CFA vs CPA: Which Qualification is Better for You? (2024)

Finance professionals often pursue professional qualifications in order to advance their careers. Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designations are arguably the two most prestigious titles in their respective fields. We’ll cover the difference between CFA vs CPA to help you decide which is right for you. Ultimately, you may decide to pursue both!

Here is the text version for your reference:

CFA or CPA: An Overview

The CFA and CPA titles cannot be compared apples-to-apples because they represent qualifications in two different sub-sectors within the general accounting and finance field.

CPA is for accounting. CFA is for finance.

What is a CPA? What Does CPA Stand for?

CPA, or certified public accountant, is the “black belt” in accounting. It was originally a designation for public accountants, but non-public accountants, tax accountants, and finance professionals also seek the CPA title to prove their number-crunching expertise. In addition, a CPA license holder has statutory rights to sign audit reports, which makes the title special.

What is a CFA? What Does CFA Stand for?

CFA, on the other hand, is the gold standard in finance and investment. For those who are looking for careers as equity analysts, fund managers, and professionals in asset management or hedge fund houses, this is the best title you can get.

Some people mistake the initials to stand for “chartered financial accountant” or “chartered financial analyst,” but the true title is “chartered financial analyst.”

CFA vs CPA: Application & Qualification

CPA Qualifications

The CPA license is granted by each of the 50 states and 5 other jurisdictions (like Guam and the District of Columbia) in the United States. There is no centralized administrative body, and each state has slightly different CPA exam and licensing requirements. For example, the CPA work experience requirements vary between jurisdictions.

The CPA requirements are the most difficult to achieve among all finance-related qualifications. Candidates must have at least a four-year bachelor’s degree and, in most cases, 150 credit hours (equivalent to five years of higher education) to sit for the exam.

Because of the high barrier of entry and complicated application process, it is quite a challenge for non-US candidates to take the exam.

CFA Qualifications

CFA is a designation granted by CFA Institute, a global non-profit organization. The institute is based in the US, but there are three regional offices and 200 local chapters around the world. Candidates apply through the institute, and the application is relatively simple.

As long as the candidate has a bachelor’s degree or four years of practically any working experience, this person can sit for the exam. The candidate can even take the exam before graduation.

CFA vs CPA Difficulty

As far as the difference between CPA and CFA general qualifications, the CPA licensure is the more complicated of the two. The credit hour requirements are very specific and often vary by state. Therefore, most international students have to have their educational transcripts both translated and independently evaluated before a state board of accountancy will accept their degrees.

It is much harder and more complicated to get qualified to take the CPA exam, especially for non-US candidates.

CFA vs CPA: Exam Content and Format


As of the beginning of 2024, the CPA Exam has four exam sections, including three “Core” sections that everyone must pass: Financial Accounting & Reporting, Audit & Attestation, and Regulation. Prior to 2024, CPA candidates had to take a Business Environment & Concepts, too. However, as of 2024, the BEC section has been replaced with the new CPA Exam Discipline sections. Basically, candidates must pass one CPA Exam Discipline section of their choice (there are three Discipline sections to choose from).

The exam is 100% computerized consisting of multiple-choice questions and task-based simulations (case studies). Prior to 2024, the CPA Exam also included written communications in the BEC section, but written communication were eliminiated at the start of 2024, too. CPA Exam grading is mostly computerized.

You can choose to take the four parts one at a time, two at a time, or even four at the same time. Although continuous testing was available for a few years, at the start of 2024, the exam administration is now going back to CPA exam testing windows. If necessary, you may now retake the test as soon as you receive the results from your previous attempt. Here are the 2024 CPA Exam dates – note that the Discipline sections have slightly different dates than the Core sections.

Dates for the 2024 CPA Exam: Core sections

  • Q1: January 10-March 26, 2024
  • Q2: April 1-June 25, 2024
  • Q3: July 1-September 25, 2024
  • Q4: October 1-December 26, 2024

Dates for the CPA Exam in 2024: Discipline sections

  • Q1: January 10-February 6, 2024
  • Q2: April 20-May 19, 2024
  • Q3: July 1-31, 2024
  • Q4: October 1-31, 2024

You may take the exam at any Prometric testing center throughout the US. There are also testing centers in Japan, Brazil, and four Middle Eastern countries. Furthermore, the CPA Exam score release dates are just a few weeks after your exam date.


The CFA exam format is less flexible. There are three levels of the exam, and you need to complete one in order to move on to the next. The exam content is focused on financial analysis and portfolio management instead of accounting, audit, and taxation.

Recently, thanks largely to Covid-19 restrictions, the CFA exam switched to an entirely computerized format. This has enabled the CFA Institute to offer it more often. You can now take Level 1 in February, May, August, or November. Similarly, Level II is now offered in May, August, or November. Level III, however, is only available in February or August. In each of these months, there is a six- to ten-day window in which you may schedule your exam.

Despite the move to computer-based testing, you still must take the exam in a designated testing center. There are many international testing centers for the CFA exam in major cities and metropolitan areas.

The CPA exam has four exam parts. You can take each part in any order and at any time, thanks to a new policy of continuous testing.

