College Dropout Rates [2023] - US Statistics and Data (2024)

Report Highlights

  • College dropout rates average at 40% for undergraduate students.
  • Only 41% of college students graduate in 4 years or less.
  • 12% complete college at a different institution.
  • College dropout rates are 20% higher for male students in comparison to female students.
  • 44% of students who take part in a four-year college course manage to graduate within the first six years.
  • In comparison 85% of students graduate successfully from high school.
  • Public universities have a higher than average dropout rate of 50%.
  • The percentage of students who receive federal grants and manage to graduate is 10% to 20% lower in public universities than in private institutions.
  • Three (3) in every ten (10) students drop out after or within the first year in college.
  • 40% of the college dropouts have parents who did not complete their higher education.

College Dropout Rates [2023] - US Statistics and Data (1)

How Many People Drop Out of College?

40% of students drop out of college every year in the US. 30% of students drop out in the first year. Only 41% of students graduate in 4 years. Male students have a 20% higher chance to drop out, than female students. Asian students have the lowest dropout rate.

College Dropout Statistics Revolving Around Finances

  • A college dropout earns 35% less than a college graduate per annum.
  • A valued $3.8 billion is lost each year as a result of college dropouts.
  • 55% of college students struggle to find financial support for their studies. Consequently, 51% of college dropouts drop out because of the lack of money.
  • 79% of the students delay their graduations due to financial difficulties.

College Retention Rates Statistics

Retention rates determine the proportion of students who come back to the same college in the next academic year.

  • The average retention rate in American higher education institutions is 71%.
  • Of the 57% of students who do not complete four-year colleges within six years, 33% drop out altogether.

At four year institutions, first time, full-time degree students had the following statistics in the 2017/ 2018 academic year:

  • The general retention rate was 81%. Colleges and universities with open admissions had a retention rate of 62%. The institutions with an acceptance rate of less than 25% recorded a 97% retention rate.
  • The institutions with the lowest acceptance rates (less than 25%) recorded the highest retention rates.
  • In the least selective public institutions – with an acceptance rate of higher than 25%, there was a 63% retention rate.
  • Public institutions that did not have an open admissions policy recorded a 97% retention rate.
  • A 97% retention rate was also seen at private non-profit institutions without an open admissions policy.
  • Private non-profit institutions with an open admissions policy recorded a 65% retention rate.
  • Overall, private for-profit institutions had a 60% retention rate, with those with open admissions having a 5% lower retention rate.

At two year institutions, first time, full-time degree students had the following statistics in the 2017/ 2018 academic year:

  • The overall retention rate for all the two-year institutions was 62%.
  • The public institutions recorded an average 62% retention rate.
  • For the private institutions, the for-profits averaged at a 66% retention rate while the non-profits had a 72% rate.

College Dropout Statistics for Foster kids

  • Foster kids have the smallest odds of making it through and graduating from college – only 8 to 10% of them do.
  • When foster kids are given financial support, their graduation rate increases sharply to 44%.

Reasons for College Dropouts

  • 38% of the students drop out of college due to financial shortcomings for their college education.
  • 13% of the students find it hard to fit into the social life at college correctly.
  • The lack of adequate support from the family contributes to 9% of college dropouts.
  • 28% of the students drop out of college due to academic disqualification – failure to meet the set academic requirements.
  • Mental, emotional, or psychological issues cause 3% of college students to drop out.
  • Students who live far away from their college premises eventually drop out because of the distance. This is responsible for 4% of the college dropouts.
  • 5% of the students who drop out cite health problems as the main reason for dropping out of college.
  • 89% of students from the first generation in low earning families tend to drop out of college.

Post-College Economic Comparison between College Dropouts and Graduates

  • College dropouts earn an average of $21,000 less than the students who complete college and earn a degree.
  • College graduates with a bachelor’s degree earn an average of $35 every hour.
  • College graduates with an advanced degree, such as a master’s degree, earn an average of $45 per hour.
  • College dropouts are twice as likely to live in poverty as compared to those who completed college and hold a degree.
  • In 2017, College dropouts had an unemployment rate of 4%. This is higher than the average unemployment (3.6%) and higher than the rate of unemployment for graduates with bachelor’s degrees (2.5%).
  • The median annual salary for college dropouts is $36,633 compared to $53,882 for a bachelor’s degree holder.
  • For males, a college graduate earns an approximate $900,000 more in the median lifetime income than a male high school graduate.
  • For females, a college graduate earns an approximate $630,000 more in the median lifetime income as compared to a female high school graduate.
  • A family led by a college degree holder saves at a rate of 14% higher than a family headed by a college dropout.

