China’s Four Decades of Journey: Lifting 770 Million People Out of Poverty (2024)

After four decades of policy implementations and effective governance, China declared itself successful in lifting 770 million of its citizens out of poverty.

by Kresentia MadinaOctober 17, 2022

As much as 10% of the world’s population is still struggling to make ends meet. Poverty eradication remains, to this day, an ongoing progress that needs national and international cooperation. When talking about progress, however, China has shown significant improvement in reducing poverty after four decades of the journey.

An Unprecedented Progress

China has the world’s largest population with a good 18.47% of the world living in the country. For over 40 years, China has been trying to improve the lives of the people living in extreme poverty in their country. In 2021, the government declared the success of its mission: lifting 770 million of its citizens out of poverty.

Considering the speed and the population, China’s progress is unprecedented. Thus, a joint report between China’s government, the World Bank, and the China Center for International Knowledge on Development was released. Titled “Four Decades of Poverty Reduction in China: Drivers, Insights for the World, and the Way Ahead”, it studied the phenomenon to examine the key factors, insights, and lessons learned.

The Key Drivers and Insights

The report reveals that China’s poverty eradication progress is based on two pillars. The first pillar focuses on transforming the economy to open new opportunities and raise income. The second pillar recognizes the need for targeted support to alleviate poverty. The report also notes that China’s success is supported by the country’s favorable initial conditions, such as a relatively well-educated and healthy population and low fertility rates, among many others.

China’s achievement in poverty eradication can be attributed to effective governance and policy implementations. There are four aspects included in the report as the key drivers of China’s poverty eradication:

  • The growth in agricultural productivity increased farmer incomes and allowed laborers to migrate into other sectors and urban areas. This enabled households to strengthen their economy by diversifying income sources, thus reducing poverty risk.
  • Through progressive industrialization, more and better jobs have become available in China. With the surplus of agricultural laborers, the country started the consumer goods and services sectors, thus opening many job opportunities and generating global investments.
  • Rapid and managed urbanization due to industrial growth improved the livelihoods and earnings of migrants and reduced poverty among nonmigrants in rural areas.
  • Expanding the infrastructure investments, especially transportation infrastructures, gave rural people the opportunity to access the markets to sell their goods and buy their needs. This also allows the distribution of gains from the country’s export-led development to be shared between the urban and rural areas.

China’s Future Plan

Claiming this success is not the end of China’s poverty eradication plan. The report concludes that the country will now focus on closing the gaps in accessibility to services, dealing with inequalities in economic opportunities, and mitigating global economic changes, especially for the vulnerable.

“We have accomplished the arduous task of eliminating extreme poverty and made significant contributions to global poverty reduction. Going forward, China will continue to sustain and expand the gains in poverty alleviation and comprehensively realize rural revitalization,” said Yu Weiping, Vice Minister of Finance.

Read the full report here.

Editor:Nazalea Kusuma

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China’s Four Decades of Journey: Lifting 770 Million People Out of Poverty (2)

Kresentia Madina

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Madina is an In-House Reporter & Researcher at Green Network Asia. She covers Global, Southeast Asia, East Asia, and Australasia.

China’s Four Decades of Journey: Lifting 770 Million People Out of Poverty (2024)


China’s Four Decades of Journey: Lifting 770 Million People Out of Poverty? ›

After four decades of policy implementations and effective governance, China declared itself successful in lifting 770 million of its citizens out of poverty.

How many did China lift out of poverty? ›

Throughout human history, no other country has ever lifted as many people out of extreme poverty within such a short period of time. In total, China lifted nearly 100 million people out of extreme poverty, which is nearly one-third of the US population.

When did China lift people out of poverty? ›

On average, there were 18.7 million fewer poor people in China since 1978 (World Bank Group, 2022:4). Thus, poverty eradication efforts in the decades since 1978 have been made possible by massive economic growth, and growing China's industry and economy was seen as the best way to end poverty.

How China was able to dramatically reduce poverty? ›

Education is a key to breaking the poverty cycle and, as such, China devoted enormous resources within the TPA to educational initiatives. Not only has China built new schools and better equipped existing ones, but it has also improved the quality of education in rural areas with a special focus on teachers.