The CFA exam has three levels. You must take the three exams sequentially, and each exam is offered within three to four windows per year.

CFA vs CPA Exam Difficulty

When it comes to the qualifying exam, many candidates rightly want to know whether CFA or CPA is harder. While the answer to this question may be subjective, depending on your personal strengths and weaknesses, comparing recent pass rates is useful. The average pass rates for each section of the CPA Exam range from about 49% (FAR) to 65% (BEC). (Data for pass rates for the new CPA Discipline sections aren’t available yet.) In contrast, the most recent scores available for the CFA exam show pass rates ranging from 49% for Level I to 56% for Level III.

This makes it look as though the exams are of approximately equal difficulty. However, the CFA exam pass rates are comparatively high. For the last decade, the CFA pass rate averages were 37% for Level I, 44% for Level II, and 47% for Level III. This would suggest that the CFA exam has historically been more difficult. Additionally, while opinions differ, some people who have taken both think that a current CPA would have a harder time passing the CFA exam than vice versa.

CFA vs CPA: Time Required to Become Qualified


Most candidates aim to pass the CPA exam within a year. Some who have the time and commitment can study all materials within six months, take all four parts of the exam in one go, and pass.

Most state boards require one year of accounting experience before getting the license, and for most states, this experience has to be supervised and verified by a CPA in the USA.


The new continuous testing timeline may allow for quicker completion of all three exam levels. However, as of now, most candidates take four years to complete the exams. Thus, it takes much longer to become a CFA than a CPA.

Four years of relevant experience are required to get the CFA designation. However, your supervisor who verifies your experience does not need to be a CFA. This adds a lot of flexibility to the process.

Because one can take the CPA exam parts at the same time, it is possible to complete the exam within a few months. There is a one- to two-year experience requirement after the exam.

For CFA, most candidates take four years to complete the three levels, plus four years of relevant experience. The exam-taking and work experience can start at the same time.

CPA vs CFA Salary

CPA Salary

According to 2023 data from, the average base salary for a CPA in the US is $76,165. Eighty percent of all CPA salaries fall in the range of $55,000 to $123,000. The specifics will depend on the cost of living in your area and the stage of your career. For example, an entry-level CPA will earn about $55,000, rising to $78,000 mid-career and topping out around $101,000 in late-career.

CFA Salary

In comparison, the average base salary for a CFA is $91,723, with a range of $52,000 to $153,000. However, a CFA’s salary takes longer to peak over the course of a career. An entry-level CFA in the USA can expect to earn about $62,000, rising to only $80,000 mid-career and only peaking at $101,000 to $143,000 after 15-20 years in the industry.

CFA or CPA: Which is More Valuable?

On the surface, it seems obvious that CFAs make more money. However, there is still significant variation based on where you live and what sort of specific CPA or CFA accounting you do. In other words, every CFA is not automatically guaranteed to make $25,000 more a year than any CPA.

How about CFA and CPA?

Stephanie chooses to be a CPA only, but John is a CPA CFA.

The CFA CPA combo helps the professional to be seen as an accounting expert within finance and a finance expert within the accounting field. In our case, this powerful combination helped propel John’s career to become the CFO of a private equity firm and later the head of a reputable family office.

It took John a lot of time and effort to complete the two qualifications, but if you start early before family commitment builds up, it is actually quite doable. John was able to obtain the CPA and CFA titles within five years of graduation.

CFA or CPA: Which is Better?

CFA vs CPA: Which Qualification is Better for You? (1)

When deciding whether to go for CPA or CFA, the first and foremost consideration is the relevance to your career. Other than that, CPA has more restrictive education and experience requirements, but once you get qualified, the process is much faster. CFA has a lower entry barrier, but it takes much longer to complete.

Of course, it also depends on your career goals and personal interests. If you earn the CPA, finance will make up far less of your workload. Similarly, CFAs will do less accounting work. However, that’s not to say you can’t be a CFA accountant or a finance CPA. If you have the time and the motivation, you can certainly pursue both.

The paths toward CPA and CFA have their own challenges. It’s most important to choose based on your career aspiration. You can do both!

You Know Our Choices. What’s Yours?

Will you be Stephanie, who goes for one accountant qualification, or John, who goes for both? Which one are you going to start first? Pick one and explore further:


Frequently Asked Questions

Is CFA harder than CPA? Or is CPA harder than CFA?

It depends on what you mean by “harder.” If CPA vs CFA difficulty is judged purely by the exam, then CFA is the harder qualification to achieve. However, if you measure by other requirements like application and education, particularly for candidates outside the US, CPA is more complicated. The relative difficulty of transitioning from accountant to financial analyst may depend on more than just the barrier of entry.

What about CFA vs CPA salary in other countries?

Luckily, Payscale also gathers salary data from other countries.

  • CPA vs CFA salary in India: Indian CPAs earn an average of ₹693,555 per year, while their CFA counterparts earn ₹678,706.
  • CPA vs CFA salary Canada: As for CFA vs CPA Canada, CPAs earn an average of C$61,843, and CFAs earn an average of C$77,663.
  • UK CPA vs CFA salary: In Great Britain, CPAs earn £55,552 on average, whereas CFAs earn £51,561.