Student Loans and College Dropouts

With financial instability being a reason for 38% of the college dropouts, the following statistics indicate the statistics around loans for college students:

  • In the 2020/ 2021 academic year, the first-year students’ limits stand at $5,500; the sophom*ores have a limit of $6,500, the juniors a limit of $7,500.
  • In general, the total amount undergraduates can borrow is $57,500, while graduate students can borrow up to $20,500.
  • The average college student leaves campus with a student loan debt of about $14,000.
  • 60% of private student loan applicants apply without a co-signer, and only 5% of these students have their loans approved.
  • 47% of the students default on their loans, while 53% of them cannot make the loan repayments as per the terms.

College Completion Rates by Race

In 2017, the following were the six-year completion rate statistics for students who joined four-year courses:

  • 63% of the students completed their degrees (the total completion rate).
  • 50% of the students completed college at the same institution.
  • 10% of the students completed their college degrees at different institutions.
  • 24% of the students were no longer enrolled in any other institution.

For Asian students;

  • 72% of the students completed their degrees.
  • 61% of the students completed college at the same institution.
  • 8% of the students completed their college degrees at different institutions.
  • 14% of the students were no longer enrolled in any other institution.

For Black students;

  • 46% of the students completed their degrees.
  • 35% of the students completed college at the same institution.
  • 7% of the students completed their college degrees at different institutions.
  • 35% of the students were no longer enrolled in any other institution.

For Hispanic students;

  • 55% of the students completed their degrees.
  • 44% of the students completed college at the same institution.
  • 8% of the students completed their college degrees at different institutions.
  • 27% of the students were no longer enrolled in any other institution.

For White students;

  • 67% of the students completed their degrees.
  • 52% of the students completed college at the same institution.
  • 11% of the students completed their college degrees at different institutions.
  • 21% of the students were no longer enrolled in any other institution.

For students with more than one race;

  • 61% of the students completed their degrees.
  • 49% of the students completed college at the same institution.
  • 9% of the students completed their college degrees at different institutions.
  • 24% of the students were no longer enrolled in any other institution.

College Dropouts Rates for Different Races

In two year colleges;

  • 10% of Asian students drop out – this is the lowest figure.
  • In comparison, 31% of black students, 18% of white students, 21% of Hispanic students, and 36% of Native American students drop out.

For full-time four-year college students;

  • 35% of Asian students drop out – this represents the lowest percentage.
  • In comparison, 52% of black students, 42% of white students, 40% of Hispanic students, and 53% of Native American students drop out.

College Dropout Rates for Different Ages

Students who enroll for college under 20 years have a between 13% to 22% chance higher of graduating than those who joined college beyond 20.

In two-year college institutions:

  • 5% of students at 19 years or younger drop out.
  • For students between the age of 20 and 23, 51% drop out.
  • The percentage of dropouts is 52% of the students between age 24 and 29 in colleges.
  • 52% of students who are older than 30 years end up as dropouts.

For students attending four-year college institutions:

  • 15% of the student aged 19 or younger drop out.
  • The dropouts are just over a half (51%) of the students in the age bracket of 20 to 23 years.
  • 52% of the students between 24 and 29 years drop out.
  • 54% of students who are older than 30 years end up as dropouts.

There are many reasons for dropping out of college. These are the cost of college which has gone up recently, students can’t keep up with their classes or they lack discipline.


  1. Trends in College Pricing 2019
  2. Wages for workers with a high school degree or less rose the fastest over the last year.
  3. Types of Student Loans
  4. Understand how interest is calculated and what fees are associated with your federal student loan.
  5. Federal Government Publishes More Complete Graduation Rate Data
  6. The High Cost of Low Graduation Rates
  7. Eye-Opening College Dropout Rates & Statistics – 2021
  8. S. College Dropout Rate and Dropout Statistics
  9. National Center for Education Statistics, Table 326.10
  10. National Center for Education Statistics, Table 326.25
  11. National Center for Education Statistics, Table 326.30
  12. Characteristics of Postsecondary Students
  • How Many People Drop Out of College?
  • College Dropout Statistics Revolving Around Finances
  • College Retention Rates Statistics
  • College Dropout Statistics for Foster kids
  • Reasons for College Dropouts
  • Post-College Economic Comparison between College Dropouts and Graduates
  • Student Loans and College Dropouts
  • College Completion Rates by Race
  • College Dropouts Rates for Different Races
  • College Dropout Rates for Different Ages
  • Sources
College Dropout Rates [2023] - US Statistics and Data (2024)


What is the US college dropout rate and dropout statistics? ›

In four-year institutions, 56% of students tend to drop out after six years (What to Become, 2021). Students aged between 24-29 are most likely to drop out of four-year colleges, as 52.5% of them have already left without a degree (What to Become, 2021).

