China, USA: Comparing Poverty Lines (2024)

This post is part of our special coverage Global Development 2011.

China has decided to raise its poverty line to RMB 2,300 yuan (approximately USD 360) per capita annual income; the population below the poverty line will be raised from 26.88 million to 130 million accordingly.

Premier Wen Jiabao hasstressed [zh] that the adjustment is to include more people in the country's poverty relief scheme. However, does the new poverty line reflect the reality of China's poor?

Poverty defined by policy

The World Bank has defined extreme poverty as living on less than USD 1.25 a day, and moderate poverty as less than USD 2 a day, since 2008.

China, USA: Comparing Poverty Lines (1)

A Guizhou family making their living on a landfill site in Jiangsu. Image by Flickr user sheilaz413 (CC: BY-SA).

Given China is among the ‘Big Four‘ (BRIC) countries in the developing world, the new poverty line of USD 0.99 a day, is considered far below the international standards.

Yahoo China has prepared a special feature [zh] to address the issue, which rightly points out that the current poverty line drawn by the Chinese government is based on the daily caloric intake per capita. In addition, the line is drawn by the government poverty relief policy rather than being a reflection of people's livelihoods:


The current poverty line is more a decision of the “poverty relief policy”, which means a line among the lowest income social groups where the government can afford to intervene. The poverty line is guided by the government's poverty relief work and the government can make adjustments according to its political needs.


The raising of the poverty line has not only resulted in an increase of the poor population, but also an increase in poverty relief funding. The distribution of the funds comes through the 592 counties, which were defined in 1990 as poor. The decision is hence also a political negotiation between the central government and local governments in public expenditure. Sometimes corruption is involved in the process.

Most of the Chinese netizens find the figure unrealistic and are also skeptical of the government's poverty relief work, as indicated by the following comments on The Wall Street Journal's Weibodiscussion thread [zh]:

不学无术的黑籽:贫困标准被随意地玩弄着……2300一年可以干嘛? (今天 13:58)

不学无术的黑籽:The poverty standard is pure manipulation… what can you do with [RMB] 2,300 annual income?


德德的吧:annual income RMB 2,300, which means daily income RMB 6.3 yuan. In Beijing, a bowl of noodles would cost more than that. A beggar would not fall under this poverty line.


岳_宸:On the one hand we have the poor who are starving and can't afford medical care and education; on the other hand, we expect our luxury product market to become the greatest in the world. The income disparity problem is indispensable.


bigwooder:However poor we are, our leaders cannot be poor. This is the advantage of socialism.


ChaoI3:I searched around in Baidu [search engine] and found our that our government's annual expenditure on vehicles was RMB 90 billion in 2008. However, I could not find the exact figure on the three public expenditures [on vehicles, travel andsubsistence] on the Internet. My estimation is that it must have reached trillions of yuan in the past 11 years. Such an amount is equal to 40 years of poverty relief expenses. Ha!


NOU小姐的铺子:Are we playing with numbers or are the numbers playing us?

USA/China comparison

China, USA: Comparing Poverty Lines (2)

Poverty in Guangzhou, China. Image by Flickr user tarotastic (CC BY 2.0).

The Chinese poverty line figure becomes more controversial when compared with its United States (US) counterpart. The US poverty line was set at USD 22,314 annual income per household in 2010, which is equal to USD 5,578.5 (RMB 35,579 yuan) annual income per capita – more than 15 times the current poverty line level set by the Chinese government.

While local media outlet, Caijing highlighted [zh] the fact that one third of children in the US is living under the poverty line, Chinese netizens are envious of America's poor:


等待是为了不再等待:The US has been wrongly depicted as poor, while we are wrongly depicted as middle class.


哥又要人身攻击了:My God, my family is poorer than the poor. Our household income is less than half of the poverty line in the US

新远峰:这是新闻呢还是说我们过的比人家幸福吗?猪狗不如的美狗和掌权着看看自己的土地上的贫穷 的人的生活。我们在于他们相比,算是赤贫,活在这个世界算是悲哀

新远峰:This piece of news is telling us that our lives are far happier than the Americans? That the bastard US government has been ignoring the poor? When compared with the US, we are in extreme poverty. How pathetic we are.


