasJob; and that man wasblameless and upright, and one whofeared God andshunned evil.

Job 1:1 (nkjv)

Job was blameless. There are only a few people that the bible tells us were blameless (in terms of righteousness) before the coming of Christ. These are Noah, Daniel, Job and also Zachariah and his wife Elizabeth (the parents of John the baptist). That is pretty special! So what is it that made Job so special that God brags about him to Satan? Let’s look at 4 characteristics that the bible highlights about Job’s character:

Job was blameless. The Hebrew word used for blameless is tam which means perfect, sound, complete, morally innocent and having integrity.

Job was righteous. The Hebrew word used for righteous is yashar which means straight, upright, correct, right, pleasing, correct, straightforward & just.

Job was one who feared God. The Hebrew word used for “and one that feared” is yare’ which means fearing, reverent, afraid. The bible tells us in Proverbs 9:10 and 1:7 that the fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge and wisdom. The reverent fear that Job had for God, shows us that he was a man of godly wisdom and knowledge.

Job shunned evil. The Hebrew word used for “shunned” is cuwr which means to turn aside, to depart, avoid, to be removed, take away, put away, depose, to come to an end. The Hebrew word used for “evil” is ra` which means bad, malignant, bad, unpleasant, evil (giving pain, unhappiness, misery). Meaning that Job distanced himself from evil things, that is, all things that God hates. Now one will need to be mature in their faith to know the things that God hates, hence why the bible says in Hebrews 5:12 “For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you needsomeoneto teach you again the first principles of theoracles of God; and you have come to needmilk and not solid food.For everyone who partakesonlyof milkisunskilled in the word of righteousness, for he isa babe.But solid food belongs to those who areof full age,that is,those who by reason ofuse have their senses exercisedto discern both good and evil.”

This all shows us that Job was a man who was mature spiritually and a man who had great faith. You and I can all be a people who are blameless in our walk with the LORD, children who walk in the reverent fear of the LORD and shun evil; if we allow ourselves to grow in faith under the leading of the Holy Spirit. The key to character building and growth is knowing and doing the Word of God so as to produce fruits of righteousness, even as Job did.

His Wealth

Commentary of Job Chapter 1 – character, wealth & fatherhood – Dephne Aviyah (2)

And seven sons and three daughters were born to him.Also, his possessions were seven thousand sheep, three thousand camels, five hundred yoke of oxen, five hundred female donkeys, and a very large household, so that this man was the greatest of all thepeople of the East.

Job 1:2-3 (nkjv)

When I was studying this I was led to calculate Job’s wealth according to modern day prices. At times, modern day Christians may not have an idea of how the bible is measuring Job’s assets and world goods, crediting them as “wealth”. Moreover, when studying wealth in the bible, the bible usually gives us two different words for financial assets, it either calls them riches or wealth; the latter describing something of greater measure than riches. So here is a calculation of Job’s livestock:

7000 Sheep/ cost on average £250 = £1.75million

3000 Camels/ cost on average £13000 = £39million

500 Oxen/ cost on average £900 = £450 000

500 Female donkeys/ cost on average £500 = £250 000

Other Things To Consider Regarding Job’s Wealth:

servants taking care of the animals,

food resources to feed all this livestock,

shelter/storage to keep all this livestock

the large household mentioned in this scripture (likely a mansion with servant quarters according to modern day standards)

Total estimate of Job’s wealth (livestock only) = £41 million

Job’s livestock (excluding the very large household mentioned in the bible) according to modern day value was £41 450 000 that’s £41 million. However, I perceive that in those times the livestock was worth a lot more, perhaps not in monetary value but in society value. Why? It is because between then and now, these animals are now more available due to reproduction, our economies and lifestyles changes etc but back then these would have been great assets, a huge commodity and a known display of wealth economically, financially and environmentally. Taking in consideration that in those days, there was rarely any forms of animal mass producing like we have now through machinery and chemicals. The meat from the animals would have been significantly more valuable, healthy and nutritious. Also Job’s livestock wealth can also open our eyes to consider how they were bred, fed and cared for. There would have been servants doing this, a great amount of feeding schemes and food resources needed, a place where the livestock was kept, be it on acres of land or barns and more. If we consider all the wealth of Job after adding all the pieces to the puzzle such as servants, tools used for animal labour, food used to feed these livestock, acres of land/storage, the worth of his very large household including the costs of running this very large household on a day to day basis, it can be estimated that Job’s wealth would have well been over £200 million in modern-day value. How many men or women do you know in your city, that are worth £200+ million? It is understandable how Job would have been the greatest man in the land of Uz, in the East.