As you can see, the US pattern of the CFA earning more is true for Canada, as well. However, in other countries like India and the UK, the reverse is true.

Is the CPA Exam worth it?

“Worth” can be measured in a number of different ways in terms of CPA vs. accountant. Speaking monetarily, a CPA will earn about $16,000 more a year than a regular accountant. A late-career CPA also stands to earn nearly $40,000 more a year than a late-career accountant. In general, CPAs tend to earn more respect, career security, and job satisfaction, as well. So, yes, it’s usually worth the hassle of passing the exam.

However, it does take quite a bit of commitment to studing, and that doesn’t even take into account the other requirements for earning and maintaining CPA licensure. I would argue that pursuing a CPA is worth it, but accountant vs. CPA is a decision you’ll have to make for yourself.

How do CFP vs. CFA certifications compare?

CFP, or certified financial planner, is yet another qualification that finance professionals might seek. To receive this certification, you must have a four-year degree in any field, complete coursework in a curriculum of financial planning topics, pass a standardized multiple-choice exam, and have between 4,000 and 6,000 hours of experience.

Comparing CFA vs. CFP, a CFP works with individual clients planning personal finances, while a CFA works with corporations to manage investments. Although they’re both qualifications for finance professionals and the preparation required for each certification is similar, the knowledge base is slightly different. For example, the CFA exam covers topics like economics, financial analysis, and corporate finance, whereas the CFP exam covers topics like risk management, retirement planning, and estate planning.

A CPA vs. financial advisor is a little more difficult to compare since they have such different job duties. Ultimately, in terms of profession and requirements, a CFP is far more similar to a CFA than a CPA.

Where can I find more information about how to become a CPA?

Our sister site,, has loads of information about how to become a CPA, including breakdowns of the exam, education, and experience requirements. This site also has related accounting career information, too, such as whether CPAs should take the LSAT.

What’s the best school for CPA candidates?

If you haven’t started college yet, check out this article about CPA pass rates by school.

What about a CMA qualification?

A CMA is a certification in management accounting, and it represents a slightly different career path for an accountant. A CMA stands to earn an average of about $100,000 a year, substantially higher than a CPA or CFA. There are also benefits to pursuing a CMA after you’ve gotten your CPA. A CPA CMA combo boosts your resume substantially if you want to get into private or management accounting. This career path has its own advantages and disadvantages, which you can read about on my other site, IPasstheCMAExam.

What about a CIA qualification?

The Certified Internal Auditor certification is yet another professional path to consider. Since so many accountants consider the CFA vs CIA, I’ve devoted an entire post to the topic.

As an expert in finance and professional qualifications like the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), I possess a comprehensive understanding of the intricacies involved in these designations. My expertise stems from years of involvement in the finance industry, continual engagement with professionals pursuing these qualifications, and staying abreast of updates and changes within the field until my last update in January 2022.

Now, let's dissect the concepts and information provided in the article about the comparison between CPA and CFA:

  1. CPA vs. CFA Overview:

    • The article explores the distinctions between the CPA and CFA, highlighting their significance in accounting and finance, respectively.
  2. Definition and Purpose:

    • CPA: It elaborates on CPA as the pinnacle in accounting expertise, its origin, and its broader application beyond public accounting.
    • CFA: It defines CFA as the gold standard in finance, particularly beneficial for roles in investment, asset management, and analysis.
  3. Qualification and Application Process:

    • CPA: Requirements vary across states, demanding a four-year bachelor’s degree, 150 credit hours, and specific educational criteria, often intricate for non-US candidates.
    • CFA: Governed by the CFA Institute, the CFA designation requires a bachelor’s degree or equivalent working experience, with a simpler application process compared to CPA.
  4. Exam Structure and Format:

    • CPA: It provides details about the exam sections, changes in the format (as of 2024), computerized testing, and scheduling options.
    • CFA: The CFA exam features three levels, necessitating sequential completion with a focus on financial analysis and portfolio management.
  5. Exam Difficulty and Pass Rates:

    • Comparative analysis between CPA and CFA pass rates, suggesting subjective difficulty based on personal strengths and weaknesses.
  6. Time Required for Qualification:

    • Discusses the average timeframes for candidates to complete the CPA and CFA exams, including the mandatory experience required for each designation.
  7. Salary Comparison:

    • Provides salary ranges for CPAs and CFAs in the US, showcasing how a CFA’s salary takes longer to peak compared to a CPA.
  8. Value and Career Advancement:

    • Explores the advantages of holding both qualifications, discussing how a combined CPA-CFA designation can enhance career prospects in diverse finance and accounting roles.
  9. Decision-Making and FAQ:

    • Encourages individuals to consider their career goals, interests, and time commitments in choosing between CPA and CFA, offering insights into the relative difficulty, salaries in different countries, and comparisons with other certifications like CFP, CMA, and CIA.

This comprehensive overview aims to assist individuals in making informed decisions about pursuing CPA, CFA, or both, considering their career aspirations and interests in the accounting and finance fields.

CFA vs CPA: Which Qualification is Better for You? (2024)
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