Coca-Cola Consumer Behavior & Customers' Biogenic Needs | Free Essay Example (2024)

Coca-Cola Consumer Behavior: Introduction

This paper consists of a series of answers which are related to the Coca-Cola Company in relation to its most popular product, the coca-cola soft drink. Basically, the paper contains the analysis and determination of consumer buying behavior for Coca-Cola soft drinks. By examining a number of incidents that have already taken place in the context of the soft drink mentioned above, this paper seeks to shed more light on consumer demographics, biogenic needs, and behavior and how such behavior determines the popularity of a product. In the process of making such an examination, timely insights and recommendations are made on how to satisfy customer needs and wants better and what can be done to increase and popularize the company’s products.

Coca-Cola Consumer Behavior: Motivation

Basically to motivate is to create an urge in somebody so that something is accomplished. It can be argued that motivation will push someone into accomplishing a given task within some given time frame. It has been argued that motivation is a force that stimulates human behavior (Tyagi and Kumar 1); it can be both negative and positive. Positive motivation is that which induces consumers to buy coca-cola; positive motivation are the needs, wants and the desires that have a net effect of making someone have the urge to use a given product in this context use drink coca cola.

Therefore, it can be argued that positive motivation, in the context of this paper, is the summation of all those urges that will have the net effect of directing a person into acquiring the coca cola for the purpose of consumption. It has been pointed out that positive motivation is enhanced by spirited sales promotion and advertisem*nt though there are other factors which also play roles and will be covered later in this article.

On the other hand, there is a negative motivation which is associated with a collection of feelings that have a net amount effect of directing away the urge to consume a product in this context the product being coca cola. Some of the feelings that have the tendency to drive away the urge to use consume a product include fears and aversion.

Positive motivation forces like the need and desire drive consumers to buying coca-cola, consumers need the drink to satisfy their thirsty, consumers also desire coca-cola as a pleasure drink. Since one is motivated by a need, a need only becomes a motive when it is aroused to a particular level; a motive or drive is a need that is extremely pressing as to force individuals to find satisfaction for that need.

Coca-Cola Consumer Behavior: Psychogenic & Biogenic Needs

Individuals are motivated by the desire to have many needs as possible at a particular time. Needs can be biogenic and psychogenic; Biogenic needs are psychogenic in form and include forms of tension like hunger, thirst and discomfort. Psychogenic needs are those that emanate from psychological states of nature like the need for esteem, recognition or belonging. All these needs play a role in the creation of positive motivation. It should be noted that marketing strategies are often aimed at creating an arousal of such needs on a short term as well as long term basis.

There are several theories that have been formulated to explain why consumers opt for coca-cola drink to quench their thirsty instead of water. These theories are; Freud’s psycho analytic theory, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and Fredrick Herzberg’s two option theory.

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Consumer Behaviour Coca Cola: Freud’s Psycho-Analytic Theory

This theory thrives on the assumption that the psychological forces that shape individual behaviors are unconscious. Freud argued that when an individual grows up, he/she suppresses several urges while accepting the social rules in the society and it only happens that these urges are not completely eliminated as they appear in dreams or through the slip of the tongue. This theory postulates that no individual understands the origin of his drive.

Consumers for example might purport to buy coca-cola drink and explain that the drive for purchasing it is to quench thirst and at the deep inside, the main purpose is actually to demonstrate an economic social class since coca-cola as opposed to water makes an individual appear modern and potent. This, therefore, is a clear indication that the drinking of coca-cola is conscious act and to trigger an emotion and to stimulate the consumers, the company must create an impact on its production, marketing and packaging of the coca-cola drink.

Consequently, Ernest Ditcher who is the principle advocate of Freudian motivation theory and who has widely interpreted buying situations and products preference, concluded in his work called motivational research that drive happens in line with the fundamental unconscious motives.