His Fame

Also, his possessions were seven thousand sheep, three thousand camels, five hundred yoke of oxen, five hundred female donkeys, and a very large household, so that this man was the greatest of all thepeople of the East.

Job 1:3 (nkjv)

Due to Job’s wealth the bible kind of gives a picture that Job became well known due to his wealth and was rated as the greatest man of the region he lived in, the land of Uz, in the East. In modern times Job would have been on the Forbes top 100 greatest and wealthiest of the people from the East and he would be number 1 on that list. The bible here is giving us an important facet about wealth on earthly terms, that it is a sort of power, so powerful that it gives a status of greatness on earth. The bible says in This is to be understood from the point of view of the human needs on earth, that is to mean that most forms of physical need require the currency of money. Be it health-wise, shelter, food, education, travel, family planning, marriage etc it all needs some sort of money to aid performance, maintenance or effectiveness.

Now the word used in Hebrew for “was the greatest” is gadowl which means great; large (in magnitude and extent), in number, in intensity, in importance. Job’s wealth made him the greatest of all people in the East. Keep in mind that Job was also a priest (revealed in Job 1:5 and Job 42:8). In the modern day climate, Job’s wealth would have caused many arguments, debates and heresies. Job would have had many people telling him that he shouldn’t be wealthy because he is a priest, that he is stealing offerings (in those days offerings were in the form of livestock) and must be humble by being poor! The greatness and wealth of Job is a testament that debunks modern-day skewed doctrines & debates which state that Christians and particularly pastors & leaders, should be poor. Those who say such things have not really understood the mind of God concerning riches, the anointing of wealth and the kingship He has given His children on earth through Christ.

Fatherhood – Job’s Sons & Daughters

Commentary of Job Chapter 1 – character, wealth & fatherhood – Dephne Aviyah (3)

And his sons would go and feastin theirhouses, each on hisappointedday, and would send and invite their three sisters to eat and drink with them.So it was, when the days of feasting had run their course, that Job would send andsanctify them, and he would rise early in the morningand offer burnt offeringsaccording tothe number of them all. For Job said, “It may be that my sons have sinned andcursedGod in their hearts.” Thus Job did regularly.

Job 1:4-5 (nkjv)

Job had 7 sons and 3 daughters and when you read about Job’s sons you can’t help but giggle a little. The bible invites us into their lifestyles of parties and celebrations. They were somewhat frivolous! The LORD said to me these words as I was learning about Job, “his sons did not emulate their father.” His sons were not like their father; blameless, upright, God fearing and shunning evil. However, there was something admirable about Job’s sons! I believe Job’s sons had to be close with their sisters and had a good sibling relationship because the bible highlights that each time the boys had parties, they would always invite their sisters and each one of the son’s would have his turn to have a party and the sisters were always invited. This gives us a picture of the relationship these children had and also how Job and his wife raised their children, well enough to show unity, good communication, care and bonding even in times of plenty. Sometimes in families when people have plenty, they forget their siblings or family members. Moreover, this is important to note because in modern times we often see a lot of sibling rivalry which later affects people in friendships and even marriage. Such people who always competed with their siblings can end up in their adult life competing with their friends and even with their spouses. Sibling rivalry is partly a result of poor parenting and also an individual’s poor mindset that feeds on competing, envy and jealousy. The world calls sibling rivalry normal, yet when you look at it with spiritual eyes you can see it is a dangerous mindset that enables toxic thoughts and behaviour! Thank God for fathers like Job whose character of protection, family unity and care, rubbed off on his children and is seen in how the sons related to the daughters.

On the other hand, Job’s sons seemed to be the only source of worry in Job’s life. Job would be so mindful and concerned about them such that every time they had their parties he would wake up early in the morning to go and sacrifice (Job was a priest) some his livestock for the sins of his sons, in case they had sinned in their hearts. If we look into this deeply, we can see that the lifestyle of Job’s sons not only affected Job (his sleep pattern disturbed) but also affected Job’s wealth (sacrificing for their sins). Moreover, these parties his children had, also show us that Job may have had eyes (people or his own spiritual discernment) watching his sons’ behaviours to hear if they had sinned publicly. Job had a fear that his sons would openly curse God or sin during these parties. Now even if they didn’t sin publicly, Job still followed the law and covered his children in case they committed a sin of the heart and/or cursed God in their hearts. Sins of the heart are sins that are unnoticeable to the physical eye but only to the spiritual eye. For example, a man looking at a woman in lust the bible says that it is the same as having sex with her in his heart (adultery) or a person smiling at their acquaintance outwardly yet inside they have a hatred or jealousy towards him or her. These are all sins of the heart.