When did China propose the strategic goal of the fight against poverty? ›

Nationwide war on poverty was waged continuously. In 1994, the State Council initiated the Priority Poverty Alleviation Program. This action plan made specific targets and measures to meet the basic needs of 80 million people in poverty-stricken areas for 1994-2000.

Did China actually lift 800 million people out of poverty? ›

After four decades of policy implementations and effective governance, China declared itself successful in lifting 770 million of its citizens out of poverty.

Does the US have more poverty than China? ›

To a reasonable level of accuracy there's no one in China in the bottom 10% of the world's population by wealth. And yet there's some 10% of those global poor in North America, and another 20% or so in Europe. So, yes, it really is true that there're more poor people in America (and Europe) than there are in China.

Which country has zero poverty? ›

Iceland stands at the top of countries with the lowest poverty rates with a poverty rate of 4.9% in 2021.

When was China the poorest? ›

In 1978, China was one of the poorest countries in the world. The real per capita GDP in China was only one-fortieth of the U.S. level and one-tenth the Brazilian level. Since then, China's real per capita GDP has grown at an average rate exceeding 8 percent per year.

What country has the highest poverty rate? ›

According to World Bank, the countries with the highest poverty rates in the world are:
  • South Sudan - 82.30%
  • Equatorial Guinea - 76.80%
  • Madagascar - 70.70%
  • Guinea-Bissau - 69.30%
  • Eritrea - 69.00%
  • Sao Tome and Principe - 66.70%
  • Burundi - 64.90%
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo - 63.90%

What is the average income in China? ›

The median salary in China is 26,800 Yuan (USD 3,855) per month. That means half of the population draws an average income less than the median salary. In contrast, the other half earns more than the median salary.

What is the success story of China? ›

In the past three decades China improved the living conditions of its population dramatically and alleviated millions out of poverty. China achieved a tenfold increase in GDP since 1978, became the world's largest exporter in 2010 and is the second largest economy in the world after the U.S. (cf.

How did China reduce inequality? ›

While China has implemented policies to limit inequality – such as raising the minimum wage and the minimum threshold for income taxes on multiple occasions, abolishing agricultural taxes, and improving public services and social protection in the countryside – Jain-Chandra thinks that inequality is likely to rise ...

What is China model of poverty? ›

China's poverty alleviation programme was customized for the rural and urban poor separately. Urban administration went for tailor-made policies to get quick results while rural programmes were mainly financed by central government.

What are the three guarantees of China? ›

The "Two Assurances and Three Guarantees", which refers to guarantees of adequate food and clothing, access to compulsory education, basic medical services, and safe housing for impoverished rural residents, have been realized. Education, healthcare, housing and drinking water supplies are much improved.

How many of its people has China lifted out of poverty since beginning to embrace a capitalist economic system in 1978? ›

Over the last four decades, more than 800 million people escaped poverty. China's share in the world economy rose from 1.5 percent in 1978 to 15 percent today, and per capita income increased 25-fold from 300 dollars in 1978 to 7,300 dollars in 2017.

Is China really poverty free? ›

As of 2020, China has succeeded in eradicating absolute poverty, but not the poverty defined for upper middle-income countries which China belongs to. China still has around 13% of its population falling below this poverty line of $5.50 per day in 2020.

Is China tackling poverty? ›

China achieved its goal of poverty reduction in the new era as scheduled at the end of 2020”, said Yu Weiping, Vice Minister of Finance. “We have accomplished the arduous task of eliminating extreme poverty, and made significant contributions to global poverty reduction.

Is China getting richer or poorer? ›

Since China began to open up and reform its economy in 1978, GDP growth has averaged over 9 percent a year, and more than 800 million people have lifted themselves out of poverty. There have also been significant improvements in access to health, education, and other services over the same period.

Who is richer between USA and China? ›

The U.S. makes up 23.93% of the total global economy, says Investopedia. The World Bank Group lists China as the second richest country in the world as of 2021, possessing a GDP of $17.734 trillion along with a GDP per capita of $12,556.3. China makes up 18.45% of the total global economy.

Where does the US rank in poverty? ›

Table 1. Extent of Poverty across 26 OECD Countries
CountryOverallPoverty Gap
25 country average10.729.6
United States17.839.8
23 more rows

What race is the poorest in the United States? ›

The US Census declared that in 2014 14.8% of the general population lived in poverty: As of 2010 about half of those living in poverty are non-Hispanic white (19.6 million). Non-Hispanic white children comprised 57% of all poor rural children.

