Coca-Cola Consolidated Inc (NASDAQ:co*kE) (2024)

Coca-Cola Consolidated Inc (NASDAQ:co*kE) (1)

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Coca-Cola Consolidated Inc (NASDAQ:co*kE) (2)

Coca-Cola Consolidated Inc



open = false, 5000)":class="open && 'disabled'"class="item"href="*ke/summary">Summary open = false, 5000)":class="open && 'disabled'"class="item active"href="*ke/dcf-valuation">DCF Valuation open = false, 5000)":class="open && 'disabled'"class="item"href="*ke/relative-valuation">Relative Valuation open = false, 5000)":class="open && 'disabled'"class="item"href="*ke/analyst-estimates">Wall St Estimates open = false, 5000)":class="open && 'disabled'"class="item"href="*ke/profitability">Profitability open = false, 5000)":class="open && 'disabled'"class="item"href="*ke/solvency">Solvency open = false, 5000)":class="open && 'disabled'"class="item"href="*ke/financials/income-statement">Financials open = false, 5000)":class="open && 'disabled'"class="item"href="*ke/discount-rate">Discount Rate

Price:825.07 USD0.28% Market Closed

Updated:Mar 11, 2024


DCF Value

This DCF valuation model was created byCoca-Cola Consolidated Inc (NASDAQ:co*kE) (3)Alpha Spreadand was last updated onMar 11, 2024.

Estimated DCF Value of oneCoca-Cola Consolidated Inc (NASDAQ:co*kE) (4)co*kEstock is617.55USD.Compared to the current market price of 825.07 USD, the stock isOvervalued by 25%.

co*kEDCF Value

Base Case


Overvaluation 25%

DCF Value


Coca-Cola Consolidated Inc (NASDAQ:co*kE) (5)

Worst Case

Base Case

Best Case

Present Value Calculation

This block is the starting point of the DCF valuation process. It calculates the present value of a company's forecasted cash flows based on selected operating model. Adjust key parameters like discount rate and terminal growth, and alter inputs such as revenue growth and margins to see their impact on valuation.

DCF Model

Base Case Scenario

Coca-Cola Consolidated Inc (NASDAQ:co*kE) (6)

The present value of cash flows over the next 5 years amounts to 1.5B USD.The present value of the terminal value is 4.3B USD.The total present value equals 5.8B USD.

Forecast Period


Discount Rate


Show All DCF Settings

Terminal Growth


Hide DCF Settings


DCF Value Calculation

This stage translates the present value into DCF value per share. For firm valuation models, it adjusts present value for debt and assets to derive equity value (skipped if using equity valuation model). Finally, this equity value is divided by the number of shares to determine the DCF value per share.

Present Value to DCF Value

Capital Structure

Coca-Cola Consolidated Inc (NASDAQ:co*kE) (7)

Present Value5.8B USD
Equity Value5.8BUSD
/Shares Outstanding9.4m
co*kE DCF Value617.55USD

Overvalued by 25%

You are using the equity valuation model. In this approach, further calculations for converting firm value to equity value are not required. The present value, obtained in the present value calculation block, already represents the equity value.

The DCF value per share is derived by dividing the present value by the number of shares:

Present Value



Number of Shares



DCF Value


Valuation Analysis

Sensitivity Analysis

DCF Value Sensitivity Analysis

Coca-Cola Consolidated Inc (NASDAQ:co*kE) (8)

Sensitivity Analysis assesses how changes in key factors like revenue growth, margin, and discount rate affect a stock's DCF value. By visualizing various scenarios, from significant downturns to optimistic growth, this tool helps you understand potential valuation shifts, aiding in risk assessment and strategic decision-making.

DCF Financials

Financials used in DCF Calculation

Coca-Cola Consolidated Inc (NASDAQ:co*kE) (9)



Net Income


See Also

Summaryco*kE intrinsic value, competitors valuation, and company profile.
DCF Valuationco*kE stock valuation using Discount Cash Flow valuation method.
Relative Valuationco*kE stock valuation using valuation multiples.
Wall Street Estimatesco*kE price targets and financial estimates made by Wall st analysts.
Profitability AnalysisDetailed analysis of the company's profitability.
Solvency AnalysisAnalysis of the financial position and solvency of the company.
FinancialsIncome Statement, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow Statement.
Discount Rateco*kE stock discount rate: cost of equity and WACC.


DCF Valuation

Relative Valuation

Wall Street Estimates

Profitability Analysis

Solvency Analysis


Discount Rate

Discover More

What is the DCF value of one co*kE stock?

Estimated DCF Value of oneCoca-Cola Consolidated Inc (NASDAQ:co*kE) (10)co*kEstock is617.55USD.Compared to the current market price of 825.07 USD, the stock isOvervalued by 25%.