三胖子的那点小事:I want to go to the US to become the poor….


月本-无心:According to the US standard, in China if the household annual income is less that RMB 11,000 yuan, one should be regarded as poor. 95% of the [Chinese] nation's population are poor.


呼唤-人性:The US poverty line is set according to 1/3 of the annual per capita GDP level, which is about USD 15,000. While in China, the poverty live had been set at 1/30 of the annual per capita GDP level, which is about RMB 1,500 yuan. Tell me, which country looks more socialist to you?

A number of Weibo users compare China and the US's economic figures to make their points about the poverty line:

小小lo [zh]:中国贫困线的横向比较:1985、2007、2009、2010、2011年贫困线分别为206、1067、1196、1500、2300元,与当年GDP比分别为24%、5.3%、4.7%、5.0%与6.8%(预期);纵向比较,2010年美国贫困线11390美元,与当年GDP比为24%。在中国,想成为贫困人口,还真不容易

小小lo [zh]:Horizontal comparison: the poverty line levels [in China] in 1985, 2007, 2009, 2010 and 2011 were 206, 1,067, 1,196, 1,500, 2,300. The ratios to the GDP per capita were 24%, 5.3%, 4.7%, 5.0% and 6.8% (expected); When compared with the US, in 2010 the poverty line was set at USD 11,390 which is equal to 24% of the GDP per capita. In China, it is very difficult to become a poor person.


老真天真:The poverty line in the US is USD 15 daily per capita income, while in China, it is RMB 6.3 (USD 0.99). The US poverty standard is 15 times higher than the Chinese counterpart. While in term of per capita GDP, the US is 10 times higher than the Chinese counterpart. Let's take a look at the food price. In the US, the price of pork is half that of the Chinese counterpart. Corn and beans are cheaper than China. It is very obvious that the living standard of the poor in China is much much lower than their US counterparts.

This post is part of our special coverage Global Development 2011.

China, USA: Comparing Poverty Lines (2024)


China, USA: Comparing Poverty Lines? ›

The US poverty standard is 15 times higher than the Chinese counterpart. While in term of per capita GDP, the US is 10 times higher than the Chinese counterpart. Let's take a look at the food price. In the US, the price of pork is half that of the Chinese counterpart.

What is the poverty rate in China compared to the US? ›

The US and China: Not Number One
United StatesChina
Labor Productivity (GDP, US$ per hour of work)610.68
Pre-tax National Income of the Top 10% Population (%)9141.4
Poverty (% of population living on less than $5.50 a day)2623.9
Global Competitiveness Index273.9
32 more rows
Dec 21, 2020

Where does China rank in poverty? ›

With an GNI per capita of $10,610 in 2020, China is an upper middle-income country. The poverty line for an upper middle-income country is $5.5 per day at PPP. As of 2020, China has succeeded in eradicating absolute poverty, but not the poverty defined for upper middle-income countries which China belongs to.

What percentage of Chinese are below the poverty line? ›

Poverty in China

According to the latest data supplied by the World Bank, only 0.6 percent of the Chinese population lived below the country's official poverty line of having less than $2.30 at their disposal per day.

Does the US have a high poverty rate compared to other countries? ›

Source: OECD Data, 2019. What we find is that the U.S. rates of poverty are substantially higher and more extreme than those found in the other 25 nations. The overall U.S. rate using this measure stands at 17.8 percent, compared to the 25 country average of 10.7 percent.

Does the US have more poverty than China? ›

To a reasonable level of accuracy there's no one in China in the bottom 10% of the world's population by wealth. And yet there's some 10% of those global poor in North America, and another 20% or so in Europe. So, yes, it really is true that there're more poor people in America (and Europe) than there are in China.

How rich is China compared to the US? ›

The U.S. currently has the largest economy in the world by far with $23 trillion in 2021 GDP, according to the World Bank's data, while China has the second-largest GDP at $18 trillion and India the sixth-largest at $3 trillion.

