Career Guide – Debt Capital Markets (DCM) - BankersByDay (2024)

1. What is DCM (Debt Capital Markets)?

Debt and Equity are the primary sources of capital for corporations. Debt is cheaper and interest payments are tax deductible which makes it an attractive option (when used in moderation) to fund business activities. Which is why corporations of all sizes, even the cash rich ones, usually have a debt component on their balance sheets.

Debt may be accessed in the form of bank loans which are handled by normal corporate and commercial banking teams. When debt is instead raised in the form of corporate or government bonds, that is when the DCM teams get involved.

2. DCM Job Description

The Debt Capital Markets team helps their clients secure funds for acquisitions, special projects or refinancing and restructuring existing debt at a lower cost. They help the client access a global pool of investors who would be willing to invest in such opportunities. There are several aspects to the job:

2.1. Pitches

This is going to be a big part of the job, especially for the first few years of your career. Detailed analysis and catchy presentations are what it’s all about in the beginning. The focus on financial modeling is a bit less than what you would do in M&A or even Equity Capital Markets (ECM). You focus more on structuring, yield curves, fixed/floating coupons, collateral, assumptions about interest rates and other such Fixed Income stuff.

2.2. Deal Execution

Execution involves negotiating the terms of the deal with the client and liaising with dozens of internal teams to get the paperwork done. This means onboarding, document reviews and client servicing for the duration of the deal. Third parties may be involved in due diligence and it will fall to you to coordinate with them.

You better be in love with making memoranda because you’ll be doing a lot of it in DCM. Most of the deals are pretty straightforward but sometimes might involve use of exotic instruments. Don’t worry, you would have plenty of time to learn about all of the finer intricacies within the first few years on the job itself.

2.3. Syndication

The syndication teams within DCM ensure that the issued bonds move smoothly to the secondary markets. It’s a whole different beast in terms of what you want to achieve, but in terms of what you handle (fixed income securities), it is pretty much the same. Syndication professionals form the bridge between the origination teams which are responsible for structuring and execution and the secondary market where these bonds are eventually sold.

2.4. Marketing

DCM Associates may spend some time updating and looking at bond databases and liability management transactions in their sectors or geographies. This information, coupled with market and regulatory updates, may be used for marketing purposes to aid in the origination efforts of the team.

Additionally, deal pipelines, investor analysis, market updates and deal reviews etc. may need to be shared with internal teams.

Career Guide – Debt Capital Markets (DCM) - BankersByDay (1)

3. Qualifications & Skills

Fixed Income Expertise – This is your bread and butter, so you better know everything there is to know about Fixed Income Securities.

The first part of this is the technical knowledge of how fixed income securities are priced and traded. Yield curves, convexity, duration, structured and collateralized debt securities, derivatives like swaps and essentially just memorizing Fabozzi’s Handbook from cover to cover.

The second part of this is everything that is NOT in the books. Market information, deal histories, who the players are, what is happening where and who is doing what and why. You essentially need to have your ears firmly glued to the ground.

Ability to add value in a tough market – Most DCM clients are large multibillion-dollar global conglomerates or even government entities which issue investment-grade bonds. These clients will usually have experienced teams of professionals who already know what they’re doing. This means that in order to add value you’d have to bring something extra to the table.

You have to think of ways to save the client money by restructuring or refinancing their debt. Or perhaps how investing in certain credit derivatives might help them minimize risks or de-leverage their balance sheets and so on.

Creating solutions – The best work in DCM is when a client comes to you with a unique problem requiring a bespoke solution. This is where all your experience, knowledge and contacts come into the picture. These types of deals are also the ones that yield the most revenue because it is not a problem that just anyone can solve easily. This is where you really build a reputation and what separates a good banker from the greats.

Negotiation skills – while negotiation skills come in handy in almost any front-end sales roles, negotiation forms a bigger part of your deal cycle in DCM as compared to other roles. The service that you offer to clients is usually differentiated based on price because competing banks can match whatever other advantages that you bring to the table.

Legal expertise – There is a considerable amount of legal jousting and documentation that finds its way into a DCM transaction. While you will have internal legal teams vetting the documents for you, the negotiation of these terms with the client would still need to be done by you. Over time, you will likely become a legal expert yourself and would be able to predict what the legal teams internally and at the client’s side want and expect from the other side.

Sectoral experience – Depending on the size of a bank, it might have separate teams covering corporate bonds, high yield bonds, government, public sector and munis and so on. Financial institutions account for almost half of all debt issuance so there’s a good chance you would be working for a team that focuses exclusively on such institutions.