The true DCF Value lies somewhere between the worst-case and best-case scenario values. This is because the future is not predetermined, and the stock's DCF Value is based almost entirely on the future of the company. Knowing the full range of possible stock DCF values gives a complete picture of the investment risks and opportunities.

How was the DCF Value calculated?

1. Present Value Calculation.Utilizing the DCF operating model, Coca-Cola Consolidated Inc (NASDAQ:co*kE) (11) Coca-Cola Consolidated Inc's future cash flows are projected and then discounted using a chosen discount rate to determine its Present Value, which is calculated at5.8B USD.

2. DCF Value Calculation.The company's capital structure is employed to derive the total Equity Value from the previously calculated Present Value of the cash flow. This Equity Value, when divided by the total number of outstanding shares, yields the DCF Value of617.55 USDper share.

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' + item + ':${value} USD

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';tooltip += '

';tooltip += '';tooltip += '';tooltip += '';tooltip += '';tooltip += '';tooltip += '';tooltip += '';tooltip += '';tooltip += '
' + fieldName + ':' + obj.x + '%
Intrinsic value:' + intrinsicValue + '

';tooltip += '

';if (825.07 > obj.y){tooltip += `


`;}else{tooltip += `


`;}tooltip += '

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Last Price: 825.07 USD

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Coca-Cola Consolidated Inc (NASDAQ:co*kE) (2024)


What is the difference between Coca-Cola and Coca-Cola Consolidated stock? ›

The Coca-Cola Company (KO) is the parent entity that owns the brands and formulas, whereas Coca-Cola Consolidated (co*kE) is a regional bottler and distributor. Sources: Coca-Cola Consolidated, Inc.

Is co*kE consolidated stock a buy? ›

Consolidated finds support from accumulated volume at $812.17 and this level may hold a buying opportunity as an upwards reaction can be expected when the support is being tested. This stock is usually traded at a good volume, and with minor daily changes, the risk is considered to be low.

Who is the largest shareholder of Coca-Cola Consolidated? ›

Top Shareholders
Holder# of SharesType
Vanguard Horizon Funds63,222Institution
T. Rowe Price Integrated Equity Funds, Inc.55,233Institution
T. Rowe Price Quantitative Management Funds, Inc.55,140Institution
6 more rows

What is Coca-Cola Consolidated net worth? ›

Coca-Cola Consolidated Market Cap

Coca-Cola Consolidated has a market cap or net worth of $7.62 billion as of April 17, 2024. Its market cap has increased by 53.18% in one year.

Why does Coca-Cola have two stocks? ›

Why does co*ke have two stocks? The Coca-Cola Company and Coca-Cola Consolidated (NASDAQ: co*kE) are very different companies. The Coca-Cola Company is a leading global beverage company that sells products in more than 200 counties and territories.

What does Coca-Cola Consolidated mean? ›

Coca-Cola Consolidated is the largest Coca-Cola bottler in the United States. The Company operates in the Southeast, Midwest, and Mid-Atlantic portion of the United States, with corporate offices located in Charlotte, North Carolina.

How much will Coca-Cola stock be worth in 5 years? ›

Long-Term Coca-Cola Stock Price Predictions
2025$ 63.823.68%
2026$ 66.177.49%
2027$ 68.6011.45%
2028$ 71.1215.55%
2 more rows

Who owns Coca-Cola stock? ›

Coca-Cola (KO) Ownership Overview

The ownership structure of Coca-Cola (KO) stock is a mix of institutional, retail and individual investors. Approximately 36.47% of the company's stock is owned by Institutional Investors, 5.83% is owned by Insiders and 57.70% is owned by Public Companies and Individual Investors.

Who invest in Coca-Cola? ›

Top Institutional Holders. Blackrock Inc. Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc.

How many employees does Coca-Cola consolidated total? ›

Coca-Cola Consolidated Employees

Coca-Cola Consolidated had 17,000 employees on December 31, 2023. The number of employees did not change compared to the previous year.

Who is the CEO of Coca-Cola Bottling Consolidated? ›

J. Frank Harrison

What is the salary of co*ke CEO? ›

A review of major food and beverage companies by Food Dive found Coca-Cola CEO James Quincey disclosed a point-in-time pay of $22.8 million in 2022 and a compensation-actually-paid figure under the new calculation of $54.5 million.

How much is Coca-Cola CEO paid? ›

Compensation for Coca-Cola's top five executives last year ranged from $4.5 million to the $24.7 million paid to James Quincey, chairman and chief executive officer of the iconic, Atlanta-based company, according to the company's annual proxy statement.

How much does the owner of co*ke make a year? ›

CEO James Quincey's total compensation for 2022 was $22,822,519, essentially unchanged from the prior year. At the 2022 annual meeting 49 percent of shareholders voted against pay.

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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.