Coca-Cola Consumer Behavior: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

This theory was formulated by Abraham Maslow. He postulated in his book Motivation and Personality the reasons why consumers are obsessed with different needs at particular times. Maslow organized the human needs in hierarchy from the most burning needs to the least burning ones as seen in the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs below.

Coca-Cola Consumer Behavior & Customers' Biogenic Needs | Free Essay Example (1)

According to Maslow, an individual will try to satisfy the vital needs first and when he achieves it, such needs, at that level, stop being a motivator and the individual is motivated by the desire to seek the most important need in the next level. As in the case of coca-cola, quenching the thirst is the fundamental thing and the most basic drive, satisfying it using water is primary as compared to using coca-cola which is expensive and it is only fit for those who have satisfied their psychological and social needs. The desire for coca-cola is primarily due to a need for self esteem and status. According to Abraham Maslow, an individual must first satisfy his biogenic needs before the psychogenic ones. Biogenic needs include love, belonging and self actualization.

Coca-Cola Consumer Behavior: Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory

This theory was formulated by Fredrick Herzberg. Herzberg sought to differentiate between those factors that cause dissatisfaction and those that cause satisfaction, he referred to them as dissatisfies and satisfiers respectively. The case of coca-cola can be classified as satisfier. This is largely due to its taste and coloring which give coca-cola a distinct and sweet taste that makes it appealing as compared to water which is tasteless and colorless.

The Herzberg’s theory operates on two fundamental principles; first the seller should be in a position to produce good quality goods to prevent dissatisfaction that is prompted by factors like poor quality of products. This is evident when the coca-cola experienced low sales and customer dissatisfaction that was brought about by the change in formula to the New co*ke. Secondly, the manufacturer, in this case Coca-Cola Company should identify satisfiers which may be factors like advertisem*nt or packaging. This is because; a motivated person can also be influenced by perception. This brings out the idea that people prefer coca-cola to water because of perception.

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What do consumers buy when they purchase a product?

co*ke drinks are soft drinks that reduce thirst. The habit of using coca-cola to quench thirst has been associated with a social class because it has been argued that water can equally quench thirst. People in developed countries often take cola to satisfy their thirsty whereas in the developing world people satisfy their thirsty by taking water, this is a clear indication that coca-cola is a want and a need at the same time.

People need coca-cola to satisfy utilitarian need which is thirst. Taking of coca-coal is viewed to be refreshing. The following are some of the attributes that consumers want in a product.

Functional benefits

Functional benefits may be both direct and indirect; direct benefits are those that are resourceful and beneficial to the consumer. These direct benefits are as a result of the taste and nutritional value, they include quenching their thirst, and cola also boosts sugar and caffeine quantity in the body.

The indirect functional benefits

Consumers want convenience: consumers desire goods that are well organized and attractively displayed since this will facilitate convenient shopping. Coca-cola vendors should display the good in an attractive place as a persuasive measure.

Price and value: pricing is a factor that is necessary and often consumers consider it in buying coca-cola or/and other substitute or the competitive product.

Advertising: This is also an indirect benefit that consumers consider in determining their wants. Aggressive advertising may result in increase in volume of sales since consumers will be persuaded into buying the product.

Packaging: Good or attractive packaging is likely to lure consumers into buying the product.

Psychological benefits

Among the psychological factors are the lifestyle of the consumers, product differentiation and buyers’ experience. Consumers often buy a product due to the desire of creating an impression of modern and affluent lifestyle. On product differentiation, consumers often look for a unique product in the market and hence coca-cola should create an identity in their products.

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On differentiation of the product, coca-cola has effected this through brand name, packaging and advertising. On the name, coca-cola have developed a short name which has been instrumental since a short name is catchy, easy to pronounce and memorable.

On packaging, coca-cola have packaged their products in different sizes and in feminine and appealing bottle, this is instrumental in winning the customer’s consciousness and also to foster product differentiation.

On advertising, coca-cola has embraced on brand awareness to introduce their brand into the market.

