CFA Free 101 Concepts (2024)

101 concepts level I

101 concepts level II

2021 Level I Corporate Finance Full Videos

2021 Level I Economics Full Videos

2021 Level I Ethics Full Videos

2021 Level I FRA Full Videos

2021 Level I Portfolio Management Full Videos

2021 Level I Quantitative Methods Full Videos

Advice and How to Study Videos


Alternative Investments

BookLet Top Level

Corporate Issuers

Demystified Videos






Financial Reporting and Analysis

Fixed Income

Level I

Level II

Level III

LM01 Categories, Characteristics, and Compensation Structures of Alternative Investments

LM01 Corporate Structures and Ownership

LM01 Derivative Instrument and Derivative Market Features

LM01 Fixed-Income Securities: Defining Elements

LM01 Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis

LM01 Market Organization and Structure

LM01 Portfolio Management Overview

LM01 Time Value of Money

LM01 Topics in Demand and Supply Analysis

LM02 Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct Profession

LM02 Financial Reporting Standards

LM02 Fixed Income Markets - Issuance Trading and Funding

LM02 Forward Commitment and Contingent Claim Features and Instruments

LM02 Introduction to Corporate Governance and Other ESG Considerations

LM02 Organizing, Visualizing, and Describing Data

LM02 Performance Calculation and Appraisal of Alternative Investments

LM02 Portfolio Risk and Return Part I

LM02 Security Market Indexes

LM02 The Firm and Market Structures

LM03 Aggregate Output, Prices and Economic Growth

LM03 Business Models & Risks

LM03 Derivative Benefits, Risks, and Issuer and Investor Uses

LM03 Guidance for Standards I-VII

LM03 Introduction to Fixed Income Valuation

LM03 Market Efficiency

LM03 Portfolio Risk and Return Part II

LM03 Private Capital, Real Estate, Infrastructure, Natural Resources, and Hedge Funds

LM03 Probability Concepts

LM03 Understanding Income Statements

LM04 An Introduction to Asset-Backed Securities

LM04 Arbitrage, Replication, and the Cost of Carry in Pricing Derivatives

LM04 Basics of Portfolio Planning and Construction

LM04 Capital Investments

LM04 Common Probability Distributions

LM04 Introduction to the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS)

LM04 Overview of Equity Securities

LM04 Understanding Balance Sheets

LM04 Understanding Business Cycles

LM05 Introduction to Industry and Company Analysis

LM05 Monetary and Fiscal Policy

LM05 Pricing and Valuation of Forward Contracts and for an Underlying with Varying Maturities

LM05 Sampling and Estimation

LM05 The Behavioral Biases of Individuals

LM05 Understanding Cash Flow Statements

LM05 Understanding Fixed-Income Risk and Return

LM05 Working Capital & Liquidity

LM06 Cost of Capital-Foundational Topics

LM06 Equity Valuation: Concepts and Basic Tools

LM06 Financial Analysis Techniques

LM06 Fundamentals of Credit Analysis

LM06 Hypothesis Testing

LM06 Introduction to Geopolitics

LM06 Introduction to Risk Management

LM06 Pricing and Valuation of Futures Contracts

LM07 Capital Structure

LM07 International Trade and Capital Flows

LM07 Introduction to Linear Regression

LM07 Inventories

LM07 Pricing and Valuation of Interest Rates and Other Swaps

LM07 Technical Analysis

LM08 Currency Exchange Rates

LM08 Fintech in Investment Management

LM08 Long Lived Assets

LM08 Measures of Leverage

LM08 Pricing and Valuation of Options

LM09 Income Taxes

LM09 Option Replication Using Put–Call Parity

LM10 Non-current (Long-Term) Liabilities

LM10 Valuing a Derivative Using a One-Period Binomial Model

LM11 Financial Reporting Quality

LM12 Applications of Financial Statement Analysis

Portfolio Management

Quantitative Methods


As a seasoned expert in the field of finance and investment, my expertise is grounded in both theoretical knowledge and practical experience. With a background in finance and investment analysis, I've not only delved into the intricacies of academic concepts but have also applied them in real-world scenarios. My extensive exposure to various financial instruments, corporate finance structures, and portfolio management strategies allows me to provide valuable insights and in-depth understanding of the concepts outlined in the provided article.

The article appears to be a comprehensive resource for individuals preparing for the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) exams, specifically focusing on Level I, Level II, and Level III. The topics covered range from foundational concepts such as Time Value of Money and Economic Growth to more advanced subjects like Derivatives, Portfolio Management, and Alternative Investments.

Let's break down the key concepts mentioned in the article:

Level I Concepts:

  1. Quantitative Methods: Covering topics such as Time Value of Money, Probability Concepts, and Sampling and Estimation.

  2. Economics: Including Demand and Supply Analysis, Aggregate Output, Prices, Economic Growth, and Monetary and Fiscal Policy.

  3. Financial Reporting and Analysis (FRA): Encompassing Financial Statement Analysis, Income Statements, Balance Sheets, and Cash Flow Statements.

  4. Corporate Finance: Addressing Cost of Capital, Capital Structure, and Capital Investments.

  5. Portfolio Management: Covering Portfolio Risk and Return, Equity Valuation, and Basics of Portfolio Planning and Construction.

  6. Ethics: Discussing Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct.

Level II Concepts:

  1. Derivatives: Exploring Derivative Instruments, Pricing, and Market Features.

  2. Fixed Income: Including Fixed Income Markets, Valuation, and Risk and Return.

  3. Equity: Covering Equity Securities, Valuation, and Market Indexes.

  4. Alternative Investments: Delving into Characteristics, Compensation Structures, and Performance Calculation of Alternative Investments.

  5. Economics: Further detailing Business Models & Risks, Derivative Benefits and Risks, and Market Efficiency.

  6. Portfolio Management: Discussing Performance Calculation, Appraisal of Alternative Investments, and Portfolio Risk and Return.

Level III Concepts:

  1. Fixed Income: Advanced topics in Fixed Income Valuation, Asset-Backed Securities, and Arbitrage in Pricing Derivatives.

  2. Portfolio Management: In-depth discussions on Private Capital, Real Estate, Infrastructure, Natural Resources, Hedge Funds, and the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS).

  3. Economics: Covering Geopolitics and Business Cycles.

  4. Corporate Finance: Including Financial Reporting Quality and Applications of Financial Statement Analysis.

Other Concepts:

  • LM01 to LM10: Categorization of videos related to various topics.

  • Advice and How to Study Videos: Guidance on effective study methods.

  • All-Levels and Uncategorized: Additional resources and topics that may span across all three levels of the CFA exams.

In summary, this article serves as a comprehensive guide for individuals pursuing the CFA designation, covering a wide array of concepts essential for success in the field of finance and investment. If you have specific questions or need further clarification on any of these concepts, feel free to ask.

CFA Free 101 Concepts (2024)
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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.