What is the poverty line in the US? ›

Persons in family/householdPoverty guideline
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What is the US poverty rate? ›

Current estimates on poverty in the U.S. The official poverty rate is 11.6 percent, based on the U.S. Census Bureau's estimates for 2021. That year, an estimated 37.9 million Americans lived in poverty according to the official measure.

Which country has the highest poverty rate in the world? ›

According to World Bank, the countries with the highest poverty rates in the world are:
  • South Sudan - 82.30%
  • Equatorial Guinea - 76.80%
  • Madagascar - 70.70%
  • Guinea-Bissau - 69.30%
  • Eritrea - 69.00%
  • Sao Tome and Principe - 66.70%
  • Burundi - 64.90%
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo - 63.90%

What is the average wage in China? ›

The median salary in China is 26,800 Yuan (USD 3,855) per month. That means half of the population draws an average income less than the median salary. In contrast, the other half earns more than the median salary.

Which country has zero poverty? ›

Iceland stands at the top of countries with the lowest poverty rates with a poverty rate of 4.9% in 2021.

Has China lifted millions out of poverty? ›

After four decades of policy implementations and effective governance, China declared itself successful in lifting 770 million of its citizens out of poverty.

Is US poverty declining? ›

WASHINGTON, DC — The United States has witnessed a historic decline in poverty in recent years. Poverty rates fell sharply during the decade following the end of the 2007–09 recession and preceding the COVID-19 pandemic, lifting millions out of poverty.

Is the majority of the US in poverty? ›

As of January 2021, 37.9 million Americans lived in poverty, accounting for 11.6% of the total population, according to the latest report from the United States Census Bureau. That's despite the fact that America ranks first as the richest nation in the world in terms of GDP.

Who has the highest poverty rate in the US race? ›

U.S. Poverty Statistics – Race

While the poverty rate for the population as a whole is 11.6% the rate varies greatly by race. Blacks have the highest poverty rate at 19.5% and Non-Hispanic whites have the lowest at 8.1%.

Is China more affluent than the US? ›

While China and the US are comparable in nominal GDP, there are far more wealthy individuals in America than in China. China — with a population of 1.4 billion — has 780,000 people holding assets worth $1 million or more, while the US — with a population of 332 million — has 5.27 million people in the same category.

Is China about to overtake the United States economically? ›

It is necessary to ensure that the momentum of development is sufficient and powerful. It has become a global expectation that China's total economic size will surpass that of the US in the next decade or so, and as long as China focuses on developing itself well, this result will be achieved naturally.

Did China overtake the US as the world's richest nation report? ›

TOKYO/BEIJING -- China's net worth reached $120 trillion in 2020 to overtake the U.S.'s $89 trillion as a red-hot real estate market drove up property value, according to a report by McKinsey Global Institute.

Does China owe the US money? ›

As of January 2023, the five countries owning the most US debt are Japan ($1.1 trillion), China ($859 billion), the United Kingdom ($668 billion), Belgium ($331 billion), and Luxembourg ($318 billion).

Is it cheaper to live in China or US? ›

The cost of living in China can vary by location and type of purchase. On average, China's cost of living is 45% lower than the U.S according to Numbeo. Rent in China is 60% lower than the U.S. on average.

Which is the wealthiest country in the world? ›

The GDP per capita is calculated by dividing a country's GDP by its population. Thus, the richest countries in the world are those with the highest GDP per capita. Currently, the richest country in the world in terms of GDP per capita is Luxembourg, with a GDP per capita of $135,700.

What is 200% of the federal poverty line? ›

Household Size150% of HHS Poverty Guidelines*200% of HHS Poverty Guidelines*
5 more rows
Feb 14, 2023

What is 300% of the federal poverty level? ›

48 Contiguous States and D.C.
Persons in Household48 Contiguous States and D.C. Poverty Guidelines (Annual)
6 more rows

Is poverty increasing in the US? ›

The official poverty rate for children under 18 followed a similar narrative – decreasing by 0.7 percentage points to 15.3 percent in 2021. Conversely, there was an increase in poverty of 1.4 percentage points, from 8.9 percent to 10.3 percent, for Americans 65 years or older under the official rate.