Critically evaluate the buying behavior of consumers to explain why Coca-Cola had a higher share of the cola drinks market than Pepsi even though the taste tests showed that more consumers preferred the taste of Pepsi

Consumer behavior implies the analysis of when, why, where and how trend in the ability of buyers to purchase a particular product. It is an analysis of the consumer decision in the buying process together with the characteristics of individual and group consumers. The following are the factors that influence consumer decision


This is described as the tendency of consumers to stick to one particular product. When there is a strong loyalty base, there is a minimal change in the number of consumers that are willing to buy that particular product. Customers who lack loyalty have the tendency of buying any good that they come across and they exhibit dynamism in their purchasing behavior; such customers are also vulnerable to forces of swaying by factors like sales promotion and advertising. One conspicuous model of loyalty is the memory effect which concerns consumers’ ability to return to a particular product after trying the competitive product and failing.

Rigorous advertising, several brands and having been in the market earlier than Pepsi are the factors that put coca-cola ahead of Pepsi in customer loyalty leading to the high volume of sales by coca-cola.


Sociology explains how a consumer behavior of individuals can be influenced by other consumers. When some individuals get to purchase similar product of a similar brand, there is always a tendency of getting locked-in with a particular product however much that good can be identical to the substitute or the competitive product or regardless of whether the competitive product sells at similar price. Among the social factors those influence consumer behaviors are:


People who interact and coexist together seem to have similar goals, an individual’s decision are always influenced by that of his group or close associates. These groups can be secondary or primary; secondary groups are formal institutions like school and occupation while primary groups include family, neighbors and co-workers. The geographical and the globalized market of coca-cola is what are largely associated with the ability of consumers to interact and influence each other about the product.


Psychology concerns on how and what an item on the shelves of supermarkets and malls can influence the choice of consumers, this has the tendency of influencing consumers to purchase a good different from his previous brand. Advertisem*nt can be a sociological as well as psychological. It is sociological when it takes the form of sales promotions and road show campaigns and also when the advertising takes the form of product advertisem*nt and when sales agents are used. The psychological factors are motivation, perception, beliefs and attitude. It is psychological when it is media or digital advertisem*nt crafted in a tendency that will capture the attention of the individual. Psychological influences can take the following models:

Minimize anticipated regret

This explains a situation where two products are identical on quality and price. This can present a challenge to the consumer who might confuse one product to be superior to the other. In this case the first product becomes the best choice for the consumer which is coca-cola in this case.

Attribute change

This explains a situation where the introduction of a new product may change the perception of consumers concerning an established product in the market. This might introduce the issue of quality which might have earlier been ignored. The introduction of Pepsi motivated coca-cola to up its quality which was evident in their shift from coca-cola to new co*ke and later to classic co*ke; this was mainly aimed at building their attribute.

Outlier avoidance

When a number of products in the market are very similar, consumers have the behavior of abandoning the brand they deem strange and the one that is quite different from the rest of the products. In this case, consumers can choose the one that sells at moderate price. The pricing of coca-cola makes it sell more when compared to Pepsi. This is further explained below:

  1. Decision process change: consumer often experience easy time when it come to making a choice between two products since they can base their comparison on two main factors; size and price (Patel and Schlijper 4).

  2. Internal influences: there are several internal factors that can influence the ability of the consumers to choose a particular product. These factors include demographic, personality and motivations.

  3. Cultural factors: cultural factors include the sets of values, perceptions, norms and behaviors which influence wants and behavior of a consumer these factors are culture, sub-culture and social class. The social structure in the society also influence the values and interests of an individual (MBA Notes 1)

  4. Personal factors: these factors include age, life cycle and occupation

What impact did age have on the behavior of consumers purchasing cola?

