Changes to our investment options | QSuper (2024)

Changes to our investment options

We're launching a new investment option menu on 1 July 2024.

Read the March Product updateto understand how these changes affect you.

Changes to our investment options | QSuper (1)

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What's changing

Changes to our investment options | QSuper (2)

We're launching a new menu of investment options, available to all Australian Retirement Trust members.

Changes to our investment options | QSuper (3)

We're changing how we invest your super if you're in our Lifetime option.

Changes to our investment options | QSuper (4)

Because of these changes, your super may be invested differently from 1 July2024.

Have a Super Savings account with us or eligible to open one? Check out the Super Savings Product update.

Our new investment options menu

You can to leave it to us to invest your super for you, and/or you can choose your own strategy from our new investment option menu. The table below shows the new menu from 1 July 2024.

Let us invest for you

Leave it to us

For Accumulation accounts:

Our lifecycle option

Lifetime is our MySuper investment option for QSuper Accumulation accounts.

We'll invest your super in Lifetime if:

  • you choose to let us invest your super for you, OR
  • you don’t make an investment choice when you become a member.

For Income accounts:

Balanced Risk-Adjusted

This is our default option for Income accounts.

We'll invest your super in Balanced Risk-Adjusted if:

  • you choose this option, OR
  • you don't make an investment choice when you open an Income account.

Choose your own investment strategy

You'd like some control, while relying on us to design your mix of assets

Choice options:

Diversified options

Choose a mix we designed and manage.

Actively managed

  • High Growth
  • Balanced
  • Conservative-Balanced
  • Conservative
  • Balanced Risk-Adjusted
  • Socially Conscious Balanced
  • Index – passively managed

  • High Growth Index
  • Balanced Index
  • Choose your own investment strategy

    You take control

    Choice options:

    Asset class options

    Mix and manage your portfolio.

    Shares – listed assets

  • Australian Shares Index
  • International Shares Hedged Index
  • International Shares Unhedged Index
  • Listed Property Index
  • Unlisted assets

  • Unlisted Assets
  • Cash and Bonds

  • Bonds Index
  • Cash
  • See how our investment options are changing

    Pick an option from our original investment menu.

    What's changing with the Lifetime option?


    • Changing the age and Lifetime account balance brackets for the Lifetime investment groups.
    • Introducing another Lifetime investment group called Sustain 3.
    • Changing some of the Lifetime group investment objectives, risk labels and asset allocations.

    As a result of the changes, QSuper Lifetime is expected to have higher returns over the long term for members of all ages but also have a higher risk of negative returns in any given year. Because super is a long-term investment, we believe this change is in the best financial interests of our MySuper members.

    Read the March Product update for more detailed information about these changes.


    Lifetime Group

    Age Balance
    Outlook Under 40 Any balance
    Aspire 1 40-49 Less than $50k
    Aspire 2 40-49 $50k or more
    Focus 1 50-57 Less than $100k
    Focus 2 50-57 $100k to less than $250k
    Focus 3 50-57 $200k or more
    Sustain 1 58 or over Less than $300k
    Sustain 2 58 or over $300k or more

    Changes to our investment options | QSuper (5)Changes to our investment options | QSuper (6)


    Lifetime Group

    Age Balance
    Outlook Under 45 Any balance
    Aspire 1 45-49 Less than $100k
    Aspire 2 45-49 $100k or more
    Focus 1 50-59 Less than $150k
    Focus 2 50-59 $150k to less than $450k
    Focus 3 50-59 $450k or more
    Sustain 1 60 or over Less than $200k
    Sustain 2 60 or over $200k to less than $600k
    Sustain 3 (new group) 60 or over $600k or more

    What's changing with the Moderate option?

    We're closing this investment option and it won't be part of the new menu. We’ll automatically switch you to the Conservative option.

    The Moderate option and the Conservative option have the same investment objective and risk label. The Conservative option, while having a similar holding in defensive assets, has a lower allocation to cash. Currently the asset allocation of the QSuper Moderate accumulation and income account options is slightly different. In the new menu, accumulation and income account options will have the same asset allocation.



    Who it suits

    Suitable if you want short to medium term stability but some exposure to assets that will potentially give you higher returns. You should be aware that you may be sacrificing the potential for higher long-term returns for short to medium-term stability.