What are the statistics of college dropouts? ›

Approximately 24% of first-time, undergraduate first-year students dropped out between 2019 and 2020. In 2021, approximately 1.4 million Americans had completed 4 or more years of college but had no degree. Based on six years of data, men have a 4 % higher dropout rate than women.

Why is the US college dropout rate so high? ›

College Dropout Statistics Revolving Around Finances

55% of college students struggle to find financial support for their studies. Consequently, 51% of college dropouts drop out because of the lack of money. 79% of the students delay their graduations due to financial difficulties.

What are the statistics about college success rates? ›

Key graduation rate statistics

Public colleges have an average graduation rate of 63 percent, and private nonprofit schools have a rate of 68 percent. Women are more likely than men to graduate within six years of starting their degree program.

What is the main reason students dropout of college? ›

While financial issues are probably the most common reason for dropping out of college, every student has their own reasons. Some unfortunately have family issues, a lack of support, or unexpected medical problems that are beyond their control.

What major has the highest dropout rate? ›

Computer science, unfortunately, is also the major with the highest dropout rate among undergraduate students — about 1 out of 10 computer science majors leave college before getting their degree.
This undergraduate program is considered to have the highest dropout rate.
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What is the dropout rate in the US? ›

This is much higher compared to the overall average dropout rate of 5.1% (NCES, 2021).

What percent of college students dropout due to finances? ›

38% of College Students Drop Out Because of Finances – How to Lower That Number. The benefits of getting a college degree are sound. The College Board shows that graduates earn 73% more than those only completing high school, while those with advanced degrees earn two to three times more.

What state has the highest dropout rate? ›

The states with the highest percentage of students not graduating on time were New Mexico (28.9%) and Oregon (23.3%). On-time graduation rates are lowest in Wheeler County, Oregon, where 74% of children fail to complete high school on time.

Are college dropouts increasing? ›

Seventeen percent of students enrolled in college say they're dropping out of college after this semester, according to education website Its survey of 1,250 undergraduate students expected to graduate in 2023 found another 19% of students aren't sure if they'll return to college this autumn.

Are most college dropouts successful? ›

Based on these numbers, the college dropout success rate is only at around 6%. There is no guarantee of financial success if one chooses to leave school and pursue an interest that could possibly be translated into a scalable business.

What is the college dropout crisis? ›

Among students at four-year colleges, two of every five do NOT complete their college degree. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the six-year graduation rate is only 64% for all students seeking bachelor's degrees.

What are the statistics about college students in America? ›

Total U.S. College Enrollment Statistics

In spring 2022: 17.9 million students were enrolled at a postsecondary institution. About 15 million students were enrolled in an undergraduate program. Roughly 3.1 million were enrolled in a graduate-level program.

What are the statistics of college graduates? ›

The 6-year graduation rate was 63 percent at public institutions, 68 percent at private nonprofit institutions, and 29 percent at private for-profit institutions. The overall 6-year graduation rate was 60 percent for males and 67 percent for females.

What are the statistics on college education in America? ›

The percentage of adults in the U. S. between the ages of 25 to 64 with college degrees, certificates, or industry-recognized certifications, has increased from 37.9% in 2009 to 53.7% in 2021, a gain of nearly 16 percentage points.

What are the two biggest causes of students dropping out? ›

Academic difficulties and the family's economic needs are two of the most common reasons kids drop out of school. In some cases, it might also be due to the company of bad friends. However, not having a basic education might not have a good impact on a child's future since it limits their employment opportunities.

What is the impact of college dropout? ›

Economic Impacts of College Dropouts

College dropouts borrow more money on average to pay for school than their counterparts who complete their degrees. They are also left with less ability to pay back their student loan debt, as dropouts earn less and have higher rates of unemployment than those with degrees.