Age is a dynamic factor and often has direct relationship with the ability of an individual to think, as such people of similar age often undergo the same experiences in life and hence this makes them share similar needs, values, experiences, symbols and memories which directly translate to similar consumption patterns, consumers’ needs and their interests often vary with age. Age in relation to consumer behavior is categorized as follows; the young generations often admire leisurely and pleasurable goods and purchase different goods than the old generation.

The old consumers have tendency of brand loyalty and more often they exercise caution when making their purchase. There are some commodities that diminish with age like sugary and fatty foods. A detailed discussion in relation to age and consumption in the context of coca cola is carried out below:

The teens and the generation x

This is always the active age in the society and hence has a greater degree of influence on the purchase of household goods. The social factors that characterize modern societies like the increase in career parents and the surge in cases of single parentages is a clear indication that in the modern world the teens and the generation x age shop for themselves. The main sources of information about the products in the market are their friends and also discussions on blogs, short messages and the social networking facilities such as facebook and twitter. This category of generation also loves fun and trendy lifestyle, and fun comes at an expense.

This has a lot of implications on market products like coca-cola. The coca-cola company should devise new modes of advertisem*nt and particular digital adverts which can capture the young generation in order to win in the area of brand loyalty and to be in good market position. The pleasure that is associated with cola and how it depicts a higher social standing in the society makes it appealing to the youth and the younger generations in general hence the high volume of sales (Hoyer and Macinnis 301).

Generation X

This is the generation in their late thirties and forties and are a loyal group and are cautious in making their purchases. Marketers experience changes with the old generation when they want to launch a new product since they want to stick to the product that existed during the time they were young. An increase in age leads to the decrease in appetite, old people also seem to be selective in the foods they take. The sugary taste of cola makes it less popular with the older generation. Since cola is served in restaurants and hotels is an indication that the old are not the main target market since old age is less prone to travelling and eating in hotels (Noel 78)

What impact might this have had on the marketing activities of Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola?

The coca-cola company used a type of marketing called undifferentiated marketing. This style of marketing is also referred as scattergun approach. This is because Coca-Cola Company had one line of product and they tried to pursue one approach in order to appeal to people of all ages and personalities (Blythe 383).

The coca-cola company often uses the demographic gathering of data as an instrument to find out the consumer group that use their products most. This data is gathered based on the following variables; age, sex, country and other personal and motivating factors.

Age is also fundamental in analyzing demand management which is a key marketing formula; demand management involve taking steps that might result in the company either raising or lowering the demand for its products or to create product adaptability which might result in the upward rise in the demand for its products to the target consumers and target market.

Age will also allow the coca-cola company to develop product positioning. Product positioning involves the way with which the consumers define the product based on various attributes or rather the place of the product on the mind of the consumer. Age therefore is a critical factor that that will determine the mode and system of marketing their products, age furthermore is important in determine which kind of advertisem*nt to apply as a marketing strategy.

Critically evaluate the factors that contributed to the failure of New co*ke

New packaging

This isolated the new brand from it consumers, when they branded it new co*ke, they had already missed the point since the world by then was associated with Pepsi which had just entered the market and was the favorite of the youth. The old co*ke was considered a legacy soft drink and an important part of the American culture hence the branding and the change of formula affected the loyalists of the earlier brand who found it difficult to associate with the new co*ke.

Sentimental value

The introduction of the new co*ke led to the erosion of sentimental value that was associated with the product. The launching of the new co*ke was more oriented towards the product and not the brand and this strategy backfired.

Limited research is also a key factor that contributed to the loss of appeal in the new co*ke.

What research into consumer behavior could Coca-Cola have conducted to reduce the risks of their new product failing?

Coca-Cola could have employed the Implicit Association Test (IAT). This is a mode of computer based measurement that seeks to relate concepts and memory. This system of research analyses cognitive process like attitude, advert response and the link between brand and consumer self-concept. IAT can predict consumer behavior (Perkins 1).

Coca-Cola ignored the Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis in its quest to analyze its position in the market. Undertaking a SWOT analysis exercise is very significant for effectiveness of any project in hand.