Never the less, the conduct of Job towards his children should be inspiration to many fathers in our generation. Primarily that fathers are to cover their children spiritually, materially and emotionally. They are to protect through prayer and not to kill through words (emotionally, mentally) even when their children do the things that typical teenagers do. The bible says in Colossians 3:21, “Fathers, do not aggravate your children, or they will become discouraged.” Fathers are to have grace with their children, allowing them to also be themselves as they manoeuvre through the spaces of life. Job did not stop his children from having parties but he stopped any open door that the enemy may have tried to come in through these parties/lifestyle. This does not mean that children should not be disciplined by their parents, no, but it shows us a picture that parents ought to run to God first with problems & issues that come with raising children. This passage gives us wisdom on how there are ways that parents can tackle things in the spiritual realm before things are tackled in this physical realm! Job was a man of the Word and of prayer. He didn’t go knocking on his son’s doors early in the morning, commanding and questioning them but instead he sanctified them! How? Through the Word of God (water in those days) and he went before the throne of grace presenting their sin to the LORD, on behalf of them.

The act of Job rising up early to sanctify his children and to also sacrifice for their sins is very important to ponder on, it shines a light on how fathers should know the Word of God so that there are in a position to speak the Word when troubles rise up concerning the children that God has blessed them with! Indeed, that fathers ought to rise up early to sanity their children with the Word before they complain to their children about their children’s weaknesses! Dear reader, Job’s story is showing fathers the importance of knowing the Word of God and walking in the Word of God in order to successfully raise up children! There is only so much that a parent can do to protect his/her children from bad things happening but God is able to protect a parent’s child(ren) from every bad thing. Job understood this and hence put his trust in God concerning his children’s shortfalls.

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Commentary of Job Chapter 1 – character, wealth & fatherhood – Dephne Aviyah (4)

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Commentary of Job Chapter 1 – character, wealth & fatherhood – Dephne Aviyah (2024)


What is the main message in the Book of Job? ›

The book's theme is the eternal problem of unmerited suffering, and it is named after its central character, Job, who attempts to understand the sufferings that engulf him.

What can we learn from Job 1 Bible? ›

The life of Job, a man whose story is told in the book of the Bible by that name, contains many lessons for us today. In it, we see the value of patience, perseverance, and the importance of holding our tongue, not to mention God's faithfulness, restorative power, and goodness.

How did Job get his wealth? ›

The Qur'an says that it was then that God removed his pain and suffering and He returned Job's family to him, blessed him with many generations of descendants and granted him great wealth.

What are the characteristics of Job in the Bible? ›

Job is a wealthy man living in a land called Uz with his large family and extensive flocks. He is “blameless” and “upright,” always careful to avoid doing evil (1:1).

What does the story of Job teach us? ›

The story of Job exemplifies our struggle to understand the problem of suffering. Job was upright and unwavering in his commitment to God, yet he loses everything—his children, his wealth, and eventually his health. For some of us, his experience of suffering resonates profoundly.

What does the story of Job teach us about suffering? ›

The book invites us to honestly bring our pain and grief to God and to trust that he cares, realizing that he knows exactly what he's doing.

What is the key verse of Job 1? ›

1. [1] There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil. [2] And there were born unto him seven sons and three daughters.

What does the Bible teach you about your Job? ›

"Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and that the Master you are serving is Christ."

What does the patience of Job mean? ›

idiom. the ability to remain patient and to do what you think you should do despite having many problems. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases.

What was God's reward to Job? ›

In the end, God restored all that Job had lost, and gave Job twice as much as he had before. The Lord blessed him with a long life, and with seven more sons, and three more daughters who were the most beautiful women in all the land!

What Scripture from Job talks about wealth? ›

Even after he was virtually wiped out, God granted him even greater wealth than before – two-fold. Job 42:12-13 says, And the Lord blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning, and he had 14,000 sheep, and 6,000 camels, and 1,000 yoke of oxen, and 1,000 female donkeys.

Does God restore jobs wealth? ›

“Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him,” Job 13:15. And the Lord not only restored Job's fortunes, he restored them in abundance. This promise of abundance is found throughout the Bible.

What are the four characteristics of Job? ›

Previous research found that four job characteristics (autonomy, variety, identity, and feedback) could increase workers' performance, satisfaction, and attendance. Task significance was derived from Greg Oldham's own work experience as an assembly line worker.

What are the five core job characteristics? ›

The five core characteristics of job design are skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and job feedback. Including these characteristics in your jobs affects the following work-related outcomes — motivation, satisfaction, performance, absenteeism, and turnover.