How many Americans Cannot afford college? ›

A college education is widely perceived as unaffordable for most Americans, with 77% of U.S. adults saying a college degree would be difficult for someone like them to afford. 82% of women said a college degree would be difficult to afford, compared with 73% of men.

What is the hardest degree to obtain? ›

What are the hardest degrees in the world? Ranked by Experts
  • Chartered Accountancy.
  • Astrophysics.
  • Quantum Mechanics.
  • Law.
  • Aerospace/ Aeronautical Studies, Engineering.
  • Biomedical Studies, Neurosciences, Biochemistry.
  • Nursing.
  • Dentistry, Medicine.
Dec 16, 2022

What year of college do most drop out? ›

4. Most people who drop out of college are first-year students. On average, 24.1% of first-time first-year students leave college. The percentage of students who drop out of two-year institutions in the first year is 39%, while 18.4% of those who enroll in 4-year institutions do the same.

What is the most dropped college class? ›

Computer sciences and business and administrative studies are among the degree subjects with the highest drop-out rates; with around nine per cent of students dropping out by their second year.

Which city has the highest dropout rate? ›

Four metropolitan areas in California rank among the highest in the country for high-school dropouts, according to our analysis of the 2008 Census data. Bakersfield, California, has the most high-school dropouts in the country for metropolitan areas with more than 500,000 people.

How many Americans have dropped out of school? ›

The overall status dropout rate for 16- to 24-year-olds decreased from 7.4 percent in 2010 to 5.3 percent in 2020. During this time, the status dropout rate declined for those who were Hispanic (from 15.1 to 7.4 percent) and Black (from 8.0 to 4.2 percent).

How many college dropouts become rich? ›

Indeed, according to a study by U.K. job site Adview, one in eight of the Forbes 400, which are the 400 wealthiest billionaires in the U.S., are college dropouts. They came to this conclusion by looking at the 362 billionaires with publicly available education information; 44 were dropouts.

How many college students are struggling financially? ›

The Hungry and Homeless College Report states that 2: Nearly 50 percent of college students experience housing insecurity, such as the inability to pay rent, inability to pay utilities, or the necessity to move frequently.

How many students drop out of college due to stress? ›

64% of students drop out of college because of mental health problems. In a survey conducted by the National Alliance on Mental Illness, a strong correlation between the number of students who drop out of college and depression was discovered.

What state ranks lowest in education? ›

In last place was West Virginia. It was worst for educational attainment and 47th for quality of education. Also in the bottom five were Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi. The WalletHub survey compared 18 metrics that examined what it considered the key factors of a well-educated population.

What state has lowest graduation? ›

Georgia had the lowest overall graduation rate in the nation with 54% of students graduating, followed by Nevada, Florida, and Washington, D.C. Iowa had the highest overall graduation rate with 93%, followed by North Dakota, Wisconsin, and Nebraska.

What country has the lowest college dropout rate? ›

According to this hierarchy, the country with the lowest annual average rate of school dropout is Slovenia, with an average rate of 5.2%. The country with the highest school dropout rate is Malta, with 40.5%.

Have dropout rates increased or decreased? ›

Overall, statewide dropout rates for 2019–20 also remained largely stable at 8.9 percent, compared to 9 percent the previous year.

Is college education declining? ›

Nationwide, undergraduate college enrollment dropped 8% from 2019 to 2022, with declines even after returning to in-person classes, according to data from the National Student Clearinghouse. The slide in the college-going rate since 2018 is the steepest on record, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

How does the student dropout rate affect the economy as a whole? ›

Students who take out loans to attend college but never finish are three times as likely to default, earn lower incomes throughout their lives, and have higher rates of unemployment. That leaves billions of taxpayers' significant federal investment in higher education wasted.

Is Elon Musk a college dropout? ›

Among his many outlandish career moves is one that dates back to 1995 when he dropped out of Stanford after only two days at the prestigious institution. After earning two bachelor's degrees, one of which was from the University of Pennsylvania, Musk entered a Stanford Ph. D. program in physics at the age of 24.

Who was number 1 over college dropout? ›

Kanye's first number one record on the Hot 100, and ultimately the track that put “The College Dropout” over the top.

Is it better to dropout of college or fail? ›

Failing & Then Re-Taking a Class

Croskey notes that dropping a class is better than withdrawing, but withdrawing is better than failing. “A failing grade will lower the student's GPA, which may prevent a student from participating in a particular major that has a GPA requirement,” Croskey says.

