Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) | Blockchain Use Cases | ConsenSys (2024)

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Use Cases

Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) is a digital form of central bank money that offers central banks unique advantages at the retail and wholesale levels, including increased financial access for individual customers and a more efficient infrastructure for interbank settlements.

What Is Central Bank Digital Currency?

A Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDCs) is a digital form of central bank money, which is legal tender created and backed by a central bank that represents a claim against the central bank and not against a commercial bank or a Payment Service Provider (PSP). CBDC is managed on a digital ledger (which can be a blockchain or not), expediting and increasing the security of payments between banks, institutions, and individuals. According to a recent study conducted by the Bank for International Settlements, more than 70% of institutions are actively researching and developing proofs of concept for CBDCs. Here are three aspects that define a central bank digital currency:

  • Digital assets. CBDCs are digital assets. They are accounted for in a digital ledger (distributed or not) that acts as the single source of truth.
  • Central bank backed. CBDC represents claims against the central bank, just as banknotes do.
  • Central bank controlled. The supply of CBDC is fully controlled and determined by the central bank.

“CBDCs give central banks future-oriented tools to allow them to implement monetary policy in more direct, innovative ways and keep pace with technological change.”

Joseph Lubin

Founder of ConsenSys and Co-Founder of Ethereum

What Are the Use Cases of CBDCs?

CBDC can be built for retail and/or wholesale payments. While a retail CBDC refers to a digital version of cash, a wholesale CBDC refers to a new infrastructure for interbank settlements. Central banks that have been trialing CBDC have been focusing especially on fast, low-cost payments.

  • Retail. Retail CBDC is used for payments between individuals and businesses or other individuals, akin to digital bank notes. The daily volume of retail CBDC is usually greater than 100,000,000 transactions.
  • Wholesale. Wholesale CBDC is used to facilitate interbank settlement, ie. payments between the few banks and other entities that have accounts at the central bank. The daily volume of wholesale CBDC is usually less than 100,000 transactions.

What Are the Benefits of CBDC?

Central bank financial infrastructure currently faces a number of challenges, from costly payment settlement to the decreasing use of bank notes and lack of financial access for citizens far from bank branches. Studies have estimated that the cost of clearing and settling securities for central banks in G7 countries is over $50 billion per year, due in large part to the resources required to transfer assets and reconcile accounts. Moreover, today’s cross-border payment systems involve the transfer of assets and sensitive transaction data through several different correspondent banks, exposing institutions and individuals to settlement and operational risk.

Blockchain-based CBDC solves for the inefficiencies and vulnerabilities in our current central banking infrastructure by simplifying the creation of a secure payments system that serves as a large-scale, decentralized clearing house and asset register.

Benefits of Retail CBDC
  • Increase availability. Digital currency can be distributed on mobile devices, increasing access and usability for citizens who are far from bank branches and cannot access physical cash.
  • Streamline reconciliation. A CBDC is natively digital and does not require the costly and time-consuming reconciliation currently needs for e-commerce and cross-border payments.
  • Foster digital innovation. CBDC’s platform-based software model lowers barriers to entry for new firms in the payments sector, fostering competition and innovation and pushing financial institutions toward the globalization of services.
  • Enhance monetary policy. CBDC gives central banks direct influence over the money supply, simplifying the distribution of government benefits to individuals and improving control over transactions for tax controls.
Benefits of Wholesale CBDC
  • Improve interbank payment settlement. Through automation and decentralized netting solutions, CBDC payments are settled instantly between counterparties on an individual order basis, reducing the risk of overnight batch processing and collateralization.
  • Reduced counterparty risk. CBDC mitigates credit risk in cross-border payment transactions by enabling payment-versus-payment settlement for transfers in different currencies.
  • Participate in digital asset markets. As more tokenized asset markets emerge, there will be a need for tokenized payments. CBDC provides a large-scale, decentralized clearing house and asset register to help foster the digital assets revolution.
  • Stay competitive. Even though the cost of real-time money transfers has been reduced by centralized platforms like SEPA in Europe, most financial institutions charge customers above cost. CBDC allows end users to benefit from streamlined banking infrastructure and ensures central banks maintain a role in interbank settlement amidst the wider adoption of stablecoin technology.

Why Blockchain and Ethereum for CBDC

Blockchain technology bring unique advantages to a CBDC. Ethereum in particular is the most production-ready blockchain to support CBDC requirements in terms of scalability and privacy.