What state is the poorest in the US? ›

Poverty rates were highest in the states of Mississippi (19.58%), Louisiana (18.65%), New Mexico (18.55%), West Virginia (17.10%), Kentucky (16.61%), and Arkansas (16.08%), and they were lowest in the states of New Hampshire (7.42%), Maryland (9.02%), Utah (9.13%), Hawaii (9.26%), and Minnesota (9.33%).

How poor is India compared to USA? ›

From a dollar-value point of view India has much more poverty than the United States. The great majority of India's people are in the world's poorer half, and about one-eighth of adults have less than $135 in total wealth [Table 3-4]. The impoverishment reaches extreme depths.

Is the US in poverty vs UK? ›

The results show that poverty in the US is more serious than that in the UK. Although the overall income in the US is higher than that in the UK, the poor in the US, especially the ultra-poor, are poorer than those in the UK.

Where does the US rank in child poverty? ›

When ranking child income poverty rates across 34 OECD nations from lowest to highest, the United States, with one of the highest rates of child poverty, ranks 31st .

How much is a house in China? ›

An average 80 square meter apartment within Shanghai's Inner Ring Road goes for upwards $886,000; while in the city's hinterlands it sells for around US$200,000. In Beijing, the average cost of a home of this size is roughly US$310,000.

What is minimum wage in China in US dollars? ›

What is minimum wage in China? Minimum Wages in China remained unchanged at 2590 CNY/Month (363.882 USD/Month) in 2023. The maximum rate of minimum wage for employees was 2480 CNY/Month and minimum was 690 CNY/Month.

What percentage of Chinese are wealthy? ›

This statistic illustrates the distribution of adult population in China in 2020 by wealth range group. That year, approximately 12.5 percent of adults in China had wealth of 100,000 to one million U.S. dollars. In comparison, around 54.3 percent of adult population in Hong Kong were in this wealth range group.

What is the main reason for poverty? ›

Lack of access to basic services, education and employment opportunities all serve to perpetuate poverty. Climate change is a major contributor to poverty and deaths in the world.

Who was the poorest of poor? ›

Ans:- The poorest of the poor are the infant children, the older persons, women, and female children.

Why is Iceland poverty rate so low? ›

Generally speaking, poverty is low in Iceland. There is a high level of education, and access to healthcare is subsidized by taxpayers. Unemployment and homelessness rates are low, even if they are growing. That doesn't mean that poverty doesn't exist in Iceland.

Who brought China out of poverty? ›

Yet again, the central collective leadership committed itself firmly to poverty elimination, with leader Deng Xiaoping declaring “Poverty is not socialism; socialism means eliminating poverty”. In the pursuit of this goal, Deng Xiaoping opened up China's economy, to massive economic success.

Is China a good place to live in? ›

Is living in China safe? Yes, many expats, especially women, find living in China is much safer than in cities like London or New York. Street harassment and catcalling is virtually unheard of for foreigners, and streets tend to be well lit at night.

Is there inequality in China? ›

China's current mainly market economy features a high degree of income inequality. According to the Asian Development Bank Institute, “before China implemented reform and opening-up policies in 1978, its income distribution pattern was characterized as egalitarian in all aspects.”

Is poverty inevitable in the US? ›

A widely held myth regarding why poverty exists, dates back centuries. It is the myth that poverty is simply inevitable. In fact, the origins of this myth can be traced back to Biblical times.

Will poverty end in 2030? ›

The world is unlikely to meet a longstanding goal of ending extreme poverty by 2030, the World Bank has said, citing the effects of “extraordinary” shocks to the global economy, including the coronavirus pandemic and the war in Ukraine.

Will poverty end in 2050? ›

According to the forecast, extreme poverty – living on less than $2.15 a day – would fall below 2% globally by 2050 from about 8% in 2022. In Africa, where it is highest, it would fall from 29% to 7%. More than two-thirds of the world could be living on more than $10 a day by 2050, up from about 42% today.

What percent of America is middle class? ›

The middle class constitutes 50% of the U.S. population as of 2021, which is quite a bit smaller than it has been in nearly half a century.