Deal experience – Nothing prepares you for the job like some hands-on experience. There are big deals that happen in DCM and having worked on some greatly increases your value in the eyes of a recruiter.

Origination and relationship management (senior levels) – You don’t necessarily need to keep hunting for new clients in DCM since your existing clients will likely have a stable flow of business being thrown your way. Given the repeat nature of business in DCM, maintaining and cultivating existing client relationships takes on a whole new meaning. Obviously, this business could also go to a competing bank so that is the part that you have to focus on.

This does not mean you won’t have new business origination targets, but you would likely spend more time retaining your existing clients and aiming for a bigger wallet share. The amount of time you spend on relationship management or business origination depends on your seniority. Analysts and Associates aren’t really expected to sign on a new client but rather just work on whatever is assigned to them. But building client relationships is always valuable in banking.

Industry Relationships


Product & Sector Knowledge


Technical Skills


Deal Experience


4. How to get into DCM?

Your DCM Resume need not be much different from your standard investment banking one. You need to focus on your numeracy, analytical skills, modelling skills and attention to detail. However, your main focus should be on highlighting your knowledge and experience about fixed income securities because that is essentially the essence of what you would dealing in day in and day out.

Be sure to grab any internship opportunities during your college time to maximise your chance of getting an offer or further interview opportunities once you graduate. I covered more of this in the article on bank internships. The truth is that for a fresh graduate, such internship opportunities are perhaps one of the only ways to really showcase any practical experience in the field.

4.1. Academics

Dealing with fixed income securities required sound understanding of mathematical concepts and as such degrees focusing on these skills will be required. Business, finance, accounting, economics, mathematics, computer science and even physics and engineering are all acceptable.

What matter most is the reputation of your university and your academic performance. Bulge bracket investment banks only visit the so-called target universities. But non-target students still can and do make it with a combination of other factors.

Series 7, 63, 79 exams (or others) may be required in the United States. Please check the FINRA website for details.

4.2. Courses & Professional Certifications

Capital Markets can be a tough niche to break in. You really need to add some extra value to your CV to get a shortlist.The best way to go about doing that is getting some fixed income/ debt capital markets specific Professional Certifications on your CV.

These courses will provide you with several benefits:

  1. A working knowledge of the technical aspects of how capital markets actually work.
  2. An understanding of market instruments and derivatives.
  3. Will showcase your commitment to, and interest in, capital markets.
  4. If you successfully complete the course, you get a formal certification that you can add to your resume or LinkedIn profile. This is a rather solid branding opportunity.
  5. It will also give you an opportunity to steer the conversation towards what you learned in the course during an interview.

I have picked the best courses/ certifications that offer all of these benefits and ranked them in this article:

Best Fixed Income/ DCM/ Bonds Courses (2022) ranked by Bankers

4.3. CV Building

The hardest part of the selection process is having your CV short listed. You can crack the interviews and ace the tests, but first you need a shortlist. And each year, more and more candidates from across the globe are applying for each DCM opening. Its a tough nut to crack and you need some heavy hitting bullet points on your CV. I have handpicked some of the best resume wring services for finance and investment banking roles here:

5. Salary and Bonus

Analysts salaries for a bulge bracket investment bank in New York would be around USD 100K. You should also expect a variable component over this but that is generally modest (around 50%) at the analyst level.

As an Associate, expect fixed compensation of around USD 150K with a 50% -120% variable component based on your performance and the group’s revenue generation as well. Across the pond in Europe, the salaries are almost comparable although slightly on the lower side outside of London.

Beyond the associate level, it becomes increasingly hard to predict the numbers as compensation begins to vary significantly based on a number of factors biggest of which is your actual performance. However, just keep in mind that compensation would be based upon how much revenue bring in for the bank and while DCM is a high-volume business, margins are usually tighter.

Career Guide – Debt Capital Markets (DCM) - BankersByDay (2)

6. DCM vs M&A

Perhaps the most obvious difference between these two roles, at least to me, is the fact that you take on more responsibilities quicker in DCM. You start dealing with CXO level executives a lot sooner than you would in .

Salaries – DCM salaries are more or less the same as that for M&A analysts at the Analyst and Associate level. As you go higher up though, variable compensation starts playing an increasingly bigger part and that depends on how much business you generate. M&A guys usually generate more and therefore the overall compensation is usually on the higher side for them.