  • System trust. A blockchain-based CBDC enables central banks to control the currency while protecting the privacy and independence of the CBDC’s use to the end users. We believe it is critical that users are not locked in by intermediaries so that they trust and use the CBDC.
  • Programmability. CBDC rules can be hard-coded in the protocol to facilitate compliance, i.e. wallet thresholds or third-party access to the system.
  • Data availability. Distributed systems such as blockchains ensure data availability and resilience, in addition to trust and transparency around transaction history. Ethereum has proven its capacity to support very large networks with 10k+ nodes and hundred thousands of users.
  • Innovation. A blockchain-based CBDC benefits from the innovative products and services that are being built across the open source blockchain ecosystem, including non-custodial wallets, zero-knowledge cryptography, and decentralized finance. Ethereum is the largest blockchain ecosystem in the world, with over 350,000 developers.

For a deeper dive on Ethereum’s unique advantages for enterprise blockchain solutions, read our Introduction to Enterprise Ethereum.

Traditional Banking System

Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) | Blockchain Use Cases | ConsenSys (4)

CBDC Payments System

Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) | Blockchain Use Cases | ConsenSys (5)

CBDC and Blockchain Payment Case Studies

ConsenSys has partnered with leading institutions around the globe to launch CDBCs that improve financial access, expedite settlement, and increase transaction security.

CBDC News and Insights

  • 20 Key Questions from Central Banks Answered

    A CBDC FAQ addressing questions around payments, monetary and financial stability, CBDC functionalities, technology, infrastructure, and further innovations for Central Banks.

  • A Guide to CBDCs for Central Banks

    INSIGHT REPORT | A CBDC FAQ addressing questions around payments, monetary and financial stability, CBDC functionalities, technology, infrastructure, and further innovations for Central Banks.

  • We Ask the Former Director General of the European Central Bank What's Next for CBDCs

    Jean Michel Godeffroy, a monetary policy expert with sixteen years experience as director general at the European Central Bank, shares his insights on CBDCs

  • What do ConsenSys’ recent CBDC pilots reveal about how central banks are approaching digital currencies on Ethereum?

    Wholesale vs. Retail? Delivery vs. Payment? We explore the design expectations and technical approaches of four recent ConsenSys CBDC pilots.

  • What Is Retail Central Bank Digital Currency?

    Key principles of retail CBDC and the state of central bank blockchain adoption around the world.

  • What Are the Risks of Central Banks Not Implementing a Retail Central Bank Digital Currency?

    Why the risk of inaction is greater than the risk of innovation for the world’s largest financial institutions.

Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) | Blockchain Use Cases | ConsenSys (2024)


What are the use cases for a CBDC? ›

Use Case Lead / Consortium Partners
  • Offline Payments. ANZ.
  • Nature-based Asset Trading. ANZ / Commonwealth Bank.
  • SuperStream Payments. ANZ / Oban.
  • Corporate Bond Settlement. Australian Bond Exchange.
  • Tokenised FX Settlement. Canvas Digital.
  • GST Automation. Commonwealth Bank / Intuit.
  • CBDC Custodial Models. digi.cash.
  • Livestock Auction.
Mar 2, 2023

What are CBDCs or Central Bank digital currencies? ›

A central bank digital currency (CBDC) is the digital form of a country's fiat currency. A nation's monetary authority, or central bank, issues a CBDC, which promotes financial inclusion and simplifies implementing monetary and fiscal policy.

What are the benefits of central bank digital currency CBDC? ›

One of the main advantages of CBDCs is that they can provide a secure and reliable means of digital payment and remittance. CBDCs can be used for online and offline transactions and can be integrated into existing payment systems.

What problem does CBDC solve? ›

The core idea of the CBDC solution is to provide low-cost, fast and secure payment for both domestic and cross-border scenarios. At the same time, it has to provide offline and instant payment options, and ensure high anonymity, security and privacy of the transactions processed.

Why does the US need a CBDC? ›

Why is the Federal Reserve considering a CBDC now? The Federal Reserve is charged with promoting monetary and financial stability and the safety and efficiency of the payment system and is studying how a CBDC could improve on an already safe and efficient U.S. domestic payments system.

What are the two common types of CBDC? ›

Two broad categories of CBDC can be distinguished: general-purpose or retail (CBDC-R) and wholesale (CBDC-W). The private sector, non-financial customers, and enterprises might all potentially use retail CBDC (e-R), but wholesale CBDC (e-W) is only intended for certain financial institutions.

Is CBDC the same as cash? ›

Central bank digital currency (CBDC) is money that a country's central bank can issue. It's called digital (or electronic) because it isn't physical money like notes and coins. It is in the form of an amount on a computer or similar device.

What are the three digital currencies? ›

How many types of digital currency are there? There are three types of digital currency: cryptocurrency, stablecoins and CBDCs. Cryptocurrency is a form of decentralized digital currency that isn't pegged to any fiat currency.