    Return objective1
    Accumulation and Transition to Retirement Income account: CPI + 1.5% p.a.
    Retirement Income account: CPI + 2.0%p.a.
    Risk 2

    Low to medium

    Suggested investment timeframe

    3 years or more

    Changes to our investment options | QSuper (7)Changes to our investment options | QSuper (8)



    Who it suits

    Suitable if you're an investor who wants a conservative option. You wanttoprotectyoursavings but still invest in some assets that can provide higher returns.You maywant tostart using your money soon.

    Return objective1
    Accumulation and Transition to Retirement Income account: CPI + 1.5%p.a.
    Retirement Income account: CPI + 2.0%p.a.

    Low to medium

    Suggested investment timeframe

    3 years or more

    What's changing with the Balanced option?

    We'll still offer this investment option in our new menu from 1 July, but under a new name.

    We're also making some changes to the asset allocation and allowable ranges for the Balanced option (to be renamed Balanced Risk-Adjusted option) from 1 July 2024.



    Who it suits

    Suitable if you're a medium-to long-term investor and want exposure to assets that will potentially give you higher returns. You should be aware that this option could experience negative returns over the shorter term.

    Return objective1
    Accumulation and Transition to Retirement Income account: CPI + 3.5%p.a.
    Retirement Income account: CPI + 4.0%p.a.

    Medium to high

    Suggested investment timeframe

    5 years or more

    Changes to our investment options | QSuper (9)Changes to our investment options | QSuper (10)


    Balanced Risk-Adjusted

    Who it suits

    Suitable if you’re an investor who wants a balanced option to grow your super over the long term. You also want a risk-adjusted strategy to weather volatile markets.

    Return objective1
    Accumulation and Transition to Retirement Income account: CPI + 3.5%p.a.
    Retirement Income account: CPI + 4.0%p.a.

    Medium to high

    Suggested investment timeframe

    5 years or more

    What's changing with the Socially Responsible option?

    We're closing this investment option and it won't be part of the new menu. We'llautomatically switch you to the Socially Conscious Balanced option.

    While managed separately, the Socially Responsible option and the Socially Conscious Balanced option have the same investment objective and risk label, and have had similar asset class allocations since 1 July 2023.


    Socially Responsible

    Who it suits

    Suitable if you’re a medium to long-term investor and want your investments made in line with an extended set of environmental, social and governance principles.

    Return objective1
    Accumulation and Transition to Retirement Income account: CPI + 3.5%p.a.
    Retirement Income account: CPI + 4.0%p.a.


    Suggested investment timeframe

    5 years or more

    Changes to our investment options | QSuper (11)Changes to our investment options | QSuper (12)


    Socially Conscious Balanced

    Who it suits

    Suitable if you’re an investor who wants a balanced option to grow your super over the long term, and who wants to invest according to an extended set of environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles.

    Return objective1
    Accumulation and Transition to Retirement Income account: CPI + 3.5%p.a.
    Retirement Income account: CPI + 4.0%p.a.


    Suggested investment timeframe

    5 years or more

    What's changing with the Aggressive option?

    We're closing this investment option and it won't be part of the new menu. We'llautomatically switch you to the High Growth option.

    The Aggressive option and the High Growth option have the same investment objective and risk label. The High Growth option has a higher allocation to growth assets (shares in particular). Currently the asset allocation of the QSuper Aggressive accumulation and income account options is slightly different. In the new menu, accumulation and income account options will have the same asset allocation.



    Who it suits

    Suitable if you’re a long-term investor and want exposure to assets that will potentially give you higher returns. You should be aware this option is more likely to experience negative returns over the short to medium-term than an option with a lower risk.

    Return objective1
    Accumulation and Transition to Retirement Income account: CPI + 4.0%p.a.
    Retirement Income account: CPI + 4.5%p.a.


    Suggested investment timeframe

    7 years or more

    Changes to our investment options | QSuper (13)Changes to our investment options | QSuper (14)


    High Growth

    Who it suits

    Suitable if you’re an investor who wants a high-growth option. You’re willing to take higher risk for higher long-term returns.

    Return objective1
    Accumulation and Transition to Retirement Income account: CPI + 4.0%p.a.
    Retirement Income account: CPI + 4.5%p.a.


    Suggested investment timeframe

    7 years or more

    What's changing with the QSuper Cash option?

    We're closing this investment option and it won't be part of the new menu. We'll automatically switch you to the new Cash option.

    The QSuper Cash option and the new menu Cash option have the same benchmark, risk label and asset allocation. These options are very similar.