Hours – In terms of hours though, DCM guys have an edge. The flow is more stable, and your activities are more structured. You deal with investment grade companies for the most part and in my experience that usually means less stress all around. As I progressed through my career, I realized that is an important consideration.

Exit Opportunities – Lastly, in terms of exit opportunities, M&A guys usually have an edge if you are looking to get into Private Equity and such because of their superior modelling experience and working on riskier and more dynamic companies than DCM people usually do. Still, it’s not impossible and there are plenty of other opportunities as well like Hedge Funds or moving into corporate finance.

7. DCM vs ECM

Despite appearances, there is not much in common between Debt and Equity Capital Markets when looking at it from an employment standpoint. DCM is all about large deals, high flow, low risk and simpler modelling. ECM deals are more complex, there is more uncertainty, and higher risk, but the deals are fewer as well. The global debt market dwarfs equity markets by a considerable margin.

Salaries are comparable and the hours are usually better for DCM. Variable component is usually higher for ECM and it also offers better exit opportunities. But the equities market is highly susceptible to global investor sentiment. There may be times when the deals dry up and it is not unheard of for banks to slash their ECM teams when this happens.

At the end of the day, it becomes a matter of personal preference. I personally loved dealing with fixed income securities because they are more predictable and stable than dealing with Equities which is like staring into a crystal ball. But don’t let my personal opinion affect yours.

8. DCM Work Hours

DCM hours are generally consistent and stable and a lot easier than what your M&A colleagues will have to endure. Much depends on the deal flow but generally speaking, the flow is predictable and smooth. The execution and issuance are also more standardized and structured so there is less hair-pulling involved. DCM analysts and associates usually come in between 8 and 8:30 AM and can usually afford to leave before 7 PM.

All of this translates to a healthier work-life balance and DCM hits the sweet spot when it comes to careers on the corporate finance side of things, in my opinion. I think a lot of the extras hours that some people put in is a result of them trying to “impress” their seniors more than anything else. In my opinion, that actually ends up doing the opposite since you come across as in-efficient and boring but it’s hard to break stereotypes.

9. DCM Career Path and Progression

DCM itself is considered a good long-term career option. Consider the sheer volume of the global debt market – there are opportunities in every country, both public sector and private, as well as every sector of the industry. What this means is that you would have plenty of opportunities to move from one bank to another or from one country to another based on your personal preference.

As a graduate, you start off as an analyst and make every effort possible to ensure that you get promoted to associate as quickly as possible. If you have a Master’s degree like an MBA, you would start at the associate level directly and eventually move up the ladder to an associate director, director and finally managing director.

The hours in DCM are good enough to afford you a decent work-life balance and the compensation is good enough even when compared with other investment banking opportunities. You spend more time with clients at the more senior levels and would likely end up heading the geography when you finally reach the managing director position. That is when you can really leave your mark and handle things the way you see fit. It’s undoubtedly a long journey to the top, but isn’t that what a career is all about?

9.1. Lateral movement

DCM clients are usually sophisticated, large corporations with experienced finance teams of their own. This means that your learning and impact is limited which translates to fewer exit options when compared with other investment banking teams.

This does not mean that exit options outside of DCM do not exist. Many analysts and associates move to corporate banking, coverage teams, leveraged finance, structured finance and so on. Moving to private equity can be a bit tricky but it’s not certainly unheard of. DCM is not the ideal place to start if you want to move to one of those roles, but with enough networking and skill building it is possible if you really try.

Another viable option for DCM experts is to move to fixed income or credit trading roles. This is usually possible at the lower levels when you have already built a good understanding of the technical aspects but have not yet straitjacketed it yourself into an advisory role.

Lastly, there is also the option of moving into a rating agency, assuming that a senior role is offered which can match your existing salary.

10. Related Articles

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About the Author

Career Guide – Debt Capital Markets (DCM) - BankersByDay (3)

Gaurav Sharma

Gaurav started his finance career as an intern in Citi’s Institutional Clients Group in 2009, eventually ending up as an Associate Director at Standard Chartered Bank’s Corporate & Institutional Banking division a few years later. By 2016, he was an independent consultant helping FinTech start-ups in London with product development and launch. Gaurav also helps banks with their digital banking initiatives and advises PE & VC firms with investments in the financial services and FinTech sectors.Gaurav writes on topics ranging from EU banking regulations and tradional finance to Blockchain startups and the future of banking itself! He has an Engineering degree in Computer Science and an MBA with a double major in Finance and Marketing. He is also a Certified Financial Risk Manager.