Strengths and weaknesses of the above research methods


IAT has a certain degree of consistency in its calculation and has what is called test-retest reliability issue which confirms the exactness of measurement.


The reports of IAT are fakable as compared to the normal and the commonly explicit self-reports. Fakability has the capacity to alter the rank order of the participant in the tests. Fakability also brings to fore such domain as human attitude, the self-concept and the stereotype factor than is instrumental; in analyzing the consumers desire.

Among the weaknesses of the IAT is that multiple behaviors very and hence may be difficult in the compilation of the results. This is because it can be affected by factors like social judgment.

Critically evaluate the buying behavior of cola consumers after the re-launch of co*ke Classic and discuss possible reasons why sales of co*ke Classic were higher after the re-launch than before the withdrawal of the product.

The buying behavior of the cola consumers after the re-launch from the new co*ke to the classic co*ke influenced by demographic, psychological and more so social cultural factors. As in the case of coca-cola, consumers’ behavior that characterized the market of the classic co*ke is: The availability of the product, the preference of the consumers, the brand awareness and the individual income of the consumers. The increase of the sales of the new co*ke was due the fact that there were still consumers who liked the flavor.

The bottling of the co*ke classic was one of the factors that appealed to the consumers since people associated with the emotional red color. The rigorous advertising campaign is also linked to the influencing of the c9nsumers toward the brand. The fact that cola classic regained a lot of ground in the marked and that it surpassed the Pepsi can be largely is attributed to the brand loyalty that was strong among the consumers. Economic and business commentators considered the re-launch of the product as a shrewd move that was aimed at letting the consumers understand how coca-cola is willing to meet the consumers demand, this however was not to be the case but they wanted to display how they could regain their lost ground and to prove that they are the best in the market as compared to the Pepsi brand.

Consumers of the coca-cola brand as analyzed from the case study are driven by loyalty. This is evident when the southerners who hosted the factory complained and largely opposed the re-branding merely due to the fact that they largely associated with the product. The media criticism of the branding influenced the consumers into believing that indeed the new co*ke was not good.

Works Cited

Blythe, Jim. Consumer Behavior. New York: Cengage Learning, 2008. Print.

Hoyer, Wayne and Macinnis, Debora. Consumer Behavior. New York: Cengage Learning, 2009. Print.

MBA Notes. Factors influencing consumer behavior. MBA Notes, n.d. Web.

Noel, Hayden. Consumer Behavior. New York: AVA Publishers, 2008. Print.

Patel, Shail and Schliper, Antoine. Models of Consumer Behavior Problem. Maths in Industry, 2011. Web.

Perkins, Andrew. Measuring the Non-conscious: Implicit Social Cognition on Consumer Behavior. Marketing, 2011. Web.

Tyagi, Clayton and Kumar, Arun. Consumer Behavior. New York: Atlantic Publishers, 2010. Print.

Coca-Cola Consumer Behavior & Customers' Biogenic Needs | Free Essay Example (2024)


What is the consumer behavior of Coca-Cola? ›

Coca- cola brands are very preferable among consumers of Juice Brands. The company products are very familiar to the people around the world are fond of some brands especially and also, they are loyal customers, average customers have been using it for so many years. Majority of the people are aware of the products.

How does Coca-Cola influence buyer Behaviour? ›

Along with the positive brand spirit expressed in its exposures, Coca-Cola delivers an active lifestyle and a perception of good life which are accessible for customers. The perception is enhanced by its repeated exposures over and over again through its ads in different ads, media, and places.

What are two examples of consumer Behaviour that businesses need to be aware of? ›

Common types of buying behaviors include:
  • Habitual. When customers practice habitual buying, they typically put little thought or research into their purchases. ...
  • Complex. ...
  • Dissonance-reducing. ...
  • Variety seeking. ...
  • Limited decision-making. ...
  • Impulsive. ...
  • Spendthrift. ...
  • Average spending.
Feb 3, 2023

What is one example of consumer behavior? ›

When a consumer enjoys trying new products and seeks variety in their buying patterns. For example, they might like trying new flavors of tea or enjoying a different fragrance of hand soap each time they make their purchase.