    QSuper Cash

    Who it suits

    Suitable if you’re a short-term investor who wants to protect the value of your investment. You should be aware that there will be little short-term real growth.

    Return objective

    Match the return of the performance benchmark after investment fees and costs, transaction costs and investment taxes (where relevant).

    Benchmark: Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill Index


    Very low

    Suggested investment timeframe

    Less than 1 year

    Changes to our investment options | QSuper (15)Changes to our investment options | QSuper (16)



    Who it suits

    Suitable if you're an investor who wants a cash option. You may want to start using your money soon or you want to protect your savings.

    Return objective

    Aims for returns above the performance benchmark.

    Benchmark: Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill Index

    The objective is before investment fees and costs, transaction costs, and investment taxes. It’s measured over rolling 3-year periods. Investment tax generally doesn’t apply to Retirement Income accounts.


    Very low

    Suggested investment timeframe

    Less than 1 year

    What's changing with the Diversified Bonds option?

    We're closing this investment option and it won't be part of the new menu. We’ll automatically switch you to the Bonds Index option.

    The Diversified Bonds option aims to match the return of a 40% Australian and 60% International diversified bond index. The Bonds Index option aims to closely match the performance of a 50% Australian and 50% international bond index. The risk of the Bonds index option is one risk band higher.


    Diversified Bonds

    Who it suits

    Suitable if you’re a short to medium-term investor who wants steady returns. You should be prepared for the value of your investment to have some small movements over the short term.

    Return objective

    Match the return of a 40% Australian and 60% international diversified bonds index (hedged in AUD), after investment fees and costs, transaction costs and investment taxes (where relevant).


    Low to medium

    Suggested investment timeframe

    3 years or more

    Changes to our investment options | QSuper (17) Changes to our investment options | QSuper (18)


    Bonds Index

    Who it suits

    Suitable if you’re an investor who wants a fixed income option that’s lower cost than an actively managed option.

    Return objective

    Aims to closely match the returns of the performance benchmark.


    • 50% Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Index in $A hedged
    • 50% Bloomberg AusBond Composite 0+Yr Index

    The objective is before investment fees and costs, transaction costs, and investment taxes. It’s measured over rolling 3-year periods. Investment tax generally doesn’t apply to Retirement Income accounts.



    Suggested investment timeframe

    3 years or more

    What's changing with the International Shares option?

    We're closing this investment option and it won't be part of the new menu. We'llautomatically switch you to the International Shares Hedged Index option.

    The QSuper International Shares option invests to match the return of a developed markets shares index. The International Shares Hedged Index option invests to closely match the performance of an index including both developed and emerging markets shares.


    International Shares

    Who it suits

    Suitable if you're a long-term investor and want exposure to assets that will potentially give you higher returns. You should be aware this option is more likely to experience negative returns over the short to medium-term than an option with a lower risk.

    Return objective

    Match the return of the performance benchmark after investment fees and costs, transaction costs and investment taxes (where relevant).

    Benchmark: MSCI World Developed Markets ex-Australianetdividends reinvested accumulation index hedged.


    Very high

    Suggested investment timeframe

    More than 10 years

    Changes to our investment options | QSuper (19)Changes to our investment options | QSuper (20)


    International Shares Hedged Index

    Who it suits

    Suitable if you’re an investor who wants an international shares option that’s lower cost than an actively managed option. You also want an option that’s hedged back to the Australian dollar. You’re willing to take higher risk for higher long-term returns.

    Return objective

    Aims to closely match the returns of the performancebenchmarkandmaintain a lower weighted carbon intensity.

    Benchmark: MSCI ACWI ex Australia Investible MarketIndex(IMI) with Special Tax Net in $A hedged

    The objective is before investment fees and costs, transaction costs, and investment taxes. It’s measured over rolling 3-year periods. Investment tax generally doesn’t apply to Retirement Income accounts.


    Very high

    Suggested investment timeframe

    7 years or more

    What's changing with the Australian Shares option?

    We're closing this investment option and it won't be part of the new menu. We’ll automatically switch you to the Australian Shares Index option.

    The QSuper Australian Shares option benchmark represents the top 200 stocks by market capitalisation. The new menu Australian Shares Index option benchmark represents the top 300 stocks by market capitalisation.


    Australian Shares

    Who it suits

    Suitable if you’re a long-term investor and want exposure to assets that will potentially give you higher returns. You should be aware this option could experience negative returns over the short to medium term.