Career Guide – Debt Capital Markets (DCM) - BankersByDay (2024)


Is debt capital markets a good career? ›

But if you want to make a long-term career out of banking, DCM is a good option since you'll have a better lifestyle and you'll still earn a lot. And if you're interested in other credit-related roles, or in corporate finance at normal companies, Debt Capital Markets also gives you solid options.

Is debt capital markets hard? ›

Capital Markets can be a tough niche to break in. You really need to add some extra value to your CV to get a shortlist. The best way to go about doing that is getting some fixed income/ debt capital markets specific Professional Certifications on your CV.

What is the best bank for DCM? ›

J.P. Morgan, the largest bank in the US and 2021 Best Debt Bank in North America, once again dominated DCM by several measures. It was the world's top bookrunner in DCM with $685.5 billion in proceeds on 2,568 deals and a 6.7% market share, according to Refinitiv.

How much do you make in debt capital markets? ›

Debt Capital Markets Analyst Salary
Annual SalaryMonthly Pay
Top Earners$200,000$16,666
75th Percentile$140,000$11,666
25th Percentile$68,000$5,666

What is the salary of Associate DCM? ›

Associate Debt Capital Markets Salary. $72,500 is the 25th percentile. Salaries below this are outliers. $180,500 is the 75th percentile.

Is DCM considered investment banking? ›

Debt capital markets (DCM) is a division of investment banking and a concept in corporate finance. As a concept, a debt capital market is a space for companies and governments to buy and sell debt as a way to raise capital or make a profit.

What do DCM bankers do? ›

A DCM banker works in an investment bank on the sell-side and is the product expert that advises borrowers and potential borrowers on the best way to raise new debt and manage their outstanding debt.

Why do you want to join DCM? ›

Development and advancement opportunities. A culture focused on fun, team work, and success. Competitive pay and benefits. Industry-leading work shifts.

What is the difference between corporate banking and DCM? ›

Corporate Banking vs.

Both groups offer credit products, although the debt issued in DCM is more permanent capital and does not stay on the bank's balance sheet (bonds are distributed to institutional bondholders through the bank's sales and trading function).

What is the hardest bank to get into? ›

Goldman Sachs is generally regarded as the leading investment bank in most business areas, and is the toughest Bulge Bracket investment bank to break into. Goldman has a very strong reputation within the industry and among corporations. They advise on the majority of high profile M&A deals and other major transactions.

What bank do most millionaires use? ›

Best Private Banks For Millionaires
  • Bank of America: Private Banking.
  • Citi: Private Banking.
  • HSBC: Private Banking.
  • JP Morgan: Private Bank.
  • Morgan Stanley.
  • UBS.
  • Wells Fargo: Private Bank.

What bank do most billionaires use? ›

Two common perks embedded into these millionaire bank accounts include waived fees and personal bankers.
  • 10 Bank Accounts the Ultra-Rich Use. ...
  • Bank of America Private Bank. ...
  • Chase Private Client. ...
  • Morgan Stanley CashPlus. ...
  • HSBC Premier Checking. ...
  • TD Bank Private Banking. ...
  • PNC Private BankSM Checking. ...
  • Truist Wealth Checking.
Mar 14, 2023

What is the best salary to debt ratio? ›

35% or less: Looking Good - Relative to your income, your debt is at a manageable level. You most likely have money left over for saving or spending after you've paid your bills. Lenders generally view a lower DTI as favorable.

What is the difference between syndicate and DCM? ›

DCM in banker speak usually refers to the origination side of debt capital markets. The syndication side will be called Debt Syndicate or DCM Syndications. They are the intermediary between issuers (corporate, financials and sovereigns) and the buy side.

What is the difference between ECM and DCM? ›

Capital markets bankers help clients raise money through public markets. Capital markets bankers usually specialize in equity or debt. They're known as Equity Capital Markets (ECM) bankers and Debt Capital Markets (DCM) bankers. Capital markets jobs are well paid.

What is NH 3 pay scale? ›

The estimated base pay is $91,756 per year. The estimated additional pay is $5,505 per year. Additional pay could include bonus, stock, commission, profit sharing or tips. The "Most Likely Range" represents values that exist within the 25th and 75th percentile of all pay data available for this role.

What is the best private equity associate salary? ›

For the vast majority of private equity associates, the base salary is around $135k-$155k. Then, based on fund performance, bonuses tend to range from 100% to 150% of the base salary.