What are the 4 consumer behaviors? ›

Consumer Behavior Types. Experts agree that there are four main types of consumer behavior: complex-buying behavior, dissonance-reducing buying behavior, habitual buying behavior, and variety-seeking buying behavior.

How does Coca-Cola measure customer satisfaction? ›

The Coca-Cola Company's Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a 39 with 60% Promoters, 19% Passives, and 21% Detractors. Net Promoter Score tracks whether The Coca-Cola Company's customers would recommend using the product based on a scale of -100 to 100.

How does Coca-Cola attract new customers? ›

Sponsorships: Sponsorships are one of the most widely used methods to attract most customers. Coca-Cola is also one of those well-recognized brands for its sponsorships. Coca-Cola provides world-wide sponsorships for organizations like the Olympics, FIFA, NBA, and also television shows like American Idol.

Why do consumers prefer Coca-Cola? ›

A survey conducted in Africa in 2022 found that over 80 percent of consumers preferred Coca Cola carbonated drinks because of the taste of their beverages.

What is an example of importance of consumer behavior? ›

By conducting a consumer behavior study, a company saves a lot of resources that might otherwise be allocated to produce a product that will not be sold in the market. For example, in summer, a brand will not waste its resources producing a product that will not sell in summer.

What are the 4 factors that influence consumer behavior with example? ›

There are four psychological factors that influence consumer behaviour: Motivation, perception, learning, and attitude or belief system. Motivation speaks to the internal needs of the consumer. Understanding how to motivate your customer is a powerful tool.

What is consumer behavior in your own words? ›

In simple words: Consumer behaviour is the study of how consumers make decisions about what they need, want, and desire and how do they buy, use, and dispose of goods.

What is the role of consumer Behaviour in a business and how important it is? ›

Consumer behavior helps companies understand what their customers want and need, so they can offer products and services that appeal to their target audience. This is helpful for businesses who want to expand their reach into new markets or demographics.

What are some examples of consumer 2 consumer? ›

What are examples of C2C companies?
  • eBay. eBay is a prominent example of a C2C intermediary. ...
  • Amazon. Amazon is both a B2C and C2C platform. ...
  • Craigslist. ...
  • Etsy. ...
  • Facebook Marketplace. Facebook Marketplace connects buyers and sellers in specific locations. ...
  • Airbnb. ...
  • Fiverr.
Feb 21, 2023

What is the best example of consumer to business? ›

Here are some example scenarios of C2B: A food blogger who shares an affiliate link to a kitchen company's cooking products on their blog. A tech blogger who displays a company's service ads to their audience in exchange for a cut of the ad revenue.

What is an example of consumer example? ›

A consumer is any person or group who is the final user of a product or service. Here are some examples: A person who pays a hairdresser to cut and style their hair. A company that buys a printer for company use.

What is an example of buyer behavior in a business plan? ›

The customer is highly involved in the buying process and thorough research before the purchase due to the high degree of economic or psychological risk. Examples of this type of buying behavior include purchasing expensive goods or services such as a house, a car, an education course, etc.

What are the big 5 consumer behavior? ›

Those five traits are: Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism.

What are the four main types of consumers give examples? ›

There are four types of consumers: omnivores, carnivores, herbivores and decomposers. Herbivores are living things that only eat plants to get the food and energy they need. Animals like whales, elephants, cows, pigs, rabbits, and horses are herbivores. Carnivores are living things that only eat meat.

What is the customer loyalty of Coca-Cola? ›

At the individual product category level, 90.5 percent of regular co*ke and 88.9 percent of regular Pepsi drinkers remained loyal, and the vast majority of consumers of low-calorie co*ke (92.5 percent) and Pepsi (87 percent) also stuck to their preferred brand. Loyalty rates were even higher at the modified brand level.