Who is more likely to be poor in the US? ›

In 2021 the poverty rate in the United States was highest among people under the age of 18, with a rate of 16.87 percent for male Americans and a rate of 17 percent for female Americans. The lowest poverty rate for both men and women was for those aged between 65 and 74.

What race has the lowest income? ›

However, because of the differences in family structure across groups, black families have the lowest median income ($12,500) while Hispanic families have the highest ($18,700). For all groups, earnings increase with educational attainment.

What is China's current poverty rate? ›

As a result of revisions in PPP exchange rates, poverty rates for individual countries cannot be compared with poverty rates reported in earlier editions. China poverty rate for 2019 was 24.70%, a 3.4% decline from 2018.

Is the cost of living lower in China than us? ›

The cost of living in China can vary by location and type of purchase. On average, China's cost of living is 45% lower than the U.S according to Numbeo. Rent in China is 60% lower than the U.S. on average. But the cost of items like cars and private school tuition are actually very similar.

What is the poverty rate in the US? ›

As of January 2021, 37.9 million Americans lived in poverty, accounting for 11.6% of the total population, according to the latest report from the United States Census Bureau. That's despite the fact that America ranks first as the richest nation in the world in terms of GDP.

Does the US have the highest poverty rate in the world? ›

The U.S. has far and away the highest rates of poverty in the developed world. In addition, the extent of U.S. income and wealth inequality also tends to be extreme when compared to other industrialized countries.

What country has the highest poverty rate? ›

According to World Bank, the countries with the highest poverty rates in the world are:
  • South Sudan - 82.30%
  • Equatorial Guinea - 76.80%
  • Madagascar - 70.70%
  • Guinea-Bissau - 69.30%
  • Eritrea - 69.00%
  • Sao Tome and Principe - 66.70%
  • Burundi - 64.90%
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo - 63.90%

What country has the lowest poverty rate in the world? ›

Iceland. Iceland stands at the top of countries with the lowest poverty rates with a poverty rate of 4.9% in 2021.

Is China eradicating poverty? ›

In February 2021, President Xi Jinping announced that extreme poverty in China had been eradicated, in what he called a miracle. President Xi announced that “through the combined efforts of the whole Party and the entire nation, China has secured a complete victory in its fight against poverty in this important year”.

What is the average salary in China vs US? ›

In 2021, the last full year for which Beijing's National Bureau of Statistics offers data, the average Chinese worker earned 105,000 yuan a year, the equivalent of $16,153. The average American worker earned some $58,120 a year, 3.5 times his or her Chinese counterpart — still wide but not what it was.

What is the average salary in China in US dollars? ›

2. Maximum and minimum salary range. The average salary in China ranges from 7,410 Yuan per month (USD 1,066) to 131,000 Yuan (USD 18,842) per month — with 7,410 Yuan being the minimum salary and 131,100 Yuan being the maximum salary.

Is U.S. poverty declining? ›

WASHINGTON, DC — The United States has witnessed a historic decline in poverty in recent years. Poverty rates fell sharply during the decade following the end of the 2007–09 recession and preceding the COVID-19 pandemic, lifting millions out of poverty.

Who is most affected by poverty in the United States? ›

Who is most affected? Poverty rates are disproportionately higher among most non-White populations. Compared to 8.2% of White Americans living in poverty, 26.8% of American Indian and Alaska Natives, 19.5% of Blacks, 17% of Hispanics and 8.1% of Asians are currently living in poverty.

What is 100% of the US poverty level? ›

48 Contiguous States
# of Persons in Household2023 Federal Poverty Level for the 48 Contiguous States (Annual Income)
6 more rows
Jan 16, 2023

Why does poverty exist in rich countries like the USA? ›

Economic policies such as low interest rates, used to stimulate the economy through hard times, have led to asset inflation and intergenerational inequality with younger people now making up one of the largest groups of people living in poverty.

Why is poverty in the US a problem? ›

Poverty and economic inequality are pressing human rights problems in the United States. For many residents living in poverty, certain human rights are out of reach. They may lack access to safe work conditions, housing, education, health services, or clean water and basic sanitation.

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