What are some fun facts about The College Dropout? ›

Altogether, 'The College Dropout' contains 14 samples.

Of the 21 tracks on his very first album, 14 samples were used on 12 songs. Most notably you'll recognise Luther Vandross' 'House Is Not A Home' on 'Slow Jamz,' Chaka Khan's 'Through The Fire' on 'Through The Wire' and Marvin Gaye's 'Distant Lover' on 'Spaceship.

What percentage of US college students have depression? ›

Associate Professor of Health Behavior and Health Education

It found that 44% of students reported symptoms of depression, 37% reported anxiety disorders and 15% reported having seriously considered suicide in the past year—the highest recorded rates in the history of the 15-year-old survey.

What percentage of Americans who go to college graduate? ›

In 2019, the percent of population with college degrees is about 35% of the entire United States population completed four years of college, and an average of 47.5% of adults in the U.S. earned a degree. What is this?

What percentage of college students struggle with mental health? ›

Data Summary. In 2022, over three-quarters of college students (77%) experienced moderate to serious psychological distress. 35% of students were diagnosed with anxiety; 27% had depression.

How many people are graduating college in 2023? ›

Among them, there are 1.9 million students who earned bachelor's degrees and 989,000 are graduates with an associate degree. 49,8% of college graduates earn bachelor's degrees. The percentage of students who hold associate degrees is 23.5%.

Who is most likely to graduate from college? ›

In a reversal, women are now more likely than men to graduate from college, according to the Current Population Survey. In 2021, 39% of women ages 25 and older had a bachelor's degree or more education, compared with 37% of men in the same age range.

How much more successful are college graduates? ›

The evidence that a college degree significantly improves one's employment prospects and earnings potential is overwhelming. Bachelor's degree holders are half as likely to be unemployed as their peers who only have a high school degree and they make $1.2 million in additional earnings on average over their lifetime.

What percentage of college students major in education? ›

Colleges and universities issued 176,307 bachelor's degrees in education that year, or 21% of all degrees conferred. Women, in particular, have become much less likely to choose education as their field of study.

How much of the population is college educated? ›

General attainment of degrees/diplomas
EducationAge 25 and overAge 25-30
Bachelor's degree34.98%36.98%
Master's degree13.04%9.01%
Professional degree3.47%2.02%
3 more rows

Is a college education worth it statistics? ›

Overall, the return on an investment in a higher education is strong, as people with bachelor's degrees make on average 84 percent more over their lifetimes than people with only high school diplomas, according to the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce.

What is the standard dropout rate? ›

Dropout Rate

The default interpretation of the dropout hyperparameter is the probability of training a given node in a layer, where 1.0 means no dropout, and 0.0 means no outputs from the layer. A good value for dropout in a hidden layer is between 0.5 and 0.8. Input layers use a larger dropout rate, such as of 0.8.

How many students drop out in America? ›

Every year, over 1.2 million students drop out of high school in the United States alone. That's a student every 26 seconds – or 7,000 a day. About 25% of high school freshmen fail to graduate from high school on time.

What is the percentage of successful college dropouts? ›

Based on these numbers, the college dropout success rate is only at around 6%. There is no guarantee of financial success if one chooses to leave school and pursue an interest that could possibly be translated into a scalable business.

Are dropout rates increasing? ›

Overall, statewide dropout rates for 2019–20 also remained largely stable at 8.9 percent, compared to 9 percent the previous year.

What is the national dropout rate in the US? ›

This is much higher compared to the overall average dropout rate of 5.1% (NCES, 2021).

How do you find the dropout rate? ›

The formula to calculate the annual dropout rate is the number of students who dropped out during the school year divided by the number of students enrolled during the school year.

What state has highest dropout rate? ›

The states with the highest percentage of students not graduating on time were New Mexico (28.9%) and Oregon (23.3%). On-time graduation rates are lowest in Wheeler County, Oregon, where 74% of children fail to complete high school on time.

What percent of people go to college? ›

College Enrollment Trends Over the Years

In 2021, 61.8% of recent high school graduates ages 16-24 were enrolled in college, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The U.S. experienced a college enrollment decline during the COVID-19 pandemic.

How many students leave college without debt? ›

More than four in ten students at public four-year universities complete their degree with zero debt. Nearly eight in ten students graduate with less than $30,000 in debt. Among those who do borrow, the average debt at graduation is $25,921 — or $6,480 for each year of a four-year degree at a public university.

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.