What is Coca-Cola happiness positioning? ›

The soft -drinks company is running the fully integrated campaign aiming “to capture the essence of what 'Open Happiness' stands for – optimism, positivity and inspiration – and bringing to life the idea 'Open a co*ke, Open Happiness'. ”

How is Coca-Cola successful in marketing? ›

Coca-cola effectively uses a low pricing strategy a lot to penetrate new markets that are very price-conscious. They set the prices around the same level as the competitors to enable Coca-cola to be distinct but affordable. They do this to beat the competition on price and raise the awareness of the Coca-Cola brand.

What is Coca-Cola's sales strategy? ›

co*ke aggressively markets its product lines through advertising across multiple mediums and channels, including TV, online ads, sponsorships, etc. Coca-Cola's sponsorships include NASCAR, NBA, the Olympics, American Idol, etc.

What is the main customer segment of Coca-Cola? ›

Targeting of Coca-Cola

The primary target of Coca-Cola is younger customers within the age bracket of 10-25 and a secondary market composed of people aged 25-40. The company targets the market that desires an intense flavor with their regular cola drinks in terms of taste.

Who are Coca-Cola's top customers? ›

Mexicans are the largest consumers of co*ke, and consumers in the country drink 745 co*ke beverages a year. After “o*k”, “Coca-Cola” is the second most-known phrase in the world. Coca-Cola has a product portfolio exceeding 3,500 beverages and 500 brands.

Who is the number 1 consumer of co*ke? ›

Argentina. Compared to other countries in the world, Argentina has the most soda consumption. About 155 liters per capita are consumed each year. The warm climate combined with higher-income households makes soda a popular drink.

What makes Coca-Cola stand out from its competitors? ›

The Coca-Cola Company's rapid expansion around the world can be attributed to its unique franchise distribution system (known as the Coca-Cola System) that they have operated since 1889. Coca-Cola produces syrup concentrate which is then sold to various bottlers around the world.

What is the most important influence on consumer behavior? ›

Cultural Factors have a strong influence on consumer buying behavior. Cultural Factors include the basic values, needs, wants, preferences, perceptions, and behaviors that are observed and learned by a consumer from their near family members and other important people around them.

What are the factors influencing customers buying behavior? ›

A consumer's buyer behaviour is influenced by four major factors: Cultural, Social, Personal and Psychological. Cultural factors include a consumer's culture, subculture and social class. These factors are often inherent in our values and decision processes.

What are the 3 categories of influences on consumers? ›

Three major categories of influences affect the consumer buying decision process: situational, psychological, and social.

How do you influence customer behavior? ›

Five actions can help companies influence consumer behavior for the longer term:
  1. Reinforce positive new beliefs.
  2. Shape emerging habits with new offerings.
  3. Sustain new habits, using contextual cues.
  4. Align messages to consumer mindsets.
  5. Analyze consumer beliefs and behaviors at a granular level.
Jul 24, 2020

What is the importance of consumer behavior to consumers? ›

Understanding consumer behavior is a valuable tool for product and service providers. It enables them to increase sales by identifying their target market, determining the needs of that market, and developing products and services that meet those needs.

What do you think is a good way to improve your buying behavior? ›

Here are five strategies to keep pace with changing customer buying behaviors:
  • Identify Customer Expectations. Interview customers and understand, from their perspective, what they are expecting and what's driving it. ...
  • Engage Prospects. ...
  • Evaluate Processes and Metrics. ...
  • Mobilize Your Leaders. ...
  • Look to the Future Now.
Jan 7, 2013

What are 6 examples of a consumer? ›

Examples of primary consumers are zooplankton, butterflies, rabbits, giraffes, pandas and elephants. Primary consumers are herbivores. Their food source is the first trophic level of organisms within the food web, or plants. Plants are also referred to as autotrophs.