What is the highest salary of management associate? ›

What is the highest salary for a Management Associate in India? Highest salary that a Management Associate can earn is ₹24.0 Lakhs per year (₹2.0L per month).

What are the exit opportunities for capital markets? ›

Equity Capital Markets Exit Opportunities

The most common exits are moving to an industry group (healthcare, technology, consumer/retail, etc.), going into investor relations (IR) at a normal company, or joining a hedge fund or other buy-side firm in an IR or fundraising role.

What is the difference between DCM and leveraged finance? ›

Usually, DCM clients are raising capital for more general purposes, whereas LevFin clients are actively involved in obtaining riskier forms of financing for complex, high-stakes transactions, such as acquisitions (e.g. leveraged buyouts, or “LBOs”) and leveraged recaps.

What is the difference between leveraged finance and DCM? ›

The key difference is that DCM focuses on investment-grade debt issuances that are used for everyday purposes, while LevFin focuses on below-investment-grade issuances (“high-yield bonds” or “leveraged loans”) that are often used to fund control acquisitions, leveraged buyouts, and other transactions.

What is the career path in DCM? ›

You will start off your banking career as an Analyst, then move up to Associate, Vice President, Senior Vice President, and Managing Director.

How much does DCM investment banking pay? ›

Base salary in this division is roughly the same as coverage/M&A bankers, which is around $85,000 - 120,000 a year for first year analysts.

What kind of debt does DCM collect for? ›

DCM Services, LLC, is a third-party collection agency with a primary focus on resolving estate debt on behalf of clients across multiple industries. Also, we provide other specialty accounts-receivable services.

Is DCM Inc legit? ›

Is DCM a good company to work for? DCM has an overall rating of 3.3 out of 5, based on over 115 reviews left anonymously by employees. 47% of employees would recommend working at DCM to a friend and 42% have a positive outlook for the business.

What is the difference between debt and equity capital markets? ›

Debt instruments are assets that require a fixed payment to the holder, usually with interest. Examples of debt instruments include bonds (government or corporate) and mortgages. The equity market (often referred to as the stock market) is the market for trading equity instruments.

Why are you interested in a career in investment banking? ›

Investment banking offers the opportunity to become an expert at building large, complex financial models at the earliest stage of your career. While bankers aren't necessarily great investors, they do spend a lot of time on valuation work, and this can be an excellent way to start your career.

Is business banking a good career? ›

Commercial banking can be a good career path, offering opportunities for career advancement and attractive pay.

What is the salary difference between corporate and commercial banking? ›

A final difference is in the amount of pay that corporate and commercial bankers can earn. The average base corporate banking salary is just shy of $140,000 in the U.S. whereas the average commercial banking salary is around $92,000.

Is corporate banking as good as investment banking? ›

In general, corporate finance is not a good pathway into investment banking. Corporate finance roles include budgeting, operations, cash management, planning, and accounting. Corporate finance roles do not involve the same skills required in investment banking, such as financial modeling and valuation.

What bank job is the most stressful? ›

Most stressful job in finance : Investment Banker (M&A or capital markets professional) Jobs in the investment banking division (IBD) were the runaway choice for the most stressful job on Wall Street and in all of financial services, finishing in the top three of every ballot.

What bank has the worst reputation? ›

Wells Fargo & Company was ranked as the bank with the worst reputation in America, according to the 2020 (and 2019!) Harris Poll Reputation Quotient Rankings.

What is the #1 most trusted bank in America? ›

An index score of 100 is average for bank brands. For the third consecutive year, Chase was the overall most trusted bank in the study.
Most Trusted Banks.
BankTrust Rating
Chase101.3 | *****
Capital One95.5 | ***
Citibank91.0 | ***
PNC Bank89.5 | ***
11 more rows
Mar 28, 2023

What bank do rich Americans use? ›

Bank of America, Citibank, Union Bank, and HSBC, among others, have created accounts that come with special perquisites for the ultrarich, such as personal bankers, waived fees, and the option of placing trades. The ultrarich are considered to be those with more than $30 million in assets.

What bank is Bill Gates with? ›

Cascade Investment
FounderBill Gates
HeadquartersKirkland, Washington , United States
Key peopleBill Gates (Chairman) Michael Larson (CIO)
5 more rows

How many people have $3,000,000 in savings? ›

1,821,745 Households in the United States Have Investment Portfolios Worth $3,000,000 or More.

Can you keep $100 million dollars in the bank? ›

You can deposit up to $100 million for each account type. With this option, you can enjoy expanded insurance protection and still have the flexibility to access your funds when you need them.