What are the three job characteristics? ›

Meaningfulness is characterised by three of the job characteristics discussed above: Skill variation, task identity and task importance.

What were the struggles of Job in the Bible? ›

Job, a righteous, God-fearing man, experienced severe trials and afflictions. Job lost all of his property, his children died, and he suffered great physical agony. In the midst of his suffering, Job was visited by three friends. Though Job's friends intended to comfort him, they accused him of transgression.

What is the theme of Job the purpose of? ›

The purpose of [the book of Job] is to explore God's policies with regard to suffering in the world, especially by the righteous or the innocent. In the process it seeks to revolutionize our thinking about God and the way that he runs the world.

What does Job 42 5 mean? ›

Now, after the divine speeches, Job says to God, “I had heard of you by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees you” (42:5). Somehow, through the grand vision of God's creation, Job's profound desire to be in the presence of God has been fulfilled. He has seen God.

Who is Job the suffering servant of God? ›

SanctificationBy offering a sacrifice, Job sanctified his sons and daughters (Job 1:5).
Suffering ServantJob was a type of the suffering servant, the man of grief.
No SinIn all his suffering, “Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly” (Job 1:22).
AfflictionJob suffered bodily pain and affliction (see Job 2).
5 more rows

What is the purpose of the suffering servant? ›

It's the story of God's defeat of evil so that you and I can be rescued from the human condition, the death we see all around us, and that which we find inside ourselves. In this story of the servant's death and resurrection, we discover the love of God that leads to true life.

Why did God speak to Job from a whirlwind? ›

Abstract: The significance of God's speaking through the voice from the whirlwind and Job's subsequent repentance has often been interpreted as a scolding by God for questioning divine providence and/or as the assertion of inscrutable mystery.

Why did God give us the Book of Job? ›

It is not God speaking to us, giving us advice and counsel about the problem of innocent suffering. The Book of Job is in the Bible, because it is the witness of authentic community speaking to itself, authentic community speaking to ourselves. Authentic communities acknowledge pain and innocent suffering.

Why did Job purify his children? ›

“Whenever a round of banqueting was over, Job would send for his children and purify them, rising early in the morning to offer burnt offerings for all of them.” Why did Job do this? Because, he thought, “Perhaps my children have sinned, having cursed God in their hearts.” We're told this was Job's regular practice.

What is Job 1 verse 29? ›

"I thought, `I will die in my own house, my days as numerous as the grains of sand. My roots will reach to the water, and the dew will lie all night on my branches. My glory will remain fresh in me, the bow ever new in my hand. '

What does the book of Job tell Christians about? ›

The Book of Job (1: 8–12 and 42:1–6) The Bible tells the story of a man called Job who is described as a good man who loves God. Satan challenges God, saying that Job is only good because he has a happy life. God allows Satan to put Job's faith to the test by causing him to suffer.

What is the difference between walking with God and working for God? ›

If you do ministry for God — continually trying to impress him and do good things so he'll enjoy you — you will burn out and be unfruitful. But if you do ministry with God — constantly finding where he is moving and joining in with his activity — you will last for your whole lifetime.

Is work a gift from God? ›

Work began at creation and is a part of the dominion mandate from God. It should not be considered something we do to live, rather, as something we live to do. In other words, the gift of work is an opportunity to fulfill passion and purpose.

What does my father has the patience of Job mean? ›

the ability to remain patient and to do what you think you should do despite having many problems.

What is an example of patience in a Job? ›

Listen and question with a positive attitude.

Showing someone that you respect what they have to say is the biggest compliment you can give. Don't be in a hurry to get everything done as quickly as possible and show that you respect the problem at hand.

What is the lesson of patience? ›

Remember. Patience is about being calm, gentle, and unwavering. It is being tolerant when the going gets rough. It is about remaining steadfast and composed as you strive to make progress toward your ultimate goal of building a strong and healthy relationship with your child.

What are the 5 reward from God? ›

Proponents of this concept interpret these passages as specifying five separate crowns, these being the Crown of Life; the Incorruptible Crown; the Crown of Righteousness; the Crown of Glory; and the Crown of Exultation.

How did Job show his gratitude to God? ›

Job 42:1-3, “Then Job replied to the Lord: 'I know that you can do all things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted. You asked, 'Who is this that obscures my plans without knowledge? ' Surely I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know.”

How much did Job receive when God restored his wealth compared to before? ›

He receives twice the wealth he had before (Job 42:10), plus a new brood of seven sons and three daughters (Job 42:13).