What are 5 examples of consumer goods? ›

Common examples of these are food, beverages, clothing, shoes, and gasoline. Consumer services are intangible products or actions that are typically produced and consumed simultaneously.

What are 5 examples of products? ›

Examples of products
  • Magazines.
  • Toothpaste.
  • Food.
  • Candy.
  • Laundry detergent.
  • Shampoo.
Jun 2, 2022

What are 3 examples of consumer products? ›

Clothing, food products, and dishwashers are examples of common consumer goods.

What are 2 examples of companies providing consumers with goods? ›

Hotels, motels, travel agencies, resorts, insurance companies, healthcare organizations, and educational institutions all provide consumer services.

What is an example of customer and consumer? ›

For instance, when a person buys goods from a grocery store for their family, you become a customer, as you are only purchasing the commodities. But, when they feed the grocery to other members of the family, they become the consumer.

What is behavioral segmentation for Coca-Cola? ›

The behavioral variable is the final element in Coca-Cola's marketing segmentation. It generally focuses on the customers' knowledge of, use of, response, and attitude towards its products. Most marketers treat the behavioral variables as excellent starting points for formulating market segments.

Is co*ke consumer defensive? ›

Mentioned in this article

A rating of 72 puts Coca-Cola Co (KO) near the top of the Consumer Defensive sector according to InvestorsObserver. Coca-Cola Co's score of 72 means that it ranks higher than 72% of stocks in the sector. In addition, its overall score of 74 ranks it higher than 74% of all stocks.

Who is the major consumer of Coca-Cola? ›

The data shows that Coca-Cola is consumed in almost every country and its consumption is highest in the United States, Mexico, and Brazil.

How do Coca-Cola satisfy their customers? ›

On packaging, coca-cola have packaged their products in different sizes and in feminine and appealing bottle, this is instrumental in winning the customer's consciousness and also to foster product differentiation. On advertising, coca-cola has embraced on brand awareness to introduce their brand into the market.

Who are the target customers of Coca-Cola? ›

Age. Firstly, the company targets young people between 10 and 35. They use celebrities in their advertisem*nts to attract them and arrange campaigns in universities, schools, and colleges.

What is Coca-Cola's marketing strategy? ›

co*ke aggressively markets its product lines through advertising across multiple mediums and channels, including TV, online ads, sponsorships, etc. Coca-Cola's sponsorships include NASCAR, NBA, the Olympics, American Idol, etc.

What are Coca-Cola's weaknesses? ›

  • Dependency on bottlers: Coca-Cola produces concentrates, syrups, and powders for its drinks, but it does not produce the finished bottled or canned products itself. ...
  • Dependence on carbonated drinks: Coca-Cola's success has been largely tied to its carbonated soft drink products.

What is an example of consumer defensive? ›

Companies engaged in the manufacturing of food, beverages, household and personal products, packaging, or tobacco. Also includes companies that provide services such as education & training services.

How many different products does Coca-Cola offer to consumers? ›

The Coca‑Cola Company is a total beverage company, offering more than 200 brands—from sodas to waters, from coffees to teas, from juices to kombuchas, and a growing list of flavored alcohol beverages —in more than 200+ countries and territories.

Who is the biggest competitor of Coca-Cola? ›

PepsiCo and Coca-Cola compete across the beverage sector in over 200 countries. PepsiCo's Pepsi and Coca-Cola's co*ke, Sprite, and Fanta are the most popular soft drinks globally.

Is Coca-Cola business to consumer? ›

Coca-Cola is a B2C company, selling products to consumers, but they are not a DTC company, selling to consumers directly.

How has Coca-Cola maintained its customer base? ›

The Coca-Cola Company uses a customer-based approach to market research, not a product-based approach. Because of Coca-Cola's close relationship with its customers, it is able to create products that are focused on their market segments.

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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.