What percentage of Americans are in poverty? ›

There are 37.9 million Americans living in poverty, accounting for 11.6% of the total population, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

Does the US have a high poverty rate? ›

Official Poverty Measure

The official poverty rate in 2021 was 11.6 percent, with 37.9 million people in poverty.

Where does the US rank in child poverty? ›

When ranking child income poverty rates across 34 OECD nations from lowest to highest, the United States, with one of the highest rates of child poverty, ranks 31st .

Who owes China the most money? ›

At the end of 2021, of the 98 countries for whom data was available, Pakistan ($27.4 billion of external debt to China), Angola (22.0 billion), Ethiopia (7.4 billion), Kenya (7.4 billion) and Sri Lanka (7.2 billion) held the biggest debts to China.

What made China so poor? ›

By the mid-nineteenth century China's population reached 450 million or more, more than three times the level in 1500. The inevitable results were land shortages, famine, and an increasingly impoverished rural population. Heavy taxes, inflation, and greedy local officials further worsened the farmer's situation.

What year did China become rich? ›

By 1952, China's share of global GDP had fallen to 5.2%, and by 1978, it slid to 4.9%. The adoption of economic reforms by China in the late 1970s led to a surge in China's economic growth and helped restore China as a major global economic power.

Is the US in poverty vs UK? ›

The results show that poverty in the US is more serious than that in the UK. Although the overall income in the US is higher than that in the UK, the poor in the US, especially the ultra-poor, are poorer than those in the UK.

Why does the US have more poverty than other countries? ›

A Minimum Safety Net

Compared to other Western industrialized countries, the United States devotes far fewer resources to programs aimed at assisting the economically vulnerable. In fact, the U.S. allocates a smaller proportion of its GDP to social welfare programs than virtually any other industrialized country.

What is the poverty rate in the US compared to the world? ›

How many people live in poverty around the world? According to the World Bank, about 9.2% of the world, or 719 million people, live in extreme poverty, on less than $2.15 a day. In the United States, 11.6% of the population — 37.9 million people — lived in poverty as of 2021.

What is minimum wage in China? ›

Minimum Wages in China remained unchanged at 2590 CNY/Month (362.47 USD/Month) in 2023. The maximum rate of minimum wage for employees was 2480 CNY/Month and minimum was 690 CNY/Month.

How much is a gallon of milk in China? ›

The exception to cheap groceries in China is dairy products. One gallon of milk costs $7.20 to $8.80 and a pound of local cheese costs $5.55 to $6.75.

What is the average rent in China? ›

How much is rent in China? Depends where you are but rent in a shared apartment can amount to 2,500 RMB to 3,500 RMB for a shared apartment in a Tier 1 city like Bejing or Shanghai. Additionally having your own studio can cost you around 4,000 RMB.

Is China losing billionaires? ›

SHANGHAI, March 23 (Reuters) - More than 400 people lost their billionaire status last year, most from China, as global monetary tightening, COVID-19 disruptions and Beijing's crackdown on major tech companies hurt the super wealthy, a ranking of the world's wealthiest showed.

Why is China so important to the world? ›

It is one of the world's fastest growing countries and is the tenth largest exporter. China is also a significant recipient of foreign aid and a major borrower on international capital markets.

What is China's greatest achievement? ›

In medicine, acupuncture was invented. Also, the Chinese discovered the circulatory system. In technology, they invented an iron plow, rudder for steering ships, the seismoscope for detecting earthquakes, a compass, and a wheelbarrow for hauling goods.

Are there rich and poor in China? ›

China's rapid economic development in the last four decades has benefited everyone in the country by eradicating absolute poverty, but it has to be admitted that the economic gains have largely benefited those in power. In other words, China has a rich state and relatively poor people.

How does wealth inequality in China compare to the US? ›

The Gini coefficient, one of the most widely used metrics of inequality, shows that in 2019 the United States (0.481) and China (0.465) both still have highly unequal income distributions in absolute terms and relative to other countries.

Why is income inequality so high in China? ›

Urban-biased policies

More specifically, research published in the Journal of Economic Modelling demonstrates that the Hukou system and absence of a fully functioning land market are two main drivers of rural-urban inequality.