What are the different types of CBDC? ›

Two broad categories of CBDC can be distinguished: general-purpose or retail (CBDC-R) and wholesale (CBDC-W).

What are the pros and cons of CBDC? ›

CBDCs hold the promise of lower costs, greater efficiency, improved access to financial services, and greater transparency and accountability in financial flows and payment systems. However, CBDCs also introduce new risks and require a higher degree of technical and regulatory complexity.

How will CBDC affect cash? ›

Cash use may continue to fall, and card use (the main cash substitute) may fall by more, if CBDC is issued. The extent of this reduction depends on the demand for retail CBDC and the incentives (primarily transaction fees) that can play a determining role in CBDC adoption and use.

Is CBDC good or bad? ›

CBDCs may have some benefits, but their drawbacks are considerable. While they can improve payment efficiency and provide central banks with new monetary policy tools, they raise severe concerns about financial privacy, surveillance and control, financial stability, cybersecurity, and commercial bank disintermediation.

What is the negative side of CBDC? ›

A CBDC could undermine both the foundation and future of financial markets by reducing credit availability, disintermediating banks, and challenging the rise of cryptocurrency. “A CBDC would be one of the tools to fight crypto.” Another concern is the central storage of financial information.

What is the negative impact of CBDC? ›

CBDCs can, however, induce changes in the retail, wholesale and cross border payments that have negative spillover effects on monetary policy, through their effects on money velocity, bank deposit disintermediation, volatility of bank reserves, currency substitution, and capital flows.

How CBDC will change the world? ›

CBDCs, if instituted correctly, would be able to optimize financial systems that have grown outdated and been failing to meet the needs of the world's most vulnerable demographics from a financial perspective.

What is the US dollar backed by? ›

Today, like the currency of most nations, the dollar is fiat money, unbacked by any physical asset. A holder of a federal reserve note has no right to demand an asset such as gold or silver from the government in exchange for a note.

How CBDC is better than cryptocurrency? ›

CBDC is better than crypto as it is regulated by the central authority, which immobilizes illegal activities like money laundering. In addition, CBDCs are digital versions of fiat currency issued and backed by central banks, while cryptocurrencies are decentralized digital assets not backed by any central authority.

What is the difference between CBDC and digital currency? ›

CBDC can be used as a means of payment and store of value, while UPI facilitates electronic transactions. CBDC is backed by the central bank, while UPI is not. Overall, the main difference between the two is that CBDC is a digital currency and UPI is a payment platform.

How many countries are using CBDC? ›

The interactive database now features 114 countries— triple the number of countries we first identified as being active in CBDC development in 2020.

What is the US CBDC called? ›

The Federal Reserve, the central bank of the United States, provides the nation with a safe, flexible, and stable monetary and financial system.

Is Bitcoin a CBDC? ›

Unlike decentralized digital currencies like Bitcoin, CBDCs are issued and backed by a government entity and transact on a centralized, permissioned blockchain.

Is paper money going away? ›

As people move toward more electronic or digital forms of payment, it might seem like paper money is on its way toward obsolescence. But experts say that cash will always be around.

When did CBDC start? ›

In 1993, the Bank of Finland launched the Avant smart card, an electronic form of cash. Although the system was eventually dropped in the early 2000s, it can be considered the world's first CBDC.

What is the most used digital currency today? ›

Largest cryptocurrencies by market cap
  1. Bitcoin (BTC) Price: $28,025. Market cap: $543 billion. ...
  2. Ethereum (ETH) Price: $1,915. Market cap: $230 billion. ...
  3. Tether (USDT) Price: $1.00. ...
  4. BNB (BNB) Price: $314.09. ...
  5. USD Coin (USDC) Price: $1.00. ...
  6. XRP (XRP) Price: $0.5027. ...
  7. Cardano (ADA) Price: $0.3821. ...
  8. Dogecoin (DOGE) Price: $0.07328.
5 days ago

What is the most stable digital currency? ›

When it comes to other crypto coins and other cryptos, the largest stablecoin is undoubtedly the USDC, although there are plenty of other coins out there. USD Coin stands out because of its high market capitalization, liquidity and stability.

What is the most widely accepted digital currency? ›

1. Bitcoin (BTC) Created in 2009 by someone under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin (BTC) is the original cryptocurrency. As with most cryptocurrencies, BTC runs on a blockchain, or a ledger logging transactions distributed across a network of thousands of computers.

Which 9 banks are in CBDC? ›

Pilot launch

The apex bank identified eight banks for phase-wise participation in the retail CBDC pilot and the first phase shall commence with four lenders — State Bank of India, ICICI Bank, YES Bank, and IDFC First Bank. Four others — Bank of Baroda, Union Bank of India, HDFC Bank and Kotak Mahindra Bank.