What are the riches of Job? ›

God restored Job's fortune with “14,000 sheep, 6,000 camels, 1,000 yoke of oxen, and 1,000 female donkeys” (Job 42:12). God restored Job's family with seven sons, three daughters, and four generations of grandchildren (Job 42:13-16). “And Job died, an old man, and full of days” (Job 42:17).

What does God say about money and wealth? ›

“Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.”

How to receive wealth from God? ›

God's blessing of wealth is usually obtained by great wisdom and responsibility and through discipline, hard work, saving, investing, and seeking God's will.

What is God's purpose for wealth? ›

According to God's Word, there are four fundamental purposes for money: to provide for basic needs, to confirm direction, to give to those in need, and to illustrate God's power and care in provision. Understanding these purposes allows you to see how money relates to God's work in your life and community.

Which God gives us power to make wealth? ›

Deuteronomy 8:18 New International Version (NIV)

But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today.

What is the commentary of Job 42 7 17? ›

After all his suffering, Job does indeed choose to have more children; Job chooses to live again, even though he knows all too well the pain that living and loving entails. Such a choice stems from his fierce faith in the God of life.

What is the meaning of job characteristics? ›

a model that attempts to characterize the basic parameters of a job as they affect the psychological state of the employee, especially with regard to motivation. The five core job dimensions are identified as skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and feedback.

What is the main focus of job characteristics theory? ›

Job characteristics theory (Hackman and Oldham, 1976, 1980) describes the relationship between job characteristics and individual responses to work. The theory specifies the task condition in which individuals are predicted to prosper in their work.

What is the role of job characteristics? ›

The job characteristics model uses job design to make jobs better. Jobs are broken down into specific tasks, and employees receive authority to carry those tasks out. This autonomy gives employees more control over their work environment and increases their job satisfaction.

What are the 5 core job dimension? ›

The five core job dimensions identified are autonomy, feedback, skill variety, task identity, and task significance.

What are good job characteristics? ›

A good job pays enough to cover the bills and basic needs. A good job makes it possible to achieve a balance between work life and home life. A good job motivates an employee to want to do it well. A positive company culture is indicative of a good job environment, which is a strong indicator of a good job.

What are the three main types of job? ›

In terms of the balance of physical labor, mental labor, and emotional labor. And I think it's very important that when you are designing your career and looking for your next job, that you consider which of these types of jobs you want.

What is the meaning of Job in the Bible? ›

Biblical Names Meaning:

In Biblical Names the meaning of the name Job is: He that weeps or cries.

What was God's primary message to Job 38 41? ›

38–41), God does not engage Job in the details of his questions and complaints. Rather, God reminds Job that God is God and Job is not. God laid the foundation of the earth (38:4); he is God over the seas (38:8, 16), over the stars (38:31–33), and over every creature (39:1–30; 40:15–41:34).

What is the study of Job in the Bible? ›

The book of Job teaches that saints who imperfectly but sincerely serve God will sometimes suffer for no reason they can explain in relation to past sin, and will perhaps not seem to grow spiritually from the ordeal. Job's suffering is of a kind that will lead only to a deeper vision of God himself (Job 42:5).

What are the major themes of work? ›

What are some common themes?
  • Beauty.
  • Good vs. evil.
  • Coming-of-age.
  • Loyalty.
  • Betrayal.
  • Life and Death.
  • Justice.
  • Family.
Jun 29, 2022

What is the faith of Job in the Bible? ›

In all of this, the Bible says, Job did not sin with his lips. Job was reduced to sitting amidst the rubble of his once-prosperous life. After the loss of everything he held worthwhile, he still proclaimed: “Though He [God] slay me, yet will I trust Him” (Job 13:15). He was declaring his complete trust in his God.

Why was Job blessed in the Bible? ›

Job gained new insight into who God was, and his own place in God's creation. Job's integrity and righteousness remained on display for Satan and the armies of Heaven where God could say, yet again, “Have you considered my servant, Job?”

Why did God speak to Job in a whirlwind? ›

Abstract: The significance of God's speaking through the voice from the whirlwind and Job's subsequent repentance has often been interpreted as a scolding by God for questioning divine providence and/or as the assertion of inscrutable mystery.

What does Job 38 42 mean? ›

Job 38–39 explains how Job could have more confidence in the Lord so that he could more fully trust that his trials would be for his benefit. Job 42. When we remain faithful to the Lord, He will bless us.

Was Job tested by God? ›

Despite his difficulties he said, “The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord” (Job 1:21). God tested Job's faith and refined his character. Job emerged from his ordeal a better and wiser man who exhibited such patience amidst the upheaval of life.

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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.