Why did China decline poverty? ›

- The start of the Industrial Revolution ushered in a period of rapid economic development, eradicating widespread poverty in what is now known as the developed world. During the twentieth century, the global GDP per human quintupled. - The lack of economic freedoms today is limiting future economic growth.

Is China considered a Third World country? ›

For example, in the Western theory, China and India belong respectively to the second and third worlds, but in Mao's theory both China and India are part of the Third World which he defined as consisting of exploited nations.

Why was China poor for most of the 20th century? ›

The country remained relatively poor in this period, due to its backward infrastructure left by years of war as well as the inefficient planned economy and repeated political movements.

What is the golden rule in China? ›

The golden rule of Confucianism is “Do not do unto others what you would not want others to do unto you.” There is debate over if Confucianism is a religion. Confucianism is best understood as an ethical guide to life and living with strong character.

Is there still a three child policy in China? ›

In January 2023, the government of Sichuan Province announced that it had abolished the three-child policy completely. Therefore, parents in Sichuan can now legally have as many children as they want. This was implemented to promote fertility in Sichuan.

Does China have a guaranteed income? ›

China becomes one of the first countries to successfully implement provisional Universal Basic Income for "most" of its citizens. The UBI program is funded primarily through taxation of the portion of business revenue generated through industrial, commercial or agricultural automation.

How much poverty is in China compared to the United States? ›

The US poverty standard is 15 times higher than the Chinese counterpart. While in term of per capita GDP, the US is 10 times higher than the Chinese counterpart. Let's take a look at the food price. In the US, the price of pork is half that of the Chinese counterpart.

Is there more poverty in China than America? ›

Economy. In United States, 15.1% live below the poverty line as of 2010. In China, however, that number is 0.6% as of 2019. United States has a GDP per capita of $60,200 as of 2020, while in China, the GDP per capita is $16,400 as of 2020.

How many people lifted out of poverty? ›

Using the SPM, 46.0 million people were lifted out of poverty in 2020, a year-over-year increase of 14.5 million people. The number of people kept out of poverty by government assistance as measured by the SPM (45.4 million) in 2021 was not statistically different from 2020.

How did China become so economically successful? ›

During the 1950s, all of China's individual household farms were collectivized into large communes. To support rapid industrialization, the central government undertook large-scale investments in physical and human capital during the 1960s and 1970s.

What caused China's rapid economic growth? ›

The adoption of economic reforms by China in the late 1970s led to a surge in China's economic growth and helped restore China as a major global economic power. Source: The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Chinese Economic Performance in the Long Run, 960-2030, by Angus Maddison, 2007.

How did China become so successful? ›

Driven by industrial production and manufacturing exports, China's GDP is actually now the largest in terms of purchasing power parity (PPP) equivalence. Despite this growth, China's economy remains strictly controlled by its government where there are accusations of corruption, unfair dealings, and falsified data.

Is US poverty declining? ›

WASHINGTON, DC — The United States has witnessed a historic decline in poverty in recent years. Poverty rates fell sharply during the decade following the end of the 2007–09 recession and preceding the COVID-19 pandemic, lifting millions out of poverty.

Is poverty increasing in the US? ›

The official poverty rate for children under 18 followed a similar narrative – decreasing by 0.7 percentage points to 15.3 percent in 2021. Conversely, there was an increase in poverty of 1.4 percentage points, from 8.9 percent to 10.3 percent, for Americans 65 years or older under the official rate.

What is considered poor in America? ›

The family's 2022 poverty threshold (below) is $35,801.

Where does US rank in poverty? ›

Table 1. Extent of Poverty across 26 OECD Countries
CountryOverallPoverty Gap
25 country average10.729.6
United States17.839.8
23 more rows

Which race has the highest poverty rate in the US? ›

While the poverty rate for the population as a whole is 11.6% the rate varies greatly by race. Blacks have the highest poverty rate at 19.5% and Non-Hispanic whites have the lowest at 8.1%.

Does the US have the highest poverty rate in the world? ›

The U.S. has far and away the highest rates of poverty in the developed world. In addition, the extent of U.S. income and wealth inequality also tends to be extreme when compared to other industrialized countries.

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.