Where do millionaires keep cash? ›

Examples of cash equivalents are money market mutual funds, certificates of deposit, commercial paper and Treasury bills. Some millionaires keep their cash in Treasury bills. They keep rolling them over to reinvest them and liquidate them when they need the cash.

Where do the rich store their money? ›

According to a Private Bank Study by Bank of America a common place for millionaires to keep their money is in stocks, mutual funds, and retirement accounts with over 55% of their wealth held in these investments. However, there are also a significant number of millionaires who keep their money in real estate.

How much income do you need to buy a $650000 house? ›

To determine whether you can afford a $650,000 home you will need to consider the following 4 factors. Based on the current average for a down payment, and the current U.S. average interest rate on a 30-year fixed mortgage you would need to be earning $126,479 per year before taxes to be able to afford a $650,000 home.

How much house can I afford if I make $70,000 a year? ›

If you're an aspiring homeowner, you may be asking yourself, “I make $70,000 a year: how much house can I afford?” If you make $70K a year, you can likely afford a home between $290,000 and $360,000*. That's a monthly house payment between $2,000 and $2,500 a month, depending on your personal finances.

Can I afford a 300k house on a 70K salary? ›

On a $70,000 income, you'll likely be able to afford a home that costs $280,000–380,000. The exact amount will depend on how much debt you have and where you live — as well as the type of home loan you get.

Is DCM under investment banking? ›

Debt capital markets (DCM) is a division of investment banking and a concept in corporate finance. As a concept, a debt capital market is a space for companies and governments to buy and sell debt as a way to raise capital or make a profit.

Is it hard to get a job in capital markets? ›

Getting a job in finance is lucrative, but the field can be extremely competitive. That's especially true if you recently graduated with a bachelor's degree but lack real-world experience. Getting a job in finance with no experience is possible, but it requires some homework and a plan.

What hours do DCM work? ›

DCM analysts and associates usually come in between 8 and 8:30 AM and can usually afford to leave before 7 PM.

How do I become a capital market expert? ›

10 steps to becoming an expert investor
  1. Be strict with your stop loss. ...
  2. Learn whenever you suffer a loss. ...
  3. Avoid greed. ...
  4. Avoid leveraging. ...
  5. Don't act if you are not sure which way the stock markets will move. ...
  6. Read a lot. ...
  7. Limit the number of stocks. ...
  8. Don't use various investment strategies.
May 11, 2013

What is the job of debt capital markets? ›

DCM professionals originate, structure, risk manage and execute debt products, including bonds (across public and private markets), loans and acquisition finance. Our clients include Corporates, Sovereigns, Supranationals, Agencies and Financial Institutions.

Why choose debt capital market? ›

Debt Capital

Common types of debt are loans and credit. The benefit of debt financing is that it allows a business to leverage a small amount of money into a much larger sum, enabling more rapid growth than might otherwise be possible. In addition, payments on debt are generally tax-deductible.

What does a career in capital markets look like? ›

A career in the capital market involves helping companies raise funding by selling stock to investors. This can include responsibilities like facilitating communication and transactions between companies and investors and organizing deals that benefit both the company and the investor in each case.

What is the disadvantage of debt capital? ›

The main disadvantage of debt financing is that interest must be paid to lenders, which means that the amount paid will exceed the amount borrowed.

What are the disadvantages of debt market? ›

The debt market comes with a risk of interest rates. Interest risk is a common concern for investors. In the debt market, when the interest rate increases, there is a high possibility that the bond price will decrease. The decrease causes the holder or the investors to lose all the security.

Why is debt capital more risky? ›

Debt requires repayment with interest and if not repaid according to agreement, can force the company into bankruptcy. Companies without debt inherently have less financial risk as there are no required payments and no threat of bankruptcy.

What should I study for a capital market interview? ›

Before the Interview

Recent economic indicators (GDP, interest rates, CPI, employment, housing prices and sales, etc.) Major market news and deals (recent IPOs, mergers and acquisitions, etc.) The organization—have a clear understanding of their stakeholders, business proposition, clients etc.

What do I need to know for a capital market interview? ›

6 capital market interview questions with sample answers
  • What is net present value? ...
  • Which cost is higher: debt or equity? ...
  • What does WACC stand for? ...
  • What is monetary policy? ...
  • Can a company make public issue of equity shares if it's not fully paid up on any of their partly paid shares?
Mar 10, 2023

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