    Return objective

    Match the return of the performance benchmark after investment fees and costs, and investment taxes (where relevant).

    Benchmark: S&P ASX 200 Accumulation Index


    Very high

    Suggested investment timeframe

    More than 10 years

    Changes to our investment options | QSuper (21)Changes to our investment options | QSuper (22)


    Australian Shares Index

    Who it suits

    Suitable if you’re an investor who wants an Australian shares option that’s lower cost than an actively managed option. You’re willing to take higher risk for higher long-term returns.

    Return objective

    Aims to closely match the returns of the performance benchmark and maintain a lower weighted carbon intensity.

    Benchmark: MSCI Australia 300 Index

    The objective is before investment fees and costs, transaction costs, and investment taxes. It’s measured over rolling 3-year periods. Investment tax generally doesn’t apply to Retirement Income accounts.


    Very high

    Suggested investment timeframe

    7 years or more

    Changes to our investment options | QSuper (23)

    See what the changes mean for you

    Watch our Investment option changes video to learn more.

    FAQs about our investment option changes Show all Hide all

    What happens to my existing investment choices? Show content

    Your current investment choices will be automatically transferred into the new investment options. In some cases, this may mean no change, or just a change of name. But if some of your investment choices are closing, your account balance in those options will be switched to the most similar new option available, taking into account the objective, risk level or asset allocation for the option(s).

    You can see which option(s) your investments will be switched to by using the change tool on this page (above).

    How do I change my investment options? Show content

    Find out how your super is invested and make investment choices by logging into Member Online or our app.

    Log into your account

    Do I have to do anything? Show content

    If you're comfortable with how we'll invest your super from 1 July 2024, you don't need to take any action.

    When do the changes happen? Show content

    You'll see the changes happen automatically from 1 July 2024.

    Why are you changing the choice investment options? Show content

    The choice options on our new investment suite will be the same choice options for all Australian Retirement Trust members that have an Accumulation or Income account, regardless of whether you hold a QSuper or Super Savings account.

    This means we are:

    • Introducing some new investment options
    • Renaming some existing options
    • Closing some existing options and switching members’ money to another option

    Are you changing the default (MySuper) option? Show content

    We're making changes to our MySuper investment options (QSuper Lifetime and Super Savings Lifecycle Investment Strategy). These changes aim to improve retirement outcomes for our members.

    What if my super contributions are going into an investment option that’s changing? Show content

    If you’re in an investment option that’s closing and your super contributions are also paid into this option, we’ll automatically switch your contributions into your new investment option from 1 July 2024.

    Will this change how much I pay in investment fees? Show content

    We review our investment fees annually. We'll give you information about investment fees in the next product update, which we'll send you in May. We'll also publish this information to our Significant event notifications webpage.

    This will give you the information you need to consider to make an informed decision about your future investment preferences.

    We won't charge you switching fees when we roll you over to the new investment menu.

    How can I get advice about my investment choices? Show content

    We have qualified financial advisers who can help you over the phone with advice about your ART super accounts. This service is included in your membership.1

    Be aware, though, that our advisers won’t be able to give you advice about the new investment options until all the product information is available in May.

    Get advice

    Learn more about these changes

    Read our March Product update to understand how these changes affect you.

    Changes to our investment options | QSuper (24)

    How long will your super last?

    Use our retirement calculator to see how long your super might last in retirement.

    Retirement calculator

    Changes to our investment options | QSuper (25)

    Read the PDS

    Learn about how we invest your money today. We'll update the PDS from 1 July 2024 with the new investment options.

    Learn more

    Changes to our investment options | QSuper (26)

    Contact us

    Speak with us by phone or live chat between 8:00am–7:30pm AEST/AEDT Monday to Friday.

    Contact us today

    Manage my super

    Log into your account to find out how your super is invested, including how to switch options.

    Log in

    Footnotes Show content

    1. QInvest Limited (ABN 35 063 511 580, AFSL 238274) (QInvest) is a separate legal entity responsible for the financial services it provides. Eligibility conditions apply. Refer to the Financial Services Guide for more information. 

    Changes to our investment options | QSuper (2024)
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    Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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    Views: 5941

    Rating: 4.3 / 5 (44 voted)

    Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

    Birthday: 1992-08-21

    Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

    Phone: +331850833384

    Job: District Real-Estate Architect

    Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

    Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.