Why is CBDC safe? ›

Through a “permissioned blockchain,” CBDC provides decentralized transaction histories along with the benefit of more security in their Distributed Ledger Technology.

Will the US use CBDC? ›

The Federal Reserve has made no decision on issuing a central bank digital currency (CBDC) and would only proceed with the issuance of a CBDC with an authorizing law.

Will CBDC affect Bitcoin? ›

Changes in the Regulatory Environment

The rise of CBDCs may result in regulatory changes for cryptocurrencies. Governments may impose stricter regulations on cryptocurrencies to prevent them from competing with CBDCs, or they may outright ban cryptocurrencies in favor of CBDCs.

What is the challenge of CBDC? ›

The sizing for the infrastructure required for the CBDC will remain tricky if payment transactions are carried out using the same system. The RBI will have to map the technology landscape thoroughly and proceed cautiously with picking the correct technology for introducing CBDCs.

Is CBDC inevitable? ›

In a recent research report by Bank of America, analysts concluded that "CBDCs (central bank digital currencies) appear inevitable." According to their research, CBDCs have "the potential to revolutionize global financial systems and maybe the most significant technological advancement in the history of money."

What is the future of CBDC? ›

It will be a legal tender-based payment option and make cross-border payments more transparent. Being permissible in respective countries, the CBDCs of different countries will be compatible and interoperable while making cross-border CBDC payments.

Which country launched the first CBDC? ›

1. The Bahamas. In 2020, the island nation launched the world's first central bank digital currency, or CBDC, called the Sand Dollar.

Why do banks want to get rid of cash? ›

Why Eliminate Cash? Cash can play a role in criminal activities such as money laundering and allow for tax evasion. Digital transactions or electronic money create an audit trail for law enforcement and financial institutions and can aid governments in economic policymaking.

What are the policy objectives for a US CBDC system? ›

The policy objectives for a U.S. CBDC system require that the CBDC expand equitable access to the financial system, preserve the role of physical cash, and collect only strictly necessary data.

What are the risks in adopting CBDC? ›

A CBDC could undermine both the foundation and future of financial markets by reducing credit availability, disintermediating banks, and challenging the rise of cryptocurrency. “A CBDC would be one of the tools to fight crypto.” Another concern is the central storage of financial information.

Which crypto will be used for CBDC? ›

For more efficient interbank payments, wholesale CBDC is issued only by financial institutions and clearinghouses. With the emergence of private digital currencies such as Bitcoin [2], Ethereum [3], Diem, or Libra [13], CBDC often assumes to be implemented by using blockchain or DLT.

What is Cryptocurrency use case? ›

A major use case for cryptocurrency is decentralizing the legacy financial system. Blockchain technology enables decentralized finance (DeFi) by supporting peer-to-peer financial transactions of varying complexity.

What is proof of concept CBDC? ›

In the proof of concept, intermediaries validating a CBDC transaction need to look at information on past transactions of the CBDC units being transferred, all the way back to the moment when they were first issued.

What is CBDC challenge? ›

The Global CBDC Challenge organised by MAS, in partnership with IMF, World Bank, ADB, UNCDF, UNHCR, UNDP and OECD, seeks innovative retail CBDC solutions to enhance payment efficiencies and promote financial inclusion.

What are CBDC security considerations? ›

Integrity. Protection against counterfeiting and double-spending must be enforced in all CBDC use cases, as must the correctness and finality of all transactions. Unlike with physical bank notes, a core risk for a CBDC system is double-spending—that is, the ability to spend the same value more than once.

What are the weaknesses of CBDC? ›

There are two main security risks posed by a CBDC. First, individual accounts could be compromised through weaknesses in cyber security. Second, the centralised CBDC ledger, which would be a critical piece of national infrastructure, would be a target for attack from hostile state and non-state actors.

Which company launches CBDC? ›

The Minister state that the CBDC pilot launched by the RBI in retail segment has components based on blockchain technology.

WHO has launched CBDC? ›

RBI classified CBDC into retail CBDC that will be designed to complete individual financial needs and wholesale CBDC which will be traded between RBI, Public and Private sector banks for currency distribution purpose and economic stability. Pilot project for digital rupee was launched on 1 November 2022.

What is the digital currency of the United States? ›

What Is a CBDC? A CBDC is a digital national currency. In the case of the United States, a CBDC would be a digital form of the U.S. dollar. Like paper dollars, a CBDC would be a liability of the Federal Reserve.

Which crypto has the best use case? ›

Ethereum has the most utility and greatest number of real-world use cases of any top crypto.

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